attack on american free enterprise system on american...attack on american free enterprise system,...

Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed 1 Attack on American Free Enterprise System Lewis F. Powell, Jr. August 23, 1971 Table of Contents PREFACE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Reframing Assumptions / Approach ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Reframing the Powell Memorandum ...........................................................................................................................................................................................11 Format .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Detailed Reframing Results .......................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Conclusions ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................60 Additional Resources: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................60 APPENDIX A Opportunity - Gini Coefficient of Opportunity.....................................................................................................................................................62 APPENDIX B Anthropocentric ......................................................................................................................................................................................................62 1. Anthropocentric - Merriam-Webster Online .............................................................................................................................................62 2. anthropocentric - The Free Dictionary .......................................................................................................................................................62 3. Anthropocentric - ................................................................................................................................................................62 4. Anthropocentric - Urban Dictionary: ...........................................................................................................................................................62

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  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    Attack on American Free Enterprise System

    Lewis F. Powell, Jr.

    August 23, 1971

    Table of Contents PREFACE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Reframing Assumptions / Approach ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

    Reframing the Powell Memorandum ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

    Format ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

    Detailed Reframing Results ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

    Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60

    Additional Resources: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60

    APPENDIX A Opportunity - Gini Coefficient of Opportunity ..................................................................................................................................................... 62

    APPENDIX B Anthropocentric ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62

    1. Anthropocentric - Merriam-Webster Online ............................................................................................................................................. 62

    2. anthropocentric - The Free Dictionary ....................................................................................................................................................... 62

    3. Anthropocentric - ................................................................................................................................................................ 62

    4. Anthropocentric - Urban Dictionary: ........................................................................................................................................................... 62

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    5. Anthropocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ......................................................................................................................... 63

    6. Anthropocentrism – ................................................................................................................................................................ 63

    APPENDIX C Extras....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63

    APPENDIX D Hope?...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64

    APPENDIX E Different Types of Economic Systems ..................................................................................................................................................................... 64

    APPENDIX F Economics Systems ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 96

    Components .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 96

    Types ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97

    APPENDIX G Market – ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 98

    market, ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 98

    The market in economic doctrine and history .......................................................................................................................................................................... 99

    Market theory ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99

    The historical development of markets .............................................................................................................................................................................. 100

    Commodity markets ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 103

    APPENDIX H The Economic Way of Thinking by John Morton .................................................................................................................................................. 105

    APPENDIX I Social Security Solutions Model ............................................................................................................................................................................. 110

    Model ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110

    Resources About Social Security ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 118

    APPENDIX J Who Speaks for Earth? .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 124

    William O. Douglas ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 124

    Edward Abbey ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 126

    APPENDIX K ALEC ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 126

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed



    "Whenever I run into a problem I can't solve, I always make it bigger.”

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    The following essay was inspired by a memorandum written 40 years ago by Lewis F. Powell, a Virginia lawyer (later to become a U.S. Supreme Court

    justice appointed by Richard Nixon) to his friend, Eugene B. Sydnor, at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Bill Moyers, in one of his recent TV segments,

    considered the 1971 Powell Memorandum1 as a “call-to-arms for American corporations” that was a modern turning point in the age-old power struggle

    (war) between corporations (people who come together for a specific goal) and governments (people who come together for the common good).

    The ongoing struggle over power and wealth are the subject of this essay. It appears that when there is a significant or exaggerated separation of

    power (dictatorship) or wealth ( Kings and peasants), there is discontent. When humans sense unfairness, the result is unrest and if unmanaged,

    escalates into a revolution – often violent.

    Using today’s social media we find an amazing experiment conducted with our cousins the Chaucin monkeys on unfair reward (pay). One might

    conclude there is some lesson learned from the ancient past that is actually programmed in our DNA - that our ancient ancestors had already figured out –

    Yes, we understand that weather must be averaged over 20-30 years before we can say that climate has actually changed.

    But when locals say, “The last time we had weather like this was never,”i t does make you wonder.

    So we will discuss related topics including hoarding – the accumulation of stuff – power, money, pets, children, etc. We will discuss the “value”

    of such behavior – and the ills is seems to generate. We will discuss what elements in American society contribute to this “unfair” distribution –

    that results from hoarding – and if we really want a peaceful society, we would be advised to rethink our social order

    Apparently fearful of the fall of the American Free Enterprise, Powell set about to devise a strategy to oppose the ‘Leftist 2attack.’ Powell’s proposed

    counter attack is described in detail with his original memo. Looking back, it appears that Powell’s strategy was quietly implemented and a new battle

    1 See the original typed version of the Memo. Read the transcript of the Powell Memo. Also see an article by GreenPeace, “The Lewis Powell Memo - Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy” Blogpost by Charlie Cray - August 23, 2011 2 Today Leftist / Socialist / Communist are wrongly viewed to be a single ideology by most in the Right /Conservative / Tea Party who then deliberately, wrongly and

    pejoratively connect Leftist to the Liberal / Progressive perspective. But being an unaffiliated / independent voter, I guess that’s their problem.|utmccn=%252

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    began 40 years ago in this never-ending war.3 At this point, the American Free Enterprise system has definitely won the day. Large corporations and

    financial institutions have seized the hill, but the war is not over. Today U.S. based corporations and financial Institutions have unprecedented power -

    unseen since the breakup of the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan monopolies at the turn of the 20th century. And the historians would say that we are now

    at a place on the battlefield of power where Thomas Jefferson most feared to be but where Alexander Hamilton wanted to steer us. We are where we are

    – so let’s look around even as this undeclared 225 year internal war continues in the U.S.

    Whereas Powell saw the problem as an “attack on the American Free Enterprise system in 1971,” today we can see the problem as being much bigger. We

    can reframe it is an “attack on America” and an “attack on the Planet by Homo Sapiens.” In this essay, we simply ”reframe” Powell’s work, his ideas, his

    analysis into the worldview we can see today - a worldview derived from today’s Universe Story – a story that did not exist in its current level of detail in

    1971 when Powell wrote the initial memo.

    We are privileged to be able to broaden our perspective of the problem today because we humans are amazing living beings. We have an incredible ability

    to observe ourselves and the world around us and then learn from what we observe. We are a creature that seems to be forever curious and for

    whatever reason continues to ask, “Why? and How?” To our credit we have developed a unique ability for ‘collective learning’4 and methods to pass our

    ever expanding knowledge base from one generation to the next generation in a manner that transcends DNA. As we continue to observe the Universe

    around us, we compile these observations into a coherent Universe Story, We love to

    To our demise, we have also developed a fascination of, some say an addiction to, hoarding Earth’s resources – of claiming as our own. the accumulation

    As we observe the Universe it suggests a purpose for humans – as natural evolution of life on Earth seems to have done for 3.8 billion years, i.e. create

    more complexity that is sustainable – we too can focus on sustainable creations.

    We find new eyes to see (micro / telescopes) tools technology -

    …… using bigger perspective of today’s Universe Story In 1971, as documented in Powell’s memo, he and many other citizens were concerned about and

    focused on how American corporations / businesses (the American Free Enterprise) were being “attacked” by the liberal, Leftist members of our culture.

    3 Never-ending war. David Rothkopf, in his book “”Power, Inc.: The Epic Rivalry Between Big Business and Government –the Reckoning That Lies Ahead” tells the story of

    Stora Kopparberg, a corporation originally devoted to mining copper near the town of Falun in Sweden. Stora may be the oldest continuously operating corporation in the world – there are surviving documents of early share transactions dating back to 1288. The story of Sweden’s Stora illustrates that conflicts between corporation owners, stockholders, workers, management, and government existed at least 725 years ago. Pg 33. 4 Collective Learning. A term used by David Christian as he narrates a timeline depicting a complete history of the evolving universe, from the Big Bang to Planet Earth

    today with a focus on the "Thresholds of Increasing Complexity." He points out that humans appear to be unique among the living species – we acquired language, visual symbolism to record experiences, collective memory, and then ‘collective learning’ with an ever growing knowledge base to be passed to the next generation(education).

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    Recall that at that point in American history, our country was also engaged in an unwinnable (and undeclared) war in Vietnam intended to

    counteract the Domino Effect5 – a term used to describe the feared global expansion of Communism. Remember at that time we lived in deathly

    fear, bordering on paranoia, of the Soviet Union, specifically the fear that Capitalism would be overrun by a Communist or even Socialist system.

    Recall that at this time, as described in a recent Greenpeace article, a renewed environmental consciousness was emerging that was also

    threatening the status quo and profitability of corporations:

    “Environmental awareness and pressure on corporate polluters had reached a new peak in the months before the Powell memo was

    written. In January 1970, President Nixon signed the National Environmental Policy Act, which formally recognized the environment’s

    importance by establishing the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Massive Earth Day events took place all over the country

    just a few months later and by early July, Nixon signed an executive order that created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Tough

    new amendments to the Clean Air Act followed in December 1970 and by April 1971, EPA announced the first air pollution standards. Lead

    paint was soon regulated for the first time, and the awareness of the impacts of pesticides and other pollutants-- made famous by Rachel

    Carson in her 1962 book, Silent Spring – was recognized when DDT was finally banned for agricultural use in 1972.”

    Reframing Assumptions / Approach

    During this “reframing of the Powell Memo” process we make the following points:

    1) Our social order, the “system,” is undoubtedly working as it is currently designed to function. How well the system is working for each of us may

    not be the way some of us would like it to function, but for the 1%, it is working quite well.

    2) Since homo sapiens created the “system”, if we-the-people don’t like how it is working, we can obviously modify it whenever we muster the

    collective will to do so. Human history shows us there are various ways our human created systems change:

    a. When the human system is inconsistent with natural laws, and the humans involved do not change their system (adapt), the humans lose,

    the system is abandoned & nature continues on. Examples include: the Easter Island culture that destroyed their island’s ecosystem; the

    use of lead to fabricate the Roman water supply & distribution system,…

    5 President Dwight D. Eisenhower coins one of the most famous Cold War phrases when he suggests the fall of French Indochina to the communists could create a

    "domino" effect in Southeast Asia. The so-called "domino theory" dominated U.S. thinking about Vietnam for the next decade……. In the long run, however, Eisenhower's announcement of the "domino theory" laid the foundation for U.S. involvement in Vietnam.” John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson both used the theory to justify their calls for increased U.S. economic and military assistance to non-communist South Vietnam and, eventually, the commitment of U.S. armed forces in 1965.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    b. When the human system is consistent with natural laws, but the system is inconsistent with human nature, the system will decline, the

    humans lose & nature continues on. Examples include: Peaceful civilizations living sustainably but overrun / conquered by warring

    cultures (i.e. the Iroquois Confederacy of North America was living in right relations with nature but were not prepared to defend

    themselves from the more physically aggressive European settlers ,….)

    3) The “system” in which we live shapes us and determines how & what we learn about the Universe, about our Planet, about All Life, about humans,

    and about ourselves.

    a. When the “system” prevents us from seeing and learning about our unsustainable behavior, a portion of the system needs to be changed.

    b. When the “system” continues to conduct an undeclared civil war over power and wealth, a portion of the system needs to be changed.

    c. When the “system” prevents any one of its citizens from reaching their potential and from increasing their awareness and consciousness, a

    portion of the system needs to be changed.

    d. When the “system” no longer places collective learning (education of future generations) as a social priority, a portion of the system needs

    to be changed.

    e. When the “system” no longer is concerned about the long term (hundreds of millions of years) viability of the human species, a portion of

    the system must be changed.

    4) Avoid blaming. The process of “blaming” transfers the responsibility and power for bringing about change (or righting a wrong or restoring an

    injustice) away from oneself to someone else. Blaming In effect, it makes one powerless to bring about change. That doesn’t make sense.

    5) Avoid sub-optimization.

    a. Systems theory reminds us that when seeking to improve the performance of a large complex system (such as our global eco-system), it is

    unwise to just optimize a single subsystem (say the American Free Enterprise System or Businesses) – this is referred to as sub-


    b. Expending effort to strengthen only one favorite component/part within a large system typically doesn’t optimize the total system

    performance. However, when the total system is improved, everyone (every subsystem) wins.

    Powell’s memo describes how to sub-optimize ‘corporate America’ – the Free Enterprise System. Unfortunately this sub-optimiization does

    not strengthen America as a nation, nor does it make for a better planet.

    This is where Dwight Eisenhower’s quote makes a lot of sense,

    "Whenever I run into a problem I can't solve, I always enlarge it.”

    This is where Edwin Markham’s approach makes a lot of sense

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    He drew a circle that shut me out-

    Heretic, rebel6, a thing to flout.

    But love and I had the wit to win.

    We drew a circle and took him in!

    From the poem " Outwitted” ― Edwin Markham

    c. By reframing Powell’s ideas in a broader context, beyond sub-optimizing ‘Corporate America’ to say optimizing America or better yet to

    optimizing the Planet, we are more likely to find a solution that benefits Corporate America AND America AND the Planet. Implementing

    this broader solution would be beneficial for All Life – human and non-human; plant and animal. We definitely need to amend our current

    system to do this.

    6) Strive for adaptability. This is a lesson we definitely must learn from our current consciousness of evolution of life on planet Earth. It is a known

    fact that the Universe is expanding, that the Sun is fusing its finite supply of hydrogen and will run out in about 5 billion years, that the earth’s core

    is constantly radiating energy to space and will eventually become solid (assuming the expanding Sun does not consume it before). Things they are

    a changing constantly, continuously – and the environment within which live is undergoing change as well. Those species that can best adapt to

    change will avoid extinction. Those species that were unable to adapt are no longer around as living beings but rather as fossils.

    7) Reflect on the Serenity Prayer

    God, grant me

    the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

    the Courage to change the things I can, and

    the Wisdom to know the difference.

    The prayer is a wise and poetic way of suggesting that it is appropriate to accept that we cannot change the vast Universe beyond – we cannot

    change the Sun that gives us the energy for Life on the Planet, nor can we change our sister planets. It is appropriate to accept that we cannot

    change the Universe within, from which emanates the four forces of our natural world (Strong & Weak Nuclear, Electromagnetic and Gravitational

    forces). Those are things we cannot change.

    6 Insert your own pejorative label: Leftist / Rightist, Liberal / Conservative, Communist/Socialist/Capitalist, Democrat / Republican, Black/White/Yellow/Brown,

    Atheist/Fundamentalist/Christian/Jew/ Muslin/Buddhist/…, Gay/Straight, etc.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    We are advised to summon the courage to change the things we can. We 7 billion humans are already bringing about change at a global level –

    and not in the direction that promotes the continuance of Life on the Planet. When we enlarge the problem to include the whole of the planet,

    because - the things that we have helped to emerge – that which we have created – the material things as well as the virtual ideas, the intangible

    systems – the human laws, the human systems, indeed our own behavior - these are the things we can change if we summon the will – the

    courage. And of course we better understand what within us is fundamental versus what we can change – to know the difference – through

    careful observation we can differentiate. That is our hope. That is our prayer.

    Let’s be clear. If humans left the planet Earth, there would be no problem – life on the planet would re-establish a new state and continue to

    evolve sustainably. As the Universe continues to expand, as the planet continues it natural changes, so too the living system must adapt to these

    changes if life expects to continue. Over millions of years we would expect more species to evolve and more species fail to adapt to the changing

    niche and become extinct.

    Life (at least some part of it) has survived bombardment from the skies as meteors slam into the earth causing incredible devastation. Life (at least

    some part of it) has survived climate change – including ice ages,

    Although the problem is as large as the planet, it can be narrowed down. There is no problem with non-human life that nature will not over time

    repair or correct. The problem can be limited to human behavior. The question is, “Are homo sapiens conscious enough to observe their

    unsustainable behavior and change their social structures (all of the nearly 200 ‘countries require some change) in time to avoid a dramatic

    collapse of the current eco-system?” The jury of evolution is still out before we know its decision.

    How do we retain our individual freedom that is essential to creativity, happiness, and even well being but yet have every individual exercise their

    freedom with a sense of responsibility for the well being of themselves, their immediate family, their extended family – and the deep extended

    family that includes all relatives in the family tree past and present and future?

    Let’s pause for a moment and ask ourselves, “How’s our current system working for us personally?” If it’s not working well, then let’s enter into

    discussions on how to improve the system. The civil system we live within is our creation. If it needs to be altered, we can update it. We must.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    Introduction We have to ask ourselves, “How’s our current system working for us personally?”

    We-the-People. 1% of our population will respond, “The status quo provides an ideal environment for

    our personal well being” - an understandable response for those who have accumulated 42% of our

    nation’s considerable wealth. Actually the top 5% of our citizens have now accumulated 70% of the

    nation’s wealth.

    Not unexpectedly, the 80% of citizens at the other end of the economic scale will answer the question

    with some variation on the theme,” Not so good” as they simply try to survive on just 7% of the

    country’s wealth. This group includes a growing number of homeless individuals and families. Some

    within this group make up a large number of the 8% of our unemployed citizens still looking for a way to

    earn a living. Some are recently graduated students saddled with unprecedented indebtedness from

    student loans. Some are trying to stay one step ahead of foreclosure and eviction from their homes.

    Some are spending much of their time and emotional energy fending off creditors for unpaid health care

    costs incurred as a result of a recent illness or accident in their lives. Many are considering (or in the

    process of) personal bankruptcy. A few will admit their life is a struggle, but they insist there are still

    some rays of hope, still some moments of joy and happiness especially when they can spend time with

    their families and friends, some retain the hope that the lives of their children will be better than theirs.

    Yet they get up each morning and try to move forward.

    The once predominant ‘middle class’ is now reduced to the remaining 15% of the population associated with 23% of the nation’s wealth. This group

    would answer the question with, “We’re getting along.” Some are currently without a job, some have upside down mortgages but manage to make

    monthly payments, some fear they will never be able to afford to retire. Yet many will say that Life is pretty good. They have their families and friends.

    They have some time for entertainment and recreation. They too get up each morning and move ahead, some more joyfully than others.

    Corporate America / Wall Street. So “How’s our current system working for large corporations and financial institutions?” They would admit they are

    doing quite well in today’s America. Nearly all large American companies learned that is very profitable to move their manufacturing jobs (and equipment)

    to China, and so they did over the past decade. Their products can now be produced for a fraction of the cost of manufacturing here in the U.S. so that

    even after incurring significant shipping costs, there is much more profit when manufacturing is overseas by underpaid laborers. The manufacturing that

    remains in the U.S. is associated with the auto industry, aerospace & defense industry, and construction.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    We might attribute the present power and success of the Free Enterprise System to the genius of Powell’s strategic thinking and the coordinated efforts of

    corporations over the past 40 years. Others might suggest that the American Free Enterprise System’s surge to the top of the ridge was unimpeded after

    the failure of the Soviet Union’s experiment with Communism.

    Several years after the breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, a former Russian aerospace scientist, now turned geologist and

    scientific instrument salesman was visiting the US. He told me that “Communism was an experiment. It failed (partially) because central planning

    was far too difficult for just a few people at the top.” For whatever reasons, our most feared external enemy during the Cold War imploded. In

    retrospect it appears that Communism was born with a number of potentially fatal birth defects, including the difficult, if not impossible task of

    detailed central planning, nor was it designed to take on the difficult task of integrating/uniting a system as complex as the 15 nation states

    (republics) within the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - except by force. The Soviet Union’s final breath occurred during the Reagan

    Administration so the great communicator and his followers humbly took full credit for defeating their “evil empire.” But that’s another story

    that someday historians will unravel 7.

    So the undeclared internal war over power continues within the United States. Unfortunately in recent battles, ‘we-the-people’ together with ‘we-the-

    non-human-beings’ have suffered the most casualties and the balance of power is now on the side of the large multinational corporations, Wall Street

    financial institutions and the wealthy 1%.

    Fortunately our Constitution has seen fit to protect we-the-people from most of the abuse humans have experienced for millennium – abuse from the

    runaway leaders of their civil societies. We are protected from the abuse of monarchs, and religious figureheads by an electable leader whose executive

    powers are in turn balanced by a bicameral branch of government – also electable whose powers are in turn balanced by a select dozen whose powers are

    restricted to interpretation of the law but otherwise not balanced, nor electable nor directly responsible to we-the-people – perhaps a regrettable

    asymmetry in our civil society. Without any accountability, except the remote possibility of impeachment, this third branch of government is prone to run


    Seems nature has endowed each of us humans with the ability to be uniquely imperfect and perhaps thankfully oblivious to this talent – otherwise

    we would become deeply depressed. Members of the Supreme Court continue to demonstrate they too are human.

    As great as our Constitution is, it does not protect us from the abuse of power by financial institutions too-big-to-fail or corporations too-big-to-be-

    responsible. Such is our imperfect Union. With our current (Free Enterprise System) system, which undoubtedly is functioning just it was “designed” with

    today’s laws and tax regulations, the unsustainable separation of wealth continues unabated.

    7 Ironically Oliver Stone’s latest work “Untold History of the United States” begins to provide some additional insights into this period of American history – details that are

    generally overlooked by the mainstream media.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    In 2010, the top 1 percent of U.S. families captured as much as 93 percent of the nation’s income growth, according to a March paper by Emmanuel

    Saez, a University of California at Berkeley economist who studied Internal Revenue Service data. Ref:

    Reframing the Powell Memorandum We took on this “reframing” exercise for several reasons.

    1) Lewis Powell was intelligent. He identified an issue he was passionate about. He devised a long range plan to do something about it. 40 years

    later, we see that his plan was successfully implemented – to a fault. Due in part to people like Powell, the Free Enterprise system has counter

    attacked and now has the upper hand on power in America – and for that matter around the world.

    2) There is now an unacceptable separation of wealth here in the U.S. – one of the worst in the world, the middle class has nearly disappeared and

    the general economy is in trouble – the disappearance of a middle class with its associated buying power has contributed to the decline of


    a. 1% of the population has accumulated 42% of the country’s wealth and they have taken that wealth out of the economy because they are

    hoarding it – in many cases the 1% has actually taken this wealth out the country – to banks in Europe and the Cayman Islands (ref: Tax

    issues with Mitt Romney)8

    b. Hoarding of wealth, power, etc. is of no value to other members of the society – in fact it is a detriment and should not be promoted.

    Examples of elements within our system that promote the further separation of wealth include:

    i. A tax structure where a person that receives an income of $10 million a year pay 14% tax whereas a person making $100,000 pays

    28-35%. Forget the crap about

    3) We are living on Spaceship Earth – with finite resources – we are all in the same lifeboat. The 1% is able to hid their behavior from the 99% - but

    in a small life boat say consisting of a dozen people, if the system allowed one person to accumulate nearly ½ of the combined wealth of all the

    people in the lifeboat, it would be noticed and the other 11 people would not put up with such unfair behavior – the 1% would find themselves

    swimming with the sharks. But in a large population the Vulture Capitalists can go about their unsustainable ways unseen – in secret. Secrecy

    (often through obscuration) is their friend.

    8 A full 267 of the 379 pages of the 2011 Tax Return are devoted to listing Mitt Romney's investments in 34 offshore corporations and partnerships, including 15 in the

    Cayman Islands. Of the 34 offshore companies, 30 are located in countries considered to be offshore tax havens by the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Ref:

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    Format The first column contains Lewis Powell’s original memo written in 1971. The second column is merely a reframing of Powell’s ideas with a different

    worldview – one where the concern is not an ‘Attack on the American Free Enterprise’ but rather an ‘Attack on Life Itself.’ (in part the attack is by

    American Free Enterprise.) Text in black indicates Powell’s original text. Text in red denotes the current author’s reframing additions.

    Detailed Reframing Results


    Attack on American Free Enterprise System


    Attack on the Earth’s System of Life

    DATE: August 23, 1971

    TO: Mr. Eugene B. Sydnor, Jr., Chairman, Education

    Committee, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

    FROM: Lewis F. Powell, Jr.

    DATE: November 14, 2012

    TO: Gail, My Family & Friends & Guides

    FROM: Milt Hetrick, Jr.

    This memorandum is submitted at your request as a basis for

    the discussion on August 24 with Mr. Booth (executive vice

    president) and others at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

    This memorandum is submitted as a basis for discussion by any concerned person

    who might come across this.

    The purpose is to identify the problem, and suggest possible

    avenues of action for further consideration.

    The purpose is to identify the problem, and suggest possible avenues of action for

    further consideration.

    It is time to take stock of the past 225 years in America – time to celebrate our

    successes, acknowledge our failures, and thoughtfully move in the direction of a

    more perfect union.

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,

    insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare,

    and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this

    Constitution for the United States of America.

    It is obvious that the 1787 emergence of something more, the United States of

    America, from nothing but ‘We the People’ as a result of a new relationship

    described in our U.S. Constitution (and subsequently amended as appropriate) is a

    shining moment of evolving consciousness in human history. We Americans have

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    real reason to be proud of our heritage.

    Since the beginning of recorded history, humans have been coming together and

    forming relationships for a variety of reasons – to procreate and propagate our

    species, to survive within hostile environments, to provide for our common defense,

    to pursue joy and happiness, to care for one another, to cooperate and collaborate

    on creative endeavors, to promote collective learning and pass knowledge efficiently

    to the next generation that in turn extends the consciousness (and subsequently the

    creative abilities) of the human species.

    Of all the past and present experiments in forming civil societies, the system framed

    by the U.S. Constitution and its amendments is still among the very best.

    Companion laws, regulations and supreme court rulings have changed the course of

    our social order during the past two centuries – and at this moment in time, when

    humans number over 7 billion it is appropriate for a reality check to determine if we

    are on the ‘right’ course.

    Are we living our lives in right relations with each other, with the whole of life, and

    with our common planet? Are we living our lives in a manner that is sustainable

    with respect to future generations? Is our Union still “securing the Blessings of

    Liberty for our Posterity?”

    To a growing number of people within the U.S. (and around the world), it appears

    there is a single answer to the above questions - “No!”

    In other words, there the problem has changed. It now appears that we need to be

    concerned about an “Attack on the Earth’s System of Life” and we in the U.S. are

    becoming major players in this attack.

    Yet we are aware of the interdependence of life and that an attack on some of life is

    an attack on all.

    So using the approach of the learned Lewis Powell, we reframe his memo for our

    purposes. Because we are merely using his ideas, we credit former Justice Powell

    for any insights we might uncover during this “reframing” process.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    Dimensions of the Attack

    No thoughtful person can question that the American economic

    system is under broad attack. This varies in scope, intensity, in

    the techniques employed, and in the level of visibility.

    Dimensions of the Attack

    No thoughtful person can question that Planet Earth’s interdependent system of life

    (Ecosystem) is under broad attack. This varies in scope, intensity, in the techniques

    employed, and in the level of visibility.

    There always have been some who opposed the American

    system, and preferred socialism or some form of statism

    (communism or fascism).

    Also, there always have been critics of the system, whose

    criticism has been wholesome and constructive so long as the

    objective was to improve rather than to subvert or destroy.

    There always have been some humans who opposed the interdependent living

    ecosystem on our planet, and preferred some exclusive anthropocentric9 political,

    economic, or religious ideology or some form of -ism (communism, fascism,

    capitalism, …)

    Also, there always have been critics of specific human behavior whose criticism has

    been wholesome and constructive so long as the objective was to improve the

    evolution of human consciousness rather than to subvert or destroy our planet’s

    ecosystem including human and non-human life.

    But what now concerns us is quite new in the history of


    But what now concerns us is quite new in the history of America, indeed in the

    history of humankind.

    The human global population has now exceeded seven (7) billion people and the

    9 Anthropocentric: considering human beings as the most significant entity of the universe. Example: Clear cutting a forested area is an acceptable practice within an anthropocentric perspective because it provides (or appears to provide) a benefit to humans. Clear cutting a forest allows us to harvest the trees for making human products such as lumber and paper. However by using a broader, more inclusive perspective (let’s call it an eco-centric perspective), we would acknowledge that clear cutting has an impact on the viability of other life forms (non-human – plant and animal life – including micro organisms living in the forest). Clear cutting will cause unsustainable damage to other live forms within our interdependent web of life on this planet that in turn can have a detrimental effect on our own lives. Not to mention the impact on the non-living systems we also depend on for our life (e.g. the reduction of CO2 sequestration through photosynthesis and the reduced production of Oxygen, the destruction of the habitat for a wide range of non-human animal and plant life, the alteration of the local/regional water cycle, the alteration of the local top soil and micro organisms within, the effect on local streams and rivers from soil erosion, etc. etc. The eco-centric perspective does not negate the anthropocentric perspective; it simple draws a bigger circle around it to reflect an evolving conscious so necessary if we intend to live sustainably on this planet for the next 500 million years. With an eco-centric perspective we find less intrusive ways to harvest mature trees for our human benefit, with a minimal (or zero) down side for the rest of life and the planet. Replacing the practice of clear cutting with sustainable tree harvesting has a down side from a purely anthropocentric viewpoint, there is still profit but less profit for the lumber industry. 10

    Powell’s statement that these ‘attacks’ are “quite new in the history of America” is disappointing for such a respected individual. Apparently he forgot that from the very beginning of this country there existed a great dissension among the ranks of our founding fathers. Jefferson was pro-agrarian and Hamilton was pro-business. Jefferson feared the worst from corporations knowing what atrocities could be perpetrated by unrestrained corporations in Europe (such as Stora Kooparberg, East India Company, etc.). This philosophical/political divide continued up to, during, and beyond our own Civil war. It continued into the late 1880s and early 1900s when we saw the effects of the monopolies created by Carnegie (steel), Rockefeller (oil), Morgan (banking, electric power, steel), etc. and the justified anti-trust backlash against this unrestrained corporate power. During the Theodore Roosevelt years there was a broadly based and consistent assault on the enterprise system because it was acting irresponsibly on a manner, creating an unsustainable separation of wealth, trampling the less privileged and restricting their Liberty. And it persists today.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    We are not dealing with sporadic or isolated attacks from a

    relatively few extremists or even from the minority socialist

    cadre. Rather, the assault on the enterprise system is broadly

    based and consistently pursued. It is gaining momentum and


    effects of some of our actions are now collectively having a detrimental effect on the

    health of all life in our interdependent ecosystem – including non-living elements

    such as the climate we have enjoyed as relatively temperate for the past tens of

    thousands of years, such as the water that is becoming more and more

    contaminated with human-made toxic chemicals, such as the finite resources that

    are being consumed rather than borrowed and returned so they are available for

    future generations, etc..

    We are not dealing with sporadic or isolated attacks from a relatively few extremists

    or even from the minority socialist and capitalist cadre. Rather, their assault on the

    ecosystem is broadly based and consistently pursued by all of the so-called

    developed nations predominately located in the western or northern hemispheres.

    This suicidal behavior of homo sapiens appears to be gaining momentum and

    converts despite the fact that there are isolated individuals and groups of individuals

    (The Blessed Unrest)11 who are becoming more and more conscious of this

    unsustainable behavior. These canaries in the mine are beginning to sound the

    alarm and say we need to change our behavior and live sustainably if we expect

    there to be future generations of homo sapiens thriving on this finite planet in the

    next millennium – even in the next 200 years at the rate we are currently heading

    into the ditch through our unconscious consumption.

    Sources of the Attack

    The sources are varied and diffused. They include, not

    unexpectedly, the Communists, New Leftists and other

    revolutionaries who would destroy the entire system, both

    political and economic.

    These extremists of the left are far more numerous, better

    financed, and increasingly are more welcomed and encouraged

    by other elements of society, than ever before in our history.

    But they remain a small minority, and are not yet the principal

    Sources of the Attack

    The sources are varied and diffused. They include, not unexpectedly, the,

    Communists, New Leftists, Fundamentalists, unconscious Capitalists and others who

    would out of self-interest destroy the entire living system of this planet, including

    naturally evolved forms of life (human & non-humans) as well as the many civil

    systems created by homo sapiens for their civil societies such as our political,

    economic, educational, health, and recreational subsystems.

    These unconscious egocentric extremists who are attacking life itself are far more

    numerous, better financed (from vast stores of accumulated wealth – referred to as

    the 1%), and increasingly more welcomed and encouraged by other elements of our

    global society, than ever before in human history.

    But they remain a small minority (1%), and are not yet the a principal cause for


    The Blessed Unrest, by Paul Hawken

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    cause for concern. concern.

    We are able to envision past history and are still appalled by disease called the

    Bubonic plague (Black Death) that swept over Europe in the 14th century and

    terminated the lives of 30-60%12 of the population. We are able to envision and

    are still appalled by the disease called smallpox carried from Europe to the Americas

    that swept over 80-90%13 of the indigenous populations and decimated their

    physical bodies. But it is more difficult to conceive of an invisible dis-ease affecting

    the behavior of certain homo sapiens that seems destined to result in their self-

    induced extinction. We might call this dis-ease the Curse of Unconscious

    Consumptive. It appears to penetrate our thinking process, cloud our judgment,

    and cause compulsive / addictive behavior that can be characterized clinically as a

    mental illness. And it is sweeping over the “Developed Nations.”

    These sources of the attack on sustainable living appear to have one thing in

    common – a mental illness recognized for millennium by symptoms such as:

    obsessive greed, hoarding (of money/wealth, property, land, etc.), unrelenting quest

    for power, and lack of empathy for less privileged (including non-human life).

    Hopefully they remain a minority generally referred to as the 1%, but they are a

    principal cause of concern for the long term health of the planet’s living eco-system.

    The most disquieting voices joining the chorus of criticism come

    from perfectly respectable elements of society: from the college

    campus, the pulpit, the media, the intellectual and literary

    journals, the arts and sciences, and from politicians.

    The most disquieting voices joining the chorus of extremist’s chants - moronic

    chants such as ‘Drill Baby Drill’ & ‘U-S-A-U-S-A-U-S-A’ - chants apparently intended

    to drown out the voices of reason come from perfectly respectable elements of

    society: from Conservative “Think Tanks” (an oxymoron?); Climate Change Deniers;

    Corporate CEOs; Financial Institutions, ‘neoconservative’ political leaders and want-

    to-be leaders, the Tea Party, the Rightists, the AynRandians (Libertarians),

    fundamentalist pulpits, the conservative media (including Fox News – another

    oxymoron?), Conservative publications, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Super

    PACS and conservative politicians blinded by the re-election power of special interest

    lobbying – including the direct influence of the 1% (or 0.01% billionaires throwing


    ^ Austin Alchon, Suzanne (2003). A pest in the land: new world epidemics in a global perspective. University of New Mexico Press. p. 21. ISBN 0-8263-2871-7. 13

    ^ "The Cambridge encyclopedia of human paleopathology". Arthur C. Aufderheide, Conrado Rodríguez-Martín, Odin Langsjoen (1998). Cambridge University Press. p.205. ISBN 0-521-55203-6

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    In most of these groups the movement against the system is

    participated in only by minorities. Yet, these often are the most

    articulate, the most vocal, the most prolific in their writing and


    their money around) – politicians our system has caused to become addicted to the

    money needed for their re-election. But only occasionally from the college


    In most of these groups the movement against the Earth’s eco-system is

    perpetrated by unconscious extremist puppets. Yet, these puppets are often backed

    by billionaires wanting to protect their hoard of wealth – the wealth that in their

    myopic worldview “they built.”

    The most disquieting voices include the most articulate, the most vocal, the most

    prolific in their writing and speaking, the most aggressive, those skilled in the art of

    ‘spin’, misinformation and obscuration (the search for truth is no longer a concern –

    a campaign worker for a recent candidate for president acknowledged that their

    campaign would not be “dictated by fact checkers.” 14

    And then there are the quiet, unassuming likes of Lewis Powell skilled in strategic

    political warfare.

    Moreover, much of the media -- for varying motives and in

    varying degrees -- either voluntarily accords[sic] unique

    publicity to these "attackers," or at least allows them to exploit

    the media for their purposes.

    This is especially true of television, which now plays such a

    predominant role in shaping the thinking, attitudes and emotions

    of our people.

    Moreover, much of the emerging conservative media as well as the cloned corporate

    media -- for varying motives and in varying degrees -- either voluntarily affords

    unique publicity to these "attackers," or at least allows them to exploit the media for

    their purposes.

    This is especially true of mainstream corporate television, which now plays such a

    predominant role in shaping the thinking, attitudes and emotions of our people.

    Mainstream for-profit television corporations rely on other corporate

    sponsored advertisements for their revenue stream. Prime time hour-long

    programs need to script, perform and tape only 40 minutes of actual content

    because 20 minutes is reserved for ‘commercials.” And these ‘commercials’

    are not required, or expected to convey any information even resembling

    14 Romney pollster Neil Newhouse suggested fact-checkers were biased and stated: "We're not going [to] let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers." [, 8/28/12]

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    what some might call the “truth.” Corporate propaganda abounds.

    I personally love the “Clean” coal and “Clean” natural gas ads.15

    Another favorite has come to be the BP sponsored ads that show us

    viewers how great the gulf coast beaches now look. I also love the

    auto industries ads urging to buy this year’s bigger, roomier, shinier,

    more fuel efficient burner of hydrocarbon on wheels – not to mention

    safer (for the driver perhaps? Certainly not for life on the planet).

    And today we can turn to a number of TV channels and see the

    accomplishments of the Powell strategy (discussed later in the original

    memo) – including the Fox Network, owned and operated by Australian

    billionaire Rupert Murdoch – a renown purveyor of truth and guru for the


    Fortunately there is an emerging presence of independent TV, radio, periodicals that

    provide alternative perspectives to the corporate media. Examples include Free

    Speech TV, Link TV, … where we can get a better glimpse of what truth looks like.

    One of the bewildering paradoxes of our time is the extent to

    which the enterprise system tolerates, if not participates in, its

    own destruction.

    One of the bewildering paradoxes of our time is the extent to which the citizens of

    developed countries such as ours, people who are supposedly educated, aware, and

    have the freedom to choose a sustainable way of living not only tolerate, if not

    participate in, this destructive behavior by the “Deniers.”

    What problems with burning hydrocarbons and dumping the CO2,

    mercury, etc. into our common atmosphere?

    What climate change?

    What destruction of other forms of live we are dependent on for own


    Anyone who has ever taken high school chemistry knows that ALL hydrocarbons (coal, petroleum, gasoline, kerosene, natural gas, tars sands oil, shale oil, …) contain carbon and hydrogen as well as trace elements. Basic chemistry informs us that when we burn any hydrocarbon, we produce a number of combustion products, including water vapor (H2O is not a bad thing) and CO2 (not a good thing because it is a ‘green house gas’ that contributes directly to a change in the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere that in turn affects the heat balance of the Earth. The oil and gas industry’s advertisements hope to divert our attention away from the fundamental issue with hydrocarbons – the production of CO2 and the dumping of that CO2 into the common atmosphere and instead want us to focus on the ‘trace elements’ they use to define the materials “Cleanliness” For example, “Clean” coal has less sulfur and possibly less mercury than coal with a higher sulfur content – “Dirty Coal?” Both spew the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere when burned – both make the same contribution to the heat imbalance and to human induced climate change – the primary issue at the moment. No one has the balls to come out and tell us that with today’s consciousness ANY BURNING OF A HYDROCARBON RESOURCE IS UNETHICAL. And it is unnecessary because we do have alternatives.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed



    What toxic materials produced by my corporation – I dumped them

    in the (ocean, atmosphere, river, in a hole in the ground, so they are

    out of sight – What’s the problem?).

    What problems with overfishing our common oceans?

    What problems with mono-crops & genetically modified agriculture?

    The campuses from which much of the criticism emanates are

    supported by (i) tax funds generated largely from American


    Even back in 1971, The campuses from which much of the attack (on the Free

    Enterprise System) emanates was supported by (i) tax funds generated largely

    (“largely” was a fiction then and is even more so now) from American business,

    and (ii) contributions from capital funds controlled or generated

    by American business.

    As indicated in Figure 1, the Individual Income Tax accounts for 42% of Federal Tax Revenue and has been the largest single source of federal revenue since 1950, averaging 8 percent of GDP.

    Payroll taxes account for 40% of the revenue and include taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

    o Although the “employer” also contributes to these payroll taxes we all understand that this tax still comes from the employee as a reduced wage – not from the profits of the employer.

    o Payroll taxes also include railroad retirement, unemployment insurance, and federal workers’ pension contributions.

    o Considering that individuals typically end up paying the Excise taxes (conveniently buried in the cost of the products they buy from abroad), estate taxes and gift taxes, customs duties, and may even be the major source of the miscellaneous receipts (earnings of the Federal Reserve System and various fees and charges), individuals contribute most of the 9% Other & Excise Tax Revenue. So to summarize, individuals certainly contributed 82 percent of all federal revenues in fiscal year 2010 – but more likely the actual total Federal revenue from individual citizens is closer to 91%.

    As indicated in Figure 1, Corporations that make up the Free Enterprise

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    System (American Businesses) are the source of only 9% of the Federal Tax revenues.

    With all due respect, Powell’s statement that American College Campuses are /

    were “supported by (i) tax funds generated largely from American business” is

    quite laughable if the truth be told. Granted back in 1970, the Corporations

    contributed 11% to the Tax Revenues but when the minds of the proponents of

    the Free Enterprise System view 9-11% as LARGELY, human math & logic are in


    As indicated in Figure 2, Corporate income tax revenues have steadily decreased from 1950 to today as the Payroll Taxes have increased. Revenue from the corporate income tax fell from between 5 and 6 percent of GDP in the early 1950s to 1.3 percent of GDP in 2010.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    The boards of trustees of our universities overwhelmingly are

    composed of men and women who are leaders in the system.

    and (ii) contributions from capital funds controlled or generated by American


    The boards of trustees of our universities overwhelmingly are composed of men and

    women who are leaders in the (Free Enterprise System) system.

    This overwhelming influence of representatives of the For-Profit Free Enterprise

    System in the realm of education may provide some explanation for the ever rising

    cost of primary, secondary and especially higher education, as we observe our

    educational system becoming more and more “privatized” with associated profit

    taking that reduces the amount of funding that actually goes into education.

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    Aside from this “drain” on our education system by the “For-Profit Free Enterprise

    System, there is questionable improvement in the quality of education as a result of

    this “privatization” – at least when compared to world standards. Even some

    elements of the Free Enterprise System are starting to become concerned about this

    continued decline in this most critical element of our civil society – how we pass the

    knowledge of one generation to the next – Here’s a quote by ExxonMobile.

    “In 2009, the Program for International Students Assessment ranked U.S.

    students 17th in the world in science and 25th in math. Let’s change those

    numbers. Let’s invest in our teachers. Let’s inspire our students. Let’s solve

    this. “ Ref: ExxonMobil

    The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a globally based group made up of 34 member countries that span the globe, from North and South America to Europe and the Asia-Pacific region also maintain educational metrics. Their mission is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. OEDC has released their 2012 assessment for the United States.

    KEY FINDINGS 2012 United States (Ref: OEDC) • The U.S. ranks 14th in the world in the percentage of 25-34 year-olds with higher education (42%). • The U.S ranks 28th in the percentage of 4-year-olds in early childhood

    education, with a 69% enrollment rate. • Across all OECD countries, 70% of the expenditure on higher education

    comes from public sources, while in the U.S., 38% does. • The odds that a young person in the U.S. will be in higher education if his or her parents do not have an upper secondary education are just 29% --

    one of the lowest levels among OECD countries.

    • Teachers in the U.S. spend between 1,050 and 1,100 hours a year teaching – much more than in almost every country.

    In 1971, Powell was obviously concerned about a specific ideological message that

    was being provided by colleges - what he perceived to anti-business or even anti-

    capitalism. He was pondering how this could happen when “The boards of trustees

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    of our universities overwhelmingly are composed of men and women who are

    leaders in the [Free Enterprise – Capitalistic] system.”

    Most of the media, including the national TV systems, are owned

    and theoretically controlled by corporations which depend upon

    profits, and the enterprise system to survive.

    Most of the media, including the nation’s TV systems, are owned and theoretically

    controlled by (now 6 major16) corporations which depend upon profits (from

    advertizing revenues that are tax deductable business expenses for the corporate

    sponsor of the advertisement) , and the enterprise system to survive.

    Knowing what drives the For-Profit Enterprise System, we know that these

    gigantic 6 media corporations do not exist to “objectively present the truth

    to the American people.” They exist to make a profit and pay dividends to

    their stockholders. If these corporations did not operate for the primary

    purpose of making a profit, the stockholders could legally (and would) fire

    the corporate executives and the entire board of directors for fiscal

    malfeasance. These observations are not made for the purpose of

    “blaming” anyone – this is simply an issue of clarity and truthfulness.

    Without stating the truth and telling the empire it wears no clothes, how can there be any constructive change – a more perfect union?

    Let’s be honest, the ‘too-big-to-manage-responsibly’ media corporations are

    not going to do anything to drive away their biggest advertisers - formerly

    the tobacco industry, then the automotive, gasoline, and beverage/alcohol

    industries, now the entire hydrocarbon/fossil energy industry, as well the

    health care insurance and financial sector, and now the out-of-control

    pharmaceutical companies that spend billions of dollars (tax deductible

    business expenses) on advertising demonstrating there is a lot of profit to

    be had in pain & suffering. The color of green from all these for-profit (yet

    publically subsidized by tax deductions) sponsors certainly has an influence

    on the content and spin of the information conveyed over the air waves.

    So much for the First Amendment. Within our current system, how can we

    expect one of today’s “reporters” who uncovers foul play on Wall Street or

    the Oil & Gas / Petrochemical Industry or the pharmaceutical industry to

    conduct & write an investigative exposé and then get their editor who

    knows full well how J.P. Morgan-Chase, etc. is going to react when it

    becomes a headline, to publish the article? We do not have a “free press”

    today – not because it is being suppressed by government but because it is

    being suppressed by the press ownership and the Free Enterprise System

    itself. Our system does not protect free speech from the excessive


    The six corporations that collectively control U.S. media in 2012 are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., CBS Corporation and NBC Universal. Ref: The Economic Collapse Blog

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    suppressive power of today’s Free Enterprise System.

    Example: The corporate media is complicate in this covert attack on freedom of speech by their failure to even mention topics such as ‘climate change’ not to mention their failure to investigate such concerns. Why? Some of the media’s major sponsors are the Oil and Gas corporations who of

    course play no role in perpetuating the burning of hydrocarbons (their source of profit) – the burning of carbon that dumps several billion tons of CO2 into our common atmosphere each year – the CO2 that is a known green house gas that affects the Earth’s heat balance with the Sun.

    The conservative media and ‘think tanks’ from which much of the criticism

    (and ridicule) of anthropocentric climate change emanates are supported

    indirectly through tax loop holes (e.g. Super PACS, 501(c)(4) ‘Non-profits,’). Their avoidance of tax places more tax burden on the middle class.

    Tone of the Attack

    This memorandum is not the place to document in detail the

    tone, character, or intensity of the attack. The following

    quotations will suffice to give one a general idea:

    Tone of the Attack

    This memorandum is not the place to document in detail the tone, character, or

    intensity of the attack. The following quotations will suffice to give one a general


    William Kunstler, warmly welcomed on campuses and listed in a

    recent student poll as the "American lawyer most admired,"

    incites audiences as follows:

    Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, during his acceptance speech at

    the RNC in Tampa incites his audience as follows:

    "You must learn to fight in the streets, to revolt, to shoot guns.

    We will learn to do all of the things that property owners fear."

    The New Leftists who heed Kunstler's advice increasingly are

    beginning to act -- not just against military recruiting offices and

    manufacturers of munitions, but against a variety of businesses:

    "Since February, 1970, branches (of Bank of America) have

    been attacked 39 times, 22 times with explosive devices and 17

    times with fire bombs or by arsonists." Although New Leftist

    spokesmen are succeeding in radicalizing thousands of the

    young, the greater cause for concern is the hostility of

    respectable liberals and social reformers. It is the sum total of

    their views and influence which could indeed fatally weaken or

    destroy the system.

    "President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans … “ then he

    pauses with a smirk to tease laughter out of his partisan audience, they

    respond appropriately and he goes on “and to heal the planet...," Another

    pause but only a subdued response from his followers. So he continues,

    "My promise is to help you and your family [implying that helping the planet

    does not help you and your family]." That line of course received a standing ovation.

    Penn State climate researcher Michael Mann later was quoted as saying,

    “How sad it is to witness such fallacious logic from a major party candidate

    for president,” Mann, one of the nation's best-known climate researchers

    went on to say, “If we do not take the necessary actions to combat climate

    change now, we will of course be leaving our children and grandchildren the legacy of a degraded planet.”


  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed



    A chilling description of what is being taught on many of our

    campuses was written by Stewart Alsop:

    Powell, using his laser focused perspective capable of illuminating only the Free

    Enterprise System among the vast number of systems actually involved, then

    begins to relate “A chilling description of what is being taught on many of our

    campuses was written by Stewart Alsop17:”

    "Yale, like every other major college, is graduating scores of

    bright young men who are practitioners of 'the politics of

    despair.' These young men despise the American political and

    economic system . . . (their) minds seem to be wholly closed.

    They live, not by rational discussion, but by mindless slogans." A

    recent poll of students on 12 representative campuses reported

    that: "Almost half the students favored socialization of basic

    U.S. industries."

    "Yale, like every other major college, is graduating scores of bright young men

    (women were first admitted to Yale around this time - 1969)18 who … despise the

    American political and economic system . . . (their) minds seem to be wholly closed.

    They live, not by rational discussion, but by mindless slogans."

    Ironically, today, we might generalize and observe that our system for collective

    learning/teaching (educational system) whereby we pass knowledge/wisdom from

    one generation to the next is too narrowly focused on the American Free Enterprise

    system. News papers / magazines are mostly advertisements. A 1 hour TV

    program includes 19-20 minutes of commercials advertizing the goods or services of

    For-profit Corporation. 1/3 of the computer screen is filled with ads when one

    attempts to use the internet – not to mention the annoying “pop-ups” that find new

    ways to sneak past your “blocker.”

    Young people from toddlers to college students are bombarded with intrusions into

    their life by corporations attempting to sell their products and earn a profit. This is a

    period of their lives intended to transfer vast amounts of meaningful information,

    including: lessons learned through history; current problems facing their generation;

    suggestions on the skills they will need to address these concerns; an awareness of

    the millions of non-human living species on the planet that we live among and

    depend on for our well being; information that describes what effects humans are

    having on each other and on all other non-human life on the planet; recently

    discovered additions to our global knowledge base; new theories and hypotheses for

    the next generation to explore; areas of the world that are suffering from extreme

    weather conditions; regions where people (or other forms of life) are in extreme


    Alsop described himself as "Republican by inheritance and registration, and … conservative by political conviction." Ref: Alsop, Joseph and Stewart Alsop. The Reporter's Trade. Foreword. New York: Reynal & Company, 1958. 18

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    stress and could use some immediate assistance; alternatives to destructive life

    styles; non-violent methods of managing human differences / conflicts;…

    What a waste – we have such spectacular media capability these days. Little is

    being used to promote a purposeful life that considers all life on the planet. It is not

    being employed as it could be for enhancing collective learning/teaching. It is not

    being directed specifically toward an announced goal of increasing human awareness

    and evolving consciousness. It is not being used to teach us homo sapiens that we

    are now so many in number, that we are now affecting our planet in a manner that

    is now causing us harm; etc.

    Imagine a system that toned down the effort by the media to sell us something yet

    protected the Free Enterprise system to make a fair profit. That’s our challenge

    today – to find win-win scenarios – many of them. Then use the freedom available

    in a democracy and free market to let the informed market decide which win-win

    solution they want to participate in.

    But before we start to tweak our present system, it is appropriate to step back and

    agree on some fundamental principles – guidelines that are consistent with natural

    laws and consistent with what we understand about human nature.

    The natural laws of our non-living surroundings are the easiest to identify.

    Our observations of non-human living beings is quite extensive – both plant and

    animal - as we have learned how to use our cousins for our personal benefit – the

    challenge today is how to interact with them for our mutual benefit.

    Our observations of human nature are also extensive but will remain an ongoing

    challenge as long as humans continue to grow in awareness and consciousness –

    hopefully for hundreds of millions of years.

    "to err is human; to forgive, divine" …Alexander Pope, "Essay on Criticism"

    Humans have freedom to choose and as a result do not always make the choice that best serves themselves, their community, their nation, the planet. Terms such as

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    mistake, error, accident, miscue, blunder, slip-up, oversight, fault, …. are some of the terms used to describe behavior that unintentionally was not the best.

    Then of course there is the self-centered intentional behavior that is injurious that is also a part of human nature – we tend to make this behavior a criminal act by constructing common law to punish such behavior. However there are many behaviors that are injurious to humans and non-humans that are not illegal.

    A visiting professor from England at Rockford College gave a

    series of lectures entitled "The Ideological War Against Western

    Society," in which he documents the extent to which members

    of the intellectual community are waging ideological warfare

    against the enterprise system and the values of western society.

    In a foreword to these lectures, famed Dr. Milton Friedman of

    Chicago warned: "It (is) crystal clear that the foundations of our

    free society are under wide-ranging and powerful attack -- not

    by Communist or any other conspiracy but by misguided

    individuals parroting one another and unwittingly serving ends

    they would never intentionally promote."

    I too believe that the attacks on the ecosystem are “by misguided individuals

    parroting one another and unwittingly serving ends they would never intentionally


    Perhaps the single most effective antagonist of American

    business is Ralph Nader, who -- thanks largely to the media --

    has become a legend in his own time and an idol of millions of

    Americans. A recent article in Fortune speaks of Nader as


    Since 1970, there are now a large number of people matching Ralph Nader’s

    passion, who are proponents of the our Eco-system – our interdependent web of live

    – many of whom are also proponents of a responsible Free Enterprise economic

    model that peacefully co-exists in right relationship with the global Eco-system.

    Proponents of the Eco-system come from a range of political and economic ideology

    –it’s just that the most important tenant is the long term survival of homo sapiens –

    and that requires the long survival of the entire energy chain that supports us.

    The undeclared of often covert war that is being conducted by the various ideologies

    (be it Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy, Social Democracy, etc. must end now – the

    global issues facing us today are too urgent – too critical to be wasting resources,

    energy, and creative thinking on war rather than on putting in place a system that

    promotes life – human life as well as all life. Just as the Sun no longer revolves

    around the Earth; so too the eco-system does not revolve around one species, homo

    sapiens. A new way of thinking is going to mandatory if humans expect to thrive for

    the next several hundred million years. Our actions today are irreversibly modifying

    the planet and its available resources making it difficult if not impossible for our

  • Attack on American Free Enterprise System, by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. - Reframed


    great grandchildren to live as we do – let alone live a better life. Who intentionally

    wants to harm their grand children’s future? Who intentionally wants the human

    species to be reduced to living conditions that existed 10,000 years ago?

    "The passion that rules in him -- and he is a passionate man --

    is aimed at smashing utterly the target of his hatred, which is

    corporate power. He thinks, and says quite bluntly, that a great

    many corporate executives belong in prison -- for defrauding the

    consumer with shoddy merchandise, poisoning the food supply

    with chemical additives, and willfully manufacturing unsafe

    products that will maim or kill the buyer. He emphasizes that he

    is not talking just about 'fly-by-night hucksters' but the top

    management of blue chip business."

    It might be more accurate to say that proponents of the Free Eco-system are not in

    the least bit interested in – to use their war metaphor, “aimed at smashing utterly

    the target of … hatred, which is corporate power” but rather having corporations

    voluntarily work within a life-serving framework or be restrained from behaving

    violently by the application of external powers beyond the informed market place.

    A frontal assault was made on our government, our system of

    justice, and the free enterprise system by Yale Professor Charles

    Reich in his widely publicized book: "The Greening of America,"

    published last winter.

    The foregoing references illustrate the broad, shotgun attack on

    the system itself. There are countless examples of rifle shots

    which undermine confidence and confuse the public. Favorite

    current targets are proposals for tax incentives through changes

    in depreciation rates and investment credits. These are usually

    described in the media as "tax breaks," "loop holes" or "t