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Authors Lynn Van Gorp James D. Anderson, M.S.Ed.

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Lynn Van Gorp James D. Anderson, M.S.Ed.

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© Teacher Created Materials #12365 (i4489)—Electricity and Magnetism Teacher’s Guide 3

Table of Contents

Introduction and Research

About Inquiry-based Learning . . . . . . . . 4Inquiry-based .Learning .for .the .

21st .Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Qualities .of .an .Inquiry-based . .

Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Making .the .Transition .to . .

Inquiry-based .Instruction . . . . . . . . 6Using .the .5 .Es .in .a .Science . .

Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Asking .Good .Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Teaching .Scientific .Vocabulary . . . . . 10Differentiating .Science . .

Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Using .Technology .in .the . .

Inquiry-based .Classroom . . . . . . . . 14Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

How to Use This Product . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Why .Use .Discovering .Science . .

through .Inquiry? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Teacher’s .Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Inquiry .Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Inquiry .Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Teacher .Resource .CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Using .the .Video .Clips . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Sample .Pacing .Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Standards Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Content Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


Lesson .1: .What .Is .Electricity? . . . . . . . . . 35

Lesson .2: .Uses .of .Electricity . . . . . . . . . . 43

Lesson .3: .Static .Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Lesson .4: .Conductors .and .Insulators . . 59

Lesson .5: .Electric .Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Lesson .6: .Types .of .Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Lesson .7: .Electricity .and .Heat . . . . . . . . 83

Lesson .8: .Electricity .and .Light . . . . . . . . 91

Lesson .9: .Electricity .and .Sound . . . . . . . 99

Lesson .10: .Saving .Electricity . . . . . . . . 107

Lesson .11: .What .Is .a .Magnet? . . . . . . . . 115

Lesson .12: .Magnetic .Poles . . . . . . . . . . 123

Lesson .13: .Magnetic .Fields . . . . . . . . . . 131

Lesson .14: .Magnetic .Strength . . . . . . . . 139

Lesson .15: .Electromagnets . . . . . . . . . . 147

Lesson .16: .Electromagnetism .and .Electric .Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Culminating Activity: Improving Our Lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163Appendices

Appendix .A: .References .Cited . . . . . . . 167

Appendix .B: .Differentiation .Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Appendix .C: .Contents .of .the . .Teacher .Resource .CD . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

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#12365 (i4489)—Electricity and Magnetism Teacher’s Guide © Teacher Created Materials4

Introduction and Research

About Inquiry-based Learning

Inquiry-based Learning for the 21st Century“Inquiry into authentic questions generated from student experiences is the central strategy for teaching science.”

—National Science Education Standards

In its official position statement on inquiry-based learning in science, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) encourages every teacher to make inquiry science a part of the daily curriculum, noting that it is important to help younger learners become problem-solving learners.NSTA defines scientific inquiry as “the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence derived from their work. Scientific inquiry also refers to the activities through which students develop knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, as well as an understanding of how scientists study the natural world.”

According to the NSTA, students learn science best when:

• they are involved in firsthand exploration and investigation and inquiry/process skills are nurtured;

• instruction builds directly on the students’ conceptual framework; • content is organized on the basis of broad conceptual themes common to all science disciplines; • mathematics and communication skills are integral parts of science instruction.

This position is supported by the National Science Education Standards (1996), which views inquiry as “central to science learning.” As the standards explain, “when engaging in inquiry, students describe objects and events, ask questions, construct explanations, test those explanations against current scientific knowledge, and communicate their ideas to others. They identify their assumptions, use critical and logical thinking, and consider alternative explanations.”

It is important for educators today to prepare students for the lives that they will lead outside of the classroom. The world has changed drastically over the past 75 years, and the education provided to students must reflect those changes. According to research from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2002), “workers need the learning capacity to become lifelong learners, updating their knowledge and skills continually and independently.” Inquiry-based learning pushes students to ask questions, think critically to answer those questions, synthesize their ideas, and draw conclusions. This type of learning prepares students to become learners outside of the classroom and provides them with tools that they can apply to other questions or problems they encounter. Despite widespread agreement on the importance of inquiry-based learning, some teachers are still hesitant to adopt this pedagogical approach in their science classrooms for a variety of reasons. Some feel it is only appropriate for advanced learners; others feel inadequately prepared for this type of instruction; still others are concerned about “managing” an inquiry-based classroom in which students have a greater opportunity, some would say, to be disruptive, pay less attention, socialize, or simply not participate. Yet, research proves these concerns are unfounded.

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Qualities of an Inquiry-based Classroom (cont.)The inquiry-based classroom is in stark contrast to rote learning, memorization (merely for the sake of memorization), or fact-based learning. In an inquiry-based classroom, the teacher does not impart knowledge as much as create an environment in which students learn for themselves through their own inquisitiveness and experiences.

Making the Transition to Inquiry-based Instruction Inquiry-based science lessons can take one of three approaches or range of practices: structured inquiry, guided inquiry, and open inquiry (Colburn 2000). Teachers can incorporate these approaches based on the needs of the students or the objectives of the lesson. In some lessons, it is important for students to have a more structured or guided activity, while other lessons may be more suited for “free-ranging explorations of unexplained phenomena” (Huziak 2003).

It is important to understand that these stages of inquiry are not independent of each other; rather, they exist along a continuum. Therefore, teachers do not need to make the transition to open inquiry-based instruction all at once. “Both students and teachers alike need time to gradually make a transition from the more classical confirmation-type activities and lectures to open-ended activities characteristic of inquiry-based instruction” (Colburn 2000).An inquiry-based science classroom offers both teachers and students a wonderful opportunity to explore science in an exciting way. While there is a learning curve in the adoption of this approach for both teachers and students, research confirms that inquiry-based methods of teaching not only improve student achievement in science (across all ability groups), but also increase student interest and excitement about science (Walker 2007). As Alan Colburn, professor in the Department of Science Education at California State University, Long Beach, concludes, “It’s up to you to find the right mix of inquiry and non-inquiry methods that engages your students in the learning of science” (2000).

Structured InquiryIn this process, teachers give students a problem to solve, the materials with which to solve the problem, and the steps to follow in conducting an experiment. The teacher does not provide the students with the expected outcome.

Guided Inquiry The teacher suggests possible problems to investigate and provides some materials that might be used in the investigation (students may add others). However, the teacher does not provide the actual steps to follow in the investigation. Students devise their own experimental design and draw their own conclusions.

Open Inquiry In this approach, students develop their own questions for investigation based on previous knowledge or discussion. They create hypotheses and design their own methods of investigation.

Introduction and Research

About Inquiry-based Learning (cont.)

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© Teacher Created Materials #12365 (i4489)—Electricity and Magnetism Teacher’s Guide 7

Using the 5 Es in a Science Classroom One method for structuring an inquiry-based instructional approach is based on a model developed by Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS 2006). This model employs the 5 Es—engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate—and is based on a constructivist philosophy of learning. In this philosophy of learning, students build or construct their own understanding of new ideas based on what they already know.

Each “E” represents part of a sequential instructional process or learning cycle designed to help students construct their own learning experiences and ultimate understanding of the topic or concept. The general goal and activities at each stage in the 5E model are listed below and on the following page.

EngageAt this stage, teachers introduce a topic or concept with an intriguing, fascinating, or challenging question or demonstration designed to capture students’ interest, curiosity, and attention. At this stage, teachers do not seek a “right answer”; rather, they prompt students to talk about what they already know about the topic (or think they may know), and discuss what else students would like to know.

ExploreDuring exploration, students conduct various hands-on or problem-solving activities and experiments designed to help them explore the topic and make connections to related concepts, often within groups or teams. During this stage, students share common experiences while the teacher acts as a facilitator, providing materials as needed and guiding the students’ focus.

Introduction and Research

About Inquiry-based Learning (cont.)


Lesson 1

What Is Electricity?

Materials • Atom (atom.pdf) • hula hoops (at least fi ve)

• balls (different colors and sizes)

ProcedureNote: Use three types of balls to represent the neutrons, protons, and electrons in an atom. Ping-pong balls make good electrons. Tennis balls or rubber balls of two different colors can be used for the neutrons and protons. Electrons are much smaller than protons and neutrons, so the ball size is important. Provide ten or more balls of each type, depending on your class size. Make sure that you have enough of each type to create balanced atoms.

1. Explain to students that they are going to build an atom. Tell them that they will be making the atoms using hula hoops and balls.

2. Pick four students. Tell them to work together to create an atom with one proton, one neutron, and one electron using a hula hoop and three different balls. When they are fi nished, have the class observe the structure of this atom.

3. Help the other students form groups of four. Distribute the balls and hoops to the groups. Tell students that each group will make an atom. Challenge students to see who can make an atom fi rst. Have students practice making atoms until you are confi dent that they can build atoms with ease and can identify the different parts.

4. When students can make atoms easily, tell them that the atom needs to stay balanced. Explain that each atom must have the same number of electrons and protons. Have them make atoms with more than one electron and proton.

5. Show students the Atom PDF found on the Teacher Resource CD. Have them describe the structure of the atom. Explain to students that sometimes electrons jump from one atom to another. Tell them that this fl ow of electrons is the fl ow of electricity.

In this section, students make models to help them understand the structure of an atom and its relationship to electricity.

#12365 (i4489)—Electricity and Magnetism Teacher’s Guide © Teacher Created Materials38


Lesson 1

What Is Electricity?

Materials • Inquiry Handbook:

Atoms and Electricity (page 11)

• books on electricity and atoms

• Internet (optional)

• different colors of modeling clay

• string or pipe cleaners • construction paper or poster

board • glue

ProcedureNote: You will need enough modeling clay for students to build particles of multiple atoms.

1. Remind students of what they have learned about the structure of atoms. Encourage students to share what they know.

2. Distribute copies of the Atoms and Electricity activity sheet to students. Read the directions as a class and allow students to ask questions.

3. Display the materials that students will use to complete their models. Explain what each material is and for what it could be used. Note: The modeling clay should be used to create the particles inside the atoms. The string or pipe cleaners can be used to represent the orbit that electrons follow. The glue can be used to mount the nonmoving parts of the atoms to the construction paper or poster board.

4. Divide the class into groups of four or fi ve students. Explain to students that each group will formulate a hypothesis and then research the question. Tell them that they should not begin to build their models until after their research is complete.

5. Allow students suffi cient time to research the question. Monitor students as they work to make sure they stay on track. Remind students to record the information they fi nd on a separate sheet of paper.

6. When students have fi nished researching and recording the information they have found, distribute the materials to each group and allow students to build their models. Allow students to choose the colors of modeling clay that they would like to use to represent each particle.

7. Discuss the data, collected during the students’ research, when all groups have fi nished.

8. Set aside time for students to present their work and demonstrate the fl ow of electricity from atom to atom. Make sure you have time for every group. It is good to limit the amount of time each group has to present so that each group will be effi cient and organized.

9. Have students record their conclusions. Ask for volunteers to share their conclusions when everyone is fi nished.

In this section, students research and make models of an atom to explore and simulate how electricity is created by electrons.

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Standards Overview

Content StandardsUnderstands the sources and properties of energy; knows that electricity in circuits can produce magnetic effects

Process StandardUnderstands that models can be used to represent and predict changes in objects, events, and processes

EngageIn this section, students observe how the interaction between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet can cause movement.

ExploreIn this section, students research how to construct a simple electric motor and carry out a plan to build one.

ExplainIn this section, students learn about electromagnets and electric motors.

ElaborateIn this section, students learn about brushless motors and think about how they are different from brushed motors.

EvaluateIn this section, students examine the Essential Question of the lesson and reflect on their learning. Students also take the Electromagnetism and Electric Motors Assessment.

© Teacher Created Materials #12365 (i4489)—Electricity and Magnetism Teacher’s Guide 155


Lesson 16

Electromagnetism and Electric Motors

Vocabularyarmature: the part of a motor that receives

power from a battery or other power source

commutator: a switch that reverses the direction of an electric current

rotor: the moving part of a motor

stator: the nonmoving part of a motor

Essential QuestionHow does electromagnetism create movement in an electric motor?

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#12365 (i4489)—Electricity and Magnetism Teacher’s Guide © Teacher Created Materials156

Electric MotorsElectric motors convert electricity into motion. The electricity can come from a generator (through an electric outlet) or it can come from a battery. There is a wide range of products that use electric motors. Common appliances that use electric motors include food processors, fans, electric toothbrushes, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, DVD players, computer printers, and power tools.

Electric motors work through the interaction of electromagnets and permanent magnets. By rapidly changing the polarity of an electromagnet, the magnets in a motor attract and repel to create movement.

Brushed and Brushless MotorsTwo basic types of electric motors are used today: brushed and brushless. A brush is the connection between the electromagnet and the electric current. It works with a switch called a commutator to change the direction of the current. As the electromagnets spin, the commutator continually comes into contact with the positive and negative terminals of the armature. This causes the polarity of the electromagnet to change. In an instant, its north and south poles switch. This continues the motion of axle and rotor.

A brushed motor has two permanent magnets that surround a part called an armature, which contains an axle and an electromagnet. When electricity is turned on, the electromagnet attracts and repels the permanent magnets around it. This spins the electromagnet, which turns the axle. The axle creates the motion that runs a mechanical device. Brushed motors are still the most common type of electric motor, and they are used in many appliances.

In a brushless motor, the electric current that is sent to the electromagnets is controlled by a computer, rather than a rotating commutator. This makes brushless motors more precise and faster than brushed motors. They also have fewer parts to wear out and are less likely to have breaks with the electrical connection. The computer alternates the current that runs through positive and negative terminals of the power source to change the polarity of the electromagnets. As in a brushed motor, this continuous reversal of polarity creates movement between the electromagnets and the permanent magnets. Brushless motors are used in computer equipment, DVD players, and electric vehicles.

Background Information for the Teacher

Lesson 16

Electromagnetism and Electric Motors







to power source


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ProcedureNote: Before the start of the lesson, prepare a set of materials for each group.

1. Talk to students and stress the importance of the following electricity rules:

• Always wear thick rubber gloves and rubber soled shoes when working with conductors and electricity. Do not let any part of your skin come into contact with wires or metal that carries an electric current.

• Always wear safety goggles to keep your eyes safe from any sparks that may be produced during an experiment.

2. Distribute copies of the Making an Electric Motor activity sheet. Review the activity sheet as a class.

3. Divide the class into groups. Have students formulate their hypotheses and conduct their research.

4. When students have finished researching and recording information about electromagnets and motors, distribute copies of the Simple Motor PDF found on the Teacher Resource CD. Go over the directions as a class.

5. Distribute materials to each group and allow students to build their simple motors.

6. Have students record their observations during the building process.

7. Have each group design a poster that includes both its research and its observations and conclusions.

8. Have each group present its experiment. As a class, discuss the experiment. Ask students to explain any challenges they faced during the experiment.

Materials • Inquiry Handbook:

Making an Electric Motor (page 131)

• Simple Motor (motor.pdf) • Internet (optional) • books on simple electric motors • rubber gloves and safety goggles • 55–60 cm (22–24 in.) of 18

gauge enameled copper wire


Lesson 16

Electromagnetism and Electric MotorsIn this section, students research how to construct a simple electric motor and carry out a plan to build one.

• D battery • 2 extra large paperclips • Neodymium or Ceramic

donut magnet • rubber band • poster board • colored pencils and


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Procedure 1. Distribute copies of the What Is an

Electric Motor? background page to students. Ask a volunteer to read the title of the article aloud.

2. Have students read the background page independently, in pairs, in small groups, or as a whole class.

3. Discuss the background page as a class. Tell students that the text describes the parts of an electric motor. The motor described is a brushed motor. Go through each part of the text with students. Make sure they can relate the description of each part to the diagrams on the background page.

4. Distribute copies of the Motors and Their Parts activity sheet to students. Tell them that this graphic organizer relates to what they just read and what they have learned about electric motors.

5. Read through the directions with students. Encourage them to share ideas and work together, though each student should fill out his or her own activity sheet.

6. Distribute copies of the Electromagnetism and Electric Motors Vocabulary activity sheet to students. Allow time for them to complete this activity. Have students work with peers, if they need help.

Materials • Inquiry Handbook:

What Is an Electric Motor? (page 132) Motors and Their Parts (page 133) Electromagnetism and Electric Motors Vocabulary (page 134)


Lesson 16

Electromagnetism and Electric MotorsIn this section, students learn about electromagnets and electric motors.

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AuthorsLynn Van Gorp

James D. Anderson, M.S.Ed.

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© Teacher Created Materials #12371—Electricity and Magnetism Inquiry Handbook 131

Lesson 16Name ____________________________________

Electromagnetism and Electric MotorsMaking an Electric MotorDirections: Follow the steps below to answer the question. Develop a hypothesis and complete your research. Use the materials your teacher has provided to build an electric motor. Record your observations and draw a conclusion. Present your research and electric motor on poster board.

QuestionHow do electromagnets help electric motors work?

HypothesisFormulate your hypothesis. (What is the answer to the question?) Write your hypothesis.

Exploring the Research 1. Research the question above using the Internet or school library. 2. Use the directions and materials given to you by your teacher to build an

electric motor with an electromagnet. 3. Create a poster that displays your motor and explains how it works.

Include the data that you gathered during your research and pictures or illustrations of the motor you built.

4. Present your poster and electric motor to the class.

ObservationsHow did your motor turn out? Record your observations.

ConclusionWhat is the answer to the question? Do your findings support your hypothesis? What did you learn from your research? Write your conclusions.

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#12371—Electricity and Magnetism Inquiry Handbook © Teacher Created Materials132

Lesson 16

Electromagnetism and Electric MotorsWhat Is an Electric Motor?An electric motor is a machine that turns electrical energy into mechanical energy. Mechanical energy is energy that can make things move. There are many types of electric motors. Some motors are very small. A small motor can move the parts of an electric toothbrush. Other motors are much larger. They can move large trains. Smaller motors can be powered with batteries. Larger motors need to be powered by generators. Motors are in many types of machines and appliances. They are in refrigerators. They are in dishwashers and microwaves. They are even in DVD players and computer printers.

How Electric Motors WorkMotors use two types of magnets to create motion. One type is called a permanent magnet. The permanent magnets have north and south poles that never change. A motor also has an electromagnet. The poles of the electromagnet do change. This change creates movement.

There are different parts inside an electric motor that work with the magnets to help the motor run. The following parts are the main parts of a motor:

• armature: The armature is the part of a motor that receives power from a battery or other electrical source. This part of the motor includes the electromagnets.

• axle: The axle is the metal shaft inside a motor. It can be attached to a rotor in some motors. In this case, it is a moving part. In other motors it is not attached to the rotor. The axle in these motors is a nonmoving part. The rotor moves around the axle in these motors.

• commutator: The commutator is a switch that can reverse the magnetic poles of the electromagnets in a motor. This causes the two types of magnets in a motor to attract and repel each other—creating movement.

• rotor:The rotor is the moving part of a motor. • stator: The stator is the nonmoving part of a motor.







to power source


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© Teacher Created Materials #12371—Electricity and Magnetism Inquiry Handbook 133

Lesson 16Name ____________________________________

Electromagnetism and Electric MotorsMotors and Their PartsDirections: Write the names of the parts of a motor and a few words to describe each part in the ovals provided.


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#12371—Electricity and Magnetism Inquiry Handbook © Teacher Created Materials134

Name ____________________________________Lesson 16

Electromagnetism and Electric MotorsElectromagnetism and Electric Motors VocabularyDirections: Write the vocabulary word or phrase next to its definition. Choose words from the Word Box below.

Word Box armature commutator rotor stator

Directions: Write a poem about an electric motor and how it works. Try to use all the vocabulary words in your poem.









VocabularyWord Definition

1. a switch that reverses the direction of an electric current

2. the moving part of a motor

3. the nonmoving part of a motor

4. the part of a motor that receives power from a battery or other power source

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© Teacher Created Materials #12365 (i4490)—Inquiry Cards

  Analyzing Science ● Which parts move in this brushless motor?

■ What are some of the advantages of using a brushless motor?

▲What other types of motors do you know about? how do you think they work?

  Nonfiction Writing PromptWrite a compare and contrast essay that compares different types of electric motors. Give your opinion about which type of motor you think is the best.

  Fiction Writing PromptWrite a story about a student who builds a brushless electric motor out of objects he finds around the house. include the purpose of this motor and how it is used by the student.

Scientific ChallengeFind items in your home that use electric motors. if possible, find an old toy, or an appliance—like a can opener or a small mixer—that you can take apart. Make a poster showing what you see. show how the motor creates movement. describe what the motor’s movement does.

Brushless MotorsBackground Informationall simple motors use electromagnetism to create movement. Brushless motors are a type of simple motor. these motors do not wear out quickly as other motors do. they also do not need to be fixed as often.

the front of this card shows images and a diagram of a brushless motor. this motor is from a computer Cd drive. here is how it works:

1 electricity is sent to the electromagnet through a positive and a negative wire. a computer controls the flow of electricity.

2 electromagnets are attached to the stator (steY-ter). they do not move inside the motor. the electromagnets receive electricity from the power supply. the computer controls the flow of electricity to change the polarity of the electromagnets.

3 this changing polarity creates magnetic fields that repel and attract the permanent magnets. this causes the permanent magnets to move in a rotation.

4 the axle and motor housing, or rotor, is attached to the permanent magnets. as the permanent magnets rotate, the rotor also moves. this makes the Cd drive spin.

Motors use magnetism to create movement all around us. What things do you use that contain permanent magnets and electromagnets?