author's note for literacy narrative

Alyssa Smith Ms. Dearing English 106 10 February 2015 Dear Reader, I believe that the strengths of my draft are the vast amounts of information available to me and the depth of literacy. I have worked at Wabash Center for a long time and have learned a lot of information so it was very easy to have material that I could write about. I am also there every single day so I learn new things every shift with ever consumer. A difficulty I had when writing this draft was choosing information to write about very carefully. There are strict privacy laws and confidentiality requirements so I had to be extremely careful about what information I could legally use. This was specifically hard in choosing key moments of my literacy because I cannot use their names or go into too much detail. It was also hard to find dialogue I could use for these same

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Author's note


Page 1: Author's Note for Literacy Narrative

Alyssa Smith

Ms. Dearing

English 106

10 February 2015

Dear Reader,

I believe that the strengths of my draft are the vast amounts of information available to

me and the depth of literacy. I have worked at Wabash Center for a long time and have learned a

lot of information so it was very easy to have material that I could write about. I am also there

every single day so I learn new things every shift with ever consumer.

A difficulty I had when writing this draft was choosing information to write about very

carefully. There are strict privacy laws and confidentiality requirements so I had to be extremely

careful about what information I could legally use. This was specifically hard in choosing key

moments of my literacy because I cannot use their names or go into too much detail. It was also

hard to find dialogue I could use for these same reasons, so the dialogue I chose was a little one

sided since I did a lot of listening and learning to the story.

This assignment has changed the way I think about literacy because I did not even know

the full use of the word before this class. I believed to be literate meant that you could read and

write; not that you can be literate in many aspects of life. I had to look at myself and see all of

the things I was literate in and how in depth my knowledge is. It showed me how many things I

truly know and how I use them in my daily life. Especially my literacy in the field of adults with


Page 2: Author's Note for Literacy Narrative

I want my readers to look further into themselves and see how many things they are

literate in. I also want them to see how they relate to my literacy. To see if they have anyone in

their lives with disabilities, or even going anywhere like the store or the bowling alley where

they will be exposed to these adults and apply some of the knowledge they have learned from

this paper to those situations.

I liked that the peer review was randomly assigned so they no one was biased in their

comments. I also liked that it was on the computer because it just makes things easier to work on

from anywhere without having to keep track of a computer and to not have to look back and

forth from a paper to the computer to make changes. I also enjoyed that it was on canvas. I was

able to see how it worked and make my comments directly on the computer and I thought it was

interesting and easy. The only thing I would change would be to have a few extra seconds set

aside to fully explain to the class how to use canvas so there is no confusion, but I definitely

would not throw out canvas all together or use paper copies to peer edit.


Alyssa Smith