august 2010 newsletter[1]

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  • 8/9/2019 AUGUST 2010 Newsletter[1]




    An Afternoon of Family Fun!

    On Sunday, August 15th, we will have anafternoon of strikes and gutterballs atValley Bowl on Business 83 in Mission!The cost will be just $5 for two hours of

    bowling, shoes, etc. Everyone is invitedand encouraged to invite friends to comealong.We would love to see everyone there! Asign up sheet is on the bulletin board atchurch, along with directionspleasemake sure to sign up so we have a goodhead count! See you there!!!Questions? Ask Heather M. or Gayle W.

    V.B.S. 2010!






    St P&P Bowl-o-Rama!WHEN:

    Sunday, August 15th - 3pm

    WHERE:Valley Bowl-Mission, TX



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    St. Peter & St. Paul Episcopal ChurchConnections AUGUST 2010

    PAGE 2

    A Mighty Oak

    I am writing this article under a big oak tree up at Camp Capers, ourdioceses summer camp. I am currently the dean (the guy in charge) of a

    session with 150 Junior High kids. And while this has been an awesomeweek, I am exhausted and I need a moment away from the insanity. So Itook my computer and am sitting under an enormous oak tree down by

    the river.Unfortunately, there are not nearly as many huge oak trees at Camp Capers as there used to be. Thewhole camp used to be given shade by trees that hadbeen there since the camp was founded 80 years ago.But now there are only a few of these big oak treesleft.You see, Camp Capers has been fighting a losingbattle with oak wilt for years. Oak wilt is a disease, a

    fungus actually, that kills trees over time and isextremely contagious to other oaks. If you came upto camp over the last decade, you could watch thedisease spread across the camp decimating entirefields of oaks.Luckily, it seems the disease has run its course andthey have planted a multitude of new trees that willprovide shade for future generations, but I cannot help but be saddened by the big empty spaceswhere enormous oaks towered when I came to this camp as a camper. But somehow, this particulartree, which was one of the biggest and oldest on camp, seemed unaffected by the oak wilt. In fact, itlooks stronger and healthier than ever.

    It makes me think of the first Psalm:Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinnersor sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditatesday and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season andwhose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. (Psalm 1: 1-4)

    God wants us to thrive. God wants us to grow. God wants us to have strength to face the strugglesof this life. God wants each of us to be like the huge oak tree, under whose shade I am sitting rightnow.In order to be like this oak tree, we have to walk with God. (I realize I mixed my metaphors; treesdont walk, but as I told you I am pretty tired right now.) We will thrive if we drink from the Living

    Water (John 4:10). We will grow if we are fed by the Bread of Life (John 6:25). We will havestrength if we find our strength in Him. The transforming love of God can make us like this mightyoak.

    Now I have to go back to 150 teenagers bouncing off the walls. May God give me the strength of

    this oak tree. I am sure I will need it.

    In Christ,

    Father Michael

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    St. Peter & St. Paul Episcopal ChurchConnections

    PAGE 3AUGUST 2010

    Stock the Book Nook!Tucked in the hallway tothe classrooms is a shelfof books.All books are availablefor 50 each, with allproceeds going to thegeneral funds of the church.The book supply is running low, so we

    would appreciate your contribution ofany of your unwanted books. You arewelcome to bring any type of bookthat you would like to donate.When our supply overflows ourdemand, we will filter out the books todonate to the colonia or the library.


    How can one small statement bring out so many emotions?

    Confidencethrough prayer, we have found that this is what we need to

    be doing at this moment in our lives.

    Fear and anxietyconstant reminders to take it back to the one who is

    in charge.

    Sadnessleaving all that we know: friends, co-workers, schools and

    places. Seven years is time enough to forge many lasting relationships.

    Gratitudefor prayerful support; for loving words; for knowing that

    the people who have touched us have also been touched by us; for the

    support of loving grandparents

    Happinessour little family will be all under one roof again.

    We want to take this opportunity to thank the people of St. Peter & St. Paul for giving us such

    a warm and loving a church home and family. So many wonderful memories and friendships

    have been indelibly etching in our hearts and minds.

    God bless each one of you.



    Building FundCapital Campaign

    A big Thank You toeveryone who hascontributed so gen-erously to help re-tire our Building

    Fund note.Our balance as of

    August 1st is $8719.00. We're al-most there!! Praise God!Any and all contributions aregreatly appreciated and will get uscloser to our goal!

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    St. Peter & St. Paul Episcopal ChurchConnections

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    RIGHTEOUS RECIPES!!Every month, we will use this space to reflect the culinary side of St Peter & St Paul. We

    cant wait to try your favorite recipes! Send to [email protected]

    This months recipe comes all the way from Tennessee, courtesy of Fern Fisher:

    Terry's Taters for a crowd

    5# Red Potatoes Large cheese MixLarge Sour Cream 1 lb of Bacon

    Salt & Pepper 2 bottles of Ranch DressingBunch of green Onions

    Boil Potatoes with Peeling on. Put in a casserole cover with Ranch Dressing& Cheese mix . Crumble Bacon over the top cover with foilbake at 400 degrees for 35 minutes. This is very good hope you all willenjoy-Fern

    AUGUST 2010

    10/10 STUDY & PRAY

    The challenge has

    been made: Make acommitment to pray for10 minutes andread the bible for 10minutes every day.

    Prayer time can be flexible. Get aminute in while stopped at a red light.Knock out five minutes while waiting in adoctor's office.For the Bible study, it is best to set up a

    certain time everyday to read the Bibleor some book dealing with the Bible.If you don't know where to begin, startwith one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark,Luke, and John) or you can email Fr.Michael ([email protected])and he would be happy to offer some

    suggestions or lend you a book.

    Mens Group:Coffee With the

    CarpenterAttention St. P&P Men:Coffee With theCarpenter is a men's group thatgathers on the 2nd and 4th Thursdaysof every month from 7:00am to8:00am. Come join the guys formorning prayer, breakfast, lots ofcoffee, and great discussion!This months Coffee with theCarpenter will be postponed untilAugust 12th. We will resumewith our traditional 2nd and 4thThursday of the month through2010-2011.For more information on Coffee with

    the Carpenter, contact Dan Miller at519-0090.

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    St. Peter & St. Paul Episcopal ChurchConnections

    PAGE 5AUGUST 2010


    The Garden of EatinGarden Outreach Program!A new ministry of St. Peter and St. Paul!

    An exciting new outreach has begun that (for the timebeing, until a better name is suggested) is called TheGarden of Eatin. We are going to create a 1.5 acre garden on the land to thenorth of the church. In the garden we are going to grow vegetables andperhaps flowers if someone shows an interest in overseeing that aspect ofthe garden. During the winter, we will sell our produce two times a week fromthe porch of the church. Whatever we sell, the proceeds will go to feeding thehungry. Whatever we do not sell, we will give away to feed the hungry.Through the generosity of companies and farms in the area, our cost will beminimal, which gives us great potential to generate funds to feed those whoare hungry.

    Jed Murray is the point person for this ministry, and he is fired up and alreadyhard at work. There will be opportunities for people (including people fromoutside the church) to volunteer as the garden progresses. We will keep youin the loop.

    If this idea is exciting to you, talk to Jed or Father Michael about ways youcan get involved.

    New Greeter Ministry

    HELLO and WELCOME to St. Peter and St. Paul!!

    Our Greeter Ministry Team has been hard at work at St. Peter& St. Paul and the new Greeter Program is now underway!We are focusing on how guests are welcomed from themoment they get out of their car until they are back at theirhomes.If you are interested in working on this team, please email JBTownsend at [email protected].

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    St. Peter & St. Paul Episcopal ChurchConnections

    PAGE 6AUGUST 2010

    PULSE YOUTH GROUP BACK IN ACTION!It is that time of year...

    The bad (or good) news is you have to go backto school. The good news is it is time for Pulse

    to return from its summer break!

    Pulse is a St. Peter and St. Pauls ministry for

    youth 5th-12th grade and is held on the first

    Sunday of the month from 5pm to 6:30pm. Since the first Sunday of

    September falls on a holiday weekend, we will have Pulse a week

    earlierSunday August 29th. There will be food, silliness, and Jesus!

    So be there and bring a friend!

    Questions about Pulse? Contact Father Michael!

    [email protected]

    Altar FlowersDid you know that anyonecan request them? Altarflowers are a wonderful way

    to honor a loved one for aspecial occasion ,such as a

    birthday, or an anniversary.Flowers can also be givenin thanksgiving for what weare thankful for, or in honor

    of a loved one that is no longerwith us. OR, you may simplyorder them because you love

    flowers!! The normaldonation is $25.00. Pleasecall the office in advance at

    585-5005 or sign up on thesheet provided at the church.

    Children's ChurchChildren arevery importantto the life of ourchurch, and weare blessed tohave anabundance of

    awesome youngsters.The purpose of Children's Church isto bring the word of God to a kidslevel of understanding. We are happy

    to offer this for children from 4 yearsthrough High School. The young oneswill meet every week, and the Jr. Highand High School group will have classtwice a month.Contact Father Michael or AmyHoffman if you have any questions orwish to volunteer for this veryimportant ministry.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    St. Peter & St. Paul Episcopal ChurchConnections AUGUST 2010

    PAGE 7


    Every now and then, we all needour spiritual batteries recharged

    Cursillo retreats are an awesomeand fun way to revive yourself in thelove and fellowship of Jesus Christ.

    Lots of folks at St Peter & Paul have been on aCursillo weekend and many of us continue toserve on teams. CursilloA funny wordmeaning a short course inChristianity is designed todeepen your faith andstrengthen your Christian walk.

    Ask anyone wearing a colorfulcross on the third Sunday ofthe month what their Cursillo meant to themand youll get a different answer and a hugesmile.

    The next Cursillo weekend with open spots willbe October 14-17, 2010 at beautiful MustangIsland, outside of Corpus Christi.

    Contact Heather Marks at 802-3822 or via email [email protected] for more information.

    You can also find out more on the EpiscopalDiocese of West Texas website:

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    St. Peter & St. Paul Episcopal ChurchConnections AUGUST 2010

    PAGE 8


    Got musical talents?Play guitar or sing?

    Want to make ajoyful noiseunto the Lord?

    Consider using your God-given talent as part of our

    music team!

    CONTACT: Arlyn Olson (687-7334)or any choir member for more info!

    Caregivers Support Groupby Vicki Knipp

    Many of us at St. Peter and Paul have (or

    someday will) find ourselves in the roleof caregiver. When I was going through

    this with my mom, I decided to initiate agroup where folks can come together to

    get idea's, share experiences and walktogether with our Lord through this

    difficult stage of life.Who should come? This group isappropriate for any folks currently in the

    caregiver role, preparing for this role,still grieving or recovering from their

    recent experience. It may also beappropriate for those who feel they have

    something to offer others from theirpast.

    There will be no experts with perfectanswers. This will be a true Support

    Group where we will walk hand-in-hand,trusting that Jesus will guide us in this

    emotional--yet inevitable, part of life.

    Monthly meetings begin with a simpledinner followed by a short Bible Study.(you are encouraged to bring a notebookand a Bible).

    Our meetings take place on the firstThursday of each month and you arewelcome to bring a friend orrelative!

    Have some info for the next newsletter??

    Got a story about why you love St P&P?

    Want to share your favorite recipe??

    Our goal for this newsletter is thatit reflects who we are and what

    we do at St Peter & St Paul. Weare constantly looking for ways tostay informed and connected viathis newsletter and our website.If you have a gift for this or if you

    have any suggestions, pleasecontact Heather Marks.

    Send to: [email protected]

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    Empowered by God,we are a communitycommitted to sharingChrists love throughservice and worship.





    2310 N Stewart RoadMission, Texas 78574Phone: