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NATURA & NATURANova Modern multi-level systems for layers in floor and free-range management

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NATURA & NATURANovaModern multi-level systems for layersin floor and free-range management

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NATURA and NATURA-Nova – modern multi-level systems for alternative layer management

NATURA – this name does not only mean housing systemsthat are animal-friendly, but NATURA also implies maxi-mum bird numbers and high laying performance with noexcessive work involved. In detail this means:

1. Animal-friendly housing system

When a housing system for floor or free-range manage-ment is asked for, Big Dutchman does not offer its cus-tomers individual components but rather a sophisticatedhousing concept. From many years of experience weknow that the correct application of the individual elements – multi-level system, nest, winter garden, environment control – plays a decisive role for economicsuccess.

Each house can generally be divided into 4 activity areas:Supply area, resting and laying area and scratch area.These areas are strictly separated from each other, whichleads to the following advantages:0 the birds have to move within the system in a „zig-

zag“ course to reach the different zones = increased

moving activity, more frequent nest visits, smaller number of mislaid eggs;

0 different structural elements promote practicing of multiple behavioral patterns (feed and water intake, flying, scratching, sand bathing etc.).

2. Maximum bird numbers

NATURA and NATURA-Nova meet all the requirementsof the new EU directive. Both systems are available assingle or double-level version = usable area on severallevels. The house floor can also be used 100 % as ascratch area.

3. High laying performance with acceptable labor involved

NATURA and NATURA-Nova are designed so that hensfeel comfortable, receive sufficient feed and water andhave enough room at their disposal to avoid situations ofstress = high laying performance. The optimum arrange-ment of nest and system leads to a high acceptance ofthe nest among hens = small share of mislaid eggs.

3. Laying area 4. Scratch area

1. Supply area 2. Resting area

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NATURA – structured living area = optimum adaptation to natural behavioral patterns

nest and system arearranged so that thehens can easily reachthe nest = small amountof mislaid eggs

our special approachperch (patent no.299 19 443.4) directs thehens to sit on it facingthe aisle = less manuredrops into the litter

plastic slats in thesystem ensure securefoothold and optimummanure penetration;the white color has apositive effect on theuniform illumination ofthe system = very fewsystem eggs

hens can use the housefloor surface 100 % asscratch area = ampleroom for hens to moveand for high bird num-bers

nipple drinkers directlyin front of the nest(available as an option)additionally increasethe acceptance of thenest = very few mislaideggs

approach perches facili-tate the hens’ access tothe nests

2-tier Colony nest offerssufficient egg-layingroom to the hens

a manure belt is locatedunderneath each levelto collect the manurefrom the system = hensdo not come intocontact with their droppings

uniform illumination oflevels = minimum amount of system eggs

The NATURA laying system marketed by Big Dutchmanhas a logical structural design. This structure is a pre-requisite for high laying performance along with animal-friendly management. To provide an optimum start forthe birds they should have been raised in a rearingsystem very similar to the laying system. This ensures asmooth transition (in week 16 to 17) from rearing to theNATURA laying system and only requires a minimumtraining phase. To keep the amount of system and floor

eggs as low as possible, strictly follow the instructionsfor correct house and flock management. This implies,for example, using the special feeding and light pro-grams, the respective house lighting with a twilight period added at the beginning and at the end of the lightperiod and fixed times for access to the cold scratch area(winter garden) or the free-range area. Please let ourexperts advise you in detail.

Advantages of the winter garden0 gradual transition from the house to the free range


0 the winter garden is the bad weather alternative for free range;

0 due to the roofing, litter stays relatively dry = low ammonia emissions;

0 concrete floor (if possible) prevents uncontrolled nutrient penetration into the soil;

0 manure from the winter garden can be removed as required or after each grow-out, followed by cleaningand disinfection = significantly better level of hygiene.

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NATURA-Nova – nest and system are one unit= direct access to the nest

NATURA-Nova is the new multi-level system made byBig Dutchman and characterized mainly by the integraldesign between the system and the nest. This meansthat even hens that have not learned how to fly duringthe rearing phase can reach the nest without problems= very few mislaid eggs. This ensures high productsafety – even in larger units.NATURA-Nova is available as single or double-level

version. The entire house floor surface can be used asscratch area. A manure belt collects the dirt under-neath all levels as well as underneath the transition tothe nest. The strict separation of nest and scratch areasignificantly minimizes the formation of dust. TheINTEGRA plastic flooring with integrated perch usedin this system ensures a secure foothold and can bevery easily dismantled for cleaning purposes.

INTEGRA with integrated perch0 smooth, anti-slip surface = offers secure foothold, healthy under-

sides of the feet, increases bird welfare;0 integrated perch in the shape of a double bar = offers excellent

comfort when sitting, minimum infection pressure on the under-sides of the feet;

0 as an option, we offer an additional soft cover of rubber-like plastic applied to the perch = even more comfort when sitting;

0 no sharp edges or corners = no danger of injury;0 very small surface similar to wire mesh = optimum manure

penetration, flooring stays very clean throughout the flock;0 no contact surface between the slats = simple and thorough

cleaning, prevents hotbeds for mites and other vermin.

a tube is located abovethe feed trough = nocontamination of feed

the transition areabetween the nest andthe system can also beused for daily inspec-tion by the farm staff =easy to monitor

due to the slightly inclined plastic flooringmislaid system eggsend up below the landing perch = therethey stay clean and canbe easily collected

using the CHAMPIONfeed chain with highconveying capacity =for sufficient feed intake and high layingperformance

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Laying nests for NATURA and NATURA-Nova =well accepted by the hens, outstanding egg quality

Misplaced, dirty or cracked eggs can have detrimentalinfluence to good farm results. Preventing these is astrong feature of Big Dutchman nests. Easy access tothe nest boxes and the soft nest insert ensure highnest acceptance by the hens. Its modular constructionprovides a one or two-tier design and an effectiveautomatic egg collection system, making the nestsystem very flexible and permitting a variety ofinstallation possibilities.The nest insert can consist either of a special fingerpad or of AstroTurf®. Both mats keep the contact sur-face between egg and insert very small. This assistsin a smooth movement, prevents soiling and thereare no roll-off marks on the eggs.

View into the NATURA nest with finger pad as an insert

Manure removal -easy to carry out with dry manure

View into the „Colony“ nest with ejection mechanism and AstroTurf® insert

In addition to the eggs, manureis available as a by-product andcan be utilized by the farmer in acost-effective way. The manurebelts below the resting area andbelow the levels with feedingand drinker lines collect themanure – essential for clean andhealthy hens. The use of manurebelt ventilation results in a drymatter content of up to 65 %.The advantages are obvious:) low ammonia level in the

house;) clean and healthy hens;) no fly problems, since manure

is removed weekly;) 50 % less storage required

compared to slurry;) simple distribution by means

of a manure spreader disk;) dry manure procedure rec-

ognized as environmentally beneficial.

Endlessly welded manure belts collect the manure

Elevator with manual collection table

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GermanyBig Dutchman International GmbHPostfach 1163 · 49360 Vechta · GermanyTel. +49(0)4447-801-0Fax +49(0)4447-801-237E-Mail: [email protected]

USABig Dutchman, Inc.P.O. Box 1017 · Holland, MI 49422-1017 · USATel. +1-616-392 59 81Fax +1-616-392 61 88e-mail: [email protected]

AsiaBig Dutchman AsiaNo. 25, Jalan Pemberita (U1/49) Temasya Industrial Park · Section U140150 Shah Alam · Selangor Darul Ehsan · MalaysiaTel. +60-3-519 23 20 · Fax +60-3-519 58 30e-mail: [email protected]

Planning aids for the use of NATURA and NATURA-Nova




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Type NATURA 2 levels - 2200

Type NATURA-Nova / 2 levels Type NATURA-Nova / 1 level

Type NATURA 2 levels - 2600

Layers/section according to NATURA 2t - 2200 NATURA 2t - 2600 NATURA-Nova 1t NATURA-Nova 2t

the EU-directive 1999/74/EG 2.008 m/section 2.008 m/section 2.412 m/section 2.412 m/section

Layers/section* 147 160 130 241additional usable area (m2/section) 6 6 5 9

Example: bird number per linear meter of house length with 2 rows NATURA or NATURA-Nova in a 12 m house incl. 2x4 m winter garden

House length Sections Bird number Sections Bird number Sections Bird number Sections Bird number

1.0 m - 147 - 159 - 108 - 20024.1 m 24 3528 24 3840 20 2600 20 482060.3 m 60 8820 60 9600 50 6500 50 1205079.5 m 79** 11613 79** 12640 66 8580 66 1590696.4 m 96 14112 96 15360 80 10400 80 19280

* considering feed, water, perches and in the case of NATURA-Nova also the laying nest** in fact, half sections arise hereDue to the EU ecology decree (EG) No. 1804/1999 different bird numbers might result.


1 Fresh air inlet with light trap2 Light strip with darkening3 Passage hole (100 x 50 cm)

4 Exit opening (100 x 50 cm)5 Dirt edge6 Wire separation7 Light bulb or energy-saving bulb that

can be dimmed8 Light bulb or energy-saving bulb that can

be dimmed with dawn and dusk function9 Wind and rain screen