aula - duchamp

DUCHAMP, Marcel Bicycle Wheel 1951 Metal wheel mounted on painted wood stool, 129.5 x 63.5 x 41.9 cm Museum of Modern Art, NY, USA

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DUCHAMP, MarcelBicycle Wheel 1951Metal wheel mounted on painted wood stool, 129.5 x 63.5 x 41.9 cmMuseum of Modern Art, NY, USA

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DUCHAMP, MarcelPorte Bouteille1914Réplique

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DUCHAMP, MarcelPorte Bouteille1914Réplique

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DUCHAMP, MarcelBottle-Rack (The original, lost, was carried out in Paris in 1914. The replica was carried out under the direction of Marcel Duchamp in 1964 by the Gallery Schwarz, Milan.), 4/1964CNAC/MNAM/Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, NY / Duchamp, Marcel (1887-1968) © ARS, NYMusée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

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DUCHAMP, MarcelIn Advance of the Broken Arm1915

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DUCHAMP, MarcelIn Advance of the Broken Arm(En prévision du bras cassé)1915-64Bois et fer galvanisé, 132 x 35 cmMarcel Duchamp 1964 / Ex / Rrose / IN ADVANCE OF THE BROKEN ARM, 1915 / EDITION GALERIE SCHWARZ, MILANL'original, perdu, a été réalisé à New York en novembre 1915. La réplique réalisée sous la direction de Marcel Duchamp en 1964 par la Galerie Schwarz, Milan, consitue la 4e versionPelle à neige

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DUCHAMP, MarcelWith Hidden Noise (A bruit secret) Assisted readymade: ball of twine pressed between 2 brass plates joined by 4 screws, 11.4 x 12.9 x 13 cm The Vera and Arturo Schwarz Collection of Dada and Surrealist Art in the Israel Museum © ADAGP, Paris

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DUCHAMP, MarcelWith Hidden Noise1916Ball of string between two brass plates held together by four screws, 12.9 x 13 x 11.4 cmThe Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA

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DUCHAMP, MarcelTraveller's folding item1916

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DUCHAMP, MarcelTraveller’sFolding Item1916 original lost, 1964 replica

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DUCHAMP, MarcelTraveller's Folding Item, 1916, 3rd version 1964Underwood black vinyl typewriter cover with gold paint, on a painted wooden stand, 24 x 42.5 x 32 cm National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

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DUCHAMP, MarcelFountain1917

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DUCHAMP, MarcelFountain1950 (replica of 1917 original)Porcelain urinal, 30.5 x 38.1 x 45.7 cmMuseum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelHat Rack (Porte-chapeaux)1917-64 Bois, 46 x 46 x 29 cm(L'original perdu, a été réalisé à New York en 1917. La réplique a été réalisée en juin 1964 sous la direction de Marcel Duchamp, à partir d'une photo de l'original, par la Galerie Schwarz à Milan, et constitue la 2e version - Porte-chapeaux suspendu au plafond)

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DUCHAMP, MarcelPorte-chapeaux1917Réplique, 23 X 14 cm

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DUCHAMP, MarcelHat Rack1964 (1916 original now lost)

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DUCHAMP, MarcelTrébuchet (Trap)1917-64Bois, métal, 19 x 100 x 13 cmCentre Georges Pompidou, Paris, FR(L'original, perdu, a été réalisé en 1917 à New York. La réplique a été réalisée sous la direction de Marcel Duchamp par la Galerie Schwarz en juin 1964 et constitue la 2e version - Porte-manteau en bois et métal)

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DUCHAMP, MarcelL.H.O.O.Q.1919Pencil on a reproduction, 19.7 x 12.4 cmOriginal in private collection, Paris

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DUCHAMP, MarcelL.H.O.O.Q. (La Joconde)1930Mine graphite sur héliogravure, 61,5 x 49,5 cmParis, musée national d'Art moderne - Centre Georges PompidouPhoto (C) Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. (C) Succession Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP

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John D. SchiffInstallation view of First Papers of Surrealism exhibition, showing Marcel Duchamp’s His Twine 1942Gelatin silver printGift of Jacqueline, Paul and Peter Matisse in memory of their mother Alexina DuchampPhiladelphia Museum of Art

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Exposition International du Surréalisme, 1938—with exhibition design by Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelMan Seated by a Window1907Oil on canvas, 55.6 x 38.7 cmCredit Line:Mary Sisler BequestMoMACopyright:© 2014 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelNude with black stockings 1910Oil on canvas

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DUCHAMP, MarcelPortrait of the Artist's Father1910Oil on canvas, 92.4 x 73.3 cmPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelStanding Nude1910Oil on canvas

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DUCHAMP, MarcelThe Bush1910-11Oil on canvas, 127.3 x 91.9 cmPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelApropos of Little Sister (À propos de jeune soeur)October 1911Oil on canvas, 73 x 60 cmSolomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York © 2014 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris/Succession Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelPortrait (Dulcinea)1911Oil on canvas, 146.4 x 114 cm Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelPortrait of Chess Players1911Place of Creation: Neuilly-sur-seine, France Oil on canvas, 100.6 x 100.5 cm Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelNude (Study), Sad Young Man on a Train (Nu [esquisse], jeune homme triste dans un train)1911-12Oil on cardboard, mounted on Masonite, 100 x 73 cmThe Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice © 2014 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris/Succession Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelNude Descending a Staircase (No. 3)1916Graphite, pen and black ink, black paint, colored pencil or crayon, and blue wash on gelatin silver photograph, 148.1 × 91.8 cmPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelThe King and the Queen Crossed by Naked Quickly1912On Cardboard, 48.9 X 59.1 cm

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DUCHAMP, MarcelThe Passage from Virgin to BrideMunich, July-August 1912Oil on canvas, 59.4 x 54 cmCredit Line: PurchaseMoMA 2014© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelBride1912Oil on canvas, 89.5 x 55.6 cmPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelCoffee Mill; Moulin à café1911Oil paint and graphite on board, 330 x 127 mmTate, London,UK

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RAY, ManThe Rope Dancer Accompanies Herself with Her Shadows1916Oil on canvas, 132.1 x 186.4 cmMuseum of Modern Art, NY, USA© 2014 Man Ray Trust / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris

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PICABIA, FrancisL'Oeil1919Oil and gouache on card laid down on board, 6 8x 50.7 cm

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PICABIA, FrancisAstrolabe 1922

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PICABIA, FrancisBride1919-22

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RAY, ManGears and Gauze1924

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RAY, ManRayograph1926

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RAY, ManMathematical Object1934Gelatin silver print© Man Ray Trust ARS-ADAGP

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RAY, ManJuliet in Mud Mask1945 Gelatin silver print

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DUCHAMP, MarcelThe Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass)1915-1923Oil, varnish, lead foil, lead wire, and dust on two glass panels, 277.5 x 177.8 x 8.6 cmPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp Update July 17, 2012: © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Succession Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelThe Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass)La Mariée mise à nu par ses célibataires, même1915-23Reconstruction by Richard Hamilton 1965-66, lower panel remade 1985Oil, lead, dust and varnish on glass, 2775 x 1759 mmTate, London, UK

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DUCHAMP, MarcelTate Modern, London, UK

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DUCHAMP, MarcelThe Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass)1915-1923created from Duchamp's notes by Jean Suquet (includes parts never completed). (Courtesy of Jean Suquet.)

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TIZIANOAssumption of the Virgin1516-18Oil on panel, 690 x 360 cmBasilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice, IT

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DUCHAMP, MarcelGlider Containing a Water Mill in Neighboring Metals1913-1915Oil and lead wire on glass, 150.8 x 83.7 cmPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelTo Be Looked at (from the Other Side of the Glass) with One Eye, Close to, for Almost an HourBuenos Aires 1918Oil, silver leaf, lead wire, and magnifying lens on glass (cracked), mounted between panes of glass in a standing metal, 51 x 41.2 x 3.7 cm, on painted wood base, 4.8 x 45.3 x 11.4 cmOverall (55.8 cm) high Katherine S. Dreier BequestMoMA Copyright:© 2014 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp

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DUCHAMP, MarcelÉtant donnés: 1 la chute d’eau, 2 le gaz d’eclairage (Given: 1. The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas)1946-66242.6 x 177.8 x 124.5 cmPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA

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DUCHAMP, MarcelÉtant donnés: 1. La chute d’eau, 2. Le gaz d’éclairage (Given: 1. The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas) 1946-66242.6 x 177.8 x 124.5 cmPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA

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DUCHAMP, MarcelPhotographie du plan de montage de Etant donné 1964-66

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DUCHAMP, MarcelEtant Donnes, 1966The work in progress at Duchamp's 14th Street studio in New York in 1965

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DUCHAMP, MarcelÉtant donnés: 1° la chute d’eau, 2° le gaz d’éclairage1946-66

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BERNINI, Gian LorenzoThe Ecstasy of Saint Therese1647-52Marble, height 350 cmCappella Cornaro, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome, IT

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DUCHAMP, MarcelWith my Tongue in my Cheek1959Plaster, pencil and paper on wood, 25 x 15 x 5.1 cm

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DUCHAMP, MarcelAllégorie de genre (Portrait de George Washington)1943Gaze teintée, ouate, papier gouaché découpé, papier doré, clous, dans boîte en bois et verre, 54,8 x 42 x 8,4 cmMusée National d'Art Moderne, Paris, FR

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DUCHAMP, MarcelRotary Glass Plates (Precision Optics) formerly titled as, Revolving Glass Machine1920Painted glass, iron, electric motor, and mixed media (largest blade damaged in 2007 and replaced by facsimile in 2011), 165.7 x 157.5 x 96.5 cmGift of Collection Société Anonyme Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

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RAY, ManLa Priére (Prayer)1930Gelatin silver printThe J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA, USA

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RAY, ManDemain (Nude Kiki)1923

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RAY, ManPrimacy of Matter over Thought1929Gelatin silver print

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RAY, ManMarcel Duchamp as Rrose Sélavy1921Art Direction by Marcel DuchampGelatin silver print, hand-retouched by Duchamp in black ink and pencilPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA

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RAY, ManMarcel Duchamp as Rrose Sélavy1921Gelatin silver print

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RAY, ManMarcel Duchamp Wearing a Blond Wig1950s