aufgaben 9.2 (4 -8 may) -...

Englisch Klasse 9/2, Frau Schmidt A., H. Reichenbächer KW 19, 04.-08.05.2020 1 Aufgaben 9.2 (4 th -8 th May) Dear 9.2, I hope you’re all still feeling great and healthy. Once again, it is me, Mr. Reichenbächer. There’s not too much to say this week. We need to tackle some grammar this time, but it should be mostly revision, so don’t worry. There’s some text work as well, it shouldn’t get too boring. If you have problems, feel free to mail me at [email protected]. As always, Ms. Schmidt and I will hold a Zoom meeting to give you the chance to ask questions as well as talk a bit. We planned it for Wednesday, 14 th May at 11:30 am. Just as before, please send an email to [email protected] if you would like to be there. The solutions for the tasks will be uploaded next Monday (11/05). Stay well and have fun! Task 13 is to be sent to Mr. Reichenbächer. The deadline is given in the task. Don’t forget! Write in your exercise part. The worksheet (p.2), however, should be in your grammar part. A) Vocabulary Revision 1. Translate into English. a. Mein Lebensziel ist es, etwas zustande zu bringen und etwas zu bewegen in der Welt. b. Damals war ich Sportler in der Armee. c. Dann bin ich beim Fallschirmspringen beinahe gescheitert. d. Das war mir peinlich und ich habe die Verantwortung abgegeben. e. Jetzt bin ich kurz davor, mich um eine Stelle als Weihnachtsmann zu bewerben. f. Dank meiner Intelligenz und meiner Errungenschaften sollte ich damit Erfolg haben. 2. Fill in the blanks. However, due to …1… (Erderwärmung), my …2… (ehemaliger) job and me missing the …3… (letzter Termin), they …4… (wählten) another person. Now I am an official “…5...” (Vizeweihnachtsmann). …6... (Da) I am …7… (treu ergeben) to my new bosses, I will …8… (weder) …9… (betrügen) …10… (noch) be trapped like a …11… (Fliege) in a …12... (Spinnennetz). I will be …13…. (ehrgeizig) and spread happiness so that I may get the …14… (Anerkennung) I want. I am one step closer to my …15... (Ziel). B) Future forms This week I want to work on the future – not in terms of content but in terms of language. We are going to deal with it because I decided on this many days ago. And I say now that we will accomplish it. Let’s dive into some explanations and examples to see the differences. 3. On the next page, you will find a table with blanks and with missing words. This table should be printed out (or written by hand onto an empty page). Fill in the blanks/missing information and add the missing words where there are ____ while going through the explanations.

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Page 1: Aufgaben 9.2 (4 -8 May) - · 2) events that have already been planned before now In contrast to will, going

Englisch Klasse 9/2, Frau Schmidt A., H. Reichenbächer KW 19, 04.-08.05.2020


Aufgaben 9.2 (4th-8th May) Dear 9.2,

I hope you’re all still feeling great and healthy. Once again, it is me, Mr. Reichenbächer. There’s

not too much to say this week. We need to tackle some grammar this time, but it should be

mostly revision, so don’t worry. There’s some text work as well, it shouldn’t get too boring. If

you have problems, feel free to mail me at [email protected].

As always, Ms. Schmidt and I will hold a Zoom meeting to give you the chance to ask questions

as well as talk a bit. We planned it for Wednesday, 14th May at 11:30 am. Just as before, please

send an email to [email protected] if you would like to be there.

The solutions for the tasks will be uploaded next Monday (11/05). Stay well and have fun!

Task 13 is to be sent to Mr. Reichenbächer. The deadline is given in the task. Don’t forget!

Write in your exercise part. The worksheet (p.2), however, should be in your grammar part.

A) Vocabulary Revision

1. Translate into English.

a. Mein Lebensziel ist es, etwas zustande zu bringen und etwas zu bewegen in der Welt.

b. Damals war ich Sportler in der Armee.

c. Dann bin ich beim Fallschirmspringen beinahe gescheitert.

d. Das war mir peinlich und ich habe die Verantwortung abgegeben.

e. Jetzt bin ich kurz davor, mich um eine Stelle als Weihnachtsmann zu bewerben.

f. Dank meiner Intelligenz und meiner Errungenschaften sollte ich damit Erfolg haben.

2. Fill in the blanks.

However, due to …1… (Erderwärmung), my …2… (ehemaliger) job and me missing the …3…

(letzter Termin), they …4… (wählten) another person. Now I am an official “…5...”

(Vizeweihnachtsmann). …6... (Da) I am …7… (treu ergeben) to my new bosses, I will …8…

(weder) …9… (betrügen) …10… (noch) be trapped like a …11… (Fliege) in a …12...

(Spinnennetz). I will be …13…. (ehrgeizig) and spread happiness so that I may get the …14…

(Anerkennung) I want. I am one step closer to my …15... (Ziel).

B) Future forms

This week I want to work on the future – not in terms of content but in terms of language.

We are going to deal with it because I decided on this many days ago. And I say now that we

will accomplish it. Let’s dive into some explanations and examples to see the differences.

3. On the next page, you will find a table with blanks and with missing words. This table should

be printed out (or written by hand onto an empty page). Fill in the blanks/missing

information and add the missing words where there are ____ while going through the


Page 2: Aufgaben 9.2 (4 -8 May) - · 2) events that have already been planned before now In contrast to will, going

Englisch Klasse 9/2, Frau Schmidt A., H. Reichenbächer KW 19, 04.-08.05.2020


form will-future going to-future present progressive

simple present future progressive

future perfect

structure be + verb-ing

(be changes form)

will + be + V-ing

uses (1) predictions

We won’t fly away this year.

(2) ____________ decisions about the future

*doorbell rings* I’ll get it!

(3) promises or offers

I will do it tomorrow!

(1) “all-purpose” future

I tell you, they’re going to win.

(2) planned decisions about the future (made _____________)

I’m going to go shopping today.

(3) present sensory evidence

It’s going to get dark soon.

An action will be in progress at a certain time in the future.

example I’m celebrating my birthday on Sunday at 5 pm.

Remember the great difference between will and going to future:

will is used for future events that were decided on __________________

going to is used for future events that were thought about, mentioned or planned ________________

Page 3: Aufgaben 9.2 (4 -8 May) - · 2) events that have already been planned before now In contrast to will, going

Englisch Klasse 9/2, Frau Schmidt A., H. Reichenbächer KW 19, 04.-08.05.2020



- will is a modal verb

o it does not change form to show tense or person

o there are no infinitive or participle forms

o questions and question tags are made without do

- it can be contracted to ‘ll (often after wh-questions, names and nouns)

- the negative form is won’t / will not

- the structure “formula” for the will future is:

Imagine the following situations and solve the tasks (using will):

4. We write the year 2099. Write down 3 predictions how the world will be then.

5. You are spontaneously tasked with cleaning the kitchen. Write down 3 ways how you will

clean / things you will clean.

6. A queen is talking to male / female knights [Ritter] who want to marry her daughter or son.

She wants to hear offers and promises the knights make for a life together with the

princess/prince. Write down 3 offers or promises you will make as a knight.

With this, we revised the important future uses of will. Namely, we use will for

1) making predictions [Vorhersagen] about the future

a. When you’re my age, you’ll understand.

b. This time next week we won’t be in Ibiza.

2) announcing decisions about the future spontaneously / in the moment they are made

a. I’ll sing and you can do the actions.

b. Oh, we should bring something to the party? Hmm, then I’ll make a cake.

3) offers [Hilfsangebote] or promises

a. Order now and we’ll deliver the pizza to your door in 30 minutes.

b. I’ll give you $5 for your troubles/work done.

Going to future

- the phrase going to always stays the same

- the same is true for the main verb

- only be is changed according to tense, person or affirmative/negative

- the structure “formula” for the going to future is:

will (not) + infinitive

(not) be (in the correct form!) + going to + infinitive

Page 4: Aufgaben 9.2 (4 -8 May) - · 2) events that have already been planned before now In contrast to will, going

Englisch Klasse 9/2, Frau Schmidt A., H. Reichenbächer KW 19, 04.-08.05.2020


Imagine the following situations and solve the tasks (using going to):

7. You are thinking about what things you are going to do later, that is, you plan your day.

Write down 3 things you are going to do in the afternoon or evening.

8. You see two people standing in a field. One of them is pointing at a dark cloud in the sky.

The other one has a dog next to him and is holding a ball. A plane is getting closer to the

nearby airport. In the background, you can see somebody cutting down a tree. Using these

circumstances / this evidence, write down several/a few things that are going to happen.

For example: The plane is going to land.

These are the uses of going to that differ from will. In general, we use going to for

1) an “all-purpose” future

Going to is suitable for most (but not all!) sentences that have a future meaning. If you

are unsure what to use and it does not fit the other uses, use going to.

a. The images aren’t going to look as good in print as they do on screen.

b. You want to pierce your ears? You know that this is going to hurt a bit, right?

2) events that have already been planned before now

In contrast to will, going to is used when talking about future events that have been

thought about already, mentioned, decided, planned or arranged before now.

a. I’m going to throw a birthday party this weekend.

b. She’s going to buy this Ferrari.

3) present evidence [Beweis] about the near future

Talking about events happening very soon, which you can foresee because of sensory

evidence in the present, that is, something you can see, hear, smell, taste or feel.

a. It’s going to rain. (Because you can see the rain clouds.)

b. I’m going to be sick. (You feel nauseous.)

Difference between will- and going to-future

Some uses are word-specific, but the biggest difference in use is the following:

will is used for spontaneous decisions, plans, offers of help, …

going to is used for reporting these decisions after they were made

An example: Imagine two people have been invited to a party. They are discussing what food

they could take.

A: I’m going to take a fruit salad.

B: What shall I take? Ah! I know. I’ll bake a cake. (Person C joins)

C: Hey! What are you taking to the party? I can’t decide.

B: I’m going to bake a cake. A: And I’m going to make a fruit salad.

C: Okay, great. Then I’ll take some chocolates.

See how the spontaneous ideas use will while the ones made before use going to. That is why

B at first uses will but later switches to going to when he tells C of his decision.

The image on the next page summarises the difference. Keep in mind that the difference

between past and now can be some seconds as in the example above.

Page 5: Aufgaben 9.2 (4 -8 May) - · 2) events that have already been planned before now In contrast to will, going

Englisch Klasse 9/2, Frau Schmidt A., H. Reichenbächer KW 19, 04.-08.05.2020


Figure 1 - Temporal Difference between will and going to (Scrivener, Jim. Teaching English Grammar, What to Teach and How to Teach it. Macmillan, 2010, p. 201.

9. If you have trouble with forming the will or going to future, you may practise with the

following exercises. However, you do not have to!

a. for will: WB p. 32/6

b. for going to: WB p. 33/9

10. To practice the difference between the two forms you have to do this exercise: TB p. 66/2

Other future forms

Will- and going to-future are the most used forms for expressing the future, but there are

some more. They are not as difficult and are limited in their usage, so you can revise them on

your own.

11. For this, read through the grammar file in your TB on pages 153-154. Fill in your table.

And don’t worry, that’s all for grammar this week. The rest of the tasks will be about a text.

Switch to Unit 3 Big Dreams – Small Steps. (still exercise part)

C) Text: A student’s idea for saving lives

Tragically fitting for the situation right now is the text in your TB on page 64.

12. Open your TB at page 64. Read through the text a first time and answer these questions:

a. What was the goal of Olivia’s project?

b. In what grade was she? What was the classes’ original task?

c. Write down 5 words from the text that you do not know. Try to understand their meaning

from context and describe it in your own words. As a last straw, look them up.

13. Read through the text a second time and answer the following questions. Take notes.

a. What were the reasons for Olivia trying this, that is, why did she decide to do so?

b. Which challenges did she face?

c. What was the result of her project? What are the benefits of the new test?

d. What did she gain from it as a person?

e. What is she going to do in the future?

14. Solve task 3 on page 64. Pick a or b. Write full sentences (minimum 50 words).

Send your texts for this task to Mr. Reichenbächer until Friday, May 8th, at 2pm.

15. Go to Quizlet and practise the new words.