audit conference 2016 brochure


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Embracing changE

The 2016 Audit Conference is the

pinnacle forum for audit professionals

to share knowledge and insights while

enhancing audit capabilities. This year

identifies with collaboration, technology

and evolution as the key themes for audit

professionals, with the 2016 program

specifically formulated to equip you with

the right skills and knowledge to support

you in this ever-changing landscape.

Reconnect with your peers and broaden

your network at Audit Conference 2016

where you will have the opportunity

to network with experts in the industry

as they give you practical insights that

will motivate you for the future.

We invite you to strengthen your audit

practice in 2016 through an exploration

of the latest trends, techniques and issues,

further enhancing your ability to embrace

change via our wide range of essential

updates, technical sessions and practical


Take charge and embrace change with us at Audit Conference 2016.

confErEncE highlightsGame changing auditor reporting – explore how the changes to auditor reporting affect you, your audit practice and your audit procedures. Is this really a game changer for the profession?

Audit smarter, not harder – how using data analytics can improve your audit efficiency: Amanda will demonstrate how to take the next steps to turn your data into workable audit information using excel, outlining how data analytics can be used as an effective audit tool and how you could be using the technique to add value to your audit file.

Get inside the mind of the regulators – ASIC, ATO and the ACNC – on the findings from their surveillance activities and their top tips for auditors.

Justin Reid CAGAAP Consulting

Carolyn Ralph CAPartner, Audit Department of Professional Practice, KPMG

Business partners Sponsors

The Audit Conference 2016 is proudly supported by:

For sponsorship opportunities please contact [email protected]

confErEncE PrEsEntErs

Doug Niven FCA Senior Executive Leader - Financial Reporting & Audit, ASIC

Doug Niven is ASIC’s Senior Executive Leader, Financial Reporting and Audit. He is responsible for the regulation of financial reports and audits under Australia’s Corporations Act. This includes leading ASIC’s financial reporting surveillance and audit inspection programmes, financial reporting and audit policy, auditor registration, work with international securities and audit oversight regulators, and digital reporting.

George Dakis CAPartner, Audit & Assurance, and Chairman of the Audit & Assurance Committee, Moore Stephens Australia

George is a specialised audit and assurance partner with a leading mid-tier firm, Moore Stephens. With 20 years of domestic and international experience providing advice to a range of industries, namely health and aged care, property and construction, education, technology, fund management and biotechnology.

He continues to work closely with a number of industry and professional associations in delivering up to date commentary and analysis through publications and speaking engagements around audit, risk and corporate governance.

Liz Stamford FCAAudit & Insolvency Leader, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

“The annual Audit Conference bring us together as a profession. It is the chance for auditors to share, support, collaborate and learn, and introduces different thinking to help prepare for the audit of tomorrow”.

BRisBAne MoNDay 14 March 2016 MelBouRne MoNDay 11 apriL 2016

8.00 – 8.30am R1: Registration

8.30 – 8.45am WA1 Welcome address with Liz Stamford

8.45 – 9.30am S1 Cybersecurity: Impacts on your clients and your audits

9.30 – 10.15am S2 From the regulator’s perspective – auditing in 2016

10.15 – 10.45am M1: Morning Tea

10.45am – 12.15pm S3 Accounting standards update – being on the front foot

S4 Not for profits – ACNC and the auditor’s responsibilities

S5 Audit smarter, not harder – how using data analytics can improve your audit efficiency

12.15pm – 1.15pm L1: Networking Lunch

1.15pm – 2.15pm S6 Assessing controls in an IT world

S7 Auditor and advisor – how to add value without crossing the independence line

S8 Paperless auditing – the way of the future

2.20pm – 3.20pm S9 Auditing disclosures: a practical guide

S10 Avoid the pitfalls – insights from quality review, claims data and professional conduct

S11 Work more effectively with your clients

3.20pm – 3.40pm A1: Afternoon tea

3.40pm – 4.40pm S12 Helping your clients though broader assurance offerings

S13 Materiality methodologies for an efficient audit

S14 Communicate effectively and efficiently through better writing skills

4.45pm – 5.30pm S15 Game changing auditor reporting

confErEncE ProgrammE

earn UP TO 13 CPD HOUrs

For full conference program details and to learn about the presenters, visit

sydney ThurSDay 17 March 2016

7.45 – 8.30am R1: Registration

8.30 – 8.45am WA1 Welcome address with Liz Stamford

8.45 – 9.45am S1 Game changing auditor reporting

9.45 – 10.30am S2 From the regulator’s perspective – auditing in 2016

10.30 – 11.00am M1: Morning Tea

11.00am – 12.30pm S3 Auditing complex accounting areas: Revenue, Financial Instruments and Impairment

S4 Not for profits – ACNC and the auditor’s responsibilities

S5 Audit smarter, not harder – how using data analytics can improve your audit efficiency

12.30pm – 1.30pm L1: Networking Lunch

1.30pm – 2.30pm S6 Accounting standards update – being on the front foot

S7 Avoid the pitfalls – insights from quality review, claims data and professional conduct

S8 Work more effectively with your clients

2.35pm – 3.35pm S9 Assessing controls in an IT world

S10 Auditing standards – what’s impacting you?

S11 Maintaining peak performance in the busy season

3.35pm – 4.00pm A1: Afternoon tea

4.00pm – 5.00pm S12 Building an audit function fit for the future

5.00pm D1: Networking Drinks

“Advanced analytics involves more than just churning through large data sets. it involves looking at your data differently and making your audit as efficient as it can be.” Amanda WallAudit Smarter Not Harder

sydney FriDay 18 March 2016

8.00 – 8.30am R2: Registration

8.30 – 9.15am S13 Cybersecurity: Impacts on your clients and your audits

9.15 – 10.00am S14 What the auditor missed, lessons learnt from fraud cases

10.00 – 10.30am M2: Morning Tea

10.30 – 11.30am S15 Auditing disclosures – a practical guide S16 Regional and suburban audit practices – staying ahead of the game

11.35am – 12.35pm S17 Materiality methodologies for an efficient audit S18 Auditing your SME client in the cloud

12.35pm – 1.35pm L2: Networking lunch

1.35pm – 2.35pm S19 Auditing tax balances – avoid the pain points

S20 Going Concern – what could go wrong?

S21 IT secure your practice for the future – know the implications today for tomorrow

2.40pm – 3.40pm S22 Dealing efficiently with the lead group auditor

S23 Auditor and advisor – how to add value without crossing the independence line

S24 Communicate effectively and efficiently through better writing skills

3.40pm – 4.00pm A2: Afternoon Tea

4.00pm – 5.00pm S25 Helping your clients through broader assurance offerings

S26 Auditing SMSF hotspots – ATO, ASIC and the auditor

S27 Paperless auditing – the way of the future

confErEncE Pricing

Member Non-member Regional^ Group#

One Day Package

Early Bird* $725.45 $871.20

Standard $806.05 $968.00 $644.84 $685.14

Two Day Package

Early Bird* $1305.99 $1567.82

Standard $1451.10 $1742.02 $1160.88 $1233.44

* Early Bird offer is applicable for registrations received with full payment by the following early bird dates: Brisbane – 15 Feb 2016, Sydney – 18 Feb 2016, Adelaide – 8 Mar 2016, Melbourne – 14 Mar 2016^ Regional discount is applicable to members working in regional areas (125km from venue) and/or travelling interstate# A group discount is applicable for 3 or more members from the same organisation. Group registration and payment must be received together.

AdelAide TuESDay 5 apriL 2016

8.00 – 8.30am R1: Registration

8.30 – 8.45am WA1 Welcome address with Liz Stamford

8.45 – 9.30am S1 Cybersecurity: Impacts on your clients and your audits

9.30 – 10.15am S2 From the regulator’s perspective – auditing in 2016

10.15 – 10.35am M1: Morning Tea

10.35 – 11.35am S3 Auditing standards – preparing for the futureS4 Auditing SMSF hotspots – ATO, ASIC and the auditor

11.40am – 1.10pmS5 Not for profits – ACNC and the auditor’s responsibilities

S6 Audit smarter, not harder – how using data analytics can improve your audit efficiency

1.10pm – 1.55pm L1: Networking Lunch

1.55pm – 2.55pm S7 Materiality methodologies for an efficient audit S8 Assessing controls in an IT world

2.55pm – 3.15pm A1: Afternoon tea

3.15pm – 4.15pm S9 Going Concern – what could go wrong?S10 Auditor and advisor – how to add value without crossing the independence line

4.20pm – 5.05pm S11 Building an audit function fit for the future

5.05pm D1: Networking Drinks

confErEncE rEgistrationThere are three ways you can register – either online, by phone or by downloading the registration form and returning it to us:

1. Online Delegates can register online via our secure site at

2. Phone Contact the Service Centre on 1300 137 322 (8.30am – 6pm AEDT, Mon – Fri)

3. return your registration form by post, fax or email:

nsW Post FaxEmail

GPO Box 9985, Sydney, NSW 200102 9290 [email protected]

Vic Post FaxEmail

GPO Box 9985, Melbourne, Vic 300103 9670 [email protected]

Qld Post FaxEmail

GPO Box 9985, Brisbane, Qld 400107 3233 [email protected]

sa Post FaxEmail

GPO Box 9985, Adelaide SA 500108 8231 [email protected]

Disclaimer: This document was prepared by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. This document contains general information only. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect you, you should consult a professional and do your own research. No warranty is given to the correctness of the information contained in this document or its suitability for use by you. To the fullest extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand for any statement or opinion, for an error or omission or for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on any material in this document. The details of all events, programs, tools, publications and products were confirmed and correct at the time of printing but are subject to change without notice. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand reserves the right to amend any details at any time. All matters in this document are subject to Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand terms and conditions which are available at Payment must be received with your registration. The details of all events were confirmed and correct at the time of printing but are subject to change without notice. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand reserves the right to cancel events and amend any details at any time. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand does not endorse or recommend any of the organisations sponsoring this event.Confirmation: Written confirmation with a record of your qualifying hours and a tax invoice will be issued on receipt of your registration form and payment and will be sent to registrant’s preferred mailing or email address. If registrants have not received their confirmation two days prior to the event, please contact the Service Centre. Registration for all events is subject to availability and the professional bodies terms and conditions. Cancellation and refund requests: Your registration will be confirmed once payment is received. All cancellations must be notified in writing to Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand five business days prior to the event. As an alternative to cancellation, your full registration may be transferred to another member of your organisation. Packages cannot be altered or split between delegates. Credit notes will not be issued. Privacy notification: We collect, use and disclose your personal information in connection with your registration/ application, the provision of products and services and/or to communicate with you. We also disclose to third parties whether you are or were a member or candidate of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. If you do not provide your personal information, we may be unable to process your application, provide you with products and services and/or communicate with you. We may disclose your information to agents, contractors and service providers such as where we outsource functions. By completing this form, unless you opt-out, you consent to us also using and disclosing your information for promotional and marketing purposes. You can opt-out by contacting us at [email protected] or on 1300 137 322. We may also have collected information about you from a third party, for instance from purchased lists or other bodies with which we hold events. Your information will also be used and disclosed as set out in Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand’s Privacy Policy, available at It is likely that your personal information will be disclosed to overseas recipients (as provided in our Privacy Policy, including the location of those entities). The Privacy Policy sets out how Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand handles your personal information including how you can seek to access and correct your information or raise a privacy concern with us and how it will be dealt with as well as details about the disclosure of your information to entities overseas. By providing us with your information, you consent to us using, disclosing and otherwise handling your information as set out above and in that policy. Copyright © 2015 Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. All rights reserved. ABN 50 084 642 571. 073

confErEncE DatEs anD locations

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Brisbane, Qld14 March 2016Early Bird – 15 February 2016

Hilton Brisbane 190 Elizabeth Street Brisbane QLD 4000

Adelaide, SA5 apriL 2016Early Bird – 8 March 2016

Chartered Accountants Australia and New ZealandWestpac Building, Level 29, 91 King William Street, adelaide

Sydney, NSW17 - 18 March 2016Early Bird – 18 February 2016

Hilton Sydney488 George Street Sydney NSW 2000

Melbourne, Vic11 apriL 2016Early Bird - 14 March 2016

Crown Conference Centre8 Whiteman Street Southbank Vic 3006