audience research


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Post on 20-Mar-2017




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Page 1: Audience research


Page 2: Audience research

This question is an absolute essential when answering survey, they use this demographic questions such as this one as it allows you to know who your target market really is and what they are really thinking of. 100% of people that answered my survey were between 15-18 years of age this shows that a large majority of people that read magazines are of a younger age. Also In some cases it is imperative to know what age group is answering your survey. In this case it allows me to establish what age group to aim my magazine at.Age can make a difference to the results of your survey. Say for example the question is about what your favourite song is. Teenagers are most likely to say a song that has been released in the last one or two years, however a more senior person may say a song that was released around 20 years ago.This information may also allow me to establish things such as what colour themes I should use, what articles my audience will be interested in about what specific artists due to their age.

Page 3: Audience research

The graph shows that a higher of people who read magazines are female. This is also demographic question, I have asked this question because peoples gender can have a big impact on their opinion this then has an impact over the results of your survey. This is the reason why women tend to be more aware of their emotions as opposed to men, while males tend to think from an objective, task focused on point. This question allows you to establish and differentiate between what different sex preference and what you need to include in your magazine to appeal to both your feminine and masculine audience.

Page 4: Audience research

The most popular of responses were music genres such as pop, indie and R&B. I previously asked the age of people answering this survey this has an effect on the genres of music they like for example If a more senior audience had answered my survey they may have chosen genres such as classical or jazz. It shows that there is a relationship between peoples age groups and the genre of music that they like. It is memorable youth, people enjoy music that they have grown up with.

This allows me narrow down what artists I should include in my magazine. It is also helps the magazine become more targeted: specific magazine titles appeal to specific target groups.

Page 5: Audience research

This allows me to see what I should feature most in my magazine so that it will appeal to the age group that I am aiming it at. While looking at these results it is clear that information/articles and photographs are some of the features that interest people most to buy a magazine. Therefore this indicates that I should use a large amount of things such as interviews with well known artists, the articles need to include interesting gossip to keep people engaged with the magazine.

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80% of people prefer magazines to be published on a monthly basis. Magazines have a long life they don’t have to be published as much as news papers. Publishing a magazine on a monthly basis allows you to Increase the price as you will have included more pages and detail/information into your articles. Monthly magazines also usually contain a freebee and normally printed on higher quality paper. Producing a magazine on a monthly basis allows you to collect more advertisements which increases profits made off the magazine.Advertisements have many advantages such as;• People tend to trust magazine advertisements

more than other media.• Magazine advertisements are relevant and

targeted to the features in the magazine therefore will appeal to the readers.

• Pass-on readership – people may pass magazines on to their friends and family which will increase exposure of your advert.

• Status – some magazine titles are well respected in their field, so an advertisement in these will increase your product/service’s prestige by association.

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From these results I can see that feature articles and interviews are what people think are most important. These are articles that give you detailed information about relevant artists. Everyday the media is overloads with gossip from different sources. They use feature articles to tell the audience about the new gossip on their favourite artists. They usually focus more on people. Features are designed to bring the human element into the picture. Photo spreads are also an important feature it gives the reader more of a realistic approach also an equal balance between photos and articles will interest the younger audience more than all writing/text.

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Looking at these results I can see that NME is one of the most rated magazines, this magazine has many advantages such as it becoming a freely distributed magazine. This magazine may appeal to this audience as they are more interested in indie/ general rock music. Also NME is a weekly distributed magazine with more general gossip. The fact that the magazine is freely distributed magazine will appeal to this aged audience more.

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80% of people who undertook my survey answered they would preferably buy a magazine in a store rather than online. This tells me that distributing my magazine in store will increase my amount of sales also allows my target market to personally see what the magazine contains opposed to online where you are not able to, which only 20% of my target market chose. However advertising my magazine online is still an option.

I can clearly see from these results that people this age would not spend more than £7 on a magazine. However I don’t know if this would be on a monthly or weekly magazine. From these results it has helped me to decide that I will produce a monthly distributed magazine, this will allow me to