audience research

Audience Research

Upload: arobbins4

Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Audience Research

Audience Research

Page 2: Audience Research

Here is the first question on my audience research survey.

These are some of the answers I got back after I put my survey on Facebook for people to answer

This answer shows us that the main cause of mental health in teenagers is the stress of school and exams

This question overall shows me that people do believe that mental health in teenagers is high and does exist.

Page 3: Audience Research

Here is the second and most important question I asked my target audience as it talks specifically about self-harm and it gives me a chance to see what my target audience’s views are on the subject.

This particular answer stands out the most to me, this is because the respondent talks about how society deal with some who talks about self-harm. This is an issue I want to address with my film trailer.

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This question focus’ more around if a film on self-harm would be welcomed to audience members.

This answer looks at exactly what I want to create with my trailer, by not drawing so much attention to the fact that the character self-harms but why they do it and how they can be helped.

This answer looks at the fact that people who understand self-harm and those who have experienced it will watch a film about it. But they also touch on an important point, if a film like this was to go out it will get a lot of attention and will gain controversy.

Also this answer talks about how others may be interested to find out more about it and why people do, also to see it from the persons eyes and how it affects them.

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This question is one in which I was looking at what people would answer to it.

The majority of people have answered that it is still a ‘Taboo’ subject as most of society would rather brush it under the carpet and pretend that it didn’t exist.

Also on the other hand others here have said that it become socially acceptable to the point that people are now doing it as an attention seeking strategy.

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This also is one of the most important questions as it is at the heart of my research and my target audiences opinion on this certain subject will have a big impact on my final product.

This particular question is a very interesting one as it talks about the person having to understand why they self-harm before they can get help for it from someone else.

This answer is also interesting as it talks about what kind of teacher will care and listen, only teachers who will respect the student and not think the students problems are meaningless.

What most of the answers are talking about are whether the student will feel safe and will trust the teacher they are talking to and of the teacher will respect them.