athens messenger- green party candidate challenged

. ,. Hunter of A then s. (Continued from page 1) EI On Mo nd ay, th e A thens: 4 Kell ey is the same attorney t . ' Co unt y B oard of El ec tion s' . .., ec IOn r eceiv ed a w ritt en prot est from PhIlhrs 10 a com- . Jona th on Met calf assert in g th at ·ulamt she filed wltb the Ohio some signa tur es on th e E lections Commi ss ion relating , Co llin swo rth pe tition are fra udu - :- ; . _, le nt a nd incompl ete. : !f> her 2008 campaign for state In the p rot est, Met ca lf cl a ims presentative. . that some of the petiti on sig na-:. Th e Me ss en ger e-mailed tures a nd voter r egis tra ti ons a re 'D h' . ., written by the .r Ilbps some questIOn s, mclud- e d e d "s ame ha nd " Protest filed :wg whoether the protest was filed an I acy or a lte red on against her behalf or if the four parts of Green P rt ' , . th e overa ll hay Party found some- t ete £ . pe titi on, and cOIT· efulTy to file th e protest. She pe I Ion Oft thh at a ll of ° Insworth i ft pliedto the e-mail,butdidnot ose part s '.- ., . sho uld be : il nswer tho se qu es tIOns . Phillips Stat h invali d at ed because of pote nti al it is up to the board of elec- e ouse frau d. Al so, he cla Ims a date on to determine if one of the r eg is tratIOns was 'iO" II ' , .. al te r ed. ";( 0 msworth s petitIOns are challe d B ecau se of the a ll eged prq,p: ;·v<i lid , and th at she is looking nge lems W Ith th e r eg is trat ion s, hec i'l ; F<l rward to discu ss ing issueS as king that a ll r egIs tra ti ons co l !' d . . l ected by Colli nsworth be disal; : unng the campaIgn. By SARA BRUMFIELD l owed, and th at a ll pa rt s of Hunter said that if Messenger stafT writer . ca ndidacy pe titi ons cont a inin8 <;> Ilin sworth has done nothing sIgna tures of th ose regIst ra nt s be I . An Athens r es ident is pro t est- d isa ll owed. : egal, then he should be able to 109 the decl arati on of ca nd idac) . Met calf al so as serts that some :p .n hke anyone else. P etition ftl ed by G P sIgna tures do not Include a fill' "Jf he's fine with the Board . . reen arty caad dress or prop er date, and t 'Iii . ' ' . , . Ty Collinsworth , who signa tures sho ul d be di sal. I m fine WIth runrung fo r the 92 nd Di stri ct sea l owed. -. Hunter said. in the Ohio H . Pe nny Brooks , de puty d ire G; t Collinsworth said he wa s . ouse o. tor of the A thens Coun ty B oaFe , Representatives. of El ection s, sa id it 's not com. about the protes t on Coll insworth is hoping Ie mon. prac ti ce by the board te : Wedn esday afternoon by the unseat State Rep Debb' Ph'II' IIl vahda te an e ntIre pe titi on fOj il then s County Board of . Ie I IpS ques ti ona bl e sIgna tu res. :- . . of Athens, who is also being Met calf a nd Phillips could no He sa id he wa s sur- ________ "" .:, . :.: .... ; c;,; , ;,;. .. be r eached by tele phone for co m : r)sed by th e n ews . me nt by Th ( " I don ' t know what they 're M esse n ger s ne ws dead ltne Th( ' . ,,' . prot est fi led by Met ca lf' s ay: Collmsworth Said. comm Ulll catl ons regar di ng th( sa Id that all the sIgnatures prot est sho uld be direct ed to hi: hi s petition are valid. a tto rn ey, M egan Ke ll ey 0' B k . Co l umbu s, who al so cou ld not .l5< t: ' roo s saId that a protes t r eac hed for commen t. - : [; earing wi II be held on : W;edn es day at I :30 p.m. in .. " : Athens County Comm on Pl eas Court, room A. Collinsworth, 22, of Nel so nville , sa id he is running for the seat held by Phillips because be wants to focus more on environmental iss ues. "I'm running so that voters bave a true progressive cboice ," be said. "For far too long tbe Democrats have campaigned on environmental issues and caved to lobbyists in Columbus. It is appalling and unforgivable that Debbie Phillips gave a speech on the Statehouse floor in sup- port of coal mining underneath Burr Oak State Park in Athens County." Collinsworth wa s referring to the Legislature's approval of a plan that would allow Buckingham Coal Co . to mine a conveyance corridor under the park to connect its coal holdings on the east side of the park to those it has on the west side. Pbillips has said she under- stands why people would be alarmed by the idea, but she said it 's a common-sense solu- tion that will create a larger buffer around the lake (Buckingham will give the state it s coal rights closer to the lake ), protect the park from than 200,000 truck lo ads of coal and prevent the con- struction of another mine entrance . sbrumlield

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Page 1: Athens Messenger- Green Party Candidate challenged

. ,. Hunter of Athens. I ~ (Continued from page 1)

EI On Monday, the Athens:4 Kelley is the same attorney

t . ' County Board of Elections' . .., ec IOn received a written protest from :~presentmg PhIlhrs 10 a com- .

Jonathon Metcalf assert ing that ·ulamt she filed wltb the Ohio some signatures on the E lections Commission relating

, Collinsworth petition are fraudu- :-; . _, lent and incomplete. :!f> her 2008 campaign for state

In the protest, Metcalf claims :¢presentative. . that some of the petition signa- : . The Messenger e-mailed tures and voter registrations are 'Dh' . ., written by the .r Ilbps some questIOns, mclud-

e de d "same hand" Protest filed :wg who ether the protest was filed

an I acy or altered on against ~n her behalf or if the four parts of Green P rt ' , . the overall hay :~~mocratlc Party found some-

tete £ . petition, and cOIT·efulTy ;~l)e to file the protest. She

pe I Ion Oftthhat all of ° Insworth iftpliedto the e-mail,butdidnot

ose parts '.- ., . should be :ilnswer those questIOns. Phillips

Stat h invalidated because of potential :~id it is up to the board of elec-

e ouse fraud. Also, he claIms a date on ~0n S to determine if one of the registratIOns was 'iO" II ' , . . altered. ";(0 msworth s petitIOns are

challe d Because of the alleged prq,p: ;·v<ilid, and that she is looking nge lems WIth the registrations, heci'l ;F<lrward to discussing issueS

asking that all regIstrations col!'d . . lected by Collinsworth be disal; : unng the campaIgn.

By SARA BRUMFIELD lowed, and that all parts of ilie :~ Hunter said that if Messenger stafT writer . candidacy petitions containin8 ~ <;> Ilinsworth has done nothing

sIgnatures of those regIstrants be ~ I . An Athens resident is protest- disallowed. : ~'? egal, then he should be able to 109 the declaration of candidac) . Metcalf also asserts that some :p.n hke anyone else.

Petition ftled by G P sIgnatures do not Include a fill' ,~ "Jf he's fine with the Board . . reen arty can· address or proper date, and t 'Iii . ' ' . , .

dlda~e Ty Collinsworth, who i~ those signatures should be disal. ;9~,E lectlons, ~hen I m fine WIth runrung for the 92nd District sea lowed. -. ~, Hunter said. in the Ohio H . Penny Brooks, deputy direG; t • Collinsworth said he was

. ouse o. tor of the Athens County BoaFe , Representatives. of Elections, said it's not com. ~ontacted about the protest on

Collinsworth is hoping Ie mon. practice by the board te :Wednesday afternoon by the unseat State Rep Debb' Ph'II' IIlvahdate an entIre petition fOj il thens County Board of . Ie I IpS questionable sIgnatures. :- . . of Athens, who is also being Metcalf and Phillips could no ~1~ctlOn s. He said he was sur­________ "".:,. :.:....;c;,;,;,;. .. ~ be reached by telephone for com : r)sed by the news.

ment W~dnesday by Th( ~! . "I don ' t know what they 're Messenger s news deadltne Th( ' . ,,' . protest fi led by Metcalf' say: ~rotes~1l1g, Collmsworth Said. commUlllcatlons regarding th( :a~ saId that all the sIgnatures protest should be directed to hi: ~n his petition are valid. attorney, Megan Kelley 0 ' • • B k . Columbus, who also cou ld not.l5< t: ' roo s saId that a protest reached for comment. - :[;earing wi II be held on

:W;ednesday at I :30 p.m. in .. " :

Athens County Common Pleas Court, room A.

Collinsworth, 22, of Nelsonville, said he is running for the seat held by Phillips because be wants to focus more on environmental issues.

"I'm running so that voters bave a true progressive cboice," be said. "For far too long tbe Democrats have campaigned on environmental issues and caved to lobbyists in Columbus. It is appalling and unforgivable that Debbie Phillips gave a speech on the Statehouse floor in sup­port of coal mining underneath Burr Oak State Park in Athens County."

Collinsworth was referring to the Legislature's approval of a plan that would allow Buckingham Coal Co. to mine a conveyance corridor under the park to connect its coal holdings on the east side of the park to those it has on the west side.

Pbillips has said she under­stands why people would be alarmed by the idea, but she said it 's a common-sense solu­tion that will create a larger buffer around the lake (Buckingham will give the state its coal rights closer to the lake), protect the park from ~ore than 200,000 truck loads of coal and prevent the con­struction of another mine entrance.
