audience research task

Audience Research Task Identifying the aspects the audience have for the band blink-182 and how I can use them in my media product.

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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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Audience Research TaskIdentifying the aspects the audience have for the band blink-

182 and how I can use them in my media product.

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ASSUMPTIONS Plays their own musical instrument: there is a lot of creativity and

adventurous aspects to what blink-182 have achieved in their music careers as they have inspired so many other bands such as Paramore and Fall Out Boy.

Deeply into the music scene: blink-182 play their own instruments and are in a vastly populated genre of pop-punk alongside bands such as All Time Low and The Offspring so I would expect fans to enjoy them also.

Extroverts: the music videos are usually humorous and light-hearted, therefore I expect their fan-base to be the same rather than introverted.

Mostly teenagers and people who are in their twenties: mostly because of the outgoing lyrics and the common teenage themes they hold in their music such as love, friendship, hate, attitude, individuality and mind.

Casually dressed in jeans and t-shirts – maybe eccentric hair styles/colours: this is because I believe that their fans will be more inclined to spend money on things such as band tickets rather than fancy clothing and new technological devices. Which is why I also think they attends festivals/gigs – generally listen to live music and enjoy the party atmosphere that’s created.

Have tattoos and/or piercings: the theme of being free-spirited and living more recklessly through their teenage years inspired this assumption as the band themselves have tattoos and piercings.

Have social networking sites: to keep intact the element of being socially connected to other people and influenced by online media.

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72.22% of the people I have asked had said they visit which sells tickets to live gigs/festivals/shows all over the country. This has proved my assumption to be correct as I believed fans of the band would be highly influenced to go to live music shows and enjoy the party-atmosphere. This is showing that when I make a music video for this genre I will need to incorporate a live performance into the video.

Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr are social networking sites that I had thought they would have and 66.67% had Facebook, 88.89% had Twitter and 77.78% had Tumblr. I could use this information to advertise my music video when it created on these websites as they are commonly used amongst my audience.

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WEBSITE ANALYSIS PRT.2 I added (44.44%) and (11.11%) in to the answers to see if they bought physical albums but the results showed them as unpopular and perhaps that they would be more inclined to buy digital copies from distributors such as iTunes. was popular (83.33%) which shows that music streaming and viewing from there are a lot more popular than going onto website such as Kerrang! (16.67%) and NME (22.22%) and I can use this information to also distribute my music video through this media outlet.

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PASS-TIMES AND HOBBIES When I asked my audience what they liked to do in

their spare time the most popular response was “listening to music” with 88.89% of those who I asked choosing it. This agrees with the “deeply into the music scene” assumption I made. This means when I make my music video intertexual references to other media products in this genre will be appreciated by my audience.

The second most popular option was “social gatherings with friends” (66.67%) this means that my audience are social and like to spend time with other people rather than alone, so my music video needs to be light-hearted and fun.

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The least popular options were “knitting,” (11.11%) “sports,” (22.22%) “outdoor activities,” (22.22%) “cooking” (22.22%) and “family orientated activities” (16.67%) therefore these attributes would be pointless associating with my finish product – unless I manipulate it so it is seen as an aspect of humour.

Preferences such as “playing an instrument,” “reading” and “playing video games” also were highly populated choices. This is again showing the adventurous and creative side of the audience who listen to this genre and band in particular, emphasising that we need to include outgoing scenes in our music video.

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My results clearly state that those who listen to blink-182 are more likely to be introverted (72.22%) than extroverted (27.72%). This didn't agree with my assumptions as I believed they would be as outgoing and spontaneous as the band, However alongside my previous results they are more likely to be adventurous types through fictional aspects as “playing video games” and “reading” were very populated pass-times. This means by using these qualities, I’ll be able to make a music video that is daring and bold as they enjoy living through other devices.

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AGE OF TARGET AUDIENCE the most influential age group for this band is the 13-19 category

(88.89%) which I had expected through my assumptions. This means that scenes in my music video should be relatable to this age group as they are the ones who will be the ones watching it therefore I will try and include scenes such as school difficulties or problems circled around love – or even expand on blink-182’s “too young to care” attitude they express in many of their music videos such as in “What’s My Age Again?” and “All The Small Things.”

5.56% were 20 year olds to 30 year olds and 5.56% were 40+, however this may be due to the fact that the band has been around for many years and they could be old fans. However, if they still enjoy the music they should also still find the light-heartedness of their music videos enjoyable therefore they would hopefully still watch ours if we manage to create it in a similar way.

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In my assumptions I stated that the audience would be more casually clothed and 61.11% had emphasised this fact as they had chosen this style and this is because, I believe, the audience is less materialistic therefore not too caring over expensive clothing or the newest technology.

Some had dressed smart/casual (5.56%) and some had chosen grunge (11.11%) which could just be personal preference as people don’t always dress as their music taste may incline so I shouldn’t base my entire music video on the idea that they’re all laidback about style as some might find it important.

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I asked them what bands may express their music taste as a whole to understand what other genres I shoud look at in order to understand my audience fully. This is because many music enthusiasts have a wide variety of music they listen to and I could try to incorporate one into my own music video to captivate more than one audience.

Obviously, the most popular was blink-182 (61.11%) as I asked their fans.

The second most popular was the Arctic Monkeys. The Arctic Monkeys are very similar to blink-182 in the sense that they both focus on rock genre music, however, there’s leans more towards “indie-rock” and blink-182’s is “pop-punk” I could potentially use both, as they are so similar, for my final product.

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I believed that the audience would have tattoos and body art however I was proven again wrong, as 88.89% didn’t. This may be due to the young-teen age group that actually can’t yet get them, but to make it more relatable to my target audience I will try to avoid characters with them.

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THE REFORMER: “Don’t tell me what to do or what to think” says the Reformer, valuing their own independent judgement. Reformers are the most anti-materialistic of the seven groups, and are often perceived as intellectual. They are socially aware, and pride themselves on tolerance. Reformers seek out the authentic and the harmonious, and are often at the leading edge of society. However, unlike Explorers, they will not buy things just because they are new. Their core need in life is for enlightenment (source:

The reason I think they are the Reformer in Maslow’s “seven kinds of people” are because my research as enabled me to see they are anti-materialistic, they are still socially aware of situations and they also are into enlightenment through the knowledge of reading or even the adventures of video games. I need to make sure my music video is attractive to the Reformer in order to have a successful media product.

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