attachment 4_pwst004 - taking the password skills test january

© English Language Testing Ltd. 2014 -2015 Taking the Password Skills Test

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© English Language Testing Ltd. 2014 - 2015




Page 2: Attachment 4_PWST004 - Taking the Password Skills test January

© English Language Testing Ltd. 2014 - 2015

OverallStructure• Twoparts• Part1

• Readingtest(75minutes)• Writingtest(30minutes)

• Part2• Listeningtest(60minutes)• Speakingtest(15minutes)

• Thesecondpartmaybetakenimmediatelyafterthefirstorfollowingabreak,yourinvigilatorwilladviseyou.

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© English Language Testing Ltd. 2014 - 2015


On display before you start the test, the actual appearance in your test will be slightly different.

Only click on “continue” when told to do so by the invigilator.

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© English Language Testing Ltd. 2014 - 2015


Carefully complete this section with information about yourself, it cannot be changed later.

The invigilator will instruct you how to fill in the identification details and test location.

There may or may not be more fields, if there are the invigilator will instruct you how to fill them in.

Move the keyboard out of the way, only the mouse is needed until you reach the Writing test in Part 2.

WAIT for the invigilator to check your details an only then click on “continue” when told to do so by the invigilator.

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© English Language Testing Ltd. 2014 - 2015


Warning! When you click on any “finish section” you cannot go back. Make sure you have answered all the questions.

Click on “continue” (screen bottom right ) to move forward in the test.

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© English Language Testing Ltd. 2014 - 2015


1 hour 15 minutes to complete the reading test.

5 reading test sections.

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Example- ReadingSection1

Each section has an example screen showing the question format.

In section 1 “drag and drop” the sentences into the correct box to make a story.

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There is a clock showing the test time left.

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“Drag and drop” the words into the correct boxes to complete the sentences.

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Read the text then click on the correct answers.

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Read the text and give a title to each paragraph by clicking on the correct answer in the drop down list.

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Read the text then “drag and drop” the answer texts into the boxes in the right order to make a summary.

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1 section in the writing test.

30 minutes to complete the writing test.

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Choose one of the two essay questions to answer, then type your answer in the box. You do not need to type the question.

Move the keyboard so you can use it comfortably, do not press the “special” keys (CTRL, ALT, Win etc.) only letters, numbers & symbols.

Do not click on “finish section” until you have completed your essay.

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Again on display before you start the test.

Again move the keyboard out of the way, only the mouse is needed in Part 2.

Click on “continue” when told to do so by the invigilator.

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© English Language Testing Ltd. 2014 - 2015


Check your name etc. are as entered on Part 1.

If they match click on “continue” otherwise alert the invigilator.

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In Part 2 you will have a whiteboard to make notes and help you prepare your answers.

These MUST be returned to the invigilator at the end of the test.

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5 sections, 1 or more questions in each.

Two ways to answer as you used in Part 1, click on your answer choice or “drag and drop”.

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TheListeningTestFiveSections1) ten(~oneminute)recordingsofinformation,messages,lectureclipsetc.


2) one(~threeminutes)recordingofinformationsuchasalecture,chooseifeightpointsarecorrect,incorrectornotmentioned.

3) six(~oneminute)recordingsofinformation,messages,lectureclipsetc.withasinglemultiplechoicequestiononeach.

4) one(~fiveminutes)recordingofinformationsuchasalecturewithafivemultiplechoicequestions.

5) one(~threeminutes)recordingoftwospeakerswithdifferentviewsonatopic,choosefourpoints(from10)pointswhicharementionedbyeach.

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There are no questions to see before you start the recording. Click on the green arrow to listen to it.

If a section has more than one question, then the same number of tiles appear at the bottom of the screen. The current question’s tile is dark blue, answered questions’ tiles are light blue and unanswered questions’ tiles are light grey.

Click on the next tile or “continue” to move to the next question (and “back” to return to a previous question).

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After the recording has played once, the question(s) appear, and you will hear the same recording again. Listen and decide your answer.

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The recording can only be started once, the player will disappear when the recording has played twice.

After you have answered, click on the next tile or “continue” to move to on to the next question.

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The test is now on the last question of the listening section (the tile is dark blue), the answered questions’ tiles are light blue and there are no unanswered questions.

You can go back and review your answers (though you cannot hear the recordings again) or click on “finish section” to move to the next section. When you do this you cannot come back to this section.

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5 sections, 1 or more questions in each.

The time you are expected to speak increases in each section. You should spend the same amount of time preparing your answer before you speak.

15 minutes overall time limit.

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© English Language Testing Ltd. 2014 - 2015

FiveSpeakingTestSections1) simplystateyourname,dateofbirthandreadashorttext

fromthescreen.2) fivequestionsaboutyouwith20secondsanswertimeeach.3) threequestionsonsituationsyoumightmightfindyourself

inwith45secondsanswertimeeach.4) onequestiontoarguefororagainstapropositionwithone

minuteanswertime.5) onequestionanalysingandextrapolatefrominformation


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Read the question, prepare your answer bearing in mind the time allowed, then click on the red button and speak your answer.

You cannot re-record your answers.

You cannot move on to the next question until the speaking time is up; you may see a message that “encoding” or “uploading” is taking place and this must also finish before you can move on.

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NoteOnPasswordTestSecurity• Passwordtestspreventcheatingbydetectingaccesstoanythingoutside


• Testsrunin“fullscreen”mode,soaccesstoanythingoutsideofthetestcanonlyhappenifseveralkeysarepressedatthesametime(includingthe"Win"(or),the"Ctrl"()orthe"Alt"()key).

• Youonlyneedthekeyboard toenteryourcandidatedetailsatthebeginningofthetest,andduringthewritingmodulewritingmoduleifyourtesthasone.ONLYusekeyboardletters,numbers&symbols!

• Ifyoupressthesekeysyouriskhavingyourtestinterrupted.Ascreenwiththefollowingmessagewillappear:

• Ifyouseethismessagedonotclickonanythingorusethekeyboard.AlerttheinvigilatorimmediatelyandyouMAYbeallowedtorestartyourtest.

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