augmented arnoldi-tikhonov regularization methods for solving

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2013, Article ID 548487, 8 pages Research Article Augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov Regularization Methods for Solving Large-Scale Linear Ill-Posed Systems Yiqin Lin, 1 Liang Bao, 2 and Yanhua Cao 3 1 Department of Mathematics and Computational Science, Hunan University of Science and Engineering, Yongzhou 425100, China 2 Department of Mathematics, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China 3 Department of Mathematics, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China Correspondence should be addressed to Liang Bao; [email protected] Received 1 November 2012; Revised 18 March 2013; Accepted 19 March 2013 Academic Editor: Hung Nguyen-Xuan Copyright © 2013 Yiqin Lin et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We propose an augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method for the solution of large-scale linear ill-posed systems. is method augments the Krylov subspace by a user-supplied low-dimensional subspace, which contains a rough approximation of the desired solution. e augmentation is implemented by a modified Arnoldi process. Some useful results are also presented. Numerical experiments illustrate that the augmented method outperforms the corresponding method without augmentation on some real-world examples. 1. Introduction We consider the iterative solution of a large system of linear equations = , (1) where R × is nonsymmetric and nonsingular, and R . We further assume that the coefficient matrix is of ill-determined rank; that is, all its singular values decay gradually to zero, with no gap anywhere in the spectrum. Such systems are oſten referred to as linear discrete ill- posed problems and arise from the discretization of ill-posed problems such as Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with a smooth kernel. e right-hand side of (1) is assumed to be contaminated by an error R , which may stem from discretization or measurement inaccuracies. us, = +, where is the unknown error-free right-hand side vector. We would like to compute the solution of the linear system of equations with the error-free right-hand side , = . (2) However, since the right-hand side in (2) is not available, we seek to determine an approximation of by solving the available system (1) or a modification. Due to the ill condi- tioning of , the system (1) has to be regularized in order to compute a useful approximation of . Perhaps the best known regularization method is Tikhonov regularization [13], which in its simplest form is based on the minimization problem min R {‖ − ‖ 2 + 1 ‖‖ 2 }, (3) where > 0 is a regularization parameter. Here and throughout this paper denotes the Euclidean vector norm or the associated induced matrix norm. Aſter regulating the system (1), we need to compute the solution of the minimization problem (3). Such a vector is also the solution of ( + 1 ) = . (4) Here and in the following, denotes the identity matrix, whose dimension is conformed with the dimension used in the context. If is far away from zero, then, due to the ill conditioning of , is badly computed while, if is close to zero, is well computed, but the error is

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Hindawi Publishing CorporationMathematical Problems in EngineeringVolume 2013 Article ID 548487 8 pageshttpdxdoiorg1011552013548487

Research ArticleAugmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov Regularization Methods forSolving Large-Scale Linear Ill-Posed Systems

Yiqin Lin1 Liang Bao2 and Yanhua Cao3

1 Department of Mathematics and Computational Science Hunan University of Science and Engineering Yongzhou 425100 China2Department of Mathematics East China University of Science and Technology Shanghai 200237 China3Department of Mathematics North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China

Correspondence should be addressed to Liang Bao nlbaoyahoocn

Received 1 November 2012 Revised 18 March 2013 Accepted 19 March 2013

Academic Editor Hung Nguyen-Xuan

Copyright copy 2013 Yiqin Lin et alThis is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License whichpermits unrestricted use distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited

We propose an augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method for the solution of large-scale linear ill-posed systems Thismethod augments the Krylov subspace by a user-supplied low-dimensional subspace which contains a rough approximation ofthe desired solution The augmentation is implemented by a modified Arnoldi process Some useful results are also presentedNumerical experiments illustrate that the augmented method outperforms the corresponding method without augmentation onsome real-world examples

1 Introduction

We consider the iterative solution of a large system of linearequations

119860119909 = 119887 (1)

where 119860 isin R119899times119899 is nonsymmetric and nonsingular and119887 isin R119899 We further assume that the coefficient matrix 119860 isof ill-determined rank that is all its singular values decaygradually to zero with no gap anywhere in the spectrumSuch systems are often referred to as linear discrete ill-posed problems and arise from the discretization of ill-posedproblems such as Fredholm integral equations of the first kindwith a smooth kernelThe right-hand side 119887 of (1) is assumedto be contaminated by an error 119890 isin R119899 which may stem fromdiscretization or measurement inaccuracies Thus 119887 = + 119890where is the unknown error-free right-hand side vector

We would like to compute the solution 119909 of the linearsystem of equations with the error-free right-hand side

119860119909 = (2)

However since the right-hand side in (2) is not availablewe seek to determine an approximation of 119909 by solving the

available system (1) or a modification Due to the ill condi-tioning of 119860 the system (1) has to be regularized in orderto compute a useful approximation of 119909 Perhaps the bestknown regularization method is Tikhonov regularization [1ndash3] which in its simplest form is based on the minimizationproblem


119860119909 minus 1198872




where 120583 gt 0 is a regularization parameter Here andthroughout this paper sdot denotes the Euclidean vectornorm or the associated induced matrix norm

After regulating the system (1) we need to compute thesolution 119909

120583of the minimization problem (3) Such a vector

119909120583is also the solution of


119860 +1

120583119868)119909 = 119860


119887 (4)

Here and in the following 119868 denotes the identity matrixwhose dimension is conformed with the dimension used inthe context If 120583 is far away from zero then due to theill conditioning of 119860 119909

120583is badly computed while if 120583 is

close to zero 119909120583is well computed but the error 119909

120583minus 119909 is

2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

quite large Thus the choice of a good value for 120583 is fairlyimportant Several methods have been proposed to obtain aneffective value for 120583 For example if the norm of the error119890 or a fairly accurate estimate is known the regularizationparameter is quite easy to determine by application of thediscrepancy principle The discrepancy principle proposesthat the regularization parameter 120583 can be chosen so that thediscrepancy 119887 minus 119860119909


10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860119909


10038171003817100381710038171003817= 120578120576 (5)

where 120576 = 119890 and 120578 gt 1 is a constant see for example [4]for further details on the discrepancy principle

The singular value decomposition [5] of 119860 can be usedto determine the solution 119909

120583of the minimization problem

(3) For an overview of numerical methods for computingthe SVD we refer to [6] We remark that the computationaleffort required to compute the SVD is quite high even formoderately sized matrices

Many numerical methods using Krylov subspaces havebeen proposed for the solution of large-scale Tikhonovregularization problems (3)Themain idea of such algorithmshas been to first project the large problems onto some Krylovsubspace to produce problems with small size and then solvethe small-sized problems by the SVD For instance severalwell-established methods based on the Lanczos bidiagonal-ization process have been proposed for the solution of theminimization problem (3) see [7ndash10] and references thereinThese methods use the Lanczos bidiagonalization process toconstruct a basis of the Krylov subspace




= span 119860119879119887 119860119879119860119860119879119887 (119860119879119860)119898minus1




We remark that each Lanczos bidiagonalization step needstwo matrix-vector product evaluations one with 119860 and theother with 119860119879 Other methods using the Krylov subspace

K119898(119860 119860119887) = span 119860119887 1198602119887 119860119898119887 (7)

as the projection subspace have been also designed Forexample Lewis and Reichel [11] proposed to exploit theArnoldi process to produce a basis of the Krylov subspaceK119898(119860 119860119887) to obtain an approximation of the solution of

the Tikhonov regularization problem (3) Since each Arnoldidecomposition step requires only one matrix-vector evalua-tion with 119860 the approach based on the Arnoldi process mayrequire fewer matrix-vector product evaluations than thatbased on the Lanczos bidiagonalization process Moreoverthe methods based on the Arnoldi process do not requirethe adjoint matrix 119860119879 and hence are more appropriateto problems for which the adjoint is difficult to evaluateFor such problems we refer to [12] A similar Tikhonovregularizationmethod based on generalized Krylov subspaceis proposed in [13]

Some numerical methods without using the Tikhonovregularization technique have been already proposed to solvethe large-scale linear discrete ill-posed problem (1) Thesemethods include the range-restricted GMRES (RRGMRES)method [14 15] the augmented range-restricted GMRES(ARRGMRES) method [16] and the flexible GMRES (FGM-RES) method [17] The RRGMRES method determines the119898th approximation 119909

119898of (1) by solving the minimization



119860119909 minus 119887 119898 = 1 2 1199090= 0 (8)

The regularization is implemented by choosing a suitabledimension number 119898 see for example [18] The ARRGM-RES method augments the Krylov subspace K

119898(119860 119860119887)

by a low-dimensional user-supplied subspace The low-dimensional subspace is determined by vectors that are ableto represent the known features of the desired solutionThe augmented method can yield approximate solutions ofhigher accuracy than the RRGMRES method if the Krylovsubspace K

119898(119860 119860119887) does not allow representation of the

known featuresIn this paper we propose a new iterative method named

augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method forsolving large-scale linear ill-posed systems (1) The newmethod is deduced by combining the Tikhonov regulariza-tion technique and the augmentation technique The aug-mentation is implemented by a modified Arnoldi process

The following summarizes the structure of this paperSection 2 describes the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regu-larization method and some useful results Some real-worldexamples are presented in Section 3 Section 4 contains theconclusions

2 Augmented Arnoldi-TikhonovRegularization Method

We attempt to improve the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod proposed in [11] by augmenting the Krylov subspaceK119898(119860 119860119887) by a 119896-dimensional subspaceW which contains

a rough approximation of the desired solution of (2) Thenthe subspace of projection we will exploit in the following isof the form

K119898(119860 119860119887) +W = span 119860119887 1198602119887 119860119898119887 +W (9)

Let 119882 be the 119899 by 119896 matrix whose columns form anorthonormal basis of the space W For the purpose ofaugmentation by W we apply the modified Arnoldi process[16] to construct the modified Arnoldi decomposition

119860 [119882119881119898] = [119880 119881

119898+1]119867 (10)

where 119880 isin R119899times119896 119881119898+1

isin R119899times(119898+1) [119880 119881119898+1] has orthonor-

mal columns and119867 isin R(119898+119896+1)times(119898+119896) is an upperHessenbergmatrix We point out that the leading principal 119896 by 119896submatrix of 119867 is the upper triangular matrix in the QRfactorization [5] of 119860119882 that is119867 is of the form

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

Input 119860 isin R119899times119899 119887 isin R119899119882 isin R119899times119896119898Output 119880 isin R119899times119896 119881

119898+1isin R119899times(119898+1)119867 isin R(119898+119896+1)times(119898+119896)

(1) Compute QR-factorization 119860119882 = 119880119867(2) Compute V

1= 119860119887 minus 119880(119880


119860119887) V1= V11003817100381710038171003817V11003817100381710038171003817 and set 119881

1= [V1]

(3) For 119895 = 1 2 119898 DoV119895+1= 119860V


For 119894 = 1 2 119896 Doℎ119894119895+119896

= 119880( 119894)119879


V119895+1= V119895+1minus ℎ119894119895+119896119880( 119894)

End ForFor 119894 = 1 2 119895 Do


= V119879119894V119895+1

V119895+1= V119895+1minus ℎ119894+119896119895+119896


End Forℎ119895+119896+1119895+119896

= V119895+110038171003817100381710038171003817V119895+1


V119895+1= V119895+1ℎ119895+119896+1119895+119896

119881119895+1= [119881119895 V119895+1]

End For

Algorithm 1 Modified Arnoldi process

119867 =




sdot sdot sdot ℎ1119896



sdot sdot sdot ℎ1119896+119898

d d

sdot sdot sdot





sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896minus1119896+119898




sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896119896+119898



sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896+1119896+119898



sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896+2119896+119898

d d







ThemodifiedArnoldi relation (10) is shared by othermethodssuch as GMRES-E [19] and FGMRES [20] which are alsoaugmented type methods

The modified Arnoldi process is outlined in Algorithm 1We remark that the modified Arnoldi process in this paperis slightly different from the one used by Morgan [19]to augment the Krylov subspace with some approximateeigenvectors In his method the augmenting vectors are putafter the Krylov vectors while in Algorithm 1 the augment-ing subspace containing a rough approximation solution isincluded in the projection subspace from the beginningIn general this can give better results at the start of theregularization method proposed in this paper

We remark that a loss of orthogonality can occur whenthe algorithm progresses see [21] A remedy is the so-called reorthogonalization where the current vector has tobe orthogonalized against previously created vectors Onecan choose between a selective reorthogonalization or a full

reorthogonalization against all vectors in the current aug-mented subspace In this paper we only use the full reorthog-onalization The full reorthogonalization can be done as aclassical or modifed Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization see[21] for details

We now seek to determine an approximate solution 119909120583119898

of (3) in the augmented Krylov subspace K119898(119860 119860119887) +W

After computing theQR factorization [119882119881119898] = 119876119877with119876 isin

R119899times(119898+119896) having orthonormal columns and 119877 isin R(119898+119896)times(119898+119896)

being an upper triangularmatrix we substitute119909 = [119882119881119898]119910

119910 isin R119898+119896 into (3) It yields the reduced minimizationproblem


1003817100381710038171003817119860 [119882119881119898] 119910 minus 119887





1003817100381710038171003817[119882119881119898] 1199101003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119867119910 minus 119887







4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

= min119910isinR119898+119896

10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881




+(119868 minus 119875)1198872






in which 119875 = [119880119881119898+1][119880 119881

119898+1]119879 is an orthogonal projector

onto span([119880 119881119898+1]) Obviously the reduced minimization

problem (12) is equivalent to


10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881








= min119910isinR119898+119896








119910 minus [[119880119881119898+1]119879






The normal equations of the minimization problem (13) is


119867 +1


119877)119910 = 119867119879

[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (14)

We denote the solution of the minimization problem (13) by119910120583119898

Then from (14) it follows that

119910120583119898= (119867


119867 +1





[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (15)

The approximate solution of (3) is

119909120583119898= [119882119881

119898] 119910120583119898 (16)

Since the matrix119867119879119867+ (1120583)119877119879119877 has a larger conditionnumber than the matrix [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 we apply the QRfactorization of [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 to obtain the solution 119910


of (13) insteadTheQR factorization of [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 canbe implemented by a sequence of Givens rotations


120601119898(120583) =

10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860119909





Substituting 119909120583119898

= [119882119881119898]119910120583119898

into (17) and using themodified Arnoldi decomposition (10) yield

120601119898(120583) =

10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860 [119882119881

119898] 119910120583119898



=10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus [119880119881




=10038171003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 minus 119867119910120583119898



+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872


Substituting 119910120583119898

in (15) into (18) we obtain

120601119898(120583) =


[119868 minus 119867(119867119879

119867 +1





] [119880119881119898+1]119879




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Note that

119868 minus 119867(119867119879

119867 +1





= [120583119867119877minus1



+ 119868]



Therefore the function 120601119898(120583) can be expressed as

120601119898(120583) =





+ 119868]


[119880 119881119898+1]119879




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Concerning the properties of 120601119898(120583) we have the follow-

ing results which are similar to those of Theorem 21 in [11]for the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method

Theorem 1 The function 120601119898(120583) has the representation

120601119898(120583) = 119887


[119880 119881119898+1] [120583119867119877




+ 119868]


times [119880119881119898+1]119879

119887 + (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Assume that 119860119887 = 0 and (119867119877minus1)119879[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 = 0 Then 120601119898is

strictly decreasing and convex for 120583 ge 0 with 120601119898(0) = 119887

2Moreover the equation

120601119898(120583) = 120591 (23)

has a unique solution 120583120591119898

such that 0 lt 120583120591119898lt infin for any 120591

with100381710038171003817100381710038171003817119875N((119867119877minus1)119879)[119880 119881119898+1]




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872

lt 120591 lt 1198872


where 119875N((119867119877minus1)119879) denotes the orthogonal projector ontoN((119867119877minus1)



Proof The proof follows the same argument of the proof ofTheorem 21 in [11] and therefore is omitted

We easily obtain the following theorem of which theproof is almost the same as that of Corollary 22 in [11]

Theorem 2 Assume that the modified Arnoldi process breaksdown at step 119895 Then the sequence 119904


119894=0defined by

1199040= 1198872



)[119880 119881119898+1]119879



+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872

0 lt 119894 lt 119895

119904119895= 0


is decreasing

We apply the discrepancy principle to the discrepancy 119887minus119860119909120583119898

to determine an appropriate regularization parameter120583 so that it satisfies (5) To make the equation

120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 (26)

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

Input 119860 isin R119899times119899 119887 isin R119899119882 isin R119899times119896 120576 1205781198980

Output 119909120583119898

120583119898119898 = 119898min + 1198980

(1) Compute the modified Arnoldi decomposition 119860[119882119881119898] = [119880 119881

119898+1]119867 with119898 = 119898min + 1198980

where119898min is the smallest number such that (119868 minus 119875)1198872 lt 12057821205762(2) Compute the solution 120583

119898of the equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 by Newtonrsquos method

(3) Compute the solution 119910120583119898

of the least-squares problem (13) and obtain the approximatesolution 119909

120583119898= [119882119881


Algorithm 2 Augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method

have a solution it follows from Theorem 1 that the inputparameter 119898 of the modified Arnoldi should be chosen sothat 119904

119898lt 1205782

1205762 To simplify the computations we ignore

the first term in 119904119898 Then the smallest iterative step number

denoted by 119898min of the modified Arnoldi process is chosenso that

(119868 minus 119875) 1198872

lt 1205782



We can improve the quality of the computed solution bychoosing the practical iterative step number 119898 somewhatlarger than119898min

After choosing the number 119898 of the modified Arnoldiiterative steps the regularization parameter 120583

119898is determined

by solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Many

numerical methods have been proposed for the solutionof a nonlinear equation including Newtonrsquos method [22]super-Newtonrsquos [23] method and Halleyrsquos method [24] Forthe specific nonlinear equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Reichel and

Shyshkov proposed a new zero-finder method in their newpaper [25] In this paper we still make use of Newtonrsquosmethod to obtain the regularization parameter 120583


In Algorithm 2 we outline the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod which is used to solve large-scale linear ill-posed systems (1)

Newtonrsquos method requires to evaluate 120601119898(120583) and its first

derivative with respect to 120583 for computing approximations120583(119895)

119898of 120583119898for 119895 = 0 1 2 Let

119911120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]


[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (28)

that is 119911120583119898

satisfies the system of linear equations




+ 119868] 119911 = [119880119881119898+1]119879

119887 (29)

Note that the above linear system is the normal equations ofthe least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [


(U 119881119898+1)119879




For numerical stability we compute the vector 119911120583119898

by solvingthe least-squares problem Then the 120601

119898(120583) is evaluated by


120601119898(120583) = 119911


120583119898119911120583119898+ (119868 minus 119875) 119887



It is easy to show that the first derivative of 1206011015840119898(120583) can be

written as


119898(120583) = minus2119911


120583119898119908120583119898 (32)


119908120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]





119911120583119898 (33)

Hence we may compute 119908120583119898

by solving a least-squaresproblem analogous to the above with the vector [119880 119881



replaced by119867119877minus1(119867119877minus1)119879119911120583119898

The algorithm for implementing the Newton iteration for

solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 is presented in

Algorithm 3Let 119909119898be the 119898th iterate produced by the augmented

RRGMRES in [16] Then 119909119898satisfies

1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119909isinK119898(119860119860119887)+W

119860119909 minus 1198872

= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817119860 [119882119881119898] 119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119867119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881




+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872


As 120583 rarr infin the reduced minimization problem (12) is thesame as the above minimization problem which shows that

119909119898= lim120583rarrinfin

119909120583119898 (35)

Therefore we obtain the following result

Theorem 3 Let 119909119898

be the 119898th iterate determined by aug-mented RRGMRES applied to (1) with initial iterate 119909

0= 0

Then1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 119887



= 120601119898(infin) (36)

3 Numerical Experiments

In this section we present some numerical examplesto illustrate the performance of the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method for the solution of large-scale linear ill-posed systems We compare the augmented

6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

(1) Set 1205830= 0 and 119894 = 0

(2) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [





to obtain 119911120583119894119898

(3) Compute 120601119898(120583119894) = 119911119879

120583119894119898119911120583119894119898+ (119868 minus 119875)119887

2(4) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [







100381710038171003817100381710038171003817100381710038171003817to obtain 119908


(5) Compute 1206011015840119898(120583119894) = minus2119911



(6) Compute the new approximation

120583119894+1= 120583119894minus120601119898(120583119894) minus 1205782



(7) If |120583119894+1minus 120583119894| lt 10

minus6 stop else 120583119894= 120583119894+1 119894 = 119894 + 1 and go to 2

Algorithm 3 Newtonrsquos method for 120601119898(120583) = 120578



Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method implemented byAlgorithm 2 to the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization methodproposed in [11] The Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod is denoted by ATRM while the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method is denoted by AATRMIn all the following tables we denote by MV the numberof matrix-vector products and by RERR the relative error119909120583119898

minus 119909119909 where 119909 is the exact solution of the linearerror-free system of (2) Note that the number of matrix-vector products in Algorithm 2 is 119896 + 119898min + 1198980 In all theexamples 120578 = 101

All the numerical experiments are performed in Matlabon a PC with the usual double precision where the floatingpoint relative accuracy is 222 sdot 10minus16

Example 4 The first example considered is the Fredholmintegral equation of the first kind which takes the genericform




119896 (119904 119905) 119909 (119905) 119889119905 = 119887 (119904) 0 le 119904 le 1 (37)

Here both the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) areknown functions while 119909(119905) is the unknown function Fortest the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) are chosenas

119896 (119904 119905) = 119904 (119905 minus 1) 119904 lt 119905

119905 (119904 minus 1) 119904 ge 119905119887 (119904) =


minus 119904

6 (38)

With this choice the exact solution of (37) is 119905 We use theMatlab program deriv2 from the regularization package [26]to discretize the integral equation (37) and to generate asystem of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix 119860 isinR200times200 and the solution 119909 isin R200 The condition number of119860 is 49 sdot 104 The right-hand side 119887 is given by 119887 = 119860119909 + 119890where the elements of the error vector 119890 are generated fromnormal distribution with mean zero and the norm of 119890 is10minus2

sdot 119860119909 The augmentation subspace is one-dimensional

Table 1 Computational results of Example 4

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 0 2 195 sdot 10


AATRM 1 3 117 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 2 4 625 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 5 119 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 0 4 314 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 5 294 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 6 287 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 7 289 sdot 10minus1

and is spanned by the vector 119908 = [1 2 200]119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 1 for severalchoice of the number119898

0of additional iterations

FromTable 1 we can see that for 0 le 1198980le 3 AATRMhas

smaller relative errors than ATRM and the smallest relativeerror is given by AATRM with 119898

0= 1 The exact solution

119909 and the approximate solutions generated by AATRM andARTM with119898

0= 1 are depicted in Figure 1

Example 5 This example comes again from the regulariza-tion package [26] and is the inversion of Laplace transform





119909 (119904) 119889119904 = 119887 (119905) 119905 ge 1 (39)

where the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exact solution 119909(119905) aregiven by

119887 (119905) =1

119905 + 12 119909 (119905) = 119890



The system of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix119860 isin R250times250 and the solution 119909 isin R250 is obtained byusing the Matlab program ilaplace from the regularizationpackage [26] In the same way as Example 4 we construct

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

0 50 100 150 2000









Exact solutionAATRMATRM

Figure 1 Example 4 Exact solution119909 approximation solutionswith1198980= 1

Table 2 Computational results of Example 5

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 5 33 sdot 10


AATRM 2 6 91 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 7 27 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 6 57 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 7 31 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 8 45 sdot 10minus1

Table 3 Computational results of Example 6

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 10 22 sdot 10


AATRM 2 11 11 sdot 10minus1

AATRM 3 12 21 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 10 49 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 11 12 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 12 23 sdot 10minus1

the right-hand side 119887 of the system of linear equations (1)The augmentation subspace is also one-dimensional and isspanned by the vector 119908 = [1 12 1250]

119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 2 for119898

0= 1 2 3

Table 2 shows that AATRM with 1198980= 2 has the smallest

relative error and AARTM works slightly better than ATRMfor this problem

Example 6 This example considered here is the same asExample 5 except that the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exactsolution 119909(119905) are given by

119887 (119905) =2

(119905 + 12)3 119909 (119905) = 119905




By using the sameMatlab program as Example 5 we generatea system with 119860 isin R1000times1000 The augmentation subspace

is one-dimensional and is spanned by the vector 119908 =

[1 1 1]119879 In Table 3 we report numerical results for119898


1 2 3

We observe from Table 3 that for this example AATRMhas almost the same relative errors as ATRM and the approx-imate solution can be slightly improved by the augmentationspace spanned by 119908 = [1 1 1]119879

4 Conclusions

In this paper we propose an iterative method for solvinglarge-scale linear ill-posed systems The method is based onthe Tikhonov regularization technique and the augmentedArnoldi technique The augmentation subspace is a user-supplied low-dimensional subspace which should containa rough approximation of the desired solution Numericalexperiments show that the augmented method is effective forsome practical problems


Yiqin Lin is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China under Grant 10801048 the NaturalScience Foundation ofHunanProvince underGrant 11JJ4009the Scientific Research Foundation of Education Bureau ofHunan Province for Outstanding Young Scholars in Univer-sity under Grant 10B038 the Science and Technology Plan-ning Project of Hunan Province under Grant 2010JT4042and the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation underGrant 2012M511386 Liang Bao is supported by the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China under Grants 10926150and 11101149 and the Fundamental Research Funds for theCentral Universities


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[6] A Bjorck Numerical Methods for Least Squares ProblemsSIAM Philadelphia Pa USA 1996

[7] A Bjorck ldquoA bidiagonalization algorithm for solving large andsparse ill-posed systems of linear equationsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 28 no 3 pp 659ndash670 1988

[8] D Calvetti S Morigi L Reichel and F Sgallari ldquoTikhonovregularization and the 119871-curve for large discrete ill-posed

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[10] D P OrsquoLeary and J A Simmons ldquoA bidiagonalization-regularization procedure for large scale discretizations of ill-posed problemsrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific and StatisticalComputing vol 2 no 4 pp 474ndash489 1981

[11] B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoArnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethodsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 226 no 1 pp 92ndash102 2009

[12] T F Chan and K R Jackson ldquoNonlinearly preconditionedKrylov subspace methods for discrete Newton algorithmsrdquoSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing vol 5 no3 pp 533ndash542 1984

[13] L Reichel F Sgallari andQ Ye ldquoTikhonov regularization basedon generalized Krylov subspace methodsrdquo Applied NumericalMathematics vol 62 no 9 pp 1215ndash1228 2012

[14] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the choice of subspacefor iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputerScience vol 11 no 5 pp 1069ndash1092 2001 Numerical analysisand systems theory (Perpignan 2000)

[15] L Reichel and Q Ye ldquoBreakdown-free GMRES for singularsystemsrdquo SIAM Journal onMatrixAnalysis andApplications vol26 no 4 pp 1001ndash1021 2005

[16] J Baglama and L Reichel ldquoAugmented GMRES-type methodsrdquoNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol 14 no 4 pp337ndash350 2007

[17] K Morikuni L Reichel and K Hayami ldquoFGMRES for lineardiscrete problemsrdquo Tech Rep NII 2012

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[24] W Gander ldquoOn Halleyrsquos iteration methodrdquo The AmericanMathematical Monthly vol 92 no 2 pp 131ndash134 1985

[25] L Reichel and A Shyshkov ldquoA new zero-finder for Tikhonovregularizationrdquo BIT Numerical Mathematics vol 48 no 3 pp627ndash643 2008

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2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

quite large Thus the choice of a good value for 120583 is fairlyimportant Several methods have been proposed to obtain aneffective value for 120583 For example if the norm of the error119890 or a fairly accurate estimate is known the regularizationparameter is quite easy to determine by application of thediscrepancy principle The discrepancy principle proposesthat the regularization parameter 120583 can be chosen so that thediscrepancy 119887 minus 119860119909


10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860119909


10038171003817100381710038171003817= 120578120576 (5)

where 120576 = 119890 and 120578 gt 1 is a constant see for example [4]for further details on the discrepancy principle

The singular value decomposition [5] of 119860 can be usedto determine the solution 119909

120583of the minimization problem

(3) For an overview of numerical methods for computingthe SVD we refer to [6] We remark that the computationaleffort required to compute the SVD is quite high even formoderately sized matrices

Many numerical methods using Krylov subspaces havebeen proposed for the solution of large-scale Tikhonovregularization problems (3)Themain idea of such algorithmshas been to first project the large problems onto some Krylovsubspace to produce problems with small size and then solvethe small-sized problems by the SVD For instance severalwell-established methods based on the Lanczos bidiagonal-ization process have been proposed for the solution of theminimization problem (3) see [7ndash10] and references thereinThese methods use the Lanczos bidiagonalization process toconstruct a basis of the Krylov subspace




= span 119860119879119887 119860119879119860119860119879119887 (119860119879119860)119898minus1




We remark that each Lanczos bidiagonalization step needstwo matrix-vector product evaluations one with 119860 and theother with 119860119879 Other methods using the Krylov subspace

K119898(119860 119860119887) = span 119860119887 1198602119887 119860119898119887 (7)

as the projection subspace have been also designed Forexample Lewis and Reichel [11] proposed to exploit theArnoldi process to produce a basis of the Krylov subspaceK119898(119860 119860119887) to obtain an approximation of the solution of

the Tikhonov regularization problem (3) Since each Arnoldidecomposition step requires only one matrix-vector evalua-tion with 119860 the approach based on the Arnoldi process mayrequire fewer matrix-vector product evaluations than thatbased on the Lanczos bidiagonalization process Moreoverthe methods based on the Arnoldi process do not requirethe adjoint matrix 119860119879 and hence are more appropriateto problems for which the adjoint is difficult to evaluateFor such problems we refer to [12] A similar Tikhonovregularizationmethod based on generalized Krylov subspaceis proposed in [13]

Some numerical methods without using the Tikhonovregularization technique have been already proposed to solvethe large-scale linear discrete ill-posed problem (1) Thesemethods include the range-restricted GMRES (RRGMRES)method [14 15] the augmented range-restricted GMRES(ARRGMRES) method [16] and the flexible GMRES (FGM-RES) method [17] The RRGMRES method determines the119898th approximation 119909

119898of (1) by solving the minimization



119860119909 minus 119887 119898 = 1 2 1199090= 0 (8)

The regularization is implemented by choosing a suitabledimension number 119898 see for example [18] The ARRGM-RES method augments the Krylov subspace K

119898(119860 119860119887)

by a low-dimensional user-supplied subspace The low-dimensional subspace is determined by vectors that are ableto represent the known features of the desired solutionThe augmented method can yield approximate solutions ofhigher accuracy than the RRGMRES method if the Krylovsubspace K

119898(119860 119860119887) does not allow representation of the

known featuresIn this paper we propose a new iterative method named

augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method forsolving large-scale linear ill-posed systems (1) The newmethod is deduced by combining the Tikhonov regulariza-tion technique and the augmentation technique The aug-mentation is implemented by a modified Arnoldi process

The following summarizes the structure of this paperSection 2 describes the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regu-larization method and some useful results Some real-worldexamples are presented in Section 3 Section 4 contains theconclusions

2 Augmented Arnoldi-TikhonovRegularization Method

We attempt to improve the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod proposed in [11] by augmenting the Krylov subspaceK119898(119860 119860119887) by a 119896-dimensional subspaceW which contains

a rough approximation of the desired solution of (2) Thenthe subspace of projection we will exploit in the following isof the form

K119898(119860 119860119887) +W = span 119860119887 1198602119887 119860119898119887 +W (9)

Let 119882 be the 119899 by 119896 matrix whose columns form anorthonormal basis of the space W For the purpose ofaugmentation by W we apply the modified Arnoldi process[16] to construct the modified Arnoldi decomposition

119860 [119882119881119898] = [119880 119881

119898+1]119867 (10)

where 119880 isin R119899times119896 119881119898+1

isin R119899times(119898+1) [119880 119881119898+1] has orthonor-

mal columns and119867 isin R(119898+119896+1)times(119898+119896) is an upperHessenbergmatrix We point out that the leading principal 119896 by 119896submatrix of 119867 is the upper triangular matrix in the QRfactorization [5] of 119860119882 that is119867 is of the form

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

Input 119860 isin R119899times119899 119887 isin R119899119882 isin R119899times119896119898Output 119880 isin R119899times119896 119881

119898+1isin R119899times(119898+1)119867 isin R(119898+119896+1)times(119898+119896)

(1) Compute QR-factorization 119860119882 = 119880119867(2) Compute V

1= 119860119887 minus 119880(119880


119860119887) V1= V11003817100381710038171003817V11003817100381710038171003817 and set 119881

1= [V1]

(3) For 119895 = 1 2 119898 DoV119895+1= 119860V


For 119894 = 1 2 119896 Doℎ119894119895+119896

= 119880( 119894)119879


V119895+1= V119895+1minus ℎ119894119895+119896119880( 119894)

End ForFor 119894 = 1 2 119895 Do


= V119879119894V119895+1

V119895+1= V119895+1minus ℎ119894+119896119895+119896


End Forℎ119895+119896+1119895+119896

= V119895+110038171003817100381710038171003817V119895+1


V119895+1= V119895+1ℎ119895+119896+1119895+119896

119881119895+1= [119881119895 V119895+1]

End For

Algorithm 1 Modified Arnoldi process

119867 =




sdot sdot sdot ℎ1119896



sdot sdot sdot ℎ1119896+119898

d d

sdot sdot sdot





sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896minus1119896+119898




sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896119896+119898



sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896+1119896+119898



sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896+2119896+119898

d d







ThemodifiedArnoldi relation (10) is shared by othermethodssuch as GMRES-E [19] and FGMRES [20] which are alsoaugmented type methods

The modified Arnoldi process is outlined in Algorithm 1We remark that the modified Arnoldi process in this paperis slightly different from the one used by Morgan [19]to augment the Krylov subspace with some approximateeigenvectors In his method the augmenting vectors are putafter the Krylov vectors while in Algorithm 1 the augment-ing subspace containing a rough approximation solution isincluded in the projection subspace from the beginningIn general this can give better results at the start of theregularization method proposed in this paper

We remark that a loss of orthogonality can occur whenthe algorithm progresses see [21] A remedy is the so-called reorthogonalization where the current vector has tobe orthogonalized against previously created vectors Onecan choose between a selective reorthogonalization or a full

reorthogonalization against all vectors in the current aug-mented subspace In this paper we only use the full reorthog-onalization The full reorthogonalization can be done as aclassical or modifed Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization see[21] for details

We now seek to determine an approximate solution 119909120583119898

of (3) in the augmented Krylov subspace K119898(119860 119860119887) +W

After computing theQR factorization [119882119881119898] = 119876119877with119876 isin

R119899times(119898+119896) having orthonormal columns and 119877 isin R(119898+119896)times(119898+119896)

being an upper triangularmatrix we substitute119909 = [119882119881119898]119910

119910 isin R119898+119896 into (3) It yields the reduced minimizationproblem


1003817100381710038171003817119860 [119882119881119898] 119910 minus 119887





1003817100381710038171003817[119882119881119898] 1199101003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119867119910 minus 119887







4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

= min119910isinR119898+119896

10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881




+(119868 minus 119875)1198872






in which 119875 = [119880119881119898+1][119880 119881

119898+1]119879 is an orthogonal projector

onto span([119880 119881119898+1]) Obviously the reduced minimization

problem (12) is equivalent to


10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881








= min119910isinR119898+119896








119910 minus [[119880119881119898+1]119879






The normal equations of the minimization problem (13) is


119867 +1


119877)119910 = 119867119879

[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (14)

We denote the solution of the minimization problem (13) by119910120583119898

Then from (14) it follows that

119910120583119898= (119867


119867 +1





[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (15)

The approximate solution of (3) is

119909120583119898= [119882119881

119898] 119910120583119898 (16)

Since the matrix119867119879119867+ (1120583)119877119879119877 has a larger conditionnumber than the matrix [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 we apply the QRfactorization of [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 to obtain the solution 119910


of (13) insteadTheQR factorization of [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 canbe implemented by a sequence of Givens rotations


120601119898(120583) =

10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860119909





Substituting 119909120583119898

= [119882119881119898]119910120583119898

into (17) and using themodified Arnoldi decomposition (10) yield

120601119898(120583) =

10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860 [119882119881

119898] 119910120583119898



=10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus [119880119881




=10038171003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 minus 119867119910120583119898



+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872


Substituting 119910120583119898

in (15) into (18) we obtain

120601119898(120583) =


[119868 minus 119867(119867119879

119867 +1





] [119880119881119898+1]119879




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Note that

119868 minus 119867(119867119879

119867 +1





= [120583119867119877minus1



+ 119868]



Therefore the function 120601119898(120583) can be expressed as

120601119898(120583) =





+ 119868]


[119880 119881119898+1]119879




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Concerning the properties of 120601119898(120583) we have the follow-

ing results which are similar to those of Theorem 21 in [11]for the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method

Theorem 1 The function 120601119898(120583) has the representation

120601119898(120583) = 119887


[119880 119881119898+1] [120583119867119877




+ 119868]


times [119880119881119898+1]119879

119887 + (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Assume that 119860119887 = 0 and (119867119877minus1)119879[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 = 0 Then 120601119898is

strictly decreasing and convex for 120583 ge 0 with 120601119898(0) = 119887

2Moreover the equation

120601119898(120583) = 120591 (23)

has a unique solution 120583120591119898

such that 0 lt 120583120591119898lt infin for any 120591

with100381710038171003817100381710038171003817119875N((119867119877minus1)119879)[119880 119881119898+1]




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872

lt 120591 lt 1198872


where 119875N((119867119877minus1)119879) denotes the orthogonal projector ontoN((119867119877minus1)



Proof The proof follows the same argument of the proof ofTheorem 21 in [11] and therefore is omitted

We easily obtain the following theorem of which theproof is almost the same as that of Corollary 22 in [11]

Theorem 2 Assume that the modified Arnoldi process breaksdown at step 119895 Then the sequence 119904


119894=0defined by

1199040= 1198872



)[119880 119881119898+1]119879



+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872

0 lt 119894 lt 119895

119904119895= 0


is decreasing

We apply the discrepancy principle to the discrepancy 119887minus119860119909120583119898

to determine an appropriate regularization parameter120583 so that it satisfies (5) To make the equation

120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 (26)

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

Input 119860 isin R119899times119899 119887 isin R119899119882 isin R119899times119896 120576 1205781198980

Output 119909120583119898

120583119898119898 = 119898min + 1198980

(1) Compute the modified Arnoldi decomposition 119860[119882119881119898] = [119880 119881

119898+1]119867 with119898 = 119898min + 1198980

where119898min is the smallest number such that (119868 minus 119875)1198872 lt 12057821205762(2) Compute the solution 120583

119898of the equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 by Newtonrsquos method

(3) Compute the solution 119910120583119898

of the least-squares problem (13) and obtain the approximatesolution 119909

120583119898= [119882119881


Algorithm 2 Augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method

have a solution it follows from Theorem 1 that the inputparameter 119898 of the modified Arnoldi should be chosen sothat 119904

119898lt 1205782

1205762 To simplify the computations we ignore

the first term in 119904119898 Then the smallest iterative step number

denoted by 119898min of the modified Arnoldi process is chosenso that

(119868 minus 119875) 1198872

lt 1205782



We can improve the quality of the computed solution bychoosing the practical iterative step number 119898 somewhatlarger than119898min

After choosing the number 119898 of the modified Arnoldiiterative steps the regularization parameter 120583

119898is determined

by solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Many

numerical methods have been proposed for the solutionof a nonlinear equation including Newtonrsquos method [22]super-Newtonrsquos [23] method and Halleyrsquos method [24] Forthe specific nonlinear equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Reichel and

Shyshkov proposed a new zero-finder method in their newpaper [25] In this paper we still make use of Newtonrsquosmethod to obtain the regularization parameter 120583


In Algorithm 2 we outline the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod which is used to solve large-scale linear ill-posed systems (1)

Newtonrsquos method requires to evaluate 120601119898(120583) and its first

derivative with respect to 120583 for computing approximations120583(119895)

119898of 120583119898for 119895 = 0 1 2 Let

119911120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]


[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (28)

that is 119911120583119898

satisfies the system of linear equations




+ 119868] 119911 = [119880119881119898+1]119879

119887 (29)

Note that the above linear system is the normal equations ofthe least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [


(U 119881119898+1)119879




For numerical stability we compute the vector 119911120583119898

by solvingthe least-squares problem Then the 120601

119898(120583) is evaluated by


120601119898(120583) = 119911


120583119898119911120583119898+ (119868 minus 119875) 119887



It is easy to show that the first derivative of 1206011015840119898(120583) can be

written as


119898(120583) = minus2119911


120583119898119908120583119898 (32)


119908120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]





119911120583119898 (33)

Hence we may compute 119908120583119898

by solving a least-squaresproblem analogous to the above with the vector [119880 119881



replaced by119867119877minus1(119867119877minus1)119879119911120583119898

The algorithm for implementing the Newton iteration for

solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 is presented in

Algorithm 3Let 119909119898be the 119898th iterate produced by the augmented

RRGMRES in [16] Then 119909119898satisfies

1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119909isinK119898(119860119860119887)+W

119860119909 minus 1198872

= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817119860 [119882119881119898] 119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119867119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881




+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872


As 120583 rarr infin the reduced minimization problem (12) is thesame as the above minimization problem which shows that

119909119898= lim120583rarrinfin

119909120583119898 (35)

Therefore we obtain the following result

Theorem 3 Let 119909119898

be the 119898th iterate determined by aug-mented RRGMRES applied to (1) with initial iterate 119909

0= 0

Then1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 119887



= 120601119898(infin) (36)

3 Numerical Experiments

In this section we present some numerical examplesto illustrate the performance of the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method for the solution of large-scale linear ill-posed systems We compare the augmented

6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

(1) Set 1205830= 0 and 119894 = 0

(2) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [





to obtain 119911120583119894119898

(3) Compute 120601119898(120583119894) = 119911119879

120583119894119898119911120583119894119898+ (119868 minus 119875)119887

2(4) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [







100381710038171003817100381710038171003817100381710038171003817to obtain 119908


(5) Compute 1206011015840119898(120583119894) = minus2119911



(6) Compute the new approximation

120583119894+1= 120583119894minus120601119898(120583119894) minus 1205782



(7) If |120583119894+1minus 120583119894| lt 10

minus6 stop else 120583119894= 120583119894+1 119894 = 119894 + 1 and go to 2

Algorithm 3 Newtonrsquos method for 120601119898(120583) = 120578



Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method implemented byAlgorithm 2 to the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization methodproposed in [11] The Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod is denoted by ATRM while the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method is denoted by AATRMIn all the following tables we denote by MV the numberof matrix-vector products and by RERR the relative error119909120583119898

minus 119909119909 where 119909 is the exact solution of the linearerror-free system of (2) Note that the number of matrix-vector products in Algorithm 2 is 119896 + 119898min + 1198980 In all theexamples 120578 = 101

All the numerical experiments are performed in Matlabon a PC with the usual double precision where the floatingpoint relative accuracy is 222 sdot 10minus16

Example 4 The first example considered is the Fredholmintegral equation of the first kind which takes the genericform




119896 (119904 119905) 119909 (119905) 119889119905 = 119887 (119904) 0 le 119904 le 1 (37)

Here both the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) areknown functions while 119909(119905) is the unknown function Fortest the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) are chosenas

119896 (119904 119905) = 119904 (119905 minus 1) 119904 lt 119905

119905 (119904 minus 1) 119904 ge 119905119887 (119904) =


minus 119904

6 (38)

With this choice the exact solution of (37) is 119905 We use theMatlab program deriv2 from the regularization package [26]to discretize the integral equation (37) and to generate asystem of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix 119860 isinR200times200 and the solution 119909 isin R200 The condition number of119860 is 49 sdot 104 The right-hand side 119887 is given by 119887 = 119860119909 + 119890where the elements of the error vector 119890 are generated fromnormal distribution with mean zero and the norm of 119890 is10minus2

sdot 119860119909 The augmentation subspace is one-dimensional

Table 1 Computational results of Example 4

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 0 2 195 sdot 10


AATRM 1 3 117 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 2 4 625 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 5 119 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 0 4 314 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 5 294 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 6 287 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 7 289 sdot 10minus1

and is spanned by the vector 119908 = [1 2 200]119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 1 for severalchoice of the number119898

0of additional iterations

FromTable 1 we can see that for 0 le 1198980le 3 AATRMhas

smaller relative errors than ATRM and the smallest relativeerror is given by AATRM with 119898

0= 1 The exact solution

119909 and the approximate solutions generated by AATRM andARTM with119898

0= 1 are depicted in Figure 1

Example 5 This example comes again from the regulariza-tion package [26] and is the inversion of Laplace transform





119909 (119904) 119889119904 = 119887 (119905) 119905 ge 1 (39)

where the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exact solution 119909(119905) aregiven by

119887 (119905) =1

119905 + 12 119909 (119905) = 119890



The system of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix119860 isin R250times250 and the solution 119909 isin R250 is obtained byusing the Matlab program ilaplace from the regularizationpackage [26] In the same way as Example 4 we construct

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

0 50 100 150 2000









Exact solutionAATRMATRM

Figure 1 Example 4 Exact solution119909 approximation solutionswith1198980= 1

Table 2 Computational results of Example 5

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 5 33 sdot 10


AATRM 2 6 91 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 7 27 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 6 57 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 7 31 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 8 45 sdot 10minus1

Table 3 Computational results of Example 6

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 10 22 sdot 10


AATRM 2 11 11 sdot 10minus1

AATRM 3 12 21 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 10 49 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 11 12 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 12 23 sdot 10minus1

the right-hand side 119887 of the system of linear equations (1)The augmentation subspace is also one-dimensional and isspanned by the vector 119908 = [1 12 1250]

119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 2 for119898

0= 1 2 3

Table 2 shows that AATRM with 1198980= 2 has the smallest

relative error and AARTM works slightly better than ATRMfor this problem

Example 6 This example considered here is the same asExample 5 except that the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exactsolution 119909(119905) are given by

119887 (119905) =2

(119905 + 12)3 119909 (119905) = 119905




By using the sameMatlab program as Example 5 we generatea system with 119860 isin R1000times1000 The augmentation subspace

is one-dimensional and is spanned by the vector 119908 =

[1 1 1]119879 In Table 3 we report numerical results for119898


1 2 3

We observe from Table 3 that for this example AATRMhas almost the same relative errors as ATRM and the approx-imate solution can be slightly improved by the augmentationspace spanned by 119908 = [1 1 1]119879

4 Conclusions

In this paper we propose an iterative method for solvinglarge-scale linear ill-posed systems The method is based onthe Tikhonov regularization technique and the augmentedArnoldi technique The augmentation subspace is a user-supplied low-dimensional subspace which should containa rough approximation of the desired solution Numericalexperiments show that the augmented method is effective forsome practical problems


Yiqin Lin is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China under Grant 10801048 the NaturalScience Foundation ofHunanProvince underGrant 11JJ4009the Scientific Research Foundation of Education Bureau ofHunan Province for Outstanding Young Scholars in Univer-sity under Grant 10B038 the Science and Technology Plan-ning Project of Hunan Province under Grant 2010JT4042and the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation underGrant 2012M511386 Liang Bao is supported by the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China under Grants 10926150and 11101149 and the Fundamental Research Funds for theCentral Universities


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[11] B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoArnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethodsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 226 no 1 pp 92ndash102 2009

[12] T F Chan and K R Jackson ldquoNonlinearly preconditionedKrylov subspace methods for discrete Newton algorithmsrdquoSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing vol 5 no3 pp 533ndash542 1984

[13] L Reichel F Sgallari andQ Ye ldquoTikhonov regularization basedon generalized Krylov subspace methodsrdquo Applied NumericalMathematics vol 62 no 9 pp 1215ndash1228 2012

[14] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the choice of subspacefor iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputerScience vol 11 no 5 pp 1069ndash1092 2001 Numerical analysisand systems theory (Perpignan 2000)

[15] L Reichel and Q Ye ldquoBreakdown-free GMRES for singularsystemsrdquo SIAM Journal onMatrixAnalysis andApplications vol26 no 4 pp 1001ndash1021 2005

[16] J Baglama and L Reichel ldquoAugmented GMRES-type methodsrdquoNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol 14 no 4 pp337ndash350 2007

[17] K Morikuni L Reichel and K Hayami ldquoFGMRES for lineardiscrete problemsrdquo Tech Rep NII 2012

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[24] W Gander ldquoOn Halleyrsquos iteration methodrdquo The AmericanMathematical Monthly vol 92 no 2 pp 131ndash134 1985

[25] L Reichel and A Shyshkov ldquoA new zero-finder for Tikhonovregularizationrdquo BIT Numerical Mathematics vol 48 no 3 pp627ndash643 2008

[26] P C Hansen ldquoRegularization tools a Matlab package foranalysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoNumericalAlgorithms vol 6 no 1-2 pp 1ndash35 1994

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Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

Input 119860 isin R119899times119899 119887 isin R119899119882 isin R119899times119896119898Output 119880 isin R119899times119896 119881

119898+1isin R119899times(119898+1)119867 isin R(119898+119896+1)times(119898+119896)

(1) Compute QR-factorization 119860119882 = 119880119867(2) Compute V

1= 119860119887 minus 119880(119880


119860119887) V1= V11003817100381710038171003817V11003817100381710038171003817 and set 119881

1= [V1]

(3) For 119895 = 1 2 119898 DoV119895+1= 119860V


For 119894 = 1 2 119896 Doℎ119894119895+119896

= 119880( 119894)119879


V119895+1= V119895+1minus ℎ119894119895+119896119880( 119894)

End ForFor 119894 = 1 2 119895 Do


= V119879119894V119895+1

V119895+1= V119895+1minus ℎ119894+119896119895+119896


End Forℎ119895+119896+1119895+119896

= V119895+110038171003817100381710038171003817V119895+1


V119895+1= V119895+1ℎ119895+119896+1119895+119896

119881119895+1= [119881119895 V119895+1]

End For

Algorithm 1 Modified Arnoldi process

119867 =




sdot sdot sdot ℎ1119896



sdot sdot sdot ℎ1119896+119898

d d

sdot sdot sdot





sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896minus1119896+119898




sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896119896+119898



sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896+1119896+119898



sdot sdot sdot ℎ119896+2119896+119898

d d







ThemodifiedArnoldi relation (10) is shared by othermethodssuch as GMRES-E [19] and FGMRES [20] which are alsoaugmented type methods

The modified Arnoldi process is outlined in Algorithm 1We remark that the modified Arnoldi process in this paperis slightly different from the one used by Morgan [19]to augment the Krylov subspace with some approximateeigenvectors In his method the augmenting vectors are putafter the Krylov vectors while in Algorithm 1 the augment-ing subspace containing a rough approximation solution isincluded in the projection subspace from the beginningIn general this can give better results at the start of theregularization method proposed in this paper

We remark that a loss of orthogonality can occur whenthe algorithm progresses see [21] A remedy is the so-called reorthogonalization where the current vector has tobe orthogonalized against previously created vectors Onecan choose between a selective reorthogonalization or a full

reorthogonalization against all vectors in the current aug-mented subspace In this paper we only use the full reorthog-onalization The full reorthogonalization can be done as aclassical or modifed Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization see[21] for details

We now seek to determine an approximate solution 119909120583119898

of (3) in the augmented Krylov subspace K119898(119860 119860119887) +W

After computing theQR factorization [119882119881119898] = 119876119877with119876 isin

R119899times(119898+119896) having orthonormal columns and 119877 isin R(119898+119896)times(119898+119896)

being an upper triangularmatrix we substitute119909 = [119882119881119898]119910

119910 isin R119898+119896 into (3) It yields the reduced minimizationproblem


1003817100381710038171003817119860 [119882119881119898] 119910 minus 119887





1003817100381710038171003817[119882119881119898] 1199101003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119867119910 minus 119887







4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

= min119910isinR119898+119896

10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881




+(119868 minus 119875)1198872






in which 119875 = [119880119881119898+1][119880 119881

119898+1]119879 is an orthogonal projector

onto span([119880 119881119898+1]) Obviously the reduced minimization

problem (12) is equivalent to


10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881








= min119910isinR119898+119896








119910 minus [[119880119881119898+1]119879






The normal equations of the minimization problem (13) is


119867 +1


119877)119910 = 119867119879

[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (14)

We denote the solution of the minimization problem (13) by119910120583119898

Then from (14) it follows that

119910120583119898= (119867


119867 +1





[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (15)

The approximate solution of (3) is

119909120583119898= [119882119881

119898] 119910120583119898 (16)

Since the matrix119867119879119867+ (1120583)119877119879119877 has a larger conditionnumber than the matrix [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 we apply the QRfactorization of [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 to obtain the solution 119910


of (13) insteadTheQR factorization of [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 canbe implemented by a sequence of Givens rotations


120601119898(120583) =

10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860119909





Substituting 119909120583119898

= [119882119881119898]119910120583119898

into (17) and using themodified Arnoldi decomposition (10) yield

120601119898(120583) =

10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860 [119882119881

119898] 119910120583119898



=10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus [119880119881




=10038171003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 minus 119867119910120583119898



+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872


Substituting 119910120583119898

in (15) into (18) we obtain

120601119898(120583) =


[119868 minus 119867(119867119879

119867 +1





] [119880119881119898+1]119879




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Note that

119868 minus 119867(119867119879

119867 +1





= [120583119867119877minus1



+ 119868]



Therefore the function 120601119898(120583) can be expressed as

120601119898(120583) =





+ 119868]


[119880 119881119898+1]119879




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Concerning the properties of 120601119898(120583) we have the follow-

ing results which are similar to those of Theorem 21 in [11]for the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method

Theorem 1 The function 120601119898(120583) has the representation

120601119898(120583) = 119887


[119880 119881119898+1] [120583119867119877




+ 119868]


times [119880119881119898+1]119879

119887 + (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Assume that 119860119887 = 0 and (119867119877minus1)119879[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 = 0 Then 120601119898is

strictly decreasing and convex for 120583 ge 0 with 120601119898(0) = 119887

2Moreover the equation

120601119898(120583) = 120591 (23)

has a unique solution 120583120591119898

such that 0 lt 120583120591119898lt infin for any 120591

with100381710038171003817100381710038171003817119875N((119867119877minus1)119879)[119880 119881119898+1]




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872

lt 120591 lt 1198872


where 119875N((119867119877minus1)119879) denotes the orthogonal projector ontoN((119867119877minus1)



Proof The proof follows the same argument of the proof ofTheorem 21 in [11] and therefore is omitted

We easily obtain the following theorem of which theproof is almost the same as that of Corollary 22 in [11]

Theorem 2 Assume that the modified Arnoldi process breaksdown at step 119895 Then the sequence 119904


119894=0defined by

1199040= 1198872



)[119880 119881119898+1]119879



+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872

0 lt 119894 lt 119895

119904119895= 0


is decreasing

We apply the discrepancy principle to the discrepancy 119887minus119860119909120583119898

to determine an appropriate regularization parameter120583 so that it satisfies (5) To make the equation

120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 (26)

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

Input 119860 isin R119899times119899 119887 isin R119899119882 isin R119899times119896 120576 1205781198980

Output 119909120583119898

120583119898119898 = 119898min + 1198980

(1) Compute the modified Arnoldi decomposition 119860[119882119881119898] = [119880 119881

119898+1]119867 with119898 = 119898min + 1198980

where119898min is the smallest number such that (119868 minus 119875)1198872 lt 12057821205762(2) Compute the solution 120583

119898of the equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 by Newtonrsquos method

(3) Compute the solution 119910120583119898

of the least-squares problem (13) and obtain the approximatesolution 119909

120583119898= [119882119881


Algorithm 2 Augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method

have a solution it follows from Theorem 1 that the inputparameter 119898 of the modified Arnoldi should be chosen sothat 119904

119898lt 1205782

1205762 To simplify the computations we ignore

the first term in 119904119898 Then the smallest iterative step number

denoted by 119898min of the modified Arnoldi process is chosenso that

(119868 minus 119875) 1198872

lt 1205782



We can improve the quality of the computed solution bychoosing the practical iterative step number 119898 somewhatlarger than119898min

After choosing the number 119898 of the modified Arnoldiiterative steps the regularization parameter 120583

119898is determined

by solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Many

numerical methods have been proposed for the solutionof a nonlinear equation including Newtonrsquos method [22]super-Newtonrsquos [23] method and Halleyrsquos method [24] Forthe specific nonlinear equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Reichel and

Shyshkov proposed a new zero-finder method in their newpaper [25] In this paper we still make use of Newtonrsquosmethod to obtain the regularization parameter 120583


In Algorithm 2 we outline the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod which is used to solve large-scale linear ill-posed systems (1)

Newtonrsquos method requires to evaluate 120601119898(120583) and its first

derivative with respect to 120583 for computing approximations120583(119895)

119898of 120583119898for 119895 = 0 1 2 Let

119911120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]


[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (28)

that is 119911120583119898

satisfies the system of linear equations




+ 119868] 119911 = [119880119881119898+1]119879

119887 (29)

Note that the above linear system is the normal equations ofthe least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [


(U 119881119898+1)119879




For numerical stability we compute the vector 119911120583119898

by solvingthe least-squares problem Then the 120601

119898(120583) is evaluated by


120601119898(120583) = 119911


120583119898119911120583119898+ (119868 minus 119875) 119887



It is easy to show that the first derivative of 1206011015840119898(120583) can be

written as


119898(120583) = minus2119911


120583119898119908120583119898 (32)


119908120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]





119911120583119898 (33)

Hence we may compute 119908120583119898

by solving a least-squaresproblem analogous to the above with the vector [119880 119881



replaced by119867119877minus1(119867119877minus1)119879119911120583119898

The algorithm for implementing the Newton iteration for

solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 is presented in

Algorithm 3Let 119909119898be the 119898th iterate produced by the augmented

RRGMRES in [16] Then 119909119898satisfies

1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119909isinK119898(119860119860119887)+W

119860119909 minus 1198872

= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817119860 [119882119881119898] 119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119867119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881




+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872


As 120583 rarr infin the reduced minimization problem (12) is thesame as the above minimization problem which shows that

119909119898= lim120583rarrinfin

119909120583119898 (35)

Therefore we obtain the following result

Theorem 3 Let 119909119898

be the 119898th iterate determined by aug-mented RRGMRES applied to (1) with initial iterate 119909

0= 0

Then1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 119887



= 120601119898(infin) (36)

3 Numerical Experiments

In this section we present some numerical examplesto illustrate the performance of the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method for the solution of large-scale linear ill-posed systems We compare the augmented

6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

(1) Set 1205830= 0 and 119894 = 0

(2) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [





to obtain 119911120583119894119898

(3) Compute 120601119898(120583119894) = 119911119879

120583119894119898119911120583119894119898+ (119868 minus 119875)119887

2(4) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [







100381710038171003817100381710038171003817100381710038171003817to obtain 119908


(5) Compute 1206011015840119898(120583119894) = minus2119911



(6) Compute the new approximation

120583119894+1= 120583119894minus120601119898(120583119894) minus 1205782



(7) If |120583119894+1minus 120583119894| lt 10

minus6 stop else 120583119894= 120583119894+1 119894 = 119894 + 1 and go to 2

Algorithm 3 Newtonrsquos method for 120601119898(120583) = 120578



Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method implemented byAlgorithm 2 to the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization methodproposed in [11] The Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod is denoted by ATRM while the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method is denoted by AATRMIn all the following tables we denote by MV the numberof matrix-vector products and by RERR the relative error119909120583119898

minus 119909119909 where 119909 is the exact solution of the linearerror-free system of (2) Note that the number of matrix-vector products in Algorithm 2 is 119896 + 119898min + 1198980 In all theexamples 120578 = 101

All the numerical experiments are performed in Matlabon a PC with the usual double precision where the floatingpoint relative accuracy is 222 sdot 10minus16

Example 4 The first example considered is the Fredholmintegral equation of the first kind which takes the genericform




119896 (119904 119905) 119909 (119905) 119889119905 = 119887 (119904) 0 le 119904 le 1 (37)

Here both the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) areknown functions while 119909(119905) is the unknown function Fortest the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) are chosenas

119896 (119904 119905) = 119904 (119905 minus 1) 119904 lt 119905

119905 (119904 minus 1) 119904 ge 119905119887 (119904) =


minus 119904

6 (38)

With this choice the exact solution of (37) is 119905 We use theMatlab program deriv2 from the regularization package [26]to discretize the integral equation (37) and to generate asystem of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix 119860 isinR200times200 and the solution 119909 isin R200 The condition number of119860 is 49 sdot 104 The right-hand side 119887 is given by 119887 = 119860119909 + 119890where the elements of the error vector 119890 are generated fromnormal distribution with mean zero and the norm of 119890 is10minus2

sdot 119860119909 The augmentation subspace is one-dimensional

Table 1 Computational results of Example 4

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 0 2 195 sdot 10


AATRM 1 3 117 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 2 4 625 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 5 119 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 0 4 314 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 5 294 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 6 287 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 7 289 sdot 10minus1

and is spanned by the vector 119908 = [1 2 200]119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 1 for severalchoice of the number119898

0of additional iterations

FromTable 1 we can see that for 0 le 1198980le 3 AATRMhas

smaller relative errors than ATRM and the smallest relativeerror is given by AATRM with 119898

0= 1 The exact solution

119909 and the approximate solutions generated by AATRM andARTM with119898

0= 1 are depicted in Figure 1

Example 5 This example comes again from the regulariza-tion package [26] and is the inversion of Laplace transform





119909 (119904) 119889119904 = 119887 (119905) 119905 ge 1 (39)

where the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exact solution 119909(119905) aregiven by

119887 (119905) =1

119905 + 12 119909 (119905) = 119890



The system of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix119860 isin R250times250 and the solution 119909 isin R250 is obtained byusing the Matlab program ilaplace from the regularizationpackage [26] In the same way as Example 4 we construct

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

0 50 100 150 2000









Exact solutionAATRMATRM

Figure 1 Example 4 Exact solution119909 approximation solutionswith1198980= 1

Table 2 Computational results of Example 5

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 5 33 sdot 10


AATRM 2 6 91 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 7 27 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 6 57 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 7 31 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 8 45 sdot 10minus1

Table 3 Computational results of Example 6

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 10 22 sdot 10


AATRM 2 11 11 sdot 10minus1

AATRM 3 12 21 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 10 49 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 11 12 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 12 23 sdot 10minus1

the right-hand side 119887 of the system of linear equations (1)The augmentation subspace is also one-dimensional and isspanned by the vector 119908 = [1 12 1250]

119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 2 for119898

0= 1 2 3

Table 2 shows that AATRM with 1198980= 2 has the smallest

relative error and AARTM works slightly better than ATRMfor this problem

Example 6 This example considered here is the same asExample 5 except that the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exactsolution 119909(119905) are given by

119887 (119905) =2

(119905 + 12)3 119909 (119905) = 119905




By using the sameMatlab program as Example 5 we generatea system with 119860 isin R1000times1000 The augmentation subspace

is one-dimensional and is spanned by the vector 119908 =

[1 1 1]119879 In Table 3 we report numerical results for119898


1 2 3

We observe from Table 3 that for this example AATRMhas almost the same relative errors as ATRM and the approx-imate solution can be slightly improved by the augmentationspace spanned by 119908 = [1 1 1]119879

4 Conclusions

In this paper we propose an iterative method for solvinglarge-scale linear ill-posed systems The method is based onthe Tikhonov regularization technique and the augmentedArnoldi technique The augmentation subspace is a user-supplied low-dimensional subspace which should containa rough approximation of the desired solution Numericalexperiments show that the augmented method is effective forsome practical problems


Yiqin Lin is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China under Grant 10801048 the NaturalScience Foundation ofHunanProvince underGrant 11JJ4009the Scientific Research Foundation of Education Bureau ofHunan Province for Outstanding Young Scholars in Univer-sity under Grant 10B038 the Science and Technology Plan-ning Project of Hunan Province under Grant 2010JT4042and the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation underGrant 2012M511386 Liang Bao is supported by the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China under Grants 10926150and 11101149 and the Fundamental Research Funds for theCentral Universities


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[11] B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoArnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethodsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 226 no 1 pp 92ndash102 2009

[12] T F Chan and K R Jackson ldquoNonlinearly preconditionedKrylov subspace methods for discrete Newton algorithmsrdquoSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing vol 5 no3 pp 533ndash542 1984

[13] L Reichel F Sgallari andQ Ye ldquoTikhonov regularization basedon generalized Krylov subspace methodsrdquo Applied NumericalMathematics vol 62 no 9 pp 1215ndash1228 2012

[14] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the choice of subspacefor iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputerScience vol 11 no 5 pp 1069ndash1092 2001 Numerical analysisand systems theory (Perpignan 2000)

[15] L Reichel and Q Ye ldquoBreakdown-free GMRES for singularsystemsrdquo SIAM Journal onMatrixAnalysis andApplications vol26 no 4 pp 1001ndash1021 2005

[16] J Baglama and L Reichel ldquoAugmented GMRES-type methodsrdquoNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol 14 no 4 pp337ndash350 2007

[17] K Morikuni L Reichel and K Hayami ldquoFGMRES for lineardiscrete problemsrdquo Tech Rep NII 2012

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[21] B N Parlett The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem vol 20 ofClassics in Applied Mathematics SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA1998

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[23] J A Ezquerro andM A Hernandez ldquoOn a convex accelerationof Newtonrsquos methodrdquo Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications vol 100 no 2 pp 311ndash326 1999

[24] W Gander ldquoOn Halleyrsquos iteration methodrdquo The AmericanMathematical Monthly vol 92 no 2 pp 131ndash134 1985

[25] L Reichel and A Shyshkov ldquoA new zero-finder for Tikhonovregularizationrdquo BIT Numerical Mathematics vol 48 no 3 pp627ndash643 2008

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4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

= min119910isinR119898+119896

10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881




+(119868 minus 119875)1198872






in which 119875 = [119880119881119898+1][119880 119881

119898+1]119879 is an orthogonal projector

onto span([119880 119881119898+1]) Obviously the reduced minimization

problem (12) is equivalent to


10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881








= min119910isinR119898+119896








119910 minus [[119880119881119898+1]119879






The normal equations of the minimization problem (13) is


119867 +1


119877)119910 = 119867119879

[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (14)

We denote the solution of the minimization problem (13) by119910120583119898

Then from (14) it follows that

119910120583119898= (119867


119867 +1





[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (15)

The approximate solution of (3) is

119909120583119898= [119882119881

119898] 119910120583119898 (16)

Since the matrix119867119879119867+ (1120583)119877119879119877 has a larger conditionnumber than the matrix [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 we apply the QRfactorization of [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 to obtain the solution 119910


of (13) insteadTheQR factorization of [119867119879 (1radic120583)119877119879]119879 canbe implemented by a sequence of Givens rotations


120601119898(120583) =

10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860119909





Substituting 119909120583119898

= [119882119881119898]119910120583119898

into (17) and using themodified Arnoldi decomposition (10) yield

120601119898(120583) =

10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus 119860 [119882119881

119898] 119910120583119898



=10038171003817100381710038171003817119887 minus [119880119881




=10038171003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 minus 119867119910120583119898



+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872


Substituting 119910120583119898

in (15) into (18) we obtain

120601119898(120583) =


[119868 minus 119867(119867119879

119867 +1





] [119880119881119898+1]119879




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Note that

119868 minus 119867(119867119879

119867 +1





= [120583119867119877minus1



+ 119868]



Therefore the function 120601119898(120583) can be expressed as

120601119898(120583) =





+ 119868]


[119880 119881119898+1]119879




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Concerning the properties of 120601119898(120583) we have the follow-

ing results which are similar to those of Theorem 21 in [11]for the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method

Theorem 1 The function 120601119898(120583) has the representation

120601119898(120583) = 119887


[119880 119881119898+1] [120583119867119877




+ 119868]


times [119880119881119898+1]119879

119887 + (119868 minus 119875) 1198872


Assume that 119860119887 = 0 and (119867119877minus1)119879[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 = 0 Then 120601119898is

strictly decreasing and convex for 120583 ge 0 with 120601119898(0) = 119887

2Moreover the equation

120601119898(120583) = 120591 (23)

has a unique solution 120583120591119898

such that 0 lt 120583120591119898lt infin for any 120591

with100381710038171003817100381710038171003817119875N((119867119877minus1)119879)[119880 119881119898+1]




+ (119868 minus 119875) 1198872

lt 120591 lt 1198872


where 119875N((119867119877minus1)119879) denotes the orthogonal projector ontoN((119867119877minus1)



Proof The proof follows the same argument of the proof ofTheorem 21 in [11] and therefore is omitted

We easily obtain the following theorem of which theproof is almost the same as that of Corollary 22 in [11]

Theorem 2 Assume that the modified Arnoldi process breaksdown at step 119895 Then the sequence 119904


119894=0defined by

1199040= 1198872



)[119880 119881119898+1]119879



+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872

0 lt 119894 lt 119895

119904119895= 0


is decreasing

We apply the discrepancy principle to the discrepancy 119887minus119860119909120583119898

to determine an appropriate regularization parameter120583 so that it satisfies (5) To make the equation

120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 (26)

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

Input 119860 isin R119899times119899 119887 isin R119899119882 isin R119899times119896 120576 1205781198980

Output 119909120583119898

120583119898119898 = 119898min + 1198980

(1) Compute the modified Arnoldi decomposition 119860[119882119881119898] = [119880 119881

119898+1]119867 with119898 = 119898min + 1198980

where119898min is the smallest number such that (119868 minus 119875)1198872 lt 12057821205762(2) Compute the solution 120583

119898of the equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 by Newtonrsquos method

(3) Compute the solution 119910120583119898

of the least-squares problem (13) and obtain the approximatesolution 119909

120583119898= [119882119881


Algorithm 2 Augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method

have a solution it follows from Theorem 1 that the inputparameter 119898 of the modified Arnoldi should be chosen sothat 119904

119898lt 1205782

1205762 To simplify the computations we ignore

the first term in 119904119898 Then the smallest iterative step number

denoted by 119898min of the modified Arnoldi process is chosenso that

(119868 minus 119875) 1198872

lt 1205782



We can improve the quality of the computed solution bychoosing the practical iterative step number 119898 somewhatlarger than119898min

After choosing the number 119898 of the modified Arnoldiiterative steps the regularization parameter 120583

119898is determined

by solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Many

numerical methods have been proposed for the solutionof a nonlinear equation including Newtonrsquos method [22]super-Newtonrsquos [23] method and Halleyrsquos method [24] Forthe specific nonlinear equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Reichel and

Shyshkov proposed a new zero-finder method in their newpaper [25] In this paper we still make use of Newtonrsquosmethod to obtain the regularization parameter 120583


In Algorithm 2 we outline the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod which is used to solve large-scale linear ill-posed systems (1)

Newtonrsquos method requires to evaluate 120601119898(120583) and its first

derivative with respect to 120583 for computing approximations120583(119895)

119898of 120583119898for 119895 = 0 1 2 Let

119911120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]


[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (28)

that is 119911120583119898

satisfies the system of linear equations




+ 119868] 119911 = [119880119881119898+1]119879

119887 (29)

Note that the above linear system is the normal equations ofthe least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [


(U 119881119898+1)119879




For numerical stability we compute the vector 119911120583119898

by solvingthe least-squares problem Then the 120601

119898(120583) is evaluated by


120601119898(120583) = 119911


120583119898119911120583119898+ (119868 minus 119875) 119887



It is easy to show that the first derivative of 1206011015840119898(120583) can be

written as


119898(120583) = minus2119911


120583119898119908120583119898 (32)


119908120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]





119911120583119898 (33)

Hence we may compute 119908120583119898

by solving a least-squaresproblem analogous to the above with the vector [119880 119881



replaced by119867119877minus1(119867119877minus1)119879119911120583119898

The algorithm for implementing the Newton iteration for

solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 is presented in

Algorithm 3Let 119909119898be the 119898th iterate produced by the augmented

RRGMRES in [16] Then 119909119898satisfies

1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119909isinK119898(119860119860119887)+W

119860119909 minus 1198872

= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817119860 [119882119881119898] 119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119867119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881




+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872


As 120583 rarr infin the reduced minimization problem (12) is thesame as the above minimization problem which shows that

119909119898= lim120583rarrinfin

119909120583119898 (35)

Therefore we obtain the following result

Theorem 3 Let 119909119898

be the 119898th iterate determined by aug-mented RRGMRES applied to (1) with initial iterate 119909

0= 0

Then1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 119887



= 120601119898(infin) (36)

3 Numerical Experiments

In this section we present some numerical examplesto illustrate the performance of the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method for the solution of large-scale linear ill-posed systems We compare the augmented

6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

(1) Set 1205830= 0 and 119894 = 0

(2) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [





to obtain 119911120583119894119898

(3) Compute 120601119898(120583119894) = 119911119879

120583119894119898119911120583119894119898+ (119868 minus 119875)119887

2(4) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [







100381710038171003817100381710038171003817100381710038171003817to obtain 119908


(5) Compute 1206011015840119898(120583119894) = minus2119911



(6) Compute the new approximation

120583119894+1= 120583119894minus120601119898(120583119894) minus 1205782



(7) If |120583119894+1minus 120583119894| lt 10

minus6 stop else 120583119894= 120583119894+1 119894 = 119894 + 1 and go to 2

Algorithm 3 Newtonrsquos method for 120601119898(120583) = 120578



Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method implemented byAlgorithm 2 to the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization methodproposed in [11] The Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod is denoted by ATRM while the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method is denoted by AATRMIn all the following tables we denote by MV the numberof matrix-vector products and by RERR the relative error119909120583119898

minus 119909119909 where 119909 is the exact solution of the linearerror-free system of (2) Note that the number of matrix-vector products in Algorithm 2 is 119896 + 119898min + 1198980 In all theexamples 120578 = 101

All the numerical experiments are performed in Matlabon a PC with the usual double precision where the floatingpoint relative accuracy is 222 sdot 10minus16

Example 4 The first example considered is the Fredholmintegral equation of the first kind which takes the genericform




119896 (119904 119905) 119909 (119905) 119889119905 = 119887 (119904) 0 le 119904 le 1 (37)

Here both the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) areknown functions while 119909(119905) is the unknown function Fortest the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) are chosenas

119896 (119904 119905) = 119904 (119905 minus 1) 119904 lt 119905

119905 (119904 minus 1) 119904 ge 119905119887 (119904) =


minus 119904

6 (38)

With this choice the exact solution of (37) is 119905 We use theMatlab program deriv2 from the regularization package [26]to discretize the integral equation (37) and to generate asystem of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix 119860 isinR200times200 and the solution 119909 isin R200 The condition number of119860 is 49 sdot 104 The right-hand side 119887 is given by 119887 = 119860119909 + 119890where the elements of the error vector 119890 are generated fromnormal distribution with mean zero and the norm of 119890 is10minus2

sdot 119860119909 The augmentation subspace is one-dimensional

Table 1 Computational results of Example 4

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 0 2 195 sdot 10


AATRM 1 3 117 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 2 4 625 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 5 119 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 0 4 314 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 5 294 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 6 287 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 7 289 sdot 10minus1

and is spanned by the vector 119908 = [1 2 200]119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 1 for severalchoice of the number119898

0of additional iterations

FromTable 1 we can see that for 0 le 1198980le 3 AATRMhas

smaller relative errors than ATRM and the smallest relativeerror is given by AATRM with 119898

0= 1 The exact solution

119909 and the approximate solutions generated by AATRM andARTM with119898

0= 1 are depicted in Figure 1

Example 5 This example comes again from the regulariza-tion package [26] and is the inversion of Laplace transform





119909 (119904) 119889119904 = 119887 (119905) 119905 ge 1 (39)

where the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exact solution 119909(119905) aregiven by

119887 (119905) =1

119905 + 12 119909 (119905) = 119890



The system of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix119860 isin R250times250 and the solution 119909 isin R250 is obtained byusing the Matlab program ilaplace from the regularizationpackage [26] In the same way as Example 4 we construct

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

0 50 100 150 2000









Exact solutionAATRMATRM

Figure 1 Example 4 Exact solution119909 approximation solutionswith1198980= 1

Table 2 Computational results of Example 5

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 5 33 sdot 10


AATRM 2 6 91 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 7 27 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 6 57 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 7 31 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 8 45 sdot 10minus1

Table 3 Computational results of Example 6

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 10 22 sdot 10


AATRM 2 11 11 sdot 10minus1

AATRM 3 12 21 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 10 49 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 11 12 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 12 23 sdot 10minus1

the right-hand side 119887 of the system of linear equations (1)The augmentation subspace is also one-dimensional and isspanned by the vector 119908 = [1 12 1250]

119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 2 for119898

0= 1 2 3

Table 2 shows that AATRM with 1198980= 2 has the smallest

relative error and AARTM works slightly better than ATRMfor this problem

Example 6 This example considered here is the same asExample 5 except that the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exactsolution 119909(119905) are given by

119887 (119905) =2

(119905 + 12)3 119909 (119905) = 119905




By using the sameMatlab program as Example 5 we generatea system with 119860 isin R1000times1000 The augmentation subspace

is one-dimensional and is spanned by the vector 119908 =

[1 1 1]119879 In Table 3 we report numerical results for119898


1 2 3

We observe from Table 3 that for this example AATRMhas almost the same relative errors as ATRM and the approx-imate solution can be slightly improved by the augmentationspace spanned by 119908 = [1 1 1]119879

4 Conclusions

In this paper we propose an iterative method for solvinglarge-scale linear ill-posed systems The method is based onthe Tikhonov regularization technique and the augmentedArnoldi technique The augmentation subspace is a user-supplied low-dimensional subspace which should containa rough approximation of the desired solution Numericalexperiments show that the augmented method is effective forsome practical problems


Yiqin Lin is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China under Grant 10801048 the NaturalScience Foundation ofHunanProvince underGrant 11JJ4009the Scientific Research Foundation of Education Bureau ofHunan Province for Outstanding Young Scholars in Univer-sity under Grant 10B038 the Science and Technology Plan-ning Project of Hunan Province under Grant 2010JT4042and the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation underGrant 2012M511386 Liang Bao is supported by the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China under Grants 10926150and 11101149 and the Fundamental Research Funds for theCentral Universities


[1] H W Engl M Hanke and A Neubauer Regularization ofInverse Problems vol 375 of Mathematics and Its ApplicationsKluwer Academic Dordrecht The Netherlands 1996

[2] A N Tikhonov and V Y Arsenin Solutions of Ill-PosedProblems John Wiley amp Sons New York NY USA 1977

[3] A N Tikhonov A V Goncharsky V V Stepanov and AG Yagola Numerical Methods for the Solution of Ill-PosedProblems vol 328 of Mathematics and Its Applications KluwerAcademic Dordrecht The Netherlands 1995

[4] P C Hansen Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed ProblemsSIAM Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computa-tion SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA 1998

[5] G H Golub and C F van Loan Matrix Computations JohnsHopkins Studies in the Mathematical Sciences Johns HopkinsUniversity Press Baltimore Md USA 3rd edition 1996

[6] A Bjorck Numerical Methods for Least Squares ProblemsSIAM Philadelphia Pa USA 1996

[7] A Bjorck ldquoA bidiagonalization algorithm for solving large andsparse ill-posed systems of linear equationsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 28 no 3 pp 659ndash670 1988

[8] D Calvetti S Morigi L Reichel and F Sgallari ldquoTikhonovregularization and the 119871-curve for large discrete ill-posed

8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

problemsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 123 no 1-2 pp 423ndash446 2000

[9] D Calvetti and L Reichel ldquoTikhonov regularization of largelinear problemsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 43 no 2 pp263ndash283 2003

[10] D P OrsquoLeary and J A Simmons ldquoA bidiagonalization-regularization procedure for large scale discretizations of ill-posed problemsrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific and StatisticalComputing vol 2 no 4 pp 474ndash489 1981

[11] B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoArnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethodsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 226 no 1 pp 92ndash102 2009

[12] T F Chan and K R Jackson ldquoNonlinearly preconditionedKrylov subspace methods for discrete Newton algorithmsrdquoSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing vol 5 no3 pp 533ndash542 1984

[13] L Reichel F Sgallari andQ Ye ldquoTikhonov regularization basedon generalized Krylov subspace methodsrdquo Applied NumericalMathematics vol 62 no 9 pp 1215ndash1228 2012

[14] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the choice of subspacefor iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputerScience vol 11 no 5 pp 1069ndash1092 2001 Numerical analysisand systems theory (Perpignan 2000)

[15] L Reichel and Q Ye ldquoBreakdown-free GMRES for singularsystemsrdquo SIAM Journal onMatrixAnalysis andApplications vol26 no 4 pp 1001ndash1021 2005

[16] J Baglama and L Reichel ldquoAugmented GMRES-type methodsrdquoNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol 14 no 4 pp337ndash350 2007

[17] K Morikuni L Reichel and K Hayami ldquoFGMRES for lineardiscrete problemsrdquo Tech Rep NII 2012

[18] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the regularizingproperties of the GMRES methodrdquo Numerische Mathematikvol 91 no 4 pp 605ndash625 2002

[19] R B Morgan ldquoA restarted GMRES method augmented witheigenvectorsrdquo SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applica-tions vol 16 no 4 pp 1154ndash1171 1995

[20] Y Saad ldquoA flexible inner-outer preconditioned GMRES algo-rithmrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol 14 no 2 pp461ndash469 1993

[21] B N Parlett The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem vol 20 ofClassics in Applied Mathematics SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA1998

[22] C T Kelley Solving Nonlinear Equations with Newtonrsquos Methodvol 1 of Fundamentals of Algorithms SIAM Philadelphia PaUSA 2003

[23] J A Ezquerro andM A Hernandez ldquoOn a convex accelerationof Newtonrsquos methodrdquo Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications vol 100 no 2 pp 311ndash326 1999

[24] W Gander ldquoOn Halleyrsquos iteration methodrdquo The AmericanMathematical Monthly vol 92 no 2 pp 131ndash134 1985

[25] L Reichel and A Shyshkov ldquoA new zero-finder for Tikhonovregularizationrdquo BIT Numerical Mathematics vol 48 no 3 pp627ndash643 2008

[26] P C Hansen ldquoRegularization tools a Matlab package foranalysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoNumericalAlgorithms vol 6 no 1-2 pp 1ndash35 1994

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Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

Input 119860 isin R119899times119899 119887 isin R119899119882 isin R119899times119896 120576 1205781198980

Output 119909120583119898

120583119898119898 = 119898min + 1198980

(1) Compute the modified Arnoldi decomposition 119860[119882119881119898] = [119880 119881

119898+1]119867 with119898 = 119898min + 1198980

where119898min is the smallest number such that (119868 minus 119875)1198872 lt 12057821205762(2) Compute the solution 120583

119898of the equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 by Newtonrsquos method

(3) Compute the solution 119910120583119898

of the least-squares problem (13) and obtain the approximatesolution 119909

120583119898= [119882119881


Algorithm 2 Augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method

have a solution it follows from Theorem 1 that the inputparameter 119898 of the modified Arnoldi should be chosen sothat 119904

119898lt 1205782

1205762 To simplify the computations we ignore

the first term in 119904119898 Then the smallest iterative step number

denoted by 119898min of the modified Arnoldi process is chosenso that

(119868 minus 119875) 1198872

lt 1205782



We can improve the quality of the computed solution bychoosing the practical iterative step number 119898 somewhatlarger than119898min

After choosing the number 119898 of the modified Arnoldiiterative steps the regularization parameter 120583

119898is determined

by solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Many

numerical methods have been proposed for the solutionof a nonlinear equation including Newtonrsquos method [22]super-Newtonrsquos [23] method and Halleyrsquos method [24] Forthe specific nonlinear equation 120601

119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 Reichel and

Shyshkov proposed a new zero-finder method in their newpaper [25] In this paper we still make use of Newtonrsquosmethod to obtain the regularization parameter 120583


In Algorithm 2 we outline the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod which is used to solve large-scale linear ill-posed systems (1)

Newtonrsquos method requires to evaluate 120601119898(120583) and its first

derivative with respect to 120583 for computing approximations120583(119895)

119898of 120583119898for 119895 = 0 1 2 Let

119911120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]


[119880 119881119898+1]119879

119887 (28)

that is 119911120583119898

satisfies the system of linear equations




+ 119868] 119911 = [119880119881119898+1]119879

119887 (29)

Note that the above linear system is the normal equations ofthe least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [


(U 119881119898+1)119879




For numerical stability we compute the vector 119911120583119898

by solvingthe least-squares problem Then the 120601

119898(120583) is evaluated by


120601119898(120583) = 119911


120583119898119911120583119898+ (119868 minus 119875) 119887



It is easy to show that the first derivative of 1206011015840119898(120583) can be

written as


119898(120583) = minus2119911


120583119898119908120583119898 (32)


119908120583119898= [120583119867119877




+ 119868]





119911120583119898 (33)

Hence we may compute 119908120583119898

by solving a least-squaresproblem analogous to the above with the vector [119880 119881



replaced by119867119877minus1(119867119877minus1)119879119911120583119898

The algorithm for implementing the Newton iteration for

solving the nonlinear equation 120601119898(120583) = 120578


1205762 is presented in

Algorithm 3Let 119909119898be the 119898th iterate produced by the augmented

RRGMRES in [16] Then 119909119898satisfies

1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119909isinK119898(119860119860119887)+W

119860119909 minus 1198872

= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817119860 [119882119881119898] 119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

1003817100381710038171003817[119880 119881119898+1]119867119910 minus 1198871003817100381710038171003817


= min119910isinR119898+119896

10038171003817100381710038171003817119867119910 minus [119880119881




+ (119868 minus 119875)1198872


As 120583 rarr infin the reduced minimization problem (12) is thesame as the above minimization problem which shows that

119909119898= lim120583rarrinfin

119909120583119898 (35)

Therefore we obtain the following result

Theorem 3 Let 119909119898

be the 119898th iterate determined by aug-mented RRGMRES applied to (1) with initial iterate 119909

0= 0

Then1003817100381710038171003817119860119909119898 minus 119887



= 120601119898(infin) (36)

3 Numerical Experiments

In this section we present some numerical examplesto illustrate the performance of the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method for the solution of large-scale linear ill-posed systems We compare the augmented

6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

(1) Set 1205830= 0 and 119894 = 0

(2) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [





to obtain 119911120583119894119898

(3) Compute 120601119898(120583119894) = 119911119879

120583119894119898119911120583119894119898+ (119868 minus 119875)119887

2(4) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [







100381710038171003817100381710038171003817100381710038171003817to obtain 119908


(5) Compute 1206011015840119898(120583119894) = minus2119911



(6) Compute the new approximation

120583119894+1= 120583119894minus120601119898(120583119894) minus 1205782



(7) If |120583119894+1minus 120583119894| lt 10

minus6 stop else 120583119894= 120583119894+1 119894 = 119894 + 1 and go to 2

Algorithm 3 Newtonrsquos method for 120601119898(120583) = 120578



Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method implemented byAlgorithm 2 to the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization methodproposed in [11] The Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod is denoted by ATRM while the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method is denoted by AATRMIn all the following tables we denote by MV the numberof matrix-vector products and by RERR the relative error119909120583119898

minus 119909119909 where 119909 is the exact solution of the linearerror-free system of (2) Note that the number of matrix-vector products in Algorithm 2 is 119896 + 119898min + 1198980 In all theexamples 120578 = 101

All the numerical experiments are performed in Matlabon a PC with the usual double precision where the floatingpoint relative accuracy is 222 sdot 10minus16

Example 4 The first example considered is the Fredholmintegral equation of the first kind which takes the genericform




119896 (119904 119905) 119909 (119905) 119889119905 = 119887 (119904) 0 le 119904 le 1 (37)

Here both the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) areknown functions while 119909(119905) is the unknown function Fortest the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) are chosenas

119896 (119904 119905) = 119904 (119905 minus 1) 119904 lt 119905

119905 (119904 minus 1) 119904 ge 119905119887 (119904) =


minus 119904

6 (38)

With this choice the exact solution of (37) is 119905 We use theMatlab program deriv2 from the regularization package [26]to discretize the integral equation (37) and to generate asystem of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix 119860 isinR200times200 and the solution 119909 isin R200 The condition number of119860 is 49 sdot 104 The right-hand side 119887 is given by 119887 = 119860119909 + 119890where the elements of the error vector 119890 are generated fromnormal distribution with mean zero and the norm of 119890 is10minus2

sdot 119860119909 The augmentation subspace is one-dimensional

Table 1 Computational results of Example 4

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 0 2 195 sdot 10


AATRM 1 3 117 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 2 4 625 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 5 119 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 0 4 314 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 5 294 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 6 287 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 7 289 sdot 10minus1

and is spanned by the vector 119908 = [1 2 200]119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 1 for severalchoice of the number119898

0of additional iterations

FromTable 1 we can see that for 0 le 1198980le 3 AATRMhas

smaller relative errors than ATRM and the smallest relativeerror is given by AATRM with 119898

0= 1 The exact solution

119909 and the approximate solutions generated by AATRM andARTM with119898

0= 1 are depicted in Figure 1

Example 5 This example comes again from the regulariza-tion package [26] and is the inversion of Laplace transform





119909 (119904) 119889119904 = 119887 (119905) 119905 ge 1 (39)

where the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exact solution 119909(119905) aregiven by

119887 (119905) =1

119905 + 12 119909 (119905) = 119890



The system of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix119860 isin R250times250 and the solution 119909 isin R250 is obtained byusing the Matlab program ilaplace from the regularizationpackage [26] In the same way as Example 4 we construct

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

0 50 100 150 2000









Exact solutionAATRMATRM

Figure 1 Example 4 Exact solution119909 approximation solutionswith1198980= 1

Table 2 Computational results of Example 5

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 5 33 sdot 10


AATRM 2 6 91 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 7 27 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 6 57 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 7 31 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 8 45 sdot 10minus1

Table 3 Computational results of Example 6

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 10 22 sdot 10


AATRM 2 11 11 sdot 10minus1

AATRM 3 12 21 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 10 49 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 11 12 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 12 23 sdot 10minus1

the right-hand side 119887 of the system of linear equations (1)The augmentation subspace is also one-dimensional and isspanned by the vector 119908 = [1 12 1250]

119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 2 for119898

0= 1 2 3

Table 2 shows that AATRM with 1198980= 2 has the smallest

relative error and AARTM works slightly better than ATRMfor this problem

Example 6 This example considered here is the same asExample 5 except that the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exactsolution 119909(119905) are given by

119887 (119905) =2

(119905 + 12)3 119909 (119905) = 119905




By using the sameMatlab program as Example 5 we generatea system with 119860 isin R1000times1000 The augmentation subspace

is one-dimensional and is spanned by the vector 119908 =

[1 1 1]119879 In Table 3 we report numerical results for119898


1 2 3

We observe from Table 3 that for this example AATRMhas almost the same relative errors as ATRM and the approx-imate solution can be slightly improved by the augmentationspace spanned by 119908 = [1 1 1]119879

4 Conclusions

In this paper we propose an iterative method for solvinglarge-scale linear ill-posed systems The method is based onthe Tikhonov regularization technique and the augmentedArnoldi technique The augmentation subspace is a user-supplied low-dimensional subspace which should containa rough approximation of the desired solution Numericalexperiments show that the augmented method is effective forsome practical problems


Yiqin Lin is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China under Grant 10801048 the NaturalScience Foundation ofHunanProvince underGrant 11JJ4009the Scientific Research Foundation of Education Bureau ofHunan Province for Outstanding Young Scholars in Univer-sity under Grant 10B038 the Science and Technology Plan-ning Project of Hunan Province under Grant 2010JT4042and the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation underGrant 2012M511386 Liang Bao is supported by the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China under Grants 10926150and 11101149 and the Fundamental Research Funds for theCentral Universities


[1] H W Engl M Hanke and A Neubauer Regularization ofInverse Problems vol 375 of Mathematics and Its ApplicationsKluwer Academic Dordrecht The Netherlands 1996

[2] A N Tikhonov and V Y Arsenin Solutions of Ill-PosedProblems John Wiley amp Sons New York NY USA 1977

[3] A N Tikhonov A V Goncharsky V V Stepanov and AG Yagola Numerical Methods for the Solution of Ill-PosedProblems vol 328 of Mathematics and Its Applications KluwerAcademic Dordrecht The Netherlands 1995

[4] P C Hansen Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed ProblemsSIAM Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computa-tion SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA 1998

[5] G H Golub and C F van Loan Matrix Computations JohnsHopkins Studies in the Mathematical Sciences Johns HopkinsUniversity Press Baltimore Md USA 3rd edition 1996

[6] A Bjorck Numerical Methods for Least Squares ProblemsSIAM Philadelphia Pa USA 1996

[7] A Bjorck ldquoA bidiagonalization algorithm for solving large andsparse ill-posed systems of linear equationsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 28 no 3 pp 659ndash670 1988

[8] D Calvetti S Morigi L Reichel and F Sgallari ldquoTikhonovregularization and the 119871-curve for large discrete ill-posed

8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

problemsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 123 no 1-2 pp 423ndash446 2000

[9] D Calvetti and L Reichel ldquoTikhonov regularization of largelinear problemsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 43 no 2 pp263ndash283 2003

[10] D P OrsquoLeary and J A Simmons ldquoA bidiagonalization-regularization procedure for large scale discretizations of ill-posed problemsrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific and StatisticalComputing vol 2 no 4 pp 474ndash489 1981

[11] B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoArnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethodsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 226 no 1 pp 92ndash102 2009

[12] T F Chan and K R Jackson ldquoNonlinearly preconditionedKrylov subspace methods for discrete Newton algorithmsrdquoSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing vol 5 no3 pp 533ndash542 1984

[13] L Reichel F Sgallari andQ Ye ldquoTikhonov regularization basedon generalized Krylov subspace methodsrdquo Applied NumericalMathematics vol 62 no 9 pp 1215ndash1228 2012

[14] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the choice of subspacefor iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputerScience vol 11 no 5 pp 1069ndash1092 2001 Numerical analysisand systems theory (Perpignan 2000)

[15] L Reichel and Q Ye ldquoBreakdown-free GMRES for singularsystemsrdquo SIAM Journal onMatrixAnalysis andApplications vol26 no 4 pp 1001ndash1021 2005

[16] J Baglama and L Reichel ldquoAugmented GMRES-type methodsrdquoNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol 14 no 4 pp337ndash350 2007

[17] K Morikuni L Reichel and K Hayami ldquoFGMRES for lineardiscrete problemsrdquo Tech Rep NII 2012

[18] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the regularizingproperties of the GMRES methodrdquo Numerische Mathematikvol 91 no 4 pp 605ndash625 2002

[19] R B Morgan ldquoA restarted GMRES method augmented witheigenvectorsrdquo SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applica-tions vol 16 no 4 pp 1154ndash1171 1995

[20] Y Saad ldquoA flexible inner-outer preconditioned GMRES algo-rithmrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol 14 no 2 pp461ndash469 1993

[21] B N Parlett The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem vol 20 ofClassics in Applied Mathematics SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA1998

[22] C T Kelley Solving Nonlinear Equations with Newtonrsquos Methodvol 1 of Fundamentals of Algorithms SIAM Philadelphia PaUSA 2003

[23] J A Ezquerro andM A Hernandez ldquoOn a convex accelerationof Newtonrsquos methodrdquo Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications vol 100 no 2 pp 311ndash326 1999

[24] W Gander ldquoOn Halleyrsquos iteration methodrdquo The AmericanMathematical Monthly vol 92 no 2 pp 131ndash134 1985

[25] L Reichel and A Shyshkov ldquoA new zero-finder for Tikhonovregularizationrdquo BIT Numerical Mathematics vol 48 no 3 pp627ndash643 2008

[26] P C Hansen ldquoRegularization tools a Matlab package foranalysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoNumericalAlgorithms vol 6 no 1-2 pp 1ndash35 1994

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6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

(1) Set 1205830= 0 and 119894 = 0

(2) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [





to obtain 119911120583119894119898

(3) Compute 120601119898(120583119894) = 119911119879

120583119894119898119911120583119894119898+ (119868 minus 119875)119887

2(4) Solve the least-squares problem






119868] 119911 minus [







100381710038171003817100381710038171003817100381710038171003817to obtain 119908


(5) Compute 1206011015840119898(120583119894) = minus2119911



(6) Compute the new approximation

120583119894+1= 120583119894minus120601119898(120583119894) minus 1205782



(7) If |120583119894+1minus 120583119894| lt 10

minus6 stop else 120583119894= 120583119894+1 119894 = 119894 + 1 and go to 2

Algorithm 3 Newtonrsquos method for 120601119898(120583) = 120578



Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method implemented byAlgorithm 2 to the Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization methodproposed in [11] The Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethod is denoted by ATRM while the augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov regularization method is denoted by AATRMIn all the following tables we denote by MV the numberof matrix-vector products and by RERR the relative error119909120583119898

minus 119909119909 where 119909 is the exact solution of the linearerror-free system of (2) Note that the number of matrix-vector products in Algorithm 2 is 119896 + 119898min + 1198980 In all theexamples 120578 = 101

All the numerical experiments are performed in Matlabon a PC with the usual double precision where the floatingpoint relative accuracy is 222 sdot 10minus16

Example 4 The first example considered is the Fredholmintegral equation of the first kind which takes the genericform




119896 (119904 119905) 119909 (119905) 119889119905 = 119887 (119904) 0 le 119904 le 1 (37)

Here both the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) areknown functions while 119909(119905) is the unknown function Fortest the kernel 119896(119904 119905) and the right-hand side 119887(119904) are chosenas

119896 (119904 119905) = 119904 (119905 minus 1) 119904 lt 119905

119905 (119904 minus 1) 119904 ge 119905119887 (119904) =


minus 119904

6 (38)

With this choice the exact solution of (37) is 119905 We use theMatlab program deriv2 from the regularization package [26]to discretize the integral equation (37) and to generate asystem of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix 119860 isinR200times200 and the solution 119909 isin R200 The condition number of119860 is 49 sdot 104 The right-hand side 119887 is given by 119887 = 119860119909 + 119890where the elements of the error vector 119890 are generated fromnormal distribution with mean zero and the norm of 119890 is10minus2

sdot 119860119909 The augmentation subspace is one-dimensional

Table 1 Computational results of Example 4

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 0 2 195 sdot 10


AATRM 1 3 117 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 2 4 625 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 5 119 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 0 4 314 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 5 294 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 6 287 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 7 289 sdot 10minus1

and is spanned by the vector 119908 = [1 2 200]119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 1 for severalchoice of the number119898

0of additional iterations

FromTable 1 we can see that for 0 le 1198980le 3 AATRMhas

smaller relative errors than ATRM and the smallest relativeerror is given by AATRM with 119898

0= 1 The exact solution

119909 and the approximate solutions generated by AATRM andARTM with119898

0= 1 are depicted in Figure 1

Example 5 This example comes again from the regulariza-tion package [26] and is the inversion of Laplace transform





119909 (119904) 119889119904 = 119887 (119905) 119905 ge 1 (39)

where the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exact solution 119909(119905) aregiven by

119887 (119905) =1

119905 + 12 119909 (119905) = 119890



The system of linear equations (2) with the coefficient matrix119860 isin R250times250 and the solution 119909 isin R250 is obtained byusing the Matlab program ilaplace from the regularizationpackage [26] In the same way as Example 4 we construct

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

0 50 100 150 2000









Exact solutionAATRMATRM

Figure 1 Example 4 Exact solution119909 approximation solutionswith1198980= 1

Table 2 Computational results of Example 5

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 5 33 sdot 10


AATRM 2 6 91 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 7 27 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 6 57 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 7 31 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 8 45 sdot 10minus1

Table 3 Computational results of Example 6

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 10 22 sdot 10


AATRM 2 11 11 sdot 10minus1

AATRM 3 12 21 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 10 49 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 11 12 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 12 23 sdot 10minus1

the right-hand side 119887 of the system of linear equations (1)The augmentation subspace is also one-dimensional and isspanned by the vector 119908 = [1 12 1250]

119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 2 for119898

0= 1 2 3

Table 2 shows that AATRM with 1198980= 2 has the smallest

relative error and AARTM works slightly better than ATRMfor this problem

Example 6 This example considered here is the same asExample 5 except that the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exactsolution 119909(119905) are given by

119887 (119905) =2

(119905 + 12)3 119909 (119905) = 119905




By using the sameMatlab program as Example 5 we generatea system with 119860 isin R1000times1000 The augmentation subspace

is one-dimensional and is spanned by the vector 119908 =

[1 1 1]119879 In Table 3 we report numerical results for119898


1 2 3

We observe from Table 3 that for this example AATRMhas almost the same relative errors as ATRM and the approx-imate solution can be slightly improved by the augmentationspace spanned by 119908 = [1 1 1]119879

4 Conclusions

In this paper we propose an iterative method for solvinglarge-scale linear ill-posed systems The method is based onthe Tikhonov regularization technique and the augmentedArnoldi technique The augmentation subspace is a user-supplied low-dimensional subspace which should containa rough approximation of the desired solution Numericalexperiments show that the augmented method is effective forsome practical problems


Yiqin Lin is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China under Grant 10801048 the NaturalScience Foundation ofHunanProvince underGrant 11JJ4009the Scientific Research Foundation of Education Bureau ofHunan Province for Outstanding Young Scholars in Univer-sity under Grant 10B038 the Science and Technology Plan-ning Project of Hunan Province under Grant 2010JT4042and the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation underGrant 2012M511386 Liang Bao is supported by the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China under Grants 10926150and 11101149 and the Fundamental Research Funds for theCentral Universities


[1] H W Engl M Hanke and A Neubauer Regularization ofInverse Problems vol 375 of Mathematics and Its ApplicationsKluwer Academic Dordrecht The Netherlands 1996

[2] A N Tikhonov and V Y Arsenin Solutions of Ill-PosedProblems John Wiley amp Sons New York NY USA 1977

[3] A N Tikhonov A V Goncharsky V V Stepanov and AG Yagola Numerical Methods for the Solution of Ill-PosedProblems vol 328 of Mathematics and Its Applications KluwerAcademic Dordrecht The Netherlands 1995

[4] P C Hansen Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed ProblemsSIAM Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computa-tion SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA 1998

[5] G H Golub and C F van Loan Matrix Computations JohnsHopkins Studies in the Mathematical Sciences Johns HopkinsUniversity Press Baltimore Md USA 3rd edition 1996

[6] A Bjorck Numerical Methods for Least Squares ProblemsSIAM Philadelphia Pa USA 1996

[7] A Bjorck ldquoA bidiagonalization algorithm for solving large andsparse ill-posed systems of linear equationsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 28 no 3 pp 659ndash670 1988

[8] D Calvetti S Morigi L Reichel and F Sgallari ldquoTikhonovregularization and the 119871-curve for large discrete ill-posed

8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

problemsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 123 no 1-2 pp 423ndash446 2000

[9] D Calvetti and L Reichel ldquoTikhonov regularization of largelinear problemsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 43 no 2 pp263ndash283 2003

[10] D P OrsquoLeary and J A Simmons ldquoA bidiagonalization-regularization procedure for large scale discretizations of ill-posed problemsrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific and StatisticalComputing vol 2 no 4 pp 474ndash489 1981

[11] B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoArnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethodsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 226 no 1 pp 92ndash102 2009

[12] T F Chan and K R Jackson ldquoNonlinearly preconditionedKrylov subspace methods for discrete Newton algorithmsrdquoSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing vol 5 no3 pp 533ndash542 1984

[13] L Reichel F Sgallari andQ Ye ldquoTikhonov regularization basedon generalized Krylov subspace methodsrdquo Applied NumericalMathematics vol 62 no 9 pp 1215ndash1228 2012

[14] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the choice of subspacefor iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputerScience vol 11 no 5 pp 1069ndash1092 2001 Numerical analysisand systems theory (Perpignan 2000)

[15] L Reichel and Q Ye ldquoBreakdown-free GMRES for singularsystemsrdquo SIAM Journal onMatrixAnalysis andApplications vol26 no 4 pp 1001ndash1021 2005

[16] J Baglama and L Reichel ldquoAugmented GMRES-type methodsrdquoNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol 14 no 4 pp337ndash350 2007

[17] K Morikuni L Reichel and K Hayami ldquoFGMRES for lineardiscrete problemsrdquo Tech Rep NII 2012

[18] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the regularizingproperties of the GMRES methodrdquo Numerische Mathematikvol 91 no 4 pp 605ndash625 2002

[19] R B Morgan ldquoA restarted GMRES method augmented witheigenvectorsrdquo SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applica-tions vol 16 no 4 pp 1154ndash1171 1995

[20] Y Saad ldquoA flexible inner-outer preconditioned GMRES algo-rithmrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol 14 no 2 pp461ndash469 1993

[21] B N Parlett The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem vol 20 ofClassics in Applied Mathematics SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA1998

[22] C T Kelley Solving Nonlinear Equations with Newtonrsquos Methodvol 1 of Fundamentals of Algorithms SIAM Philadelphia PaUSA 2003

[23] J A Ezquerro andM A Hernandez ldquoOn a convex accelerationof Newtonrsquos methodrdquo Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications vol 100 no 2 pp 311ndash326 1999

[24] W Gander ldquoOn Halleyrsquos iteration methodrdquo The AmericanMathematical Monthly vol 92 no 2 pp 131ndash134 1985

[25] L Reichel and A Shyshkov ldquoA new zero-finder for Tikhonovregularizationrdquo BIT Numerical Mathematics vol 48 no 3 pp627ndash643 2008

[26] P C Hansen ldquoRegularization tools a Matlab package foranalysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoNumericalAlgorithms vol 6 no 1-2 pp 1ndash35 1994

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Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

0 50 100 150 2000









Exact solutionAATRMATRM

Figure 1 Example 4 Exact solution119909 approximation solutionswith1198980= 1

Table 2 Computational results of Example 5

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 5 33 sdot 10


AATRM 2 6 91 sdot 10minus2

AATRM 3 7 27 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 6 57 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 7 31 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 8 45 sdot 10minus1

Table 3 Computational results of Example 6

Method 1198980

MV RERRAATRM 1 10 22 sdot 10


AATRM 2 11 11 sdot 10minus1

AATRM 3 12 21 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 1 10 49 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 2 11 12 sdot 10minus1

ATRM 3 12 23 sdot 10minus1

the right-hand side 119887 of the system of linear equations (1)The augmentation subspace is also one-dimensional and isspanned by the vector 119908 = [1 12 1250]

119879 Numericalresults for the example are reported in Table 2 for119898

0= 1 2 3

Table 2 shows that AATRM with 1198980= 2 has the smallest

relative error and AARTM works slightly better than ATRMfor this problem

Example 6 This example considered here is the same asExample 5 except that the right-hand side 119887(119905) and the exactsolution 119909(119905) are given by

119887 (119905) =2

(119905 + 12)3 119909 (119905) = 119905




By using the sameMatlab program as Example 5 we generatea system with 119860 isin R1000times1000 The augmentation subspace

is one-dimensional and is spanned by the vector 119908 =

[1 1 1]119879 In Table 3 we report numerical results for119898


1 2 3

We observe from Table 3 that for this example AATRMhas almost the same relative errors as ATRM and the approx-imate solution can be slightly improved by the augmentationspace spanned by 119908 = [1 1 1]119879

4 Conclusions

In this paper we propose an iterative method for solvinglarge-scale linear ill-posed systems The method is based onthe Tikhonov regularization technique and the augmentedArnoldi technique The augmentation subspace is a user-supplied low-dimensional subspace which should containa rough approximation of the desired solution Numericalexperiments show that the augmented method is effective forsome practical problems


Yiqin Lin is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China under Grant 10801048 the NaturalScience Foundation ofHunanProvince underGrant 11JJ4009the Scientific Research Foundation of Education Bureau ofHunan Province for Outstanding Young Scholars in Univer-sity under Grant 10B038 the Science and Technology Plan-ning Project of Hunan Province under Grant 2010JT4042and the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation underGrant 2012M511386 Liang Bao is supported by the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China under Grants 10926150and 11101149 and the Fundamental Research Funds for theCentral Universities


[1] H W Engl M Hanke and A Neubauer Regularization ofInverse Problems vol 375 of Mathematics and Its ApplicationsKluwer Academic Dordrecht The Netherlands 1996

[2] A N Tikhonov and V Y Arsenin Solutions of Ill-PosedProblems John Wiley amp Sons New York NY USA 1977

[3] A N Tikhonov A V Goncharsky V V Stepanov and AG Yagola Numerical Methods for the Solution of Ill-PosedProblems vol 328 of Mathematics and Its Applications KluwerAcademic Dordrecht The Netherlands 1995

[4] P C Hansen Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed ProblemsSIAM Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computa-tion SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA 1998

[5] G H Golub and C F van Loan Matrix Computations JohnsHopkins Studies in the Mathematical Sciences Johns HopkinsUniversity Press Baltimore Md USA 3rd edition 1996

[6] A Bjorck Numerical Methods for Least Squares ProblemsSIAM Philadelphia Pa USA 1996

[7] A Bjorck ldquoA bidiagonalization algorithm for solving large andsparse ill-posed systems of linear equationsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 28 no 3 pp 659ndash670 1988

[8] D Calvetti S Morigi L Reichel and F Sgallari ldquoTikhonovregularization and the 119871-curve for large discrete ill-posed

8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

problemsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 123 no 1-2 pp 423ndash446 2000

[9] D Calvetti and L Reichel ldquoTikhonov regularization of largelinear problemsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 43 no 2 pp263ndash283 2003

[10] D P OrsquoLeary and J A Simmons ldquoA bidiagonalization-regularization procedure for large scale discretizations of ill-posed problemsrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific and StatisticalComputing vol 2 no 4 pp 474ndash489 1981

[11] B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoArnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethodsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 226 no 1 pp 92ndash102 2009

[12] T F Chan and K R Jackson ldquoNonlinearly preconditionedKrylov subspace methods for discrete Newton algorithmsrdquoSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing vol 5 no3 pp 533ndash542 1984

[13] L Reichel F Sgallari andQ Ye ldquoTikhonov regularization basedon generalized Krylov subspace methodsrdquo Applied NumericalMathematics vol 62 no 9 pp 1215ndash1228 2012

[14] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the choice of subspacefor iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputerScience vol 11 no 5 pp 1069ndash1092 2001 Numerical analysisand systems theory (Perpignan 2000)

[15] L Reichel and Q Ye ldquoBreakdown-free GMRES for singularsystemsrdquo SIAM Journal onMatrixAnalysis andApplications vol26 no 4 pp 1001ndash1021 2005

[16] J Baglama and L Reichel ldquoAugmented GMRES-type methodsrdquoNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol 14 no 4 pp337ndash350 2007

[17] K Morikuni L Reichel and K Hayami ldquoFGMRES for lineardiscrete problemsrdquo Tech Rep NII 2012

[18] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the regularizingproperties of the GMRES methodrdquo Numerische Mathematikvol 91 no 4 pp 605ndash625 2002

[19] R B Morgan ldquoA restarted GMRES method augmented witheigenvectorsrdquo SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applica-tions vol 16 no 4 pp 1154ndash1171 1995

[20] Y Saad ldquoA flexible inner-outer preconditioned GMRES algo-rithmrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol 14 no 2 pp461ndash469 1993

[21] B N Parlett The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem vol 20 ofClassics in Applied Mathematics SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA1998

[22] C T Kelley Solving Nonlinear Equations with Newtonrsquos Methodvol 1 of Fundamentals of Algorithms SIAM Philadelphia PaUSA 2003

[23] J A Ezquerro andM A Hernandez ldquoOn a convex accelerationof Newtonrsquos methodrdquo Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications vol 100 no 2 pp 311ndash326 1999

[24] W Gander ldquoOn Halleyrsquos iteration methodrdquo The AmericanMathematical Monthly vol 92 no 2 pp 131ndash134 1985

[25] L Reichel and A Shyshkov ldquoA new zero-finder for Tikhonovregularizationrdquo BIT Numerical Mathematics vol 48 no 3 pp627ndash643 2008

[26] P C Hansen ldquoRegularization tools a Matlab package foranalysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoNumericalAlgorithms vol 6 no 1-2 pp 1ndash35 1994

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problemsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 123 no 1-2 pp 423ndash446 2000

[9] D Calvetti and L Reichel ldquoTikhonov regularization of largelinear problemsrdquo BIT NumericalMathematics vol 43 no 2 pp263ndash283 2003

[10] D P OrsquoLeary and J A Simmons ldquoA bidiagonalization-regularization procedure for large scale discretizations of ill-posed problemsrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific and StatisticalComputing vol 2 no 4 pp 474ndash489 1981

[11] B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoArnoldi-Tikhonov regularizationmethodsrdquo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsvol 226 no 1 pp 92ndash102 2009

[12] T F Chan and K R Jackson ldquoNonlinearly preconditionedKrylov subspace methods for discrete Newton algorithmsrdquoSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing vol 5 no3 pp 533ndash542 1984

[13] L Reichel F Sgallari andQ Ye ldquoTikhonov regularization basedon generalized Krylov subspace methodsrdquo Applied NumericalMathematics vol 62 no 9 pp 1215ndash1228 2012

[14] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the choice of subspacefor iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputerScience vol 11 no 5 pp 1069ndash1092 2001 Numerical analysisand systems theory (Perpignan 2000)

[15] L Reichel and Q Ye ldquoBreakdown-free GMRES for singularsystemsrdquo SIAM Journal onMatrixAnalysis andApplications vol26 no 4 pp 1001ndash1021 2005

[16] J Baglama and L Reichel ldquoAugmented GMRES-type methodsrdquoNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications vol 14 no 4 pp337ndash350 2007

[17] K Morikuni L Reichel and K Hayami ldquoFGMRES for lineardiscrete problemsrdquo Tech Rep NII 2012

[18] D Calvetti B Lewis and L Reichel ldquoOn the regularizingproperties of the GMRES methodrdquo Numerische Mathematikvol 91 no 4 pp 605ndash625 2002

[19] R B Morgan ldquoA restarted GMRES method augmented witheigenvectorsrdquo SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applica-tions vol 16 no 4 pp 1154ndash1171 1995

[20] Y Saad ldquoA flexible inner-outer preconditioned GMRES algo-rithmrdquo SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing vol 14 no 2 pp461ndash469 1993

[21] B N Parlett The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem vol 20 ofClassics in Applied Mathematics SIAM Philadelphia Pa USA1998

[22] C T Kelley Solving Nonlinear Equations with Newtonrsquos Methodvol 1 of Fundamentals of Algorithms SIAM Philadelphia PaUSA 2003

[23] J A Ezquerro andM A Hernandez ldquoOn a convex accelerationof Newtonrsquos methodrdquo Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications vol 100 no 2 pp 311ndash326 1999

[24] W Gander ldquoOn Halleyrsquos iteration methodrdquo The AmericanMathematical Monthly vol 92 no 2 pp 131ndash134 1985

[25] L Reichel and A Shyshkov ldquoA new zero-finder for Tikhonovregularizationrdquo BIT Numerical Mathematics vol 48 no 3 pp627ndash643 2008

[26] P C Hansen ldquoRegularization tools a Matlab package foranalysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problemsrdquoNumericalAlgorithms vol 6 no 1-2 pp 1ndash35 1994

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