audited project financial statements · 2020. 7. 21. · audited project financial statements the...

Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff. These documents are made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Access to Information Policy and as agreed between ADB and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. Project Number: 42285-013 Loan/Grant Number: 3311/8295/0454 Period covered: 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019 CAM: Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project Prepared by Ministry of Public Works and Transport For the Asian Development Bank Date received by ADB: 17 June 2020

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Page 1: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Audited Project Financial Statements

The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff. These documents are made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Access to Information Policy and as agreed between ADB and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

Project Number: 42285-013 Loan/Grant Number: 3311/8295/0454 Period covered: 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019

CAM: Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

Prepared by Ministry of Public Works and Transport

For the Asian Development Bank Date received by ADB: 17 June 2020

Page 2: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 3: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)




Statement by the management 1

Report of the independent auditors 2 – 4

Statement of financial position 5

Statement of receipts and expenditure 6 – 7

Statement of advance account 8 – 9

Notes to the financial statements 10 – 25

• Statement of withdrawals 23 – 24

• Statement of budget versus actual expenditure 25


Management assertion 26

Independence reasonable assurance report 27 – 30

Statement of Compliance with the Financing Agreements 31 – 36

Page 4: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views


Financial Statements

for the year ended 31 December 2019


Report of the Independent Auditors

Page 5: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 6: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 7: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 8: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 9: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 10: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 11: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 12: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 13: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 14: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Note to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019


1. Background and activities

The Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project (“Project”) was established under the Loan Agreement No. 3311-CAM (COL), No. 8295-CAM (SCF) and Grant Agreement No. 0454-CAM (SCF) signed on 22 December 2015. Total project cost is approximately US$52.59 million, of which the Asian Development Bank (ADB) finances SDR26,382,000 (US$37 million equivalent at the time of loan negotiation) from the Asian Development Fund (ADF), ADB Strategic Climate Fund Loan finances US$5 million, ADB Strategic Climate Fund Grant of US$5 million, Communities beneficiaries finance US$0.21 million covers its 10% contribution to output village grants and the Royal Government of Cambodia contributes US$5.37 million equivalent for safeguards costs, in-kind expenditures on staff and office facilities, and costs of taxes and duties, costs for land acquisition and resettlement.

The ADB loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL) will payable within 32-years from 1 April 2023 and 1 October 2047, including a grace period of 8 years, an interest rate of 1% per annum during the grace period and 1.5% per annum thereafter. ADB Strategic Climate Fund will payable within 40-years from 1 April 2025 and 1 October 2054, including a grace period of 10 years, and a service charge of 0.1% per annum on the disbursed and outstanding loan amount. ADB Strategic Climate Fund Loan and Grant will be front loaded. The ADB Strategic Climate Fund service charge will be capitalised as part of the loan.

A Project Management Unit (PMU) is to be established within the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT). The implementing agencies (IAs), Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport (PDPWT) and Municipal Governments in Kampong Chhnang and Pursat. A Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be established by MPWT. The objective of the Project is improved urban services and enhanced climate change resilience in Kampong Chhnang and Pursat municipalities:

Output 1: Kampong Chhnang urban area environmental improvements

Includes flood protection totalling 15.1 km along Tonle Sap riverbank through improvement of the existing embankment and construction of new embankment where required; construction of a new controlled landfill site of 10 ha at Phnom Tauch village (Pongro commune, Rolea Bier district) with increased capacity; provision of equipment for solid waste collection; and landfill management, including supervised closing of two open dumpsites in Kul Kuk village and Trork village (Sre Thmei commune, Rolea Bier district). It complements the Japan International Cooperation Agency‘s drainage project in Kampong Chhnang and GIZ‘s support for development of an urban master plan.

Page 15: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


1. Background and activities (continued)

Output 1: Kampong Chhnang urban area environmental improvements (continued)

Embankment protection will prevent flooding from the Tonle Sap into Kampong Chhnang town, reducing its vulnerability to flooding and providing protection to 1 in 50 year high water levels. In the dry season, outlets will accommodate the natural streams flowing into the Tonle Sap and sluice gates will avoid backflow into the town as the water rises. In the wet season, natural retention areas will retain wet season flows. The embankment is imperative for resident to have continued access to social services and economic activities in the town (e.g., rice processing mills). Improved flood protection will assist farmers in the eastern part of the municipality to increase agricultural production from two to three crops per year.

Output 2: Pursat urban area environmental improvements

Includes construction of about 9.9 km of primary and secondary drains in the town center with associated road improvements and improved wastewater treatment; (ii) riverbank erosion protection in select locations along the Pursat River, including revetment and groins; (iii) development of new controlled landfill of about 28 ha at Toul Mkak village (Roleap Sangkat, Pursat town) and associated access road of about 900 meters; (iv) provision of equipment for solid waste collection; and (v) landfill management, including equipment and closure of two old open dumpsites in Toul Mkak village (Roleap Sangkat, Pursat town) and Sras Srang village (Prey Gny Sangkat, Pursat town). It complements ADB‘s previous support to the Dhamnak Chheukrom Irrigation System Rehabilitation (located about 40 km upstream). About 20% of the town‘s roads have drains with National Highway No. 5 and other main roads lacking side drains. The construction of drains in the town center will improve and strengthen the stormwater drainage system to accommodate more intensive rainfall. It will support increased economic activities in the town center (e.g., marble process and carvings), and facilitate residents‘ continued access to social services.

Output 3: the community mobilization and environmental improvements

Aims to address the climate change and environmental needs of the urban poor and vulnerable, including ethnic Cham and Vietnamese in Kampong Chhnang and Pursat—making the project more inclusive by extending benefits from large infrastructure investments. It includes improved household sanitation for IDPoor 1 and 2 in the current municipality area; climate change and hygiene awareness and action; and community small-scale infrastructure improvements in pre-identified poor and vulnerable areas in each municipality. Small-scale infrastructure improvements will be prioritized by the communities and will be financed by the project, national government, and community.15 The output will help extend project benefits to the poor and vulnerable groups. It will be implemented in partnership with an international non-governmental organization (NGO), which must demonstrate in its proposal experience working with Tonle Sap communities, including ethnic Cham and Vietnamese. See Annex B for details and the Annex C, Package IV for the terms of reference of the NGO.

Page 16: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


1. Background and activities (continued)

Output 4: Strengthened Sector Coordination and Operations

Supports the MPWT to convene national urban development task force meetings with other ministries and development partners in the urban sector (about twice per year); strengthen climate change regulations, focusing on improved building codes in provincial towns around the Tonle Sap to reflect key climate resilience features, including appropriate sanitation; and support the establishment of urban service units (or special operating agencies) for improved delivery and management of decentralized urban services. If successful, USUs will demonstrate a mechanism for the sustainability and delivery of quality decentralized urban services, which could be replicated in other municipalities. Climate change financing will support the Government in implementing the TSUADF in partnership with subnational governments around the Tonle Sap by developing a consultation program and a plan for climate change adaptation in urban areas. It complements the MPWT parallel climate change initiatives in the transport sector.

Funding of the Project by the ADB according to the allocation and withdrawal of the loan proceeds is as follows:

Category ADB Financing

No. Item

Amount Allocated (SDR)

Percentage and Basis for Withdrawal from the Loan


Category Subcategory

1 Civil Works 16,079,000

1A Kampong Chhnang Flood Protection

10,087,000 100% of total expenditure claimed* **

1B Kampong Chhnang Solid Waste Management

308,000 100% of total expenditure claimed*

1C Pursat Flood Protection 429,000 100% of total expenditure claimed*

1D Pursat Drainage 3,475,000 100% of total expenditure claimed* **

1E Pursat Solid Waste Managem 730,000 100% of total expenditure claimed*

1F Kampong Chhnang Small-scale Infrastructure Development

525,000 80% of total expenditure claimed*

1G Pursat Small-scale Infrastructure Development and Facilitation

525,000 80% of total expenditure claimed*

Page 17: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


1. Background and activities (continued)

Funding of the Project by the ADB according to the allocation and withdrawal of the loan proceeds is as follows: (continued)

Category ADB Financing

No. Item Amount Allocated (SDR) Percentage and Basis for

Withdrawal from the Loan account

Category Subcategory

2 Equipment 1,184,000

2A Kampong Chhnang Solid Waste Management

523,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

2B Pursat Solid Waste Management 583,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

2C Kampong Chhnang Embankment Manual Equipment for Maintenance

26,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

2D Pursat Flood Protection Manual Equipment for Maintenance

26,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

2E Pursat Drainage Manual Equipment for Maintenance

26,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

3 Workshops 422,000

3A Project Management and Implementation Support

415,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

3B Sector Strengthening and Capacity Development

7,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

4 Consulting Services 2,554,000

4A Project Management and Implementation Support

2,437,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

4B Sector Strengthening and Capacity Development

69,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

4C Surveys and Investigations 48,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

5 Incremental Administration 404,000

5A Office and Travel Expenses 285,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

5B Vehicles 108,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

5C Equipment 11,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

6 Interest during Implementation 995,000 100% of total amounts due

7 Unallocated 4,744,000

Total 26,382,000

* Exclusive of local taxes and duties imposed within the territory of the Borrower.

** ADB SCF Grant and Loan will be front-loaded.

Page 18: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


1. Background and activities (continued)

Funding of the Project by the ADB SCF according to the allocation and withdrawal of the loan proceeds is as follows:

Category SCF Financing

No. Item Amount Allocated


Percentage and Basis for Withdrawal from the Grant


1 Kampong Chhnang Flood Protection 4,982,000 100% of total expenditure claimed*

2 Service Charge during implementation 18,000 100% of total amount due

Total 5,000,000

* Exclusive of local taxes and duties imposed within the territory of the Borrower.

The table below sets forth the categories of items of expenditure to be financed out of the proceeds of the Grant and the allocation of amounts of the Grant to each such category:

Category ADB Financing

No. Item

Amount Allocated (US$)

Percentage and Basis for Withdrawal from the Loan

account Category Subcategory

1 Civil Works 3,480,000 1A Pursat Drainage 2,460,000 100% of total expenditure claimed*

1B Kampong Chhnang Sanitation Improvements

510,000 100% of total expenditure claimed*

1C Pursat Sanitation Improvements 510,000 100% of total expenditure claimed*2 Workshops 210,000

2A NGO Support to Community-led Environment Improvments

200,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

2B Climate Change Adoption in Urban Development

10,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

3 Consulting Services 1,110,000 100% of total expenditure claimed

31 Climate Change Adoption in Urban Development

200,000 100% of total expenditure claimed *

3B Climate Change Adoption in Urban Developments

810,000 100% of total expenditure claimed*

3C Surveys and Investigations 100,000 100% of total expenditure claimed*4 Unallocated 200,000 Total 5,000,000

* Exclusive of local taxes and duties imposed within the territory of the Borrower.

The Financing Agreement of SCF Grant and Loan became effective for implementation from 2 March 2016 in accordance with Aide Memoire inception mission of ADB dated 16 February 2017 and closing date shall be 30 April 2023 or such other date as may from time to time be agreed between the Borrower, ADB and the Government of Australia.

Page 19: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


2. Significant accounting policies

(a) Basis of accounting

The financial statements, which are expressed in United States Dollars (“US$”), have been prepared in accordance with a modified cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting. This is a basis of accounting that is designed to meet the requirements of the Project; it is not designed to produce financial statements that are compatible with International Financial Reporting Standards. Under this basis of accounting, income is recognised when funds are received in cash and expenditure is recognised when payments are made rather than when it is incurred, except for the advanced payments made to suppliers that are initially recognised as a receivable and only recognised as payments when they have been liquidated by supporting invoices.

The financial statements are prepared for the information of and use by the management of the Project, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Asian Development Bank. As a result, the financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose.

(b) Statement of advance account

The statement of advance account (previously known as statement of imprest account) is prepared in accordance with the Financing Agreements, and is purely used to receive and disburse for expenditure financed by the ADB loan proceeds.

(c) Non-expendable equipment

The cost of non-expendable equipment is charged to the statement of receipts and expenditure upon acquisition. For control and management purposes, a memorandum account for non-expendable equipment is maintained by way of a non-expendable equipment listing.

(d) Interest charge

The interest charge by the ADB is accounted for in the statement of receipts and expenditure as receipts and corresponding expenditure.

(e) Foreign currency transactions

The Project transacts its operations and maintains its accounting records primarily in United States Dollars (“US$”). Transactions in currencies other than US$ are converted into US$ at the rates of exchange prevailing on the transaction dates. Cash and bank balances in currencies other than US$ are translated into US$ at the open market rates of exchange at the year end date. All foreign exchange differences are recognised in the statement of receipts and expenditure.

(f) In-kind contribution

All in-kind contribution from RGC to the project is not accounted for in the statement of receipts and expenditure. In-kind contribution is disclosed in the financial statements for information only.

Page 20: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


3. Cash at bank As at 31 December 2019 ADB Loan ADB Grant As at No. 3311 No. 0454 RGC Total 31 December 2018 US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ Advance account 243,635 57,899 2,017 303,551 447,233

Page 21: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


4. Receipts

(a) Asian Development Bank

Year ended 31 December 2019 Cumulative period ADB Loan ADB Grant Year ended from 2 March 2016 to No. 3311 No. 0454 Total 31 December 2018 31 December 2019 US$ US$ US$ US$ US$

Direct payment (*) 832,038 - 832,038 629,213 2,092,288 Advance account - 308,301 308,301 649,505 1,587,806

832,038 308,301 1,140,339 1,278,718 3,680,094

The receipts from Asian Development Bank Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF) were paid into the advance account co-held by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (“MEF”) and Ministry of Public Works and Transport at the National Bank of Cambodia. This is a separate bank account held exclusively for the Project.

(*) Direct payments represent advance payments made by ADB directly to the consultants on behalf of the Project.

(b) Government Counterpart Fund (“RGC”) Cumulative period Year ended Year ended from 2 March 2016 to 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 31 December 2019 US$ US$ US$

Advance account 41,216 39,093 98,354

Page 22: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


5. Consulting services Year ended 31 December 2019 Cumulative period ADB Loan ADB Grant Year ended from 2 March 2016 to No. 3311 No. 0454 RGC Total 31 December 2018 31 December 2019 US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ Project management and implementation support (*) 860,055 - - 860,055 1,189,169 2,132,293 NGO Support for CMEI - 296,505 - 296,505 297,362 593,867 Climate change adoption in urban development - 71,859 - 71,859 171,477 290,495 Audit fee - - 6,050 6,050 - 6,050

860,055 368,364 6,050 1,234,469 1,658,008 3,022,705

(*) This expenditure comprises payments made through advance account amounting to US$71,200 (2018: US$53,401 from ADB Loan No.3311

and US$344,357 from ADB Grant No.0454).

Page 23: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


6. Incremental administration Year ended 31 December 2019 Cumulative period ADB Loan ADB Grant Year ended from 2 March 2016 to No. 3311 No. 0454 RGC Total 31 December 2018 31 December 2019 US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ Office and travel expenses 47,090 - 36,994 84,084 73,557 223,069 Vehicles 5,039 - - 5,039 3,637 144,921 Office equipment - - - - - 41,018

52,129 - 36,994 89,123 77,194 409,008

Page 24: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


7. Expenditure by disbursement category and financier

Particulars ADB Loan

No. 3311 – CAM (COL)

ADB Loan

No. 8295 – CAM (SCF)

ADB Grant

No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Royal Government of Cambodia Total

% of

financing Actual

expenditure % of

financing Actual

expenditure % of

financing Actual

expenditure % of

financing Actual


% US$ % % US$ % % US$ % US$ % US$

Consulting services 100 860,055 70% 100 - - 100 368,364 30% 100 6,050 0% 1,234,469

Incremental administration 100 52,129 58% - - - - - - 100 36,994 42% 89,123

Interest charge 100 43,184 100% - - - - - - - - - 43,184

Total payments – for the year ended 31 December 2019 955,368 - 368,364 43,044 1,366,776

% of total project costs – for the year ended 31 December 2019 2.63% 0.00% 1.01% 0.12% 3.76%

% of cumulative expenditure to total project costs – for the period from 2 March 2016 to 31 December 2019

6.86% 0.00% 2.43% 0.26% 9.55%

Page 25: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


8. Statement of disbursement

Details of statement of disbursement from ADB fund are as follows: Cumulative period Year ended Year ended from 2 March 2016 to Note 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 31 December 2019 US$ US$ US$ ADB Fund claims during the period Direct payments 832,038 629,213 2,092,288 Advance accounts 308,301 649,505 1,587,806

Subtotal (A) 1,140,339 1,278,718 3,680,094

Total expenditure made during the period (B) 1,366,776 1,735,202 3,474,897 Expenditure made out of Government Counterpart Fund (C) (43,044) (39,820) (96,337) Expenditure incurred but not yet claimed (D) (141,899) 443,433 (328,466) Expenditure incurred during the year using previous year’s replenishment (E) - (270,554) - Initial advances (F) - - 630,000 Expenditure recorded using the previous year advance (G) (41,494) (631,037) -

Advance paid during the year but not yet recorded as expenditure (H) - 41,494 -

Total eligible expenditure claimed (I) (A=I=B+C+D+E+F+G+H) 1,140,339 1,278,718 3,680,094

Page 26: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


9. Commitments

As at 31 December, the Project has the following expenditure commitments:

As at As at 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 US$ US$ Contracted, but not yet paid: Consulting services and Works 12,055,009 3,561,797

10. In-kind contribution

The Project’s management has identified and calculated in-kind contribution from the RGC to the project based on guideline from the MEF as follows: Cumulative period Year ended Year ended from 2 March 2016 to 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 31 December 2019 US$ US$ US$

Office space 17,856 17,856 71,424 Utilities expense 10,238 10,238 40,954 Salaries of project staff 49,152 44,196 168,888 Tax and duties: Withholding tax on consulting service 177,466 254,158 431,625 VAT on vehicles and office equipment - 19,538 19,538

254,712 345,986 732,429

Page 27: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Integrated Urban Environmental Management in the Tonle Sap Basin Project

ADB Loan No. 3311 – CAM (COL), 8295 – CAM (SCF) and Grant No. 0454 – CAM (SCF)

Notes to the financial statements (continued) for the year ended 31 December 2019


11. Statement of withdrawals

Withdrawal Application Category

No Date Currency Consulting services

Incremental administration

Interest Charge

Advance Total


ADB Loan 3311 – Cam (COL)

A0008 4-Jan-19 US$ 148,937 - - - 148,937 A0009 29-May-19 US$ 206,824 - - - 206,824 A0010 3-Sep-19 US$ 222,690 - - - 222,690 A0011 17-Sep-19 US$ 210,403 - - - 210,403

N/A 1-Oct-17 US$ - - 5,643 - 5,643 N/A 1-Apr-17 US$ - - 2,990 - 2,990 N/A 1-Oct-18 US$ - - 7,429 - 7,429 N/A 1-Apr-18 US$ - - 5,839 - 5,839 N/A 1-Oct-19 US$ - - 11,339 - 11,339 N/A 1-Apr-19 US$ - - 9,944 - 9,944

Sub-Total (A) 788,854 - 43,184 - 832,038

ADB Grant 0454 – Cam (SCF)

C0005 19-Feb-19 US$ 114,929 - - - 114,929

C0006 18-Jun-19 US$ 97,475 - - - 97,475

C0007 24-Sep-19 US$ 95,897 - - - 95,897

Sub-Total (B) 308,301 - - - 308,301

Grand Total ADB (A+B) 1,097,155 - 43,184 - 1,140,339

RGC fund

R0005 20-Feb-19 US$ - 14,201 - - 14,201

R0006 9-Jul-19 US$ - 15,560 - - 15,560

R0007 23-Aug-19 US$ - 11,500 - - 11,500

Sub-Total (C) - 41,261 - - 41,261

Grand Total (A+B+C) 1,097,155 41,261 43,184 - 1,181,600


ADB Loan 3311 – Cam (COL)

A0003 16-Jul-18 US$ 163,531 - - - 163,531 A0005 28-Jun-18 US$ 101,008 - - - 101,008 A0004 26-Jun-18 US$ 102,729 231,298 - - 334,027 A0006 17-Jul-18 US$ 120,580 - - - 120,580 A0007 12-Dec-18 US$ 119,612 - - - 119,612

Sub-Total (A) 607,460 231,298 - - 838,758

Page 28: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views
Page 29: Audited Project Financial Statements · 2020. 7. 21. · Audited Project Financial Statements The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views