atsep around the world - entry point north around the world albania austria belgium britain bulgaria...


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ATSEP around the world ATSEP Workshop 2015


● Albania

● Austria

● Belgium

● Britain

● Bulgaria

● Croatia

● Cyprus

● Denmark

● Estonia

● Germany

● Latvia

● Lithuania

● Luxembourg

● Norway

● Poland

● Romania

● Slovenia

● South Africa

● Sudan

● Sweden

● Switzerland

● Turkey

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53 participants representing 22 countries

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Albania /Albcontrol

• No. of ATSEPs: 100

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes

• Initial Training is done: externally/EPN

• Refresher Training:

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licencing: Not yet, but ongoing discussions with the National CAA

• Future plans for ATSEP training:

• Other additional info

Austria / Austro Control

Page 5

• No. of ATSEPs: 160 (~3/4 of total staff in Engineering Dept.)

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes

• Initial Training is done: Combined internally & externally

• Refresher Training: Yes, in 3Y-period, primarily for renewal of AARP-Ratings

• E-learning: Not yet, (but partly planned for assessments)

• ATSEP licencing: Yes = Certification scheme; Austrian ATSEP Rating Program (AARP)

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Consolidation, Harmonisation and Cooperations

• Other additional info:

Belgium /Belgocontrol

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• No. of ATSEPs: 172

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes

• Initial Training is done: Combined internally & externally

• Refresher Training: Yes ad-hoc when needed and per default 5 years cycle for all systems

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licencing: No Belgocontrol ATSEP certification (audited by ISO and Belgian NSA)

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Targetting full compliance with the new European regulation.


• Other additional info: Training policy evolves towards outsourcing of ATSEP initial training. Assessment for System/Equipment rating remains within Belgocontrol.

Page 7

• No. of ATSEPs: 270 (200 in NATS Operations & 70 in NATS Services).

• Compliance with the CCC: Full compliance with all objectives being met, some exceeded and

new ones added in areas as required by our business. Member of the QUASAR working group.

• Initial Training is done: Internally, at our NATS engineering and ATC training facility in

Hampshire UK.

• Refresher Training: Yes. As required determined by business & safey significance combined

with system exposure.

• E-learning: Generally no, but always considered when designing training.

• ATSEP licencing: No. We operate a competency scheme that’s fully compliant with IR 2013-

08 endorsed by our NSA.

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Maintain and develop in house capability and continue to sell


• Other additional info:

Britain /NATS

Bulgaria /BULATSA

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• No. of ATSEPs:

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes

• Initial Training is done: Internally

• Refresher Training: Yes /1 – 2 years/

• E-learning: Yes -partly

• ATSEP licencing: Yes

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Full compliance with Eurocotrol CCC and new

Regulation, external OSTI training

• Other additional info:

Croatia / Croatia Control

Page 9

• No. of ATSEPs: 100

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes (+ participation in QUASAR project)

• Initial Training is done: Combined internally & externally (EPN)

• Refresher Training: Not yet, but programs are prepared. It should be at least every 3 years

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licencing: Internal Licencing

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Refresher courses development

• Other additional info:

Denmark /Naviair

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• No. of ATSEPs: 85

• Compliance with the CCC: Partly

• Initial Training is done: Externally/Internally

• Refresher Training: Yes – refresher training every third year

• E-learning: We use e-learning but not for the technical education

• ATSEP licencing: No, not a requirement in DK

• Future plans for ATSEP training: New staff join EPN Qualification training at EPN. Agreement

with EPN for Qualification refresher courses in 2015-2016

• Other additional info: We are working on a new system, where you can make overall

proficiency tests (PFC)

Denmark /Copenhagen Airports

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• No. of ATSEPs: 45 as end target, plus 12 of which is in AGA area

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes, Partly

• Initial Training is done: Externally

• Refresher Training: Yes, every 3 years

• E-learning: Yes, on Refresher QT training

• ATSEP licencing: Yes

• Future plans for ATSEP training: OSTI & ASSESSOR Training, Endless circle.

• Other additional info: ATSEP in CPH, is scattered over very different departments.

Estonia /Estonian Air Navigation Services

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• No. of ATSEPs: 31

• Compliance with the CCC: Partly

• Initial Training is done: Combined internally & externally

• Refresher Training: Yes, how often: different time for different subjects from 1 year up to 5

years as general practice, in some subjects ~10 years).

• E-learning: Yes

• ATSEP licencing: No (EANS internal ATSEP competence sceme, approved by NSA. Certificates)

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Necessary compliance with the CCC

• Other additional info:

Germany /DFS

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• No. of ATSEPs: ~ 430

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes

• Initial Training is done: Internally

• Refresher Training: Yes – every 1-3 years

• E-learning: Yes

• ATSEP licencing: Yes

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Comply with new EASA regulation asap

• Other additional info: Cooperating in FABEC

Latvia /SJSC "Latvijas gaisa satiksme"

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• No. of ATSEPs: 90

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes

• Initial Training is done: Internally

• Refresher Training: Yes

• Two levels of RT:

• 1. in Technicals Units – every month;

• 2. in Training Centre: for all ATSEP – once every 4 years.

• E-learning: currently we transfer our question bank for Initial Training (about 500 questions)

to e-learning environment.

• ATSEP licencing: Yes

• Future plans for ATSEP training: development of all Qualification courses in the form of

standardised packages, standardisation of S/E Rating training programs, Competence

Assessor Course (TSA) development.

• Other additional info:

- about 30 % of our ATSEPs have obtained OJTI (OSTI) and Tjeoretical Classroom Instructor


- we have implemented Team Resource Management TRM) program for ATSEP.

Lithuania/ Civil Aviation Administration of the Republic of Lithuania

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• No. of ATSEPs: 93

• Compliance with the CCC: Partly

• Initial Training is done: Internally

• Refresher Training: Yes (every 3 year)

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licencing: Yes

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Follow European requirements

• Other additional info: There are no requirements in national law for ATSEP training compliance

with the CCC, Civil aviation administration issues ATSEP licences, there are 4 ratings

approved: Communication (COM), Navigation (NAV), Surveilance (SUR), Data Processing (DP)

Luxembourg /Administration de la Navigation Aérienne

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• No. of ATSEPs: 18

• Compliance with the CCC: Partly

• Initial Training is done: Combined internally & externally

• Refresher Training: Yes – when needed; at least every 3-4 years

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licencing: No

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Actually reforming whole ATSEP training and assessment


• Other additional info:

Norway /Avinor Flysikring AS

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• No. of ATSEPs: 120

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes – adjusting remaining syllabi

• Initial Training is done: Internally

• Refresher Training: Yes, every 3 or 5 years depending on the ”safety critical” level

• E-learning: Yes, gradually

• ATSEP licencing: Yes

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Develop e-learning modules for refreshing

• Other additional info: Refreshing is intended to be done by e-learning

Poland /Polish Air Navigation Services Agency

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• No. of ATSEPs: 210

• Compliance with the CCC: Partly

• Initial Training is done: Internally

• Refresher Training: Yes , every 5 years

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licencing: No

• Future plans for ATSEP training: adjusting existing training system to the UE requirements –

deadline November 2016

• Other additional info:

Romania /ROMATSA

Page 19

• No. of ATSEPs: 340

• Compliance with the CCC: yes

• Initial Training is done: internally and externally

• Refresher Training: Yes (at least once every two year, and OJT every year)

• E-learning: Yes but not internally, only for EUROCONTROL (IANS) courses

• ATSEP licencing: Yes, from 1996(licence are renew at every 2 year)

• Future plans for ATSEP training: to develop an internally E learning module

• Other additional info:

Slovenia /Slovenia Control

Page 20

• No. of ATSEPs: 36

• Compliance with the CCC: No, hopefully in Jan. 2016 with new national Regulation

• Initial Training is done: Internally: Basic and SMC only

• Refresher Training: SMC (twice a year), Type Rating (if necessary)

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licensing: No

• Future plans for ATSEP training: To find institution for providing qualification training

• Other additional info:

South Africa /Air Traffic and Navigation Services South Africa

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• No. of ATSEPs: 74

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes

• Initial Training is done: Internally

• Refresher Training: No

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licencing: No

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Qualification, System /Equipment rating, Continuation &

Development training

• Other additional info:

- The are in a process of packaging the CCC training to be able to accommodate

external clients.

Sudan /Sudan CAA

Page 22

• No. of ATSEPs: 23 eng/tech and possible addition of 12 during next 3 years

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes

• Initial Training is done: Prefer to do it locally (because of staff shortage and budget)

• Refresher Training: No

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licencing: No

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Sudan CAA plans to perform full qualification training for 23

Tech/Eng. during 2016/2017

• Other additional info: Sudan CAA has a good communication with Entry Point North and the

training plans are supported by the HR/training department

Sweden /ELTEL

Page 23

• No. of ATSEPs: 125

• Compliance with the CCC: Partly compliance with CCC

• Initial Training is done: Yes, Combined internally & externally

• Refresher Training: Yes for TWS in ATCC. Technical forum and other information for

field Technician.

• E-learning: No, but we believe it is one good and necessary complementary tool.

• ATSEP licencing: Yes

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Use EPN for initial and Qualification training.

S/E-training in house or in cooperation with other ANS-P with same equipment.

• Other additional info: Eltels scope in Sweden: 2 ATCC, En Route Equipment for LFV.

10 Airports for Swedavia and 20 Municipal Airports.

Switzerland /RUAG (MRO Organization)

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• No. of ATSEPs: ~55

• Compliance with the CCC: Yes

• Initial Training is done: Externally

• Refresher Training: Yes, planned 2-3 yearly

• E-learning: No

• ATSEP licencing: No (National decision).

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Management/Sales/Marketing awareness training started.

System/Equipment Rating training (thru OJTIs) beginning.

• Other additional info:

~14 OJTIs,8 completed, 2 Assessors, training by Entry Point North.

Turkey /DHMI State Airports Authority & ANSP of TURKEY

Page 25

• No. of ATSEPs: 505

• Compliance with the CCC: ICAO Doc 9172 Part E-2

• Initial Training is done: Internally

• Refresher Training: Yes (In case of out of work for 400 days)

• E-learning: No (But we start working on)

• ATSEP licencing: Yes

• Future plans for ATSEP training: Combining Initial and Qualification Training, Using E-learning

• Other additional info:
