audio-based music segmentation using multiple features · audio-based music segmentation using...

Audio-based Music Segmentation Using Multiple Features Pedro Gir˜ ao Antunes Dissertation submitted for obtaining the degree of Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering Jury President: Doutor Carlos Filipe Gomes Bispo Supervisor: Doutor David Manuel Martins de Matos Members: Doutora Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso Doutor Thibault Nicolas Langlois December 2011

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Audio-based Music Segmentation Using Multiple Features

Pedro Girao Antunes

Dissertation submitted for obtaining the degree of Master inElectrical and Computer Engineering


President: Doutor Carlos Filipe Gomes BispoSupervisor: Doutor David Manuel Martins de MatosMembers: Doutora Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Doutor Thibault Nicolas Langlois

December 2011


I would like to show my gratitude to my professor David Matos. Also, to Carlos Rosao for his contribution.

Also to my family, especially to my parents Ana and Antonio, my brother Francisco and my aunt Maria do

Carmo; and to my friends, especially to Mariana Fontes, Goncalo Paiva, Joao Fonseca, Bernardo Lopes, Cata-

rina Vazconcelos, Pedro Mendes, Joao Devesa, Luis Nunes, Manuel Dordio and Miguel Pereira.

Lisboa, December 13, 2011

Pedro Girao Antunes


A segmentacao estrutural baseada em sinal de audio musical e uma area de investigacao em crescimento.

Destina-se a segmentar uma peca de musica em partes estruturalmente significativas, ou segmentos de alto

nıvel. Entre muitas aplicacoes, oferece grande potencial para melhorar a compreensao acustica e musicologica

de uma peca de musica.

Esta tese descreve um metodo para localizar automaticamente os pontos de mudanca na musica, fronteiras en-

tre segmentos, com base numa representacao bidimensional de si mesma, a SDM (Self Distance Matrix)(Matriz

de Auto Distancia), e em onsets de audio.

Os recursos utilizados para o calculo da SDM sao: os MFCCs, o chromagram e o rhythmogram, sendo tambem

combinados. Os onsets de audio sao determinados usando diversos metodos do estado da arte. A sua utilizacao

baseia-se na suposicao de que cada fronteira de segmento deve ser um onset de audio. Basicamente, a SDM e

usada para determinar qual dos onsets detectados e um momento de mudanca de segmento. Para tal, usando

a SDM, em que um nucleo ”tabuleiro de xadrez” e aplicado ao longo de sua diagonal, obtem-se uma funcao

cujos picos sao considerados instantes candidatos a fronteira. Os instantes selecionados sao os onsets de audio

mais proximos dos picos detectados. A aplicacao do metodo baseia-se no uso do Matlab e diversas toolboxes.

Os resultados obtidos para um corpus de 50 cancoes, sao comparaveis com os do estado da arte.


Structural segmentation based in the musical audio signal is a growing area of investigation. It aims to seg-

ment a piece of music into structurally significant parts, or higher level segments. Among many applications,

it offers great potential for improving the acoustic and musicological modeling of a piece of music.

This thesis describes a method for automatically locate points of change in the music, based on a two dimen-

sional representation of itself, the SDM (Self Distance Matrix), and the detection of audio onsets. The features

used for the computation of the SDM are: the MFCCs, the chromagram and the rhythmogram which are also

combined together. The audio onsets are determined using distinct state of the art methods, they are used in

the assumption that every segment changing moment must be an audio onset. Basically, the SDM is used to

determine which of the detected onsets are a moment of segment change. To do so, using the SDM, on which

a checkboard kernel with radial smoothing is applied along its diagonal, a novelty score function is obtained

of which the peaks are considered to be candidate instants. The selected instants are the audio onsets closer to

the detected peaks. The application of the method relies on the use of Matlab and several toolboxes.

Our results, obtained for a corpus of 50 songs, are comparable with the state of the art.



1 Introduction 1

1.1 Music - Audio Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 MIR Audio-based Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 Automatic Music Structural Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3.1 Feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Timbre Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pitch related Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Rhythmic Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3.2 Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.4 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.5 Document Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Music Structure Analysis 11

2.1 Structural Segmentation Types of Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.1.1 Novelty-based Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.1.2 State Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.1.3 Sequence Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.2 Segment Boundaries and Note Onsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


3 Method 17

3.1 Extracted Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1.1 Window of Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1.2 Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1.3 Chromagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1.4 Rhythmogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.2 Segment Boundaries Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.2.1 Self Distance Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.2.2 Checkboard Kernel Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.2.3 Peak Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.3 Mixing Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.4 Note Onsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4 Evaluation and Discussion of the Results 29

4.1 Corpus and Groundtruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.2 Baseline Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.3 Feature Window of Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.4 SDM Distance Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.5 Note Onsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.6 Mixing Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.7 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


5 Conclusion 43

5.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

5.2 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

5.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44



List of Figures

1.1 Signals Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Musical Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 Audio Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.4 MIR Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.5 Features Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1 HMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2 SDM Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.1 Chroma Helix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.2 Rhythmogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.3 Flowchart of the method implemented. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.4 MFCC SDM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.5 Checkboard Kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.6 Novelty-score Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.7 Novelty-score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25



List of Tables

3.1 State of the Art Works and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4.1 Method Baseline Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.2 Corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.3 Baseline Average F-measure Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.4 Average Results - Window Size Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.5 Average Results - Distance Measure Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.6 Average Results - Onsets Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.7 Best Sum of SDMs Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.8 Best SVD Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.9 Best Intersection Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.10 Average Results - Feature Mixture Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.11 Average Results - Feature Mixture Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.12 Method Best Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.13 Best Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.14 State of the Art Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.15 MIREX Boundary recovery results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40




abs Absolute value

AT Automatic generated boundaries

Ck Gaussian tapered checkboard

ds Distance measure function

F F-measure

GT Groundtruth boundary annotations

N Novelty-score function

P Precision

r Correlation coefficient

R Recall

v Feature vector

ws Window size

wt Groundtruth threshold




The expansion of music in digital format due to the growing efficiency of compression algorithms led to the

massification of music consumption. Such a phenomenon led to the creation of a new research field called

musical information retrieval (MIR). Information retrieval (IR) is the science of retrieving from a collection of

items a subset that serves some defined purpose. In this case it is applied to music.

The goal of this chapter is to present the context in which this thesis has been developed, including the moti-

vation for this work, some practical aspects related to automatic audio segmentation and finally a summary of

the work carried out and how it is organized.

1.1 Music - Audio Signal

In an objective and simple way music can be defined as the art of arranging sounds and silences in time.

Any sound can be described as a combination of sine waves, each with its own frequency of vibration, ampli-

tude, and phase. In particular, the sounds produced by musical instruments are the result of the combination

of different frequencies, which are all multiple integers of a fundamental frequency, called harmonics, (figure 1.1).

The perception of this frequency is called pitch, which is one of the characterizing elements of a sound along-

side loudness (related with the amplitude of the signal) and timbre. Typically, humans cannot perceive the

harmonics as separate notes. Instead, a musical note composed of many harmonically related frequencies is

perceived as one sound, where the relative strengths of the individual harmonic frequencies gives the timbre

of that sound.

Considering polyphonic music, sound is composed by various instruments that interact through time,

all together, composing the diverse dimensions of music. The main musical dimensions of interest for music

retrieval are:

Timbre can be simply defined as everything about a sound which is neither loudness nor pitch (Erickson

1975). As an example, it is what is different about the same tone performed in an acoustic guitar and a



Figure 1.1: The figure presents some periodic audio signals on the left and their frequency counterparts, onthe right. The first signal is a simple sine wave used to tune musical instruments. As can be seen, the subse-quent signals in time present a growing complexity relatively to the sine wave. Their harmonics are the peakspresented on the frequency plot, evident on the violin and flute.

Rhythm is the arrangement of sounds and silences in time. It is related to the periodic repetition of a temporal

pattern of onsets. The perception of rhythm is closely related to the sound onsets alone, so sounds can

be unpitched, as for example the percussion instruments sounds are.

Melody is a linear succession of musical tones which is perceived as a single entity. Usually the tones have

similar timbre and a recognizable pitch within a small frequency range.

Harmony is the conjugation of diverse pitches simultaneously. Harmony can be conveyed by polyphonic

instruments, by a group of monophonic instrument, or may be indirectly implied by the melody.

Structure is on a different level of the previous dimensions, as it covers them all. Structure, or musical form,

relates to the way previous dimensions create determined patterns making structural segments that re-

peat themselves in some way, like the chorus, the verse and so on.

Music can be represented in a symbolic way, as a musical score, used by musicians to read and write

music (figure 1.2). Another form of representation, and the more common one, is the auditory representation

in a waveform (e.g., WAV, MP3, etc.) (figure 1.3). It is based on this representation that most of MIR researches

are made, they are called audio-based approaches.


Figure 1.2: A musical score sample of the famous song Hey Jude by The Beatles.

Figure 1.3: Audio signal from the song ”Northern Sky” by Nick Drake.

1.2 MIR Audio-based Approaches

The main idea underlying content-based approaches is that a document can be described by a set of features

that are directly computed from its content, in this case, audio. Despite the existence of metadata, namely:

author name, work title, genre classification and so on; the basic assumption behind audio-based approaches

is that metadata may be either not suitable, or unreliable, or missing. On one hand, relying only on the

information within the music is advantageous because that is generally the only information available. On the

other hand, it presents many difficulties due to the heterogeneity and complexity of musical data.

Listening to music, we humans can easily perceive a variety of events: the progression of harmonies and the

melodic cadences, although we might not be able to name them; changes of instrumentation, the presence

of drum fills, the presence of vocals, etc. We can perceive many events in music, and even without formal

musical training, by identifying repetitions and abrupt changes, we can perceive structure.

For the past decade, MIR as a research field has grown significantly. Given the multidisciplinary of the

field, it brings together experts from many different areas of research: signal processing, database research,


Figure 1.4: Some MIR tasks organized by level.

machine learning, musicology, perception, psychology, sociology, etc. Figure 1.4 presents some examples of

MIR tasks and their level. Note that, the objectivity of the task tends to be inversely proportional to the level.

This thesis focuses on the structural segmentation task.

1.3 Automatic Music Structural Segmentation

Every piece of music has an overall plan or structure. This is called the form of the music. Musical forms offer

a great range of complexity.

For example, most occidental pop music tends to be short and simple, often built upon repetition; on the other

hand, classical music traditions around the world tend to encourage longer, more complex forms. Note that,

from an abstract point of view, structure is closely related to the human perception of it. For instance, most

occidental people can easily distinguish the verse from the chorus of some pop song, but will have trouble

recognizing what is going on in a piece of Chinese traditional music for instance. Furthermore, classical music

forms may be difficult to recognize without the familiarity that come from study or repeated hearings.

Regarding pop music, modern production techniques often use copy and paste to clone multiple segments of

the same type, even to clone components within the segment. This obviously facilitates the work of automatic

segmentation, thus good results are obtained on this kind of music. This task can be divided in three problems:

• Determine the segment boundaries - beginning and ending instants of each segment;

• Determine the recurrent form - grouping the segments that are occurrences of the same musical part.

They can be repetitions of the exact same segment or slight variations, that depends on the music genre.


The groups are often specified by letters A, B, C... Each group of segments is called a part;

• Determine the part label - for example, the chorus, the verse, the intro, etc.

The second and third problems are similar: they are basically distance measurements. The third one

normally depends on the second one, so it will be considered as less important on the scope of this thesis, also

because of the extreme difficulty it presents.

Some work has been done in this particular problem, for example by Paulus (2010). Furthermore, there are

some methods focused only on the detection of the chorus, for example Goto (2006).

The second problem is more commonly addressed. On some cases, it is following the first one, i.e., after

determining the segment boundaries, each piece of music standing between two boundaries is considered to

be a segment. Segments are then grouped by applying a measure of distance. An example of this method is

Cooper and Foote (2003).

Others address directly the problem of determining the parts. What is generally done using clustering

algorithms or using Hidden Markov Models (HMM). The main idea underlying these methods is that music

is made of repetition and, in that sense, the states of the HMM would represent the different parts. Note

that these methods also determine the segment boundaries, determining the structural parts, the boundary

instants are implicitly determined.

Finally, the first problem will be the one addressed by this thesis. One example of some work done ad-

dressing this problem, is the work carried out by Foote (2000), following his work on a two dimensional

representation of a musical signal, the Self-similarity Matrix (SSM) (Foote 1999), one of the most important

breakthroughs on the structural segmentation task. Other works, include the one by Tzanetakis and Cook

(1999). In chapter 2, the state of the art approaches are presented in more detail.

The knowledge of the structure has various useful practical applications, for example: audio browsing

i.e., besides browsing an album through songs it could also be possible to browse a song through seg-

ments; a starting point for other MIR tasks, including: music summarization (automatic selection of short

representative audio ”thumbnails”), music recommendation (recommend songs with similar structure),

genre classification, etc.; and even assist in musicological studies, for example, study the musical structure of

songs from a determined culture or time, or the structure of songs that were in the top charts of the last decades.

All the procedures start with a feature extraction step, where the audio stream is split into a number of

frames from which feature vectors are calculated. Since the audio stream samples themselves do not provide


relevant information, feature extraction is essential. And even more essential is to understand the meaning

of the extracted features, i.e. what they represent regarding the musical dimensions. The subsequent steps,

depend on the procedure and on the goals that are to be reached (summarization, chorus detection, segment

boundaries detection, etc.), however, they are limited to the extracted features and what they represent. So the

feature extraction step plays a central role in any MIR procedure.

1.3.1 Feature extraction

Feature extraction is essential for any music information retrieval system. In particular, when detecting seg-

ment boundaries. In general, humans can easily perceive segment boundaries in popular music that is familiar

to them. But what information contained in a musical signal is important to perceive that event?

According to Bruderer et al experiments on humans perception of structural boundaries in popular mu-

sic (Bruderer et al. 2006); ”global structure” (repetition, break), ”change in timbre”, ”change in level” and

”change in rhythm”, represent the main perceptual cues responsible for the perceiving of boundaries in music.

Therefore, in order to optimize the detection of such boundaries, extracted features shall roughly represent the

referred perceptual cues.

Considering the perceptual cues and the presented musical dimensions, the musical signal is generally

summarized in three dimensions: the timbre, the tonal part (pitch related, harmony and melody) and the

rhythm. The features used in our method are presented in more detail in chapter 3. Timbre Features

Perceptually, timbre is one of the most important dimensions in a piece of music. Its importance relatively

other musical dimensions can be easily understood by the fact that anyone can recognize familiar instruments,

even without conscious thought, and people are able to do it with much less effort and much more accuracy

than for recognizing harmonies or scales.

As determined by Terasawa et al. (2005), Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) are a good model

for the perceptual timbre space. MFCC is well known as a front-end for speech recognition systems. The first

part of figure 1.5 represents a 40 dimensional MFCC vector over time.

In addition to the use of MFCCs, in order to complete the timbre information of the musical signal, compu-

tation of: spectral centroid, spectral spread and spectral slope can be also useful (Kaiser and Sikora 2010). As an


Figure 1.5: Representation of various features as well as the segment boundaries groundtruth (dashed lines).The first corresponds to MFCCs, the second to chromagram and the third to the rhythmogram.


alternative to the use of MFCCs, Levy and Sandler (2008) uses AudioSpactrumEnvelope, AudioSpectrumProjection

and SoundModel descriptors of the MPEG-7 standard.

Other alternative feature, include the Perceptual Linear Prediction (PLP) (Hermansky 1990), used by

Jensen (2007). Pitch related Features

Pitch, upon which harmonic and melodic sequences are built, represents an important musical dimension.

One example of its importance to the human perception, are the music covers. Music covers usually preserve

harmony and melody while using a different set of musical instruments, thus altering the timbre information

of the song. However, they are usually accurately recognized by people.

In the context of music structural segmentation, chroma features represent the most powerful represen-

tation for describing harmonic information (Muller 2007). The most important advantage of chroma features

is their robustness to changes in timbre. A similar feature is the Pitch Class Profile coefficients (PCP) (Gomez

2006), used by Shiu et al. (2006). Rhythmic Features

The rhythmic features are among the less used in the task of music structural segmentation. Considering the

perceptual cue identified by Bruderer et al. study, ”change in rhythm” . In fact, Paulus and Klapuri (2008) noted

that the use of rhythmic information in addition to timbre and harmonic features provide useful information

to structure analysis.

The rhythmic content of a musical signal can be described with a rhythmogram as introduced by Jensen

(2004) (third part of figure 1.5). It is comparable to a spectrogram, but instead of representing the frequency

spectrum of the signal, it represents the rhythmic content.

1.3.2 Techniques

Some techniques were already referred in the beginning of this section, they are presented in more detail in

chapter 2:

Self Distance Matrix The Self Distance Matrix (SDM) compares the feature vectors with each other, using

some determined distance measure (for example, the euclidean) (Foote 1999).


Hidden Markov Models The use of an HMM to represent music, assumes that each state represents some

musical information, thus defining a musical alphabet, where each state represents a letter.

Clustering The idea underlying the use of clusters to represent music is that different segments are repre-

sented by different clusters.

Time difference Using the time differential of the feature vector large differences would indicate sudden tran-

sitions, thus a possible segment boundaries boundaries.

Cost Function The cost function determines the cost of a determined segment, so that, segments where the

composing frames have a high degree of self similarity have a low cost.

1.4 Objective

The goal of this thesis is to perform structural segmentation on audio stream files, that is, to identify the

instants of segment change, boundaries between segments. The computed boundaries will be then compared

with manually noted ones in order to evaluated their quality.

1.5 Document Structure

After presenting the context in which this thesis has been developed, including the motivation for this work

and some practical aspects related to automatic audio segmentation. The remaining of this document is orga-

nized as follows:

Chapter 2 introduces the state of the art approaches.

Chapter 3 introduces the used features, followed by the presentation of the implemented method and each

used tool.

Chapter 4 introduces the final results discussion and a comparison with the state of art ones.

Chapter 5 introduces the conclusions and future work.


2Music Structure Analysis

Music is structured, generally respecting some rules that vary regarding the genre of music. Music can be

divided into many genres in many different ways. And each genre of music can also be divided in a variety

of styles. For instance, the Pop/Rock genre includes over 50 different styles1, and most of them are extremely

different (for example: Death Metal and Country Rock). Then, even if there is controversy on the way music

genres are divided, the diversity of sounds in different genres is unquestionable. In that sense, achieving the

capability to adapt to such a variety of sounds presents the major difficulty for the automatic segmentation


The goal of this chapter is to introduce the state of the art approaches to the problem of structural segmentation

in music. They are organized in three sets as proposed by Paulus et al. (2010): novelty-based approaches,

state approaches and sequence approaches. Additionally, it will discuss the relation between the segment

boundaries and the note onsets.

2.1 Structural Segmentation Types of Approaches

The various techniques used to solve the structural segmentation problem so far can be grouped according to

their paradigm. Peeters (2004) considered dividing the approaches into two sets: ”sequence” approaches and

”state” approaches. The ”sequence” approaches consider that there are sequences of events that are repeated

several times in a given music. The ”state” approaches consider the musical audio signal to be a succession

of states, where each state produces some part of the signal. Paulus et al. (2010) on the other hand, suggested

dividing the methods into three main sets: novelty-based approaches, homogeneity-based approaches and

repetition-based approaches. In fact, the homogeneity-based approaches are basically the same as the ”state”

approaches defined by Peeters, and the repetition-based approaches are the ”sequence” approaches. The third

set proposed by Paulus, novelty-based approach, can be seen as a front-end for one of the other approaches or

both. The goal of this section is to introduce each one of the three sets of approaches, as well as the state of the



art methods referred to each. Starting with the novelty-based approaches, followed by the state approaches

and finally the sequence approaches.

2.1.1 Novelty-based Approaches

The goal of the novelty-based approaches is to locate instants where changes occur in a song, usually referred

to as segment boundaries. Knowing those, segments can be defined between them.

The most common way of doing so is using a Self-Distance Matrix (SDM). The SDM is computed as follows:

SDM(i, j) = ds(vi, vj) i, j = 1, ..., n (2.1)

Where ds represents a distance measure (for example, Euclidean distance), v represents a feature vector

and i and j are the frame numbers, where a frame is the smallest piece of music used. Using a checkboard

kernel (figure 3.5) to be correlated along the diagonal of the SDM yields a novelty-score function. The peaks

of the novelty score represent candidate boundaries between segments. This method was first introduced by

Foote (2000). More about this method is introduced in chapter 3.

Other method to detect boundaries was proposed by Tzanetakis and Cook (1999), by using the time dif-

ferential of the feature vector, defined as the Mahalanobis distance:

∇i = ((vi − vi−1)T (∑

)−1(vi − vi−1)) (2.2)


is an estimate of the feature covariance matrix, calculated from the training data, and i is the

frame number. This measure is related to the Euclidean distance but takes into account the variance and

correlations among features. Large differences would indicate sudden transitions, thus a possible boundary.

More recently, Jensen (2007) proposed a method where boundaries are detected using a cost function. This

cost function determines the cost of a determined segment, so that, segments where the composing frames have

a high degree of self similarity have a low cost.


Figure 2.1: Representation of a simple HMM. Taken from Dannenberg and Goto (2008).

2.1.2 State Approaches

This kind of approaches considers the music audio signal as a succession of states. The most notable methods

included in this set are the ones based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) (Rabiner 1989).

Using an HMM, the concept of state is taken more explicitly. It is assumed that each musical excerpt is repre-

sented by a state in the HMM. This way a musical alphabet is defined. Where each musical excerpt (each state)

represents a letter (what is referred here as a musical excerpt can be one frame or a group of frames, depending

on the approach).

Time advances in discrete steps corresponding to feature vectors, transitions from one state to the next are

modeled by a probabilistic distribution that only depends on the current state. This forms a Markov model

that generates a sequence of states. Note that the states are ”hidden” because only feature vectors are observ-

able. Another probability function models the generation of a determined feature vector from a determined

state, figure 2.1. The features are then decoded using the Viterbi algorithm and the most likely sequence of

states is determined.

The first approaches to use this method (Aucouturier and M.Sandler 2001) (Chu and Logan 2000) (Peeters

and Rodet 2002) were initially implemented using a small number of states, in the assumption that each state

would represent one part (verse, chorus, etc.). Although this model had a certain appeal, it did not work very

well because the result was often temporally fragmented. Considering the analogy used before, in this case,

different letters would represent different segments.

Levy and Sandler (2008) used the same method with much better results. Using a larger number of states, then

calculating histograms of the states with a sliding window over the entire sequence of states. Their assumption

was that each segment type is characterized by a particular distribution of states, because roughly each kind of

segment contains similar music. In order to implement such an assumption, clustering algorithms are applied

to the histogram where each cluster corresponds to a particular part. Considering the analogy, in this case,

segments would be composed by sets of letters, words, i.e. a particular part would correspond to a particular



Figure 2.2: Representation of parallel stripes. On bottom row the zoom of the top one, note that, from left toright the matrix is being processed as described in the main text. Figure taken from Muller (2007).

Other common approach is based in clustering instead of HMMs. In Cooper and Foote (2003), clustering is

used to determine the most frequent segment, of which the segments were determined using the novelty-score

peaks. And Goodwin and Laroche (2004) used and algorithm that performs segmentation and clustering at

the same time.

2.1.3 Sequence Approaches

The ”sequence” approaches consider the music audio signal as a repetition of sequences of events. This set of

approaches rely mainly on the detection of diagonal stripes parallel to the matrix main diagonal, figure 2.2.

These stripes represent similar sequences of features as first verified by Foote (1999).

The diagonal stripes, when present, can easily be detected by humans in the SDM. However, the same is not

true for automatic detection, due to varied distortions of the musical signal. For example, dynamics (example:


In order to facilitate the detection of such stripes, several authors propose the use of a low pass filtering along

the diagonal to smooth the SDM. Peeters (2007) in addition, proposed a high-pass filter in the direction per-

pendicular to the stripes to enhance such stripes. Others proposed enhancing methods, employing multiple

iterations of erosions and dilations filtering along the diagonals (Lu et al. 2004). At this point the discovery

of music repetition turned into an image processing task. Goto (2006) proposed the use of a time-lag matrix

where the coordinates of the system were changed so that stripes appear horizontally or vertically, and would

be easily detected. Shiu et al. (2006) proposed the use of the viterbi algorithm to detect the diagonal stripes of


musical parts that present a weaker similarity value, for example verses.

These approaches somehow fail in a basic assumption that the stripes are parallel the main diagonal. Further-

more, although the detection of sequence repetition represents a great improvement to the musical structure

analysis, it is not usually enough to represent the whole higher level structural segmentation, as it requires a

part to occur at least twice to be found. Accordingly the combination of ”state” approaches with ”sequence”

approaches appear to be the most reasonable. A good example of the combination of both approaches is the

work done by Paulus and Klapuri (2009).

2.2 Segment Boundaries and Note Onsets

The note onsets are defined as the start of a musical note, not only pitched notes but also unpitched ones,

rhythmic notes. In monophonic music a note onset is well defined as well as its duration, however, in poly-

phonic music, note onsets of various instruments overlap. This makes them more difficult to identify, both

automatically and perceptually. A variety of methods to detect the note onsets are presented by Rosao and

Ribeiro (2011).

Considering the detection of segment boundaries task, it is of our belief that the note onsets can be used to

validate the segment boundaries. The assumption is that any segment is defined between note onsets, then

any segment must start in a note onset. In that sense, the note onsets are seen as the events that ”trigger” the

segment change. Not only the segment change but every other event in music. In the extreme, without note

onsets there is absence of sound.

2.3 Summary

In this chapter the state of the art approaches were introduced according to the division proposed by Paulus

et al. (2010): novelty-based approaches, state approaches and sequence approaches. The first set is focused on

the detection of segment boundaries and is generally used as front-end for one of the other approaches. The

second set, considers the musical audio signal to be a succession of states, where each state produces some

part of the signal. The last set, considers that there are sequences of events repeated several times in a given

music. To finalize the chapter, we considered the note onsets to be events that ”trigger” the segment change.



Considering the introduced sets of methods, the implemented method belongs to the novelty-based ap-

proaches. It is focused on determining the segment boundaries.

The goal of this chapter is to introduce the method developed aiming to solve the problem of segmentation of

audio music streams, describing each used tool. It starts by considering the features collected from the audio

stream and how they were mixed, followed by the introduction of the actual method.

3.1 Extracted Features

The extraction of features is a very important step in any MIR system. Table 3.1 shows the features used in

some structural segmentation works. In our case the features extracted are an attempt to represent the main

three musical dimensions: timbre, tonal (harmony and melody) and rhythmic.

In this section, we introduce the extracted features and their mixture, before, we consider the windows of

analysis used to collect those features.

3.1.1 Window of Analysis

The audio stream is first downsampled to 22050Hz, since this number of samples is enough. Considering

those samples, they are then grouped in windows or frames.

In music structure segmentation to compare frames with each other is a usual task, as it is evident in the SDM.

Such a task can represent heavy computation depending on the number of frames used. Generally, larger frame

length are used (0.1−1s), compared with most of the audio content analysis (0.01−0.1s). This fact reduces the

number of frames in a song, thus reducing the SDM size. Moreover, larger frame length allows a larger tem-

poral resolution which according to Peeter represents something musically more meaningful (Peeters 2004).

Some proposed methods unlike using fixed length frames tend to use variable ones. This has two benefits:

tempo invariance, which means that some melody, for example, that has some tempo fluctuation relatively

the same pitch progression melody, can be successfully match; sharper feature differences, preventing sound


Authors Task FeaturesGoto (2006) Chorus Detection ChromaJensen (2007) Music Structure Perceptual Linear Prediction

(PLP), Chroma and Rhythmo-gram

Kaiser and Sikora (2010) Music Structure 13 MFCCs, spectral centroid,spectral slope and spectralspread

Levy and Sandler (2008) Music Structural Segmentation AudioSpectrumEnvelope, Au-dioSpectrumProjection, andSoundModel descriptors of theMPEG-7 standard

Paulus and Klapuri (2009) Music Structural Segmentation 12 MFCCs (excluding the 0th),Chroma and Rhythmogram

Peeters (2007) Music Structural Segmentation 13 MFCCs (excluding the 0th),12 Spectral Contrast coefficientsand Pitch Class Profile coeffi-cients

Peiszer et al. (2008) Music Structural Segmentation 40 MFCCsShiu et al. (2006) Similar Segment Identification Pitch Class Profile coefficientsTurnbull and Lanckriet (2007) Music Structural Segmentation MFCCs and Chroma

Table 3.1: Compilation of works and features used.

events respective features from spreading to other frames. Peiszer et al. (2008) for example, used the note

onsets to set out window sizes.

In our case, in order to accomplish sharper feature difference, the size of the windows are determined de-

pending on the bpm. The bpm are determined using the function mirtempo() from MIRtoolbox (Lartillot 2011),

which estimates the tempo by detecting periodicities from the onset detection curve. In this case the onsets are

determined using the function mironsets() also from the MIRtoolbox. The mirtempo() function is quite accurate.

It is made the assumption that the tempo in pop music is constant. The window size is determined as follows:

ws =1



This yields window sizes between 0.15s and 0.3s, which is equivalent to bpm between 100 and 200, depending

on the song. We used no overlapping of windows, except for the rhythmogram.

The impact of using variable window size compared to fixed is discussed with actual evaluation values in the

next chapter.


Figure 3.1: Pitch represented by two dimensions: height, moving vertically in octaves, and chroma, or pitchclass determining the rotation position within the helix. Taken from Gomez (2006).

3.1.2 Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients

The MFCCs are extensively used to represent the timbre in music. We used 40 MFCCs calculated using a

filter bank composed by linear and logarithmic filters to model loudness compression, in order to simulate the

characteristics of the human auditory system. The coefficients are obtained by taking the discrete cosine (DCT)

of the log-power spectrum on the Mel-frequency scale.

Most of the authors do not use more then 20 coefficients. However, some tests were made with 40 coefficients

and final results show that the increase of coefficients has a significant influence (around 5% in our case). This

was also verified by Peiszer et al. (2008), as well as Santos (2010), who also used 40 MFCC. The first part of

figure 1.5 represents a 40 dimensional MFCC vector over time.

3.1.3 Chromagram

The chroma refers to the 12 traditional pitch classes (the 12 semitones) {C, C#, D, ... , A#, B}. As pitch repeats

itself every octaves (12 semitones), a pitch class is defined to be the set of all pitches that share the same

chroma. This is represented in figure 3.1. For example, the pitch class corresponding to the chroma F is the set

{..., F0, F1, F2,...}, where 0, 1 and 2 represent the pitch F of each octave. Therefore, the chroma representation

is a 12 dimensional vector, where each dimension is the respective chroma of the signal. Figure 1.5 shows a


chromagram, the chroma represented in time.

We used Muller and Ewert (2011) method to extract the chroma features. First, the pitch values are determined

using a 88 filter centered in each pitch, from A0 to C8. The chroma vector is then calculated simply by adding

pitches that correspond to the same chroma.

3.1.4 Rhythmogram

The rhythmogram was first presented by Jensen (2004). It is computed by determining the autocorrelation of

the note onsets on intervals of 2s, using a millisecond scale, what produces o vector of dimension 200, figure

3.2. Unlike the other two features extracted, the rhythmogram is calculated using a window of analysis of

2s and a hop size of ws. This way, the rhythmogram will have the same number of samples per song as the

MFCCs and the chromagram.

We used 4 different onsets: one taken from Peiszer et al. (2008), which was taken from a beat tracker. Other

by Rosao (2011), based on the Spectral Flux (Bello et al. 2005). And the others using MIRToolbox function

mironsets() (Lartillot 2011): one using the envelope of the signal and the other using the Spectral Flux as well.

The first onsets are very few compared with the other three, this suggest that there must have been some selec-

tion. That fact is adverse to the usefulness of the rhythmogram. As shown in figure 3.2 (c)), the rhythmogram

presents too few information. On the other hand the other note onsets, figure 3.2 (a), b) and d)), convey much

more information. This is reflected on the final results as it will be shown in the next chapter.

3.2 Segment Boundaries Detection

In this section the algorithm is presented. Figure 3.3 represents a flowchart of the implemented method using

Matlab. The used method is based on the approach by Foote (2000), where he first introduced the novelty-score

function. Firstly, the SDM matrix is computed then a novelty-score function is calculated from it and finally

the peaks of such function are determined as candidates for segment boundaries.

Following, each of the steps of the algorithm are presented.

3.2.1 Self Distance Matrix

The SDM is determined by 2.1. The distance measure used was the Manhattan distance measures. As it is

known to perform well when dealing with high dimensionality data (Aggarwal et al. 2001), which is the case.

But the fact is, that experiences made with the Euclidean and the Cosine distance showed that there is not


Figure 3.2: Rhythmograms computed using different note onsets. a) Rosao; b) mironsets() using spectral flux; c)from Peiszer et al. (2008) and d) mironsets().

much difference of performance (Chapter 4).

The SDM presents some characteristics. At first, since every frame is similar to itself the matrix diagonal will

be “zero”. Furthermore, assuming that the distance measure is symmetric, the matrix will be as well.

The SDM can be visualized using a gray-scale image where similar frames are presented as black and infinitely

different ones in white or the other way round, this permits a somehow useful visual representation of a music

(figure 3.4). The rectangular structures presented in the matrix, represent the structural elements present in a

song. In order to detect them a checkboard kernel (3.5) is correlated along the matrix diagonal.

3.2.2 Checkboard Kernel Correlation

A checkboar Kernel is presented in figure 3.5. Such kernel is correlated along the matrix diagonal, according

to the novelty-score function:

N(i) =



abs(r(Ck(m,n), SDM(i+m, i+ n))) (3.2)

Where Ck denotes a Gaussian tapered checkboard kernel of size k, radially symmetric and centered on (0, 0)

and i and j are the frame numbers, figure 3.6 illustrates the novelty-score computation. The abs() represents


Figure 3.3: Flowchart of the method implemented.


Figure 3.4: The MFCC SDM for the song ”Northern Sky” by Nick Drake.

Figure 3.5: Checkboar kernel with a size of 96 (k = 96).


Figure 3.6: Illustration of the novelty-score computation.

the absolute value and r() represents the correlation coefficient which is computed as follows:

r =


∑n(Amn − A)(Bmn − B)√



∑n(Amn − A))2(


∑n(Bmn − B))2


Where A and B represent the Gaussian tapered checker board kernel matrix and the subset of SDM respec-

tively, and A and B are the respective scalar means.

This computation of N(i) is slightly different from the presented in Foote (2000), presented better final results.

This can be justified by the fact that the computation of the correlation takes into account the mean values of

both matrices, thus eliminating eventual noise.

3.2.3 Peak Selection

The peaks of the novelty-score function are determined simply by detecting the signal changes in the derivative

(positive to negative) of the novelty-score function. Generally the number of peaks detected is way above the

number of segment boundaries present in an average 3 minutes pop song, then some selection is needed.

One way of doing so is using a windows of 6s, half overlap, to analyze the function. Figure 3.7 shows a

novelty-score peak selection, using this method.

In each window the local maxima, if any, is chosen. This is done under the assumption that there are no

segments smaller than 6s.

Another way of doing so, is to define a threshold to eliminate peaks beneath its value. This approach was


Figure 3.7: The novelty-score from the SDM 3.4. The groundtruth is represented by the red interrupted verticallines and the automatic generated boundaries by the red crosses.

tested but with unsatisfying results due to the fact that most top peaks are not actual boundaries. Instead,

lower local maxima are. To face this problem an average weighted threshold was tested, which obtained better

results than the constant threshold but still below the results obtained with the window approach.

3.3 Mixing Features

The idea underlying mixing features is using information from different musical dimensions, so that they com-

plete themselves. In that sense, mixing feature seems a perfectly justified operation and even a simple one to

do but in practice it is not.

The first basic idea used to combine features, was to validate the boundaries intersecting the novelty-score

peaks of the three different features alone. Every instant that was repeated at least twice in two different fea-

tures, in a threshold of 1.5s, was considered. The intersection was done in three different ways, each one taking

as reference one of the three features, i. e., first the MFCCs selected peaks are compared to the chromagram and

rhythmogram selected peaks; peaks are discarded if they are not repeated at least once, then the same is done

for the rhythmogram and for the chromagram. Note that, this can also be viewed as a peak selection process,

and not a feature mixture per se, since the idea of different features completing one another is not present in


this approach.

The second idea was to sum the SDMs before the computation of the novelty-score function, as follows:

SDM(M +R) = αSDM(MFCC) + SDM(Rhythmogram) (3.4)

SDM(C +R) = βSDM(Chroma) + SDM(Rhythmogram) (3.5)

SDM(M + C) = SDM(MFCC) + σSDM(Chroma) (3.6)

SDM(M + C +R) = αSDM(MFCC) + βSDM(Chroma) + SDM(Rhythmogram) (3.7)

Where, the SDMs respective features are represented in brackets. M, C and R stand for, MFCC, Chromagram

and Rhythmogram respectively. The coefficients alpha, beta and sigma are computed as follows:

α =mean(SDM(Rhythmogram))

mean(SDM(MFCC); (3.8)

β =mean(SDM(Rhythmogram))

mean(SDM(Chroma); (3.9)

σ =mean(SDM(MFCC))

mean(SDM(Chroma); (3.10)

Where, the operation mean() determines the mean value of the matrix. The purpose of it is balancing the

factors of the sum, trying to give the same weight to each one.

Finally, the third idea was to use a dimensionality reduce method on the concatenated feature vector, combin-

ing features in groups of two and three. This created new feature vectors, then used to compute the SDM and

the remainder of the method. To that end, the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method was used.

The SVD is based on a theorem from linear algebra which says that a rectangular matrix M (which in this case

represents the feature vectors) can be broken down into the product of three matrices: an orthogonal matrix U ,

a diagonal matrix S, and the transpose of an orthogonal matrix V . The decomposition is usually presented as:

Mmn = UmmSmnVTnn (3.11)

According to the diagonal of S, which present a descending curve representing the descending representation

of each feature vector, the first n vectors from V Tnn are used, meaning that the ones that are left unused are

useless or even adverse (noise) for further computations.

The results for each hypothesis are presented and discussed in the next chapter.


3.4 Note Onsets

The note onsets are used in the algorithm in order to validate the selected peaks from the novelty-score. This

is done by swapping each novelty-score peak by the note onset closer to it.

This operation could also be considered a peak selection operation, instead of the used ”window” approach,

applying this operation would eventually mean that many peaks would be represented by the same onset.

Then, the number of peaks will be reduced. However, this approach produces too many peaks still. An

attempt was made to reduce the number of onsets first, using the same window approach, so that a lesser

number of peaks was produced. However, results were not satisfying. The note onsets are then used in the

assumption that they will correct in time the novelty-score peaks selected by the ”windows” approach.

The onsets used are presented in 3.1.4. The final result for each one is presented in the next chapter.

3.5 Summary

In this chapter the method implemented was introduced. We used three features: the MFCC, the Chromagram

and the Rhythmogram. Each representing the timbre, the tonal information and the rhythm respectively. This

features were used in a novelty-based approach. Where segment boundaries are determined based on the

novelty-score function, determined from the correlation of a checkboard kernel along the SDM diagonal. The

peaks of such function are candidates, which are then selected. The features were also combined in three

different ways. The final boundaries are then adjusted to a grid of note onsets.



4Evaluation and Discussion

of the Results

In order to evaluate the automatic segmentation algorithm, a manual groundtruth segmentation has to be

done, and a measure of the accuracy computed.

According to the most used approach, e.g. Peiszer et al. (2008), the precision (P ), recall (R) and F-measure (F ),

are calculated to evaluate the success of the method. They are calculated as follows:

P =|AT ∩wt

GT ||GT |

R =|AT ∩wt

GT ||AT |


Where, GT and AT denote the groundtruth boundaries and the automatic generated boundaries respectively.

w determines how far two boundaries can be apart but still count as one (we used wt = 1.5s). Finally, F is the

harmonic mean of P and R.

We begin by describing the first implemented approach, the baseline. The MFCCs were the first feature

to be used. At first, only 13 coefficients were extracted, using a fixed length window (500ms). The SDM was

computed using the Euclidean distance and the novelty-score was computed using a checkboard kernel with

no radial smoothing, only a matrix of zeros and ones sized 128. The obtained function peaks were selected by

choosing the first 15 peaks according to their coordinate value.

After this start we knew that results could be improved only by changing the parameters for these tools.

Tests were first made using different distance measures to compute the SDM. Since there were available a

series of distance measure for Matlab function pdist(), we tested some. The best results were obtained with the

Cosine distance, the Manhattan distance (or City Block) and the Euclidean.

Then, the various window lengths were tested, leading to the conclusion that smaller windows would convey

better accuracy.

About the checkboard kernel, the first one used was too big. Tests showed that small sized kernels generated

to many boundary candidates, on the other hand, too big kernels lead to very few and not always right

boundary candidates. So, k = 96 represented a commitment that presented the most satisfying results, as also


Corpus 50 songsGroundtruth threshold wt = 1.5s

MFCCs 40 coefficientsRhythmogram Using Rosao onsetsWindow Size 500ms

SDM Euclidean distanceCheckboar Kernel k = 96

Peak Selection Window selection (6s)Note Onsets Not used

Table 4.1: Baseline setup.

verified by Peiszer et al. (2008). The introduction of the smoothing also had a positive contribution, facilitating

the job of the peak detection.

About the peak selection, it had still much to improve. The first attempt to improve it, was using a low pass

filter on the novelty-score function in order to smooth it even more and then reduce the number of peaks.

Then, a threshold approach was tried: first a constant threshold was tested and then an average weighted

threshold. Finally, the most successful peak selection technique was analyzing the score with windows of 6s,

where for each window, the highest peak was selected.

To enrich this system we proceeded with the inclusion of more features and the note onsets. The new features,

the chromagram and rhythmogram did not achieved good average results, compared with the MFCCs.

However, since in some songs the chromagram and the rhythmogram got better results than the MFCCs,

mixing the features was perfectly justified. The baseline setup is described in table 4.1.

The goal of this chapter is introduce the evaluation values: first using the baseline setup for each feature

and then for a number of different setups tested. Before, we introduce the corpus used and the groundtruth


4.1 Corpus and Groundtruth

The corpus used in this work is a subset of the corpus used by Peiszer et al. (2008), as well as the groundtruth

annotations. The Corpus is presented in table 4.2.

From the 50 songs, approximately half belong to The Beatles, the others are varied. The songs all belong to the

Pop/Rock music genre, although covering different styles. For instance, song number 14 is more of a heavy

rock style, having a well defined rhythm and a complex timbre (distorted guitars); song number, on the other

hand 15 is much more light and easy. This corpus was used in the attempt on one hand to obtain comparable


results with the Peiszer work, on the other hand to have a fairly good variety of styles inside the pop genre.

The groundtruth annotations were verified for the songs, suffering some changes, namely the removal of the

hierarchical annotations.

4.2 Baseline Results

The evaluation results, using the baseline setup for the three features are presented in table 4.3.

As expected the MFCCs got the best result. However, in some songs the chromagram and the rhythmogram

did better.

The chromagram did better in 10 songs, numbers: 3, 5, 9, 12, 19, 29, 30, 41, 42, 44 and 45. The rhythmogram

did better in 6 songs, numbers: 1, 5, 8, 23, 28 and 46.

Songs number 20, 33 and 42 presented a draw between the MFCCs and the rhythmogram. On the remaining

(31 songs) the MFCCs did better.

Analyzing the songs where the chromagram did better, specifically the ones where it had a distinct ac-

curacy (3, 19, 29, 41, 42 and 44), they all present distinct harmonies from segment to segment. At the same

time some do not present a rich timbre variations, for example song 44.

On the other hand there are songs where the chromagram had poor results (15, 16, 20, 25, 31 and 49). For

instance, music number 15 is a typical country folk song, where the harmony is simply going in circles giving

the central role to the lyrics and to the solo of acoustic guitar.

Analyzing the songs where the rhythmogram did better, specifically the ones where it had a distinct accuracy

(5, 23, 28, and 46): number 5 presents a big difference of onset patterns between the verse and the chorus,

mainly because of the vocals; this contrast of pattern is also evident in song number 28. Song number 23 and

46 on the other hand, do not present such an evident contrast, at least one different from all the other songs,

the fact is that the other two features perform poorly.

On the contrary, rhythmogram performed poorly on songs 31 and 49. Since song 31 presents a straight

rhythmic pattern throughout the song, the rhythmic information from other instruments apart from the drums

seems insufficient to retrieve the right boundaries. The same seems to happen with song 49. In fact, listening

to all The Beatles songs present in the corpus, they on average share the same characteristics. And in fact, the

average F-measure for the Rhythmogram for The Beatles songs, was F = 0.229 and for the rest was F = 0.358.

This is a substantial difference that did not happen with the other two features.

Finally, analyzing the songs where the MFCCs did better, specifically, songs number 2, 7, 11, 20, 21, 24, 25,

26, 43 and 48. They all present evident change of timbre between segments, i. e., instruments coming in and


Songs1 Aha - Take on Me2 Alanis Morrisette - Head Over Feet3 Alanis Morrisette - Thank You4 Apollo 440 - Stop the Rock5 Beastie Boys - Intergalactic6 Black Eyed Peas - Cali to New York7 Britney Spears - Hit Me Baby One More Time8 Chicago - Old Days9 Chumbawamba - Thubthumping

10 Cranberries - Zombie11 dEUS - Suds and Soda12 Madonna - Like a Virgin13 Nick Drake - Northern Sky14 Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit15 Norah Jones - Lonestar16 Oasis - Wonderwall17 Portishead - Wandering Star18 Prince - Kiss19 Radiohead - Creep20 R.E.M. - Drive21 Seal - Crazy22 Simply Red - Stars23 Sinead O’Connor - Nothing Compares to You24 Spice girls - Wannabe25 The Beatles - All I’ve Got to Do26 The Beatles - All My Loving27 The Beatles - Anna Go To28 The Beatles - Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite29 The Beatles - Devil in Her Heart30 The Beatles - Don’t Bother Me31 The Beatles - Fixing a Hole32 The Beatles - Getting Better33 The Beatles - Good Morning Good Morning34 The Beatles - Hold Me Tight35 The Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There36 The Beatles - I Wanna Be Your Man37 The Beatles - It Won’t Be Long38 The Beatles - Little Child39 The Beatles - Lovely Rita40 The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds41 The Beatles - Misery42 The Beatles - Money43 The Beatles - Not a Second Time44 The Beatles - Please Mister Postman45 The Beatles - Roll Over Beethoven46 The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band47 The Beatles - She’s Leaving Home48 The Beatles - Till There Was You49 The Beatles - When I’m Sixty-four50 The Beatles - With a Little Help From my Friends

Table 4.2: Corpus used.


out. The MFCCs showed a poor performance on songs 28 and 46. Song 46, only has 4 segments, meaning 3

boundaries, what potentially reduces the likelihood of success.

4.3 Feature Window of Analysis

The size of the windows that collects the features have a great deal of influence in the final performance of the

algorithm. Table 4.4 shows the average results using different window sizes for the three features.

The table shows that in this case the ideal window size is around the 200ms for the MFCCs, and for the other

two features the window size does not seem to be as influent.

Since the variable sized windows are between 150ms and 300ms, they obtain a result almost as good as the

fixed 200ms windows. The fact is, that computing every feature using 200ms window size is heavier than

computing the variable sized ones, then we decided to use the variable sized for further computations. Note

that the assumption of using window sizes adjusted to the structure of the song does not produce better results

as expected. Admitting that the tempo is well calculated, which was verified to happen in some songs, this may

be happening because the windows may not be fitting properly in the structure of the song, that is, must not

be starting in the first beat of the song as it was supposed.

4.4 SDM Distance Measure

As said before, the three distance measures that conveyed better results, were the Euclidean, the Manhattan

and the Cosine distance. Table 4.5 shows the average results obtained for the 50 song corpus, using the three

distance measures. It shows that the Manhattan distance got the better results for every feature. That was

expected, since the Manhattan distance performs better for high dimensionality data. Note that the rhythmo-

gram SDM is not possible to compute using the cosine distance because of the nature of the data.

4.5 Note Onsets

The attempt of using the note onsets to improve the accuracy of the method did not succeed as expected.

As shown in table 4.6, the average results for the 4 onsets tested was almost the same as without onsets, as the

introduction of the onsets did not have an influence on the final accuracy of the algorithm.

One hypothesis for this failure is the fact that there are too many note onsets in time and in that sense, some

selection would be advised. However, tests showed that using a selection window (similar to the one used for

the peak selection) and varying its size from ws to 16ws, final accuracy results showed no improvement.


Songs MFCCs Chromagram Rhythmogram1 0.400 0.121 0.4142 0.513 0.273 0.3403 0.480 0.750 0.5604 0.606 0.242 0.5415 0.400 0.410 0.5136 0.390 0.143 0.2937 0.579 0.333 0.4888 0.294 0.278 0.3339 0.462 0.512 0.429

10 0.304 0.159 0.24511 0.542 0.452 0.42912 0.148 0.222 0.20713 0.267 0.162 0.23514 0.455 0.226 0.41715 0.273 0 0.17416 0.421 0.051 0.33317 0.452 0.133 0.23318 0.485 0.177 0.28619 0.286 0.500 0.12120 0.567 0.032 0.56721 0.509 0.333 0.49222 0.286 0.105 0.26323 0.154 0.143 0.23524 0.514 0.278 0.44425 0.556 0 0.11126 0.588 0.222 0.23527 0.400 0.148 0.28628 0.091 0.100 0.23529 0.182 0.435 0.32030 0.191 0.250 0.09531 0.462 0.087 032 0.593 0.308 0.42933 0.240 0.083 0.24034 0.273 0.105 0.26135 0.444 0.357 0.32336 0.444 0.316 0.22237 0.417 0.174 0.28638 0.333 0.286 0.21139 0.400 0.296 0.36440 0.375 0.286 0.26741 0.421 0.588 0.23542 0.357 0.452 0.35743 0.526 0.444 0.21144 0.167 0.539 0.24045 0.286 0.320 0.16046 0 0.143 0.15447 0.143 0.125 0.19448 0.636 0.435 0.26149 0.364 0.095 0.09150 0.333 0.296 0.174

Average 0.380 0.259 0.291

Table 4.3: F-measure results for the three features.


Window Size (ms) MFCCs Chromagram RhythmogramP R F P R F P R F

100 0.336 0.604 0.418 0.194 0.374 0.250 0.234 0.451 0.299200 0.363 0.610 0.441 0.198 0.369 0.252 0.237 0.445 0.299300 0.346 0.579 0.420 0.198 0.379 0.252 0.238 0.448 0.300400 0.335 0.539 0.403 0.204 0.364 0.254 0.242 0.441 0.302500 0.319 0.509 0.380 0.210 0.358 0.259 0.239 0.408 0.291600 0.280 0.431 0.330 0.188 0.331 0.234 0.245 0.417 0.297

Variable 0.359 0.596 0.433 0.198 0.371 0.252 0.246 0.451 0.307

Table 4.4: Average evaluation results using different window sizes for the three features.

Distance Measure MFCCs Chromagram RhythmogramP R F P R F P R F

Euclidean 0.359 0.596 0.433 0.198 0.371 0.252 0.246 0.451 0.307Manhattan 0.377 0.622 0.455 0.210 0.402 0.268 0.250 0.451 0.311

Cosine 0.333 0.560 0.406 0.199 0.375 0.253 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Table 4.5: Average evaluation results using different distance measures for the three features.

Note that, the rhythmogram is different for every note onset used. That in fact influences its accuracy substan-


4.6 Mixing Features

Combining features with performance gain was one of the goals of this work. However, this is far from being

simple to achieve.

Tables 4.10 and 4.11, show the F-measure results using the different proposed approaches to mix the features.

It shows that the mixture of features was unsuccessful comparing with the values obtained with the MFCC

Note Onsets MFCCs Chromagram RhythmogramP R F P R F P R F

Rosao (2011) 0.367 0.614 0.446 0.207 0.389 0.263 0.249 0.452 0.311Peiszer et al. (2008) 0.362 0.597 0.437 0.200 0.369 0.253 0.207 0.395 0.263mironsets() 0.370 0.608 0.445 0.206 0.385 0.261 0.180 0.336 0.228mironsets() using Spec-tral Flux

0.369 0.612 0.447 0.204 0.379 0.259 0.206 0.387 0.260

Table 4.6: Average evaluation results using different note onsets for the three features.


Song M C R M+R C+R M+C M+C+R8 0.303 0.300 0.389 0.563 0.229 0.308 0.29419 0.400 0.424 0.235 0.286 0.471 0.424 0.47120 0.698 0.152 0.581 0.793 0.161 0.219 0.29022 0.235 0.154 0.256 0.303 0.154 0.143 0.15424 0.514 0.270 0.513 0.649 0.513 0.389 0.46248 0.455 0.417 0.261 0.571 0.348 0.455 0.546

Table 4.7: F-measure for features alone and sum of SDMs mixture, using the Manhattan distance. M stands forMFCCs, C for Chromagram and R for Rhythmogram.

Song M C R M+R C+R M+C M+C+R19 0.400 0.424 0.235 0.258 0.452 0.529 0.28624 0.514 0.270 0.513 0.500 0.487 0.529 0.550

Table 4.8: F-measure for features alone and SVD for mixture, using the Manhattan distance. M stands forMFCCs, C for Chromagram and R for Rhythmogram.


Although on average the mixture of features failed to improve the final accuracy, in some songs it obtained

better results than the features alone. The problem with the proposed unsupervised approaches is that, it is

hard to predict the behavior of the mixture and so it is to control it.

Tables 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 show some examples of songs where the mixture of features improved the final result.

There is no recognizable difference between these songs, and the others where the mixture failed to improve

the final result. The fact is that even in these songs some combinations led to a reduction of accuracy. What

brings us to the question, which features to combine?

For example, using SVD mixture for the two songs presented in 4.8:the song 19 the mixture M+C did better

and in the second song (song 24) the three features mixture did better. This also happens in the sum of SDMs

mixture 4.7, however in most of the songs the M+R did better.

4.7 Discussion

The best results were obtained using the setup presented in table 4.12, the results are presented in table 4.13.

They show a significant improvement compared to the results presented on 4.3 (first column). The window

size and the distance measure are responsible for the improvement. As expected, the individual results

accompany the average improvement trend.


Song M C R M+C+R C+R+M R+M+C8 0.303 0.300 0.389 0.276 0.242 0.400

13 0.516 0.263 0.188 0.615 0.333 0.24019 0.400 0.424 0.235 0.462 0.296 0.32042 0.519 0.424 0.345 0.609 0.480 0.52248 0.455 0.417 0.261 0.600 0.333 0.471

Table 4.9: F-measure for features alone and the intersection mixture. M stands for MFCCs, C for Chromagramand R for Rhythmogram.

Method M+R C+R M+C M+C+RP R F P R F P R F P R F

Sum of SDMs 0.312 0.538 0.381 0.233 0.538 0.297 0.312 0.441 0.319 0.233 0.484 0.340SVD 0.216 0.365 0.260 0.217 0.371 0.262 0.280 0.482 0.343 0.243 0.411 0.293

Table 4.10: Average results using different mixture techniques. M stands for MFCCs, C for Chromagram andR for Rhythmogram.

Method M+C+R C+R+M R+M+CP R F P R F P R F

Intersection 0.338 0.399 0.344 0.268 0.348 0.287 0.268 0.399 0.360

Table 4.11: Average results using the intersection technique. M stands for MFCCs, C for Chromagram and Rfor Rhythmogram.


Feature MFCCsWindow Size Variable according to 3.1

SDM Manhattan distanceCheckboar Kernel k = 96

Peak Selection Window selection (6s)Note Onsets None

Table 4.12: The setup with better results.

The biggest problem with this kind of approach is the determination of whether the peaks of the

novelty-score are or are not real boundaries. In general, all boundaries are represented as a peak in the

novelty-score curve.

The fact is that in some cases the bigger peaks (global maximum) are proper boundaries, however usually,

smaller peaks (local maximum) represent the majority of the boundaries. So the choice is between having a

large number of detections, what would make R large and P smaller, or limit the number of detections, using

the peak selection methods presented for example, that make P and R tend to be closer. We consider the

second one to be the best option. However, in general that is very hard to achieve.

However, these results can be considered satisfactory. Namely considering that: the algorithm is only based

on information retrieved from the signal, the corpus contains songs from various styles and the algorithm

presents a high degree of freedom, making it difficult to decide when to stop seeking for a better result.

The results obtained are difficult to extend to other genres of music, even to Pop/Rock, it is not guaranteed

the success rate obtained with this corpus. This is because the analyzed songs strongly influence the results

obtained. For instance, better results were obtained for subsets of this set of songs, after a large number of

tests and parameter adjustment; however they did not lead to a mean performance improvement. What gives

the idea of the importance of the songs analyzed, meaning that a different set of songs could lead to different

results and therefore the corpus used is of great importance. This has a great importance when comparing

results between different works.

Table 4.14 and 4.15 shows the state of the art results. As can be seen, the results in table 4.14 are above the ones

obtained by our method. However, all of these methods use bigger groundtruth threshold. When using a

groundtruth threshold of 3s our method obtains for the best setup F = 0.577, which is close to the state of the

art results. When using 0.5s, F = 0.208, also in the state of the art as documented in the MIREX 2010 results 1

(table 4.15).



Songs MFCCsP R F

1 0.304 0.700 0.4242 0.458 0.688 0.5503 0.464 0.565 0.5104 0.705 0.800 0.7505 0.473 0.563 0.5146 0.300 0.900 0.4507 0.591 0.684 0.6348 0.238 0.385 0.2949 0.790 0.750 0.769

10 0.367 0.550 0.44011 0.529 0.692 0.60012 0.111 0.286 0.16013 0.381 0.800 0.51614 0.464 0.722 0.56515 0.125 0.667 0.21116 0.348 0.727 0.47117 0.321 0.818 0.46218 0.429 0.818 0.56319 0.292 0.700 0.41220 0.667 0.733 0.69821 0.439 0.621 0.51422 0.174 0.400 0.24223 0.118 0.500 0.19124 0.563 0.474 0.51425 0.333 0.667 0.44426 0.546 0.857 0.66727 0.333 0.750 0.46228 0.333 1.000 0.50029 0.429 0.667 0.52230 0.357 0.556 0.43531 0.438 0.875 0.58332 0.500 0.778 0.60933 0.308 0.500 0.38134 0.214 0.375 0.27335 0.263 0.455 0.33336 0.400 0.500 0.44437 0.600 0.600 0.60038 0.444 0.444 0.44439 0.500 0.875 0.63640 0.368 0.700 0.48341 0.300 0.429 0.35342 0.467 0.583 0.51943 0.250 0.375 0.30044 0.333 0.500 0.40045 0.278 0.556 0.37046 0.083 0.500 0.14347 0.083 0.222 0.12148 0.385 0.556 0.45549 0.333 0.833 0.47650 0.308 0.400 0.348

Average 0.377 0.622 0.455

Table 4.13: F-measure results for the MFCCsl using the best setup.


Works Corpus Groundtruth thresh-old (s)

Best average F-measure

Jensen (2007) Chinese music, Elec-tronica and Varied

4 Timbregram: 0.670

Kaiser and Sikora(2010)

TUT Beatles N.A. Combined features:0.621

Levy and Sandler(2008)

60 songs a 3 MPEG-7 descriptors:0.590

Paulus and Klapuri(2009)

TUTstructure07, UPFBeatles and RWC Pop

3 Combined features:0.624, 0.599 and 0.637

Peiszer et al. (2008) 109 songs 3 MFCCs: 0.694Turnbull and Lanck-riet (2007)

100 songs N.A. Combined features:0.378

Table 4.14: State of the art results.a

Works F-measure (0.5s) F-measure (3s)GP7b 0.228 0.571WB1b 0.291 0.582

MHRAF2b 0.203 0.486MND1b 0.359 0.605

BV1(Sargent et al. 2010) 0.234 0.610BV2(Sargent et al. 2010) 0.235 0.606

Average 0.258 0.577

Table 4.15: MIREX Boundary recovery results, with differentgroundtruth thresholds.


4.8. SUMMARY 41

4.8 Summary

This chapter revealed the evaluation results for a variety of system setups. The baseline results showed that

the MFCCs got the better results. The window size experiments showed that the best results are obtained for

windows around 200ms. The SDM distance measure showed that the best results were obtained using the

Manhattan distance. Finally, the mixture of features and the note onsets showed no improvement to the final

performance of the method.



The goal of this thesis was to perform structural segmentation on audio stream files. To that end we applied a

novelty-score approach using three features.

The features used are an attempt to represent the most important musical dimensions: the timbre, represented

by the MFCCs; the tonal space (melody and harmony), represented by the chromagram and the rhythmic space

represented by the rhythmogram.

In addition, we used mixture of features and note onsets to in an attempt to improve the final results.

The goal of this chapter is to proceed with the conclusions of the work done followed by the contributions and

finally of future work suggestions.

5.1 Conclusion

According to Bruderer et AL experiments on humans perception of structural boundaries in popular music

(Bruderer et al. 2006); ”global structure” (repetition, break), ”change in timbre”, ”change in level” and ”change

in rhythm”, represent the main perceptual cues responsible for the perceiving of boundaries in music.

In order to approximately represent such perceptual cues, we collected three features from the audio stream:

40 MFCCs, the chromagram and the rhythmogram.

Using the novelty-score approach, average results showed that the MFCCs did better, followed by the Rhyth-

mogram and finally by the chromagram. Such a ranking is consistent with the Bruderer et AL study. In the

sense that the MFCCs would represent the ”change in timbre” cue, and the rhythmogram, the ”change in

rhythm” cue. The chromagram was in fact used in order to complete the three most important musical dimen-

sions. But the fact is that, using this approach, the chromagram does not succeed. Hence, the combination of


The main idea underlying the use of multiple features is that each dimension completes the others, mixing the

features was the logical action. However, mixing features proved to be a more difficult task than expected.

Three methods were tested: Intersection of peaks, sum of SDMs and the SVD. None achieved an improvement

of the average results relatively to the features alone, they all got worst mean accuracy. This leads to the con-


clusion that, using the novelty-score approach the inclusion of more features and mixture is not advantageous,

as the MFCCs got the best results 4.13.

We then verify that the MFCCs are of the most importance for the task of segmenting music. Meaning that,

on average, the MFCCs encode the information that is most useful to detect the instants of change between

segments. This is on average, because as seen, in some cases the rhythmogram or the chroma encodes the most

useful information. This was the reason that lead us to experiment a way of selecting the features according to

the song.

Another effort to improve the final average results was using the note onsets to select segment boundaries.

This approach proved to be ineffective, on average did not change the final results.

Other important elements of influence in the final results are the window of analysis size and the distance

measure used to compute the SDM. To determine the window size an equation was proposed using the bpm

of the song, this got good results compared to fixed window sizes. For the distance measure, the Manhattan

distance got the best results what was expected, and is consistent with Aggarwal et al. (2001), that determined

that the Manhattan distance did better when dealing with high dimensionality data.

5.2 Contributions

The work done on Girao Antunes et al. (2011) studied: the inclusion of feature combination (MFCCs and chro-

magram) and note onsets, on a novelty-based approach to the problem of music structural segmentation.

On this thesis the work was proceeded with the inclusion of one more feature (the rhythmogram) to the mix-

ture. Also relevant was the inspection done on each music of the corpus about the results obtained with each

feature and combination, and the bpm variable window to collect the features.

5.3 Future Work

Future work should focus on: the note onsets, window of collection and feature combination. About the note

onsets, not only in terms of detection, but mostly in terms of selection. If a good selection of potential onset

candidates is done, the use of such onsets should improve the final average results. The fact is that the note

onsets used did not get worse results, results did barely change. This probably means that the note onsets were

not sufficiently selective to the novelty-score peaks, meaning that they are too close to each other and in that

sense do not influence the final result.

Moreover, one should try to improve the window adjustment to the song, to avoid features to spread to other

frames.And ensuring that windows properly fit in the structure of the song from the beginning of it.


About the mixture of features some work can also be done, namely experimenting with different methods of

dimensionality reduction. And apply supervised methods to avoid that the mixture gets worst results than

the features alone.



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