augustine of hippo


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Augustine of Hippo. From the Confessions : Bk3, Ch5. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


9. I resolved, therefore, to direct my mind to the Holy Scriptures, that I might see what they were. And behold, I perceive something not comprehended by the proud, not disclosed to children, but lowly as you approach, sublime as you advance, and hidden in mysteries; and I was not of the number of those who could enter into it, or bend my neck to follow its steps. For not as when now I speak did I feel when I tuned towards those Scriptures, but they appeared to me to be unworthy to be compared with the dignity....... of the classics (from the Catholic Encyclopedia)

The first approach towards TRUTH according to Augustine: first understand then believe. This in no way works in our (Faith) Christian reality.

Crede ut intelligas : this is the way to find the TRUTH. BELIEVE to UNDERSTAND/ KNOW / REASON

Augustine abandoned the Christian Faith of his mother, Monica for his many questions about life

Augustine suffered immensely his return to the pure Christian values through non- Christian philosophers

Augustine “Christianised” the non-Christian concepts expressed by the classic authors

The first approach towards TRUTH according to Augustine: first understand then believe. This in no way works in our (Faith) Christian reality.

Crede ut intelligas : this is the way to find the TRUTH. BELIEVE to UNDERSTAND/ KNOW / REASON

Augustine abandoned the Christian Faith of his mother, Monica for his many questions about life

Augustine suffered immensely his return to the pure Christian values through non- Christian philosophers

Augustine “Christianised” the non-Christian concepts expressed by the classic authors

Cicero’s “HORTENSIUS” showed him the vanity of earthly things and the importance of spiritual values that are immutable and transcendent ( i.e. do not change and that go beyond physical existence)

God transcends the universe and knowledge (beyond the limits of human mind)

Plotinus (from Plato) shows the infinite goodness of the ABSOLUTE

Plotinus explained evil in terms of the lack of substance that in Christian terms is expressed as the lack of the presence of God.

Ambrose: Augustine used to attend his sermons because of his eloquence, Latin, knowledge of e.g. Cicero’ works, Plato and Plotinus ….but later for his BIBLICAL sermons

From the Pauline letters (ROMANS): suffering and death entered into the human reality through SIN. (cfr. Free will)

Augustine of Hippo – Doctor of the Church Aurelius Augustinus was born in Tagaste, N.

Africa 13th November 354 His father converted to Christianity shortly

before his death in 371. Monica was a very good fervent Christian

At the age of 19 he read the Hortensius of Cicero. His Love for wisdom became stronger

He had an attempt to read the Holy Scriptures but he remained disappointed

Augustine of Hippo – Doctor of the Church Aurelius Augustinus was born in Tagaste, N.

Africa 13th November 354 His father converted to Christianity shortly

before his death in 371. Monica was a very good fervent Christian

At the age of 19 he read the Hortensius of Cicero. His Love for wisdom became stronger

He had an attempt to read the Holy Scriptures but he remained disappointed

Not satisfied of the Holy Scriptures he joined the Manicheans. They promised the knowledge of TRUTH

The Church presents Faith as the first step towards TRUTH something that Augustine did not accept at first….. He refused this atitude

Crisis possessed Augustine when many questions he had were not answered

He travelled to Rome and Milan and met with the finest Rhetoric masters to find at the end that only his mother’s wisdom and faith could answer his dilemmas

In August 386 a “voice” told him take and read – (Rm 13, 13-14)

Not satisfied of the Holy Scriptures he joined the Manicheans. They promised the knowledge of TRUTH

The Church presents Faith as the first step towards TRUTH something that Augustine did not accept at first….. He refused this atitude

Crisis possessed Augustine when many questions he had were not answered

He travelled to Rome and Milan and met with the finest Rhetoric masters to find at the end that only his mother’s wisdom and faith could answer his dilemmas

In August 386 a “voice” told him take and read – (Rm 13, 13-14)

He gave up teaching Was baptised by Ambrose on Easter night 24/25

April 387 Monica died in 387 - but still in the year 400,

when he remembered the day of her death…… this was so painful

Returning to Rome from Milan and then to Carthage in 391 he lived a monastic life – meditation and studying

Adeodatus, his son, died during this period 391 ordained priest by Bishop Valerius 396 he became bishop of Hippo. There he

stayed to the day of his birth to eternal life Like Ambrose he helped the needy in all ways
