august 2016 the messenger - clover...

Page “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger August 2016 Messenger VLM Camps 3 Youth 3 Small Groups 3 NHCP 4 Volunteers 5 Facts & Figures 6 Gifts & Memorials 6 PPC 7-8 GIFT 9 Birthdays insert Calendar insert The Inside this issue: Our Savior’s Shared Journey “A Particular August Pilgrimage” Some of you know that I am representing our Synod and Conference as a Vot- ing Member at this summer’s ELCA Churchwide Assembly. This is the gathering of ELCA Lutherans from all over the USA that meets every couple years to do the na- tional business of our Church. This is the highest authority in the ELCA and it is an awesome joy to be able to serve you and the rest of the Church in New Orleans (August 8-13). Folks who have been to previous Assemblies report a powerful Spirit of deliberation and discernment, as well as incredible experiences in worship. This year there will be opportunities for a day of service and cultural encounter in the New Orleans community as well. The details for this pilgrimage are falling into place. I have been assigned a prayer partner to help me (and her, her name is Suah Borsay) focus on the theme “Freed and Renewed in Christ” both before the Assembly and during. We have been including petitions about this Assembly in our prayers at Our Savior’s on Sun- days. That emphasis on prayer and being open to God’s Spirit is one of the things that encourages me greatly about our church. Please be sure to keep us all in your prayers before and during the Assembly; I know God will guide us with your support and prayers. Our Bishop Tom recently sent me encouragement too; I share it with you below because I believe you will find it an encouragement as well. It will be good to know that you are on that journey with me! Pastor Chris Dear Northeastern Mn Synod Voting members - soon to meet in New Orleans: As I am on Sabbatical, and attending to both renewal and regular work. I have been reflecting on Churchwide Assembly - and you. Each of you needs to hear from your Bishop how valuable you are, as a child of God, a brother/sister to Christ, a servant to your neighbor. With all the news reporting on recent gun vio- lence (again) I ended up writing a Bishop's pastoral letter on violence (see be- low). This has led me to reflect on our deliberations as a church, as ELCA mem- bers. I am proud to be a member of a church that takes both love of God and love of neighbor(Luther loved these twin themes from Scripture) both seriously and joyfully. While there will be a lot of meetings down in New Orleans, I believe each one is an important way we as a church love God and neighbor; from the Women's Justice Report to "Deacon" conversation to young adult and youth con- versations and the future of our church directions. That you are part of these is gold. I respect you for your prayers before, during and after Assembly. By now you should have received a prayer partner from Churchwide. I have emailed mine already and found the conversation to be up- lifting and encouraging. I look forward to meeting her in New Orleans. As in past Assemblies, there will be ample time for faith building through regular worship, prayer and Bible studies during this Assembly. I know you will be enriched by and glad for these opportunities - I have at each one! None of us knows it all - but together, we grow and are made strong in Christ and in our church. I keep you all in nightly prayers now - that's my commitment to you. Peace - and see you soon. Bishop Tom Aitken Continued on next page “I know God will guide us with your support and prayers.”

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Page 1: August 2016 The Messenger - Clover, Canoe Campers, Explorers, and Canoeists to camp, we hope you, too, can join us

Page “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

August 2016


VLM Camps 3

Youth 3

Small Groups 3


Volunteers 5

Facts & Figures 6

Gifts & Memorials 6

PPC 7-8


Birthdays insert

Calendar insert


Inside this issue:

Our Savior’s Shared Journey

“A Particular August Pilgrimage” Some of you know that I am representing our Synod and Conference as a Vot-ing Member at this summer’s ELCA Churchwide Assembly. This is the gathering of ELCA Lutherans from all over the USA that meets every couple years to do the na-tional business of our Church. This is the highest authority in the ELCA and it is an awesome joy to be able to serve you and the rest of the Church in New Orleans (August 8-13). Folks who have been to previous Assemblies report a powerful Spirit of deliberation and discernment, as well as incredible experiences in worship. This year there will be opportunities for a day of service and cultural encounter in the New Orleans community as well. The details for this pilgrimage are falling into place. I have been assigned a prayer partner to help me (and her, her name is Suah Borsay) focus on the theme “Freed and Renewed in Christ” both before the Assembly and during. We have been including petitions about this Assembly in our prayers at Our Savior’s on Sun-days. That emphasis on prayer and being open to God’s Spirit is one of the things that encourages me greatly about our church. Please be sure to keep us all in your prayers before and during the Assembly; I know God will guide us with your support and prayers. Our Bishop Tom recently sent me encouragement too; I share it with you below because I believe you will find it an encouragement as well.

It will be good to know that you are on that journey with me!

Pastor Chris Dear Northeastern Mn Synod Voting members - soon to meet in New Orleans: As I am on Sabbatical, and attending to both renewal and regular work. I have been reflecting on Churchwide Assembly - and you. Each of you needs to hear from your Bishop how valuable you are, as a child of God, a brother/sister to Christ, a servant to your neighbor. With all the news reporting on recent gun vio-lence (again) I ended up writing a Bishop's pastoral letter on violence (see be-low). This has led me to reflect on our deliberations as a church, as ELCA mem-bers. I am proud to be a member of a church that takes both love of God and love of neighbor(Luther loved these twin themes from Scripture) both seriously and joyfully. While there will be a lot of meetings down in New Orleans, I believe each one is an important way we as a church love God and neighbor; from the Women's Justice Report to "Deacon" conversation to young adult and youth con-versations and the future of our church directions. That you are part of these is gold. I respect you for your prayers before, during and after Assembly. By now you should have received a prayer partner from Churchwide. I have emailed mine already and found the conversation to be up-lifting and encouraging. I look forward to meeting her in New Orleans. As in past Assemblies, there will be ample time for faith building through regular worship, prayer and Bible studies during this Assembly. I know you will be enriched by and glad for these opportunities - I have at each one! None of us knows it all - but together, we grow and are made strong in Christ and in our church. I keep you all in nightly prayers now - that's my commitment to you.

Peace - and see you soon. Bishop Tom Aitken

Continued on next page

“I know God

will guide us

with your

support and


Page 2: August 2016 The Messenger - Clover, Canoe Campers, Explorers, and Canoeists to camp, we hope you, too, can join us

Page 2 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger


Save the date! Sunday September 18

th is God’s Work Our Hands (GWOH) Day when we join with Zion and Queen of

Peace in community outreach activities. This is an awesome opportunity for each of us to show the Acts of OSLC’s Apos-tles in our community. (Isn’t is fitting that we are studying the book of Acts in our summer services?) Sign-up sheets are available in the narthex or you may contact the church office. There are many ways to serve on GWOH Day. You may indi-cate on the sign-up sheet if you would prefer to help by working on community projects, by helping serve lunch to the volun-teers or by helping assemble mission kits for Seafarers and LWR. It is much easier to determine how many projects we can take on if we have an indication of how many volunteers we will have. Please help the organizers for this day by sign-ing up. Show your support for OSLC reaching out into the community by purchasing a GWOH T-shirt. T-shirts have “God’s Work Our Hands” on the front and “Our Savior’s” along with the ELCA logo on the back. T-shirts cost $8 each. The order will be placed on August 8th. You may pay for the shirts now or when you pick them up. If payment is a concern, contact the of-fice and arrangements can be made for you to get a shirt. Wouldn’t it be great to have our entire congregation clad in golden GWOH shirts as we go out into the community on September 18


Are you interested in receiving the Messenger via email

and not the postal service? Call Connie in the office at 879-1535 and give her your preferred email address. This option saves Our Savior’s

paper, printing, and postage costs!

To my church family, The light of God’s love shines through you all...for your kindness, caring, memorial gifts, and hugs fol-lowing the loss of my sister, Janice Rysman.

Blessings and Love, Judy & Ray Wiles

Continued from page 1 Pastoral Letter on violence from Bishop Aitken Northeastern Minnesota Synod Evangelical Lutheran church in America July 11, 2016 In the aftermath of the horrific violence and the continued use of gun violence in general, and in St. Paul, Baton Rouge and Dallas last week in particular, let us as a synod and church offer the world a different “normal.” As Christians, we don’t simply have a “belief” in Jesus; we are joined to him in baptism, through the weekly spoken gospel in our ears, and through Holy Communion. The living Jesus, crucified and raised for the life of the world joined us to his kind of life, one that frankly, the world is looking for. Our Lord addressed the issues of fear, hatred, tribalism, prejudice and violence repeatedly. To each action of hatred he saw or experienced Jesus spoke and acted in love. It didn’t matter who you were: Gentile or Jew, woman or man, slave or free, people of his own kin, people of other tribes and religions, Jesus walked into every situation, no matter how tragic, and brought new, courageous, and authentic life. If you haven’t developed a devotional life yet, now is the time to start. Pray for the families of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, pray for the families of the police who died in Dallas, and those who were injured. Pray for your community. Pray specifically the names of those who died from acts of violence. Take your own inventory and ask God to remove prejudice and tribalism from your own heart and create in its place a new willingness to become an active loving neighbor to anyone in need. Talk with each other courageously about ending vio-lence as a solution to our problems. Attend your community prayer vigils and talk to new people about how faith brings hope and new strength to address our complex problems. Prayer: God have mercy on us. All of us. Create in us a new longing for you and your dream for the world. Give us the heart and desires of your Son Jesus. Speak to me, I am listening. Amen.

Page 3: August 2016 The Messenger - Clover, Canoe Campers, Explorers, and Canoeists to camp, we hope you, too, can join us

Page 3 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

Voyagers Lutheran Ministry

Day Camp Sponsored by Zion, Our Savior’s, & Bethesda

August 8-12, 2016


at Zion Lutheran in Cloquet

Preschool to 6th Grade

Cost: $25 per child or $60/family max Registration Forms Available

in the OSL Church Office or Online at


For more information contact the

Our Savior’s Church office at 879-1535

VLM News

Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry God’s Great Northwoods!

Camp Hiawatha ~ Camp Vermilion • [email protected] • 800-331-5148 • 218-666-5465 Camp Hiawatha, 36944 Camp Hiawatha Rd., Deer River, MN

Camp Vermilion, 2555 Vermilion Camp Rd., Cook, MN

Golf Scramble Aug. 19 at the Mesaba Country Club, Hibbing

Youth Work Weekend Sept. 23-24 at Camp Vermilion

Fall Festival Oct. 9 at Camp Hiawatha

Adventure Weekend Oct. 21-23 at Camp Vermilion

Celebration of Light and Music Dec. 11 at Camp Vermilion

Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion are busy this week with

voices raised in song and laughter, even throughout all the rain

here in God's great northwoods! As we welcome Discoverers,

Venturers, Canoe Campers, Explorers, and Canoeists to camp,

we hope you, too, can join us soon.

Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 10am-11am

Room 3-4-5 Read and discuss the text

for Sunday

This group is led by Pastor Chris

Open for both men and women


Youth News/Small Groups

Cover to Cover

Book Club Meets monthly to discuss

books of interest.

Interested in joining? Contact

Christina Kadelbach 218-213-6731

Celebrate fall and Rally Sunday with a Pot Luck lunch Sunday September 11 th is Rally Sunday! This is the day Our

Savior’s celebrates the return of fall and the return of all the church activities such

as Generations in Faith Together (GIFT), Confirmation, Bible Studies, Choir, Praise

Team, WELCA, Ladies Circles and many more. We will be back to our regular schedule of our two

worship services at 8:30 and 10:45. The Fellowship Team is organizing a potluck lunch in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the 10:45 worship service. We hope you and your family will join us for some good food and fellowship. If your last name begins with the following letter please bring the listed food item. Bring enough to serve 6-8 people.

A-H dessert I-M salad

N-Z hot dish There will be a sign up sheet in the Narthex so we can get an idea of how many will attend and what food items are coming.

The Fellowship Team

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Page 4 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

NHCP News/Church News

New Tuition Prices and Schedule for NHCP 2016-2017

Half-day options

Tuesday and Thursday from 9-12pm; $80/month Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-12pm;

$110/month Monday-Friday from 9-12pm; $150/month

Full-day options

Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-3pm;

$227/month Monday-Friday from 9-3pm; $345/month

Greetings from the Preschool, As I start to see all the school supplies back in the stores, I get excited. Ever since I was a little girl, I have enjoyed picking out new school supplies and looking forward to the start of the school year. It never gets old! Preschool starts in a little over a month and we are busy getting ready. If you, or someone you know has any questions please call: 879-7138 or email Angel Gamache at [email protected]

NEW HORIZONS CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL NEWS All is quiet in the Preschool wing; except for the teachers. We are busy cleaning, creating new bulle-tin boards and organizing projects. We are excited about the children that are already enrolled for next year. We still have room for many more to join in our many adventures of God's love. Check out our ad in the Messenger for our class schedules and times. If you want to tour this summer, please call the church office and we can set up a time for you to meet us. Remember to continue to save: Campbell Soup Labels; Sunny-D Labels and the 5 cent coupons from Kwik Trip milk.

Enjoy the rest of the summer. Thera and Angel.

PLAYGROUND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Who: Volunteers to help remove wood chips from

New Horizons Playground When: Friday, August 12th starting at 8am

Why: The wood chips are molding and growing mushrooms We will be replacing the old wood chips with pea gravel. Please sign up in the office if you

can help volunteer that morning. I appreciate everyone's help, thanks!

Angel Gamache

OSL is looking for someone with a boilers license to help maintain the boiler. If you have a license and are

willing to help please contact Marty Rye at

[email protected] or 218-878-2972.

Dear Friends at Our Saviors Lutheran Church,

On behalf of the Wartburg Theological Seminary

Community, it is my privilege to thank you for your recent

gift of $1,110.00 to the Student Account Fund of Christina


Summer at Wartburg Seminary is a time of transition

and sending. Many senior students are beginning first

calls, interns are coming and going to internship sites

across the country, first year students are completing

Clinical Pastoral Education units at medical facilities both

near and far and students in the Distributed Learning and

TEEM programs come to campus at various times for

intensive learning sessions. On behalf of the entire

Wartburg Community, we thank you for your continued

prayers and support that sustain this mission and the

preparation of valued leaders!

Thank you for being a valued partner in the formation

of future pastors, lay leaders, chaplains, and teachers in

congregations and communities of faith throughout the

country and the world.

We thank you for your prayers for the mission of

Wartburg Theological Seminary.

In Christ,

Janelle Koepke

Vice President for Mission Support

Page 5: August 2016 The Messenger - Clover, Canoe Campers, Explorers, and Canoeists to camp, we hope you, too, can join us

Page 5 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

Baptisms Joseph Joshua Hamilton

Son of Josh & Jennifer Hamilton Oliver Nicholas Voltzke

Son of Kyle & Tonya Voltzke Morgan Leigh Crego

Daughter of Jeffrey & Heather Crego Breanna Hunt


Jane Lovstad

June 22, 2016


Toni Murray and Derek Moen

July 9th Breanna Hunt & Travis Smedshammer

July 16th

Volunteers for August

Sound Board Operators:

7th John Mykkanen

14th Ethan Matzdorf

21st Dave Templeton

28th Randy Schmidt


7th Irene Rudnicki

14th Deacon

21st Linda Holmstrand

28th Bill Schlenvogt


7th Sherri Waller/Bev DeLacey, Bob Fountain

14th Sherri Waller/Bruce & Doreen Anderson

21st Sherri Waller/Bill & Carol Schlenvogt

28th Sherri Waller/Keith & Shannon Matzdorf


7th Roy and Linda Ober

14th Rose Liimatainen and Julie Lyyttinen

21st Chuck and Sandy Strand

28th John and Elaine Huliares

Communion Servers (Deacons):

7th Rich & Shannon Krikava, Sherri Waller

14th Marty & Kathy Rye, Linda Bush

21st Cindy Haglin, Sherri Waller, Bruce Spetz

28th Katie Bailey, Rob Macaulay, Bill Schlenvogt

Coffee Servers: Please sign up on the sheet in Narthex.


7th Laura & Connor Hecht

14th Kaitlin Lattner

21st Jake Vanderpool

28th Sam Bailey, Laura & Connor Hecht

Altar Guild

7th Sherri Waller

14th Sherri Waller

21st Sherri Waller

28th Rob Macaulay

Media Operators:




28th Jake Vanderpool

FOOD FOR 5 MEALS - $1.00

The first Sunday of the month is designated as Food Shelf Sunday. Just $1.00 can provide food for 5 meals through the program at 2nd Harvest Food Bank in Duluth. The monetary gifts collected will help both 2nd Harvest and Cloquet Salvation Army. This is a real bargain that every family can take part in. May we share our blessings with those in need. THANK YOU for your continued support. It's greatly ap-preciated.

Thank you, Katie & Jerry Nisula - Co-chairs June’s Contribution was $332.65

We have been blessed with a wonderful gift! Recently, upon inquiring into the possible purchase of a new electronic sign for our property, we learned that there was the potential for receiving a donated used sign that would meet our needs and suit our

purposes perfectly! We give thanks to the Lord and sign guy. We will have to pay for installation only

and hope to have it completed by mid August

Pastor Chris & Our Savior’s Members & Staff:

Thank you for having us and for making us feel so

welcome the morning we joined you for worship. We’re

thankful for the gift of music & trust. It was a blessed day!

To God be the Glory!

Blessings, Mike & Wendy Birkeland family

(Sarah Mae & the Birkeland Boys)

Page 6: August 2016 The Messenger - Clover, Canoe Campers, Explorers, and Canoeists to camp, we hope you, too, can join us

Page 6 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

Sunday Readings for August Psalm Lesson

7th Psalm 33:12-22 Acts 8: 26-40

14th Psalm 82

21st Psalm 103:1-8 Acts 9:1-25

28th Psalm 112

The Sunday Service May or May Not Be Using All Of These Texts.













28,159 19,108 166,407 131,967



1127 80 9952 7765



29,286 19,188 176,359 139,732

Expenses 22,826 21,133 159,115 145,823

Church News

Date Attendance Offering Offering Needed

June 26 168 4606 4500

July 3 100 6323 4250

July 10 144 5677 4250

July 17




22,150 17,250

Gifts and Memorials:

Bruce & Susan Spetz, in memory of Judy Wiles sister, to

Boiler Fun

Harlan & Sharon Huso, in memory of Jim Hagen

Christina Kadelbach, Connie Reinke, & Pastor Karen, in

memory of Pastor’s nephew Jason, to NEMN ELCA Synod

Bob & Peggy DeCaigny, Mary Krohn, Ray & Judy Wiiles, in

memory of Pastor’s nephew Jason, to NEMN ELCA Synod

Ken & Linda Holmstrand, in memory of Janice Rysman, to

Boiler Fund

Carol Schubert, in memory of Verna Norgren

Bruce & Jan Larson, Chuck & Jan Beberg, Bob & Peggy

DeCaigny, Jerry & Katie Nisula, in memory of Janice Rys-

man, to Roof Fund

Dave & Julie Beal, Duane & Sharon Putikka, in memory of

Jason Hill, to Synod

Dennis & Diane Sorenson, in memory of Jason Hill, to

Youth Group

Dennis & Jeanne Morreim, in memory of Don Edin, Jane

Lovstad, and in honor of Dick & Betty Rowe’s 50th Anni-

versary, to ELCA World Hunger

Dennis & Jeanne Morreim, in memory of Pasto Chrs’

nephew, to Seminary Costs

Bob & Peggy Decaigny, in memory of Kira Rain Friedman,

to Boiler Fund

Ray & Judy Wiles, Bonnie Christopherson, Linda Boyd to


Chuck & Sonya Wick, in memory of Kira Rain Friedman, to


Carol Maki & Linda Branham, in memory of Kira Rain Fried-

man, to Boiler Fund

Yvonne Bastien, Duane & Sharon Putikka, Jason & Chris-

tina Kadelbach, in memory of Janice Rysman, to Quilters.

Carol Maki, in memory of Judy Wiles’ sister, to VBS

Sherri Waller, in memory of Judy Wiles’ sister and Bruce

Anderson’s mother, to the Dominican Ministry

Char Hagen, in memory of Jason Hill and Evangeline

Parks, to Seminary Costs

Chuck & Janice Beberg, in memory of Don Edin, to Boiler


July Radio broadcast sponsors:

Dean and Karen Lambrecht, in memory of Edna


Marcia Fulton, in memory of her dad, Ralph Lii-

matainen, and brother Stephen. Also in honor of

niece, Debbie Scheer, on her birthday.

Page 7: August 2016 The Messenger - Clover, Canoe Campers, Explorers, and Canoeists to camp, we hope you, too, can join us

Page 7 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

PPC Minutes

OSLC Parish Planning Council Minutes for Tuesday June 21st, 2016

Present: Officers Cindy Haglin, Curtis Skowlund, Bruce Larson, Rich Krikava, Ministry Team Representatives: Christina Kadelbach, Brad Bowers, Marty Rye, Julie Lyytinen, Bonnie Vanderpool, Jan Larson Pastor Chris Hill; Guests: Mary Krohn

Opening Prayer/ Devotion President Cindy called the meeting to order at 7:02pm and Pastor Chris said an opening prayer and Devotion.

Review/Approve Last Meeting Minutes The minutes of the previous month’s meeting were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report - Bruce Larson May was another good month, although $400 of WAM payroll was turned in too late and the $500 budgeted for the annual roof inspection has not been spent yet ( so about $900 of expenses were delayed, not avoided). Revenue came in $1600 below plan as envelope offering was short again. However, expenses again came in less than budgeted, this time by over $5000, leading to a net income gain over budget of about $3500. This pushes our YTD gain over budget to $8700. The lower expenses were the two delayed items mentioned above, $500 less office supplies and expenses than planned and $900 less insurance than planned (as I prepaid a couple of monthly payments earlier this year), amongst savings in many line items. While the news is very good compared to some other years when it seems we are always playing catch-up, some precautionary notes: 1. As mentioned, about $900 of the savings is merely a delay, not a savings 2. We are entering the summer, when it is hard to predict revenue (last year we got burned by a July that was significantly short of plan) 3. Our savings on snow plowing and natural gas are mostly done for the year as they are primarily December – April expenses. Discussion on the Boiler Loan and reminding everyone we still have roughly $12,000 left. Motion made by Cindy and seconded by Marty to approve the Treasurers report. All in favor. Pastor’s Report – Pastor Chris Devotions Psalm 16:5 You, Lord, are all that I have, and you give me all I need; my future is in your hands. Ministry Summary + Baptisms: Several more in the works this summer + Weddings: Another wedding in the works for September Questions on the cost of weddings. Further discussion will be had after some review of current pricing. Rich will review the Pricing and get back to PPC. + Pastor Karen’s visitation summary for the 1st six months (not including hospital) Pastor Karen – 37 visits Communion visitors - 20 visits Visits w/ no communion – 30 Others present during communion visits – 4 Attempts made with no personal contact – 3 + Worship Notes; Special events this summer: Worship Event with Tom Cawcutt; June 26 Sarah & The Birkeland Boys, July 10 A couple of worship-related conversation pieces: + + + Delay return to 2 services to Sept. 11; after Labor Day weekend. Motion made by pastor and seconded by Jan. Approved. + + + suspend Wednesday Worship indefinitely? Discussion was had regarding it. Tabled until the next meeting since we are currently suspended with Wed Service right now. Emerging Opportunities + Security/entry observation cameras? We are losing two of our Tuesday morning money counters. + With which Global Missions do we want to continue to support, embrace or revitalize our relationships? World Hunger Habitat for Humanity Lutheran Social Services Compassion International Russia; Pastor Saari

Dominican Republic; Dave and Bobbie Kenya; Gloria Sauk Philippines; Jeff and Mary Ann Anderson Blue House Orphanage (Tim Krohn) Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes (Fellowship Team & GIFT/Faith5) Lutheran World Relief: Health Kits (Confirmation Mentors/Mentees & others) Other kits (God’s Work Our Hands) Voyageur’s Outdoor Ministry Northeastern Minnesota Synod/ELCA Pastor’s Gone Schedule June 27 – July 5 Nephew’s Memorial (Christina preaching) July 25 – August. 1 Vacation (Pastor Karen preaching) August 6 – 13 Church wide Assembly August 17 – 21 Vacation + Former Parish anniversary (Pastor Karen preaching) September 16 – 19 Officiating Friend’s wedding (Pastor Karen preaching)

And a few Friday’s through the summer/early fall

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Page 8 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

PPC Minutes Continued from page 9

V. Team Leader Reports

A. Christian Ed – Juli Lattner

Unless there are more registrations in my box I only have 3 kids signed up for VBS. I can probably assume 4 more Chris Ed team kids. If you know any

kids the registration form is on the website.

B. Church Properties – Marty Rye

Sign is looking at being here about June 27th. Discussions still on mounting and electrical and city requirements. Ron will be asked to put together a meet-

ing to get everything in order for the sign.

Not looking at doing any inspection on the roof this year.

Motion made to spend up to $5000 for the installation of the donated sign by Summit Signs. Motion made by Jan and seconded by Marty. All in favor.

Discussion on the parking lot. Going to wait until next year to seal it.

C. Deacons- Shawn Croswer

Deacons are still looking for members.

D. Evangelism – Shannon Matzdorf / Julie Lyytinen

Florence and Dennis Nelson are new members on the committee. Shannon is now the Chair of Evangelism.

E. Fellowship Team – Jan Larson

The Fellowship Team is planning the summer Wednesday night picnic and outdoor worship service for July 13. Food will be served starting at 5:30pm and

worship at 6:30 pm. The Fellowship Team is arranging for the BBQ Wagon and will set up and clean up. Pastor Chris and the WAM Team will plan the

worship service.

Planning on a pot luck for Rally Sunday.

F. Stewardship – Chris Wagner

G. Youth/Small Group Ministry – Christina Kadelbach

May 24th -26th I attended the Chaplains for Children conference held at Saint Scholastica in Duluth. Looking at developing a child protection policy for the

church. The Synod has asked to put me on the Lay Pulpit Supply List. As long as it does not interfere with work commitments.

The Youth board is scheduled to meet on July 17th at 11am to discuss the 2016-2017 calendars.

We will not be renewing our Faith Ink membership for confirmation.

Officially completed my first year of seminary. 4 more to go.

I leave July 22nd for the Greek and possibly return home September 2nd. For 3 days as fall intensives start on Sept 5th possibly the 9th.

I am working on getting everything coordinated and organized before I leave.

This summer I will be connecting with youth on small group basis. Not much interest has been given to any summer activities. So I will go to them. This

week my focus is on the senior’s.

Will be going July 10th to the 15th to the boundary waters for a family trip.

Bible Studies will continue on the fall as they were.

Open Lunch will continue in the fall.

H. Worship, Arts and Music - Brad Browers

Still working with an organ specialist to look at the organ.

Sound board training on July 6th at 4:30pm.

Going over attendance and offering history.

J. NHCS – Curt Skowlund

The Preschool is looking for a member from the congregation to join the Board as the last church member stepped down and there needs to be at least

one on the board. Next meeting is set for June 27th at 6:30pm

Old Business –

What is God calling us to do?

God’s work our Hands. Would like to see PPC group signup and lead the way to volunteer.

Also if anyone in PPC could lead and try and sit at the front of the church to encourage.

New Business –

How do we recruit Volunteers? Call lists, personal asking. Thanking them when they do volunteer.

The school district will be done as of the end of July. That space will be available again for rent or partnering with some other ministry. So this will be a

loss of income for the church for the end of the year.

Calling all members to prayerfully consider being a Deacon. We are currently looking for two members to serve for three years.

What is a Deacon? In the early church Deacons took special care of the sick and the poor. Today at Our Saviors we pray daily for

our church and those in need. We meet weekly, Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6:30, to review prayer concerns and study the Bible.

If you have any questions, interest in being a Deacon, and/or prayer requests please talk to one of the current Deacons:

Cindy Haglin, Dean Haglin, Dennis Painter, Duane Buytaert, Irene Rudnicki, Katie Bailey, Roy Ober, Shawn Crowser,

Kathy Rye, Pastor Chris Hill

Page 9: August 2016 The Messenger - Clover, Canoe Campers, Explorers, and Canoeists to camp, we hope you, too, can join us

Page 9 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

Do you have ideas or suggestions for Christian Education? Please feel free to talk to any member of the Christian Education team.

Juli Lattner – Team Lead

Christina Kadelbach

Megan Kazmierczak

Sara Lamb

Gina Painter

Curt Skowlund

Christian Education Team

The steps are easy. Just follow the steps below every night in every home!

Share your highs and lows Read a Bible verse or story from Sunday’s teaching Talk about how reading might relate to your highs and lows Pray for one another’s highs and lows Bless one another before turning out the lights on the day

Faith 5 – Every night in every home

Expedition Norway Success! We had 25 highly energetic kids for VBS this year. IT WAS AWESOME! Thank you to all the volunteers that made VBS great and to everyone that donated. Everyone had fun, we sang, we ate, we danced and we learned that GOD IS GOOD!

GIFT is back! GIFT will be starting up again in September! If you didn’t have a chance to experience GIFT earlier this year, be sure to come see what it’s about and bring the whole family! What is GIFT? GIFT stands for Generations In Faith Together. It means we are inviting everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, to spend time together learning and building faith and community. It is a time where the wonder of the child and the wisdom of the elder can be together. It is a time for families to build a faith journey together. It is a time for our church community to support each other. In GIFT, we will be using Faith5 as a foundational piece that we want to see everyone using in their home every day. Along with Faith5 we will use the Cross+Gen materials to learn Bible stories, songs, games and activities for all.

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Page 10 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

Please remember to call the office if you would like to schedule a meeting in the church so we may put it in the church calendar. Thank you.

Radio Broadcast Sponsorship

The calendar for the 2016 radio broadcast sponsorship is up near the Fireside room. When signing up for a date, remem-ber to pay the office. The rate for a sponsorship is $52.50. In order to keep this service, we need more sponsors. Thank you!

*For Church related cancellations due to bad weather, an-nouncements will be made on WKLK, B105, and Mix 108 radio stations, and also on Duluth TV stations Notifications will also be on our website: If Cloquet schools are closed or have a 2 hour late start, New Horizons’

Christian Preschool is closed for the day.

Prayer Chain

Please call the Church office with your prayer chain requests.


For those of you who use Simply Giving for your offering, there are pink cards available in the pews for you to use. How it works: To show your support of using Simply Giving, place the card in the offering plate. It’s that easy. This gives other members a visual and reminder of the Simply Giving program. If you are not enrolled in Simply Giving, and would like to be, there are forms in the office, in the Narthex, and on our Church website.

Shiny paper recycling

Remember to bring in your old magazines to recycle. All the profits go to our New Horizons Christian Preschool. They are accepting white paper too! There is a bin under the bulletin board in the Narthex. It can also be brought to the Preschool area.

This is our 66th year of radio broadcasts on


~Fair Trade Store~

WHERE: Church Library

WHEN: Most Sunday mornings and during weekly

office hours.

We offer cards and gifts for all occasions.

Choose gifts that make a difference! Shop for beautiful Fair Trade home décor, accessories and other unique hand crafted items made by marginalized artisans and farmers living around the world. Your purchases help them gain the income and skills they need to feed their families and send their children to school.

Coffee with a Lutheran Flavor

The LWR Coffee Project is a partnership between Lu-theran World Relief and Equal Exchange.

The LWR Coffee Project unites you with farmers who labor to fill your cup. Buying Fair Trade gives coffee farmers steady income to send their children to school, make sure their communities have clean water, and pro-tect their environment.

Lutherans and coffee… the two come together when neighbors gather at church for fellowship. Fairly traded coffee shares more of the bounty of the crop with those who grow it. Improved incomes and trustworthy partners enable small farmers to build a better future for their families and communities. The LWR Coffee Project is a way to reach out with what we spend on something as ordinary and wonderful as coffee. It’s Good Coffee for a Good Cause.

Every Sunday we enjoy Fair Trade coffee following wor-ship services in the Narthex.

OSL’s Fair Trade Store has many varieties of coffee, tea and chocolates as well as baking cocoa, hot cocoa, al-monds, olive oil and olivewood carvings. Stop in the of-fice during regular hours or visit us on Sunday’s between worship services.


Cups with the new Our Saviors logo are available for sale for $10 in the Fair Trade Store. Some have told us

that $10 is a bit expensive; however, the cups cost

almost $6 to make, and this is a fundraiser.

Thank you to all who purchase cups!

The Evangelism Team

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Page 11 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

615 12th Street

Cloquet, MN 55720-2321

Office: (218) 879-1535

Pastor: Pastor Chris Hill (ext 11)

[email protected]


Youth Director & Small Group Coordinator:

Christina Kadelbach (ext. 12)

[email protected]


Visitation Pastor: Pastor Karen Linne

Administrative Assistant: Connie Reinke (ext. 10)

[email protected]

Bookkeeper: Bruce Larson

Sr. Choir / Praise & Worship: Ryan Hanson, Director

[email protected]

Church Website: Administrative Assistant

New Horizons Christian School:

Director: Angel Gamache

[email protected]

Teacher: Thera Wiersma (ext. 24) or

[email protected]

Church office hours:

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 8-3

Wednesday: 8-2

Thursday: 8-3

Friday: 8-12 (staffed by a volunteer)

Summer Worship Times:

Sunday Service . . . . . . . 9:30 am

No Wednesday Service

W E ’ R E O N T H E WE B !

w w w . o u r s a v i o r s c l o q u e t . o r g

The Messenger Schedule: Deadline for submitting

articles is the 15th of the month. Articles submitted

after deadline will be published in the next issue.

If possible, e-mail your articles to:

[email protected]

September 2016 news deadline: August 15 by

noon. Deadline for articles for Sunday bulletins is

Wednesday by 9:00 am. Thank you for your coop-

eration and understanding.

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers for our

members of our congregation currently serving in

the military. Please contact the Church office for

any other members we may have missed or if any

of these names should be taken off.

Skylar Scheer Tony Gist Alex Lingren

Jess Roen Dane Kiehn

Tim Schlenvogt

Chris Vanderpool

Please remember the following members of

our church throughout the year:

Sunnyside Health

Care Center

Dennis Sorenson

Connie Beck

Char Franzen

Anita Fountain

Evergreen Knoll

Joyce Fuller

Grace Caffey

Donna Redding

Char Hagen

Evelyn Buddish


Mariam Hella

Carol M. Maki

Augustana Mercy

Joe Wyner

Safe Transitions

Vicki Diver

Inter-Faith Care Center

Alice Toone

Russ McKibbon

Eleanor Jania

Ricard Puumala

Barbara Puumala

Evergreen Cottages

Becky Eknes

John Manisto

Diamond Willow

Millie Johnson

Lawrence Yetka


Stella Olson

Lempi Mattson

Larson Commons

Audrine Johnson


Pat Meisner

The Radio Broadcast is broadcast on WKLK 1230 AM at 11:00 AM on Sundays.

The Cat 7 Broadcast is every Sunday at 3:30pm & Wednesday at 3:30pm

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Page 12 “To know Christ, and have others know Him!” August 2016 Messenger

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August 2016

OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 615 12th Street Cloquet, MN 55720

Phone: 218-879-1535