at 3 short answer test

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  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test


  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test


  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test


  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test


  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test


  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test


  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test


  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test



    a) Hello, it’s Fiona. I’ve got a customer here claiming that we have sent

    him the same bill multiple times even though he has paid and has a

    receipt. I’m putting him through to you now.

    b) Two examples o good communication s!ills demonstrated by Fiona are"

      1. #he spo!e !indly and was respectul to the customer.

      $. #he used clear language and as!ed concise %uestions.

    c) Two examples o poor communication&customer service demonstrated

    by Fiona are"

      1. #he told 'ill that he should (ust throw away any duplicate bills he


      $. #he promises’ that his problem will be *xed immediately even

    though she is not part o the department that handles it, thereore putting

    more pressure on that department +accounts).$. #ix actors which disrupt verbal communication are"

    1. hysical +distracting environment" telephone, e%uipment and tra-c)$. motional +one person may ta!e o/ence at what is said)0. ultural di/erences +misunderstanding due to one person having a

    strong accent)2. re(udice +letting assumptions cloud understanding, (udging beore

    a person spea!s)3. 4argon +people might not understand you i you use (argon or words

    speci*c to your wor!place and acronyms that are not widely !nown)5. 6an! +people might be intimidated when" trying to communicate

    with a higher ran!ed person or having to deal with an important


    7ays to overcome these +in the same order) are"

    1. Finding a suitable location or the conversation$. hoosing words careully, and trying to pic! ones that have no

    chance o o/ending the other person.0. I the other person has a strong accent, as! them to repeat anything

    you don’t understand.2. #how respect and listen, then (udge.3. 8void (argon and acronyms and use clear and concise nglish.5. Instead o being intimidated or nervous, calm down and (ust

    remember to respect the other person when spea!ing.0.

    a) 9 +%ual mployment 9pportunity) is ma!ing sure everyone has

    e%ual employment opportunity by preventing discrimination o particular

    segments o the population +e.g. aboriginal people) and anti:harassment is

    preventing harassment +demeaning or humiliating a person).

    b) ;y individual attributes that ma!e me a good team member are

    empathy, respect or others, listening s!ills, ideas and ability to give

    constructive eedbac!.

    c) 5 6e%uirements or an e/ective team meeting are"1. 8dvance notice o the date, time and place.

    $. 8genda circulated beore the meeting.0.

  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test


    2. veryone having their say and contributing to the discussion.3. #tarting and *nishing on time.5. 8 record o what was discussed, what needs to be done and who is

    going to do it.2. Three things to consider when writing a ax are"

    1. =ot to send any con*dential inormation because anyone in thearea can see the document+s) sent.

    $. The receiver should be noti*ed about the time, nature and length o 

    the inormation to be sent.0. The ont si>e or typed documents should be no less than 1$.

    3. To whom it may concern,

    It has come to my attention that there is a training course scheduled or

    next wee!. I believe that the training would bene*t me in handling,

    managing and recording data or bacterial cultures with greater accuracy. I

    usually wor! with bacterial cultures at least three times a wee! and thiswould help me to complete my wee!ly wor! to a higher degree o


  • 8/18/2019 At 3 Short Answer Test


    1. @eading by example.$. xplaining the bene*ts o adopting sustainable energy wor!

    practices.0. Telling people about the possible disadvantages o not adopting

    sustainable energy wor! practices.


    a) Two situations relevant to my laboratory that could lead to an

    environmental incident are"

      1. There could be a dangerous inection on a tissue sample that

    might carry to laboratory wor!ers i they are not wearing correct .

    $. 8 laboratory wor!er might leave a ume hood open and dangerous

    gas may be released.

    b) To minimise the ris! o the second event, any laboratory wor!er wor!ing

    with a dangerous gas should wear a mas! and the laboratories should be

    sealed to prevent gases escaping.