autocad 2014 tipsntricks by lynn allen

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  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen


    Lynn Allens

    Tips and


  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    Command Line Command Line

    You command line ans will love the manyenhancements, including transparency, auto-correct and content search.

    For those o you who are greedy withyour screen real estate, oat the resizeable

    undocked command line (which deaults toa single row) above the AutoCAD drawingwindow. Notice the semi-transparent prompthistory (displaying up to 50 lines) doesntaect the drawing area.

    Select the customize tool on the commandline to control the number o lines o prompthistory as well as Input settings and Search,Transparency and Options.

    F2 (or the yout at the right end o theoating command line) will display the historywindow. Click on the >_ at the let to quicklyaccess previously used commands.

    You can make the command linenearly completely transparent so that it justdisplays when you hover over it.

    For those o you who preer the commandline at the bottom (or top) o the drawingwindowyou can dock it right back intoplace.

    Notice that the command name is alwaysdisplayed on the command line. You caneven click on the various command options(displayed in blue) rom the command line(my personal avorite!)

    Feeling groovy? Change the color o thecommand line rom the Colors tool (Displaytab, Options dialog box).


    Timesaver alert! Now you can access layers,blocks, hatch patterns, text styles, dimensionstyles and visual styles rom the commandline! For example, i you key in Door, youcan quickly insert the preerred door blockrom the suggestion list.

    With all these new command lineoptionsyou will nd some are displayedwith expandable categories. Simply selectthe + or use the tab key to cycle through allthe content

    Synonym Suggestions

    When you work on multiple CAD systemsit is easy to get your nomenclature mixedup! The new Synonym suggestions shouldhelp you nd an appropriate match (and itscustomizable!) For example i you key inSYMBOL, AutoCAD will oer up the INSERTcommand.

    Customize your synonyms with the EditAliases tool (Manage ribbon tab).

    Command Line

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen




    AutoComplete now supports mid-stringsearch capabilities. I you key in PLANE orexample, you will get all the commands and/or system variables that contain the wordPLANE.

    Commands in the AutoComplete suggestionlist are initially displayed in order o theirgeneral popularity. As time goes onthesuggestion list will adapt to your own usagebehavior (making your AutoCAD smarter andsmarter!)


    No more o the dreaded unknown com-mand! Now i you mistype a command,AutoCAD will autocorrect to the most rele-vant command. (Hoorah!)

    The updated modern UI inAutoCAD 2014 sotware

    just get s easier and easier towork with.

    Welcome Screen

    Who doesnt love a riendlywelcome to start yourAutoCAD day! The WelcomeScreen provides easy accessto drawing les, learningtools, and online content.

    Create new or open existingdrawings rom the Workpanel. You can also quicklyaccess recently used drawingles.

    Check out the Whats New in 2014videos to get up to speed in no time!

    Easily download a variety o valuable appsrom Autodesk Exchange Apps. Connect toAutodesk 360 and AutoCAD social mediaresources.

    User Interace

    Internet Search

    Want even more inormation on a commandor system variable? Move the cursor over theintended command in the suggestion list andthen select the new Help or Internet icons inthe upper right corner.

    The new Input Search Options dialog (alsoavailable rom the right click menu) makes iteasy or you to customize input and searcheatures.

    I you preer not to see the WelcomeScreen when you open AutoCAD, simplyuncheck the Display at Startup option.

    Command Line User Interace

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen




    Now you can search the help le or resultsbased on the type o user you are!

    I you are new to AutoCADcheckout the Hitchhikers Guide to AutoCADBasics!

    In-Canvas Property Preview

    Dynamically check out object properties as

    you select them (including transparency)! Getthe right property value every time!

    Property Preview can be controlled inOptions (Selection tab).

    File Tabs

    The new File Tabs will make it easier and ast-er than ever to move between open drawingles, or to create new ones.

    I or some reason you preer to turno this cool new toolyou can do so romthe File Tabs control on the View tab o theribbon.

    File tabs display in the order they were

    opened, but you can easily drag and dropthem to change the order. I you run out orooman overow menu will appear at theright.

    A lock icon on a tab indicatesread-only, an asterisk indicates the le hasbeen modied since the last save.

    Passing the cursor over a le tab will displaypreview images o model space and layouts.I you hover over a preview imageit istemporarily displayed in the entire drawingarea. Youll also nd the Plot and Publishtools appear.

    Right click on the le tabs to reveal additionaloptions such as Save All and Close All. Mypersonal avorite is Close All Except ThisTab!

    Select the Plus icon to the right othe drawing tabs to quickly create a new


    User Interace User Interace

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    More and more people are incorporatingscans into their designs. Autodesk ReCapTMmakes working with 3D laser scans a breeze!

    Autodesk ReCap

    Use Autodesk ReCap toconvert scan le data rom avariety o popular ormats toa high-speed point cloud thatcan be viewed and edited inother products (includingAutodesk Revit and AutodeskInventor).

    Autodesk ReCap is a separate appli-cation that comes with AutoCAD 2014.

    Many improvements have been made to thebread and butter commands o AutoCAD.

    Natural Ordered Sort or Layers

    I you number your layers, youll be thrilledwith this improvement! Now numberedlayers are sorted in their natural order suchas 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 21, 25 (as opposed to 1, 10, 2,25, 21, 4, 6).

    Sheet Sets

    The CreateDate eld (stored in the templatele) displays the creation date o the newsheet (not the date o the template le).

    Snapmode now temporarily turns owhen selecting objects! (set it back to legacybehavior in the SNAP command).

    Plot Styles

    Now CONVERTPSTYLES supports spaces!


    Now you can llet a polyline to itsel.

    Layer Merge

    LAYMRG has been incorporated in to theLayer Manager. Right click to merge 2 ormore layers together onto one layer (andautomatically delete the now empty layers).


    Use the Ctrl Key to switch arc directions!

    Reality CaptureBegin by selecting scan les to import, andthen use the tools inside o Autodesk ReCapto work with the scanned data. Use theHome tile menu to save the current project asa Point Cloud Project le (RCP) or export to aPoint cloud Scan le (RCS). Both can be used

    in AutoCAD.

    Use the Display Tools tile menu to analyze,change the appearance and display o com-ponents and speciy lighting options o thepoint cloud.

    Everyday Command Improvements

    Everyday Command Improvements Reality Capture

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    Use Limit boxes to control which areas oyour project are visible.

    The Project Navigator tile menu providesone-stop access to scan regions and individ-ual scan les.

    New AutoCAD Point Cloud Support

    Easily attach RCP and RCS les rom AutodeskRecap (as well as the traditional PCG and ISDormats).

    Geographic Location Geo-reerenced blocks and images auto-

    matically go to their correct location (withthe correct scale!)

    Navigate around in your drawing whileyoure in the eld! (i your computer is GPSenabled).

    The contextual ribbon (I hope you are usingthe ribbon!) will switch to a Point Cloud tabwhen a point cloud is selected.

    Additional eatures include Stylization(colorization) with the ollowing

    options and more clipping tools. Scan color

    Object color



    AutoUpdate is turned o by deault.Use the Reresh button to manually update.

    When you add a geographic location to yourdrawing, you reap many benets rom all thegeographic data that goes with it!

    Display your drawing on map services suchas Google Earth

    View it in the context o its actual location(great or sun studies)

    Set a geographic locationusing the Set Location tool(Insert tab). Easily search oran address or latitude andlongitude rom a map (isigned into your Autodeskaccount).or by selecting aKML/KMZ le.

    Drop a marker on to the map

    to mark the spot!

    World-Mercatoris the deault coordinatesystem. To get more accu-rate results choose rom alocalized list o coordinatesystems.

    Reality Capture Geographic Location

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    Local coordinate systems are moreaccurate because they align more closely withthe Earths surace in that locality.

    The selected coordinate system denes thescale o the map. You can easily modiy thedrawing units.

    displayed in a ull circular pattern o 6.The multiunctional grips can be used toquickly increase/decrease the number orows or columnsor to control the spacingbetween the rows and columns.

    Individual items in an array can be

    selected and edited by using the Ctrl key.

    Oset Preview

    Finally a preview in the popular OFFSETcommand!

    Use the Geolocation ribbon tab or modiy-ing the geolocation and map display. Easilyswitch beween aerial, road, or hybrid map(or turn o the map completely).

    I youre in the eld, use the LocateMe tool to identiy and mark your currentlocation

    Geographic Location Productivity Enhancements

    Productivity EnhancementsLets ace itwe all want to be moreproductive!

    Path Arrays

    By deault, the selected items will be evenlydistributed along the entire length o the


    The item count toggle allows you to indicatea specic number o items to be arrayed,or to ll the path with the items. When o,

    an additional grip at the end o the arrayappears to provide dynamic editing.

    Rectangular and Polar Arrays

    The visual preview makes it easier than everto get your array correct the rst time. Rect-angular arrays are automatically displayedin a 3 row by 4 column grid. Polar arrays are

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    Annotation is an important part o ourdesignscheck out these timesavers!


    Mtext background mask remembers the lastused ll color and oset. (No more deaulting

    to red and 1.5!)

    You can strikethrough mtext, multile-aders, dimensions and tables.

    Single line text remembers the last justica-tion setting!


    Now when you insert blocks with attri-butesthe dialog box displays by deault(ATTDIA set to 1).


    You can control the gap around multileadertext in a text rame. You can also extend theleader line all the way to the text (rather thanending at the bounding box).

    Leaders are now part o the TextToFront tool.

    Set the new system variable DIMCONTINUE-MODE to 1 to create Continued and Baselinedimensions with the same dimension style asthe base dimension!


    Quick View Drawings and Layouts

    Its easier to distinguish the current activeview in Quick View Drawings and Layoutswith the colorul border and bolded text.

    Reverse Polylines

    Set the new PLINEREVERSEWIDTHS systemvariable to 1 i you want widths reversedwhen the REVERSE command is used.

    XREF Enhancements

    XREF linetypes are no longer displayed on thelinetype list o the ribbon or the Propertiespalette. XREF layers are still displayed in theribbon (but not in Properties).

    Change the XREF type or path or multipleselected xres simultaneously rom the right-click menu in the XREF Manager.

    Productivity Enhancements Annotation

    Toggle between Attach andOverlay in the XREF Manager with a simpledouble-click.

    Edit the Saved Path directly in the ExternalReerences palette (Found path is read-only).Relative Path is the new deault (unless therelative path is not available).

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    Its not just a 2D world ater all! Check outthese 3D improvements.


    Use the Multiple option or the Shit key topress/pull multiple objects in a single opera-tion. Now you can select 2D and 3D curvesas well!

    Use the Ctrl key when you select aplaner ace to oset it as it extrudes to ollowthe taper angles o adjacent sides.

    Model Documentation

    Its never been easier to go rom your 3Dmodels to 2D documentation. Youll evennd that i you modiy the 3D model, the 2Ddocumentation will update as well!

    Surace Curve Extraction

    Use the Extract Isolines tool (Surace ribbontab) to quickly extract isoline curves rom anexisting surace or ace o a solid.

    You can change the direction o the isolines,select a chain or draw a spline on the curvedsurace.

    Associative Dimensioning

    Dimensioning o these drawing views is muchsmarterand will automatically update asthe model changes.

    I you invalidate or disassociate annotations,the Annotation Monitor will help you identiyand correct the disassociated annotations.Found on the status bar, the AnnotationMonitor icon changes and issues an alert oneach o the disassociated annotations. Clickeach alert to reassociate or delete individu-

    ally, or select the link on the alert bubble toquickly delete them all.

    Wipeout Frames

    The WIPEOUTFRAME system variable letsyou display the wipeout rame withoutprinting it.

    HatchIt is now possible to edit multiple hatch ob-

    jects rom the ribbon or rom the commandline version o the hatch editor.

    Hatch remembers the previous method orselecting objects to hatch (Pick internal pointor Select objects).

    D Tips

    Annotation D Tips

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    Easily modiy a detail view ater the act byusing grips on the detail symbol, view or viewlabel or on the Detail View Editor tab (whichappears when a detail is selected).

    Section ViewsCreating section views is as easy as pickingthe points o the section line on an existingview! The Section View Creation tab includestools such as depth and hatch controls.

    Once youve created a section view, a sec-tion identier will display. As more sectionviews are added the identier automaticallyincrements. You can also display a view labeldisplaying section and scale.

    Use the Edit Components tool to modiy theobjects used in the Section View. I a compo-nent is set to none, it will not be sectioned.

    You can also speciy ull depth or justa slice.

    Use the Section View Style Manager tocustomize the section views to meet yourstandards.

    Use Multiunctional grips to modiythe section line.

    Grips on the section view, hatches andsection view label allow you to make avariety o modications.

    Detail Views

    Its easy to create detail views in AutoCAD2014. Speciy a circular or rectangular bound-ary, smooth or jagged edges, connection

    lines, etc. rom the context-sensitive DetailView Creation tab.

    A detail view label isautomatically inserted (andincremented i necessary).

    Use the Detail View StyleManager to control the

    appearance o the label,boundary and detail view.

    D Tips D Tips

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    Are you using a Windows 8touch-enabled device? Usethe new control on theSystem tab o Options todisplay a touch mode ribbonpanel (when a touch screen

    is detected). You will be onthe road to smoother panand zoom perormance inno time!

    A double click on an app in theExchange App Manager will automaticallyprovide more ino about that app.

    Multiple search paths or plot fles

    You can now speciy multiple olders or PC3,PMP, CTB, and STB les in Options.

    Language Packs

    Do you need to install multiple languages oAutoCAD on your computer? Now you installone ull product and then add subsequentlanguages via Language Packs (rom the Helpmenu). Saves so much time and space!

    Autodesk Exchange Apps

    Get direct access to downloadable appli-cations and content that can increase yourproductivity. Simply click on the big X onInocenter.

    Several valuable apps such as the FeaturedApps ribbon tab, the Exchange App Managerand the SketchUp Import app are automati-cally installed in AutoCAD 2014.

    Use the Exchange App Manager to view andupdate. Right click on an app to rate, unin-stall or learn more inormation about it.

    View Symbol Sketch

    Why not constrain section lines and detailboundaries to key points o geometry? Thiswill help ensure accuracy should the modelchange.

    Added Extras

    Render Online

    One o the great advantages o the cloud isits extensive computing power. Select Renderin Cloud rom the Render ribbon tab torender your 3D AutoCAD models while youcontinue working on your computer!

    Raster FilesAutoCAD 2014 accepts more le ormats orattaching: DDS, DOQ,ECW,HDR, JPEG2000,MrSID, NTF, OpenEXR, and PSD.

    All images rom Autodesk AutoCAD RasterDesign are automatically displayed.

    D Tips Added Extras

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen




    AutoCAD 2014 oers extra security controlsto help protect your drawings. Set the Trust-ed File Search Path on the Files Tab in Optionsto prevent unauthorized execution o lessuch a scripts, AutoLISP or VBA applications.

    You will also nd new Executable Filesettings on the System tab o Options.


    Launch Website

    This tool takes you online to your storeddocuments and olders via browser.

    Youll also nd Autodesk 360 accessin many o the Select File dialog boxes.

    When you upload drawings romAutoCAD to Autodesk 360, external reerenc-es and other dependent les upload as well!

    Its all about the cloud, baby! Connect toyour secure Autodesk 360 account or lesharing, customization syncing, and more.

    Autodesk tab

    Use the Autodesk 360 tab or all things relat-ed to your Autodesk 360 account.

    Manage Documents

    Use this or easy access to your localAutodesk 360 older.

    Added Extras Autodesk

    A t d k A t d k

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    customization les, Options and support lesto Autodesk 360 so you can restore themonto any computer!

    Choose Settings

    Choose which settings youd like

    Autodesk 360 to automatically sync.

    Online Options

    Be sure to set up your cloud settings tocontrol when your design data and customsettings are synced. Choose to automaticallystore your design data each time you save, oronly when you speciy.

    Speciy the cloud older you wantyour les saved to or easy management.

    Sync my Settings

    We all set up AutoCAD to work the way welike to work! Now you can save and syncthose settings with Autodesk 360. Save yourprogram appearance, proles, tool palettes,

    Share Document

    Share the current drawing with others viaemail. You can control the access level othose you choose to share with.

    Collaborate Now Tool

    The Collaborate Now tool launchesAutodesk 360 and initiates a collaborationsession with another Autodesk 360 user.

    The CAD Manager Control Utilityallows CAD Managers to control their usersaccess to Autodesk 360 and customizationsynchronization.

    Design Feed

    The new Design Feed tool displays a palettewhere you can enter text messages andattach images to be shared online throughAutodesk 360.

    Posts will remain with the relateddrawings on the desktop, web and acrossmobile devices.

    Autodesk Autodesk

    Autodesk AutoCAD

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    AutoCAD Associate a message with a location in yourdrawing and a corresponding bubble willdisplay. When the post is selected in DesignFeed, AutoCAD zooms in accordingly!

    Use the Settings button on the

    Design Feed palette to control the display obubbles.

    Tag others via email to notiy them o yourpost (will also appear within AutoCAD).Design Feed makes corresponding withothers about an AutoCAD drawing so mucheasier!

    Resolve the thread to hide it whenthe post is no longer needed or active.

    Have you tried Autodesk AutoCAD 360web app yet? AutoCAD 360 lets you view,edit, and share drawings through the webor mobile device (take your drawings on theroad!).

    Collaborate with others on the same drawingin real time! Use the basic editing eatures tomark-up a drawing le. Use the Timeline toolor a detailed design history.

    Give AutoCAD 360 a trydid I mention its ree*?

    Download the ree* app or iOS mobiledevices at the App Store. Also available orthe Android.

    Visit today!

    * Free products and services are

    subject to the terms and conditions

    o the end-user license agreement

    that accompanies them.

    Autodesk AutoCAD

    Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    Autodesk AutoCAD Design SuiteAutoCAD Raster Design

    Get more value rom your raster imagery(such as scanned drawings, maps, aerialphotos) with AutoCAD Raster Design.

    Easily clean up, edit, enhance and maintain

    scanned drawings in a amiliar AutoCADenvironment (includes despeckle, bias,mirror, and touchup)

    Raster to Vector Conversion, including OCR(Optical Character Recognition) gives youaccurate results when you create lines andpolylines rom raster data

    Use standard AutoCAD commands onraster regions and primitives; easily eraseraster lines, arcs, and circles

    Enhance the power oAutoCAD with easy-to-usevisual communication solu-tions. Autodesk AutoCADDesign Suite helps designerswork more creatively, rapidly

    evaluate designs in contextand eectively communicateand sell ideas.

    AutoCAD Design SuiteStandard containsAutoCAD, AutodeskSketchBook Designer,Autodesk Showcase,AutoCAD Raster Design,and Autodesk Mudboxsotware.

    The Premium edition o thesuite adds Autodesk 3dsMax Design. The Ultimateedition o the suite also addsAutodesk Alias Design.

    Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite

    Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen



    Autodesk SketchBook Designer

    Sketch conceptual designs directly inAutoCAD. Tap into a unique hybrid paint andvector workow and explore many dierentdesign concepts. Communicate your ideasgraphically!

    Illustrate on a blank screen

    Design conceptually with pencil andpaper-like sketching

    Combine and compose images

    Create graphic designs andcommunications

    Autodesk Mudbox

    Rene your models with AutodeskMudbox. Its powerul textured painting anddigital sculpting toolset lets you nesse thedetails o your ultra-realistic models.

    Get ast, smooth, and accurate results

    with a world-class 3D sculpting toolset

    Paint directly onto high-resolution 3Dmodels and see results immediately

    Create accurate normal, displacement,and ambient occlusion maps with texturebaking

    Autodesk ds Max Design(Available in Premium)

    Perorm daylight analysis and create cine-matic-quality 3D visuals with the animation,character, eects, and point-and-shoot ren-dering and lighting analysis tools. Convey thestory behind your design or design reviews,marketing materials, or public outreach

    beore its real.

    Benet rom optimized compatibility withAutodesk and third-party solutions

    Analyze lighting scenarios with condence.

    Bring your design to lie in a highly realisticway using 3D technology proven in theentertainment industry

    Image courtesy o Homologue

    Image courtesy o Benjamin BrosdauImage courtesy o Michal Jelinek

    g g

    Autodesk Showcase

    Quickly and easily transorm yourAutoCAD designs into compelling imagery,movies, and interactive presentations ordesign reviews and sales pitches. Evaluatedesign variations and accelerate eedback byreducing the need or physical prototypesand long rendering times.

    Accelerate the path to new business byselling your ideas more eectively

    Reduce the time, expense, and expertiserequired to prepare visualizations

    Facilitate inormed decision making byviewing design options in context andin detail

  • 7/30/2019 AutoCAD 2014 Tipsntricks by Lynn Allen


    Lynn Allen, Cadalyst columnist and worldwide AutodeskTechnical Evangelist, speaks to more than 30,000 users eachyear. For the past nineteen years she has written a column inCadalystmagazine called Circles and Lines and is the voice

    behind Cadalysts Tips and Tricks Tuesdays. Lynn startedusing AutoCAD sotware with Release 14, over 20 years ago,and got her start by teaching at the corporate and collegiatelevel or 12 years. A sought-ater public speaker with a uniquecomedic style, Lynn has served as the Autodesk Universityemcee or over ten years and is always one o the highest rat-ed speakers. Her latest book is entitledAutoCAD Professional

    Tips and Techniques.

    Autodesk, AutoCAD, Alias, 3ds Max, ATC, DWF, DWG, Inventor, ViewCube,

    ShowMotion, SketchBook, Showcase, Mudbox, and ReCap are registered

    trademarks or trademarks o Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or afl-

    iates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names,

    or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to

    alter product and services oerings, and specications and pricing at any time

    without notice, and is not responsible or typographical or graphical errors

    that may appear in this document.

    2013 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.