attack on human rights defenders

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  • 7/27/2019 Attack on Human Rights defenders


    Mk0 ysfuu] Jqfr] ekuokf/kdkj tufuxjkuhlfefr ij lkEiznkf;d] efgyk fojks/kh]

    tkfroknh rkdrksa dk geyk D;ksa \

    Why ? ?Attack of Communal, antiwomen

    & Pro-Caste System

    forces against Dr. Lenin, Shruti & PVCHR

  • 7/27/2019 Attack on Human Rights defenders



    Based on the facts and evidences on the report submitted by the Varanasi

    Police to the NHRC (ST/ G-NHRC-13/2013/418):

    Mr. Sunil Gupta had a love marriage with his first wife Ms. Soni Gupta in 1995 and

    approximately after 7 years of the marriage his wife died due to hanging, which also

    means she was either killed or she herself committed suicide? The tragic death

    amply proves that Mr. Sunil Gupta has a bias attitude towards women which led to

    the untimely death of Ms. Soni Gupta. Ms. Sapna Chaurasia has testified, His

    previous wife in all probability was forced to take such an extreme step of ending her

    life just because she could not bear such cruel and inhuman treatment meted out to

    her. After the incident Sunil Gupta had a compromise deal with the Soni's family. In

    the absence of any legal action, Sunil Gupta got a moral boost for his actions. It is a

    well known fact that Sunil Gupta has made clouts in the Bhelupur police station,

    Varanasi in India and using that power for illegal purposes which constitute a

    serious threat for the Rule of Law. A false case with Crime number 199 under

    section 13, 342, 384, 498 was filed by Sunil Gupta in Bhelupur police station against

    me and my wife Shruti on 19 June , 2013 which is a clear example pointing to that.

    Surprisingly, Sunil Gupta filed the same complaint with the office of IG police,

    Varanasi zone on 21 January, 2013 and the matter was investigated by the Circle

    Officer, Cantonment area. Sunil Gupta has referred this also in his statement. In his

    final investigation report (No: CO Cant CST/RGZ-09-2013) submitted by Mr.

    Rakesh Kumar Singh, Circle Officer on 20 February, 2013, the allegations leveled by

    Mr. Sunil Gupta were proved false and baseless. On the basis of same allegations Mr.

    Sunil Gupta filed a habeas corpus writ petition (No: 8753/2013) in the honorable

    High Court on which Sapna and her brother Shyam made their statements before

    the court. Honorable High Court while dismissing the writ petition passed the

    following order:

    Sunil Kumar Gupta, the husband of the corpus has appeared before this Court

    along with a five years child who is admittedly born out of this wedlock. The

    question of his custody may arise but for that purpose, corpus may apply before

    the proper forum in a separate suit if she is so advised. The petition stands

    disposed of, accordingly. Corpus is set at liberty she may go anywhere as perher wish and desire. Her husband, Sunil Kumar Gupta, is restrained from

    making any kind of interference in the peaceful life and liberty of the corpus.

    With the aforesaid observations, this petition stands disposed of.

    After the court judgment Sapna sent registered letters to DGP, SSP, SHO- Cant,

    SHO-Women's Police Station and SHO-Bhelupur Police Station on 25 March 2013.

    It is quite astonishing to know that Sunil Kumar Gupta has filed a case in the High

    Court on behalf of his wife in which he has made District Magistrate, SSP and the UP

    government via Home Secretary along with me as a party in the case. I was served a

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    notice in the case. It is quite obvious that District Administration and Varanasi Police

    must also have been served notices for the same. But on 18 March, 2013 but no one

    was present in the court on behalf of District Administration and Varanasi Police.

    Varanasi district police also sent a report to the National Human Rights Commission

    on 10 April, 2013. But the above mentioned facts and the details of the HonorableHigh Court's judgment were not taken into consideration as evidences. While Sunil

    Gupta clearly mentioned about it in his statement to Varanasi police. It proves that

    Varanasi police is giving additional protection to Sunil Gupta. On 3 December, 2013

    SapnaChaurasia sent a registered complaint letter to the Senior Superintendent of

    Police and I also sent complaint letters to Senior Superintendent of Police and the

    National Human Rights Commission on 5 December, 2013. After the notice of

    Honorable Human Rights Commission and reminder from the Home Ministry,

    Varanasi Police filed a case with No: 4/13 under Sections 328, 511, 498 A, 323 and

    504 of the Indian Penal Code. At the same time before 10 April crucial sections

    namely; 328, 511of the IPC were removed from the case list. While under the other

    sections the case was referred to the mediation center in Varanasi by the government

    order in which 11 April, 2013 was mentioned as the date for mediation. A day before

    this, on 10 April, 2013 report was also sent to the honorable Human Rights

    Commission. This action also makes it clear that Sunil Gupta was being protected by

    the Varanasi police. At the first stance the FIR was filed after three months and

    within less than one month of time two crucial sections were removed from the

    charges and the whole matter was made out to be a case for mediation. An FIR on the

    same charges was filed in Bhelupur police station against those who were pleading

    the case on which police investigation had already been completed and the

    honorable High Court had passed its judgment. Therefore an FIR under section 166

    A of IPC should be registered against the police officials of Varanasi police

    responsible for this act. In this connection on 20 June 2013, I have sent my

    statement before my death through a registered letter as well as through E Mail to

    DGP-UP, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Chairperson, National Human Rights

    Commission in which I have clearly mentioned that Varanasi SP (City), corrupt

    officials of Cant police station, corrupt non government organizations along with anti

    women elements could conspire to eliminate me physically. On 24 January, 2013 I

    also issued an urgent appeal to conduct a high level enquiry by CBI or CB-CID and

    sent my petition to various police officials and the National Human Rights

    Commission. I made accusations for an imminent threat on my life and security

    along with attempts to implicate me in fabricated legal cases but no action was taken

    on my complaint. On 19 June 2013 on the basis of a letter written to Chief Medical

    Officer by Sunil Gupta, a case was filed against me and my wife Shruti. On 23 June

    2013 I informed the DGP- UP, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Chairperson,

    National Human Rights Commission about death threats and attempts to falsely

    implicate me through a registered letter and E Mail. Meanwhile on 26 June 2013 I

    held a meeting with the honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh at his residence

    and DGP- UP with a representative committee having 8 members and I gave an

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    application for investigation and action on this incident along with several other

    issues. On the same evening I got a phone call threatening to implicate me in a rape

    case and I informed about it through social networking site Face Book. I sent my

    complaint regarding calls threatening to implicate me in false cases and my murder,

    through registered letter to various officials of the honorable National Human RightsCommission.


    But no action was taken and after that on 24 April 2013 I was attacked with weaponswith a clear intention to kill. A case was registered with case no: 359/13 undersections 307, 452, 341, 323 on 25 April, 2013. Even after the registration of the caseno investigating officer came to investigate even once. After that Sunil Gupta and hisgang started attacking my wife with slanderous remarks by creating an account inFace book. They also made objectionable and unethical remarks on my cousinsister's marriage terming as a high profile NGO party by using photographs from my

    wife's face book account for which Shruti filed a case with Crime no: 418/13 in Cantpolice station under sections 66 G, 66 GH and 67 B of the IT Act. On that complaintinvestigating officer visited us only once. On 13 May, 2013 I wrote a letter to theSenior Superintendent of Police, Varanasi informing about it. On 18 June, 2013 Iwrote a complaint to the IG, Varanasi Zone informing him that Sunil Gupta hasthreatened the relatives of Sapna to make a compromise otherwise she would have toface consequences. While talking about the gang war he claims to be a member andclose confident of Munna Bajrangi gang: The conversation had beenrecorded and produced before the police official. The matter is being investigated by

    the Circle Officer, Cant Police Station, Varanasi. My statement has also beenrecorded and further action is awaited in the matter (CST/RTZ 997-13, June 23,2013, Senior Superintendent of Police). On the complaint of Shruti, the DistrictProbation Officer has already sent a letter to the Senior Superintendent of Police totake action on the matter (Letter No: 2572-73/ Dist/ Pro/ Office/SSP/Complaint/2012-13).Once again by disregarding the order of Honorable HighCourt Sunil Gupta gave a complaint to District Collector, Varanasi and askedDistrict Probation Officer to start investigation against me once again (Letter No:778-9/Dist/Pro/Off/Complaint/Investigation/2013-14/ Dated 17, June 2013).Before all this I and Sapna had already submitted our prayer to take action against

    Sunil Gupta under section 182 of IPC. It is to be noted that Sunil Gupta can harassme and my organization with the connivance of corrupt police, corrupt lawyers,corrupt media and corrupt officials, so one can only imagine the fate and condition ofSapna and her family. One day Sunil Gupta forcibly abducted Sapana's youngersister Soni and she could be freed only after her brother Shyam interfered in thematter. In its investigation report on 10 February, 2013, Bhelupur Police station,Varanasi wrote to the Senior Superintendent of Police, Varanasi that when themissing girl was found, Lenin Raghuvanshi neither informed the police nor heinformed the higher officials whereas on 3 December, 2012 Sapna immediately senta registered letter to the Senior Superintendent of Police, Varanasi informing aboutit. The same complaint was sent to the honorable National Human Rights

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    Commission on which the commission sent a notice to the Senior Superintendent ofPolice, Varanasi on 15 December, 2012. Before 10 February, 2013 the committeehas written letters to many higher officials. But contrary to expectations, theBhelupur police station acting like a court and without recording my and Sapna's

    statements decides on its own which clearly indicates the influence Sunil Gupta hason the officials of Bhelupur police station.

    vOn 24 January, 2013 it has been demanded in written from National HumanRights Commission that an enquiry from the CB-CID should be set up in this case. Inthis case I was physically attacked in attempts to save the life of the victim. I had toapproach the High Court in a false case. False case was filed against me and Shruti. Iwas defamed in the social networking site. It all happened because I am a humanrights worker. I filed a complaint in the National Human Rights Commission but the'Human Rights Defender Desk' at the commission did not take appropriate and legalsteps.

    vSapna revealed in her testimony, I was kidnapped approximately after 4 daysand after completing marriage formalities they took me to home. My mother wasalone at home; she could not do anything because she was frightened by his power.Sapna also told that they forced her to sign on a paper and this happened in a hotel.She said I know one can get notary papers signed forcibly at home. The mattershould be investigated whether notary register carry the signatures of Soni Guptaand Sapna or not?

    vThe other fact is that in 2012 the age of Sapna was 23 years and during 2005-6her age must have been 15 to 16 years. At that time, this marriage is clearly a case ofchild marriage which is illegal under Indian law. But Varanasi police continues tohide this fact. Whereas this is a case of forced marriage which was agreed upon dueto pressure and fear? Sunil Gupta's influence within the police administration canbe found in his statement where he says he get the call details of his wife. SP (city)police office does not even care to know the matter that how he manages to get thecall details. It should be mentioned that Sapna has been nominated in the category ofcrusaders of women's rights in the Hindustan Times and her name was alsopublished in the daily. Sapna was also honored with a certificate presented to her byMember of Parliament, Mrs.DimpleYadav and the famous film actressShabanaAzami . Therefore, action should be taken against the police officials under

    section 166A of IPC.

    vIn the evidence scrutiny no: 3 police has told that the evidence given by SunilGupta shows that Sapna's medical treatment with drugs started in 2010 while theirmarriage took place in 2005. So clearly in the span of 5 years she was tortured andalso forcibly given alcohol and administered injections. When Sapna's conditiondeteriorated, she was taken to a doctor. The doctors diagnosed her withAdjustment disorder An Adjustment disorder occurs when an individual isunable to adjustment to or cope with a particular stressor, Like a major lifeevent,.It has been stated further, Unlike major depression however the

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    disorders is caused by an outside stressor & generally resolve once theindividual is able to adopt to situation. The police should have managed todetect the Adjustment disorder. It also means that Sunil Gupta worked as anOutside Stressor, tortured her, gave her drugs and injections and oppressed her.

    When she became too sick then took her for treatment. It is also a fact that false caseagainst me and Shruti was filed based on the letter addressed to the Chief MedicalOfficer. This also reveals an open nexus between the doctors, Sunil Gupta and thepolice. Therefore it is prayed that action should be taken against anti women gangunder the law along with an enquiry by the Independent agency.

    vSunil Gupta has accused that Sapna ran away taking jewellery and cash withher in November 2012. Then in July 2012 why did he make a claim for Vidavidai(ceremony performed when wife goes to her parental home) in the family court. SunilGupta is a cunning and anti women person.

    vOn 20 December, 2012 Sunil Gupta came to my residence and threatened me.I have already sent a registered complaint letter to various higher authorities. Againon 16 February 2013, I got a threatening call on my mobile which I already reportedto the Senior Superintendent of Police, Varanasi through a registered letter.Meanwhile, Sunil Gupta sent a letter to the IG on 21 January 2013. Before this SunilGupta did not provide any information of the previous incidents to any policeauthority. This fact has neither been registered by investigating officers nor beenincluded in the evaluation of police report. It clearly shows that a corrupt section ofpolice department, corrupt gang of lawyers and some anti social elements havejoined together in their efforts and facilitated to send this letter to the IG police. Therewas an enquiry on this matter and Circle Officer Cant police station submitted hisreport. But on my complaints filed on 20 December, 2012 and 16 January, 2013,even my statement has not been recorded so far. This also proves a close nexus oflocal police with Sunil Gupta. Even on the complaint letter written to the honorableNational Human Rights Commission related to threats given to me, no action hasbeen taken so far.

    vSunil Gupta came to Cheers Bar along with my school mate Pawan Singh. Thisincident took place on 2 January 2013 and it has been mentioned in the report ofCircle Officer Cant. After 18 days on 21 January, 2013 this incident was reported bySunil Gupta. Neither the Honorable High Court nor the Varanasi police took note of

    this delay in filing the complaint. In this case, rule of law has been flouted by thepower of money and corruption. Police has investigated and falsely claimed that Icalled up Sunil Gupta through my mobile. Police is shielding the accused in thematter.

    vWoman Protector AhilyaBai has accepted carrying out search operation.AhilyaBai searched Sapna at the behest of Sunil Gupta and then put pressure onher. The objective of Women Support Cell is to help women. In this case, laws underthe Domestic Violence Act 2005 have been completely violated. AhilyaBai alsopressurized me and even humiliated me during the recording of my statement. I have

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    sent a registered written complaint to the Senior Superintendent of Police, Varanasion 19 January, 2013.


    vBy terming the mental and physical exploitation of SapnaChaurasia ascontroversial and a case of personal disagreements in its investigation report, theVaranasi police are trying to hush up the matter. A corrupt section of the police isopposed to any move to defend human rights issues. After the initiative of NationalHuman Rights Commission on a complaint filed on 5 December, 2012, a case wasf i l ed aga inst Suni l Gupta ( case no: 04/2013 under sec t ion328/511/498A/323/504/506 of IPC) on 13 March, 2013 but two crucial sectionsnamely 328/511 were removed from this case by the Varanasi police. The fact is thatthis marriage took place in 2005 but Sapna was taken to a psychiatrist for treatmentin 2010. The psychiatrist diagnosed Sapna suffering from Adjustment disorderwhich is caused by the Stressor. In this case Sunil Gupta is the prime cause for such

    stress. Unfortunately the police removed both the crucial sections from the casewhich help in this kind of offences.

    vThis police report was sent on 10 April, 2013 but it does not mention the orderpassed by the honourable High Court. In this order the honourable High Courtdismissed the charge sheet sent to the IG police, Varanasi on 21 January, 2013 anddeclared Sapna to live her life independently and ordered Sunil Gupta not tointerrupt in her peaceful live. The police report does not even refer the report given byCircle Officer, Cant police station. In the report Sunil Gupta was never asked thequestion that why the complaint of the incident happened on 2 January, 2013 wasnot filed before 21 January, 2013? I filed a registered complaint regarding the threatsI received on 16 January, 2013 but no action was taken on my complaint. Even noone recorded my statement. I sent letters to honorable National Human RightsCommission on 20 December, 2012, 16 January, 2013 and also on 25 January,2013. But the Commission did not take any step to for the security of human rightsworker as a result I had to approach the High Court. On 19 June, 2013, a crime no:193/13 under sections 342, 384, 498 of IPC was filed against me and Shruti inBhelupur police station. I had a lethal attack on me and Shruti's dignity was hurt bya sustained campaign in the social networking site, Face Book. The progress detailsof the investigation on this registered case no: 359/13 and 418/13 are not beingshared with the complainant. On 19 June, 2013 I was again threatened, I lodged a

    complaint but nothing happened. As a result of this torture and constant pressureSapna's mother expired on 28 March, 2013. It is quite evident that the approach ofVaranasi police has been anti-women and its actions are directed towards torturingand destroying the lives of human rights workers.

    vWe want that NHRC should summon me, Shruti, Police Officials and SunilGupta before a full-bench of commission and start proceedings. The Commissionshould strengthen its Human Rights Defender Desk. Investigations should becarried out after filing the First Information Report on the threats received on 20December, 2012 and 16 January, 2013 and compensation should be given to the

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    mentally tortured victim,;Sapna and other human rights workers. The whole caseshould be handed over to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for freed and fairinvestigation and action should be taken against the police officials responsible forinjustice under section 166A of Indian Penal Code.

    Discriminatory attitudes and lack of sensitization to the dynamics of crimesinvolving sexual or domestic violence leave victims without critical police aid orredress to which they are entitled. The police attitude that domestic violence isprimarily of a private nature is the most unfortunate trivialization of a grave socialevil, that too, when the police are empowered to arrest the perpetrator without anywarrant.

    The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, was enacted to augmentwomen's immediate protection from violence through emergency relief, includingaccess to temporary protection order and domestic violence shelters.

    In reality, the situation, however, depicts a complete reversal. The lawyers andactivists say that due to poor implementation of the law, women facing imminent andlife threatening violence remains hostage to police attitude. This attitude of the policeperhaps stems from its traditional legacy of rule of lords?, the same as its colonialmasters. This is the common bond between the police and the feudal lords in India,which do not believe in the concept of welfare state.

    We launched the Satyagrah ( againstdrug Mafia, Sex mafia, police atrocity and apathy of cases against Human Rightsdefenders in various part of Uttar Pradesh. This satyagrah started on 15th August,2013 and continues for four days in front of street of PVCHR office and on 19thAugust, 2013 at District Head Quarter, Varanasi.

    v23rd August, 2013 Baghwanala, Hukulganj, Varanasiv24th August, 2013 Robertsganj, Sonbhadrav25th August, 2013 Nehru Yuwa Kendra, Harhuwav26th August, 2013 ParmandapurArajiline, Varanasiv27th August, 2013 Saraimohana, Chairaigaon, Varanasv

    28th August, 2013 Badagaon, Varanasiv29th August, 2013 Pindra, Varanasiv30th August, 2013 Rampur, Jaunpurv31st August, 2013 Bazardihav1st September, 2013 Aligarhv2nd September, 2013 Moradabadv3rd September, 2013 Meerutv18th September, 2013 culmination of Satyagrah in Lucknow at


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    If you want to support and unable to attend please light a candle in your area, officeand home for rule of law in India and protection of Human Rights defenders and writeletter to Government of UP ([email protected]) for rule of law in India and protection ofHuman Rights defenders.


    1. Chief SecretaryGovernment of Uttar PradeshShri Lal Bhadur Shastri BhavanLucknow 226001, Uttar PradeshFax: +91 52 2223 9283, Email: [email protected]

    2. Director General of Police1-Tilak Marg, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

    Fax: + 91 522 220 6120 / 220 6174, E-mail: [email protected]

    3. Chief MinisterGovernment of Uttar PradeshChief Minister's SecretariatLucknow, Uttar PradeshFax: + 91 52 2223 0002 / 2223 9234 E-mail: [email protected]

    4. Inspector General of PoliceVaranasi ZoneVaranasi, Uttar PradeshEmail: [email protected]

    5. Senior Superintendent of PoliceVaranasi, SSP Office, Kachahari, Varanasi, Uttar PradeshEmail: [email protected]

    6. Mrs Margaret SekaggyaSpecial Representative of the Secretary General for human rights defendersAtt: Ben MajekodunmiRoom 1-040, C/o OHCHR-UNOG, 1211 Geneva 10, SWITZERLAND

    Tel: + 41 22 917 93 88, Fax: + 41 22 917 9006E-mail: [email protected]

    7. The ChairpersonNational Human Rights CommissionManavAdhikarBhawan, Block-'C',GPO Complex, INA,New Delhi 110023,Fax No. +91-11-23384863, E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected],

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    8. Hon'ble President,President of India,Rashtrapati Bhawan,New Delhi 110001

    9. The Registrar,Supreme court of India,Tilakmarg, New Delhi 110001Tel - +91-1123388922 24, 23388942 44,Fax no. - +91-1123381508, 23381584,23384336 / 23384533 / 23384447.Email [email protected]

    10. The Prime Minister,Prime Minister of India,South block, Raisina hill,

    New Delhi 110011Tel - +91-1123012312, Fax - +91-1123019545 / 23016857.Email: [email protected]

    11. Hon'ble Chief justice,High court, Uttar Pradesh,1, LalBahadurShastrimarg, Allahabad,Uttar Pradesh

    12. District MagistrateVaranasi (Uttar Pradesh)Fax: +91 54 2234 8313E-mail: [email protected]

    13. Special Rapporteur on Violence Against WomenOHCHR UNOG8- 14 Avenue de laPaix1211 Geneva 10, SwitzerlandFax No: +41229179006Email: [email protected]

    Thank You

    Urgent Appeal Desk, PVCHR([email protected])

  • 7/27/2019 Attack on Human Rights defenders



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  • 7/27/2019 Attack on Human Rights defenders



    mifLFkr ugha FkkA jk"Vh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx dks jiV 10 vizSy] 2013 dks ftyk iqfyl okjk.klh}kjk izsf"kr gS]fdUrq mlesa mijksDr rF;ksa ,oa ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; ds fu.kZ; dk fooj.k lk{; es ugha fy;k x;kA tcfdlquhy xqIrk us vius c;ku esa bldk ft fd;k FkkA blls okjk.klh iqfyl }kjk lquhy xqIrk dks laj{k.k nsuk fl)gksrk gSA 03 fnlEcj] 2012 dks liuk pkSjfl;k ekuuh; ofj"B iqfyl v/kh{kd dks iathd`r i= ls f'kdk;r Hkstk

    layXud la[;k&6 vkSj eSusa 5 fnlEcj] 2012 dks ofj"B iqfyl v/kh{kd o jk"Vh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx dksf'kdk;r HkstkAlayXud la[;k&7 ekuuh; vk;ksx ds uksfVl o x`g ea=ky; ds fjekbUMj ds ckn okjk.klh iqfylus 13 ekpZ] 2013 dks eqdnek la[;k 4@13 /kkjk 328@511@498v@323@504 vkbZ0ih0lh0 nk;j fd;kA ogh 10vizSy] 2013 ls iwoZ gh egRoiw.kZ vkbZ0ih0lh0 dh /kkjk 328@511 dks gVk fn;k x;kA ogh 'ks"k /kkjk esakkluns'kkuqlkj e/;LFkrk gsrq izdj.k dks e/;LFkrk dsUnz okjk.klh dks Hkstk x;kA ftlesa e/;LFkrk dh frfFk 11vizSy] 2013 FkhA blls ,d fnu iwoZ 10 vizSy 2013 dks gh ekuuh; vk;ksx dks jiV Hksth x;hA blls okjk.klhiqfyl }kjk lquhy xqIrk dks laj{k.k dk irk pyrk gS fd igys djhc rhu eghus cknF.I.RntZ gksrk gS] fdUrqrdjhcu 1 eghus ls de le; esa nks laxhu vijk/k dh /kkjk;s gVk dj e/;LFkrk dk dsl cuk fn;k tkrk gSA ;ghugha] iSjoh dj jgs yksxksa ds f[kykQ mu vkjksiksa ijF.I.R Hksywiqj Fkkuk esa dj fn;k tkrk gS] ftlij iqfyl foHkkx}kjk tkWp gks pqdh gS vkSj ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; us QSlyk ns fn;k gSA blfy, okjk.klh iqfyl foHkkx ds bld`R; ds ftEesnkj iqfyl dfeZ;ksa o vf/kdkfj;ks ijIPC dh /kkjk 166, ds rgr izkFkfedh ntZ dj dk;Zokgh djuhpkfg,A 20 twu 2013 dks eSusa iqfyl egkfuns'kd] eq[;ea=h o v/;{k jk"Vh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx tks e`R;q ls iwoZviuk c;ku iathr i= o bZ&esy ls HkstklayXud la[;k&8 ftlesa eSusa okjk.klh dkS.P.(City)o dS.V Fkkuk dsHkz'V iqfyl dehZ] Hkz'V Lo;a lsoh laxBu o n.M o efgyk fojks/kh iq:"kksa ls feydj gR;k djk ldrs gSA 24tuojh] 2013 dks eSusaCBI ;kCBCID}kjk mPpLrjh; tkWp djkus ds fy, vtsZUV vihy tkjh dj fofHkUu iqfylvf/kdkfj;ksa o jk'Vh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx dks isfV'ku fn;kA ftlesa esjh tku dk [krjk ds lkFk QthZ eqdnek esaQWlkus dk vkjksi yxk;kA layXud la[;k&9 fdUrq bl ij dqN Hkh ugha gqvkA cfYd 19 twu] 2013 dks lquhyxqIrk }kjk eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjh] okjk.klh dks fy[ks i= ij esjs o Jqfr ds f[kykQ eqdnek ntZ dj fy;k x;kA 20twu] 2013 dks eSusa eq[;ea=h] iqfyl egkfuns'kd o v/;{k jk"Vh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx dks eq>s feyh /kedh ,oaQthZ dsl esa QWlkus dh f'kdk;r bZ&esy ,oa iathr i= ls fd;kA layXud la[;k&10 blh chp 26 twu 2013dks eS 8 lnL; okys izfrfu/kh e.My ds lkFk ekuuh; eq[;ea=h th ds vkokl ij ekuuh; eq[;ea=h ,oa ekuuh;iqfyl egkfuns'kd ls feyk vkSj fofHkUu eqn~nks ds lkFk bl iwjs izdj.k ij tkp o dk;Zokgh dk izkFkZuk i= fn;kx;kA layXud la[;k&11 blh kke eq>s Qksu ij cykRdkj ds QthZ eqdnes esa Qlkus dh /kedh vk;h] ftldhlwpuk Qslcqd ij Hkh fn;kA eSus yxkrkj 20 fnlEcj 2012 o 16 tuojh 2013 dks QthZ dsl esa Qlkus ,oa tku lsekjus /kedh dh f'kdk;r iathr i= ls ekuuh; vk;ksx ds lkFk fofHkUu vkf/kdkfj;ksa dks fn;kA fdUrq dqN ughagqvk vkSj 24 vizSy 2013 ij esjs ij tkuysok geyk gks x;kA ftl ij 25 vizSy] 2013 dks eqdnek la[;k359@13 /kkjk 307] 452] 341] 323 ntZ gqvkA bl ij Hkh ,d ckj ds ckn dksbZ Hkh tkp vf/kdkjh vkdj tkp ughafd;kA lquhy xqIrk ds uke ij lquhy xqIrk ,oa mldk xSax Qslcqd ij ,dkmUV cukdj esjh iRuh ds xfjek ijgeyk djuk kq: fd;k ,oa esjs pspjh cgu dh kknh dks ,u0th0vks0 dks gkbZQkbZ ikVhZ crkdj Jqfr ds Qslcqd,dkmUV dh QksVks dk iz;ksx fd;kA ftlij Jqfr us okjk.klh ds dSUV Fkkukesa eq0la0 418@13] 66x] 66?k] 67 chvkbZ0 Vh0 ,DV esa fd;kA layXud la[;k&12 fdUrq ,d ckj ds vykok dksbZ tkWp vf/kdkjh ugha vk;kA 13 ebZ2013 dks bl ekeys esa eSus ofj'B iqfyl v/kh{kd] okjk.klh dks i= Hkstk layXud la[;k&13 18 twu 2013 dkseSus bZ&esy ls vkbZ0th0 okjk.klh jsUt dks f'kdk;r Hkstk fd layXud la[;k&14 lquhy xqIrk vius fj'rsnkj dks/kedh fn;k fd liuk le>kSrk djys] ugha rks ifj.kke [krjukd gksxkA lkFk gh xSxokj dh ckr djrs gq, vius dkseqUuk ctjaxh xSax dk vkneh crkrk gSA ;g ckrphr Vsi dj fy;k x;kA ftldk Vsi lh0Mh0 Hkh Hkstk x;kAlayXud la[;k&15 ftlij {ks=kf/kdkjh dS.V] okjk.klh tkWp dj jgsA ftlesa esjk c;ku gqvk gSA vkxs D;k gksrkgS? bldh izrh{kk gSA lh0,l0Vh0@vkj0Vh0tsM0&997@13 fnukad 23 twu 2013 ekuuh; ofj"B v/kh{kd--layXud la[;k&16 ;gh ugha] ftyk izkscs'ku vf/kdkjh] okjk.klh }kjk igys gh 24 tuojh 2013 dks Jqfr dhf'kdk;r ij ofj'B iqfyl v/kh{kd] okjk.klh dks dk;Zokgh ds fy, i= Hkstk x;kAi=kad 2572&73@ft0 izkscs0

  • 7/27/2019 Attack on Human Rights defenders



    dk0@lk0 ok0 iq0@f'kdk0@2012&13 layXud la[;k&17 iqu% lquhy xqIrk }kjk ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; dsvkns'k dks fNikdj ftykf/kdkjh okjk.klh dks f'kdk;r djds ftyk izkscs'ku vkf/kdkjh }kjk esjs f[kykQ iu% tkWpkq: dj fn;kA i=kad 778&79@ft0izks0dk0@f'kdk;r@tkWp 2013&14 fnukafdr 17 twu 2013 layXudla[;k&18 blds iwoZ liuk o esjs }kjk lquhy ds ij 182 vkbZ0ih0lh0 ds rgr dk;Zokgh dk fuosnu fd;k x;k

    gSA lquhy xqIrk Hkz"V iqfyl foHkkx] Hkz"V odhy] Hkz"V ehfM;k ,oa iz'kklfud vf/kdkfj;ksa ls feydj eq>s ,oa lfefrdks ijs'kku dj ldrk gS] rks liuk vkSj mlds ifjokj dk D;k gkyr blls iwoZ fd;k gksxk? ,d ckj liuk ds HkkbZ;ke dks Hksywiqj iqfyl us mBk fy;k] liuk ds vius ifr ds ?kj vkus ij gh ;keth dks NksM+k x;kA ogh ,d ckjlquhy xqIrk liuk ds cgu lksuh dks mBk ys x;kA ;keth ds igy ij og eqDr gqbZA Hksywiqj Fkkuk] okjk.klh usvius tkWp ij 10 Qjojh 2013 dks ofj"B iqfyl v/kh{kd] okjk.klh dks fy[kk fd xqe'kqnk dks feyus ij bUgksausysfuu us iqfyl dks lwpuk ugha nh vkSj ugha mPpkf/kdkjh dks crk;kA layXud la[;k&19 tcfd 03 fnlEcj2012 dks rqjUr liuk }kjk ofj"B iqfyl v/kh{kd okjk.klh dks iathr i= HkstkA layXud la[;k&20 oghekuuh; vk;ksx dks f'kdk;r 05 fnlEcj 2012 dks fd;k Fkk] ftl ij vk;ksx 15 fnlEcj 2012 dks SSPokjk.klhdks uksfVl fn;kA 10 Qjojh 2013 ls iwoZ lfefr us vusdks mPpf/kdkfj;ksa dks i= fn;kA fdUrq Hksywiqj iqfyl FkkukLo;a U;k;ky; tSlk O;ogkj djrs gq, Hksywiqj Fkkuk liuk ,oa esjk fcuk c;ku fy;s viuk fu.kZ; fy[k nsrk gSAblls lquhy xqIrk dk Hksywiqj Fkkuk ij ncnck dk irk pyrk gSA

    1- 24 tuojh 2013 dks jk"Vh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx ls ;g fyf[kr ekx Hkh dh gS fd bl dsl esalh0ch0lh0vkbZ0Mh0 ls tkp djk;h tk;A layXud la[;k&9 ihfM+rk dks cpkus esa eq>ij tkuysok geykgqvk] QthZ isfV'ku esa ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; tkuk iM+k] esjs o Jqfr ij QthZ eqdnek gqvk] baVjusV ij mYVkcnuke fd;k x;kA ;g lc gqvk ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZ ds dkj.k] bldh f'kdk;r ekuuh; vk;ksx dks fd;k]fdUrq vk;ksx ds ^;weu jkbV~l fMQsUMj MsLd* us mfpr o U;k;ksfpr dne ugha mBk;sA

    2- iqfyl jiV ds lk{; leh{kk la[;k&2 esa lh-Mh- dSlsV~l dk ft gSA lh0Mh0 dSlV~l layXud gSaA layXudla[;k&21 & 12-19 ls & 12-00 ds le; ns[ks rks eafnj esa kknh ds ckn lquhy dk nksLr dgrk gS fd ^tksdke ukgh djr ogh djokoyk** tks dke ugha djrs ogh dke djokrs gSA kknh esa lquhy ds dqN ncax nksLr

    kkfey gq, vkSj liuk dh ek o lquhy ds dqN fj'rsnkjA lquhy lc dqN funsZf'kr dj jgk gSA liuk us viusVsLVeuh esa dgk gS] layXud la[;k&22 ^rdjhcu pkj fnu ckn eq>s vxok dj f'ko eafnj esa kknh dj ?kjys x;sA esjh ek vdsyh gS vkSj mldh ncaxbZ ls Mj dj dqN Hkh ugha dj ik;hA** liuk us dgk fd dkxt ijlkbu djok;k Fkk vkSj ;g lans'k gksVy es gqvkA eq>s irk gS fd uksVjh esa lkbu ?kj ij tkdj yksx djk ysrsgSa] bl ij tkWp gksuh pkfg, fd lksuh xqIrk ,oa liuk dk gLrk{kj uksVjh ds jftLVj ij gS fd ugha?nwljh cM+h ckr fd liuk dh mez 2012 esa 23 o"kZ gS] rks 2005 esa 15&16 o"kZ ds chp FkhA bl rjg ls ;g ckyfookg vf/kfu;e ds vuqlkj voS/k o xSj dkuwuh fookg gSA fdUrq okjk.klh iqfyl bl rF; dks fNik ysrh gSAtcfd ;g ,d Li"V tcjnLrh ls fd;k x;k fookg gS] tks ncko o Hk; ls Lohdkj djok;k x;k gSA iqfylfoHkkx esa lquhy xqIrk ds ncnck dk irk pyrk gS fd og vius c;ku esa dgrk gS fd og vius iRuh dkseksckby dk dky fMVsy fudykokrk gSA iqfyl ,l0ih0 flVh dk dk;kZy; bl ckr dh tkp ugha djrk gS

    fd og dky fMVsy dSls fudkyrk gS\ lquhy xqIrk }kjk kknh dk lh0Mh0 dSlsV layXud la[;k&21 ns[ksrks ?kj vkdj Hkh lquhy xqIrk fofM;ks fQYe cuk jgk gSA mldh iRuh liuk dgrh gS D;ksa cuk jgs gks\ /;ku lsiwjk lh0Mh0 ns[kk tk; rks bls fdlh vU; dks ugha nsuk pkfg,A fdUrq ;g lh0Mh0 lquhy us ncko cukrs gq,Jqfr dks fn;kA bl izdkj Hkz"V iqfyl o ncax lquhy xqIrk ds lkFk feydj xSax cukdj ,d efgyk dksmRihM+u dk f'kdkj cuk jgs gSA fofnr gS fd fgUnqLrku VkbEl esa efgykf/kdkj ;ksxnku ds fy, liuk dkuke ukfer gqvk] tks dbZ ckj fgUnqLrku VkbEl esa NikA layXud la[;k&28 ogh liuk dks y[ku ds rktgksVy esa liuk dks lkaln ekuuh;k fMEiy ;kno o vfHkus=h ekuuh;k kckuk vkteh ds gkFkksa ls lfVZfQdsVfeykA layXud la[;k&29 blfy, iqfyl dfeZ;ksa ijIPCdh /kkjk 166, ds rgr dk;Zokgh djuh pkfg,A

    3- iqfyl dh jiV ds lk{; leh{kk lqa[;k 3 esa iqfyl us crk;k fd lquhy xqIrk us tks lk{; fn;k gSA og nokbZ;ka

  • 7/27/2019 Attack on Human Rights defenders



    lu~ 2010 ls kq: gksrh gS] tcfd kknh 2005 esa gksrh gSA 5 lky ds chp mRihM+u ds lkFk tcjnLrh kjkcfiykus ,oa nokbZ;kW o batsD'ku fn;k tkrk jgkA tc liuk dh rfc;r T;knk [kjkc gks x;k] rks mls MkDVjds ikl ys tk;k x;kA fpfdRldks usAdjustment disorder crk;kA An Adjustment disorder occurwhen an individual is unable to adjustment to or cope with a pasticular stressor, Like a major life

    event, layXud la[;k&23 vkxs fy[kk gS------- Unlike major depression however the disorder iscaused by an ontside stressor & generally resolve once the individual is able to adopt to situation

    de ls de iqfylAdjustment disorderdk irk rks yxk ysrhA bldk vFkZ gS fd ckgjhStressorlquhyxqIrk us mls izrkfM+r fd;k] nok o batsD'ku fn;k] blds lkFk vR;kpkj fd;kA T;knk chekj gksus ij byktdjk;kA ;g Hkh ,d rF; gS fd esjs o Jqfr ds f[kykQ 19 twu 2013 dks QthZ eqdnek eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjh]okjk.klh ds lEcksf/kr i= ij gqvk gSA blls fpfdRldks] lquhy xqIrk ,oa iqfyl dk [kqyk xBtksM+ irk pyrkgSA vr% bl ekeys dh tkp lh0ch0vkbZ0 ls djrs gq, efgyk fojks/kh xSax ds f[kykQ dkuwu ds rgr dk;Zokghdh tk;A

    4- lquhy xqIrk us vkjksi yxk;k fd uoEcj 2012 esa liuk tsoj o iSls ysdj Hkkx x;hA fQj tqykbZ 2012 esa

    lquhy xqIrk us fonkfonkbZ dk nkok ikfjokfjd U;k;ky; esa D;ksa fd;k? layXud la[;k&24 lquhy xqIrkefgyk fojks/kh ,d kkfrj O;fDr gSA

    5- 20 fnlEcj] 2012 dks esjs vkokl ij vkdj lquhy xqIrk us /kedh nhA ftldh f'kdk;r eSus iathr i= lsofj"B iqfyl vf/kdkfj;ksa dks dhA layXud la[;k&25 fQj 16 tuojh 2013 dks eq>s eksckby ua0 ls esjseksckby ij /kedh feyhA ftlij eSus 16 tuojh 2013 dks gh ofj"B iqfyl v/kh{kd okjk.klh dks iathri= HkstkA layXud la[;k&26 fdUrq lquhy xqIrk us 21 tuojh 2013 dks vkbZ0th0 dks i= Hkstk] blls iwoZdksbZ tkudkjh fdlh iqfyl vf/kdkjh dks 02 tuojh] 2013 dh ?kVuk dh lquhy xqIrk }kjk ugh nh x;hA blckr dks tkp vf/kdkfj;ksa us rFkk iqfyl jiV dh leh{kk esa ugha fy[kk x;kA bldk vFkZ gS fd iqfyl dk ,dHkz"V rcdk] odhyks dk ,d Hkz"V xSax ,oa dqN vlekftd rRo feydj is'kcanh ds fy, 21 tuojh 2013 dksekuuh; vkbZ0th0 egksn; dks vkosnu fnyok;kA ftl ij tkp gqbZ ,oa lh0vks0 dS.V us tkp jiV nhA fdUrq

    esjs }kjk 20 fnlEcj 2012 ,oa 16 tuojh 2013 ds f'kdk;r ij vHkh rd esjk c;ku Hkh ugha gqvk gSA bllsLi"V lquhy xqIrk ls LFkkuh; iqfyl dk xBtksM+ fl) gksrk gSA ;gh ugha] /kedh ds ekeys esa jk"Vh;ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx dks fy[ks x;s i= ij Hkh fdlh rjg dh dksbZ dk;Zokgh ugha gqbZA

    6- lquhy xqIrk esjs lgikBh iou flag ds lkFk fp;lZ&ckj vk;k FkkA ;g ?kVuk 2 tuojh 2013 dh gSA lh0 vks0dS.V dh jiV esa Hkh mldk mYys[k gSA layXud la[;k&2 bl ?kVuk dh f'kdk;r rdjhcu 18 fnu ckn 21tuojh 2013 dks lquhy xqIrk }kjk fn;k x;kA bl f'kdk;r esa nsjh ds ckjs esa ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; us HkhlaKku ugha fy[kk vkSj ugha okjk.klh iqfyl usA Hkz"Vkpkj ds iSls dh rkdr us ^^dkuwu ds jkt** dh /kfTt;kmM+k nh gSA iqfyl us tkp fd;k gS fd eSusa vius eksckby ls lquhy xqIrk dks Qksu fd;k Fkk? iqfyl iwjh rjgls vkjksih ds lkFk feyh gqbZ gSA

    7- efgyk vkj{kh 1968 vfgY;k ckbZ us lfpZax dh ckr Lohdkj dh gSA vfgY;k ckbZ lquhy xqIrk dh vksj ls nckocukus ds fy, igys liuk dk lfpaZx fd;k vkSj fQj ncko cuk;kA efgyk lgk;rk izdks"B dk vFkZ efgyk dkslgk;rk nsuk gSaA tcfd bl izdj.k esa ?kjsywfgalk vf/kfu;e 2005 ds izkfo/kkuksa dk iwoZ #i ls mYy?ku fd;kx;k gSA eq>s Hkh c;ku esa vfgY;k flag us ncko cuk;k vkSj csbTtr fd;kA ftl ij 19 tuojh] 2013 dksJheku~ ofj"B iqfyl v/kh{kd] okjk.klh dks iathd`r i= HkstkA layXud la[;k&27

    fu"d"kZ %liuk pkSjfl;k ds ekufld o kkjhfjd kks"k.k dks okjk.klh iqfyl vius tkp jiV esa eueqVko o fookncrkdj ekeys dh yhikiksrh djuk pkgrh gSA iqfyl dk ,d Hkz"V rcdk] tks efgykf/kdkj fojks/kh gS] mlus jk"Vh;ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx ds igy ds ckn 05 fnlEcj] 2012 dh f'kdk;r ij 13 ekpZ] 2013 dks eq0v0la0 04@2013/kkjk 328@511@498,@323@504@506 Hkk-n-fo- fo:) lquhy xqIrk ntZ gqvk] fdUrq egRoiw.kZ nks /kkjk

  • 7/27/2019 Attack on Human Rights defenders



    328@511 vkbZ0ih0lh0 dks gVk fn;k x;k gSA tcfd rF; ;g gS fd kknh 2005 esa gksrh gSA euksfpfdRld dks2010 esa fn[kk;k tkrk gSA euksfpfdRldksa usAdjustment disordercrk;k] tks fdlhStressor}kjk gksrk gSA lclscM+kStressorlquhy xqIrk gSA fdUrq iqfyl us foospuk esa nks laxhu /kkjkvksa dks fudky fn;kA

    ;g iqfyl jiV 10 vizSy] 2013 dks Hksth tkrh gSA fdUrq 18 ekpZ] 2013 dks ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; ds vkns'k dksdksbZ ft ugh fd;k tkrk gSA ftlesa ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; us 21 tuojh] 2013 dks vkbZ0th0] okjk.klh iqfyldks Hksts x;s vkjksi i= [kkfjt dj fn;k vkSj liuk dks Lora= ?kksf"kr djrs gq, mlds kkafriw.kZ thou esa lquhyxqIrk }kjk gLr{ksi u djus dh fgnk;r nhA ogh lh0vks0 dS.V ds jiV dk ft Hkh iqfyl jiV esa ugh fd;k x;kAlquhy xqIrk ls ;g loky ugh iwNk x;k fd 02 tuojh] 2013 dh ?kVuk dh f'kdk;r 21 tuojh] 2013 ls igysD;ksa ugh dh x;h? 16 tuojh] 2013 dks eq>s feyh /kedh ij eSus f'kdk;r iathd`r fd;k] fdUrq dqN ugha gqvkfdlh us c;ku Hkh ugha fy;kA eSusa 20 fnlEcj 2012] 16 tuojh 2013 ,oa 25 tuojh 2013 dks i= jk"Vh;ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx dks HkstkA layXud la[;k&21 fdUrq vk;ksx us ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZ ds fy, dksbZ mfprdne ugh mBk;k] ftlds dkj.k eq>s ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; tkuk iM+k ,oa 19 twu] 2013 dks Hksywiqj Fkkuk esaeqdnek la[;k 199@13 /kkjk 342] 384] 498 vkbZ0ih0lh0 esjs ,oa Jqfr ds f[kykQ gqvk] tkuysok geyk gqvk ,oa

    Jqfr dh xfjek ij Qslcqd ds }kjk geyk fd;k x;kA bl ij gq, dS.V Fkkuk esa iathd`r eqdnek la[;k 359@13,oa 418@13 esa tkp dk irk gh ugh py ik jgk gSA 19 twu] 2013 dks Hkh /kedh feyh] f'kdk;r fd;k] fdUrq dqNugh gqvkA bl iwjs ncko vkSj izrkM+uk ds pyrs liuk dh ek dh e`R;q 28 ekpZ] 2013 dks gks x;hA

    okjk.klh iqfyl efgykf/kdkj fojks/kh joS;k viuk jgh gS vkSj ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZvksa dks izrkfM+r djus ,oa mUgsarckg djus dh dk;Zokgh dj jgh gSA

    vk;ksx dk QqycsUp eq>s liuk] Jqfr] iqfyl vf/kdkfj;ksa ,oa lquhy xqIrk dks cqykdj lquokbZ djsaA vk;ksx dsg~;weu jkbV~l fMQsUMj MsLd dks etcwr djsa ,oa 20 fnlEcj] 2012 o 16 tuojh] 2013 dks feyh /kedh ijizkFkfedh ntZ dj tkp dh tk; ,oa ekufld izrkM+uk ds fy, ihfM+r liuk ,oa ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZvksa dkseqok;tk fn;k tk,A iwjs izdj.k dh tkp lh0ch0vkbZ0 ls djk;h tk; ,oa iqfyl dfeZ;ksa ij vkbZ0ih0lh0 dh /kkjk166, ds rgr~ dk;Zokgh dh tk;A


    Mk0 ysfuuegklfpo

    ekuokf/kdkj tufuxjkuh lfefr]lnL;] ,u0th0vks0 dksj desVh]

    jk"Vh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx] ubZ fnYyhA

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    dkuwu dk jkt vkSj ekuokf/kdkjks ds fy,

    ^^lR;kxzg** esa 'kkfey gks18 flrEcj 2013] cq/kokj & izkr% 10%00 cts

    fo/kkulHkk Hkou] y[ku pyks

    dkuwu dk jkt ykxwdjks ekuo vf/kdkjksa dk laj{k.k djks

    vkt xk/kh th o ckck lkgc Mk0 vEcsMdj th gekjs chp ugha gaS] ysfdu mudk fn;k gqvk e'k% lR;kxzgea= o lafo/kku vkt Hkh detksj o cscl yksxksa dh rkdr gSA Lora= Hkkjr esa Hkh viuh ekaxks dks iwjk djus ds fy,turk lR;kxzg djrh pyh vk jgh gSA Hkkjr ds bfrgkl esa xk/kh th o ckck lkgc vEcsMdj th gh ,dek= ,sls usrk

    jgs] tks ns'k ds vafre vkneh rd igqpsA vkt fgUnqvksa ds usrk vyx gS] eqfLyeksa ds usrk vyx gS] vxM+h tkfr ds usrkvyx gS rks fiNM+h tkfr ds usrk vyx gSA vuqlwfpr tkfr o vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds usrk vyx gSA ysfdu xk/kh th

    o ckck lkgc vEcsMdj fgUnw] eqfLye] vxM+h] fiNM+h] vuqlwfpr tkfr] oafpr] efgykvksa lHkh ds usrk jgs gSaA mUgha dscrk;s jkLrs ij ekuokf/kdkj tufuxjkuh lfefr us pyrs gq, vkt lHkh oafprksa] efgykvksa] ph tkfr;ksa esa iSnk gq,xfr'khy yksxksa dh ,drk dks etcwr djus ds fy, uo nfyr vkUnksyu ds ek/;e ls dkuwu dk jkt LFkkfirdjus ds fy, ^^lR;kxzg** pyk jgk gSA

    ge yksxksa dk ekuuk gS fd ekuokf/kdkj o dkuwu ds jkt dks ykxwdjus dh lcls cM+h ,tsalh iqfyl gSAblhfy, I.P.C. dh 330&331 ds rgr iqfyl }kjk ;kruk@mRihM+u djuk fu"ks/k gSA ogh ;fn iqfylCr.P.C.dh/kkjk 161 ds rgr vijk/k Lohr djkrh gS] rks lk{; vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 26 ds rgr U;k;ky; esa eftLVsV ds lkeusfn;k x;k c;ku gh lk{; ekuk x;k gSA fQj loky mBrk gS fd iqfyl mRihM+u@;kruk dk lgkjk D;ksa ysrh gS \

    ;fn Hkkjr esa iqfyl mRihM+u ds bfrgkl dks ns[ks rks 1857 ds foksg dks neudkjh rjhds ls dqpyus o jksdusds fy, 1861 esa iqfyl eSuqvy ,DV cuk;k x;k vkSj vaxzstks ds 'kklu esa Fkkuksa dk fuekZ.k fd;k x;kA vkt vktknh

    ds brus o"kksZ ds ckn Hkh Hkkjrh; lafo/kku o Hkkjrh; dkuwu esa Hkh 1861 ds iqfyl eSuqvy ,DV esa vkt rd dksbZ Hkhla'kks/ku ugha fd;k x;k] ftldk ifj.kke ;g gS fd vkt Hkh Hkkjrh; iqfyl fczfV'k gqDejkuksa ds infpUgksa ij py jghgS vkSj 'kklu] rkdroj yksxks] ekfQ;kvks ds b'kkjs ij fdlh Hkh dkj ds ykds rkfa =d vkokt dk s dpq y fn;k tkrk gAS

    bldk Toyar mnkgj.k okjk.klh ds ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZ Mk0 ysfuu j?kqoa'kh vkSj Jqfr ukxoa'kh ds ij19 twu] 2013 dks iqfyl }kjk yxk;s x, QthZ dsl eqdnek vijk/k la[;k 199@13 gSA ,d ?kjsywefgyk fgalk dsdsl esa ihfM+rk ds enn djus ds ifj.kkeLo:i ihfM+rk ds ekfQ;k o ncax ifr vkSj iqfyl dh feyh Hkxr ls eq[;fpfdRlkf/kdkjh dks sf"kr i= dks laKku esa ysdj iqfyl us bu nksuksa ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZvksa ij ngstmRihM+u dkdsl ntZ dj fn;k] tks fd cgqr gkL;kLin gS] D;kasfd ihfM+rk ls dksbZ Hkh ikfjokfjd fj'rs dk lEcU/k bu nksuksa dkugha gSA bl izdj.k esa efgyk izdks"B }kjk ihfM+rk dk c;ku u ysdj mYVs efgyk fojks/kh utfj;s ls ifr

    ls lqyg dk ncko cuk;k x;kA ogh Mk0 ysfuu dks fofHkUu izHkko'kkyh O;fDr;ksa }kjk dsl dh iSjoh udjus dh psrkouh ,oa /kedh Qksu ,oa vU; ek/;eksa ls nh x;h] ftldh f'kdk;r Jheku~ vkbZ- th-dk;kZy; ls iathd`r Mkd }kjk fd;s tkus ij vkbZ-th- dk;kZy; }kjk iathd`r i= dks ysus ls gh euk djfn;k x;kA blds vykok ;g ekuuh; gkbZdksVZ bykgkckn ds ml vkns'k dk mYya?ku Hkh gS ftlesekuuh; gkbZdksVZ us fiVh'ku la[;k 8753@2013 esa ihfM+rk o laxBu ds i{k esa 18 ekpZ] 2013 dks QSlykfn;k FkkA

    blds vykok tc 25 vSy] 2013 dks Mk0 ysfuu ds ?kj ij muds ij xksyh pykdj tkuysokgeyk fd;k x;k] rc Hkh iqfyl us mnklhurk fn[kkrs gq, igys rks FIR ntZ ugha fd;kA mPpvf/kdkfj;ks ds ncko ds cknFIReqdnek la[;k 359@13 ntZ gqbZ] ysfdu 90 fnu chr tkus ds cknHkh iqfyl }kjk u rks dksbZ tkap dh x;h vkSj u gh pktZ'khV nkf[ky dh x;hA 18 twu] 2013 dks laxBu}kjk lquhy xqIrk ds ok;l fjdkfMZaxx;k] ftlesa lquhy xqIrk us viuk lEcU/k ekfQ;kvksa ls crk;k gSA iqfyl vf/kdkfj;ksa dks ;g lh0Mh0 esa

    dh lh0Mh0 ,oa i= fy[kdj iqfyl vf/kdkfj;ksa dks rF; ds lkFk fn;k

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    dqN lquk;h ugh nsrk gSA viuh tkp jiV esa os lh0Mh0 dk ft djuk Hkwy tkrs gSA fdUrq Youtube ijlquhy xqIrk dh vkokt lHkh dks lquk;h nsrh gS vkSj yksx blls fpafrr gSA fofnr gS fd Hkkjr ljdkj dk x`g ea=ky;Hkh bl ekeys dks ysdj lathnk gSaA

    blh dkj ebZ] 2013 esa mlh ihfM+rk ds ncax o ekfQ;k ifr }kjk Jqfr ukxoa'kh ds lks'ky lkbZV Qslcqd lsQksVks pqjkdj vius Qslcqd ij yxkdj v'yhy dh x;h] ftlds f[kykQ Hkh Fkkus esa vkbZVh ,DV ds rgreqdnek la[;k 418@13 iathr fd;k x;k] ftles Hkh iqfyl }kjk vkt rd u rks dksbZ dk;Zokgh dh x;h vkSj u ghpktZ'khV gh yxk;k x;kA 26 twu] 2013 dks ekuuh; eq[;ea=h Jh vf[kys'k ;kno m0 iz0 us lfefr ds 8lnL; okys frfuf/k e.My ls vius vkokl ij eqykdkr dh] eqykdkr esa iqfyl egkfuns'kd mifLFkr FksAogk Mk ysfuu o Jqfr ukxoa'kh ij QthZ eqdnesa ds lkFk vusd dsl fn;s x;sA lHkh ekeyksa ij dk;Zokghgq;h fdUrq mijks ekeys dks okjk.klh iqfyl us nck fy;kA D;ks\ ;gh gS lR;kxzg dh 'kq:vkrA

    ;gh neukRed dk;Zokgh vkt iwjs ns'k esa ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZvksa ds lkFk fd;k tk jgk gS] tks Hkhekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZ pqIih dh laLfr dks rksM+dj yksdra= o dkuwu ds jkt dks ykxw djus ds fy, dke dj jgk gS

    mls LFkkuh; Lrj ls ysdj dsa Lrj rd lkearoknh fopkj/kkjk dh rkdrs mUgsa jksdus ds fy, iqfyl dh enn ls mudsvfLrRo dks feVkus dh dksf'k'k dj jgh gSA ftles bjkse 'kfeZyk] fouk;d lsu] 'kSyk e'kwn] lat; flag] ijostvkyetSls fdrus ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZ ;k rks ekj fn, x, gSa ;k muds ij QthZ eqdnek yxkdj mUgsa >wBs dsl esa Qalk;kx;k gSA ogh jk"Vh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx dk ^g~;weu jkbV~l fMQsUMj MsLd** cl dkxth 'ksj gSaA

    iqfyl dh blh neukRed dk;Zokgh dks jksdus ds fy, vkSj dkuwu dk jkt LFkkfir djus ds fy, ekuof/kdkjtufuxjkuh lfefr us vktknh ds fnu 15 vxLr] 2013 dks 'kke 06%00 cts ls 'kq: ^^lR;kxzg** dks iwjs ns'k esavuojr tkjh j[krs gq, mkj ns'k ds eq[;ea=h egksn; o iqfyl egkfuns'kd egksn; dks bu lHkh ekaxks ds leFkZu esavketuksa ds gLrk{kj;q 15 QhV ds ySDl dks Hkstk x;k gSA

    bl lR;kxzg esa yksxks }kjk mijks ekaxks ds fy, mkj ns'k ds okjk.klh] fetkZiqj] lksuHk] tkSuiqj]vEcsMdjuxj] vyhx

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    vUuk gtkjsdks[kqyk; vUuk th]

    lknj iz.kke!

    eSa iw.kZdkfyd dk;ZdrkZ gw vkSj vktdy ekuokf/kdkj tufuxjkuh lfefr ds fy, dk;Z djrk gwA esa vk;k fd eSa rks ,d Hkz"V vkSjMdSr tkfr esa iSnk gqvk gwA ftlus nfyrksa ,oa 'kwnzksa ls mudk lc dqN Nhu fy;kA ;gh ugha ,d rjQ ph tkfr;ksads yksx miHkksDrk dh rjg 'kwnzksa o vfr 'kwnzksa dh iSnkokj dks eqr[kksjksa dh rjg mi;ksx djrs jgs vkSj nwljh rjQJe dh egRrk dks [kRe dj fn;kA ;gha ls geus ,d ykyph lekt dh rjg Hkz"Vkpkj 'kq: dj fn;kA tc vaxzst

    vk;s] rks ph tkfr;ksa ls dbZ jk;cgknqj lkgc] tehunkj cu x;s vkSj fczfV'k gqdwer ds peps gks x;sA bl rjgph tkfr;ksa ds yksxksa us dkQh lalk/ku bdV~Bk fd;kA o.kZ O;oLFkk okys lekt dh vxj ppkZ djsa] (tks lclsHkz"Vre o wjre O;oLFkk Fkh) rks vkSj Hkh ckrsa [kqyrh gSaA lcls T;knk xqykeh Hkkjr us >syk] D;k djrs jgs {kf=;\

    lcls T;knk fuj{kj gekjs ns'k esa gSa] D;k djrs jgs czkEg.k\ lcls T;knk dtZnkj gS gekjk ns'k] D;k djrs jgs oS';\fdUrq 'kwnzksa o vfr 'kwnzksa us gkM+rksM+ esgur dj mRiknu fd;k] vukt iSnk fd;kA bu rhu o.kksZa dk vius o.kZ dsvuqlkj dk;Z djus esa foQy gksuk] balku dks balku u le>uk ,oa Je dh egRrk dks [kRe djuk D;k ;g Hkz"Vkpkjugha gS\ vkidks leFkZu djus okyk ,oa vkids Hkz"Vkpkj fojks/kh vfHk;ku dks pykus okys ^^bf.M;k vaxsLV djIlu**vius Qslcqd ij fy[krs gSa fd ^iVuk dh xfy;ksa ls ;s vkoktsa vkrh gSa] ftUgsa HkSal pjkuk pkfg;s oks ljdkj pykrsgSa& dqekj fo'oklA** ;g D;k gS vUuk th\ ;gh ugha {kf=; egklHkk ,oa kfUrdkjh euqoknh ekspkZ dk cSuj jkeyhykeSnku esa yxk gS] yksx iksLVj ysdj vk;s gSa ^^vkj{k.k gVkvks vkSj tu yksdiky ykvks** ;s D;k gS\ [kqn vjfoUndstjhoky us vkj{k.k fojks/kh laxBu ^;wFk Qkj bDoSfyVh** ds vkj{k.k fojks/kh cSBd esa fgLlk fy;kA bldk vFkZ gqvkikap gtkj lky dh O;oLFkk esa ph tkfr ds vehjksa us tks viuk lEidZ&rkdr] izHkko o iSls dh rkdr cuk;h gS]

    mldk Hkz"Vre mi;ksx vkids vkanksyu esa gks jgk gSAcq us dgk gS fd] tSlk vki lksprs gSa oSlh gh nqfu;k vki cukrs gSaA blfy, eq>s tkuuk gS fd dSlh O;oLFkk

    vki pkgrs gSa\ vkSj bfrgkl esa vki fdlds lkFk gSa\ D;ksafd vkius [kki iapk;r o jk"Vh; Lo;alsod la?k (vkj ,l,l) ds leFkZu dk fojks/k ugha fd;kA [kki iapk;rsa tkfr ij vk/kkfjr gSa vkSj vkuj dhfyax* djrh gSaA tcfd vkj,l ,l ds nwljs lj lapkyd xq: xksyoydj us viuh vkRedFkk esa Hkkjrh; lafo/kku vkSj frjaxs dk fojks/k fd;kHkhA buds leFkZu dk fojks/k vki vkSj vkidh Vhe D;ksa ugha djrh gS\

    ;gk 22&29 vDVwcj 1922 dh ?kVuk dk ft djuk cgqr izklafxd gSA bVyh dh flfoy lkslk;Vh dsyxHkx rhl gtkj yksxksa us jkse dh lM+dksa vkSj laln dks ?ksj fy;kA bUgsa bVyh ds m|ksxifr;ksa dk leFkZu FkkAblds ckn ogka ds jktk us pquh gqbZ ljdkj dh txg eqlksfyuh dks lRrk lkSai nhA ;g ;wjksi ds vf/kuk;d ra= ds

    foLrkj dh fn'kk esa fu.kkZ;d dne FkkA bldh ifj.kfr nwljs fo'o ;q esa gqbZ] ftlesa 6 djksM+ yksx ekjs x;sA rks D;kvki Hkh Hkkjr esa ,slk djus ds i{k esa gSa\ ;s rks egkRek xka/kh th dk jkLrk ugha gSA ;s rks egkRek xka/kh vkSj muds ewY;ksa

    ls xn~nkjh gksxhAtc vkidks tsy Hkstk x;k] rks geyksxksa us fojks/k fd;kA gesa irk gS fd tkfr O;oLFkk o Hkwcktkjhdj.k dh

    O;oLFkk dh ljdkj dHkh Hkh tuoknh gks gh ugha ldrh gSA fdUrq tsy ls vkidk c;ku ohfM;ks esa vk;k] ;s HkhHkz"Vkpkj gS vkSj dkuwu ds jkt ij [krjk!!

    vkius vkt 23 vxLr 2011 dh lqcg dgk fd vius xkao ds nfyr dh tehu ij vki yksxksa us dke dj 60gtkj dtZ ls eqDr fd;kA cgqr cM+k pSfjVh fd;k vkiusA fdrus izfr'kr nfyrksa ds ikl tehu gS\ tehu rks tkfrO;oLFkk }kjk ge ph tkfr;ksa us dCtk djds j[kh vkSj ckn esa dqN mPp tkfr;ksa ds yksxksa us Hkh Hkkjr ekrk ds lkFk

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    xn~nkjh dj fczfV'k gqDejkuksa ds tehankj cudj dCtk;kA geyksx lksuHknz tSls vkfnokfl;ksa ds lalk/ku dkbLrseky dj le` gks jgs gSaA mudk ikuh dCtk dj fctyh cuk jgs gSa fdUrq vkfnokfl;ksa dks fctyh ugha feyrh gSvkSj ge 'kgj okys vf/kd ls vf/kd fctyh iz;ksx dj jgs gSaA mlh rjg ftl rjg mRrj ds ns'k th&7 ds yksx(nqfu;k dh 20 izfr'kr vkcknh) fo'o ds 80 izfr'kr lalk/ku dk bLrseky djrs gSa vkSj xkao ds 20 izfr'kr vkcknh

    okyh mRrj Vksys ds yksx 80 izfr'kr lalk/kuksa dk bLrseky djrs gSaA D;k ;g Hkz"V&vkpkj (Hkz"Vkpkj) ugha gS\lalk/ku gh okLrfod jktuSfrd rkdr dks fu/kkZfjr djrk gSA

    xka/kh th tc 1919 esa gM+rky 'kq: fd;s] rks mUgksaus vkarfjd cnyko ij tksj fn;kA vkids vkanksyu esa'kkfey fdrus yksx lkekftd Hkz"Vkpkj :ih ngst ds f[kykQ gSa\ fdrus yksx xHkZ esa cfPp;ksa dh gR;k ugha dj jgs\fdrus vius ifjokjksa esa bldk fojks/k djsaxs\ ehfM;k tks foKkiuksa ij pyrk gS vkSj tgka vkt Hkh lekt ds le`

    rcds ds yksx dke djrs gSa] os Hkh [ksyk [ksy jgs gSaA u;s Hkwfe vf/kxzg.k fcy ls dkjiksjsV (vehj yksx) ijs'kku gSaAehfM;k dh gh jkfM;k 2th LisDVe esa Qalh gS bls Hkh vki lkspsaA ge yksxksa us ca/kqvk etnwjh dh f'kdk;r cukjl dsiz'kklu dks fd;kA ,l-Mh-,e- us mYVk ca/kqvk etnwjksa dks cqyk;k vkSj MkaV dj Hkxk fn;kA blds ckn ca/kqvk etnwjksa

    ls fcuk ckr fd;s ehfM;k us lekpkj Nki fn;kA fQj geyksxksa us 'kklu esa f'kdk;r dh] tkap gqbZ vkSj fQj iz'kkluus tkap dh vkSj ca/kqvk etnwjh dks ekuk rc ehfM;k us NkikA ;g gS ehfM;k dh fu"i{krk\ lHkh ?kksVkyksa dh ckr gks

    jgh gS] fdUrq rkcwr ?kksVkys dh ckr ugha gks jgh gS] tks 'kghn lSfudksa ds rkcwr esa fd;k x;k gS D;ksa\ vkids lkFk tqM+hfdj.k csnh th us viuh csVh dk fetksje dksVs esa xyr rjhds ls ,El esfMdy dkyst ubZ fnYyh esa izos'k djk;kAD;k ;g Hkz"Vkpkj ugha gS\ ;k vkids }kjk nzks.kkpk;Z dh rjg NwV gS\

    ge yksx Hkh l'kDr cgqtu yksdiky fcy pkgrs gSa vkSj blds fy, gkaxdkax ds vfr lQy ^bf.M;sUMsUVdeh'ku vxsULV djI'ku** dk ekMy ljdkj dks fn;k gS vihy dh vkSj blds fy, nks lkyksa ls yM+ jgs gSaA

    vkidks irk gS fd uomnkjoknh vFkZO;oLFkk dh uhfr;ksa us csjkstxkjh] eagxkbZ ,oa Hkz"Vkpkj c

  • 7/27/2019 Attack on Human Rights defenders



    Hkktik gjkvks! ns'k dk xkSjo cpkvks!!

    ckck lkgc Mk0 Hkhejko vEcsMdj dstUe fnu ij ikrhlkEiznkf;d Qkalhoknh rkdrksa dksf'kdLr nks


    Hkkjr ds iz/kkuea=h vVy fcgkjh oktis;h us vius vejhdh ;k=k ds nkSjku [kqn dks vkj0,l0,l0 dk Loa; lsod*?kksf"kr fd;kA mlh ds dqN fnuksa ckn Hkkjr ds x`gea=h yky d`".k vkMokuh us vkj0,l0,l0 dks Hkktik ds fy, ukHkh yky*dh laKk nh] ftlls mudk Li"V eryc Fkk fd vkj0,l0,l0 muds fy, og lc [kqjkd miyC/k djkrh gS] tks ,d ekvius isV esa iy jgs cPpsa dks ftank j[kus ds fy, ukHkh uky* }kjk igqpkrh gSaA

    vkj0,l0,l0 dk iwjk uke jk"Vh; Loa; lsod la?k gSaA lu~ 1925 esa bldh LFkkiuk Mk0 gsMsxsokj us dhA bldh fopkj/kkjk

    czkg~e.koknh fgUnwokn fgUnwRo ij vk/kkfjr gSa vkSj ;g fgUnwjk"V cukuk pkgrk gSA fgUnwjk"V dk vFkZ gS euqLe`fr ijvk/kkfjr O;oLFkk ykukA _Xosn ds iq:"klwDr ls 'kq: gqbZ o.kZO;oLFkk dks euqLe`fr us gh dkuwuh vk/kkj fn;kA blh esa osn dkmPpkj.k djus ij 'kqnz dh thHk dkV ysus ,oa osn dk mPpkj.k lquus ij dku esa fi?kyk 'kh'kk Mkyus dk fu;e FkkA Mk0vEcsMdj us euqLefr dks tyk;k] tcfd xksyoydj vkj0,l0,l0 ds nwljs lj la?k pkyd us bl iqLrd dh eqDr daBls iz'kalk dhA fnlEcj 1992 dks vkj0,l0,l0 dh 'kk[kk fo'o fgUnwifj"kn fofgi dh /keZ laln esa ;g ladYi ikfjrfd;k x;k fd Hkkjrh; lafo/kku xSj&fgUnw gSaA bls ^fgUnwlafo/kku* esa cnyk tk,A la?k ifjokj dk dguk gS fd euqLe`fr esalcds fy, U;k; gSA tcfd Mk0 vEcsMdj us dgk fd fgUnwu jk"V vkSj u lektA ;fn fgUnwjkt dk;e gks x;k rks ;g ns'kds fy;s lcls foifRr gksxhA fgUnwtks pkgs dgs] fgUnwokn Lora=rk ds fy, [krjk gSA fgUnwjkt dks fdlh Hkh dher ij jksdktkuk pkfg,A**

    usiky esa fgUnwlHkk jkt'kkgh dk leFkZu dj jgh gSA e.My deh'ku vk;k rks Hkktik eafnj dk eqn~nk ys

    vk;hAvkj0,l0,l0 iwjh rjg iq:"k iz/kku laxBu gSaA ncko ds ckn vyx ls 1936 esa jk"V lsfodk lfefr cuk;k x;kA bl laca/kesa euqLe`fr ls ckrsa yh x;hA ftlesa xHkkZ'k; dh rqyuk [ksr ls dh x;hA iq:"k cht cksrk gS blfy, Qly ij mldk gdgSA fL=;k ijkfJr jgrh gSaA xksyojdj ds vuqlkj vlekurk gh lR; gSA

    vVy fcgkjh oktis;h us ,d ckj dgk Fkk fd tks fL=;ka iq:"k dh rjg cuuk pkgrh gS os migkl dh ik= gSA fgUnhlkIrkfgd /keZ;qx ds lkFk ,d baVjO;w esa 1990

    vkj0,l0,l0 ftl euqLefr dh rkjhQ djrk gS] mlesa fL=;ksa dks f'k{kk xzg.k ij jksd gSA ;gh ugha eu`Lefr esa dgk x;k gSfd fL=;k iq:"kksa dh laifr gS] vr% os dsoy mudh lsok djsaA

    Hkktik dh ofj"B usrk Lo0 fot;jkts flaf/ka;k us lrh&fojks/kh dkuwu ds f[kykQ ekpZ dk usrRo fd;k vkSj dgk fd ^lrhgksuk fgUnwfL=;ksa dk ewyHkwr vf/kdkj gS D;ksafd ;g gekjs vrhr ds xkSjo vkSj laLdfr dh lqj{kk gSA** tcfd nfyrvkanksyu dh lkfo=h ck Qwys us yM+fd;ksa ds fy, igyk Ldwy [kksykA muds igys cSp esa ph tkfr dh yM+fd;k T;knk FkhA

    yxHkx 2000 dkjlsfodkvksa us efLtn dks fxjk;s tkus esa dkjlsodksa dh enn dhA efgykvksa us xqtjkr naxksa esa Hkkx fy;k ,oaeqEcbZ esa iq:"k Hkkb;ksa ls lkEiznkf;d fgalk esa Hkkx ysus dk vkxzg fd;kA gesa euqokn ls fL=;ksa dks Hkh eqDr djuk gksxkA

    vkj0,l0,l0 dh uhao lkojdj ds dke ls iM+hA lkojdj us 1923 esa fgUnwegklHkk dh jktuhfr dk ekxZn'kZu fd;kAblls igys mUgksaus baXyS.M esa ^^h bafM;u lkslk;Vh** Hkkjr ls fczfV'k lkezkT; dks [kRe djus dks cuk;k mUgsa fxjrkj djvkthou dkjkokl dh ltk nh x;hA 1920 ls Hkkjrh; jk"Vh; dkaxzsl mudh cxSj 'krZ fjgkbZ dh ekax dj jgh Fkh fdUrqlkojdj uas u tkus D;wfyf[kr c;ku fy[kdj ekQh ekaxhA mUgksaus fy[kk eSa Lohdkj djrk gw fd eq>ij Bhd ls eqdnek


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    pyk;k x;k vkSj lgh ltk nh x;hA x, fnuksa es eSus tks fgalk dk ekxZ viuk;k Fkk vc eaS mldh fny ls HkRlZuk djrk gwvc ;s esjk drZO; gS fd eSa viuh iwjh rkdr ds lkFk lafo/kku fczfV'k lafo/kku gh le>sa dk ikyu d:xk ;fn ekSdk feykrks eSa lq/kkjks dks lQy cukmxk lkojdj }kjk fczfV'k izkf/kdkfj;ksa dks Hksts x;s i= dk izfr:i UV ykbu 7 vizSy 1995i0la0 94 lkojdj us ftu lq/kkjks dh ckr dh gS os 1919 ekmaVsO;wpSElQksMZ izLrko ftlus jk"Voknh vkUnkyuksa dh ekax dks

    Lohdkj ugha fd;kA blds ckn lkojdj fgUnw dh jktuhfr djds QwV Mkyus dk dke djrs jgsa] fdUrq vaxzsth gqdwer dsf[kykQ ugha jgsA dqN le; ds fy;s Mk0 gsMsxsokj lR;kxzg vkUnksyu ls tqM+s jgs] FkksM+s le; ds fy;s tsy x;sA ysfdu dqyfeykdj jk"Vh; vktknh ds la?k"kZ esa vkj0,l0,l0 us dqN ugha fd;kA lu~ 1931 esa Mk0 gsMsxsokj us Lo;a dks vaxzsth jkt dsf[kykQ ds la?k"kZ ls vyx dj fy;kA xksyojdj us fy[kk gS fd ^fczfV'k fojksf/k;ksa dks ns'kHkfDr o jk"Vokn dgk tkrk gSAbl izfrf;koknh fopkj us iwjs jk"Vh; vkUnksyu] blds usrkvksa vkSj vke turk ij fouk'kdkjh izHkko Mkyk gSA**xksyojdj 1966

    lka>h ljdkj ds ^iz/kkuea=h vVy fcgkjh oktis;h us vius ys[k ^fn la?k bt ekbZ lksy** esa mUgksaus dgk gS fd ^tc eSaus fgUnwrueu fgUnwthou ys[kk ml le; nloha d{kk dk Nk= FkkA 1947 rd eSaus 'kk[kk Lrj ij vkj0,l0,l0 ds fy;s dk;Zfd;kA--- eSaus 1942 esa Hkkjr NksM+ks vkUnksyu esa Hkkx fy;k vkSj tsy x;kA ml le; eSa b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk ds fy;s rS;kjh

    dj jgk FkkA eq>s vkxjk ftys esa esjs xko cVs'oj ls fxjrkj fd;k x;kA ^bl nkos dh Nkuchu dh x;h vkSj fu"d"kZ 20Qjojh 1998 dh QzUV ykbu esa Nis gSA irk pyk fd vVy fcgkjh oktis;h us i= fy[kdj ekQh ekxh vkSj fjgk gq,A mUksausfy[kk ^eSa vius HkkbZ ds lkFk HkhM+ ds lkFk&lkFk py jgk FkkA eSaus dksbZ uqdlku ugha igqpk;kA eSaus ljdkjh Hkouksa dks fxjkusesa dksbZ lgk;rk ugha dhA ^tcfd lektoknh Hkkjr dk liuk ltk;s ;qok dE;qfuLV 'kghn Hkxr flag 23 o"kZ dh mez esagalrs gq, Qklh ds QUns ij badykc ftUnkckn o lkezkT;okn eqnkZckn* dks ukjk yxkrs gq, p

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    Lenin RaghuvanshiLenin Raghuvanshi Rights of the Marginalized in IndiaLenin Raghuvanshi is the Secretary General and Executive Director of thePeoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR). His humanrights work focuses on advocating for the basic rights of marginalisedgroups in Indian society.

    An Ayurvedic physician by profession, he has been working for the rightsof bonded and child labourers and other marginalised people in Varanasiand eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India.

    In 1996, he and his wife Shruti founded the PVCHR, a community-based

    organisation, to break the closed, feudal hierarchies of conservative slums and villages bybuilding up local institutions and supporting them with a high profile and active human rightsnetwork.

    He has become the symbol of nonviolent resistance among millions of Dalits fighting fordignity. Due to his commitment on behalf of the marginalized, he has periodically suffereddeath threats.

    As well as being an Ashoka Fellow, Lenin was the President, United Nations YouthOrganisation (UNYO),Uttar Pradesh (India) Chapter. Lenins work has been recognised withGwangju Human Rights Award for 2007.

    In 2009, in collaboration with the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victim(RCT), Denmark, Lenin developed Testimonial Models for torture survivors in India. The CityCouncil of Weimar in Germany selected Lenin Raghuvanshi for theirInternational HumanRights Award for 2010. He was nominated forRoland Berger Human Dignity Award 2012.


    Website of PVCHR

    CV of Lenin Raghuvanshi

    Human Dignity Forum Biography of Lenin Raghuvanshi

    Social Media

    Twitter Page of PVCHR

    Facebook page of Lenin RaghuvanshiFront Line Defenders has issued urgent appeals and news items about Lenin Raghuvanshi:

    29 April 2013 - Attempted killing of human rights defender Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi

    2 December 2011 - Renewed death threat against human rights defender Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi

    29 June 2010 -

    Weimar City Council gives Human Rights Prize 2010 to Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi of India

    24 July 2009 - Renewed threats against human rights defender, Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi

    21 May 2008 - Threats against Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi and members of the People's Vigilance Committee on

    Human Rights (PVCHR)

    17 December 2007 - Threats against Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi and members of the Peoples Vigilance

    Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR)

    Follow @FrontLineHRD

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    Lenin Raghuvanshi is a Dalit rights activist and an Ashoka Fellow[2] from India. He isone of the founding members of People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights(PVCHR),[3] which works for the upliftment of the marginalised sections of the society.His work has been recognized with awards like Gwangju Human Rights Award(2007),[4] the ACHA Star Peace award (2008)[5] and the International Human RightsPrize of the city of Weimar (2010).[6]


    Lenin Raghuvanshi was born in a higher caste Hindu family, to Surendra Nath and Shrimati SavitriDevi, on May 18, 1970.[7] His grandfather Shanti Kumar Singh, was a Gandhian freedom fighter.[8]He did his bachelor's course in Ayurveda, Modern Medicine and Surgery from the State AyurvedicMedical College, Gurukul Kangari, Haridwar in 1994. Lenin married Shruti Nagvanshi[9] on 22February 1992 and has a son, Kabeer Karunik.

    Initial years

    From the beginning, Raghuvansi was averse to the caste system that is still rampant in the Hindusociety. He refers to his higher caste Hindu upbringing as "feudal".[2] This sprung the seed of socialactivism in him. He became the president of the Uttar Pradesh chapter of United Nations YouthOrganisation at the age of 23 (1993).[10]

    With his exposure into the mainstream society, he realised that casteism is present in all walks of life.With the Indian Government tackling the issue with its reservation policies and making it perennial,Raghuvansi chose the path of uplifting them by making their voices heard. He founded the People'sVigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) in 1996, along with his wife, Shruti Nagvanshi,historian Mahendra Pratap, musician Vikash Maharaj, and poet Gyanedra Pati.

    On bonded labour and children's right to education

    In 1999, Raguvanshi founded a community based organisation, Jan Mitra Nyas (People-friendlyAssociation), which was backed by ActionAid. The movement adopted three villages near Varanasi andan urban slum, with an objective of providing better education to the children there.[11] He was electedin 2001 into the executive council of Voice of People, supported by Child Rights and You (CRY), anorganisation active in 15 districts of Uttar Pradesh, which works for the rights of the children.[12]

    He was appointed as a member of the District Vigilance Committee on Bonded Labour under BondedLabour abolition Act 1976 by the Governor of UP in 2002. He filed an FIR (First Information Report)against Rajendar Thripathi, the village head of Belwa in the Badagaon administrative district in hiscapacity as a member of the Disctict Vigilance Committee. However, Rajendar escaped arrest, andLenin has been reported to be receiving death threats since then.[13] In revenge, the head of Belwavillage filed a case against Raghuvanshi and two PVCHR staff members for "statements conducing to

    public mischief" and "anti-state activities"; the latter proceeding of case was stayed by High Court.[13]

    In 2004, he conceptualised the 'Jan Mitra Gaon' (People-friendly villages) project, under which threevillages and an urban slum were adopted with the motives of eradicating child labour, providingeducation to girls, reintroducing non-traditional education and improving the state of educationalinstitutions.[14]

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    Contributions to the Weavers Community

    Raghuvansi represented the Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch in the People's Tribunal on Human Rights,chaired by Sayeda Hameed, a member of the Planning Commission of India, briefing on the reportedly

    poor situation of the Varanasi weavers.[15] Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch is a Varanasi based outfit,

    founded by Siddiq Hassan, in 2004, that lobbies for the weaver community.[16] Varanasi Weavers Trustwas conceptualised in 2004 by the Sri Lankan economist Darin Gunasekara and Raguvansi, with theobjective of easy accessibility of the capital and market to the poor in a democratised way. The demandwas then put forth to the Indian Government for the establishment of the trust.[17]

    Bringing together the South Asian countries

    On January 15, 2005, human rights groups from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka,PVCHR (India), INSEC (Nepal), People's Forum for Human Rights (Bhutan), Human RightsCommission of Pakistan, LOKOJ (Bangladesh) and Wiros Lokh Institute (Sri Lanka), met with anobjective of a united South Asia, working for the common good, in Kathmandu. This convention wasnamed People's SAARC, leading to the formation of a South Asian People's Forum, with Raghuvansi as

    its coordinator. Afghanistan was later added to this SAARC.[18]Recognition

    Raghuvanshi is a 2001 Ashoka Fellow.[2] He was appointed as the state director for the EuropeanUnion funded National Project on Prevention of Torture in 2006,[19] in recognition of the reports

    published by PVCHR on torture incidents in the state. He drafted a Testimonial model for India alongwith Dr.Inger Agger,[20] working further on dealing with torture. He was awarded the Gwangju HumanRights Award in 2007, along with Irom Sharmila.[4] In 2008, he received ACHA Star Peace award fromAssociation for Communal Harmony in Asia USA along with B. M. Kutty, Karamat Ali and MubashirMirza from Pakistan.[5] In 2010, he was elected as the president for the Association of CulturalHarmony in Asia, USA.[21] The City Council of Weimar, Germany, chose him for the 2010International Human Rights award.[6]


    1. Kaveree Bamzai (April 10, 2009). "'The young surge'".India Today.

    2. Ashoka Foundation (2001). "'Ashoka Fellows'".Ashoka Foundation.

    3. Pravasi Today (December 11, 2010). "'Lenin receives German award for working forDalits'".Pravasi Today.

    4. The May 18 Memorial Foundation (2007). "Gwangju Prize for Human Rights". GwangjuPrize for Human Rights.

    5. Asia (2008). "'ACHA Awards (Archives)".ACHA.

    6. TNN (June 25, 2010). "'Local activist to get International award'". The Times of India.7.

    8. Farzand ahmed (April 10, 2009). "'Mobilise and Empower'".India Today.

    9. [1]

    10. TCN Staff Writer (January 15, 2011). "'PVCHR: A warrior against human rights violations'".Two Circles.

    11. "'International human rights award recognizes Dalit struggle for dignity'".ActionAid.

    12. TNN (February 18, 2011). "'Basic education is still a poor child'". The Times of India.

    13. "'Threats against Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi and members of the People's Vigilance Committee

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    on Human Rights (PVCHR)'".Front Line (NGO). May 21, 2008.

    14. Nirmala Carvalho (November 6, 2008). "'Education and learning against child exploitation,says Lenin Raghuvanshi'".AsiaNews.

    15. TNN (November 19, 2009). "'People's Tribunal on Human rights'". The Times of India.

    16. "'Looming extinction : Skilled silk-weavers are feeling the squeeze of competition'". TheEconomist. January 8, 2009.

    17. Prashant, Shruti Nagvanshi (June 29, 2006). "'Government Listens to Weavers Concerns'".The South Asian.

    18. "'South Asian People's declaration". The South Asian. January 27, 2005.

    19. "FNF Partner conferred with Gwangju Prize for Human Rights 2007".Friedrich NaumannFoundation.

    20. "Testimonial Theory : A Brief ?Intervention".Rehabilitation and Research Centre forTorture Victims.

    21. "Asian Peace : Board".Asia

    Born May 18, 1970 Varanasi, India

    Residence Varanasi

    Nationality Indian

    Citizenship Indian

    Education Bachelor degree in Ayurveda, Modern Medicine

    and Surgery (1994)Alma Mater State College for Ayurveda and Medicine,

    Gurukul Kangari, Haridwar

    Occupation Social activist

    Known for People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights


    Home town Varanasi

    Title Dr

    Religion Atheist-Buddhist [1]

    Spouse(s) Shruti Nagvanshi

    Children Kabeer Karunik Parents Surendra Nath (Father)

    Shrimati Savitri Devi (Mother)

    Awards Karamveer Award 2012,Human Rights Award of

    the city of Weimar (2010), Gwangju Human

    Rights Award (2007), ACHA Peace Star Award


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    lquhy xqIrk vkSj blds nyky liksVZjksa ds b'kkjs ij rkMfr? fd, tk jgs Mk- ysfuu vkSj Jqfr ukxoa'khu;s la'kksf/kr dkuwu 166 , vkbZihlh ds rgr eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjh] iqfyl vf/kdkjh o Hksywiqj Fkkuk ds f[kykQ eqdnek ntZ djdk;Zokgh dh tkuh pkfg,A ;g oO; ekuokf/kdkj tufuxjkuh lfefr ds laLFkkid egklfpo Mk- ysfuu o eSusftax VLVh Jqfrukxoa'kh us slokrkZ esa fn;kA mUgksaus dgk fd efgyk ij vR;kpkj tkjh j[kus ds fy, iqfyl vf/kdkjh ds vkns'k ij Hksywiqj Fkkuk us19 twu] 2013 dks199/13 /kkjk 342] 384] 498 vkbZ0ih0lh0 ds vUrxZr ysfuu vkSj Jqfr ukxoa'kh ds f[kykQ eqdnek fy[kk gSA

    fofnr gks fd blh vkjksi ij lquhy xqIrk us igys Hkh f'kdk;r dh Fkh] ftl ij iqfyl us tkp dj vkjksi dks >wBk ekuk ,oa bUghvkjksiksa ds vk/kkj ij ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; esa lquhy dqekj xqIrk us ;kfpdk gsfo;l dkjil fjV isVh'ku uEcj&8753/2013nk;j dhA ftl ij liuk o mlds HkkbZ ';ke us mPp U;k;ky; es tkdj vius c;ku fn;sA ftl ij ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; us;kfpdk [kkfjt djrs gq, liuk pkSjfl;k dks Lora= ?kksf"kr djrs gq, lquhy xqIrk dks liuk ds 'kkfUriw.kZ thou esa fdlh rjg dsgLr{ksi ij jksd yxk nhA

    bl vkns'k dh Nk;k fr liuk us Hksywiqj Fkkuk] ofj"B iqfyl v/kh{kd dks Hkh HkstkA liuk us 'kgj esa slokrkZ dhA liuk dks y[kuesa mlds la?k"kksaZ ds fy, lkaln ekuuh;k fMEiy ;kno ,oa vfHkus=h ekuuh;k 'kckuk vkteh ds gkFkksa ls lEekfur fd;k x;kA bldsfojks/kh 'kgj ds ;kKoY;h viijEijk ds efgyk fojks/kh] efgykvksa dk vf/kdkj Nhudj okjk.klh dk uke cnuke djus dh dksf'k'k dj

    jgs gSaA lquhy us vkjksi yxk;k gS fd liuk 13 uoEcj] 2012 dks iSlk ysdj Hkkx x;h gSaA tcfd tqykbZ] 2012 dks ifjokfjd U;k;ky;esa liuk ds fonk fonkbZ dk eqdnek lquhy xqIrk us fd;k gSA liuk dh tcjnLrh 'kknh 2005 esa gksrh gS] tcfd euksfpfdRldks dsnLrkostksa esa bls fn[kk;k tkrk gS 2010 esaA blls irk pyrk gS fd lquhy xqIrk ,d 'kkfrj efgyk fojks/kh vijk/kh o`fk dk O;f gSaAftlds lkFk bl 'kgj esa nykyh djus okys yksx lkB&xkaB esa yxs gSaA

    Mk- ysfuu sl okrkZ esa lquhy xqIrk }kjk mlds fj'rsnkj }kjk ckrphr dk vkfM;ks Vsi Hkh Lrqr fd;k ftlesa lquhy xqIrk us Qslcqdcukdj laLFkk cjckn djus] xSaxokj gksus ds lkFk /kedh nsus okys 'kCnksa esa dkQh vi'kCn cksyk gSaA ;g vkfM;ks Vsi vc ;wVwc

    http://www-youtube-com/watch\vyiQqVQHWP0 ij miyC/k gSA

    Qslcqd cukdj lquhy xqIrk }kjk Jqfr uxkoa'kh dh e;kZnk ij geyk djus ij dS.V Fkkuk esa eqdnek vijk/k la[;k418/13 vkbZ0Vh0,DV dh /kkjk 66x] 66?k] 66ch ds vUrxZr ntZ gSA blds ckn lquhy xqIrk us vius Qslcqd esa vius dks ".k vkSj viuh iRuh dkskSinh fn[kkdj fgUnw/keZ dk vieku fd;k gS] ftlds f[kykQ eSaus iqu% fofHkUu vf/kdkfj;ksa dks i= fy[kk gSaA Mk- ysfuu o Jqfr us dgkfd Hksywiqj Fkkuk us lquhy xqIrk dh igyh iRuh dh ekSr ds iksLVekVZe esa gSafxax ls ekSr iksLVekVZe la[;k&1280/2002 gksus ij gq,eqdnes esa iSls ds ysu&nsu ij eqdnek nkf[ky nrj dj fn;k vkSj ogh lquhy xqIrk }kjk 13 uoEcj] 2012 dk xqe'kqnxh ntZ djokbZxbZA blds ckn liuk vusdksa vf/kdkfj;ksa o mPp U;k;ky; esa Lrqr gqbZ vkSj mldk c;ku fy;k x;kA

    bu lcds ckotwn ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; dh vogsyuk djrs gq, vHkh gky esa Hksywiqj Fkkuk us Mk- ysfuu o Jqfr ukxoa'kh ds f[kykQQthZ eqdnek ntZ fd;k gSA blls irk pyrk gS fd Hksywiqj Fkkuk liuk ds lkFk gqbZ fgalk dks nckuk pkgrk gSA blfy, Hksywiqj Fkkuk ds

    f[kykQ vkbZ0ih0lh0 dh /kkjk 166, ds rgr dk;Zokgh dh tkuh pkfg,A ;g dk;Zokgh eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjh ds f[kykQ Hkh gksuhpkfg,] D;ksafd tks kFkfedh ntZ gqbZ gS og eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjh okjk.klh ds uke ij gSaA

    fofnr gS fd 13 ekpZ] 2013 dks lquhy xqIrk ds ij liuk }kjk eqdnek vijk/k la[;k1280/2002 /kkjk 328] 511] 498,] 323] 504]506 vkbZ0ih0lh0 ds rgr ntZ fd;k x;k gSA ftlij efgyk Fkkuk yhikiksrh o ghyk gokyh dj jgk gS] blij Hkh vkbZ0ih0lh0 dh/kkjk 166, ds rgr dk;Zokgh dh tkuh pkfg,A 24 tuojh] 2013 dks vtsZUV vihy tkjh dj geus ,oa vius ifjokj dh gR;k ds lkFkQthZ eqdnes esa Qlkus dh vk'kadk dh vihy dj mPp vf/kdkfj;ksa dks i= fy[k dj crk;k] lkFk gh mPpLrjh; tkp dh ekax dhAhttp://www-pvchr-net/2013/01/india&threats&to&human&rights&defenders-html

    24 vSy] 2013 dks Mk0 ysfuu ij tku ysok geyk gqvkA ftlij Hkh mPp vf/kdkjh ds igy ij eqdnek la[;k359/13 /kkjk 307]

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    452] 341] 323 ds vUrxZr ntZ gSaA 13 ebZ] 2013 dks bl flyflys esa eSus ofj"B iqfyl iqfyl v/kh{kd dks i= Hkstk gSaA Mk0 ysfuu oJqfr us crk;k fd yksgrk Fkkus ij nfyr efgyk jkoM+h nsohs uke ifjofrZr ds ;kSu mRihM+u ij ,d iqfyl dehZ dks ltk gqbZ gS] vkSj,d fiVkbZ ds ekeys esa Hkh ,d iqfyl dehZ dks U;k;ky; us uksfVl tkjh dh gSA ftldh iSjoh laLFkk }kjk dh xbZ gSA ftlds pyrs dqNiqfyl vf/kdkjh o iqfyl dehZ eq>ls ukjkt gSA ftlds dkj.k ;g is'k cUnh dqN nykyksa ds ncko esa dh tk jgh gSA tcfd 16 tuojh]

    2013 dks feyh /kedh vkSj vHkh 20 twu] 2013 dks feyh eksckby dh /kedh ij vkSj tku ysok geys o liuk }kjk nk;j dsl esa Hkhiqfyl }kjk vHkh dksbZ Bksl dk;Zokgh ugh gqbZ gSaA

    mUgksus cukjl dh turk ls vkoku fd;k fd ;kKoY;h viijEijk ds f[kykQ [kMs+ gksdj efgykvksa ds lEeku dks [kMkdj ekr`lEeku dks LFkkfir djsaA Mk0 ysfuu o Jqfr us 169 lh0vkj0ih0lh ds rgr lk{;ksa ds vk/kkj ij eqdnek nkf[ky nrj djus ds lkFk]QthZ eqdnek nk;j djus ds f[kykQ 182 vkbZ0ih0lh0 ds rgr lquhy xqIrk ij eqdnek ntZ djus dh vihy dh gSaA

    okg js iqfyl] ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZvksa ij gh yxk fn, eqdnesa

    y[kuA ncaxksa vkSj ekfQ;kvksa ds fy, iqfyl dk bLrseky fdruk vklku gks x;k gS vkSj dkuwuksa ds ckjs esa [kqn iqfyl gh fdruhvutku gS bldk lcwr fo[;kr ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZvksa Mk- ysfuu vkSj Jqfr us fd;k gSA budk vkjksi gS dh cukjl dh iqfyl

    fu;eks dh vogsyuk djds mUgsa rkf?

    r dj jgh gS vkSj eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjh ds uke fn, x, kFkZuk i= ij ,Q vkbZ vkj ntZ djyh tk jgh gSA okLrfod eqtfje ds f[kykQ dksbZ dk;Zokgh ugha dh tk jghA Mk0 ysfuu o Jqfr us 169 lh0vkj0ih0lh ds rgr lk{;ksads vk/kkj ij eqdnek nkf[ky nrj djus ds lkFk] QthZ eqdnek nk;j djus ds f[kykQ 182 vkbZ0ih0lh0 ds rgr lquhy xqIrk ijeqdnek ntZ djus dh vihy dh gSaA KkrO; gS dh bu nksuksa }kjk ,d rkf?r efgyk liuk dh enn djus ds ckn ls gh budks/kefd;k fey jgh gSa vkSj Mk - ysfuu ij tkuysok geyk gks pwdk gSA exj cukjl ds Hksywiqj Fkkus dh iqfyl us vijk/kh ij dk;okghdjus ds ckt, ekuokf/kdkj dk;ZdrkZvksa ij gh eqdnes yxk fn, gSaA vc Mk- ysfuu vkSj Jqfr us u;s la'kksf/kr dkuwu 166 , vkbZihlhds rgr eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjh] iqfyl vf/kdkjh o Hksywiqj Fkkuk ds f[kykQ eqdnek ntZ dj dk;Zokgh djus dh ekax dh gS A mUgksausdgk fd efgyk ij vR;kpkj tkjh j[kus ds fy, iqfyl vf/kdkjh ds vkns'k ij Hksywiqj Fkkuk us 19 twu] 2013 dks199/13 //kkjk 342]384] 498 vkbZ0ih0lh0 ds vUrxZr ysfuu vkSj Jqfr ukxoa'kh ds f[kykQ eqdnek fy[kk gSA fofnr gks fd blh vkjksi ij lquhy xqIrkuke ds O;f us igys Hkh f'kdk;r dh Fkh] ftl ij iqfyl us tkp dj vkjksi dks >wBk ekuk ,oa bUgh vkjksiksa ds vk/kkj ij ekuuh;

    mPp U;k;ky; esa lquhy dqekj xqIrk us ;kfpdk gsfo;l dkjil fjV isVh'ku uEcj&8753@2013 nk;j dhA ftl ij ihfMrk liuk

    o mlds HkkbZ ';ke us mPp U;k;ky; es tkdj vius c;ku fn;sA ftl ij ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; us ;kfpdk [kkfjt djrs gq, liukpkSjfl;k dks Lora= ?kksf"kr djrs gq, lquhy xqIrk dks liuk ds 'kkfUriw.kZ thou esa fdlh rjg ds gLr{ksi ij jksd yxk nhA

    ekeyk rc 'kq: gqvk tc 'kkfrj fnekx ds lquhy xqIrk us liuk dks tcfj;k iRuh ?kksf"kr dj tc mldk mRihMu 'kq: fd;k rc ogHkkx dj ekuokf/kdkj ds fy, dke djus okyh laLFkk ekuokf/kdkj tu fuxjkuh lfefr ds ikl vkbZ vkSj laLFkk us mldk dsl ns[kuk'kq: fd;kA 13 ekpZ] 2013 dks lquhy xqIrk ds ij liuk }kjk eqdnek vijk/k la[;k 1280@2002 /kkjk 328] 511] 498,] 323] 504]506 vkbZ0ih0lh0 ds rgr ntZ fd;k x;k gSA bl ekeys dh iSjoh tc Mk - ysfuu vkSj Jqfr }kjk dh tkus yxh rc lquhy us mudkstku ls ejus dh /kedh nh vkSj QthZ Qsl cqd ist cuk dj Jqfr dks cnuke djus dh /kedh nhA lquhy us vkjksi yxk;k gS fd liuk13 uoEcj] 2012 dks iSlk ysdj Hkkx x;h gSaA Qslcqd cukdj lquhy xqIrk }kjk Jqfr uxkoa'kh dh e;kZnk ij geyk djus ij dS.VFkkuk esa eqdnek vijk/k la[;k418/13 vkbZ0Vh0 ,DV dh /kkjk 66x] 66?k] 66ch ds vUrxZr ntZ gSA Mk- ysfuu o Jqfr us dgk fdHksywiqj Fkkuk us lquhy xqIrk dh igyh iRuh dh ekSr ds iksLVekVZe esa gSafxax ls ekSr iksLVekVZe la[;k&1280@2002 gksus ij gq,eqdnes esa iSls ds ysu&nsu ij eqdnek nkf[ky nrj dj fn;k vkSj ogh lquhy xqIrk }kjk 13 uoEcj] 2012 dk xqe'kqnxh ntZ djokbZxbZA blds ckn liuk vusdksa vf/kdkfj;ksa o mPp U;k;ky; esa Lrqr gqbZ vkSj mldk c;ku fy;k x;kA blds ckn 24 vSy] 2013 dksMk0 ysfuu ij tku ysok geyk gqvkA ftlij Hkh mPp vf/kdkjh ds igy ij eqdnek la[;k 359@13 /kkjk 307] 452] 341] 323 dsvUrxZr ntZ gks ldk A bu lcds ckotwn ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; dh vogsyuk djrs gq, iqfyl us esa Hksywiqj Fkkuk us Mk- ysfuu o Jqfrukxoa'kh ds f[kykQ QthZ eqdnek ntZ dj fn;k gSA blls irk pyrk gS fd Hksywiqj Fkkuk liuk ds lkFk gqbZ fgalk dks nckuk pkgrk gSAblfy, Hksywiqj Fkkuk ds f[kykQ vkbZ0ih0lh0 dh /kkjk 166, ds rgr dk;Zokgh dh tkuh pkfg,A ;g dk;Zokgh eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjhds f[kykQ Hkh gksuh pkfg,] D;ksafd tks kFkfedh ntZ gqbZ gS og eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjh okjk.klh ds uke ij gSaA

    ;gk ;g Hkh tku ysuk mfpr gS fd ihfM+rk liuk dks y[ku esa mlds la?k"kksZa ds fy, lkaln ekuuh; fMEiy ;kno ,oa vfHkus=hekuuh; 'kckuk vkteh ds gkFkksa ls lEekfur fd;k tk pqdk gSA

  • 7/27/2019 Attack on Human Rights defenders


    Contact :Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR)

    SA 4/2A, Daulatpur, Varanasi 221002 (Uttar Pradesh), IndiaMobile No. : +91-9935599333, E-mail : [email protected],,