atelectasis pdf

Lobar Atelectasis: Diagnostic Pitfalls on Chest Radiography Presented by : dr.Ikhwanul hakim Nst Lectured by : dr.Netty D Lubis, SpRad (K).

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Post on 13-Sep-2015




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PowerPoint Presentation

Lobar Atelectasis: Diagnostic Pitfalls on Chest RadiographyPresented by : dr.Ikhwanul hakim NstLectured by : dr.Netty D Lubis, SpRad (K).

Introduction HoweverClassification of Unusual Manifestations of Lobar AtelectasisGroup 1: atelectasis with marked volume lossMost case of atelectasis in this group are caused by peripheral airway obstructionThe lobe in this group is small and may be overlooked on plain chest radiographHowever, many anatomical alterations as indirect sign of lobar atelectasis can be identified (figure 1-6)

Group 2: Atelectasis presenting as a mass-like opacityLobar atelectasis sometimes presents as a mass-like opacity with a sharp lateral margin on the chest radiograph (fig 7-10), and may be misdiagnosed as a mediastinal or lung tumorCT is useful in differentiating atelectasis from mediastinal or lung tumor (fig 8-9)

Group 3: Atelectasis in an unusual locationThe lower lobe is generally tethered to the mediastinum and the hemidiaphragm by the inferior pulmonary ligamentIn contrast, the upper lobe and right middle lobe are incompletely fixedThe atelectatic upper lobe and right middle lobe often mobile, resulting in an unusual location (fig 10-13)

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