athens in a blink!!

1 MASTER OF ARTS (MA) IN STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS CN 6017 GROUP PROJECT PUBLIC RELATIONS AND THE NEW MEDIA SPRING 2014 ATHENS IN A BLINK! SYNATHINA Group Project’s due date: 03.06.2014 Project by: Leda-Panagiota Alepi (DEREE ID number: 177738) Sofia Tsempera (DEREE ID number: 171415) Professor: Dr. Stavros Papakonstantinidis

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Page 1: Athens in a Blink!!






Group Project’s due date: 03.06.2014

Project by: Leda-Panagiota Alepi (DEREE ID number: 177738)

Sofia Tsempera (DEREE ID number: 171415)

Professor: Dr. Stavros Papakonstantinidis

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INTRODUCTION - ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... 2

RESEARCH AND MIND-MAP ..................................................................................................................... 5

RESEARCH RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS .................................................................................................. 5

Number of NGOs and teams registered ................................................................................................ 5

System of uploading actions – SynAthina Platform ............................................................................... 5

SynAthina Online Media ........................................................................................................................ 5

Online Media accounts of NGOs ............................................................................................................ 6

External environment ............................................................................................................................ 6

General observations ............................................................................................................................. 6

Key Publics for the specific campaign .................................................................................................... 7

MIND MAP .................................................................................................................................................. 7

KEYWORD RESEARCH ................................................................................................................................. 8

PR AND NEW MEDIA STRATEGY FOR SYNATHINA .................................................................................... 8

STRATEGY AND ACTION .............................................................................................................................. 8

OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Awareness Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 10

Acceptance Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 10

Action Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 10

BENCHMARKING ...................................................................................................................................... 11

TOOLS ....................................................................................................................................................... 12

EVALUATION .......................................................................................................................................... 14

METHODS AND METRICS .......................................................................................................................... 14

EVALUATION METRICS ............................................................................................................................. 15

Awareness Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 15

Acceptance objectives ......................................................................................................................... 15

Action objectives ................................................................................................................................. 15

Organization’s Public Relations ........................................................................................................... 15

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................... 16

APPENDIX 1 – REGISTERED NGOS AND INITIATIVES .......................................................................................... 16

APPENDIX 2 – INDICATIVE REGISTERED ACTION ................................................................................................ 17

APPENDIX 3 - MIND MAP ............................................................................................................................ 18

APPENDIX 4 – KEYWORD RESEARCH .............................................................................................................. 18

Name of Organization .......................................................................................................................... 19

Objective of Organization .................................................................................................................... 19

Area of Organization ............................................................................................................................ 20

APPENDIX 5 – BENCHMARKING STATISTICS ..................................................................................................... 21

Analytical Presentation ........................................................................................................................ 21

Total Audience Participation ............................................................................................................... 24

APPENDIX 6 – SUBSCRIBE FOR NEWS BUTTON .................................................................................................. 25

Current view ........................................................................................................................................ 25

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Idea for Amendment ........................................................................................................................... 25

APPENDIX 7 – INDICATIVE EMAIL................................................................................................................... 26

APPENDIX 8 – INDICATIVE E-NEWSLETTER ...................................................................................................... 27

APPENDIX 10 – INDICATIVE BLOG.................................................................................................................. 29

APPENDIX 11 – INDICATIVE MOBILE APPLICATION ............................................................................................ 30

iPhone .................................................................................................................................................. 30

Android ................................................................................................................................................ 30

APPENDIX 12 – INDICATIVE EVALUATION FOR FACEBOOK AND TWITTER ............................................................... 31

APPENDIX 13 – INDICATIVE EVALUATION FOR E-NEWSLETTERS ........................................................................... 31

LIST OF REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 33

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The current project is a group project on Public Relations and the New Media. The team chose

to design a PR and the New Media Campaign for SynAthina. SynAthina is an innovative project

under the auspices of the Municipality of Athens. SynAthina is an online platform where NGOs,

the civil society and teams upload their actions, so that people at large can learn about them

and participate in them. This initiative aims at getting people together, but also at promoting

the vivid spirit of Athens among its citizens. The initiative has another underlining factor, as it

opens up for a true and transparent coexistence among the citizens and the city at large.

As a team of two persons who has been following the social changes in Greece during the last

years, we identify the contemporary need for organizations and institutions to be transparent,

open to conversation, in a position to engage with its publics and able to respond to the modern

needs of communication.

We designed a campaign which aims to broaden the scope of SynAthina’s engagement with the

civil society and further enhance a two way communication with its publics. The idea is to shift

from an online Platform to an online Network, which interacts both during the various

initiatives, but has also a common online space to meet and provide ideas. The campaign

promotes the ideas of open and transparent policies by using the proven dynamic offered by

digital social media in an open and participatory society. Instead of a one way communication,

this specific digital media-oriented campaign aims to be an engaging and challenging

opportunity for open dialogue between people who design actions, those who participate in

them, those who host them and the city at large. This online digital campaign aims at

strengthening the so called “bottom-up approach” in building policies and strategies at large.

The campaign starts with the presentation of SynAthina and its publics and moves on with the

design of a specific strategy and the presentation of the tools needed for its implementation.

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During the research phase of the project and in view of formulating a specific proposal for a

communication strategy, the team used the following tools in order to gather information for

the organization and focus on a proposal:

a. online research of SynAthina’s online communication tools, namely website, blog,

facebook and twitter account, youtube channel and mobile applications;

b. online research of articles, comments, blogs about SynAthina by sources other than the

the platform, namely online magazines, references in Greek media, comments on public

facebook accounts, comments on online accounts or websites of NGOs which have

uploaded their actions in the platform;

c. direct contacts with SynAthina’s staff and members of NGOs, which have already

uploaded their actions in the platform.


Number of NGOs and teams registered

The team found out that SynAthina is active the last 10 months. During this time a lot of

organizations and civil society initiatives – currently 68 different ones - have uploaded actions in

the platform. The number of the registered NGOs and civil society initiatives, however, does not

reflect the actual number of active organizations in Athens. (Appendix 1)

System of uploading actions – SynAthina Platform

Actions are uploaded on the online SynAthina Platform. The process is quite easy and fast. Once

an action is uploaded, it appears on the SynAthina map of actions and the platform’s visitor can

find more information about its nature and the place it occurs. The platform’s visitor can also

see the contact details for the organizations and visit the latter one’s online media. (Appendix 2)

SynAthina Online Media

The platform has links to SynAthina’s Facebook and Twitter account (3.985 likes and 555

followers), Youtube Channel, Blog, Radio and mobile applications. The platform provides also a

link to “Stegi SynAthina”, a building located at the center of Athens. The specific building is

owned by the Municipality of Athens and is being offered for free use to NGOs, upon request.

The platform gives also the ability to subscribe to SynAthina’s newsletter. There are currently

almost 90 email addressed on the list, probably due to the fact that the design of the webpage

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does not provide an easily visible link. The project team observed, however, that the public does

not seem to actively engage on the online accounts, apart from a number of likes and retweets.

Moreover, SynAthina seems not to have a variation of the way it spreads the information

through the various online Media. The action uploaded in the platform is also uploaded on the

Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as on the blog. The same information features on the

mobile applications. The Facebook account does provide more live photographs and some

videos. Videos can also be found on the YouTube Channel.

Online Media accounts of NGOs

Every NGO or civil society initiative which wishes to upload its action, it does so on SynAthina

Platform. The NGOs and other teams provide, then, the link to their website and facebook

account or facebook event page. The project team noticed that although SynAthina links on its

Facebook account with that of the NGOs, this does not happen most of the times in the

opposite direction. In that way, SynAthina is used as an additional channel of communication for

the NGO’s action, but it does not serve fully its goal in creating a community where people can

learn more about what is going on in the city. Visitors of the NGOs’ and civil society’s initiatives

Facebook accounts, will most of the times not see a link “calling” them to visit SynAthina or even

allowing them to simply click on it.

External environment

SynAthina seems to have a growing number of supporters, ranging from individuals to

enterprises and the civil society at large. As an innovative initiative in the City of Athens

(currently among the 21 Finalists in the Bloomberg Philanthropies “Mayors Challenge”

Competition), there seems to be a growing number of publics who wish to actively participate in

it and assist in achieve its objectives.

General observations

SynAthina wishes to address all its publics, not only the civil society organizations and NGOs

which upload their actions in its platform. It wishes to serve as a point where people and

organizations can meet and interact. It aims at strengthening the active role of citizens in a vivid

society. SynAthina is a very strong tool in order to underline a transparent and open-to-all policy

in a participatory democratic city.

The team identified that the current situation provides an excellent opportunity to open up to a

large number of citizens and give them an open space to participate in and experience

themselves the city’s general open policy. The team chose to focus from within on the real

views, experiences and everyday stories of the people who upload their actions on SynAthina

Platform and open a dialogue, a two way communication with other audiences in the city.

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Key Publics for the specific campaign

Based on the analysis of the situation and the identification of an opportunity for the

organization to share its open policy, the team focused on SynAthina’s key publics for the

specific communication campaign. At this point, the team decided to weed out the less

important publics, concentrating instead on those fewer that have particular relevance and the

most potential for the issue at hand. The main focus will be on the majority of the so called

“customers” and on part of its “enablers”, namely the NGOs, the organized in civil society, the

existent team, but also the population at large. The campaign will address latent or even

apathetic publics, in order to raise awareness among them around SynAthina’s existence and

make them active; it will also have as a purpose to make publics actively engage online with

SynAthina and its initiatives.


Taking into account the research results and observations, as well as the goals and tools that can

be used when drawing a PR campaign with the traditional and new media, the team draw a

Mind Map (Appendix 3). The mind map focuses more on the online tools, as SynAthina is an

online Platform which aims to develop to an online and offline Human Network – Human Grid.

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As this campaign focuses more on the online PR tools, our research included Keyword Research,

as this can be found in Google Trends and Analytics. The goal was to identify what people look

for more, in order to increase visibility of SynAthina and the actions uploaded in its platform.

The Keyword Research aims at improving the appearance of SynAthina in Google search; the

goal of the strategy campaign is to provide the Organization with input on how to write their

articles in order to increase their online hits and work by taking into account the Search Engine

Optimization (SEO) mechanisms.

The analysis was based on three main thematic zones: a. the name of the organization, b. the

objectives the organization covers and c. the area where SynAthina works and is situated. The

research was made for the last 12 months, since SynAthina exists during the last 10 months

(Appendix 4).

The results showed that the name of the organization does not have enough hits and for this

reason it is not rated in Google trends. Although the name consists of a very famous say in

Greek - «Συν Αθηνά και χείρα κίνει», meaning that starting with the assistance of Gods, the

human being should also make efforts to ameliorate his / her life – none of the version for the

SynAthina appear to interest the online audiences. When it comes to the objectives of

SynAthina, which are the actions of NGOs and the civil society at large in the city of Athens, the

results showed that throughout time people search on how to participate in actions on a

voluntary basis in their city. Last but not least, people are more interested in looking up for the

word Athens, than the city of Athens / Municipality of Athens, under the auspices of which

SynAthina functions.



In order for SynAthina to deal with the situation it faces, it needs to take an innovative initiative

which will engage its publics. The strategy drawn can be, thus, characterized as one which

involves both action and communication strategies. The plan for audience engagement, by using

strong two-way communication tactics, responds to audiences’ relevant interests and requests,

brings the key publics in direct contact with SynAthina and the city of Athens, generates

feedback for the organization and stimulates actions among focus groups. It furthers seeks not

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only to generate publicity, but also to bring out newsworthy stories and information, underlining

a transparent communication, which reflects an open and transparent policy.

The campaign is based on the information model of communication and the New Media, which

focuses more on the content (personal thoughts, point of view, concerns etc.) and channels of

communication (social media, internet). It involves messages (facebook comments, tweets,

stories on blogs) sent by various sources to a number of receivers through a technical

connection (digitally). The campaign, however, includes also elements from the traditional

dialogue model, as it attempts to create mutual experiences among publics involving share of

thoughts and eventually increase of trust. It plans to build a strong cooperation between NGOs

which upload their actions in the platform and use the SynAthina Stegi as a meeting point and

seminar place. Although this project focuses mainly on the digital tools, the strategy includes the

incorporation of SynAthina in NGOs’ events which are hosted by the former one and the

promotion of its visibility in the traditional media and written press.

The main purpose of the strategy is to make SynAthina something more than an online

Platform; the goal is to raise it up to the level of a Network, where people and innovative ideas

coexist in a vivid and alive city. The strategy focuses on the following main points:

- broaden scope of people / publics the Network addresses;

- broaden number of NGOs and civil society initiatives that are registered in the Network;

- promote individuals online engagement;

- advance story telling;

- promote open spirit to “city journalism”;

- enhance connectivity and engagement among different NGOs;

- enhance interactivity between various online media;

- enhance the role of civil society in the Municipal area of Athens;

- underline the importance of active collaboration between State owned institutions and

the civil society at large;

- promote active participation in an open and transparent city.


The strategy sets objectives to be reached with the use both of online and traditional media. It

follows the model taught in Public Relations, where publics first become aware, then accept a

goal and finally are driven to an action.

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Awareness Objectives

To raise awareness among the publics in Greece about SynAthina’s goals and actions by

10% more within 5 months.

To raise awareness among aware, but also hesitant publics of NGOs’ regarding their

actions by 10% more within 5 months.

To raise awareness of the citizens of Athens regarding the city’s bottom up approach

and open and transparent policy by 15% within 8 months.

To further increase comprehension about the organization by 5% more in the audience

of target group 25-44, who are social media users within 4 months.

Acceptance Objectives

To have an effect on the acceptance of SynAthina among its audiences, as a modern,

dashing and transparent organization, willing and able to engage. Specifically:

Ages 15-24: by 40% within 6 months;

Ages 25-44: by 50% within 6 months;

Ages 45-60: by 35% within 6 months.

To create interest and increase positive attitude towards actions taking place in

SynAthina Stegi, by 15% within 3 months.

To have an effect on the acceptance of SynAthina among journalists; specifically to

generate interest on the exceptional concept of the initiative among 75% of Greek

Media within 3 months.

Action Objectives

To increase publics’ active participation in SynAthina’s social digital media by an average

of 20% within 4 months. More specifically:

Facebook by 30% within 4 months (likes and shares by 40%, comments by 20%);

Twitter by 10% within 4 months (retweets by 12%, comments by 8%);

Blog by 15% within 4 months (including uploads of videos and photographs with

comments on articles).

To upload further actions by already registered NGOs and civil society initiatives, by 5%

within 4 months.

To register new actions and organizations in SynAthina online media, by 15% within 4


To increase mobile applications downloads by 10% within the next 3 months.

To increase visibility in Foursquare by 5% within the next 3 months.

To increase publicity and visibility of the organization, by generating the production of

comments and storytelling in blogs among individuals by 20% within 4 months.

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To generate action among journalists; specifically to have media coverage by:

2-4 new stories published every month on the internet within 6 months;

2 articles per month on newspapers, magazines and online editions within 6


10 appearances in T.V “Ef Zin” show / proposals within 3 months;

2 videos (24”) about SynAthina on morning daily TV shows within 4 months.


SynAthina is an innovative initiative which brings together civil society organizations, a State

authority (the City of Athens) and people at large. As such, there are no similar initiatives

currently in the Greece. Even though there are online platforms looking for volunteering

positions ( or listing NGOs (, none of them has the unique

feature of SynAthina. In order to identify best practices and have a clear benchmarking around

the use of digital social media and online tools, the project team looked thoroughly in other

fields. The team analyzed online magazines and editions which inform people on what is

happening in the city, provide information on how to participate in events, write articles about

social news and trends and offer a free space, so that audiences can express their views and

comments. The following online editions were analyzed:

City of



Art &

Click at

All these providers have interactive templates for their audience using social media (Facebook,

Twitter and Instagram). All seven of them have Facebook and Twitter accounts, except from and Art& that do not have Twitter. and Ελ have

also Instagram accounts. It is important to state that none of them apart from Art& has a

search engine (like SynAthina) which allows filtering and specifies findings. The benchmarking

looked at each of the above mentioned providers’ social media presence separately and it was

completed with a grouped graph showing in a comparative way audiences’ participation in

social media (Appendix 5).

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Although the campaign is digital (desktop, mobile, tablet), it also includes conventional and

strategic public relations and communication tactics. Personal involvement is highly promoted,

as a powerful element of communication for engagement and dialogue. The tools to be used in

the integrated PR strategy can be seen on the mind map. This part of the project focuses on the

tools and the “how to” ideas to be used in the online environment.

- Installation of publicly accessible PC at Stegi SynAthina

NGOs and civil society organizations can rent for free the space owned by SynAthina and the

Municipality of Athens, in order to organize meetings, gatherings and run their actions. Although

there seems to be a growing number of organizations using the space, there are hardly any

stories or photographs placed in the online media about this. The existence of a publicly

accessible PC in a stand, where people are called to upload their comment via their account at

SynAthina’s Facebook page will produce direct comments by the ones experiencing the actions

they participate in. The PC’s interface will be designed in such a way, where it will allow people

to be accustomed with other SynAthina’s online tools and enter SynAthina’s blog directly and

place their comments there, too.

- Installation of live-streaming equipment at Stegi SynAthina

Live-streaming can increase the visibility of events taking place at Stegi SynAthina, but it can also

raise awareness among unaware publics around the existence of the place and SynAthina. Live-

streaming can be linked both to the online tools of SynAthina, as well as to those of the NGOs

organizing actions. In case of big events which draw publics’ wide attention, such as WWF’s

seminars and ActionAid’s open walks, videos taken by live-streaming equipment can be

provided to TV channels for live or recorded broadcasting in shows.

- Amend and Upgrade existing online tools - Enhance connectivity and interactivity of

SynAthina’s various online tools

The organization seems to have a number of set online tools, which, however, do not seem to

“communicate” or cooperate among them; it is suggested that the website incorporates ideas of

interconnectivity, as these appear on the website of Art& Moreover, the existent tools

need a number of amendments and upgrades, in order to promote a two-way communication

and attract people’s engagement. The emailing list of SynAthina can attract more subscribers by

– initially – making the “subscribe for our news” button more visible (Appendix 6). When

someone subscribes in the mailing list there should be a technical feature where the person

indicates how often he / she wishes to receive emails. Emails will include information on past

and future actions, contact details of NGOs and a story / comment by a participant. By including

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individuals’ comments, stories and photographs in its emails, SynAthina promotes storytelling

and engagement as it invites everyone to write his / her comments directly below / after any

action (Appendix 7). Newsletters should be sent one a week announcing the actions that are

programmed to take place during a 7 days period (Appendix 8). In cases where SynAthina needs

to communicate a very important action or incident, which seeks further digital and traditional

media attention, the organization will send Press Releases (Appendix 9).

- Invite people to write in SynAthina’s Blog

The design of the new blog not only allows for people to see the actions which take place, but

gives them the possibility to directly comment, write their story and upload their photos and

videos. It is not a blog where only SynAthina’s administrators have access to. Its technical

features will allow interested publics to engage in a community and upload articles with a.

comments on actions, b. ideas about new actions, c. comments on people’s participation in the

city and d. links to live-streaming events and videos on YouTube. The blog will also have a

banner on its side, where future actions will run. The goal is to have people taking part in what is

going on in Athens in a blink (Appendix 10). The launching of the new blog, together with the

call for active participation in it, will be announced in SynAthina’s online media accounts, in its

e-newsletter, as well as in emails sent to its subscribers. It will further be announced in Athens

984, the radio which covers SynAthina’s events and talks with the various civil society teams.

The call for active participation in the blog will be reminded in SynAthina’s newsletters and

emails, underlining the importance of an open and transparent dialogue between the city and

its citizens.

- Add functions to mobile application

In the world of social media users notify their friends and followers where they are and what

they do. The existent mobile applications offer a unique feature in comparison to other mobile

applications indicated under the current project’s benchmarking: SynAthina’s applications offer

to the user the ability to search for the actions he / she is interested in. The applications shall be

upgraded so as to provide technically the possibility to upload what the person is doing and

which action the person participates in (Appendix 11). Moreover, a Foursquare link to SynAthina

should be promoted and added as an icon in its mobile application. Via specialized algorithms

the application shall also provide a series of similar actions to the one the user visits or

participates in.

- Promote active online cooperation among NGOs and SynAthina

As actions are uploaded in SynAthina’s Platform, Facebook and Twitter account, blog and mobile

application, the organization can monitor an active two-way cooperation with the various NGOs

which promote their actions via the platform. NGOs and civil society organizations shall be

encouraged to link SynAthina to their websites and Facebook accounts, whenever the actions is

directly linked with the Platform or Stegi SynAthina.

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- Include SynAthina actions at TV spots and Magazines for culture and happenings in the


Promote an active cooperation between a. Ef Zin TV Spots in Mega Channel and b. Magazines

and online editions for Athens (Athinorama, Athens Voice, Lifo), by underlining the importance

of people’s participation in their cities.


During the planning phase of the strategy, there was also a design for an evaluation of the

tactics, tools and results over the time. Any strategy should go in hand with a proper evaluation:

ex-ante, during and ex-post. The team has set various criteria and metrics both for the

campaign’s objectives, as well as for the organization’s Public Relations profile.


The evaluative research was based on both quantitative and qualitative methods. The former

ones included surveys, tracking of numbers related to comments and opinions, and monitoring

of results in view of the set goals. The latter one monitored the content of comments and online

Facebook and Twitter discussions, as well as posts in SynAthina’s blog, the new emerging publics

and focus groups, and the content of articles published in newspapers and magazines. The

evaluation was planned to take part constantly during the implementation of the strategy,

based on certain evaluation metrics for the set objectives and changes are made in case these

are needed. Digital media offer easily accessible statistics regarding the likeability, talkability and

visibility of an organization.

Changes in Facebook and Twitter accounts, with reference to likes in general, likes per post,

shares, followers, comments, retweets are easily measured (Appendix 12). Visitors and posts on

the blog can be also easily measured, while e-newsletters provide a wide range of metrics with

regards to the number of people reached, the number of the ones who click, open and read it

etc (Appendix 13).

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Awareness Objectives

Message exposure

Followers, subscribers, visitors of digital media (website, Facebook, twitter, blog,


Media attendance (T.V., Radio) and impressions

Judgmental assessment (informal)

Acceptance objectives

Media coverage (TV, radio, social media, newspapers and magazines)

Media impressions

Audience feedback via Social Media posts, comments expressing interest and / or


New subscribers for newsletter and emails

Public impression of the organization

Action objectives

Measurement of results on

- Media Coverage and Publications

- Public participation in social digital media (posts, comments, tweets) before, during,

and after campaign

- Percentages of improvement and changed attitudes in social media participation

Organization’s Public Relations

Visibility in Media


Build-up new and maintain old allies

Monitoring of reactions from influential personalities and celebrities

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APPENDIX 1 – Registered NGOs and Initiatives

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APPENDIX 2 – Indicative Registered action

Page 18: Athens in a Blink!!


APPENDIX 3 - Mind Map

Page 19: Athens in a Blink!!


APPENDIX 4 – Keyword Research

Name of Organization

Objective of Organization

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Area of Organization

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APPENDIX 5 – Benchmarking Statistics

Analytical Presentation

Facebook: 353,000


Twitter 66,700

followers 5,400 followers 0%


Facebook Twitter Instagram

Facebook: 83,000 likes

Twitter: 2,590

followers 0


Facebook Twitter Instagram

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Facebook: 28,000 likes

Twitter: 1,8000 followers

0% 0%

click at

Facebook Twitter

Facebook: 2,657 likes

Twitter: 8,539 followers



Ελ Facebook Twitter Instagram

Page 23: Athens in a Blink!!


Facebook: 6,961 likes

Twitter: 0,62 followers 0% 0%


Facebook Twitter

Facebook: 6,254 likes

0% 0% 0%


Page 24: Athens in a Blink!!


Total Audience Participation

0 100 200 300 400

Click at



Click at Ελ Art&

Instagram 5,474 0 0 0,35 0 0

Twitter 66,7 21 1,803 8,539 0 0

Facebook 353 83 28,257 2,657 6,961 6,12

Audience Participation in Social Media

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APPENDIX 6 – Subscribe for news button

Current view

Idea for Amendment

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APPENDIX 7 – Indicative Email

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APPENDIX 8 – Indicative E-Newsletter

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APPENDIX 9 – Indicative Press-Release

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APPENDIX 10 – Indicative Blog

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APPENDIX 11 – Indicative Mobile application



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APPENDIX 12 – Indicative Evaluation for Facebook and Twitter

Channel Currently After 4 months Increase

Twitter Followers:










Facebook Likes:


Talkability: 6,2%



Talkability: 35%



APPENDIX 13 – Indicative Evaluation for E-Newsletters

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(4.184 words)

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City of Athens, Discover Athens, and Social Media Tools, Retrieved from:

Page 34: Athens in a Blink!!


Athens Voice Magazine and Online Edition and Social Media Tools, Retrieved from:

AthensMagazine Online Edition and Social Media Tools, Retrieved from:

Athinorama Magazine and Online Edition and Social Media Tools, Retrieved from:

ΕλCulture Online Edition and Social Media Tools, Retrieved from:

Art & Life Online Edition and Social Media Tools, Retrieved from:

Click at Life Online Edition and Social Media Tools, Retrieved from:

Volunteer4Greece Online Platform and Social Media Tools, Retrieved from:

Human Grid Online Platform and Social Media Tools, Retrieved from: