autism cascadewithout passing the point of no return. this tolerance/vulnerability model explains...

Autism Cascade A causal model of autism. Autism is a cascade effect where vulnerability enabled triggers cause systemic, motor and cognitive degeneration. This document establishes a causal model which describes the risk and incidence process that leads to autism spectrum syndromes. The model provides a basis for recovery protocol. 2009 Mark Squibb, Dr. Andrew Moulden Whole Health Network 2/2/2009

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Page 1: Autism Cascadewithout passing the point of no return. This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger

Autism Cascade A causal model of autism. Autism is a cascade effect where vulnerability enabled triggers cause systemic, motor and cognitive degeneration. This document establishes a causal model which describes the risk and incidence process that leads to autism spectrum syndromes. The model provides a basis for recovery protocol.


Mark Squibb, Dr. Andrew Moulden Whole Health Network


Page 2: Autism Cascadewithout passing the point of no return. This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger

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Page 3: Autism Cascadewithout passing the point of no return. This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger

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Contents Abstract ....................................................... 4

Foreword ................................................. 4

Introduction ................................................ 5

Multi-System Trauma ............................. 5

Recovery Challenge ................................. 5

Autism Cascade ........................................... 7

Stage-1: Zeta Stress ................................. 7

Zeta Vulnerability ................................ 8

Stage-2: Zeta Shock ................................. 8

Tiny Pipes Clog First ............................ 8

Point of No Return .............................. 9

Frequency Matters .............................. 9

Deadlock.............................................. 9

Stage-3: The Zoo ..................................... 9

Stage 4 – Stress Lock ............................. 10

Fixit Model ................................................ 11

The Whole Problem .............................. 11

Mysteries Uncloaked ................................ 12

Detox 101 .................................................. 13

Real Detox ............................................. 13

Detox Flow ............................................ 13

Detox Hierarchy .................................... 14

The Digestion Problem .............................. 15

Autistic Poop ......................................... 15

Autistic Stomach Acid ........................... 16

Chlorine Detox ...................................... 16

Welt/Revici Chlorine Pathway .............. 17

Autistic Chlorine Depletion ................... 17

Resolving Chronic Chlorine Depletion .. 17

Chlorine Deficit recovery & Gut Healing18

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Abstract This document suggests a system to improve the healing responses in for autism spectral syndromes. The approach supports concurrent repair of as many systems at the same time using all means available.

Foreword Dr. Moulden,, has opened a new and truly enabling chapter in the process of autism by identifying the Zeta Trigger Effect.

Vascular clots and the resulting damage are the second phase of autistic cascade where vulnerability becomes reality.

Dr. Moulden lives a huge political issue by showing why vaccinations so often trigger autism – and identified the character of the hidden variables that make it seem so random.

This essay focuses on the physiology of recovery and abandons political aspects of the discussion.

Dual observations:

• Frequent observation that vaccinations precede autistic onset;

• Autism incidence increases with increased vaccination;

Are sufficient to describe trigger role toxin shock in the autistic cascade. Vaccinations are one of several possible toxin-shock triggers which initiate the autistic cascade.

This document provides two pivotal disclosures regarding autism:

• Vulnerability management, limiting toxin exposure, and optimizing natural detox, is the optimal way to protect kids;

• An orderly strategy to approach the matrix of factors that optimize recoverability in the autistic deadlock.

Blood coagulation variability is the susceptibility factor to the first stage of the autism cascade.

His video title, Tolerance Lost, is eerily appropriate.

BBlloooodd ccooaagguullaattiioonn ppootteennttiiaall iiss tthhee pprriimmaarryy rriisskk ffaaccttoorr tthhaatt ddeetteerrmmiinneess tthhee cchhiilldd’’ss


Page 5: Autism Cascadewithout passing the point of no return. This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger

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Introduction These pages presents a novel description of neurological condition called autism.

We propose a multi-pathogen model, where a community of pathogens, or infectious bugs, inhabit a host, and keep the immune system in perpetual check, unable to overcome the set of infections.

The pathogens generate neurotoxins that overwhelm detoxification capability. Eventually neurotoxins affect nerve centers and disrupt both cognition and behavior.

The host, persisting in a chronic state of infection, cellular malnutrition, overwhelmed with neurotoxins, remains locked in a neuro-toxic condition, unable to either rally immune response, or detoxify enough to regain cognitive function.

Autism is a deadlock condition, multi-pathogenic and neurotoxic.

This definition suggests a new intervention/support strategy, combining intestine repair spectral detoxification and spectral-immune support, enhanced with energetic support.

Multi-System Trauma Autism is persistent because it involves recovery from multiple concurrent damages to health-critical systems.

Traumas, resulting from ischemic damage, create a damage network, which fixes physiological dysfunctions into deadlock, and set stage for unrecoverable syndrome.

Deadlock results from concurrent inhibition of multiple systems:

• Immune System – See Polypathogenic Autism

• Digestive System – Concurrent disruption in each digestive stage creates both malnutrition and gut-leak toxins that both inhibit and overload the immune system;

• Healing System – from nutrition failure because of poor digestive performance;

• Neurological System – that govern resource immunological and healing processes are damaged, resulting in command/control challenge;

• Detoxification Systems – Initially unable to recover from assault become even less able to recovery from toxins produced by spectral opportunistic organisms.

Recovery Challenge All of these systems down at once create an extreme recovery challenge. Some observations:

• The single-intervention approach seldom produces recovery because it recovers too little of the system to resolve the deadlock across all systems;

• Collateral failure preserves deadlock because system interdependence;

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• Must fix enough systems at the same time to enable recovery.

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Autism Cascade A cascade is a sequence of events that leads to a disaster.

A cascade has two parts:

• Vulnerability is a set of pre-conditions which enable a sequence of events;

• A trigger starts the process which, in the case of autism, is a lifetime disaster.

Both vulnerability and strength of the trigger determine the total damage, and affect the severity of the cascade.

Autism is a permanent condition because the combined factors create a deadlock

where the body cannot heal.

The frequent observation that autism occurs shortly after vaccination suggests that vaccination is a frequent trigger for autism.

Variability of incidence obscures the cause-effect relationship because the risk is a combination of hidden factors.

This assessment suggests it is both possible and necessary to reduce the incidence of autism by managing vulnerability.

Stage-1: Zeta Stress Zeta is old science. Zeta potential was the top research topic prior to WW-II because of its wide application in health and industry.

ZZeettaa PPootteennttiiaall iiss tthhee tteennddeennccyy ooff lliiqquuiidd//bblloooodd ssuussppeennddeedd ppaarrttiicclleess


AAuuttiissmm CCaassccaaddee PPhhaasseess::

11.. ZZeettaa VVuullnneerraabbiilliittyy 22.. ZZeettaa TTrriiggggeerr 33.. PPaatthhooggeenn IInnffeeccttiioonn 44.. SShhoocckk LLoocckk

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Zeta potential in blood is the risk and resistance factor for ischemic events of all kinds.

Zeta Vulnerability Zeta Stress resistance factors:

• Anionic buffer reserves that absorb cationic triggers;

• Blood electro-dynamic status reflects energetic status of a fluid which also influences zeta potential.

Energetically and nutrient buffered individuals can “take” a bigger Zeta Shock without passing the point of no return.

This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger the autistic cascade.

Specific vulnerability to autism triggered by zeta shock, environmental factors that affect zeta potential:

• Immunological load – active infections produce toxins which reduce zeta potential;

• Dietary Clotting Agents – aluminum in food, as well as too many anionic agents common in processed foods deplete cationic reserves;

• Stress – from emotional, physiological or other environmental conditions;

• Energetic Influences – from high power broadcasts, like near military bases, suggest relationship between autistic incidence and proximity to continuous high frequency emission sources.

Stage-2: Zeta Shock Vulnerability to a Zeta Shock event depends on the nutrient and energetic state of the body prior to the shock event.

Vulnerability reflects the organism’s nutrient and energetic reserves to resist exposure to zeta shock or trigger.

ZZeettaa SShhoocckk iiss aannyy eevveenntt tthhaatt ccrraasshheess zzeettaa ppootteennttiiaall..

A Zeta Crash triggers widespread micro-vascular occlusion which clogs blood flow to choke tissue fed by tiny vessels everywhere in the body.

Individuals with high vulnerably because of high Zeta Stress enter the next stage of the Autism Cascade because low resistance.

Tiny Pipes Clog First Clumps clog smaller vessels first.

Larger clumps clog larger blood supplies. Eventually the clumping is so bad that major, unrecoverable damage happens.

These clumps “take out” chunks of:

• Brain • Immune System • Healing System • Random Systems

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Creating an autistic stage, where multiple cooperative systems that need each other for mutual repair are so broken at the same time that recovery can‘t happen.

This is deadlock.

Point of No Return The worse the Zeta Shock, the worse the damage.

Severe enough shock damages the parts of the body that support healing.

When these become too damaged, healing becomes so limited that full recovery is no longer possible under normal conditions. Our goal is to develop practical ways to achieve “special conditions” which enable healing.

Anytime healing-systems are damaged beyond a point of no return, damage persists for life.

The Point Of No Return Effect happens often and sets the stage for a spectrum of chronic health conditions.

Permanent damage to healing systems, which limit healing, has no “symptoms” other than other than a tendency to conditions that never quite heal, for life.

BBrrookkeenn HHeeaalliinngg iiss ffoorr lliiffee

Frequency Matters Damage is cumulative when more damage happens before the old damage is fixed.

Repeated zeta shocks have two bad effects:

1. New damage before old damage repairs adds up;

2. Each shock further depletes zeta buffers, so the next shock does worse damage.

Deadlock The systemic trauma shuts down blood flow to immunity, digestion, and the brain, causing an un-repairable deadlock across all critical healing systems.

The deadlock compounds from repeated cumulative administration clotting agents, included in vaccines, and other sources, as unresolved clots, and downstream tissue suffocation, accumulate faster than the body can heal, eventually reaching a point of no recovery.

Stage-3: The Zoo Zeta shock affects all systems including the immune system.

When immunity is down – bugs move in.

Pathogens exploit niches within the body.

They manufacture toxins to for survival advantage, usually neurotoxins which inhibit the host’s immune system (floating nerve cells).

With the immune system further limited more bugs grow, and produce more toxins.

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Eventually these toxins soak into the central

nervous system.

Neuro-toxin accumulation adds neuro-toxic distress resulting in toxic-behavioral tendencies on top of oxygen starvation symptoms.

These symptoms set in a few weeks after Stage 2, Zeta Shock, as bugs gain foothold toxin pollution accumulates.

Stage 4 – Stress Lock Stress accumulates creating a persistent shock.

Long term shock depletes shock buffers, and sets the nervous system into a survival pattern of fight-or-flight, which becomes a long term, sometimes life-long metabolic state.

Chlorine buffers, deplete, see digestion discussion, disabling first-stage digestion.

Without chlorine, the lower gut becomes a pathogen incubator, which cranks out more toxins...

Chronic stress triggers adaptive growth patterns. Cellular and systemic metabolic development adapts to tolerate antagonistic influences which persist from the cascade sequence.

Persisting stress drives core adaptations, which causes cumulative deviation from normal development during growth.

Eventually a portion of the deviance becomes built in and the compensatory deviance persists until the body can grow out of the condition.

In summary, the sooner the effects of the cascade resolve, the less compensation gets built in during growth.


Immune Lock



Shock Lock


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Fixit Model Autism is a hard problem. The cascade model describes autism as a cumulative metabolic process which degenerates factors which prevent recover accumulate.

More importantly the sequence view suggests a process to back-out of the cumulative sequence by organizing


Our assessment suggests that the order of priorities is quite different than the symptom patterns suggest.

Thinking backwards and then mustering courage to resist convention is daunting.

The journey must start at the beginning, with priority determined by the first things first, and next, next and so on.

Brain damage is a life limiting, and sadly lifelong symptom, which results from the autistic cascade.

Unfortunately, dealing with this symptom, requires fixing the entire process.

Fortunately, safe and effective tools to aid journey exist.

KKiiddss sshhoouulldd hheeaall –– wwhheenn nnoott,, tthheenn wwhhyy??

The Whole Problem The autistic cascade model presents priorities that differ from the trigger.

Sorting cause from effect from symptom is the ultimate requirement.

HHeeaalliinngg iiss rraattee lliimmiitteedd bbyy aa sseeqquueennccee ooff oobbssttaacclleess tthhaatt pprreevveenntt iitt ffrroomm ggooiinngg ffaasstteerr..

Limiting factors change when healing happens to the next limiting factor in the sequence.

SSuucccceessss ccrreeaatteess ssttaallll..

Tools that eliminate healing blocks enable progress back through the autistic cascade. Conversely, any tool which produced an improvement did so because it enabled healing.

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Mysteries Uncloaked Our model explains mysteries:

• Why autism spans body systems; • Why therapy response is limited; • Why autism is usually permanent; • What causes vulnerability; • Why digestion crashes; • Why autism develops in stages; • Why onset often follows vaccination; • Neurological symptom accumulation; • Geographic autism clusters; • Why drugs don’t work.

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Detox 101 Detoxification is under-defined.

We define toxin as any substance that interferes with optimal cellular metabolism. Both the substance and the cell matter. So “substances” per se, are toxic when they adversely affect cells. This means what toxin and which cells are vitally important to the detoxification process.

The common perception that “detoxification” is a simple act is profoundly misleading.

Consideration and support of the abused cells, and clearing the exit path to get the toxin completely overboard, are vitally important.

An exit path is a route the body uses to completely dispose of a toxin. The body is made of compartments within compartments:

• As skin wraps the body; • Sheaths wrap organs; • Cell membranes wrap cells;

• Sub-cellular membranes wrap sub cellular structures;

• And so on downward.

Real Detox Toxins tend to accumulate in compartments at various levels. Real detoxification passes toxins upward, through each higher level until they finally exit the body.

Detox Flow Whenever detox at a higher level is blocked then accumulation occurs.

Toxin flow stalls when the exit is blocked or when detox nutrients deplete.

Prolonged excess concentrations can enable toxins to overflow, or leach into other tissues served by the compartment.

Certain body compartments contain toxin storage areas, or buffers.

Body fat is an example of a systemic buffer that absorbs toxins to protect more vital fatty tissue like nerves. When body-fat compartments cease to absorb toxins, then they overflow to other fatty tissues like nerves creating neurological degeneration.

When toxins leach into vital areas then other symptoms occur. This is toxin relocation.

When toxin release from lower compartments floods higher, usually because the higher level path is blocked

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somehow, excess concentration at higher levels causes either:

• Herxheimer’s Reaction – exceed symptom threshold, results in feeling sick for a short time, until the upper level clears;

• Toxin Relocation – where the toxin level gets so high that other cells absorb toxins and produce symptoms that persist.

Detox Hierarchy Detoxification must follow the body’s compartment hierarchy – only backwards.

When a high level chokes because tissue at a lower level dumps more toxin than can leave, or some process generates excess toxin, then other tissues below that compartment accumulate toxins.

This accumulation often disrupts cellular performance at the lower level.

For example, fatty tissue is the prime storage for system-level toxins which cannot exit by standard paths of feces, urine and sweat.

Fat cells swell to store these compounds, adding mass, and protecting vital tissue from pollution.

Unexplained weight gain often indicates toxin accumulation in fatty tissue to protect vital tissue.

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The Digestion Problem Both nutrient selection and waste disposal processes must be in good order to enable healing.

SSttaarrvviinngg cceellllss iinn ttooxxiicc ssoouupp ccaannnnoott rreeppaaiirr..

Digestion is often thought an “intake” process. More correctly it is the master sorting process where the body sorts food from trash.

IItt sseeeemmss oodddd ttoo ssttaarrtt ddiissccuussssiioonn oonn ffiixxiinngg bbrraaiinn ddaammaaggee bbyy ttaallkkiinngg aabboouutt ppoooopp..

The liver serves as the top of the recycling chain where most of the bodies recycled material collects into bile, which is also used for digestion. Click here for a video tutorial.

The liver dumps body internal waste into the top of the digestive tract to sort out what to keep. That which the body chooses not to keep is exits as poop.

Digestion is a multi-phase process.

1. Chew and swallow breaks the food into preferably tiny pieces and mix in first stage enzymes from saliva;

2. Food lands in stomach to mix with Hydrochloric Acid for ionization, aka

stomach acid (severely deplete in most autistics – for reasons we will discuss later);

3. Acidified food exits into duodenum to mix with bile for lipid emulsification, and enzymes from liver/pancreas break down proteins, sugars and fats for later processing in the gut;

4. Small intestine hosts many bacteria which convert foods into a massive spectrum of building blocks;

5. Intestines selectively absorb building blocks into the blood, which goes to the portal vein;

6. Which goes 80% to the liver, which extracts components needed to continue digestion and discard more toxins;

7. Everything not absorbed exits as poop.

Autistic Poop Autistic kids nearly always exhibit poor bowel flow, and develop symptoms of malnutrition almost regardless of diet.

Parents of autistic kids say “I tried diet and it didn’t work”. This is a natural and inevitable result. Unless digestion works diet is almost irrelevant.

Both poor nutrient absorption and gut-toxins naturally result of compromised digestion. Malnutrition inhibits healing

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while toxins interfere with healing. Both contribute to the problem.

1. Early digestive breakdown begins in the stomach where an absence of stomach acid fails to prepare the food for digestion, ionize minerals, and kill potential pathogens normally resident in foodstuffs;

2. Absence of acid prevents the liver from bile release which fails to emulsify fat and conduct the second stage of digestion leading to poor liver flow, further leading to clogged lymphatic flow, hence cellular toxin accumulation;

3. Semi-digested food remnants feed pathogenic organisms which survive the stomach that should have killed them with stomach acid.

4. The organisms make noxious toxins which etch and eventually damage gut.

5. The damaged gut leaks toxic waste into the blood.

6. The immune system cleans clean the blood, and generates antibodies that enable future immune responses to toxic byproducts that result from broken digestion leading to food alergies.

7. Gut flow stalls resulting in constipation and/or a stinky mess in the toilet which looks and smells more like rot than poop.

Autistic Stomach Acid Stomach releases hydrochloric acid, or HCl. This acid is responsible for:

• Killing potentially pathogenic organisms in food;

• Breaking down proteins into building blocks and minerals.

When stomach aid fails, digestion is bad from top to bottom, literally. This is typical with autism.

Upper digestion is fueled by Hydrochloric acid, which is copious in healthy children. Little known references by Welt on shock provide actionable clues to why HCL becomes and remains functionally deplete in autistic kids.

The first clue is the Type A blood that most autistic kids share. These kids have immune systems which are a bit more permissive, and enable different flavors of pathogens like viruses, mycoplasma, and who knows what else to gain foothold. We refer to this spectrum of inhabitants as bugs.

These bugs manufacture substances which provide them a survival advantage, toxins.

Many species manufacture toxins that interfere with the immune system. As bugs and toxins accumulate, the autistic kids become a zoo, where the immune system and gut are an unrecoverable wreck, which prevents almost anything from healing.

Individuals with type-A blood exhibit weaker immunity, hence are more susceptible to pathogen foothold, especially when the immune system takes a critical hit from ischemic trauma.

Chlorine Detox Revici documented that individuals with ongoing immunological or stress load exhibit decreased stomach acid.

This phenomenon is likely a result of the body’s utilization of chloride for stress and noxious toxin neutralization in preference to digestion, likely because poison presents a greater metabolic threat than starvation.

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Indications of this chronic condition show several telltales:

• Poor digestion; • Systemic alkalosis (2 x Saliva pH + UpH)

/ 3 > 6.4 Click here for more information. The body discards alkali substances to compensate for an absence of acids.

Prolonged absence of stomach chlorine prepares the gut for multiple infections which contribute to deadlock:

• Forever malnutrition; • Continuous source toxin from gut; • Cellular toxin backlog from inhibited

liver flow.

Welt/Revici Chlorine Pathway Welt and later Revici documented use of chlorine donors to buffer shock. In simple terms most stressors, including pathogens, cause the body to produce anti-toxins which bias metabolism to resist the influence of the toxin.

Prolonged or repeated toxin exposure tends to cause accumulation of these anti-toxins which aggregate into persistent metabolic anti-toxin bias.

Fortunately the body also creates an anti-toxin breakdown mechanism to dissolve these agents over time.

Breakdown of persistent anti-toxins is governed by anti-toxin metabolites involving primary reagents chlorine, sulfur and selenium.

Welt used Chlorine donors to buffer shock.

Autistic Chlorine Depletion It appears likely that opportunistic pathogens present in autism. It is further

likely these agents trigger generation of anti-toxins, which in turn deplete oxidative minerals, chlorine, sulfur and selenium.

The author suggests that the depletion is the likely source of several observable attributes:

• Ongoing digestive under performance downstream of the stomach;

• Gut environment which hosts pathogenic gut flora due to nutrient stream inappropriate to healthy gut flora;

• Liver stagnation where bile accumulates as a result of balancing stomach acid;

• Bicarbonate accumulation resulting in inflammation of pancreas and upper third of the small intestine;

• Lesion formation throughout the gut as a result of surfacing chlorine-neutralized anti-toxins reentering the digestive system.

Resolving Chronic Chlorine Depletion Continuous anti-toxin breakdown demand likely depletes mineral reserves, particularly chlorine, sulfur and selenium. Most autistic children tend to exhibit hyperactivity that attributes to accumulated catabolic anti-toxins.

Generally, pathogenic toxins are suppressive. In response, anti-toxins are excitatory. Interventions that evidence elevated excitatory behavior indicate a decrease in primary toxin load – and unfortunately an apparent worsening of hyperactivity symptoms in spite of therapeutic benefits.

The remaining challenge is to accelerate the breakdown of the anti-toxins, and curtail the hyper-excited response.

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Use of lipid-bound selenium and sulfur with chlorine-donor salts titrations to accelerate drug detoxification has proven beneficial with individuals diagnosed with MS and ALS who exhibited similar neurological-excitation phenomenon.

Chlorine Deficit recovery & Gut Healing This strategy proposes concurrent nutrient profile toward restoring gut:

• Dietary chlorine donor salts (not NaCl), KCl, MgCl, NH4Cl to supply sufficient chlorine to satisfy system toxin neutralization demands;

• Probiotics to aggressively seed the gut with healthy flora;

• Beet top product and choline to encourage bile flow;

• Aloe and other polysaccharides to support gut healing;

• Anabolic intestine extracts to accelerate healing of intestinal lesions.

Most importantly this program can be incorporated into food. The flavor profile of these agents is mostly salty, sweet, or tart.

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Autism Recovery Guide A practical method to optimize autistic recovery. A practical system to optimize healing in autism spectral syndromes based on the Autism Cascade Model. Recovery depends heavily on correction of environmental and toxic influences. The model enables priority sequenced intervention to optimize biological conditions for optimum recovery.


Mark Squibb Whole Health Network


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Contents Abstract ....................................................... 5

Foreword ................................................. 5

Data Driven Healing .................................... 6

Too Many Choices ................................... 6

Terrain Assessment ................................. 6

Prioritize by Terrain............................. 6

Targeting ................................................. 7

Plateau Effect .......................................... 7

Eyes On .................................................... 7

Feedback ................................................. 7

Systemic Sequencing ................................... 8

Stacked Locks .......................................... 8

Locks and Healing.................................... 8

Access Stack ............................................ 8

Tools Categories ...................................... 8

Guidance First ..................................... 9

Digestion Second ................................ 9

Liver Third ......................................... 10

Immune Fourth ................................. 10

Vascular Fifth .................................... 10

Cellular Sixth ......................................... 11

Neurological Seventh ............................ 11

Brain Last ............................................... 11

System Support ......................................... 12

Detox First ......................................... 12

Detox Order ...................................... 12

Nourish Second ..................................... 12

Priority Management ............................ 12

Success Stops .................................... 12

The Oops Factor ................................ 13

Template Model .................................... 13

The Cell View ......................................... 13

Repair Model ............................................. 14

Little Boxes ............................................ 14

Each Box ................................................ 14

Cascade Map ......................................... 14

Healing System Model .......................... 15

Tool Role Notation ................................ 15

Tool Model ................................................ 16

Ad Hoc Results ...................................... 16

Tool Requirements ................................ 16

The Tool Box .......................................... 16

Tool Models .............................................. 17

Global Tools .......................................... 17

PEMF ................................................. 17

Ionic Detox ........................................ 18

IR Sauna ............................................. 18

HBOT ................................................. 18

EWOT .................................................... 18

Regenerative Lipids ............................... 19

Oxy Lipids .............................................. 19

Phospholipids ........................................ 19

Short Chain Fatty acids ......................... 20

Odd Chain Carbon Lipids ....................... 20

Diatomaceous Flour .............................. 20

Chlorine Rebalance Titrations ............... 20

Cultured Foods ...................................... 20

Immune-supportive Agents .................. 20

Foods Tools ........................................... 21

Sensory Integration Techniques ........... 21

Alkoxyglycerols...................................... 21

Magnesium Agents ............................... 21

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Nutrient/Energetic/Detox Tools Defined............................................................... 22

Tool Categories ......................................... 23

Gut Repair ......................................... 23

Revascularization .............................. 23

Stem Enhancement ........................... 23

Detox ................................................. 23

Oxygen Metabolism .......................... 23

Structural/Spinal ............................... 23

Evaluation ......................................... 23

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Abstract This document suggests a system to improve the healing responses in for autism spectral syndromes. The approach supports concurrent repair of as many systems at the same time using all means available.

Foreword This document is a functional part of the Autism Cascade Publication, which describes autism as a .

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Data Driven Healing Healing is an agricultural process. Polluted soil is barren; unnourished soil is barren; soil without seed is barren.

This model addresses simple principles in specific order:

1. Detox; 2. Fertilize; 3. Plant; 4. Nourish.

Planting seed in polluted soil is a waste. Malnourished soil grows poor crops. Appropriate crops in good terrain thrive. Preservation of growing environment enables maturity.

We are farmers.

Too Many Choices The huge selection of detoxification and nutrition are overwhelming.

Knowing what not to do is critical because time energy and money are always limited.

Focus on active physical priority reduces waste and produce results

which create confidence and enable further progress.

Overwhelming matrix of nutrients, therapies, and theories, often clash with limited time, money and tolerance.

Priority selection requires a level of information not available in traditional medical analysis, blood tests and the like.

Terrain Assessment A first tool is an analysis.


• What toxins are present? • Where do we think they come from? • How can we help get rid of them?


• What nutrients are deplete? • How can we restore optimal levels?


• What kind of healing? • What special resources will help?


• What can we do to protect the young?

• What influences limit their development?

• What influences advance their development?

Prioritize by Terrain Biological terrain is a developing discipline that provides an organized nutrient approach to improve cellular terrain.

It utilizes integrated chemical assessment to track physiology status.

This status enables quantitatively guided nutrient, detoxification and energy

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protocols. Guidance enables optimization, and provides observation and maintenance of the terrain to support continuing healing.

Basic chemistry is a good starting point. Flow analysis of saliva and urine, combined with basic physiology; provide a working feedback model for many body systems:

• pH / alkali flow • ORP / oxidation

balance • Conductivity / salts • Refraction / sugars • Surface Tension / soaps • Urea / protein flow • Blood Pressure / electrolyte status • Ascorbate / glutathione status • Respiration / alkali balance • Dermal Measures / Autonomic

Nervous System • Blood / glucose status • Blood Survey / organism survey

Collectively, these measurements organized and prioritized approach to detoxification and nutrition which supports healing.

Targeting Do what counts most first. Keep doing what counts most. What counts changes, often instantly.

Selecting appropriate priorities is the key to tolerance, and success.

Plateau Effect Living beings heal fast because healing is survival.

Healing speed is limited by of adverse influence or absence of resources.

Optimal healing moves from injury to health as quickly as possible because it optimizes survival.

Plateaus occur because one or more intermediate conditions for continued progress are unmet.

This usually means:

1. One or more building materials are deplete;

2. Destructive effects have matched the rate of constructive;

3. A phase of recovery is complete and enabling resource for the next phase is missing.

Eyes On Terrain management usually enables plateau avoidance. Terrain parameters show shifting:

• Nutrient demands • Toxin flow shifts • Destructive processes telltales.

Early indications enable anticipatory program adjustments and help to avoid healing stalls.

Feedback Assessment that indicates progress or the lack thereof is critical to any protocol.

Regular evaluation enables tracking and correction.

Maximize results in minimum time.

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Systemic Sequencing It is obvious that autism is a complex condition that develops in stages. Unlocking the problem requires an ability to match tools to jobs.

And this requires an ability to express how various tools affect various systems.

Each tool has one or more uses within a system. For each system, the general steps are:

• Detox • Nourish • Heal

Because the next step makes the next one possible.

Stacked Locks Viewing the cascade as a sequence of stacked metabolic locks offers clues about where to begin:

• Stress/Shock Lock • Zoo/Bug/Toxin Lock • Hypoxia Lock • Sludge

Concurrence is a big deal… Where to begin?

Locks and Healing The second challenge to the locks is that healing must follow an agricultural flow:

• cleansing, • terrain preparation, • planting, • incubation, • and cultivation;

in areas accessible using to the available tools and methods.

Access Stack The body systems are successively less accessible for detoxification and nutrient delivery. Organizationally from most to least accessible compartments:

• Skin • Digestive – Stomach, Intestines, Colon • Liver • Lymph • Circulatory • Cell • Sub-cellular

Tools Categories Every tool has an effect that either detoxifies, nourishes (energetically or nutritionally) cells available at one or more of these levels.

Every tool has limits and capabilities. Appropriate application requires functional understanding of systems and effects.

Energetic tools, particularly PEMF, are special because they traverse all tissue and compartment levels. They enable reactions and healing processes throughout the organism.

Detox tools activate toxin migration between compartments toward elimination.

Dietary tools enter the digestive system to support process downstream of the digestive process. Dietary tools are severely limited by the performance status of the digestive system.

Global Tools provide universal healing support throughout the organism through the entire process.

Examples of global tools are:

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• Dermal Detox Methods – IR Sauna/Ionic Foot Baths –directly eliminate toxins and continuously reduce the toxin related healing limitations;

• PEMF Energetics – which enable cellular energy, blood flow, and detox throughout the organism;

• Oxygenation Techniques / Hyperbaric / Exercise with oxygen – which aid deliver of oxygen throughout the organism, to support all healing and detoxification.

• Pathogen Stress Techniques -- ePads shift the body environment to favor the host so that pathogens of all categories experience a survival disadvantage.

Guidance First The biggest problem is management. Earlier discussion proposed flow-assessment modeling as a guide through the therapy process.

• Physiology Evaluation is a comprehensive guidance system which spans detoxification and nutrient systems;

• Blood testing is secondary because it does not provide toxin/nutrient status information.

Digestion Second Digestion is first in the sequence because it is the core of both nutrition and detox.

Gut detox and repair must be the first functional priority because without gut performance malnutrition, and complete toxicity are guaranteed.

Toxin Chain:

• Inhibited bowel flow guarantees:

• Liver flow inhibition which guarantees: • Lymph flow inhibition guarantees: • Cellular toxicity guarantees: • Cellular growth inhibition guarantees: • Limited healing everywhere in the body.

We will visit specifics of the process later – but until the gut starts working, nothing can heal anywhere in the body - especially the liver which is the next priority.

The gut is like a tube. Upstream factors dictate downstream environment.

We assert that autistic kids present severe gut challenge because the top of the gut, the stomach, is disabled by a stress lock which prevents first stage digestion.

This stress lock is the very first challenge.

Here are discussions and tools to resolve stress lock effect on the digestive system:

• Chlorine Detox • Betaine HCL

In simple terms, until the chlorine depletion ends:

• Malnutrition is guaranteed regardless of diet;

• All detoxification processes that depend on gut hygiene will not work;

• Liver/lymphatic/cellular toxin congestion is guaranteed. Absent HCL from the stomach, the liver cannot release bile.

Persistent failure of the gut causes other problems:

• Bicarbonate / Sodium accumulation in the pancreas and upper small intestine (chronic shock syndrome);

• Reactive lipid lesions throughout the gut;

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• Overgrowth of undesirable organisms which enter blood, and make toxins which enter blood.

Other tools to fix these problems follow the initial repair of chlorine metabolism. But repair of chlorine metabolism is the single initial priority.

Liver Third Once the gut starts working, the liver is likely to rally.

A detox rally usually presents as diarrhea which accompanies an improvement trend.

Liver tools that support the three primary liver challenges:

• Liver Flow Detox – Bile Flow; • Liver Cell Detox - Cellular Healing • Liver Pathogen Detox – Immune

Recovery • Ionic Foot Baths – Toxins exit from

lymph in feet skip liver (reduce liver load)

• IR Sauna – Toxins exit from skin (Reduce liver load)

Until the liver performance returns, recovery is limited for two reasons:

• Toxins limit immunological performance required to reverse the Stage-3 Zoo factor;

• Nutrients cofactors produced by the liver to support cellular healing remain unavailable;

• Persistent toxins interfere with all body functions, including healing ;

Maximum liver performance is required to enable deeper healing and immunity.

Immune Fourth Once the liver works, the immune system is next.

With the liver and digestive performance less sludge, and more resources, the balance of power for the spectrum of pathogens is likely to shift.

In most cases, restoration of liver performance substantially restores immune function.

Liver performance sufficient to overcome the toxin load, overcomes the sludge made by bugs to maintain survival advantage.

When the sludge is cleared, the survival advantage disappears, and the immune system normally rallies.

Typical evidence of immune rally is to get “sick”, perhaps several times at 2-10 day intervals.

Sickness symptoms, flu, etc. always come from the bodies challenge to overcome a pathogen. Sick is an immune response.

Autistic kids may take several laps where their body develops the strength to fight successful rounds.

Natural logic suggests that it will pick it’s battles against bugs one at a time.

The pattern will appear as a sequence of “infections”, cold/flu/etc., where the body overcomes a bug, takes a break, and then tackles another.

Tools that aid in immunological performance:

• Aloe Vera / Fillet & Skin • Mushroom heterpolysaccharides

Vascular Fifth Restoration of blood supply and revascularization of damaged tissues.

Restoration of circulation involves the spleen liver, and the matrix of angiogenesis

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components which enable cells to receive nutrients.

Absent blood flow, functional healing simply cannot happen.

So restoration of all tissues, including brain must accommodate circulatory repair so oxygen, nutrients and stem cells, if needed can reach healing locations, and take root.

Vascular recovery is laying the foundation for further healing.

Tools that support vascular regeneration by aiding oxygenation of marginal areas:

• Exercise with oxygen • Hyperbaric Therapy

Cellular Sixth Deep cells are served by lymphatic and circulatory systems.

Repair of these deep structures can only occur when the feed and flow systems have achieved functional performance enough to enable core healing.

Cells at this level include:

• Natural stem cell factories • Immune system • Endocrine system • Neurological system

Once these systems are re-enabled, by detoxification and nutrient access, the primary and fundamental factors that limit recovery go away.

Phase-2 autistic cascade, damage of these critical structures deeply enough that recovery became impossible.

Repair of these core systems is the critical next step.

Tools that aid at this level:

• Stem Cell Enhancement

Neurological Seventh The core cellular systems online enable neurological recovery and the amazing capability of stem cells.

The flow embraces the unfortunate reality that neurological healing happens last.

Neurological support is critical to enable physiological re-learning at many levels.

Tools that enable/accelerate neurological repair and redevelopment:

• Stem Cell Enhancement • Stem Cell Transplant • Sensory Learning

Brain Last Autistic neurological symptoms are last in line for both detox and nutrition. They can’t grow back until everything else has been fixed.

BBrraaiinn hheeaalliinngg llaasstt iiss ccoouunntteerriinnttuuiittiivvee bbeeccaauussee tteerrrroorr ccoommeess ffiirrsstt..

Fear that cognitive and behavioral factors will persist causes a tendency to focus on the last part of the problem first.

In healing, fixing the last part of this problem first can’t work even though it is the most worrisome it is at the bottom of the pile.

Healing requires cell growth, and that is something only the body knows how to do. So fixing the body so it can fix itself is the only choice.

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System Support We used the terms detox, feed and repair because restoration of any system is a process in itself.

Detox First Toxins are substances which interfere with optimal performance. Their presence prevents healing and performance by limiting nutrient uptake and forcing cells to exist in an unhygienic environment.

Our model is about system optimization, driven by the fundamental question:

WWhhaatt aaccttiioonn wwiillll pprroodduuccee tthhee ggrreeaatteesstt rreessuulltt aatt tthhiiss ttiimmee??

Detox is a clear first priority, much like flushing the toilet in the bathroom.

It is a lot of sanitation for minimum effort.

Toxins accumulate because downstream some sort of blockage enables accumulation.

Clearing toxin accumulation promotes hygiene which is a primary barrier to healing – usually at a low cost.

Detox Order Primary detox has a specific flow working backwards in flow and concentration:

1. Gut as poop; 2. Bile Concentrate from Gall Bladder; 3. Bile from Liver; 4. Lymph from cells; 5. And so on.

Any where sludge gets stuck is the next detox priority.

Blockage anywhere in the detox stream guarantees:

• Everything back-stream is stalled; • Cell terrain is toxic; • Healing is limited; • Regardless of all other factors.

Nourish Second In domestic hygiene, our crude toilet analogy fits.

1. Take the stinky garbage is out. Cells can’t do much in a sludge bath.

2. Fix absorption and delivery so nutrients can work. Absorption and nutrient deliver (digestion) is an earlier priority than the nutrient intake (diet).

3. Cover the nutrient basics first. Without basic nutrients fancy ones don’t make sense.

4. Prioritize advanced nutrients for the next element in the healing chain. Order matters: Gut – Liver – vascular - stem cell sources -- brain last.

Priority Management The model seems as simple as walking backwards.

Unfortunately, most of us lack eyes in the back, and metabolic terrain is tricky at best.

Garbage out, nutrients in, is simple logic.

Success Stops Life is anything but simple. In this model, metabolic priority shifts instantly with success.

Success means that methods that were very beneficial yesterday will stop helping.

WWhheenn tthhee jjoobb iiss ddoonnee,, iimmpprroovveemmeenntt eennddss..

Only the next priority matters. The healing process has moved on. Improvement evidences the next problem is getting solved.

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Next step recognition is a challenging marriage of observation, analysis, and oops.

The Oops Factor Oops reflects reality. The knowledge of the correct healing process, for a divinely unique individual, is brutally unique.

Kids are all different. Presentation, roadblocks, and healing stops reflect a sequence of demands.

GGoodd ffoorrggoott ttoo ttaappee tthhee rreeppaaiirr mmaannuuaall oonn aauuttiissttiicc kkiiddss..

This means that healing support is tricky. Diagnostic tools, like CBC, etc. provide little information regarding the primary system performance with autistic kids.

Modern medical assessments provide weak indications of healing priority, or roadblocks.

Stalls mandate assessment. Assessment must:

• Seek identify the next road block; • Intervention must seek to remove the

next roadblock.

Template Model The body knows how to heal perfectly under the right circumstances.

Energetic Templates and Healing eBook.

Observation that kids can grow back an amputated end of finger suggests that healing is a vastly sophisticated process using a matrix of factors.

This matrix bridges chemistry and energy in ways that experts never dreamed of.

The Cell View We suggest a primary and secondary systems order which relates to cellular performance.

At a cellular level, priority is simple:

• Remove garbage; • Prepare Terrain; • Optimize healing resources; • Cells do the rest.

Garbage removal is a first priority because too much garbage, or toxins, disrupt healing regardless of the quantity or quality of the healing resources.

In ready terrain with building material, healing happens naturally.

The autistic challenge is that factors compound to prevent complete recovery of any single system, so the mutual support to enable complete recovery never happens.

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Repair Model Scheduling is a simple model. Support the process of healing in each system in order.

For each system:

For all Paths healing is a rate limited process.

In autism, the intermediate paths are jammed with sludge, and nutrient flow is clogged.

AAuuttiissttiicc hheeaalliinngg iiss ddeeaaddlloocckkeedd uunnttiill ffoooodd ggeettss iinn aanndd ggaarrbbaaggee ggeettss oouutt..

Little Boxes Our little boxes reflect methods and systems. Each box contains lots of complex stuff.

The Detox / Nourish / Heal chain model the healing process and reflects the character of supporting metabolic requirements.

The system boundaries are fuzzy. The liver is as much digestive as it is detox, as is the gut.

Tools and nutrients overlay a part of the healing model. The overlays provide a way to aid choice.

Every tool we will use will have an address in the map serving one or more roles in one or more compartments, in one or more systems.

Each Box Each box in each system suggests a different combination of tools nutrients.

Modeling the appropriate tools at the appropriate time helps to eliminate components which may provide less value at various points throughout the healing process.

Cascade Map Cascade Process reflects four adverse effects.

Risk, recurrence, and degeneration recur throughout the autistic process. These influences frequently occur after the initial cascade, and are persistent influences that inhibit/limit/prevent recovery.

Tools that aid in repair naturally oppose the destructive Cascade factors.

This key support describing tools relative how they influence cascade effects:

• Shock Effects - SE • Pathogen Effects - PE • Ischemic Damage - ID • Vulnerability - V

Shock Effects (SE)

Pathogen Effects (PE)

Ischemic Damage (ID)

Zeta Vulnerability (ZV)

DDeettooxx --DD NNoouurriisshh--NN HHeeaall--HH

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Healing System Model Our address model uses colors and letters to identify process areas:

The map below uses a black box with a D for detox. A brown N box indicates nourish, and green box with H, means heal.

The tan box on the left indicates the global tools operate at a high level and aid systemic healing across system because they represent services and nutrients which always support health.

Each tool we talk about fits supports one or more roles across these major systems.

Categorizing tools creates an ability to select and omit tools based on the shifting needs in the healing process, and to express why change is appropriate.

Tool Role Notation Now we have a new language that supports the model.

The combination enables guided recovery management in autistic syndromes.

The stage is set to describe tools in a way that fits into a model, and to measure their performance.

DDeettooxx NNoouurriisshh HHeeaall Flow




Nutrient Path





Detox Path


SStteemm IImmmmuunnee BBrraaiinn DDeettooxx NNoouurriisshh










bal T



F /


T /


T /


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Tool Model Tool: any technology, method or nutrient that beneficially affects or guides any part of the autistic cascade or recovery process, enabling detox, nutrient or healing.

So far, this model strongly asserts autistic recovery support must restore collateral performance across multiple systems.

Ad Hoc Results We also laid a foundation model that explains:

• Why certain tools, HBOT, PEMF seem to always work;

• While others work partially; • Why intervention results are always

partial; • Why others infrequently, in spite of the

fact that they seem like they should work.

Bottom line: tools work when they contribute to a healing process that isn’t limited by other factors.

Second Bottom Line: tools work until some other factor limits the healing process.

Third Bottom Line: tools don’t work if they affect something which is completely limited by something else in the healing process.

Tool Requirements There are many energetic and nutrient tools.

In autism, it is essential that any tool used, must not damage or destructively overload another damaged system.

Tool Criteria:

1. Must be constructively effective supporting one or more systems;

2. Must not overload or damage any other damaged system.

These criteria eliminate nearly all conventional pharmacological interventions that rely on collateral system competence.

The collateral damage in autism virtually prevents any benefit from use of non-constructive intervention.

The Tool Box The toolbox distills to two cellular categories, nutrients and energy. Both are constructive.

Autistics are so collaterally disabled that destructive interventions upset a delicate survival balance.

Constructive/supportive influences at both cellular and systemic levels level and favor progress.

Aggregated constructive influences tend to are tolerated, and inter-supportive. In most cases the body responds to concentrated influence by accelerated recovery.

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Tool Models The tools described above present overlapping attributes. This section seeks to describe them so that their use fits in the healing flow model.

Global Tools Several tools are universally helpful in healing because they span multiple, sometimes all healing systems.

We prioritized them because of tendency to aid in all aspects of healing.

PEMF PEMF stands for Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field. PEMF triggers a series of concurrent effects which make it universally helpful enabling multi-systemic recovery:

• Circulatory improvement o Increases blood zeta potential; o Opens vascular structures; o Lifts RBC membrane power

• Accelerates Healing o Supports anabolic metabolism o Cellular detoxification; o Mobilizes stem cells o Enhanced stem differentiation o Aids natural stem cell production

• Aids Detox o Increases lymphatic fluidity o Opens lymph channels o Supports liver performance

High energy PEMF, lifts energetically depleted cells regardless of location.

PEMFs unique ability to reach deep into the body structure, brain, liver, kidneys, gut, bone marrow, makes it a universally enabling recovery tool in all phases of autistic recovery.

PEMF seems to only affect energy deplete or hyper-toxic cells.

Energy depletion is nearly universal in autistic spectrum because collateral system stress maximally taxes compensatory mechanisms leaving autistics collaterally disabled.

Overuse is the only constraint. In autistic syndromes, application for 3 minutes, increasing daily, by 3 minutes avoids toxic overload.

PEMF triggers cellular detoxification – so excess use on toxin loaded cells can trigger Herxheimer’s or toxin relocation effects when overused.

Several common observations of healing acceleration indicate that multiple processes appear to improve with therapeutic PEMF exposure:

PEMF supports each phase of the healing cycle in all tissues:

• Detoxification -- lymphatic flow and cellular toxin release;

• Nourish -- enabling circulation, cellular oxygen delivery;

• Heal – supporting anabolic metabolism by directly enabling cellular energetics.

PEMF Use Model Energetic support which follows the nutrient, detox and healing flow through the system according to the cells and organs which require support.

There are two complementary models for PEMF use with stem cell optimization:

• Follow the detox, nutrient and healing flow through the system along the healing- priority path, directly

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supporting cellular energetics for cells most likely experience stress demand;

• Treat the acupuncture meridian points to optimize energetic flow for organ system support.

The authors experience in rapid ischemic stroke recovery suggests that cellular dormancy is a persistent cellular survival mechanism. It also supports spectral effects of energetic therapy.

Energetic therapy often produces rapid results including improved speech and functional abilities in ischemic and degenerate neuro-pathological conditions

Ionic Detox Ionic baths utilize a semi-permeable membrane across the skin to stimulate exchange positively charged elements from the lymphatic tissue under the skin to/from a water solution.

The process works by exchanging more positively charged anions from a salt for anionic/positively charged toxins from the lymph system, toxins, bugs etc.

Ionic is a complete detox path from the lymphatic system out of the body. Some references indicate ion channels transport toxins from deep body structures very rapidly to exit points.

Research on ion channels information suggests that the ionic channels also transport junk from deep body compartments very rapidly.

Ionic detox systems use the skin as exit path to bypass the liver and digestive systems. This bypass enables large amounts of toxins to leave the body without adversely affecting the normal detoxification systems.

This enables direct detox support in the where the liver/digestive processes are detox inhibited.

IR Sauna An IR sauna is provides a dual function:

• It pumps energy which appears to activate certain aspects of cell physiology, which relate to IR sauna wavelength;

• It increases basal temperature which enables sweating which carries toxins out of the body without passing them through the liver/digestive pathway.

Similarly IR is often very helpful in hyper-toxic conditions because it enables detox when the liver path is down due to lymphatic or liver digestive flow failure.

HBOT Hyperbaric oxygen pushes oxygen into plasma. This improves oxygenation of borderline oxygen starved tissues.

This deliver often enables healing which would not otherwise occur.

Also, oxygen participates in cellular detoxification processes, so HBOT aids healing by catalyzing detoxification.

Elevated oxygen concentration also tends to shift the parasitic-environment in favor of the host, so it also tends to reduce systemic pathogen load.

EWOT Exercise while Oxygen Therapy is similar to HBOT. Therapy consists of use of an oxygen contractor, while exercising to increase the functional oxygen level to about 25-40%.

Each heartbeat creates a pulmonary compression wave which causes plasma

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present in lungs to absorb more oxygen than normal.

This effect increases systemic plasma oxygen levels similar to HBOT.

EWOT is limited to individuals able and willing to perform the protocol.

Generally 15 minutes of EWOT produces similar results to 1 hour of HBOT. Convenience and lower cost often make EWOT a preferable choice when it can work.

Regenerative Lipids Unsaponifyable Lipid Extracts – to trigger tissue regeneration for a target organ.

This method was developed by Revici to extract natural growth factors from source materials.

These tools present a nontoxic vehicle to influence regenerative tissues. This tool is particularly appropriate where extra help may be needed in multi-systemic challenged conditions, like autism.

Extraction methods can be tuned to prompt anabolic healing in virtually any bodily system:

• Stomach • Intestines • Kidney • Liver • Marrow / Stem cells • Brain

Oxy Lipids Oxy lipids are part of the response-toxin matrix.

They enable rapid breakdown in addictive substance that the body generates in response to pathogenic toxins.

These agents stabilize metabolic effects driven by addictive imbalances which result when elimination of a primary toxin source leaves a reactive toxin imbalanced.

This is a likely factor in autistic behavior. Autistic pathogens create a large number of toxins, which the body tends to resist with chemical barriers.

When an intervention removes the toxins, then the barriers become imbalanced, and the metabolism reflects the nature of the imbalanced barrier.

These reagents enable rapid breakdown of barrier imbalance indicated by appearance of hyperactive, compulsive, or agitated behavior which occurs during the healing process.

They are nontoxic in virtually any amount.

• Lipid Selenium • Lipid Sulfur • Lipid Bismuth (does not contain salicylic

acid so will not trigger Reyes syndrome)

Phospholipids Phospholipids are lipid molecules which support cellular detoxification and healing.

By themselves they are dramatically successful facilitating detoxification and liver healing.

Lipoids are frequently used fast-track nutrients trough the digestive system to cells.

Several nutrients are commonly wrapped in phospholipids:

• Ascorbate • MgCl • Myers Cocktail • Glutathione

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• Neuro-Med

Short Chain Fatty acids Short chain fatty acids are short chain sterols which play various health supporting roles.

They present no direct toxicity, and are food extracts.

They should be used on a titrated upwards from a 1 ml amount because of their cellular detoxification response can overwhelm dysfunctional detox paths.

• Butyrate – breakdown of renegade lipids;

Odd Chain Carbon Lipids These lipids provide anti-pathogenic roles directly supporting the immune system.

Their use should be titrated from 1 ml upwards to 5 ml because of their ability to trigger pathogenic die-off.

• Hepatanoic Acid – cellular parasitic pathogens;

• Nonanoic Acid – cellular parasitic pathogens;

Generally pathogenic support should be avoided until detoxification produces a recovery stall, and that evidence supports that the stall is pathogenically inhibited:

• Excess die off absent functional detoxification can cause an adverse reaction;

• Detoxification, PEMF and liver support restore immune performance in most cases.

Diatomaceous Flour This is ground up ancient sea shells.

It is a nontoxic agent to clear many categories of digestive parasites.

The sharp edges of the crystalline flour damage the digestion process for many digestive pathogens.

Chlorine Rebalance Titrations See Alkalosis Titration use various acid and alkali salts to restore chlorine balance and reverse shock response depletions of chlorine:

• MgCl • NH4Cl • KCl • Mg Thiosulfate • Ammonium Thiosulfate

Mineral combination is based on collateral factors which indicate specific collateral mineral deficiency.

Cultured Foods Cultured foods are an effective method to supply two different nutrient categories:

• Early use provides bio-available nutrients which cannot be made in the gut because digestive flora is damaged;

• Restore natural gut flora to seed and maintain optimal gut flora (after the nutrient stream to feed gut flora is corrected);


Immune-supportive Agents • Aloe Skin Extract • Aloe Fillet Extract • Bismuth compounds (gut and

cellular parasitic pathogens) • Essential oils / Raindrop Therapy • Immune Assist mushrooms

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Foods Tools Food is a separate science. Our goal here is to elevate food to equal status with the other models – excepting digestion.

Digestion is a higher healing priority than food because without digestion, food has limited effect.

Destructive foods, listed below, should be avoided regardless of digestive status.

For autistic support there are overlapping dietary (sometimes conflicting) models:

• Detoxx Diet • Blood type diet • Raw Foods • Fermented Foods • Detox Foods • Lipid Foods

Each model applies to various parts of the healing process.

Detox Foods:

• Beet top products – liver flow • Carrot & beet juices • Eggs – albumin & lecithin • Many More

Rebuild agents:

• Cream – Sterols & short chain fatty acids (autistics have depressed lipid profiles)

• Organ meats / liver extracts etc. for organ regeneration

• Fermented foods and beverages • Juices

Bad foods:

• Sugar and artificial sweeteners • Oxidized lipids • Excess UFAs • Trans fats

• Processed food

Sensory Integration Techniques The brain is a massive interconnection matrix. Stress patterns resulting from the Autism Cascade, create developmental barriers.

Sensory Learning that often dramatically stimulates regeneration and brain reconnection to accelerate normalization of speech, motor, and cognitive performance.

Alkoxyglycerols Alkoxyglycerols are toxin mobilization agents that fully wrap heavy metals. Wrapping protects liver and kidneys from damage during excretion.

Wrapping enables very rapid and safe removal of toxins with an oral protocol.

Many kids like the flavor of Alkoxyglycerols and voluntarily chew the capsules, or prefer drops.

Magnesium Agents Magnesium is a mineral depleted as part of any stress. It fuels metabolism and detoxification many different ways.

It is available through different administration routes because the body absorbs it any way possible:

• Oral / EPL Magnesium Chloride • Oral / Magnesium Chloride • Oral / Magnesium Thiosulfate • Dermal / Dermal Magnesium • Bath / Magnesium Baths • Ionic Foot Bath / Magnesium in Ionic

foot baths

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Nutrient/Energetic/Detox Tools Defined Nutrients are substances:

• Enable or modulate healing by providing building materials;

• Aid detoxification by binding toxins for elimination;

• Aid optimal metabolism, like oxygen.

Energetic that use non-nutrients to influence healing at a cellular or systemic level.

A Detox Tool aids in elimination of any substance which interferes with metabolism.

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Tool Categories As an aid, this list integrates a few new tools and puts others into a bucket.

Gut Repair

• Liver flow Aids / Detox / Liver supplements, Silymarin, AlphaKetoGlutarate

• Gut regeneration aids, lipids and polysaccharides, fresh aloe, etc.

• Probiotics to restore gut flora • Unsaponifiable extracts of tissues

enable targeted tissue healing.


• PEMF to open vasculature, mobilize stem cells, and aid in terrain preparation

• ePads to inhibit local pathogens and manage inflammation, gut, etc.

Stem Enhancement

• PEMF to aid stem cell release after

• Stem Enhance, or equivalent, after terrain preparation to accelerate release of stem cells;

• Herbs to aid liver regeneration and

other metabolic processes • Foods wherever possible to aid

o Lipids/salts/biological

Detox • Liposomal Myers cocktails • Ionic foot baths to release lymphatic

toxins • IR Sauna to aid detox through skin • Dermal magnesium to supply

magnesium to chelate urea toxins

Oxygen Metabolism • Hyperbaric to optimize plasma and

hypoxic area oxygenation • DMSO for localized inflammation • DMSO as an oxygen delivery vehicle

support of ischemic tissue • DMSO as a dermal delivery vehicle for

other substances to aid recovery of ischemic areas

Structural/Spinal • Chiropractic to support

neural / spinal connections for organ function

• Lymphatic massage • Acupuncture – (PEMF

on acupuncture series to stimulate correspondent regeneration)

Evaluation • Thermal camera to gather data on blood

flow before/after areas and assess therapeutic response to treatment ischemic regions;

• EEG / before after to record brainwave patterns shifts during therapy;

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• Before/after PET scan to document vascular and activity pattern shifts in the brain;

• Before/During/after motor and cognitive evaluation on video;

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Chloride Depletion Syndrome Enabling factor in systemic degeneration and healing locks Hydrochloric Acid is essential to primary detoxification and nutrient systems in the body. Failure of multiple Chloride circuits assures degenerate health. This paper explores the multiple relationships of HCL and chronic shock in progressive degeneration and healing stops in shock and toxin-related syndromes.


Mark Squibb, Whole Health Network


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Contents Overview ..................................................... 4

Oxidation ................................................. 4

Salts ......................................................... 4

Chlorine versus Pool Water .................... 4

Free Chlorine Kills ................................... 4

Oxidized Agents ...................................... 5

In the body .............................................. 5

Stress Compensation .................................. 6

Stress Chemicals ..................................... 6

Inverse Size ............................................. 6

Valence Difference .................................. 6

Stress Chemistry ......................................... 7

Pathology Indications .............................. 7

Neutralization Agents ............................. 7

Stress Stops Digestion ............................. 7

Chlorine Circuits .......................................... 8

RBC Transport Inhibition ............................. 9

Degeneration ............................................ 10

Digestive Degeneration ......................... 10

Lung Degeneration ................................ 10

Chlorine Depletion ................................ 10

Stomach Acid Primer................................. 11

Chlorine as Detox ...................................... 12

Welt/Revici Chlorine Pathway .............. 12

Autistic Chlorine Depletion ................... 12

Resolving Chronic Chlorine Depletion .. 12

Chlorine Deficit recovery & Gut Healing13

Chlorine Circuits ........................................ 14

Shock ..................................................... 14

The Digestion Problem .............................. 15

Autistic Poop ......................................... 15

Stinky Poop ........................................... 16

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Overview Hydrochloric acid, or HCl, is a strong acid primarily produced by the stomach to ionize foods and kill food borne pathogens.

Chlorine, the back half of HCl, is a primary agent used by the body to oxidize and ionize food during digestion.

Chlorine’s use as a oxidizing agent outside the stomach is poorly recognized.

This paper seeks to identify the multiple roles, beyond primary digestion, that chlorine plays.

The functional purpose of the disclosure is to provide indications and methods to recognize and support indications of HCL depletion resulting from use of Chlorine to neutralize/oxidize toxins elsewhere in the body.

Oxidation Oxidized agents or fully reacted are often called ash, because they are inert, and can no longer participate in chemical reactions.

HCl is an ionized combination of Hydrogen and Chlorine. Ionic components are elemental hydrogen, and chlorine.

Don’t confuse ionic forms in the body with the stuff poured into pools.

Generally Chlorine is an element in the Halide series. Halides generally have a high oxidation number, which reflects their ability to neutralize electronegative agents.

Many toxins require neutralization and various oxidation agents:

• Oxygen • Chlorine • And many more

Are used to neutralized would be toxins so they can be eliminated safely.

Salts Salts pair chlorine, an acidic-like reagent, with an alkali-like reagent, like sodium.

In water the reagents like strongly polar water more than each other, so they hang close in water, their electrostatic closeness prevents them from easily reacting with other substances.

Seawater has a lot of chlorine, but it is neutral because the chlorine prefers to hang out with the sodium.

Chlorine versus Pool Water Free chlorine is a toxic gas. It is toxic because it is very strong and bonds to carbon, and almost anything that will oxidize. This is corrosive.

This only happens when the alkali mate is missing.

This attribute is what gives it a strong smell and makes it useful for sanitation. It literally burns everything it touches.

Free Chlorine Kills Use of chlorine to purify water is the same challenge. Most organisms expose organic substrates that can be oxidized.

The chlorine is so strong that it bonds to any molecular electronegative area and quenches any potential reaction.

Free chlorine will burn just about any organic substance. This is why it is used in pools as a sanitation agent.

Sodium hypochlorite recently emerging as a MMS, is the raw ingredient for bleach, sodium hypochlorite, releases free chlorine when it is exposed to an acid.

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Oxidized Agents Chlorine in bleach is chlorine hypochlorite. Bleach releases chlorine gas, a super strong oxidization agent which burns anything, when the pH shifts acidic.

In the body Uncontrolled burning, like breathing chlorine gas is bad.

On the other hand, controlled burning where chlorine is precisely deployed near something that needs burning is good because it can neutralize the destructive potential of an agent.

This hidden role of neutralizing toxins is pretty much unrecognized.

Chlorine is easily transported. Chlorine ions, or chloride, are stick near neutralizing anions limiting their oxidative potential.

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Stress Compensation An unrecognized role, by Welt and Revici is that Chlorine plays the pivotal role in stress compensation metabolism and shock buffering.

Individuals with chronic disease, or ongoing environmental stress, nearly always end up in a sustained stress pattern which causes chlorine to redeploy from its recognized digestive role to a detoxification role.

Sustained redeployment disables digestion, and primary detoxification circuits, which fundamentally disables health.

Stress Chemicals Stress and stress toxin neutralization appears to require several minerals from the halide and oxygen series.

The group 16 elements have a valence of 2:

• Oxygen • Sulfur • Selenium

Group 17 elements have a valence of 1:

• Fluorine • Chlorine • Bromine • Iodine

These agents, properly deployed are primary agents to neutralize toxins in the body.

Inverse Size In water, the smaller atoms make bigger clumps. Elemental electrostatic forces organize water. Strong forces from smaller elements organize more than weaker forces from bigger elements.

Big elements make small clumps because weaker electrostatic forces don’t organize as much water.

Revici articulated the inverse relationship where bigger elements were more active at lower organizational levels. The bigger the element the deeper it works.

This author suggests that Revici’s observations on biological activity domain resulted from the hydrodynamic ability of elements to organize water.

He also developed techniques to incorporate minerals into lipids to deliver them deeply into an organism.

For detoxification model, big elements work at deep levels while small elements, work at higher levels.

Valence Difference Group 16 elements present with a valence of -2, while Group 17 elements have a -1.

The numbers reflect the quantum electron vacancy that they want to fill. This “want” drives chemistry.

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Stress Chemistry Stress lock appears to be a new physiology concept.

Stress lock occurs when physiological depletion from stress is enough to make stress physiology unrecoverable.

The notion stress has is biochemical condition, in addition to neurological, and emotional, is significant.

The body responds to stress by deploying stress response chemicals, special lipids, from the adrenals, and other organs, as a trauma survival response. Revici, Welt and others documented this effect.

Medically the condition is called shock. Shock varies in severity from life threatening to chronic.

Welt and Revici documented that prolonged shock disrupted chlorine metabolism and caused systemic alkalosis, which triggered alkali components to be discarded in urine to compensate for the disappearance of acids into cells.

Revici documented a major imbalance which occurred under stress was the appearance of chloride bound to lipids in cells.

They asserted that chlorine is a primary agent to neutralize cellular stress response agents.

Stress is part of the survival response process. The first stage adrenal release causes special lipids to enter circulation, which accumulate in distressed cells.

The lipoids produce an immediate cellular defense similar to fight or flight, to improve trauma survival ability.

Since trauma presumes toxins, cells use these agents to manufacture anti-toxins to help them survive toxin exposure.

The anti-toxins tend to accumulate.

Pathology Indications This was further supported by Chinese researchers who use electricity to treat cancer tumors.

They indicate large amounts chlorine gas is released when small amounts of electricity are used to treat tumors.

The entire room immediately starts to smell like chlorine gas. The phenomenon is unexplained.

So why does chlorine accumulate in disease tissue?

Neutralization Agents Chlorine accumulation appears to be a neutralization agent.

It seems reasonable that chlorine is used to neutralize the noxious agents which are generated by the pathogen process.

So, when the body is under a toxic load, the chlorine goes to where it’s needed most.

Since toxin neutralization is a higher priority of than digestion, then chlorine deficiency in the stomach is a natural result of too many toxins.

Stress Stops Digestion Digestion is the first victim of most stresses because the chlorine goes away.

With long term stress, the long term chlorine depletion becomes a primary factor in the condition.

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Chlorine Circuits Chlorine deficiency appears to be a factor that makes is a critical factor in many disease states.

Chlorine depletion appears to be at the primary factor in chronic conditions.

Chlorine depletion becomes permanent when the chlorine drains equals free chlorine intake.

Free chlorine from salts is limited by the body’s ability use the mineral component from the salt, Na, K, Mg – to enable the free chlorine for other jobs.

Since the metabolic processes that use these agents also become pathogen limited, the collateral imbalances that occur under stress, seem to reduce free chloride availability, and contribute to the lock.

The trick appears to be to balance the salt mixture so that the anionic components get used, and supplies extra chlorine to settle chlorine depletion.

Chlorine utilization appears to depend heavily on oxygenic-column, -2, mineral cofactors:

• Oxygen; • Sulfur; • Selenium.

The detailed relationships are unknown – however chlorine settlement seems to work much better when the sufficient amounts of these reagents are available.

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RBC Transport Inhibition There seems to be a correlation in blood color and stress. Individuals under prolonged stress have blood which does not oxygenate well and remains dark when exposed to atmospheric oxygen.

A finger prick presents a dark colored blood which slowly absorbs oxygen.

A potential explanation for this is that the oxygen binding sites are occupied by neutralized toxins for transport to the liver.

When the liver and detox paths are inhibited, then the sludge remains bound to the RBC’s limiting oxygen transport capability.

This observation proposes that hemoglobin binding sites that normally carry oxygen seem to serve a dual role.

This model suggests reason why toxic individuals have oxygenation related dysfunctions, and hypoxia, in spite of “O2” saturation levels which don’t indicate a problem.

Since oxygen is a universal detox agent, and since transport becomes limited, an transport overload seems to add another lock factor to the mix: No oxygen when oxygen is critical.

Needed oxygen for detox can’t be delivered when the binding sites on the red blood cells are plugged with toxins, then hypoxia is guaranteed.

This is another possible lock factor.

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Degeneration Long term depletion of chlorine for digestion leads to structural degeneration.

• Did you ever wonder that old people hunch over?

• Did you ever wonder why lung capacity diminishes with health?

• Why would muscles and organs spontaneously break down?

Cellular Starvation.

Digestive Degeneration We propose free chlorine deficiency is the primary cause of cellular starvation.

Missing chlorine quietly but steadily limits the building materials for tissue. Long term chlorine depletion, from toxic, pathological, or other stress, redirects chlorine to toxin neutralization roles.

When this happens long enough, starvation sets in because long term digestion is weakened.

Did you ever notice that people under stress start to sag and eventually hunch?

Think about hunching.

When the muscles which hold the spine erect become weak they stop holding the spine in place. The result is shoulders head droops forward. Posture sags.

So why do these muscles get weak?

The body uses itself for food. Absent minerals and protein from digestion, resulting from chlorine drain, the body starts to digest muscle to preserve life.

If the stress resolves, the body rebuilds the muscle and life continues. When the

situation goes unresolved, degeneration continues until death.

Ever notice that people with annoyingly good posture rarely get sick?

Lung Degeneration The lungs are tender. The tendency for lung capacity to decrease under stress further reflects tendency for the body to digest lung tissue for survival.

Did you ever notice that the sicker someone is, the less lung capacity they have?

Ever notice that people with good wind are sturdy, almost regardless of age?

There is a reason. Lung capacity & integrity reflects metabolic reserves.

Individuals with sufficient cellular nutrients aren’t in the process of digesting their lungs, or spine to survive.

Health exam first glance: good posture structural health and good wind indicates organ health because these people aren’t eating themselves to survive.

Chlorine Depletion Stomach chlorine is always missing in any degenerate condition.

The tendency to presume that it is an effect of degeneration instead feels dead wrong.

Chlorine depletion, driven by stress (all kinds), causes a kind of starvation.

Sturdy people have spare chlorine – and within reason, more is better.

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Stomach Acid Primer Stomach releases hydrochloric acid, or HCl. This acid is responsible for:

• Killing potentially pathogenic organisms in food;

• Breaking down proteins into building blocks and minerals.

When stomach aid fails, digestion is bad from top to bottom, literally. This is typical with autism.

Upper digestion is fueled by Hydrochloric acid, which is copious in healthy children. Little known references by Welt on shock provide actionable clues to why HCL becomes and remains functionally deplete in autistic kids.

The first clue is the Type A blood that most autistic kids share. These kids have immune systems which are a bit more permissive, and enable different flavors of pathogens like viruses, mycoplasma, and who knows what else to gain foothold. We refer to this spectrum of inhabitants as bugs.

These bugs manufacture substances which provide them a survival advantage, toxins.

Many species manufacture toxins that interfere with the immune system. As bugs and toxins accumulate, the autistic kids become a zoo, where the immune system and gut are an unrecoverable wreck, which prevents almost anything from healing.

Individuals with type-A blood exhibit weaker immunity, hence are more susceptible to pathogen foothold, especially when the immune system takes a critical hit from ischemic trauma.

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Chlorine as Detox Revici documented that individuals with ongoing immunological or stress load exhibit decreased stomach acid.

This phenomenon is likely a result of the body’s utilization of chloride for stress and noxious toxin neutralization in preference to digestion, likely because poison presents a greater metabolic threat than starvation.

Indications of this chronic condition show several telltales:

• Poor digestion; • Systemic alkalosis (2 x Saliva pH + UpH)

/ 3 > 6.4 Click here for more information. The body discards alkali substances to compensate for an absence of acids.

Prolonged absence of stomach chlorine prepares the gut for multiple infections which contribute to deadlock:

• Forever malnutrition; • Continuous source toxin from gut; • Cellular toxin backlog from inhibited

liver flow.

Welt/Revici Chlorine Pathway Welt and later Revici documented use of chlorine donors to buffer shock. In simple terms most stressors, including pathogens, cause the body to produce anti-toxins which bias metabolism to resist the influence of the toxin.

Prolonged or repeated toxin exposure tends to cause accumulation of these anti-toxins which aggregate into persistent metabolic anti-toxin bias.

Fortunately the body also creates an anti-toxin breakdown mechanism to dissolve these agents over time.

Breakdown of persistent anti-toxins is governed by anti-toxin metabolites involving primary reagents chlorine, sulfur and selenium.

Welt used Chlorine donors to buffer shock.

Autistic Chlorine Depletion It appears likely that opportunistic pathogens present in autism. It is further likely these agents trigger generation of anti-toxins, which in turn deplete oxidative minerals, chlorine, sulfur and selenium.

The author suggests that the depletion is the likely source of several observable attributes:

• Ongoing digestive under performance downstream of the stomach;

• Gut environment which hosts pathogenic gut flora due to nutrient stream inappropriate to healthy gut flora;

• Liver stagnation where bile accumulates as a result of balancing stomach acid;

• Bicarbonate accumulation resulting in inflammation of pancreas and upper third of the small intestine;

• Lesion formation throughout the gut as a result of surfacing chlorine-neutralized anti-toxins reentering the digestive system.

Resolving Chronic Chlorine Depletion Continuous anti-toxin breakdown demand likely depletes mineral reserves, particularly chlorine, sulfur and selenium. Most autistic children tend to exhibit hyperactivity that

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attributes to accumulated catabolic anti-toxins.

Generally, pathogenic toxins are suppressive. In response, anti-toxins are excitatory. Interventions that evidence elevated excitatory behavior indicate a decrease in primary toxin load – and unfortunately an apparent worsening of hyperactivity symptoms in spite of therapeutic benefits.

The remaining challenge is to accelerate the breakdown of the anti-toxins, and curtail the hyper-excited response.

Use of lipid-bound selenium and sulfur with chlorine-donor salts titrations to accelerate drug detoxification has proven beneficial with individuals diagnosed with MS and ALS who exhibited similar neurological-excitation phenomenon.

Chlorine Deficit recovery & Gut Healing This strategy proposes concurrent nutrient profile toward restoring gut:

• Dietary chlorine donor salts (not NaCl), KCl, MgCl, NH4Cl to supply sufficient chlorine to satisfy system toxin neutralization demands;

• Probiotics to aggressively seed the gut with healthy flora;

• Beet top product and choline to encourage bile flow;

• Aloe and other polysaccharides to support gut healing;

• Anabolic intestine extracts to accelerate healing of intestinal lesions.

Most importantly this program can be incorporated into food. The flavor profile of these agents is mostly salty, sweet, or tart.

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Chlorine Circuits Ongoing stress demands that the body breakdown and dispose of stress response agents.

This is where the stress response reagents play a huge part:

• Chlorine • Sulfur • Selenium • Probably more.

Shock Clinical shock is

Stress accumulates creating a persistent shock.

Long term shock depletes shock buffers, and sets the nervous system into a survival pattern of fight-or-flight, which becomes a long term, sometimes life-long metabolic state.

Chlorine buffers, deplete, see digestion discussion, disabling first-stage digestion. Without chlorine, the lower gut becomes a pathogen incubator, which cranks out more toxins...

Chronic stress triggers adaptive growth patterns. Cellular and systemic metabolic development adapts to tolerate

antagonistic influences which persist from the cascade sequence.

Persisting stress drives core adaptations, which causes cumulative deviation from normal development during growth.

Eventually a portion of the deviance becomes built in and the compensatory deviance persists until the body can grow out of the condition.

In summary, the sooner the effects of the cascade resolve, the less compensation gets built in during growth.


Immune Lock



Shock Lock


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The Digestion Problem Both nutrient selection and waste disposal processes must be in good order to enable healing.

SSttaarrvviinngg cceellllss iinn ttooxxiicc ssoouupp ccaannnnoott rreeppaaiirr..

Digestion is often thought an “intake” process. More correctly it is the master sorting process where the body sorts food from trash.

IItt sseeeemmss oodddd ttoo ssttaarrtt ddiissccuussssiioonn oonn ffiixxiinngg bbrraaiinn ddaammaaggee bbyy ttaallkkiinngg aabboouutt ppoooopp..

The liver serves as the top of the recycling chain where most of the bodies recycled material collects into bile, which is also used for digestion. Click here for a video tutorial.

The liver dumps body internal waste into the top of the digestive tract to sort out what to keep. That which the body chooses not to keep is exits as poop.

Digestion is a multi-phase process.

1. Chew and swallow breaks the food into preferably tiny pieces and mix in first stage enzymes from saliva;

2. Food lands in stomach to mix with Hydrochloric Acid for ionization, aka

stomach acid (severely deplete in most autistics – for reasons we will discuss later);

3. Acidified food exits into duodenum to mix with bile for lipid emulsification, and enzymes from liver/pancreas break down proteins, sugars and fats for later processing in the gut;

4. Small intestine hosts many bacteria which convert foods into a massive spectrum of building blocks;

5. Intestines selectively absorb building blocks into the blood, which goes to the portal vein;

6. Which goes 80% to the liver, which extracts components needed to continue digestion and discard more toxins;

7. Everything not absorbed exits as poop.

Autistic Poop Autistic kids nearly always exhibit poor bowel flow, and develop symptoms of malnutrition almost regardless of diet.

Parents of autistic kids say “I tried diet and it didn’t work”. This is a natural and inevitable result. Unless digestion works diet is almost irrelevant.

Both poor nutrient absorption and gut-toxins naturally result of compromised digestion. Malnutrition inhibits healing

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while toxins interfere with healing. Both contribute to the problem.

1. Early digestive breakdown begins in the stomach where an absence of stomach acid fails to prepare the food for digestion, ionize minerals, and kill potential pathogens normally resident in foodstuffs;

2. Absence of acid prevents the liver from bile release which fails to emulsify fat and conduct the second stage of digestion leading to poor liver flow, further leading to clogged lymphatic flow, hence cellular toxin accumulation;

3. Semi-digested food remnants feed pathogenic organisms which survive the stomach that should have killed them with stomach acid.

4. The organisms make noxious toxins which etch and eventually damage gut.

5. The damaged gut leaks toxic waste into the blood.

6. The immune system cleans clean the blood, and generates antibodies that enable future immune responses to toxic byproducts that result from broken digestion leading to food alergies.

Stinky Poop Gut flow stalls resulting in constipation and/or a stinky mess in the toilet which looks and smells more like rot than poop.

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Polypathogenic Autism A basis for integrated intervention in acquired juvenile neuropathology. Multi-pathogen infections cause immune system deadlock. Permanent pathogens continuously generate toxins that accumulate in cognitive brain centers. The combination of deadlocked infection and cognitive dysfunction is autism. 


Mark Squibb ‐  © 2008, All Rights Reserved Whole Health Research Alliance, LLC 

4/30/2008 Mark Squibb ‐  © 2008, All Rights Reserved

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Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 

Language...................................................................................................................................... 3 

Resources & Support ................................................................................................................... 3 

Autism Basics ................................................................................................................................... 4 

Incidence Observation Roundup ................................................................................................. 4 

Therapeutic Observations ........................................................................................................... 5 

The Vaccine Factor ...................................................................................................................... 5 

Persistence in spite ...................................................................................................................... 5 

A battery of questions ................................................................................................................. 5 

Explanation of negative results ....................................................................................................... 6 

The Differential Toxin Model ....................................................................................................... 6 

Pathogen Symbiosis ..................................................................................................................... 6 

Differential Toxin Aggravation..................................................................................................... 6 

Culture Mismatch ........................................................................................................................ 6 

Toxins are bug tools......................................................................................................................... 7 

Toxin Categories .......................................................................................................................... 7 

Misdirection & Misinterpretation ............................................................................................... 8 

Cure (noun) versus Cure (verb) ................................................................................................... 8 

Pathogen and Hosts ..................................................................................................................... 8 

Host Immune Selectivity .............................................................................................................. 8 

Vulnerability Assessment ............................................................................................................ 8 

Intervention Model ......................................................................................................................... 9 

Answers to a lot of questions ...................................................................................................... 9 

Practical and Functional Components ......................................................................................... 9 

Roundup ...................................................................................................................................... 9 

Strategy ....................................................................................................................................... 9 

Intervention Design ....................................................................................................................... 10 

Sample Protocol ............................................................................................................................ 11 

Support Recap ........................................................................................................................... 12 

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Introduction These pages presents a novel description of neurological condition called autism.    

We propose a multi‐pathogen model, where a community of pathogens, or infectious bugs, inhabit a host, and keep the immune system in perpetual check, unable to overcome the set of infections.  

The pathogens generate neurotoxins that overwhelm detoxification capability.  Eventually neurotoxins affect nerve centers and disrupt both cognition and behavior.   

Mark Squibb ‐  © 2008, All Rights Reserved  Page 3 

The host, persisting in a chronic state of infection, overwhelmed with neurotoxins, remains locked in a neuro‐toxic condition, unable to either rally immune response, or detoxify enough to regain cognitive function. 

Autism is a deadlock condition, multi‐pathogenic and neurotoxic.   

This definition suggests a new intervention/support strategy, combining spectral detoxification and spectral‐immune support, enhanced with energetic support.   

Language We use relatively simple language.  There are three major factors in autism: 

1. Too many bugs of multiple species for the host’s immune system to overcome; 

2. Too much toxin for host to eliminate; 3. A tendency for toxins to accumulate in cognitive 

and behavioral centers of the brain. 

Resources & Support If you feel that the disease model present here may be applicable, we invite you to contact us through one of our websites: 




• Call 970 372 4274 

• Email [email protected] 

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Autism Basics Autism is a neuro‐toxic condition which affects approximately one in 81 childbirths in some states.   The condition is most often permanent.   

Autism is diagnosed when a child with normal behavior shifts to erratic.  The shift is accompanied with decrease in mood stability, and a sharp decline in the ability to concentrate. 

Speech and rational intellectual functions are significantly impaired.  Autistic children briefly focus until their attention shifts driven by near random stream of environmental and internal influences.   

A key difference between autistic and non‐autistic children is the ability to ignore an environmental triggers stimulus.  Autistic children seem to lack the ability to retain focus in the presence of a distracting environmental influence. 

The decline in autistic cognitive function relates to a decline neurological information filtering systems.  The nerve groups that enable the brain to sort and then prioritize input, and the automatically disregard low‐importance events.  

This breakdown causes the autistic child to react to most everything all the time, with a consequent inability to concentrate on anything. 

There are concurrent tendencies for mood and learning inhibitions also.


Incidence Observation Roundup The incidence acceleration from one in several thousand to one child in 81 over the last fifty years is strong evidence that the cause is environmental or medical and not genetic. 

Here is a list of incidence observations that accompany autistic onset: 

• Autism usually starts between ages 2 and 7; 

• Primary symptoms onset usually occurs within 3 months of vaccinations;  

• Autism rates appear proportional to vaccination rates;   

• Digestion in autistic children is poor with poorly formed tan stools; 

• The digestive tracks in autistic children contain lesions, and host multiple parasites and infections; 

• Autism rates tend to be higher near powerful EMF sources, like military bases; 

• There is an apparent positive correlation between parental intelligence and autistic child incidence; 

• Autistic children usually test LOW for toxins in heavy metal analysis suggesting compromised detoxification. 

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 Therapeutic Observations Raising normal children is hard enough.  Autistic children present an unending challenge. 

The parents of autistic children try almost anything in the often life‐long quest to enable their children and themselves to have a normal life. 

These techniques usually help autistic children: 

• Hyperbaric chamber treatments.  Children usually begin to respond after 70 hours in a chamber; 

• Digestive support with probiotics; 

• Sometimes chelation to augment detoxification. 

The Vaccine Factor The time interval between vaccinations and autism onset is highly suspicious in a statistically significant percentage of cases.  

We assert that the relationship between autism and vaccination real, but causally incorrect.   

The prevailing belief that autism is caused primarily by mercury exposure, thimerosal, in the vaccines is inconsistent with the continuously escalating incidence statistics and removal of thimerosal levels from most childhood vaccines. 

We assert that the autism and incidence are driven by three virtually unrecognized, cofactors:  

1. Autism toxins, including metals, that cause autistic symptoms come from pathogens in situ, do not require external toxin source to trigger onset; 

2. The vaccination‐challenge contributes to Immune deadlock which sets the stage for autism; 

3. Stealth pathogens, like l‐form bacteria, immune to chlorination and pasteurization, may contribute host immune system challenge.  

Persistence in spite In spite of the best efforts of the parents, and in spite of a young resilient body, with active and ongoing neural growth capability, autism persists. 

These kids should be able to heal.    

They are young.  They are growing.  Many of them were exceptionally bright, only days or weeks before they became autistic.  What happened?  How could it happen so sudden? 

The dramatic shift from well behaved children learning quickly to dysfunctional and even spastic behaviors leaves parents shocked and in a frantic quest for answers. 

A battery of questions Autism is a tough mystery.  It defies both common sense and logic.  In simple terms, these kids should be healthy, but they’re not.  

• Why aren’t these kids able to bounce back? 

• Why are there less toxins in the hair of autistic kids? 

• Why does hyperbaric exposure seem to help? 

• Why are brighter kids more susceptible? 

• Why are more boys affected than girls? 

• Why are girls more strongly affected than boys? 

• What’s wrong with their digestive systems? 

• Why don’t antibiotics help? 

• Why do they all seem to develop similar neurological patterns? 

• Why do vaccinations seem to trigger onset? 

• Why don’t they ever recover? 

• Why don’t detoxification programs seem to help much? 

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Explanation of negative results Medical science is nominally helpful.  Here’s why. 

A traditional narrow definition of infectious pathology has led to exclusive availability of suppressive pharmaceutical agents based on a differential toxin model.  

The Differential Toxin Model Antibiotics are fungal toxins which inhibit bacteria.  Anti‐fungal compounds are fatty toxins which exploit minor differences in lipid expressions fungal cell membranes to be slightly more damaging to fungus than the host.  

Both antibiotic and anti‐fungal agents are toxic interventions that rely on the notion that the anti‐pathogen is somewhat more toxic to the pathogen than the host.  These are differential toxins. 

Toxic interventions are generally incompatible with diseases driven by toxins.   

When multiple pathogens gang up, they are often hard to identify.  They produce toxic slurry which tends to create a baseline symptom profile by affecting the cells in one or more organ systems. 

 In a multiple pathogen condition, comprised of natural competitors, say a bacteria and a fungus, suppression of one with a differential toxin, produces an overgrowth of the other.  It shifts the balance, and hence the toxins, and finally the symptoms, but does tends not to change the severity of the condition. 

A differential toxin intervention in poly‐pathogen conditions shifts the pathogen population, leaving the pathology source intact, altered but generally unhindered. 

Pathogen Symbiosis The result is a symbiosis of competitors.  Damaging one with a toxic agent helps the competitors to thrive.  The competitors maintain the disease state by producing toxins which add to the toxic agent in the first place. 

Toxin aggregation creates shifting symptoms.  When a toxic agent is introduced, the toxic sludge mix shifts.   The new mix produces equally acute, but slightly different toxic host disruption.  The resulting symptoms are different, but not better, and usually slightly worse. 

Differential Toxin Aggravation Moreover differential toxins usually aggravate the situation by adding to an already bad problem. 

The already overwhelming load of toxins is by definition more than the host can process.  The net result is symptoms, and a tendency for toxins to participate in durable accumulation in more essential cell structures and tissues. 

The result is that the toxins accumulate.   

Basic Pathogen Load + 

Differential Toxin Load + 

Exogenous Toxin Load Equals more toxins than you started with, so interventions tend to have a net negative result with a shifted but slightly worse symptom set. 

Culture Mismatch Most medical technologies are functionally misfit for autistic applications.   

Autistic beneficial techniques do not create a collateral liability.  Autistic kids are so sensitive, that the smallest insult to a collateral system, like immunity, or detoxification, often produces these negative results. 

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 Any drug that increases liver stress, consequently decreases gut health, and results in an increase in system toxicity, and hence symptom worsening. 

Conversely, gentle interventions like probiotics, reduce toxins by improving gut health, and hence tend to improve symptoms. 

In short, autism must be approached with kid gloves.  Interventions must be gentle, and accommodate detoxification, particularly fatty structures, in concert with pathogen suppression.   

Pathogen suppression must be collateral to prevent overgrowth of competing organisms. 

Toxins are bug tools Disregarding toxins is the core of autistic syndromes, and popular medicine virtually disregards toxins as a cofactor in autism, and disease in general. 

In the simplest terms bugs make toxins.  These toxins are integral to the survival of the bugs.  Toxins assert two major influences on host metabolism: 

• Inhibit the immune system to enable the bugs to survive, and propagate within the host; 

• Disturb the metabolism of the host in ways that create more food, or a more favorable environment for the bug.  

Toxin Categories There are three major categories of toxins: 

• Immunosuppressive – are compounds which inhibit the host’s immune system from mounting a purgative response to the pathogen.  These toxins tend to be neuro‐regulatory and generally seek to disrupt the intelligence‐targeting of the immune system.  Absorption by motor, sensory, or cognitive, nerves causes causing performance disruption in motor, sensory or cognitive performance systems.   

• Free‐radicals – are compounds which drive oxidative stress and generalized cellular damage, inflammation and load cellular term 

repair mechanisms.  Inflammatory markers, homocysteine, and lipid imbalances, normally accompany overgrowth of organisms which generate free‐radical toxins. 

• Energetic Toxins – inhibit cellular energy production resulting in generalized fatigue syndromes, and overall compromised immunity.  They normally result in globally disrupt hormone balance, glucose regulation and compromised immunological competence, and often cause generalized fatigue syndromes, like chronic fatigue.  

In autism, the relationship between bugs and toxins is critical.  The intimate and self‐locking relationship between bugs and toxins suggests treating autism is a dual and interlocked priority.   

Detox and debug  at the same time. 

If you detoxify but leave the bugs, then the bugs make more toxins.  If you debug but leave the toxins, immune suppression lets the bugs to come right back.   

Either way you end up right back where you started. 

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 Misdirection & Misinterpretation While the social interpretation of disease is outside our scope, it is may be useful to articulate reasons why this seemingly simple model has failed to emerge earlier.   

There is a rapidly growing army of caring parents and health care providers concerned with autism.  The army’s growth is fueled by the simple fact that in 2006 there were over 259,000 cases in the US. This map shows the autistic rates by state, with a maximum rate of 1 in 81 childbirths in Minnesota.  

The parents and grandparents of these kids ends with an unwanted but very compelling reason to care about autism. 

Cure (noun) versus Cure (verb) A major challenge is medical tendency to interpret the word “cure” as a noun implying single cause, single bug, and hence a single act to restore health. 

To cure (verb) is an act or process of health restoration, involving as many or as much intervention needed to get the job done.   

The difference the noun and verb forms of the same word in different ears, inhibits the ability to see relationships, and coordinate intervention accordingly. 

In other words, the notion that each disease has one cause and one cure is terribly misleading.   

 Conditions with multiple causes tend to defy cure (verb), because products that cure (noun) don’t do enough to resolve conditions caused by a set of interrelated problems.   

Pathogen and Hosts In most cases the pathogens interfere with the host organism in two ways: 

1. They consume food, glucose, lipids, proteins and other agents to drive their own metabolic processes.  This consumption deprives the host of these resources leading to metabolic deficiencies in spite of diet and apparently normal metabolic agent production; 

2. They produce toxins which interfere with competing or suppressive components of the host organism. 

Host Immune Selectivity   Natural immunity is very selective.  The host immune system exclusively targets pathogens using a matrix of complex systems.   

The medical quest for differential toxicity presumes several key things: 

• The host immune system is incapable of suppressing the pathogen by itself; 

• Suppress pathogen using a differential toxin on behalf of the organism; 

• The host will always detoxify itself. 

These assumptions are often counterproductive with multi‐pathogen syndromes like autism. 

Vulnerability Assessment Research data undeniably supports that pathogens are a component in autism.   

Loose observations, like immune compromise, bowel dysfunction, inflammatory markers, liver dysfunction, defy the identification of a “single” pathogen.   

The quest for single pathogens in medical science is a snipe hunt.  Autism is the result of multiple symbiotic pathogens, each contributing to a toxin disease. 

The communities of pathogens which inhabit autistic kids are enough to make anyone sick. 

The Polypathogenic Autism Model suggests that autism susceptible to three different modalities – but only when applied concurrently: 

• Immune enhancement; 

• Nontoxic pathogen suppression; 

• Detoxification. 

None of which are functionally available in traditional medical care. 

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Intervention Model Moreover earlier, debugging is a big challenge because of the Polypathogenic, or multiple symbioses of pathogens. 

In other words there are three tough goals: 

1. Over‐restore immune competence.  Immune deadlock resulted when too many critters got a foothold at the same time and generated a toxic spectrum which put the immune system in perpetual check; 

2. Spectral detoxification.  Drive all three major toxin categories to unilaterally reduce the metabolic and immune inhibitors to help the host regain immune and metabolic dominance.    

3. Energetic Restoration.   Use energetics to lift cellular performance and help catalyze detoxification and immune competence.  

Answers to a lot of questions Pathogens make toxins, including heavy metals.  

Autistic kids have inhibited detoxification systems so toxins gunk up the lipids that make up nerves.  The gunk damages the developing complex neural systems which filter incoming information.   

Toxins inhibit immunity to protect pathogens.   

Practical and Functional Components Autistic care protocols need to be compatible with children who may not cooperate.   

Designing a protocol which accommodates the behavioral peculiarities of autistic kids creates usability requirements: 

• Utilize passive interventions which can occur during sleep when possible; 

• Use food based components, or supplements which can be integrated into food. 

Plus functional constraints as well: 

• Differential toxins are off‐limits to avoid exacerbation of symptoms driven by the hyper‐toxic condition; 

• Immune up‐regulation is key to durable response; 

• Modulate detoxification with pathogen die‐off; 

• Use baseline spectral detoxification to accommodate the baseline load. 

Roundup Our goal is to design an intervention which overcomes all of the practical and physiology factors:   

1. Detoxification must exceed toxin creation.   a. Baseline toxins from resident 

pathogens; b. Plus toxins from food supply; c. Plus toxins released by pathogen die‐

off. 2. Restore liver function, cellular, bile flow, 

lymphatic flow. 3. Debug the gut. 4. Collateral pathogen suppression: 

a. Yeast b. Fungus c. Bacteria d. Macro parasites. e. Anaerobic forms. 

5. Minimum Carbohydrates. 6. Drive lipid turnover. 7. Compatible with autistic behaviors. 

Strategy  Here are the principles of a basic program: 

Component  Caveat Detoxify Lipid Structures  Most detoxification 

programs only work on water structures. 

Collateral Pathogen Suppression 

Cannot use toxins like antibiotics, or anti‐fungal which increase toxin load or imbalance populations 

Rebuild Immune System  Requires competent liver function, digestive function, detoxification.  

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Intervention Design The diagram below pictorially represents the environment which set the stage for autism.  

1. The child is living with a normal immune load, asymptomatic with one or more normal infections which present a normal immune challenge from one or more yeast, fungus, l‐form organisms or virus; 

2. The child receives an immune challenge, either as an immunization, or one more bug than the immune system can handle; 

3. The pathogens gain a foothold, where collectively the immune system cannot overcome the combination of pathogens.  Success with one enables the others to bloom forcing the immune system to respond to the bloom, and abandoning the partial success. 

4. The pathogenic toxins begin to accumulate creating a set of toxin related symptoms; 5. The continuous pathogen environment sets a pattern of continuous infection in multiple systems; 6. Immune suppressor toxins accumulate in nerve tissue enough to interfere with cognitive performance; 7. The problem is deadlocked because the immune community cannot overcome the pathogen symbiosis. 


Immunity Overwhelmed 


Pathogen Assault Yeast   Fungus   L‐Form   Virus  

Mark Squibb ‐  © 2008, All Rights Reserved  Page 10 


Multi‐Pathogen Foothold 

Yeast Foothold 

Fungus Foothold  

L‐Form Foothold 

Virus  Foothold

Immune challenge  

• Immunization Antigen 

• Toxin Contaminants 

• Pathogen Contaminants 

Toxin Overload 


Pathogen  Symptoms 

Neurological Symptoms 

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Sample Protocol 

IImmmmuunnee  SSuuppppoorrtt   QQttyy   DDoossaaggee RRoollee && NNootteessSpectrum Mushroom Blend 2.5  Grams/day  Hetero‐polysaccharide and immune system modulator widely useful to enhance 

immune performance during  immune challenge. Colostrums Transfer 3  Grams/day  Helps immune system targeting of invading pathogens Cat Claw Extract  1  As Directed  Cats claw is a useful interfering with life cycle of l‐form pathogens and other 

opportunistic pathogens that exploit immunological overload. Blue Shark Liver Oil 1  As Directed  Detoxify lipid cell structures.  Wraps toxins protecting renal tubules & liver from exit‐

path toxic damage. 

DDeettooxxiiffiiccaattiioonn        Neural Detox Blend 1  Tsp  Inhibit pathogen toxins effects, supports Methylation, and lipid detoxification. Bile Flow Enhancer 300  mg per meal  Thins Bile for flow.  Hepatic dysfunction is a given by the time neural symptoms occur. Bile Bind 300  mg when UpH > 5.7  Binds bile to aid in bile‐bound toxin elimination. Silymarin 500  mg per meal  Milk Thistle helps cellular liver detoxification support 

DDiiggeessttiioonn        Spectrum Probiotics 3  Grams / Meal  Helps support gut flora Protease and Lipase  1  Grams daily on an 

empty stomach  Fibrin enzymes help expose pathogens to immune system, Protease and Lipase help break down waste products which contribute to detoxification symptoms. 

4:1 Oil  1+  Tbsp/day  Balanced fatty acids increase turnover.  4 units omega 6 to 1 unit Omega 3. 

EEnneerrggeettiiccss        Electron Emitter Pad 1  Sleeping Mat in Bed  Neutralizes free‐radical toxins, disrupt pathogen lifecycle, Stimulate immune system, 

Inhibits opportunistic fungus and yeast overgrowths, Active within blood/brain barrier, Long‐term support, Ease of use. 

PEMF Exposure 15‐30  Minutes 3x/week  Facilitate neural regeneration and detoxification. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy  

30‐60  Minutes/day  Maintain optimal tissue oxygen saturation: • Aids detoxification • Inhibits anaerobic organism overgrowth; • Breaks down renegade lipid toxins. 


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DDiiggeessttiioonn  &&  DDiieett        Low Carbohydrate foods  min  Grams/day  Pathogens tend to favor glucose and carbohydrates. Detoxx Diet as possible      Minimize sugar based food supply that feeds bacteria.  Eating program minimizes: 

insulin, Glucose, mannose.    

Support Recap If you feel that the disease model present here may be applicable, we invite you to contact us through one of our websites: 




• Or dial 970 372 4274 (Jim) 

• Find Support Product Packages. 

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The Zeta Effect Why bugs make clumps

Zeta potential is the property of a fluid which causes dispersion and clumping. Clumping enables pathogens to attract food, colonize, and evade host defenses.



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Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Resources & Support .................................................. 3

Bugs and Environments ................................................................................................................... 4

The Seed & Soil Debacle ............................................. 4

Middle Ground & Balance ........................................... 4

Friend or Foe ............................................................... 4

Zeta Modulation............................................................................................................................... 6

Bug Survival Tools ................................................... 6

Electron Clumping ....................................................... 6

Biological Colloids ....................................................... 6

Bugs and Colloids ........................................................ 6

Bug Colonies ................................................................ 6

Zeta Toxins .................................................................. 6

Bug Clump Roundup ................................................... 7

Back to Sludge ............................................................. 7

The Downhill Hit .......................................................... 7

Page 73: Autism Cascadewithout passing the point of no return. This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger

Introduction Sludge from energetic and chemical reductions in zeta potential triggers clumping which creates survival advantage for a pathogens and disadvantages for a host.

Clumping is a major factor in progressive and degenerate diseases.

Resources & Support If you feel that the disease model present here may be applicable, we invite you to contact us through one of our websites:




• Call 970 372 4274

• Email [email protected]

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Bugs and Environments Pathogens – or bugs, always seem present in any environment.

Like most life, organisms do things to modify their environment to improve their environment for their survival.

The conflict comes when one bug lives inside another organism.

Sometimes bugs are friendly, and improve the ability of a living environment to survive better. This is called symbiosis.

When a bug damages the ability of a living environment to survive, it is a pathogen. Some bugs fit both definitions, depending on the roles they play at different times.

The Seed & Soil Debacle The traditional view is that bugs are the enemy.

Long ago, there was a big disagreement between Louis Pasteur, and Antoine Bechamp.

Pasteur prevailed at politics and science of disease disoriented.

When germ theory became the sole view on infectious pathology, important aspects of health were abandoned.

The opposing view, pleomorphism, failed to gain balance. A balance of these views is probably more correct than either – the exclusive adoption of germ theory has biased science to scorn very useful information.

Every farmer knows it doesn’t matter what you plant in unfriendly soil – it won’t grow.

When you have a strong crop, weeds don’t matter much – and so on.

These ideas are exact substitutions of seeds for organisms in the Pasteur / Bechamp debate. In reality,

both matter – but usually, in biological systems, soil matters more.

The modern lifestyle, our metaphor for seed changes dramatically. A trip to the grocery store, a sneeze from a neighbor, a cup of old soup – provide a virtual infinity of bugs capable of adapting to suit almost any biological environment.

In other words, life abounds – even within.

In a world of infinite seeds – like inside a living body – terrain rules.

Modern life exposes every organism to huge and shifting blend of organisms. If only the seed mattered, most organisms would degenerate into a pool of slime.

Middle Ground & Balance The high ground is the middle ground.

The ability of an organism to survive depends on conditions which enable incubation, and development.

Incubation enables a weak seed to take root and become strong enough to progressively manipulate the environment enough for it to reproduce.

This is a continuous process. In a host, like a human body, conditions within the body determine the degree to which other organism can incubate, develop and reproduce.

This dynamic balance determines health. In many situations, hitchhikers, gut bacteria, mitochondria, etc. , do good jobs.

Life’s ability to merge forms is a process of symbiosis. Symbiosis requires a system of checks and balances which maintains the mutual benefits for cooperative organisms. Terrain shifts set the active balance between symbiosis and dysbiosis, where lost balance shrinks survival advantage of symbiosis.

Friend or Foe In the body, there is a fine line between Pasteur’s infectious organisms, and Bechamp’s symbiots.

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Some bugs are just plain bad. Some are good. Most are good and bad, depending on how well they are kept in line and in place in the body.

The dual ability of the host to control their population and keep them in the right place is the key.

If they are just plain bad, then the host keeps them zip. If they are good in the gut, then that’s where should live, elsewhere, they’re a problem.

Naming any organism usually opens a furious debate.

We suggest the debate should focus on why the body fails to keep organisms in line. This discussion crosses every “system” boundary within the body.

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Zeta Modulation Research and alternative literature contains hundreds of expressions of models and proposes many interventions – so why not add another.

Our concept of Zeta Toxins reflects the conflict-balance issue between the host and hitchhiker.

The hitchhiker uses creates a kind of vacuum to pull resources together while the host uses opposing forces to control hitchhikers access to resources by keeping them apart.

The balance between clump and clear is a critical factor in biological systems.

Bug Survival Tools Sprouting seeds require water and an environment where they can sprout and grow.

Sprouting bugs require food and an absence of predators. After sprouting, survival changes from the ability sprout to the ability to gather resources.

Bugs suck food. Sounds simple right?

Electron Clumping Electrons control clumping. Lots of the same charges, like electrons, keep things apart.

When electro-repulsive forces prevail particles in solution are called colloids. When electro repulsive forces collapse the particles clump together and the colloid transforms from a mixture to a fluid and precipitate.

Biological Colloids Biological colloids, like blood, are electro-negative. Excess electrons keep things, like red blood cells, separate.

Anything which shifts the balance of the electronegative particles, causes clumping.

Bugs and Colloids When free electrons disappear everything clumps.

If you’re a bug, manipulating electron density is a great way to create a survival advantage.

Reducing the zeta potential, causes clumping that brings food and friends to you.

So if you’re a bug, the ability to manipulate fluid electrostatic forces or zeta potential is great:

• Free Food delivery;

• Friends gather around you;

• Disrupt host defenses;

• Almost for free.

If you’re a bug, reducing fluid dispersion dynamics is a super way to create a survival advantage.

It’s super efficient mode that merely requires consuming electron rich nutrients.

Bug Colonies Colonies are symbiotic groups that work together.

Colonies like towns create survival advantage for the colony which is better than a lone organism:

• Fewer nutrients are required to support a colony than an individual;

• Reduction in surface area reduces predator exposure;

• Defense structures like biofilms , and result from resource pooling and functional differentiation.

As colonies develop, they become able to assert stronger adverse influence on the host organism.

Zeta Toxins If a little is good, then more is better.

• If a single organism is uses a little zeta potential to draw food, why wouldn’t an organized colony use a lot, as a toxin, to draw more food to the colony?

• Bugs probably adapted. Attributes that create a little survival advantage often upscale. Why not amplify the advantage?

• If the bugs can colonize, shouldn’t a colony of bugs be able to work together to produce substances which make more advantage?

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Zeta toxins are substances which contribute to systemic clumping and amplify the lone effects across the colony, or collection of colonies that inhabit an organism.

Bug Clump Roundup Fluid electron depletion is a bug survival tactic that disadvantages the host. It enables pathogen proliferation, progression and aggregation which enable the escalation of pathogenic imbalances.

Eventually these imbalances:

• reach a point of no return,

• where the host control capacity;

• and repair capacity exceed s healing

• leading to irresolvable degeneration.

Eating electrons and showing positive ions is survival advantage because it imbalances the host control mechanisms.

• If you’re a bug colony, sucking is great

• If you’re a bug that likes friends, then sucking is great.

Electropositive agents cause everything to clump.

Bug learned long ago, that consuming electrons was a cool, and very effective way to improve survival in an environment:

• Eat better;

• Make new friends;

• Build walls;

• Improve reproduction.

Back to Sludge Bugs make sludge by consuming electrons. Toxins consume electrons.

When too many bugs inhabit a host, enough clumping makes a permanent mess.

Medically we call the mess vascular disease – and virtually every part reflects progressive pipe clogs:

• Bugs make sludge to suck food and colonize;

• Clumps plug circulation smallest first ;

• Small pipe clogs starve larger pipes;

• Small pipe systems fail first, vasculature, retina etc.;

• As small pipes give out, weaken and eventually give out;

• Until disaster.

The Downhill Hit A degenerate mess happens after the body loses the ability to keep up with the repair load.

When body can keeps up with the damage, there’s no real problem.

The critical balance is healing rate versus damage rate. When damage exceeds healing, downhill happens.

Common downhill triggers are:

• building material deficiency;

• bug bloom;

• sludge slam from toxins;

• stress.

When downhill happens, it lasts forever or until it’s fixed, whichever comes first.

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Ischemic Rehabilitation A basis for integrated energetic intervention in ischemic pathology

Ischemic trauma creates reversible and irreversible symptoms resulting in both tissue dormancy and necrosis. PEMF protocols often evidence immediate durable neurological responses. Immediate PEMF responses suggest non-necrotic damage reversal happens almost immediately. The parallel tendencies for near complete recovery with prompt treatment, and significant recovery in much delayed intervention evidences reversible ischemic dormancy is a dominant factor in stroke pathology.



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Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Language ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Resources & Support ................................................................................................................... 3

Ischemia Basics ................................................................................................................................ 4

Clumps and Clogs ........................................................................................................................ 4

Blowouts/Aneurysms ...................................................................................................................... 5

Disease Cofactors ........................................................................................................................ 5

Vascular Lesions .......................................................................................................................... 5

Vascular De/Regeneration .............................................................................................................. 6

Downhill Journey ......................................................................................................................... 6

Explanation of weak results ............................................................................................................ 7

More Toxins Hurt ......................................................................................................................... 7

Punch line ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Misdirection & Misinterpretation ................................................................................................... 9

Cure (noun) versus Cure (verb) ................................................................................................... 9

Intervention Model ....................................................................................................................... 10

Intervention Design ....................................................................................................................... 11

Sample Protocol ............................................................................................................................ 13

Neural Support Protocol ................................................................................................................ 14

Vascular Integrity Protocol ............................................................................................................ 15

Occlusion Support Protocol ........................................................................................................... 16

Support Recap ........................................................................................................................... 16

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Introduction Ischemia occurs when blood flow is blocked. Flow blockage suffocates and starves cells downstream.

Sludge, usually resulting from energetic and chemical reductions zeta potential trigger clumps which clog blood flow.

Even though stroke is the most commonly recognized condition – ischemia happens everywhere. Any time a tiny vessel clogs, damage happens.

Ischemic damage is common, and usually recoverable.

Damage becomes permanent when either:

• Clumps clog bloods supplies the healing systems that enable recovery;

• Healing is disabled by other factors, toxicity, etc.

Goal of Paper.

Nature of symptoms

Ischemia caused by vascular weakness.


Language We use relatively simple language. There are three major factors in in cerebral ischemia:

1. Weakness in blood vessels;

2. Blood sludge enables occlusion;

3. Vascular stress trigger.

Resources & Support If you feel that the disease model present here may be applicable, we invite you to contact us through one of our websites:




• Call 970 372 4274

• Email [email protected]

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Ischemia Basics Ischemic symptoms are substantially reversible with early intervention and encouragingly reversible with delayed intervention. an integrated approach.

Brain tissue from stroke dormancy appears to the prevailing cause of debilitating stroke symptoms. As the condition matures dormant tissues die, and reversible damage becomes permanent.

The surprising success of hybrid interventions delayed up to ten years suggests cerebro-ischemic protective dormancy mechanism is durable significantly beyond documentation in previous medical literature.

The delay between ischemic event and therapy strongly affect both the response degree and rate, likely due to progressive cerebral necrosis. The transition from reversible to irreversible symptoms is much slower.

Ischemic dormancy is a survival response which enables long-term preservation brain tissue after a trauma event.

Stroke symptoms are the combined of dysfunction caused by ischemic dormancy and irreversible ischemic necrosis.

This paper explores the tendency for the body to preserve life-essential tissue, and the surprising reversibility of stroke symptoms even with late intervention using a combination of nutritional and energetic methods.

Clumps and Clogs Zeta potential is the primary factor in ischemic event risk. Allopathic interpretation blames errant blood clotting for ischemic disorders. Colloidal stability is not considered a factor.

Zeta potential is a dominant factor because it reflects the dynamic balance that becomes fragile under stress and toxic load.

Surprise occlusion events, reflect a alignments in a matrix of cofactors that determine zeta potential or clumping in a fluid.

If the fluid is blood, then a clump is a clot. Clumps which clog vessels stop flow and trigger cellular damage. When too many clumps clog too many vessels, unrecoverable damage happens.

Clumping incidence is driven by low energetic potential which reflects the same factors in other diseases.

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Blowouts/Aneurysms Ballooned arteries, aneurysms, happen because the tiny vessels that feed arteries and bigger vessels clog and starve them.

Starvation weakens the tissue in the vessel. Starvation eventually weakens the collagen and muscle that give the artery strength. Finally, artery fails by creating a balloon or bursting.

Burst/aneurysm failure is caused by starvation of oxygen and food which prevent the cells in the artery from healing.

Tiny clumps that block the blood supply to the arteries are the cause of the arterial failure. So… Clogging the blood supply to the blood supply causes a different kind of failure, or aneurysm.

When these balloons burst, blood leaks out and the downstream tissue starves. Both effects can cause considerable, often lethal damage.

The hidden majority cause of aneurysm is that tiny clots that block the blood flow to the artery itself. When arterial structure fails, disaster happens.

These tiny clots reflect unresolved sludge which lasts long enough to undermine vascular integrity. Vascular degeneration happens everywhere.

Usually the burst event is triggered by a stress event, normally a downstream plug causes pressure to build up and the weak spot to burst.

Disease Cofactors Vascular disease is chronic zeta potential deficiency. It is an energetic disease.

Heart disease is an energetic disorder – the blood lacks sufficient energetic and ionic potential to maintain fluidity and prevent clumps which cause a continuous process of micro-damage throughout the body.

Clumps that clog tiny vessels contributing to virtually every symptom associated with vascular disease.

Macular degeneration – is when the tiny vessels that feed the retina clog and try to heal without oxygen;

Vascular weakening – occurs when blood supply to the blood supply chokes;

Vascular Occlusion happens when clumps are so big they shut down a major blood supply;

Stroke – is when a rupture or occlusion happens in the brain;

And so on.

Vascular Lesions We conveniently omitted atherosclerotic lesions which cause vascular narrowing.

Consider that even a narrowed artery requires a plug – without the plug to clog the narrowed channel disaster merely waits.

The issue of course, is why doesn’t the lesion heal? Is it partly because the blood supply required to heal the lesion could be itself plugged?

Swelling and plaque accumulation which narrow the arteries, are injuries which cannot heal.

It seems annoying to point out that if the vascular system is so sludged up that the big pipes are about to clog -- that the small ones clogged long ago.

Micro-vessel clogs make it impossible to heal the lesions which are shutting down the big ones.

Persistent lesions evidence an absence of healing likely due to an absence of resources to do the healing.

As a result, plugged micro-vessels are guaranteed to be a factor in vascular degeneration.

The alert reader will recognize that if big arterial lesions heal normally and completely, then plaque would not accumulate – setting the stage for major occlusion later.

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Vascular De/Regeneration Vascular regeneration is a survival response – without out, life would be very short. Many miles of capillary, vessels and arteries are damaged every day as part of wear and tear of life.

Vascular systems regenerate.

• So the question becomes when and why do they stop regenerating?

• Why do certain symptom sets, called diseases always seem to come together?

• What do all these processes seem to have in common? Why are they different at all?

• Why do certain substances seem to help?

• Why do energetic therapies like PEMF always seem to produce such rapid improvements?

• Why are stroke victims who use Hyperbaric Therapy tend to recover more?

• Why is there such a strong correlation between heart disease risk and stroke risk?

• What is the relationship of toxins?

• What is the relationship of infectious agents?

Downhill Journey A degenerate mess happens after the body loses the ability to keep up with the repair load.

When body can keeps up with the damage, there’s no real problem.

The critical balance is healing rate versus damage rate. When damage exceeds healing, downhill happens.

Common downhill triggers are:

• building material deficiency;

• bug bloom;

• sludge slam from toxins;

• stress.

When downhill happens, it lasts forever or until it’s fixed, whichever comes first.

Page 84: Autism Cascadewithout passing the point of no return. This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger

Explanation of weak results Medical science is nominally able to prevent and support recovery in ischemic syndromes.

Here are some principles:

• Clumping and clotting are very different ;

• Only clotting is managed, clumping is not;

• Dormancy preserves life challenged tissue;

• Dormancy and Necrosis, death, look alike;

• Tissues survive dormant for a long time.

Better results are possible and often rapid:

• Integrated energetic nutrient care seems to quickly restore dormant tissue;

• Toxin and nutrient flow are unmanaged;

• Event avoidance totally misses the major risk factor – clumping, which is effectively and safely managed with nutrients and energetics.

More Toxins Hurt Causal factors resulting in ischemia tend to be lipo-suppressive and do not address toxin and pathogenic aspects of vascular degeneration.

Most drugs don’t touch the pathogenic foundation or interfere with the mechanisms that pathogens use to damage the host.

Most pharmaceutical agents tend to interfere with healing by adding toxins to an already toxic metabolism. This additional damage means that most interventions make the problems worse.

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Punch line PEMF is an excellent tool in ischemic conditions for several reasons:

1. It immediately improves zeta potential which helps restore blood flow;

2. It opens the vascular system so more blood can flow;

3. It provides usable energy to dormant cells often restoring functions in dormant tissue.

These three performance aspects make PEMF a huge tool in the entire spectrum of ischemic conditions.

PEMF supports ischemic tissues and vascular recovery

at the same time.

Primary hypothesis PEMF provides a life support for ischemic cells. It also aids collateral healing which reduces the tendency for long-term ischemia.

The tendency to produce immediate partial recovery from cognitive limits which accompany “stroke” suggests that PEMF has core value with all ischemic pathology.

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Misdirection & Misinterpretation While the social interpretation of disease is outside our scope, it is may be useful to articulate reasons why this seemingly simple model has failed to emerge earlier.

Tendency not to recognize that PEMF exposure provides a backup cellular energetics which limit terminal ischemia.

Also a tendency to overlook oxygenation enhancement therapy:

• This protocol uses exploits Plasma oxygen transport in addition to improve cell oxygenation instead of RBC;

• Uses PEMF as a life support energy supply to curb final necrosis;

• Uses PEMF as a tool to catalyze vascular healing;

• Integrates functional detoxification which tends to limit the degree and rate of vascular recovery;

• Exploits the body’s ability to cause ischemic cells enter a dormant state as an opportunity to restore blood flow.-

Cure (noun) versus Cure (verb) A major challenge is medical tendency to interpret the word “cure” as a noun implying single cause, and hence a single act to restore health.

To cure (verb) is an act or process of health restoration, involving as many or as much intervention needed to get the job done.

The difference the noun and verb forms of the same word in different ears, inhibits the ability to see relationships, and coordinate intervention accordingly.

In other words, the notion that each disease has one cause and one cure is terribly misleading.

Conditions with multiple causes tend to defy cure (verb), because products that cure (noun) don’t do enough to resolve conditions caused by a set of interrelated problems.

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Intervention Model Moreover earlier, debugging is a big challenge because of the Polypathogenic, or multiple symbioses of pathogens.

In other words there are three tough goals:

1. Keep as many cells alive as possible. 2. Spectral detoxification. To reduce rate limiting

factors in vascular healing. 3. Use plasma oxygen saturation ability to

improve oxygen delivery.

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Intervention Design The diagram below pictorially represents the environment which set the stage for stroke.

1. Vascular degeneration driven by vascular disease risk factors 2. Blood sludge 3. Clot causes rupture or pressure spike causes rupture. 4. Clot shuts off blood flow to brain tissue.

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Ischemic Event

Cofactors Clot Vascular Toxins Pathogens


Dormant Tissue

Dead Tissue

Vascular challenge

• Clot Trigger

• Pressure Trigger

Motor & Cognitive Dysfunction

No Oxygen

Broken Pipes


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Sample Protocol These protocols are designed to restore oxygen, and enhance the available resources to support neural function.

This protocol combines both chemical and energetic interventions to optimize recovery and mental function. Strokes usually follow either blockage, resulting from vascular blockage, or rupture resulting from vascular degeneration. Both

Protocol goals are:

• Restore oxygen to deep tissues, including brain

• Decrease possible inflammation in head

• Facilitate detoxification of lipid tissues

• Suppress parasitic organisms

• Improve vascular integrity

Page 91: Autism Cascadewithout passing the point of no return. This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger

Neural Support Protocol

QQttyy DDoossaaggee RRoollee && NNootteess

AAnnttii--IInnffllaammmmaattoorryy Hormetic Cap 8 Hours Reduces the tendency for cerebral inflammation.

DDeettooxxiiffiiccaattiioonn Ecomer 2 Grams daily Facilitate detoxification for a wide range of toxins Phosphatylserine Lipid substrate for neural regeneration Phospholipids - EPL 1 Tbsp at Breakfast Support acetylcholine production and drive active lipid detoxification

and protect from neurological damage. Provides choline, a neurotransmitter substrate

NeuroMed 1 Tsp/day Methylation cofactors for neuro support. Can be applied nasally,

NNeeuurraall SSuuppppoorrtt Mental Clarity Formula 3 Grams/day With Auriculum Himalayan Mind Care Neural Performance Cofactors Stem Enhance As Directed Facilitate neural regrowth

DDiieett Detoxx Diet Minimize sugar based food supply that feeds bacteria. Eating program

minimizes: insulin, Glucose, mannose. Avoid Chitobiose, N-Acetylglucosamine

EEnneerrggeettiiccss Hyperbaric Helps restore deep tissue oxygen availability PEMF 30+ Minutes/day Helps restore cellular energetic & supports mitochondrial performance Hormesis Sleeping Pad 1 Sleeping Mat in Bed • Disrupts organism life cycle;

• Stimulates immune system • Inhibits opportunistic fungus and yeast overgrowths • Active within blood/brain barrier • Long-term support • Ease of use.

Page 92: Autism Cascadewithout passing the point of no return. This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger

Vascular Integrity Protocol

QQttyy DDoossaaggee RRoollee && NNootteess

VVaassccuullaarr IInntteeggrriittyy Vitamin C 10 Grams Reduces the tendency for cerebral inflammation. Lysine 2 Grams daily Facilitate detoxification for a wide range of toxins Niacinamide Lipid substrate for neural regeneration Proline 1 Tbsp at Breakfast Support acetylcholine production and drive active lipid detoxification

and protect from neurological damage. Provides choline, a neurotransmitter substrate

Page 93: Autism Cascadewithout passing the point of no return. This tolerance/vulnerability model explains the seemingly random incidence, as well as the tendency for vaccination to trigger

Occlusion Support Protocol

QQttyy DDoossaaggee RRoollee && NNootteess

FFllooww SSuuppppoorrtt NeuroZyme Fibrin clearing support Vascuzyme 10 Grams Reduces the tendency for cerebral inflammation. MinCol 2 Grams daily Facilitate detoxification for a wide range of toxins

Support Recap If you feel that the disease model present here may be applicable, we invite you to contact us through one of our websites:




• Or dial 970 372 4274 (Jim)

• Find Support Product Packages.

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Stem Farming A practical approach to improve performance of stem cells Stem cells are seeds. Both seed availability from stem sources and terrain readiness determine healing performance.


Mark Squibb Whole Health Network


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2 Mark Squibb © All Rights Reserved Products: Network: Research:

Contents Foreword ..................................................... 3

Stem Farming .............................................. 4

Soil Prep .................................................. 4

Support Hand .......................................... 4

Ultimate Incubation ................................ 4

Natural Stem Incubation ......................... 4

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Foreword This document is a functional part of the Autism Cascade Publication, which describes autism as a multi-systemic healing process.

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Stem Farming Stem cells are like seeds. They come in different types to enable regeneration of complex structures, including brain and the like.

Stem cells are near-magic wildcards. They appear to have the ability to plan in any soil and become what they are supposed to be.

Anything, anywhere growth enables the human body to heal from near anything.

For the young, with cells recently sprouted from a single seed, with active growth and ongoing emergence, it seems natural that the energetic framework to repair is present.

Soil Prep Good farmers know:

• Pollution limits growth; • Pollution enables crop disease; • No nutrients no crop; • No water (oxygen/ metaphor) no crop; • No sunshine – no crop.

Healing the body is a process of support like a farmer using the things we can control.

In autism, where we are practically limited to “life-support-methods”, see Polypathogenic Autism.

We are practically limited to nutrients, energy and environment which strengthen the host.

Support Hand Heavy handed interventions that pollute or imbalance produce little, if any benefit.

This explains why allopathic methods long fail to resolve the autistic condition.

The same is likely true in every degenerate or incurable condition. The absence of support

It seems likely that perfect healing requires a near perfect environment.

Likewise, stem cell healing to enable brain damage recovery must start with fixing the environment.

Ultimate Incubation Negative influences, toxins, nutrient deficiency, or any in/our flow restriction which limits cellular incubation, will inhibit healing.

This is true for magical healing wildcards, stem cells, just like the local cells which undergo traditional mitosis to heal.

Natural Stem Incubation Stem cells are created in various locations throughout the body.

Like all cells the health of these incubators, results from toxic absence and nutrient sufficiency. The body’s regenerative capacity from natural stem cells requires multiple favorable conditions:

1. Nutrients and oxygen for stem cell incubation;

2. Absence of toxins in stem cell incubators;

3. Ability travel from incubator to damaged areas (circulation);

4. Ability to implant in the new environment (circulation)

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5. Ability to differentiate correctly in new environment (template energetics);

6. Nutrient supply in the new home; 7. Absence of toxins in the new home.