attract everything you want

Attract everything you want Publishing Date : 11 May, 2015 Author : Tebogo Toteng MoneyMind This universe is based on attraction; the most powerful law of the universe. You are the creator of your own destiny. You can attract anything that you want, money, great relationships and a life of abundance. You will be taken aback to note that the pursuit of ultimate abundance and life’s greatest rewards; lies in your thoughts. Your thoughts attract mental equivalent of the energy that you radiate. Your outer self is a reflection of your inner state. Mastery of your thoughts is the key to a life of abundance in all facets of your life. Your ability to tap into the spirit of your being and operating at an advanced level of mental thought is the secret to success. The law of attraction is plain and simple but not easy to practice as it is premised on controlling your thoughts. You control your thoughts and inherently you are in control of your destiny. The purpose of column is to give you a glimpse of a great secret. A law only known to fewer than 10% of the people who control 90% of the world’s wealth. The greatest people in history knew this, Isaac Newton, Shakespeare, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey, George Soros you name them. The law of attraction eliminates the old adage of living like a slave to live a king. It asserts that there is abundance in the universe for everyone. You control access to limitless abundance, opportunities to infinite possibilities not through manpower but through mindpower. You can become what you want, earn what you want, achieve greater wealth, achieve happiness, and influence events in your life just by controlling your thoughts “Whatever the mind of a man can conceive it can achieve.” W Clement Stone

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Attract everything you wantPublishing Date :11 May, 2015Author :

Tebogo TotengMoneyMind

This universe is based on attraction; the most powerful law of the universe. You are the creator of your own destiny. You can attract anything that you want, money, great relationships and a life of abundance.

You will be taken aback to note that the pursuit of ultimate abundance and lifes greatest rewards; lies in your thoughts. Your thoughts attract mental equivalent of the energy that you radiate. Your outer self is a reflection of your inner state. Mastery of your thoughts is the key to a life of abundance in all facets of your life.

Your ability to tap into the spirit of your being and operating at an advanced level of mental thought is the secret to success.

The law of attraction is plain and simple but not easy to practice as it is premised on controlling your thoughts. You control your thoughts and inherently you are in control of your destiny. The purpose of column is to give you a glimpse of a great secret. A law only known to fewer than 10% of the people who control 90% of the worlds wealth.

The greatest people in history knew this, Isaac Newton, Shakespeare, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey, George Soros you name them.

The law of attraction eliminates the old adage of living like a slave to live a king. It asserts that there is abundance in the universe for everyone. You control access to limitless abundance, opportunities to infinite possibilities not through manpower but through mindpower.You can become what you want, earn what you want, achieve greater wealth, achieve happiness, and influence events in your life just by controlling your thoughtsWhatever the mind of a man can conceive it can achieve. W Clement StoneAnd the question in yours mind is how do I claim my life of abundance

GratitudeFirst of all you need to be grateful for what you have. When you become grateful for what you have, you create a force field of positive energy. And remember the law of attraction works on what we call the mental equivalent. Whatever thoughts you harbor, you attract a mental equivalent from the universe. If you think happy, good thoughts, the universe responds with circumstances in your life that will make you happy.

On the contrary when you entertain negative thoughts you tend to attract negative things in you life. When you worry about those bills, credit cards, debts you seem to attract more and more of the same problems. The answer is very simple; the universe is neutral and ensures no favours whatever you think with deep intensity and passion the universe reacts by giving you what you exactly the same.

Unbelievable?The greatest inventions from renowned inventors were borne out of the subconscious mind. You can literally attract anything that you want in your life by controlling your thinking. How you think about yourself today will absolutely determine who you are tomorrow; Control your thoughts you take care of your destiny.

The greatest people in history knew this, Isaac Newton, Shakespeare, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein The secret gives you all you want happiness, wealth and health. You want to be a millionaire, do you want great relationship; all these you can get from the great secret.Make it absolute clear in your mind what is that your want. It works every time with a every person. Thoughts become a reality.Thoughts have a frequency. How long will it take?The more intensely and clearer goals you have the faster you will realize your dreams.

A lot of people are imprisoned by their current circumstances but that is just your current reality. Remove your attention from the things that you dont want.

Everything in the universe is energy.

Change the inner relationship with the inner self. Life is meant to be abundant. There is enough abundance in the universe for everyone.

Successful people think about what they want and their goals all the time. Unsuccessful people spend more time thinking about their problems and worries all the time. The more they think with intensity of the problems there more problems they attract to their lives.

Thoughts create a force field of energy. Nature is neutral if you think positive and happy thoughts, you create around yourself a positive force field and guess what you attract to yourself positive things in your life.