aus der klinik für pädiatrie mit dem schwerpunkt pneumologie und

1 Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und Immunologie der Medizinischen Fakultät Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin DISSERTATION Enhancing Vaccine Safety Monitoring and the Accurate Reporting and Differential Diagnosis of Adverse Events in Clinical Research and the Pediatric Acute Care Setting zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doctor medicinae (Dr. med.) vorgelegt der Medizinischen Fakultät Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin von Susann Mühlhans aus Radebeul Datum der Promotion: 09.09.2016

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Page 1: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie

mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und Immunologie

der Medizinischen Fakultät Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin


Enhancing Vaccine Safety Monitoring and the

Accurate Reporting and Differential Diagnosis of Adverse Events

in Clinical Research and the Pediatric Acute Care Setting

zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades

Doctor medicinae (Dr. med.)

vorgelegt der Medizinischen Fakultät

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin


Susann Mühlhans

aus Radebeul

Datum der Promotion: 09.09.2016

Page 2: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


Table of Content

Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 3

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 6

2. Methods ........................................................................................................................... 9

2.1. Systematic Review .......................................................................................................... 9

2.2. Online Survey among Pediatricians in Germany and Russia .......................................... 9

2.3. Influenza and RSV Rapid Testing at the Point of Care ................................................. 10

2.3.1. First Generation Rapid Testing - QuickVueTM Influenza A+B and RSV10 ................. 10

2.3.2. Second Generation Rapid Testing - SOFIATM Influenza A+B and RSV ..................... 10

2.4. Vaccine Safety Communication Training at Charité University .................................. 10

3. Results ........................................................................................................................... 10

3.1. Safety Reporting in Developing Country Vaccine Clinical Trials ................................ 10

3.2. Awareness and Utilization of Reporting Standards for AEFI ....................................... 11

3.3. Influenza and RSV Rapid Testing at the Point of Care ................................................. 13

3.3.1. QuickVueTM Influenza A + B and RSV10 .................................................................... 13

3.3.2. SOFIATM Influenza A + B and SOFIATM RSV ............................................................. 13

3.4. Vaccine Safety Communication Training at Charité University .................................. 14

4. Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 15

References ................................................................................................................................ 20

Affidavit ................................................................................................................................... 24

Detailed Declaration of Contribution ....................................................................................... 25

Print Copies of Selected Publications ...................................................................................... 27

Curriculum Vitae ...................................................................................................................... 65

Publications .............................................................................................................................. 66

Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................... 72

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AE Adverse Event

AEFI Adverse Event Following Immunization

BC Brighton Collaboration

CDC Center for Diseases Control

CIOMS Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences

DLR Diagnostic Likelihood Ratio

FDA Food and Drug Administration

HCP Health Care Professional

NPV Negative Predictive Value

PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction

PEI Paul Ehrlich Institute

POC Point Of Care

PPV Positive Predictive Value

QM Quality Management

RCT Randomized Clinical Trial

RKI Robert Koch Institute

RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus

WHO World Health Organization

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Einleitung Präzise und zeitgerechte Meldungen von unerwarteten Ereignissen nach Impfung

(UENI) sind entscheidend für die Auswertung von Impfsicherheitssignalen. Bevor ein kausaler

Zusammenhang zwischen der verabreichten Impfung und dem Ereignis untersucht werden kann,

muss dieses durch z.B. definierte Falldefinitionen erhoben werden. Typische pädiatrische

Symptome, wie Fieber und Influenza-ähnliche Erkrankungen werden in der Pädiatrie oft als UENI

fehlinterpretiert. Methodik Wir erstellten eine systematische Übersicht (Medline, Embase, 1989-

2011) welche die Verwendung von Falldefinitionen zur Erhebung von Impfsicherheitssignalen in

randomisierten, klinischen Studien in Entwicklungsländern analysiert. Eine Onlineumfrage unter

Mitgliedern der Deutschen und Russischen pädiatrischen Berufsverbänden, untersuchte die

Integrierung einer formalen Impfausbildung in der pädiatrischen Weiterbildung, die Kenntnis von

Meldewegen sowie die Nutzung von Falldefinitionen zur Erhebung von UENI. An der Charité

wurde der Nutzen von Influenza- und RSV-Schnelltests zur Differenzierung eines UENI von einer

natürlichen Infektion untersucht. Ergebnisse In 70% der 50 Impfsicherheitsstudien wurde

mindestens eine Falldefinition genutzt. Fieber wurde am häufigsten definiert; 16 verschiedene

Fieberdefinitionen wurden verzeichnet. Die logistische Regressionsanalyse zeigte eine positive

Korrelation zwischen der Verwendung einer beliebigen Fieberdefinition und der

Wahrscheinlichkeit Fieber als ein UENI zu detektieren (p = 0.027). Unter 1.632 analysierten

Onlinefragebögen zeigte sich, dass Pädiater mehr als eine Stunde pro Arbeitstag für die

Impfberatung aufwenden, obwohl die Mehrheit (57%) keine Impfausbildung erhielt. Korrekte

Meldewege für UENI kannten 35%, Falldefinitionen nur ein Drittel der Befragten.

Impfsicherheitsgeschulte Pädiater wendeten signifikant häufiger Falldefinitionen und korrekte

Meldewege an (p < 0.05). Fluoreszenz-basierte Influenza- und RSV-Schnelltests (SOFIA™)

wurden mit Immunoassay-basierten Schnelltests (QuickVueTM) verglichen; als Goldstandard

diente die am Robert Koch Institut durchgeführte quantitative Echtzeit-PCR. Fluoreszenz-basierte

Schnelltests zeigten höhere Sensitivitäten/Spezifitäten für RSV (78.6/93.9%), Influenza A

(80.6/99.3%) und Influenza B (71.9/99.0%). Schlussfolgerung Die Analyse von

Impfsicherheitssignalen ist stark von der exakten Erhebung von UENI abhängig. Durch die

Optimierung vorhandener, internationaler Impfsicherheitsstandards können Metaanalysen

zahlreicher Impfsicherheitsdaten vereinfacht und somit seltene UENI besser detektiert werden.

Zuverlässige fluoreszenz-basierte Influenza- und RSV-Schnelltests stellen eine sinnvolle

Ergänzung zur Impfsicherheitskommunikation in der pädiatrischen Grundversorgung dar. Eine

pädiatrische Impfausbildung ist unbedingt erforderlich, um das Wissen um die Meldung von

UENI, in Zulassungsstudien und auch Anwendungsbeobachtungen von Impfstoffen, zu stärken.

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Introduction Accurate and timely reporting of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) is

key to vaccine safety surveillance. Before the causality of a presumed AEFI can be investigated,

the AEFI need to be ‘ascertained’, i.e. mapped to pre-defined case definitions. Common symptoms

in pediatrics, such as fever and influenza-like-illness are often mistaken for AEFI. Methods We

conducted a systematic review (Medline, Embase, 1989–2011) of developing country randomized

clinical vaccine trials (RCT) studying utilization of case definitions for the reporting of safety

outcomes. We also conducted a 31-item online questionnaire among members of the German and

Russian Professional Pediatric Associations, assessing exposure to vaccine safety training,

awareness of reporting pathways and utilization of case definitions. At Charité, we tested the value

of point-of-care diagnostics for influenza and RSV as a means of differentiating “natural infection”

from AEFI. Results In 50 vaccine safety clinical trials, 70% used at least one case definition. The

most commonly defined AEFI was fever, but 16 different fever case definitions were used.

Logistic regression showed a positive correlation between implementation of any fever case

definition with the likelihood of detecting fever as an AEFI (p = 0.027). Analysis of 1.632 online

questionnaires from German and Russian pediatricians revealed that at least one hour per workday

was spent on vaccine consultations, even though the majority (57%) had never received any

vaccine safety training. Accurate AEFI reporting pathways were known to 35%, case definitions

to only one-third. Pediatricians who had been trained in vaccine safety, were significantly more

likely to apply case definitions and to report AEFI accurately (p < 0.05). Novel fluorescence-

labeled point-of-care tests for influenza and RSV (SOFIA™) were compared to “traditional” rapid

tests, (QuickVueTM) using real-time PCR at the Robert Koch Institute as gold standard. Novel,

fluorescence-based SOFIATM tests showed increased sensitivities/specificities of RSV

(78.6/93.9%), Influenza A (80.6/99.3%) and Influenza B (71.9/99.0%) compared to real-time

PCR. Conclusion Vaccine safety reporting relies on accurate AEFI ascertainment. International

standards are available and should be streamlined to facilitate the pooled analysis of large numbers

of vaccine safety data across sites, ensuring ‘meta-analyzability’ and the detection of rare AEFI.

Second-generation point-of-care tests for influenza and RSV provide highly accurate results

assisting in the timely vaccine safety communication in the acute care setting. Formal vaccine

safety training is urgently needed to strengthen pediatric core competencies for AEFI reporting

and the accurate conduct of vaccine clinical trials.

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1. Introduction

Trust in Vaccines and Vaccine Safety Monitoring

Vaccines are among the most effective public health measures helping to maintain health and to

prevent morbidity and mortality (1). Routine immunizations are mainly administered during

childhood to prevent infections and the transmission of infectious diseases (2). The fear of adverse

events (AE) is usually greater with regards to immunization than to drugs, as vaccines are typically

administered to healthy individuals. The occurrence of real or perceived adverse events following

immunization (AEFI) may diminish levels of trust in vaccines. The mass media may further

amplify fears, rumors and uncertainties (3), (4).

Physicians’ Reporting of Adverse Events Following Immunization

O’Leary et al. concluded from a survey they conducted, that more and more physicians are

themselves losing confidence in the safety of vaccines, especially during pre-licensure vaccine

clinical trials (5). The adequate conduct of pre- and post-marketing studies is equally essential,

combined with transparent and accurate but understandable communication of the outcomes of

such studies (6).

Parents tend to rely on pediatricians with questions and concerns about vaccine safety (7), (8). It

has been shown that parental trust in vaccines is highly dependent on a healthy doctor-patient

relationship (9). Pediatricians working in the frontlines in primary health care settings, are usually

the ones administering vaccines and, may be the first to encounter AEFI (10), (11). This is the

reason why pediatricians play an important role in the timely assessment and reporting of AEFI to

the respective vaccine-pharmacovigilance agency such as the Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) in the United States and the Paul-Ehrlich Institute (PEI) in Germany (12).

Causality Assessment for Adverse Events Following Immunization

The global monitoring of AEFI, however, is in the hands of the World Health Organization

(WHO). In March 2013, WHO published a revised user manual and aide-mémoire providing an

algorithm to assist with systematic, standardized AEFI causality assessment to be used by

regulatory authorities, pharmacovigilance or surveillance departments in national immunization

programs (13). A recently published editorial highlighted that despite these global coordination

efforts, uniform AEFI causality assessment methodologies were practically nonexistent in the

biomedical literature (PubMed) published between 1989 and 2014 (14). The purpose of the WHO

algorithm is to assist the assessor in the rapid evaluation of the likelihood of a causal association

between a particular AE and the vaccine administered to the respective patient. Depending on the

quality of the information available regarding the AE in question, three levels of association are

defined as follows: A) Consistent causal association, B) Intermediate causal association, and C)

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Inconsistent causal association (coincident event); if adequate data are missing, the event has to

be considered as “unclassifiable” (13).

Ascertainment of Adverse Events Following Immunization

Before causality can be assessed however, it must be ascertained whether or not an AE has

occurred in the first place (AEFI ascertainment). The AEFI causality assessment is usually based

on individual patient data and is highly dependent on the quality of the respective AEFI report.

This implies that the physicians who may encounter AEFI must be trained in AEFI ascertainment

and reporting, including the compliance with international case definitions and reporting

guidelines. Studies have shown that the quality of AEFI reports originating from health care

professionals (HCP) is in fact unsatisfactory (15). Adherence to published vaccine

pharmacovigilance terminologies issued by the Council for International Organizations of Medical

Sciences (CIOMS), the WHO, the Brighton Collaboration (BC) and others will ensure a common

language in AEFI reporting and ascertainment (16).

Adapting Vaccine Safety Monitoring Systems for Developing Countries

The rapid development of new vaccines in developing countries against common childhood

diseases, and the gradual emergence of clinical trial infrastructure in developing countries provide

new opportunities. With this clinical trial infrastructure in place, there is increased demand for

standardization and alignment with terminologies and algorithms used in different parts of the

world (17), (18). This work provides a first insight focused on vaccine safety clinical research in

low-resource settings, to identify gaps and progress made with regard to an expanding international

vaccine safety infrastructure.

Vaccine Safety Training among Health Care Professionals

Pediatricians should use existing guidelines as a desk reference to improve the quality of AEFI

reports and hereby, the quality of post-marketing surveillances. A survey conducted by Zanoni et

al. in 2009 investigated vaccine safety monitoring programs across 26 European countries and

stated that only 35% of participating countries had developed training programs providing

guidance to HCP (19). The authors concluded an urgent need to improve vaccine safety training,

teaching HCP to ascertain and report AEFI accurately.

To obtain detailed data on the current situation in Germany and Russia as a comparator, this work

investigated whether pediatricians had ever received any vaccine safety training during their

medical education and specialization. The goal was to identify knowledge gaps in vaccine safety

reporting practices in pediatric health care settings directing the development of new training

programs in teaching vaccine safety standards and communication skills among HCP.

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Differential Diagnosis of Adverse Events Following Immunization

Any physician taking a comprehensive medical history should inquire about any previous AEFI

(if applicable) and any underlying conditions (i.e. allergies, genetic disorders, drug habits,

preceding surgical procedures or traumata). A comprehensive vaccination and exposure history

should be followed by a complete physical examination to rule out any concomitant AE or illness.

During early childhood, when the majority of routine immunizations are administered, the most

common concurrent illness may be an acute infectious disease, mostly viral in origin, and typically

occurring 4-8 times per year in infants and toddlers (20). These infections are usually coincidental

and may be unapparent before or at the time of immunization and thus create considerable

confusion when assessing the tolerability of routine childhood vaccines (21).

The Role of Rapid Diagnostics in Vaccine Safety Monitoring

Influenza viruses and respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV) are among the most common causes of

respiratory viral illness leading to hospitalization in this age group (22), (23). In early childhood,

acute respiratory infections and influenza-like illness are common and may be accompanied by

nonspecific symptoms such as fever, headache, cough, and fatigue, rash, malaise, vomiting, and

others. Any of these signs, when occurring within the first days after immunization, may be

mistaken for AEFI (24)-(26). The timely confirmation of ongoing infections with influenza or

RSV has now become possible with the development of highly sensitive and specific rapid

diagnostic methods. Ruling-out infectious triggers of AE constitutes an important step in AEFI

causality assessments. In the acute care setting, rapid diagnostics open the opportunity for

improved communication with concerned parents. In the past, the utility of influenza and RSV

point of care (POC) testing in clinical practice has been debated, as reported sensitivities varied

widely (27)-(32).


This work addresses three key aspects of the complex issue of international vaccine safety

monitoring and reporting: the implementation of AEFI definitions in randomized clinical trials

(RCT), the AEFI reporting in everyday clinical practice and the usefulness of POC diagnostics as

a concrete measure to improve the monitoring of vaccine preventable diseases and vaccine safety

and to achieve greater accuracy in vaccine communication in pediatric acute care settings.

1) We conducted a systematic literature review analyzing the utilization of standardized

definitions in vaccine safety RCT in low- and middle-income countries.

2) In collaboration with Pediatric Professional Associations in Germany and Russia, we

conducted an online survey assessing AEFI ascertainment and reporting practices in different

health care settings and the role of vaccine safety training during medical school or

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postgraduate training. The German and Russian pediatric societies were chosen because of

the differences in the educational system in both countries. The Russian “academy system”

allows students to focus on pediatrics from the beginning of their medical studies, whereas

German students complete six years of general medical school before specializing in

pediatrics during residency training.

3) For the timely differential diagnosis of common infectious diseases of childhood versus AEFI

at the patients’ individual level, we evaluated a conventional laminar flow test for the detection

of influenza and RSV (QuickVue™) compared to an second generation fluorescence-based

rapid antigen detection assay (SOFIA™) at the pediatric POC at Charité, compared to

standardized real-time PCR assays.

4) To provide additional opportunities for vaccinology training during medical school electives,

an innovative teaching program was implemented for interested students at Charité, which

allows them to receive formal training in vaccinology.

2. Methods

2.1.Systematic Review

To assess the situation in RCT in low- and middle-income countries, a systematic literature review

was conducted. Medline and Embase (1989–2011) were screened on 31 October 2011 for

developing country RCT, reporting safety outcomes with ≥ 50% developing country participation.

Developing country vaccine RCT were analyzed with respect to the number of participants, age

groups studied, inclusion of safety information, number of reported AEFI, type and duration of

safety follow-up, and the use of standardized AEFI case definitions.

2.2.Online Survey among Pediatricians in Germany and Russia

An online survey among members of the German and Russian Professional Pediatric Associations

was conducted, analyzing AEFI ascertainment and reporting practices in different health care

settings. In May 2011, a 31-item online vaccine safety questionnaire was sent to members of the

German Professional Association for Pediatricians (Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte,

BVKJ) and the Union of Pediatricians of Russia (UPR), via membership mailing list servers in

German and Russian. The survey instrument captured information on vaccine safety training, the

amount of time spent on vaccine safety consultations, awareness of AEFI reporting pathways, and

use of standardized definitions for the ascertainment of AEFI. Participants were also provided with

a checklist of potential sources of information on vaccine safety and reporting pathways.

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2.3.Influenza and RSV Rapid Testing at the Point of Care

The evaluation of both rapid testing methods was carried out in the context of the IRB approved

influenza quality management (QM) program at the Charité Department of Pediatrics, Berlin,

Germany in collaboration with the National Reference Center for Influenza at the Robert Koch

Institute (RKI) (33). Pediatric inpatients at Charité and children (aged 0–18 years) presenting to

the pediatric emergency rooms were screened once a week based on predefined criteria, defined

as fever ≥ 38°C and one or more signs/symptoms of respiratory tract infection. Screening and rapid

testing of nasal and nasopharyngeal samples were performed in real-time by a specifically trained

independent QM team. For validation of rapid test results, real-time PCR was performed at the

National Reference Centre for Influenza at the RKI (34).

2.3.1. First Generation Rapid Testing - QuickVueTM Influenza A+B and RSV10

Between January 2010 and April 2011 nasopharyngeal swabs/aspirates underwent immediate and

simultaneous rapid testing using the QuickVueTM Influenza A+B and RSV10 (Quidel) dipstick

immunoassays according to the manufacturer’s protocol.

2.3.2. Second Generation Rapid Testing - SOFIATM Influenza A+B and RSV

Between November 2011 and March 2012 and from December 2012 to April 2013 rapid testing

via SOFIATM Influenza A+B and RSV test kits (Quidel) was performed, which as well employed

a lateral-flow immunofluorescence technique interpreted with the SOFIATM analyzer. Testing was

performed according to the manufacturer’s protocol.

2.4.Vaccine Safety Communication Training at Charité University

During the winter semester 2010/11 a specific 3-week Modular Training Program in Vaccine

Safety & Communication was implemented, including intense training with a mixture of teaching

sessions associated with practical applications in small group settings and combined with e-

learning features, interviews and consultations with parents and children on the topic of vaccine

safety as well as evidence-based literature training and regular evaluations.

3. Results

3.1.Safety Reporting in Developing Country Vaccine Clinical Trials

The systematic search yielded a total number of 50 RCT reporting safety outcomes. A total number

of 446,908 participants were enrolled. Overall 735,920 vaccine doses were administered, with an

average of 1.64 vaccine doses administered/participant. Only 12/50 trials enrolled more than 3,000

subjects, 11 trials had more than 10,000 participants. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of the developing

country vaccine RCT were conducted in children (0–18 years) with three out of four pediatric

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vaccine trial restricted to infants (0–1 year). Of note, 66% of these infant vaccine trials did not

report any AEFI during the follow-up period. In 56% of all RCT publications, AEFI assessments

and AEFI reporting were conducted by HCP, the remaining 44% did not name the profession of

the individual responsible for safety surveillance and reporting. The duration of follow-up was

specified in 49/50 vaccine RCT publications and ranged from 3 days to 2 years (mean 73 days,

median 56 days). Safety follow-up however, was not always differentiated from follow-up for

efficacy endpoints. The majority (62%) of the long-term follow-up visits were conducted in

person. In 23/50 developing country vaccine RCT publications, an additional immediate safety

observation was performed after immunization ranging from 15 to 60 min (mean 16.9 min, median

30 min). In 70% (35/50) of all RCT listed in our review, at least one AEFI definition was used.

The most commonly defined AEFI was fever, followed by local and systemic reactions. Logistic

regression analysis revealed a positive correlation between the implementation of any fever case

definition and the reporting rate for fever as an AEFI (p = 0.027).

Figure 1 - Reporting rates for fever as an AEFI (per vaccine dose administered) in RCT with and without the use of

fever case definition (CD)

Overall, 16 different definitions for fever were applied, indicating a significant lack of

standardization. Predefined AEFI definitions as issued by the BC and endorsed by WHO and other

regulatory authorities, were used in only 2/50 RCT.

3.2.Awareness and Utilization of Reporting Standards for AEFI

A total of 1,632 pediatricians in Germany and Russia completed the online questionnaire with 808

German and 824 Russian completed surveys. Among surveyed pediatricians, 98.9% are spending

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nearly one hour per workday on vaccine safety consultations. Nevertheless, the majority of

surveyed pediatricians (56.7%) had never received any formal vaccine safety training during

medical or postgraduate training. About half of the Russian participants (55.3%, p < 0.01) had

been exposed to formal vaccine safety training, compared with only one-quarter of German

participants (26%, p < 0.01). This comparison was of interest as the Russian Academy System

allows students to specialize in pediatrics from the first year of medical studies onwards, rather

than after graduation from medical school, as is the case in Germany. Russian and German

pediatricians uniformly named their pediatric association as the preferred source of vaccine safety

information, followed by the Ministry of Health (both at the p < 0.05 level). When asked which

would be the accurate AEFI reporting pathway in their country, only 35% of participating

pediatricians (29/39% in Germany/Russia) were able to name the national regulatory agency in

charge of vaccine-pharmacovigilance. The majority (65%) would report to other institutions,

resulting either in significant delay of safety reports (20/21% in Germany/Russia) or complete loss

(51/40% in Germany/Russia). AEFI (real or perceived) had been observed by 68% of all survey

participants. Two-thirds were either unaware of, or unwilling to use, AEFI ascertainment criteria

(Figure 2).

Figure 2 – AEFI ascertainment using case definitions [utilization of AEFI definitions (Def.)] in relation to AEFI

perception. A) All health care settings B) Other health care settings C) Primary health care settings D) Specialized

health care settings. Each field in the two-by-two table illustrates the total number and percentage of pediatricians

working in different health care settings in relation to utilization of AEFI definitions (y-axis) and AEFI perception (x-


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Among pediatricians unwilling to use standardized criteria for case ascertainment, 70% reported

having previously encountered AEFI in clinical practice. Again, primary care pediatricians were

most likely to have encountered AEFI, but were the least likely group to utilize AEFI case

definitions (p < 0.01). There was a significant association between formal vaccine safety training

and knowledge of accurate AEFI reporting pathways (p < 0.05). Training had a significant impact

on the utilization of standardized AEFI definitions in pediatric primary care (p < 0.001). Most

pediatricians utilizing AEFI definitions had received vaccine safety training during pediatric

specialization (26.3%) and medical studies (23.1%).

3.3.Influenza and RSV Rapid Testing at the Point of Care

3.3.1. QuickVueTM Influenza A + B and RSV10

A total number of 395 consecutive QM cohort subjects were tested at the POC during the

2010/2011 flu season. The sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive value (PPV), negative

predictive value (NPV), as well as positive and negative diagnostic likelihood ratios (DLR) are

displayed in Table 1.

Table 1 – Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive and

negative diagnostic likelihood ratios (DLR) for influenza and RSV in patients <1 year and >1 year of age using

QuickVueTM rapid tests at point of care

All <1 year >1 year

Influenza RSV Influenza RSV Influenza RSV

Sensitivity (%) 62.7 67.8 76.0 76.2 58.4 47.1

Specificity (%) 98.0 98.5 97.8 97.5 98.1 99.1

PPV (%) 91.4 88.9 86.4 91.4 93.1 80.0

NPV (%) 88.3 94.6 95.8 92.2 82.5 95.9

Positive DLR 30.6 35.2 30.0 45.6 31.0 50.4

Negative DLR 00.4 00.2 00.4 00.3 00.2 00.5

3.3.2. SOFIATM Influenza A + B and SOFIATM RSV

During the 2011/2012 flu season 649 nasopharyngeal samples were analyzed using the SOFIATM

Influenza A + B test kit. Key results are depicted in Table 2.

Table 2 – Sensitivity, Specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive and

negative diagnostic likelihood ratios (DLR) of the SofiaTM Influenza A+B rapid test in patients <1 and >1 year of age

at point of care.

All <1 year >1 year

Sensitivity (%) 78.1 85.7 76.3

Specificity (%) 99.7 100 99.4

PPV (%) 96.6 100 95.7

NPV (%) 97.3 99.1 96.2

Positive DLR 225 ∞ 137

Negative DLR 0.220 0.143 0.239

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During the 2012/2013 flu season 686 nasopharyngeal samples were analyzed using the SOFIATM

RSV test kit. Key results are depicted in Table 3.

Table 3 - Sensitivity, Specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive and

negative diagnostic likelihood ratios (DLR) of the SofiaTM RSV rapid test in patients <2 years and ≥2 years of age at

point of care.

All <2 years ≥2 years

Sensitivity (%) 78.6 81.8 68.6

Specificity (%) 93.9 92.4 95.2

PPV (%) 77.6 82.6 63.2

NPV (%) 94.2 92.0 96.2

Positive DLR 12.9 10.8 14.3

Negative DLR 0.23 0.20 0.33

3.4.Vaccine Safety Communication Training at Charité University

During the establishment of a vaccine safety elective at Charité, the following key elements have

been identified as basic skills that need to be taught to medical students:

o Building and strengthening factual knowledge about different types of vaccines, adjuvants and

vaccine delivery methods; accurate vaccination techniques and correct documentation

according to WHO standards (35).

o Evaluation of AEFI standardized case definitions and internationally approved reporting

pathways; generating awareness of vaccine safety organizations and key stakeholders.

o Knowledge of the aims of different immunization programs; generating an interest in global

and public health impacts of vaccines; awareness of national and international guidelines with

respect to vaccines and vaccine safety.

o Making immunization status checks an integral part of routine medical practice.

o Learning historical aspects of vaccine development including the implementation and

advancement of different vaccination schedules; discussing the path from licensure of new

vaccines to official recommendations by regulatory authorities.

o Discussing pros and cons of vaccines to argue about anti-vaccine movements; learning to

conduct an open dialogue with parents expressing vaccine hesitancy.

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4. Discussion

Lessons to be learned from Developing Country Vaccine Clinical Trials

With the conducted systematic review, several key areas were identified for developing country

vaccine RCT that would benefit from capacity building with regards to knowledge transfer and

standardization. These include the need for international consensus on the duration of follow-up

periods and safety surveillance methodologies, in alignment with the Consolidated Standards of

Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement for drug trials, as well as initiatives to optimize sample

size in safety trials, such that rare AEFI can be detected with sufficient certainty (36). Teaching

clinical investigators the consistent utilization of AEFI case definitions will be a key component.

Adjusting Vaccine Safety Follow-Up Periods and Patient Sample Sizes

It is surprising that all 50 reviewed vaccine RCT assessed the respective vaccine to be “safe” even

though 82% reported at least one AEFI. Although guidance exists on the optimum sample size in

clinical trials testing, not all of the reviewed RCT had a sufficient sample size to detect “rare AEFI”

(defined according to CIOMS/WHO) (16). During post-marketing surveillance, even higher

sample sizes can be achieved and thus rare AEFI would be more likely to be detected. To increase

the sensitivity of post-marketing surveillance, further methodologies should be harmonized with

pre-licensure clinical trials. Safety follow-up periods in vaccine RCT were highly inconsistent,

ranging from 3 days to 2 years. Because different AEFI may be expected to appear relatively soon

after immunization whereas others will occur with some delay, immediate and mid/long-term

safety follow-up are equally important. Furthermore, vaccine safety surveillance strategies should

be complemented by active screening methodologies such as home/hospital visits or structured

remote follow-up via internet or telephone, both conducted by trained HCP, as requested also by

Crawford et al. and others (37), (38). Subsequent to publication of our systematic review three

additional publications focused on the need to improve standardization and reporting

methodologies in developing countries (17), (39), (40). User-friendly technical aids, assisting the

HCP with mobile phone or tablet applications, may further facilitate the monitoring process of

vaccine safety, especially in low-resource settings (41)-(44).

Consistent Use of AEFI Case Definitions

Vaccine safety surveillance is challenging: large amounts of individual patient data need to be

pooled to detect rare, but serious AEFI. AEFI definitions should be standardized; to be helpful at

all they have to be applied very consistently over time, allowing comparability of vaccine safety

data across different sites and meta-analysis of RCT. Case definitions for fever showed the highest

degree of variability with 16 different definitions used. Logistic regression analysis revealed a

positive correlation between the implementation of a fever case definition and the reporting rates

Page 16: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


for fever as an AEFI (p = 0.027). This means that in the absence of AEFI case criteria, important

AEFI may go unnoticed. The findings that only one-third of pediatricians in Germany and Russia

had ever ascertained AEFI according to international standards, but that trained physicians were

more likely to know how and where to report AEFI accurately, demonstrate significant room for

improvement through focused vaccine safety training. These results are in line with a recent

qualitative study among HCP in Australia (45). The Patient-Reported Outcomes Safety Event

Reporting (PROSPER) Consortium has taken the initiative to crosslink industry, regulatory

authorities, academics, private sector and patient representatives to implement guidelines for the

monitoring of AE (46). Simplification of safety standards as proposed by WHO, FDA, European

Medicines Agency, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the BC and others, as well as

interdisciplinary collaboration are urgently needed to ensure the timely detection, ascertainment,

and reporting of AEFI in different parts of the world and during different phases of clinical

research and post-licensure surveillance.

WHO Causality Assessment Mechanisms for Adverse Events Following Immunization

Between 2004 and 2009, the CDC-funded Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA)

Network reviewed 76 individual cases of AEFI. Causality assessments were performed using

WHO criteria; in nearly one out of four cases, insufficient data made it impossible to perform

causality assessments (47). Vaccine-pharmacovigilance data, published by the PEI in Germany in

2013, revealed missing data in 29.2% of 1,778 reported AEFI (48). Incomplete safety data

represent a missed opportunity for accurate AEFI causality assessment. The above-mentioned

findings are in line with results presented by an Italian inter-regional project of post-marketing

surveillance of AEFI, coordinated by the Italian Medicines Agency since 2011. With the

introduction of medical training courses for HCP, the number of reported AEFI and the reporting

rate per 100,000 administered doses of vaccine increased during two years duration of the Italian

project (49). Other vaccine safety monitoring projects in collaboration with national health

authorities were established in different parts of the world, providing consultation services,

performed by vaccine experts via telephone, fax or e-mail, to improve vaccine risk-benefit

communication (50)-(52).

Addressing the Lack of Vaccine Safety Training Programs

The reported survey in Germany and Russia was specifically designed to focus on primary care

pediatricians due to their important role in the frontlines of vaccine safety signal detection and

reporting to regulatory authorities (53), (54). A recent survey in Australia among parents

confirmed that pediatricians are the prime focus point for AEFI reports (55).

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The discrepancy between the amount of time spent in daily vaccine safety consultations and the

lack of formal vaccine safety training was striking in the survey. The consequences of this lack of

training are severe, as this may result in delays or loss of crucial safety reports, as well as failures

in standardization and ascertainment of AEFI. The positive news is that exposure to vaccine safety

training was significantly linked to accurate AEFI reporting. It can be assumed that the majority

of participants volunteering their time to complete a full-length questionnaire belong to a highly

motivated group with an active interest in the topic of vaccine safety. Hence, awareness of

standards may have been over-reported. Our findings on poor formal vaccine safety training

among participating pediatricians are in line with a recent qualitative study conducted by Parella

et al. in 2013 that reveals inadequate training among general practitioners and emergency

department consultants pre- and post-graduation; all study participants argued in support of

improving structured training programs (45). To improve the situation among pediatricians and

other HCP, regular vaccine safety training should be obligational, during medical school and

beyond, and lifelong learning should be obligational for every physician worldwide. Theoretical

principles, including vaccine safety assessment tools and reporting pathways are as important as

the acquisition of communication skills. Students should be educated to discuss their questions

and concerns openly among peers, including via modern e-learning methodologies and OSCE

training in small groups; actual patient/parent encounters may provide participants with the

opportunity to practice listening skills and the communication of health messages in real-world

situations (56)-(58). The acquisition of knowledge and skills should be verified through pre- and

post-course assessments. Trained pediatricians and physicians are in a better position to

confidently address questions and concerns voiced by parents and patients. Pediatric professional

societies should take a lead in promoting the certification and evaluation of formal vaccine safety

training programs. It needs to be emphasized that in many countries, nurses or physician assistants

may also administer vaccines and thus should remain actively involved in vaccine safety training

initiatives, too (45), (59). Modern e-learning technologies by regulatory agencies, WHO, the CDC,

the European Centers of Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and others may help to

effectively disseminate information on safety standards and communication (60).

Utilization of Sensitive Rapid Diagnostics to Improve Vaccine Safety Communication

Highly sensitive POC tests will help the HCP to provide important health information to parents

directly at the time of presentation in the acute care setting. This may help to reassure parents that

the patients fever was due to virus, not a vaccine or that the acute respiratory infection within

weeks after influenza vaccine administration is in fact, influenza (i.e. vaccination failure) or

another virus. For public health authorities, the differential diagnosis will provide critical

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information helping to avoid errors such as “inconsistent causal association” of potential AEFI

with the administered vaccines, while providing early information if vaccines indeed fail to

provide the desired safety or efficacy. Rapid diagnostic testing will be of great advantage at the

pediatric POC, but it has to be emphasized that appropriate sample handling and processing will

be crucial for the sensitivity and specificity of POC tests (61).

Influenza and RSV Rapid Testing using QuickVueTM and SOFIATM Systems

For manual reading of tests, the staff should be trained to check for faint signals and control tines

and to read the test at the exact time point. Global Solutions of Infectious Diseases (GIS) and

others have developed smart phone technologies to help with the validation and digital

documentation of classical “strip test results” as they are generated by manually read laminar flow

tests such as QuickVue™ and many other tests (62). With the accurate technique, the detection

limit can be pushed to its limit. Second-generation tests such as the licensed SOFIA™ test, use

fluorescent-tagged antigen signals showing significant improvement over manually read tests. The

fluorescent signals show enhanced intensity and are read automatically and punctually, by a

fluorescent reader. The sensitivity of influenza and RSV SOFIATM rapid tests was comparable to

studies by other groups (63)-(67). This also represents a significant improvement over previous

evaluation of a first-generation test (QuickVueTM) in the same QM cohort setting. The sensitivity

and the high DLR for RSV and influenza SOFIA™ tests, are in line with the recently issued FDA

requirements (80% when using a molecular comparator method) (68). Subsequent to our findings

several additional publications stated the importance of improving and implementing POC tests at

the forefront of infectious disease control measurements (66), (69). Simultaneous sampling for

parallel rapid testing for influenza and RSV under “real-life” conditions at the POC therefore

provides timely information for parent consultation and infection control measures in the busy

acute care setting.

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We conclude that enhanced vaccine safety monitoring and communication, including accurate

reporting and ascertainment of AEFI could therefore be achieved by implementing the following


o Consistent implementation of vaccine safety standards and terminologies and coherent follow-

up periods during pre- and post-marketing surveillance.

o Accurate and timely reporting of potential AEFI to vaccine pharmacovigilance authorities.

o Precise causality assessments using the WHO algorithms.

o POC diagnostics of important infectious causes to help distinguish AEFI from vaccination

failure and AE due to “natural” causes.

o Intensive vaccine safety training of HCP, including risk communication and evidence-based

principles of vaccine safety surveillance and research to improve core competencies early on

during medical training and education.

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I, Susann Mühlhans, certify under penalty of perjury by my own signature that I have submitted

the thesis on the topic “Enhancing Vaccine Safety Monitoring and the Accurate Reporting and

Differential Diagnosis of Adverse Events in Clinical Research and the Pediatric Acute Care

Setting”. I wrote this thesis independently and without assistance from third parties, I used no other

aids than the listed sources and resources.

All points based literally or in spirit on publications or presentations of other authors are, as such,

in proper citations (see "uniform requirements for manuscripts (URM)" the ICMJE indicated. The section on methodology (in particular practical work, laboratory

requirements, statistical processing) and results (in particular images, graphics and tables)

corresponds to the URM (s. o.) and are answered by me. My contribution in the selected

publication for this dissertation corresponds to those that are specified in the following joint

declaration with the responsible person and supervisor.

The importance of this affidavit and the criminal consequences of a false affidavit (section 156,161

of the Criminal Code) are known to me and I understand the rights and responsibilities stated


____________________________ ____________________________

Date Signature

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Detailed Declaration of Contribution

Susann Mühlhans had the following share in the following publication:

Publication 1:

Muehlhans S, Richard G, Ali M, Codarini G, Elemuwa C, Khamesipour A, Maurer W,

Mworozi E, Kochhar S, Rundblad G, Vuitton D, Rath B. Safety reporting in developing

country vaccine clinical trials - A systematic review. Vaccine. 2012.

Contribution 70%, contribution in detail:

Contribution on literature search, review and analysis of literature data and writing first

draft of the manuscript, contribution to revisions of the manuscript during peer review.

Publication 2:

Muehlhans S, von Kleist M, Gretchukha T, Terhardt M, Fegeler U, Maurer W, Namazova-

Baranova L, Gaedicke G, Baranov A, Rath B. Awareness and Utilization of Reporting

Pathways for Adverse Events Following Immunization: Online Survey Among

Pediatricians in Russia and Germany. Paediatr Drugs. 2014.

Contribution 80%, contribution in detail:

Translation of survey questionnaire into German, recruitment of survey participants,

collection, ascertainment, collection and analysis of data and writing the first draft of the

manuscript, contribution to revisions of the manuscript during peer review.

Publication 3:

Rath B, Tief F, Obermeier P, Tuerk E, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, Adamou E, Duwe S,

Schweiger B. Early Detection of Influenza A & B Infection in Infants and Children using

Conventional and Fluorescence-based Rapid Testing. J Clin Virol. 2012.

Contribution 15 %, contribution in detail:

Patient recruitment and performance of experiments.

Page 26: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


Publication 4:

Tuttle RC, Weick A, Schwarz WS, Chen X, Obermeier P, Seeber L, Tief F, Muehlhans S,

Karsch K, Peiser C, Duwe S, Schweiger B, Rath B. Evaluation of a Novel Second-

Generation Rapid RSV Test at the Point-of-Care. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2015.

Contribution 10 %, contribution in detail:

Patient recruitment and performance of experiments.

Publication 5:

Rath B, Muehlhans S, Gaedicke G. Teaching Vaccine Safety Communication to Medical

Students and Health Professionals. Curr Drug Saf. 2015.

Contribution 30 %, contribution in detail:

Contribution on literature search, review and analysis of literature data.

Signature, date and stamp of the supervising university teacher


Signature of the doctoral candidate


Page 27: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


Print Copies of Selected Publications

Publication 1:

Muehlhans S, Richard G, Ali M, Codarini G, Elemuwa C, Khamesipour A, et al. Safety

reporting in developing country vaccine clinical trials-a systematic review. Vaccine.


Publication 2:

Muehlhans S, von Kleist M, Gretchukha T, Terhardt M, Fegeler U, Maurer W, et al.

Awareness and utilization of reporting pathways for adverse events following

immunization: online survey among pediatricians in Russia and Germany. Paediatr Drugs.


Publication 3:

Rath B, Tief F, Obermeier P, Tuerk E, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, et al. Early detection of

influenza A and B infection in infants and children using conventional and fluorescence-

based rapid testing. J Clin Virol. 2012;55(4):329-33.

Publication 4:

Tuttle R, Weick A, Schwarz WS, Chen X, Obermeier P, Seeber L, Tief F, Muehlhans S,

Karsch K, Peiser C, Duwe S, Schweiger B, Rath B. Evaluation of novel second-generation

RSV and influenza rapid tests at the point of care. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis.


Publication 5:

Rath B, Muehlhans S, Gaedicke G. Teaching vaccine safety communication to medical

students and health professionals. Curr Drug Saf. 2015;10(1):23-6.

Page 28: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


Muehlhans S, Richard G, Ali M, Codarini G, Elemuwa C, Khamesipour A, et al. Safety reporting

in developing country vaccine clinical trials-a systematic review. Vaccine. 2012 May

9;30(22):3255-65. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.02.059. Epub 2012 Mar 7.

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Muehlhans S, von Kleist M, Gretchukha T, Terhardt M, Fegeler U, Maurer W, et al. Awareness

and utilization of reporting pathways for adverse events following immunization: online survey

among pediatricians in Russia and Germany. Paediatr Drugs. 2014 Aug;16(4):321-30. doi:


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Rath B, Tief F, Obermeier P, Tuerk E, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, et al. Early detection of influenza

A and B infection in infants and children using conventional and fluorescence-based rapid testing.

J Clin Virol. 2012 Dec;55(4):329-33. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2012.08.002. Epub 2012 Aug 24.

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Tuttle R, Weick A, Schwarz WS, Chen X, Obermeier P, Seeber L, Tief F, Muehlhans S, Karsch

K, Peiser C, Duwe S, Schweiger B, Rath B. Evaluation of novel second-generation RSV and

influenza rapid tests at the point of care. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2015 Mar;81(3):171-6. doi:

10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2014.11.013. Epub 2014 Dec 3.

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Rath B, Muehlhans S, Gaedicke G. Teaching vaccine safety communication to medical students

and health professionals. Curr Drug Saf. 2015;10(1):23-6.

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Curriculum Vitae

Mein Lebenslauf wird aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen in der elektronischen Version meiner

Arbeit nicht veröffentlicht.

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Muehlhans S, Richard G, Ali M, Codarini G, Elemuwa C, Khamesipour A, Maurer W, Mworozi

E, Kochhar S, Rundblad G, Vuitton D, Rath B. Safety reporting in developing country vaccine

clinical trials-a systematic review. Vaccine. 2012;30(22):3255-65.

Rath B, Tief F, Obermeier P, Tuerk E, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, Adamou E, Duwe S, Schweiger

B. Early detection of influenza A and B infection in infants and children using conventional and

fluorescence-based rapid testing. J Clin Virol. 2012;55(4):329-33.

Rath B, von Kleist M, Tief F, Karsch K, Tuerk E, Muehlhans S, Louis F, Skopnik H, Schweiger

B, Duwe S. Virus load kinetics and resistance development during oseltamivir treatment in infants

and children infected with Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 and Influenza B viruses. Pediatr Infect Dis J.


Rath B, Tief F, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, Obermeier P, Adamou E, Chen X, Seeber L, Peiser C,

Hoppe C, von Kleist M, Conrad T, Schweiger B. Towards a personalised approach to managing

influenza infections in infants and children - food for thought and a note on oseltamivir. Infect

Disord Drug Targets. 2013;13(1):25-33.

Chen X, Pouran Yousef K, Duwe S, Karsch K, Grover S, Wahlisch S, Obermeier P, Tief F,

Muehlhans S, Seeber L, von Kleist M, Schweiger B, Rath B. Quantitative influenza follow-up

testing (QIFT)--a novel biomarker for the monitoring of disease activity at the point-of-care. PloS

One. 2014;9(3):e92500.

Muehlhans S, von Kleist M, Gretchukha T, Terhardt M, Fegeler U, Maurer W, Namazova-

Baranova L, Gaedicke G, Baranov A, Rath B. Awareness and utilization of reporting pathways

for adverse events following immunization: online survey among pediatricians in Russia and

Germany. Paediatr Drugs. 2014;16(4):321-30.

Page 67: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


Karsch K, Obermeier P, Seeber L, Chen X, Tief F, Muehlhans S, Hoppe C, Conrad T, Böttcher

S, Diedrich S, Rath B. Human Parechovirus Infections Associated with Seizures and Rash in

Infants and Toddlers. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2015;34(10):1049-55.

Rath B, Muehlhans S, Gaedicke G. Teaching vaccine safety communication to medical students

and health professionals. Curr Drug Saf. 2015;10(1):23-6.

Tuttle R, Weick A, Schwarz WS, Chen X, Obermeier P, Seeber L, Tief F, Muehlhans S, Karsch

K, Peiser C, Duwe S, Schweiger B, Rath B. Evaluation of novel second-generation RSV and

influenza rapid tests at the point of care. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2015;81(3):171-6.


Rath B, Tuerk E, Karsch K, Tief F, Verkin V, Muehlhans S, Schweiger B. Simultaneous

Influenza- and RSV Rapid Testing in Infants and Children with Influenza-Like Illness (Charité

Influenza-Like Disease Cohort. Poster Presentation, 4th ESWI Influenza Conference, Valetta,

Malta: September 11-14, 2011.

Muehlhans S, Richard G, Khamesipour A, Maurer W, Mworozi E, Kochhar S, Vuitton D, Rath

B. Safety Reporting in Developing Country Vaccine Clinical Trials – A Systematic Review. Poster

Presentation, XVI Congress of Pediatricians of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation: February

24-27, 2012.

Muehlhans S, Wiesenthal D, Terhardt M, Fegeler U, Gretchuka T, Galytskaya M, Gaedicke G,

Baranova-Namazova L, Baranov A, Rath B. Assessing Vaccine Safety Perceptions among

Members of Pediatric Professional Associations – a Collaborative Study with the Union of

Pediatricians of Russia and the German Professional Association of Pediatric and Adolescent

Medicine Providers (BVKJ). Panel Presentation, XVI Congress of Pediatricians of Russia,

Moscow, Russian Federation: February 24-27, 2012.

Rath B, Obermeier P, Tief F, Karsch K, Tuerk E, Muehlhans S, Schweiger B. Timely Detection

of Influenza A&B Infection in Infants and Children using Conventional and Fluorescence-based

Rapid Testing. Panel Presentation, 28th Clinical Virology Symposium, Daytona, FL, USA, April

22-25, 2012.

Page 68: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


Tuerk E, Kaufmann S, Goergen, Obermeier P, Tief F, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, Duwe S,

Schweiger B, Rath B. Early Diagnosis of Influenza A&B Infection in Infants and Children using

Fluorescence-based Rapid Testing. Poster Presentation, 28th Clinical Virology Symposium,

Daytona, FL, USA, April 22-25, 2012.

Rath B, von Kleist M, Tief F, Karsch K, Tuerk E, Muehlhans S, Louis F, Skopnik H, Schweiger

B, Duwe S. Shedding of resistant and susceptible influenza viruses in infants during oseltamivir

treatment. Poster Presentation, 3rd International Influenza Meeting, Muenster, Germany,

September 2-4, 2012.

Rath B, Chen X, Karsch K, Schwarz W, Seeber L, Obermeier P, Muehlhans S, Tief F, Conrad T,

Schweiger B. Unusual Presentations of Infuenza A/A and A/B Dual Infections – The Charité

Influenza-Like Disease (=ChILD) Cohort. Poster Presentation, The XV International Symposium

on Respiratory Viral Infections, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 14-17, 2013.

Chen X, Obermeier P, Tief F, Muehlhans S, Karsch K, Seeber L, Wählisch S, Duwe S, Yousef

K, von Kleist M, Schweiger B, Rath B. Rapid Follow-up testing for the monitoring of influenza

infections in infants and children. Poster Presentation, 29th Clinical Virology Symposium,

Daytona, FL, USA, April 27 –May 2, 2013.

Rath B, Muehlhans S, Tief F, Karsch K, Obermeier P, Chen X, Seeber L, Adamou E, Peiser C,

Schweiger B. Simultaneous influenza and RSV point-of-care diagnostics using innovative

fluorescence-based rapid testing. Poster Presentation, 29th Clinical Virology Symposium,

Daytona, FL, USA, April 27 –May 2, 2013.

Karsch K, Obermeier P, Seeber S, Chen X, Tief F, Muehlhans S, Schwarz W, Hoppe C, Conrad

T, Böttcher S, Diedrich S, Rath B. Prevalence and clinical characteristics of pediatric

parechovirus infections – the Meningitis Surveillance at Charité (=MenSCh) Cohort. Poster

Presentation, 29th Clinical Virology Symposium, Daytona, FL, USA, April 27 –May 2, 2013.

Page 69: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


Chen X, Pouran-Yousef K, Wählisch S, Obermeier P, Tief F, Muehlhans S, Seeber L, Karsch K,

Duwe S, von Kleist M, Schweiger B, Rath B. Quantitative influenza diagnostic testing (QIDT) as

a novel biomarker for the monitoring of disease activity at the point-of-care. Oral Presentation,

Options for the Control of Influenza VIII Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 5-10,


Tief F, Hoppe C, Seeber L, Obermeier P, Chen X, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, Adamou E, Conrad

T, Schweiger B, Adam T, Rath B. Impact of pneumococcal co-infection on disease severity and

antibiotic prescriptions in infants and children with influenza: an inception cohort study. Oral

Presentation, Options for the Control of Influenza VIII Conference, Cape Town, South Africa,

September 5-10, 2013.

Karsch K, Obermeier P, Seeber L, Chen X, Tief F, Muehlhans S, Hoppe C, Conrad T, Böttcher

S, Diedrich S, Rath B. Prospektive Surveillance von humanen Parechoviren bei hospitalisierten

Kindern mit ZNS-Infektionen. Die Meningitis Surveillance at Charité (MenSCh) Kohorte

[Prospective Surveillance of Human Parechovirus in Hospitalized Children with CNS Infections

– The Meningitis Surveillance at Charité (MenSCh) Cohort].Oral Presentation, 7th Clinical

Virology Workshop of the Gesellschaft für Virologie [German Society for Virology], Würzburg,

Germany, November 7-8, 2013.

Chen X, Seeber L, Obermeier P, Tief F, Muehlhans S, Karsch K, Wählisch S, Duwe S, Pouran-

Yousef K, von Kleist M, Schweiger B, Rath B. Verlaufskontrolle von Influenzainfektionen mithilfe

von Schnelltests [Longitudinal following-up of influenza infections with rapid diagnostic testing].

Oral Presentation, 7th Clinical Virology Workshop of the Gesellschaft für Virologie [German

Society for Virology], Würzburg, Germany, November 7-8, 2013.

Obermeier P, Hoppe C, Muehlhans S, Karsch K, Tief F, Seeber L, Chen X, Rath B. Meningitis,

Encephalitis, Myelitis and ADEM in Children: Automated Case Ascertainment (ChAT Analysis)

in Real-Time. Oral Presentation, 13th International Child Neurology Congress, Iguazu Falls,

Brazil, May 4-8, 2014.

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Seeber L, Karsch K, Schneider J, Obermeier P, Chen X, Tief F, Muehlhans S, Kaindl A, Böttcher

S, Diedrich S, Rath B. Human parechovirus (hPeV) infections: Case report of hPeV-associated

acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and syndromic surveillance in 284 children with

CNS-infections. Poster Presentation, 32nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric

Infectious Diseases (ESPID), Dublin, Ireland, May 6-10, 2014.

Grover S, Hoppe C, Adamou E, Tief F, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, Obermeier P, Chen X, Seeber

L, Behrens S, Reiche J, Schweiger B, Rath B. Wheezing Following Acute Respiratory Infections

Versus Immunization In Young Children. Poster Presentation, ISIRV Antiviral Group Conference

'Influenza and Other Respiratory Virus Infections: Advances in Clinical Management', Tokyo,

Japan, June 4-6, 2014.

Grover S, Weick S, Obermeier P, Chen X, Seeber L, Tief F, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, Hoppe C,

Adamou E, Behrens S, Reiche J, Schweiger B, Rath B. Seizure Following Respiratory Viral

Infection Versus Immunization in Infants and Children – a Syndromic Surveillance Study. Poster

Presentation, The Fifth ESWI Influenza Conference, Riga, Latvia, September 14-17, 2014.

Obermeier P, Karsch K, Seeber L, Schneider J, Muehlhans S, Chen X, F Tief, Kaindl A, Weschke

B, Böttcher S, Diedrich S, Rath B. Ein gesicherter Fall akuter disseminierter Encephalomyelitis

(ADEM) bei einer 5-jährigen Patientin mit humaner Parechovirus-Infektion [A confirmed case of

acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) in a 5-year-old patient with human parechovirus

infection]. Oral Presentation, 8th Clinical Virology Workshop of the Gesellschaft für Virologie

[German Society for Virology], Würzburg, Germany, November 7-8, 2014.

Seeber L, Conrad T, Klokow M, Raetze A, Hoppe C, Obermeier P, Chen X, Karsch K, Muehlhans

S, Rath B. Wie gut sind Eltern über den Impfstatus ihres Kindes informiert? [Are parents

adequately informed about the vaccination status of their children?]. Oral Presentation, 8th

Clinical Virology Workshop of the Gesellschaft für Virologie [German Society for Virology],

Würzburg, Germany, November 7-8, 2014.

Rath B, Chen X, Seeber L, Obermeier P, Karsch K, Tief F, Tuttle RC, Muehlhans S, Peiser C,

Duwe S, Schweiger B. Evaluation of a Novel Second-Generation Rapid RSV Test at the Point-of-

Care. Poster Presentation, 9th International Respiratory Syncytial Virus Symposium,

Stellenbosch, South Africa, 9-13 November, 2014.

Page 71: Aus der Klinik für Pädiatrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Pneumologie und


Obermeier P, Karsch K, Hoppe C, Seeber L, Schneider J, Muehlhans S, Chen X, Tief F, Kaindl

AM, Weschke B, Böttcher S, Diedrich S, Rath B. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)

Following Human Parechovirus Infection –Syndromic Surveillance of Pediatric CNS Infections in

Berlin, Germany. Poster Presentation, 31st Annual Clinical Virology Symposium, Daytona, FL,

USA, April 26-29, 2015.

Seeber L, Conrad T, Klokow M, Raetze A, Hoppe C, Obermeier P, Chen X, Karsch K, Muehlhans

S, Boettcher S, Diedrich S, Schweiger B, Rath B. Improving Vaccine Preventable Disease

Surveillance with Evidence-based Digital Vaccination Records. Poster Presentation, 31st Annual

Clinical Virology Symposium, Daytona, FL, USA, April 26-29, 2015.

Seeber L, Conrad T, Klokow M, Raetze A, Hoppe C, Obermeier P, Chen X, Karsch K, Muehlhans

S, Rath B. Wie gut wissen Eltern über den Impfstatus ihrer Kinder Bescheid? Ein digitaler

Lösungsvorschlag [Do parents know the vaccination status in their children? – proposing a digital

solution]. Oral Presentation, 5th German Influenza Conference, Erfurt, Germany, September 17-

19, 2015.

Tief F, Hoppe C, Seeber L, Obermeier P, Chen X, Karsch K, Muehlhans S, Adamou E, Conrad

T, Schweiger B, Adam T, Rath B. Pneumokokken und Influenza - wie häufig sind Koinfektionen

bei Kindern mit grippalen Infekten? [Pneumococcus and Influenza – How Common are

Coinfections in Children with ILI?]. Oral Presentation, 5th German Influenza Conference, Erfurt,

Germany, September 17-19, 2015.

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I would like to thank all of my colleagues in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Workgroup at Charité

(PI: Dr. Barbara Rath), who made my dissertation possible. This has been a truly unforgettable

experience for me. I would also like to thank our collaborative partners at the Robert Koch Institute

and the international scientists, who have contributed to this work, either as collaborators or as

peer reviewers.

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor on-site

Dr. Barbara Rath, for all the motivation, patience, as well as her knowledge and helpful advice

throughout the successful course of this doctoral thesis. She sets high standards for her students

and encourages and guides them to meet those standards. I thank her for her systematic guidance

and effort she put into training me in the field of clinical research in pediatric infectious diseases

and vaccines. Furthermore I would like to thank her for giving me the opportunity to attend a

Pediatric Conference in Moscow to present my work, and for being available to me at any time

when I had questions or concerns.

Besides my supervisor on-site, I would like to thank my overall thesis supervisor Prof. Dr. Gerhard

Gaedicke for his insightful comments and advice, as well as for his encouragement until the

completion of my thesis.

My sincere thanks go to my research team members, Franziska, Katharina, Lea, Xi, Patrick and

Christian for the stimulating and constructive discussions we have shared, the sleepless nights we

have spent working together, and - unforgotten - for all the enormous fun we have had in the past


I would like to thank Grit, Leonora and Stanley for their continuous care, energy, encouragement,

and precious friendship through both good and bad times, no matter whether near or far.

Finally, I take this opportunity to express the profound gratitude to my beloved parents Sylka and

Falk, my sister Annett and nephew Max who have been a constant source of love, concern, support

and strength in my life.