astro handicapping by alan richter

This special e-book edition of Astro Handicapping: How to Use Time Distances to Forecast Horse Races by Alan Richter, PhD is made available through the Astro Handicapping Yahoo e-group at: You may contact the author through the e-group or directly at: Alan Richter, PhD N. 1618 Lincoln St., Apt. 5 Spokane, Washington, 99205 and also by email at [email protected] Copyright (c) 2010 by Dr. Alan Richter All rights reserved.

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Handicapping horses using astrology


  • This special e-book edition of

    Astro Handicapping:

    How to Use Time Distances to Forecast Horse Races

    by Alan Richter, PhD

    is made available through the

    Astro Handicapping Yahoo e-group at:

    You may contact the author through the e-group or directly at:

    Alan Richter, PhD N. 1618 Lincoln St., Apt. 5

    Spokane, Washington, 99205

    and also by email at [email protected]

    Copyright (c) 2010 by Dr. Alan Richter All rights reserved.


    How To Use Time Distances to Forecast Horse


    by Alan RiChter, PhD



  • DISCLAIMER All infonnation in this book is based upon the original research and observations of Dr. Alan Richter. It is written with sincere and reliable intent.

    Although these methods and techniques have proved reliable over the years, there cannot be, and therefore is no guarantee that these same methods will continue to work in the future. Therefore, neither the publisher, the editor, the author, nor any other persons connected with the writing of this book assume any responsibility whatsoever for the results of any reader's activities at the races.

    1st printing: October 1995

    ASTRO HANDICAPPING, Copyright (c) 1995 by Dr. Alan Richter

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any fonn, or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, mimeographing, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems, nor may any part of this book be progranmed for canputer use, without written pennission from the publishers.

    Published by: Alan Richter, PhD ..!JN. 1618 Lincoln St., Apt. \' Spokane, Washington, 99205

    00 THEY HAVE A SECRET? Have you ever noticed that some

    people, who come to the racetrack only on their birthdays or their lucky days, do as well or better than the professionals, who come each day? Why is this true? Do they have a secret?

    Why do certain horses win the same key race year after year, especially at the smaller tracks? Do horses win on their birthdays? Do horses have "off days," when we should not bet them? Can we predict these off day performances?

    These and other questions form the basis for this book on astro handicapping.


    To better understand this book, you should acquaint yourself with the following basic astrological principles:

    The year is divided into twelve

    signs or astro months. These are

    Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo,

    Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,

    Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

    The month of Aries begins at the spring equinox, first day of spring. This is usually on March 20, but it can be March 21. You would have to check an Ephemeris to be exact, as it varies


  • slightly from year to year. The month of Taurus begins on April 19 or 20. In this manner, each astrological month roughly compares with the traditional calendar month, Aries is April, Taurus is May, Gemini ~s June, etc., but the' astrological month begins approximately ten days before the traditional calendar month, and that is the major stumbling block for those who do not know astrology.

    The basis of the calendar is that the earth revolves around the sun in a circle, which is divided into 3600 and into twelve parts or astrological months. Because of the way that traditional astrology developed, prior to the science of astronomy, astrologers name the months after the sign occupied by the sun if viewed from the earth, rather than naming the months after the sign occupied by the earth as it travels around the sun.

    If we were to rename the months, based upon earth's location if viewed from the sun (heliocentric astrology), there would be a lot of confusion for centuries as we would then say that the earth is in Libra (not Aries) in April. So, I favor keeping the names as they are and explaining what is really happening scientifically. The earth revolves around the sun and the sun is in Aries in April.


    The moon revolves around the earth and its path can also be divided into twelve parts, the same twelve signs. So, the moon goes from Aries to Taurus to Gemini, etc., and when it reaches Pisces, the next sign will be Aries.

    The moon spends roughly two and one-half days in each sign, which means that the moon either spends two nights and three days (Monday, Monday night, Tuesday, Tuesday night, Wednesday) or three nights and two days (Sunday night, Monday, Monday night, Tuesday, Tuesday night) in each sign. The moon takes 27.32 days to make one complete revolution around the earth. For practical

    For practical purposes, this means that if you go to the racetrack on a particular Saturday and win, you could or might win again if you returned on a Saturday four weeks later. Conversely, if you win on Saturday and try to repeat your win seven days later, you will probably lose. This is because the moon is in the same sign four weeks apart, but it is in a different sign one week apart.

    I am going to omit any discussion of the planets and the other details of astrology, and we will be concentrating on the moon, the astro month (based upon the sun-earth axis or relationship), and the relationship or angle between the moon and the sun.

    Consider the New Moon, when the three bodies (sun, moon, earth) are in


  • a straight line and in that order, sunmoon-earth. The sun is lighting up the part of the moon that we do not see, so the moon is invisible to us on earth. In contrast, at the Full Moon, the order is sun-earth-mooh, and except during eclipses, the earth is not large enough to hide the fully lighted moon.

    IF\. - - - -f) - - ...... () ....U ,,+===

    , " '--

    ,/ fJ ' ~ \ Sun's Rays t? Full Moon New Moon () +== , ---- ,

    +==" " () ... Earth tJ ' /

    (--.JI\ --u-

    New Moons are approximately 29-30 days apart, and likewise, Full Moons are 29-30 days apart. This is a different cycle from the moon-in-the-sign cycle, which is 27-28 days.

    The reason that these cycles are not the same length has to be explained: Suppose, we start with the New Moon in Pisces. Twenty-eight days later, the moon will again be in Pisces, but the sun will now be in the next sign Aries. We are at the position of new moon minus one (NM-1), which is my symbol for one sign before the new moon, not one day before. In order to reach the next new moon in Aries, we have to allow thirty days.


    WINNING METHODS Now, what does all this have to do

    with horses?

    If a horse has a preference for a particular moon sign, then a pattern should appear, where that horse tends to win every twenty-eight days or four weeks apart. La Shard was a perfect example. He won an allowance race at Great Falls, Montana on July 14, 1991 on the moon in Virgo. On August 11, 1991, twenty-eight days later, he carne in second by a nose in an allowance race at Metrapark, Montana. On September 8, 1991, which was fifty-six days (eight weeks) from the date of the first race and twenty-eight days from the second race date, he won an allowance race at Metrapark, on the moon in Virgo. On October 5, 1991, eighty-three days from the first date, fifty-five days from the second date, and twenty-seven days from the third date, La Shard won a handicap race at Playfair, Washington, again on the moon in Virgo. Thus, La Shard performed four times in a row on the moon in Virgo, each time distance between performances being four weeks apart.

    Of course, La Shard was a very sharp horse in 1991 at age five, and he also won on September 15, 1991, which was not on the moon in Virgo. So, one could argue that La Shard simply won every race in 1991 regardless of when it was scheduled. I do not subscribe to that view, since La Shard was defeated by both Gotto Go Charlie and Santim on August 2, 1991. (Santim was the horse that La Shard almost beat on August II.)


  • We cannot do an experiment to find out, but I believe that had the races been scheduled differently, La Shard would have won fewer races. He "lucked out," because the races happened to be scheduled on his favorite moon sign Virg~

    La Shard was a son of North Jet and I am currently doing research to follow the sons of North Jet.

    The main problem with this technique is that we do not learn the moon preference of the horse until it has produced a race record and is ready to retire. Also most horses do not have such clean moon preferences as La Shard. Incidentally, horses whose names begin with the word "the" do tend to win on the moon in Virgo and "la" in French means "the." "Les," the plural form of "la," works also.

    Another pattern that I study is the tendency of a horse to win races on the same date, year after year. This pattern is stronger in the smaller tracks. There are examples of champions winning the same race year after year, but it is difficult for them to do so because of the principle that youth prevails. There is always some up-and-coming younger horse who wins the race.

    We can, however, make use of breeding lines to benefit from these patterns. For example, the period July 15-17 is extremely favorable to the Raise A Native breeding line as shown by the following examples. On July 17, 1963, Raise A Native set a new track record for 5~ furlongs. On the same date in 1994, Highland Crystal by Raise A Man won the River Downs Budweiser Breeders


    Cup. On July 15, 1995, Pembroke by Gone West, a son of Mr. Prospector out of the same line, set a world record for 5~ furlongs on the turf at Hollywood. On July 15-16, 1995, three Chisos horses won at Yakima Meadows, paying $94.80, $11.20, and $35.60. Chisos is a son of Alydar, who is a son of Raise A Native. Obviously, if those three Chisos horses had been racing well in the weeks prior to mid-July, they would not have been paying such huge amounts for a two dollar bet. So, something is happening with the Raise A NativeMr. Prospector and the Raise A NativeAlydar line in mid-July.

    Saratoga is famous for many upsets. Is this because of the track or is this because of the specific dates that Sara-toga races?

    The Breeders Cup Day is always held

    in the month of Scorpio. Is Danzig really

    the best sire or is he the best sire in

    the month of Scorpio? Would it all look

    different if the best horses were judged

    in the month of Leo instead of in the

    months of Taurus and scorpio as they are


    We have discussed horses that win races on the same day one year apart and horses that win races on the same moon sign twenty-eight days apart. What is the relationship between these two phenomena?

    If we divide the year, 365.25 days, by the length of a lunar revolution, 27.32


  • days, the result is 13 and 1/3 revolution In other words, if we go forward one year in time, we do not come back to the starting moon sign. In order to come back to the same moon sign, we need to travel thirteen lunar revolutions (less than a full year) or fourteen lunar revolutions (more than a full year). So if a horse has a specific moon preference, it might be more likely to win 355 days from the previous win than 365.

    A common pattern is for the horse to win its "Never won three" one year from the maiden win. However, this is not necessarily a good bet. We do not know until after the race is over if this was a good horse that won its NW3 a year after the maiden as good horses should or if it was a bad horse that did not. In my experience, the shortyear is more valuable than the conventional year, because we know from the previous win (a shortyear ago) that the horse does like a particular moon sign.

    Specific examples of patterns that relate to specific time distances as used in astrology are shown in Figures 1 through 8 and in Figures 10 and 11.


    In astrology, the distances of two

    months (sextile) and four months (trine)

    are considered to be benefic, agreeable,

    harmonious. In degrees of the 3600

    circle, these are 600 angles and 1200



    In horse racing, we can go back eight months to the time that would be considered a trine if we had gone four months forward. (I label this "octatrine" to indicate that it was eight months ago and not four months ago.) Similarly, I label the period ten months ago "decasextile," meaning a time period that is sextile to today, but occurred ten months ago, not two months ago.

    Horses who won 59-60 days ago should win today because today's sun-moon angle is the same as the angle 59-60 days ago. The moons are sextile and the suns are sextile. An example is the following: Today is the New Moon in Pisces. 59-60 days ago was the New Moon in Capricorn. 118-120 days ago was the New Moon in Scorpio.

    In order to understand the agreements, it is necessary to know the elements of the signs.

    Signs Elements A Aries Fire T Taurus Earth A Gemini Air T Cancer Water A Leo Fire T Virgo Earth A Libra Air T A T

    Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn

    Water Fire Earth

    A Aquarius Air T Pisces Water


  • The alternating list of signs, beginning with Aries and including all fire and air signs, is labelled the set of A signs. The remaining list of signs, beginning with Taurus and including all earth and water signs, is labelled the ~ set of signs. Fire and air signs differ by two signs, are sextile, and agree. Fire signs differ from fire signs by four signs, are harmonious and trine.

    Thus, the New Moon in Capricorn 59-60 days ago is sextile to today's situation of the New Moon in Pisces. The New Moon in Scorpio is trine to today's situation of the New Moon in Pisces.


    We would bet the horse today that won a sextile ago on the New Moon in Capricorn and a trine ago on the New Moon in Scorpio. If Horse A won on the' New Moon in Scorpio and Horse B won on the New Moon in Capricorn, neither raced on the other date and they never raced against each other, we might then have to use nonastrological criteria to decide today's winner. We could eliminate horses that failed on these "New Moons in T," but we would not know what to do with a horse that didn't happen to be scheduled on the critical dates.

    Before we consider Sea Hero, which may be a little complicated for those who do not know astrology, let us practice


    on a case of intermediate complexity. Using the list of signs with the elements, practice some combinations like the following example. The moon in Gemini in the month of Aries is the New Moon in Aries + two moon signs. It is trine to the moon in Libra in the month of Leo. The moon in Libra in the month of Leo is the New Moon in Leo + two moon signs. Do not proceed until you have mastered this and similar combinations. Try some combinations on your own.

    Now let us consider a more complicated example of the case of Sea Hero that won the Kentucky Derby on May 1, 1993 on the astrological aspect, Moon in Virgo trine the Sun in Taurus (Full Moon Scorpio/Taurus minus two signs). We go back approximately eight months to the angle octatrine, when the Moon was in Capricorn trine the Sun in Virgo (Full Moon Pisces/Virgo minus two signs). Notice the trine relationships of all the entities involved and the angle is preserved. on both dates the moon was in the position FM-2. Sea Hero won the maiden on moon in earth trine sun in earth on the FM-2 position, and he won the Kentucky Derby on moon in earth trine the sun in earth on the FM-2 position.

    Figure 11 gives a second example of the angle octatrine. Figure 12 lists the time distances for the sextiles and trines.


  • ('npyrijthtl'fl ,'. '''''5 hy Ihlily Kacinlt ..... rm, Inc.

    Reprinted with Pl"rmission "I' Ihl" Cupyrilthl flwner

    ..... s Knndy Sir.: .1IIIIIrIc SpIrIt ( ...u.) On: Ian.... JadI .. H""ey Jadt 1II1II, ......_ (SIMItI...1IIIe)

    8,: Wlldwlnd Staid" (Wasil)ALYAIADOPV(2Sl45 44 Z4.17) $10,000 T,: Ian.... JadI (-) =--=:::-.==

    17....... !YM fst 6f ,ZZ' ,45 :58 1:113 f:mClm I. 48 4 4 2'ICI 22 23 51i Ward V M 8 114 25__1YM fst if :23:463:594 ,:,31 f:mClm ,. 73 4 3 32 32 Ii 11 Ward V M B114

    :~~: ~~~:~ :~ ~= '

    :~~ tl~3 ~::::~ ~ : i ~~: ~~l ~ ~=:~: :l~; Z4.....ffM fst Sf '.23 :583 ':112 ~ImI. 21 1 7.3i 1l1li Pi 813i !lf1son D 1118 1-1 [ Il.....SYM fst" :2P .45 :5721:101 Clm I.NZL 33 2 5 21 J4 31 213 Bryson Dill t"' t"'Z7l1i1rU-lYM fst" :224:451:51 1:121 ~Mdl25ll 43 8 4 Ii 12 13 III Bryson D III o "'''tlTS: aa 'fIIIM 1:14H til anMIM ,.,2H"", .21 YM 1M :.HmI .,nMIM :152HIJl en

    .-,3I ..... !:.:tI.....,

    I Figure 1, Karandy, Example of the Conventional,. Anniversary One Year Apart ~ .-,3 1-1 oKarandy won the maiden May 27, 1993. She won the third race of her career Z

    on May 25, 1994. Notice that she did not go into a restricted race for en "Never won three. n The win on April 28 shows that she could handle the rise into the unrestricted conditions and the win on May 27, 1993 set her up for the completed anniversary. She won May 25, 1994 at 5.1:1, and was favored on June 17, 1994, when she failed. Karandy can be said to possess an anniversary on .May 25-27. Whether she will ever win again on that date is questionable.

    C'",."righlt,1 L 1.,'15 h., I)ltil~ Kal'ing Furm. In ...

    Rl"prinll"d \\ ilh Pl"rmhsinn "I' Iii. ('oP.\ righl uwnl"r

    .......... ' (..) Figure 2Dag's Knight S .... I T............ (...... ca.Ice)


    __ s..- ..... T.. D_I D.. , D.'IIM (U'GI) Dagls Knight Ir: awlS...I, (WuII) LB 120 Example of

    "',UADO P Y (87 17 n II .11) $6,Z5O Tr: ...,.. M.k. (It t 10 5 .23) the Shortyear4A1t15-8YM 1st if :232:f1:9 1:112 Clm6250 65 3 1 1l1li Ii 111 IIi AlYaradoPV LB 117 UI 17-.

    LB 116 J.JI 11-152UI~ 'YM ht 6f :123:45:583 I: 112 Clm 6250 55 5 5 51 Pi 53 Pi Alvarado P V

    IJI~ 5YM sl" :231:f1' :5931:123 Clm 6250 31 4 5'1" ,,2 ,111 Milthell G V LB 114 4.10 &4-24

    lUlln!S- 7YM 1st 1 :234:f14 1: 122 1:373 Clm I. 41 8 8 pt IIIi 714 8141 Alvarado P V B116 4,JI i3-2S

    B117 "1.68 87-131J11n1.1S- 6YM 1st Sif :2Zl:45 :583 Ul52 Clm ml 51 Z 7 .,. 5S\ 4ll 2'* Alvarado P V B114 l5II 11-1Zlllit95-8YM Isl" ;224 :451 :5821:113 OOClm 1. &4 , 4 44 5' sst 53i MilclltllGV

    ~ 1YM ht" :ZZ :451 :574 1: lIP Clm 2IIDI 63 7 5 .,. 75i &2J ~ Mitchell G V 1I14b U 85-13

    119 b 55.40 57-I!21A1J94- gYM 1st 1 :2Zl :454 I: III 1:39 Emerald lads53k 41 3 4 8 912 911 913 Ortiz A B " 119 b ",70 77-151!A1J94- 6YM ht 6f :231 :471 1:IJJ 1:132 Clm 12511N2l 41 5 1 41 Zhd 30* 12 Ortil A B

    12A1J94- IVM lsI 5lf ;2Zl:4&% :591 1:1154 OOMd 12511 4& ! 5 54 42 12 12 Ortiz A B 118b 2.JI .-11


    .OIKOUTS: Jly nM 41M :4P" ~ .IUM 41f1t :4P. W _lnM.fIt :.' HI1/.H.....

    W I Dag's Knight won the maiden August 12, 1994 on the Scorpio/Leo First Quarter

    Moon. He won the third race of his career on August 4, 1995 on the exact same aspect, scorpio/Leo First Quarter Moon 357 days later. This is a very common pattern. Notice that in this case the shortyear from the maiden pattern was more powerful than first and second time lasix, but that is not always so. Notice also that Dag's Knight is 3 for 3 in the month of Leo. To find the shortyear from today going back less than a year, you add 8,9. 10 or 11 days.

  • Daily Racing Form, August 5,

    Kyle's Ace o- ..._T............

    IOIISALYES F A (14 5J 45 14) $2,500 23JIyfi- 5Y1I 151 SI' :224 :461 :S! 1:052 3. elm 2500Hly 2JIr15- 2Y1I fsl Sf :23 :461 :5112 I: III Chi 2500Hly

    140ct94- 2PIa sl, Sf :224:47 1:00 ':13 3. Clm 32111 23SepM- 4P1a hi if :232:454:591 M233. Clm l2III 1SepM-7P1a hi fiji :231 :454 1:122 1:111 3. Clm c-ZSOO

    I Claimed from Johnson Curt, Odom Mike Trainer ~ 25a.gM-SPIa hi Sf t C1Za.gM-9PI3 151" JlJ1794-1PIa hl'St'

    21J1"...]Y' hi if !JIy94-1IYM hl 6f

    :224:452:59 1:1143.Clm411 :223:46:513 ':11 3+CldllHll :231 :4631:12 1:1I21+ClmGlH2l :222:452 :5141:. Clm mNZI. :224:451 :513 1:112 Clm_NZL


    .. ' ..... 5 IIr" 1'1II1rIIU," (.........)

    D_: FIlii , ..... (Sir , ..,.n WIfImMc:.r& MlchIIf (Cal) Tn Writht KIm (" I .. , .)

    30 I 3 1l1li 21 917!42 Campbell Be &4 I 1 IIi IIi 121 31 Campllfll Be II 1 2 11 11 12 Zl EadsJR Z 3 42 611 811821 EadsJR rt 4 1 11 1l1li 45i 8121 Bradley TL iii 2 1 11 Ii 1i 1l1li BradleyTL 71 1 1 1'1 12 ,3 II BradleyTL 53 S 1 12 1i 1i 11 BradleyTL 34 1 7 43 45i 45 SI4} llatlfeyl BJ 51 2 5 53i 541 1511$ MulfeylBJ

    LB 122 U 122fb *2..211 15-11 LB 122fb 2J) IS-IS LII22fb tTO 83-11 LII22fb 1.20 59-11 LB 122 fb out 'IS-14

    LlI22fb *.. !I-13 LB 122fb 3JI 94-11 LB 122fb 1OO !I-12 LlI22b U 'IS-IO LB 122b 2IlOO 82-12

    WOIKOUTS: Jly 15 VI 5ffst 1:IZl H6/10 .btZHII5ffst I.H11/17 .bt Inl Sffst :$I H1m .... 12 :r~4rfst .HZI/If ...

    CopyriJrhtpd t', I""~ hy HIIII) Klll'in!! .....rm. Ino:.

    Kt'prinh'd wilh "l'rllli,sion .. I' tho: C",l""il!hl .. wner

    Figure 3, Kyle's Ace, Example of a Bracket

    A bracket is two wins in a row approximately a year ago with today's data between the two dates. Kyle's Ace won July 30 and August 12, 1994. Today' s date is August 5, 1995. Although Kyle's Ace won the NW2 (Non-winners of two) and the NW3 (Non-winners of three) at the inferior track, today's race

    I at Yakima Meadows is for non-winners at the stand, so today's race represI-' Ul ents a very low class race. Those people who make use of the false theoryI of a "Horse for a course" will avoid Kyle's Ace, because he won those races

    at Playfair and this is Yakima, but I prefer the concept of a horse for a time. In my view, Kyle's Ace likes all the days between July 30 and August 12. His win on August 5 at 4.4: 1 proved that he likes this time period.

  • Daily Racing Form, July 17, 1995 Yakima, Washington Edition

    I ... (Santa Fe Slewpy Sw.: 51.." (Sf~ttle Slew) Ufttlmt Record: 15 1 1 0

    0..: [1( u StUll Dam: N~k'w Wind (LJPhud)

    Ir: Nor JoanM (K,) ..) o1~ 4 0 0 0 $S5Oi Turf 0 81m AS {m 52 53 I.m ... $5,000 rr: GLltt "'.vi. (iii 17 7 11 .lSI 1994 1 1 1 0 $22,324 Wet 1 LB ~1 VII' 0 0 IDist & 1 0 0 $12,.979fst 1. :232:463 I: 163 1:432 elm 12500N2L 62 6 5 S3i J4 4'i Sf3 Btlloir V T . . fst 1. :23 :461 1: 102 1:44 elm 12500N2L 62 1 5 4'! 4Sl 4'! 5li Belvoir V T U 119b 7.1 67 -20 Golden Rublesl1!2i Cinematic119no Gin Rummy Rulerl1' No rally I't ..f;t" :23 :463 1:104 1:423 elm 2m 6S 7 8 85j 66 6' ,17 Antley C W La 119 b 1.1 61-Z2 I'm Soaringl1!31 lost Track114no Sir Bigunll9l No rally 1 11trlS ~SA wf 1. :232 J]J 1: 11 1:422 Alw 4GOOON Ix 69 6 4 42l 5'i 610 &13i A~Uey C W La 116 b ,4..20 65-23 Dinner Affairl1~ ML Grant1163Color Me Speed1163 No rally' ~ SSA f;t 1 e:222 ;454 1:104 1:37 3. Alw WliIx 78 4 6 67 il 44 5' Stmns G L ,~ U 118b 6..20 69-12 Neweyberinl18'McIT'Jnymomonymomonyl1310!dMltrllij Wide trip 6 ~DHol fst lif :222;452 1:094 1:282 elm c-_ 84 2 9 9Si i"I 44 q Stevens G L U 116 b 150 11 -13 Gambier'S Way lIS! Nuc.ayl19li Flight Of Majestyl1gr. Mild late bid 7

    elaim~d from Jess LMiller Trus~ Orman Mike Trainer U 116 b 4. 91-1'18 Double TheW!ather117:t SaI'sWishl!6no BallisticSillyli1i Closed gamely 10 2l1kt94-lSA fst 1 :224 :452 1:111 1:13 elm 3m as 7 16"l 52 42 2t* Stevens G l

    ~ lDmrfst 1 :224 :461 1: 1/)3 1:36 elm a 81 2 4 2J 2hi 2i 42l Desormeaux KJ U 116 b 4.111 1-17 Gry'sLuckyOnel16r* SntFeSlewpy1161DinnrAffirl172 Off step slow, rail 1 ' 1UIg94- SDmrfst ijf :214 :443 1;094 I; lSI elm ,-2m 6S 212 1O&J 87i Pi 6li Antley e W LB 116 b IS.iO 87 -11 Sir Cutter Slew!1Jhd VeracityllS l1Brand New Dancel1Si Rank 1st turn 6

    Claimed from Friendly Ed &Natalie, Hendricks Dan l Trainer r.:'l'\ L8 115 lUI 81-11 Island Sportl1S2i Sir Cutter Slew1151 Me And MrJ.I15) hide into lane 12 17JI~20mrfst 51 :22:454 :5831:1113H.dW \!!IS 8 83j 411 2J 11 AnUeyCW

    U 115 6.1 BS-1J9 Santa Fe Slewpyt15I Theatrical Bashl1SqGranbyl1511 4wide into lane 12WORKOUTS: .MIl! C&5tfst 1:80HJI14 .btll &C4ffst :49H9115 ~1' G6iffst 1:I4HM 1t!J12 G64tfst :12~ 6/31 ('op~ri~hlt'd L I'l":=; hI Dail,l Uat"ing ..... rm. lilt'.

    H ....'rilll!d with 1'.' C'III ''''''II "I till' IHI'~ rij!ht ,,"'\l'r

    Figure 4, Santa Fe Slewpy Both of Santa Fe Slewpy's wins were on the Example of 13 lunar revolutions, moon in Aries. I would continue to bet him not a shortyear on the moon in Aries, especially in the sum

    mer months, but he could also win at other Santa Fe Slewpy won the race first time at times. Note that Santa Fe Slewpy did not Yakima Meadows, off the layoff, on July 17,' possess the Best Beyer figure at the dis1995. He won his maiden at Del Mar on July 27, tance, but he did possess the best Beyer 1994, 355 days ago (355 divided by 27.5 = 13 figure at the distance on cycle. This means LRs). Or, this is 365 days less 10. Now, that Santa Fe Slewpy possessed the highestbecause the first win was in the month of Leo . Beyer figure of all horses in the race for and the second win was in the month of Cancer, ') all dates when the moon was in Aries.

    this is not a shortyear, where the sun is in

    the same sign at both dates by definition.


    -16- -17

  • ('t>,'~ri~hll'fl t'. 1"'1" h." Hllil,' K:ll'inl! IClrnt. Int', Ih'Vrinll'd with ",'rmission nl' Iht ('''1'.' "'j!hl "Wllcr

    YM PAGE 12 Salurday. Aplil22. 1995 DAILY RACING FORM Dk-ilif IIr Co 4Mr. Investigator SI",,, lold LUIII. (.0""""')

    0_: 8u.A&C&.II.... &.1 Dam: Abon thl Stan (Pia Star) ~ 8r: Jawl 8rllthan (IC-C) CAMPBELL B C (11 I 5 5 .11) $6,250 Tr: 8ue tart A (1 to. ,.) LB 114 16Ajr9S- 2YM fst '" :23' :464 1: 11' ':443 Clm 5(0) 65 4 , 54 53i 5l 111 Campbtll Be LB 117 b 79-25


    lAjr9S-5YM 1st 6f :223:45:57 I:OS2 elm 6250 57 1 5 ]3 7'1 "l 5Ij Campbell B C LB 117 b 9.20 88 -13 18Mir95- iYM 1st 6t :23:454:58 1:11)4 elm 6250 66 ] 4 42 44l 45 44l Southwick W E LB 122 b 5.60 85 -14 Z6ffb95- 7YM 1st 1 :23:464 1: 12 ':382 elm 5Inl 70 4 3 J3 J3 211 121 Campbell B C LB 117 b 4,20 73 -30 1Sffb9)-' GYM gd 6f :2]' :473 tOO 1:124 elm ~ 72 1 , SIJ 22 2111he! Campbell B C LB 118 b 4,11 11- 23 27Jan9)-' 7YM my 6f :24 :49' 1:024 1:171 elm 5Inl 61 5 4 ]1 33 43l 221 eampbtll B C LB 118 b 6.40 5S - 3!1 3IDec!4-1YM fst)tf :222 :453 :573 1:04 elm 5Inl 29 5 5 47 715 716 71' Southwick W E LB 118 b 10.11 77 - 13

    I ....... 17Dec!4-1YM my 61 :231 :47 1 ':002 1:143 elm 5(0) 58 4 - T1 - 37 J2l Ardis M 0 LB 117 b 5.10 69 - 24 00 I 3DK94- 2YM 1st 6f :224 :462 :59 ':123 elm llmJ 54 3 2 4l 611 591 610 Southwick W E LB 118 b 5,50 71- 20 liN0w94-7YM my 51 :243 :494 1:124 elm 5(0) 69 1 4 311 32i 31 l1J Southwick W E La 117 b 4.70 69 - 3S

    WORKOUTS: MIr a TM 4f ht :49" 'IJ/ Mlrli YM lhl :4I21J14 ffb I. TM 4f III :5JI ",,11 Figure 5, Example of the Sextile 2 R

    On April 22, 1995, Occasionally Lucky beat Mr. Investigator in a 1-1/16th miles 6250 claiming race. Examine the races of February 26, 1995, 55 days prior to the race of April 22, 1995. This time distance is known as the

    ('lIpyrIICIIIf'd t'. , ~ lIy naily KadnJ,t ','Ilrm. Inc.

    Reprinted willi Pf'rmission flf till' Cupyril:llt Il'l'l'ner

    Dk-!Ior IIr .. 5Occasionally Lucky Sir.: II.... DccuIOR (I" S.....)Ow.: Al-Sallll D.Ia' Dam: Silwer Conn_.,., (What La) It: North..e" F....... (W.uh) ~ ALLEN II (XI 3 ] 5 .) $6,250 T.: Azlz A I (1 0 0 0 .118) LB~

    1lAjr9S- 7YM gd 1 ;231 :47 1: 13 1:401 elm llmJ 74 1 2 211]1 52 53 Gonsalves F A LB 117 3.11 61- 38 1SMir95- 9PM sly 1" :244 :481 1:124 1:443 Wm PKyne H8k 64 1 3 32 42 541 5'! Brrgsrud S A LB 120 b 2.90 88 -14 12Md- 'PM 1st 1 :231:46 1:1171:382 InvHcp 73 1 , 6'1 43 41 311 Bergsrud S A LB 1211 ',. 93-11Z6ffb95-BPM lsI if :231 :461 :584 1:11 elm ,. 81 2 5 G2l 42j 2hd 11 Bergsrud S A L8 122f '1.90 93 -14 21Jan95- 8PM 1sT 6f :W :453 :581 ':11 Gov Sptrd H8i $2 7 741 54t 57 311 lacoulsirrr LJ La 118 r 2.40t 92-13 2oNO94-l0PM gd It. :232 :473 ':12 ':45 3. Alwmls , 3 411 411 42j 2ne Sanchn R A Jr LB 112 '1.60 99 - I I SN0v94-6PM fst 1" :234 :474 1:1221:452 Alwmls 13 1 1 2hd 2hd lhe! lJ Sanchez RAJr LB 122 '2.20 97 -06 16Oct!4-IPM lsI 1 :241:48 1:134 ':384 3. Alw mIs 1 2 l' III 13 13 SanchtzRAJr LB'119 '1.10 93-11ZOtt!4- 'PM 1st 1 :234 :474 1: 124 ':38 Clm _I 76 I 6 42 311 21J 12 Sanchtz R A Jr LB 117 3.11 97 -11 ~ IlJIy94-8YM 1st 1 :234 :464 ':11 ':36 elm c-m 6S71 6'61 51 42i eampbtll B C LB 115 311l 82 - 241.0 Claimtd from Andmon Danitl Enoch. Anderson Myong STrainl!rI

    WORKOUTS: .Febn PM Sf ht 1:012 H1M ffb 19 PM 3hl, :38 B0/211

    sextile 2 R, where 2 R is shorthand for 2 lunar revolutions. Each horse won his race on February 26, 1995, but Occasionally Lucky won the higher class race or Occasionally Lucky won his race with a higher Beyer figure B81 compared to B70 for Mr. Investigator. This example may not be the best example because Occasionally Lucky is clearly the superior horse based on Beyer figures alone, without considering cycles.

  • Figure 6, Three Socs in the Wind, Example of the longyear

    Threesocsinthewind ~~e~ : .. PlfKlYlW..... (E.pI....nt)

    Own. aN"" Dill Dam, 8aston Girl (Tom Rolft)

    8" 8urd Oa.ld (Tn)

    BOURQUE K(1&4 IS ZI11 .11) Tr: Robldeaul. Larry R Jr (89 20 11 14 .22)

    76 6 1 lho1lSMai1S-10P 1st 11. :Z32 :412 1:1Z4 1:444 Alw Z8OOON$Y Z\ . 44 61~ Bourque K L119

    I 9MarlS- 80P 1st 11. :224 :46 1: 11' \:434 Alw Z4000NZX 98 1 1 13 11 15 13 Bourque K L116N

    o Z3Feb~OOP Isl 11. :221 :461 1: 12 1:44 Alw 24000NZX 79 7 4 311 2\ 41\ 4S Day P L116

    I C9ft~~~:JOP Isl" :22 :454 :582 1: lQ-t Alw ZZOOONlx 86 4 8 63 531 31 121 Day P L116 2Apr94-90P hll1. :231 :4611:1Q-t 1:44 Rebel-G3 43 2 7 71111161129113111 BorelCH L113b 10Mar94- BOP Isl 11. :23 :464 1: 123 ':451 Alw Z4000NZL 75 3 6 55 33 441 6'~ Borel C H L120 b 25Feb~90P hI 11. :233:48 1: 123 1:44 Alw 23000N2L 74 6 5 314 534 7' 71'1 lester R N L121f 9Feb~ 60P sly 1 :23 :473 1: lZ3 1:393 Alw Z3000NIX 78 6 7 6& 44i 334 3& Gomez G K L121 1l.!an94::10P hl 1 :224 :46 ':111 1:373 Md Sp Wt 83 6 8 71 56 31115 Day P L118

    12Auq93- 8LaD fll ijf :22' :462 ':054 Md Sp Wt 37 111 2h6 11\ 2'\ 51i Tro;dair A J 119

    WORKOUTS: Apr 5 " list 1:1Il'1 HlZI .. ,tOP Mist 1:012M31X ..5 OP 51 my 1:01lM J,I4J H!b ISO' lilt I:I2M 4

    (""I)yri~hlt'd l. '''''~ h,\' !)ail)' thl"in~ ..... rm. In...Krprinled \O'ilh ""rmissinll "I' Ih., ('''I',r'ighl U\\ 11, ...

    Three Sees in the Wind This is an example of the longyear return 14 lunar revolutions or 382 days.

    ,In different years, the horse won the first two races of its career on the

    exact same astrological aspect, the moon in Gemini trine the sun in Aquarius.

    Notice, Pat Day, the Libra jockey, was on the horse on roth occasions. The

    moon in Gemini trine the sun in Aquarius favors the Libra j~key. In 1986,

    Pat Day won six races on this aspect on February 17, 1986.

    I To find the longyear from today going back more than a year, subtract....,

    ~ 17,18,19, or 20 days.I

  • I





    N W I

    Figure 7, Falcon Bid, Example of Gestation Time Distance

    Falcon Bid 'r, ... Sir.: Imperlal'I'- (Northern D_)

    Ow.: .......... Sml'lll Dam: '"i Bid (Spectacular Bid)

    Br: Hldlestone Management (Ont-C)

    ANTLEY C W (331 S1 '!I 33 ,17) Tr: VOIIIIg Steven W (22 1 1 1 ,14)

    18~OSA fSI ln :221 :453 1:094 1:421 Clm 20000 81 9 2 31~ 22 32189 Flores 0 R La 116

    2Z1?b9).- 5SA fSI 1 :223 :461 1: 104 1:364 Alw 4&OOON1x 62 6 J l! 42i 1010 916 Flores 0 R L8 117

    4Ffb9)'- gSA fst 1 :224 :463 1: 111 1:362 Clm 251m 96 7 4 411 32 2hd 1nk Desormeaux KJ La "6

    14 Jan9)'- gSA fst 1 :2Z2 :454 1: 104 1:362 elm 20000 89 9 4 Jl1 3" lhe! 321 Antley C W La 115

    f!~94-6Hol fm In (D :234 :4741:1221:432 Clm_ 40 7 5 52i 76 911 9221 Antley CW La 115

    14Aug94- 30mr 1$1 1n :232 :47 1: 114 1:423 Clm c-3. 64 2 1 11 lhe! 21i 514 Black C A La 116

    Claimed from Adams &St Cyr, St Cyr Robert Trainer

    30Jly94- 9Dmr 1st 1 ,222 :462 1: 11 1:362 Clm _ 84 4 5 53 411 3i 4l Black CA LB 115

    16Jly94- 5Hol fsl ln :23 :462 1:11 1:424 Clm c-22500N2L 92 6 Z 21 21 121 12i Black CA La 116

    Claimfd from Graham Decourcy W, Hendricks Dan l Trainer

    11Jun94.-.1Hol fst In :224 :453 1:102 1:432 Clm _ 44 2 2 2i 331 511 520j Black C A LI115

    4May94- 6Hol 1st In :233 :47 1: 113 1:43434 Md c-32101 79 2 2 Ii l' li lhe! Black C A L8115

    Claimtd from Philip & Sophit Hersh Trusl. Bernslfln David Trainer

    WOIKOUTS: ... 21 Mil :I fit :$2 Ml/.U

    ('fJl)~'riJ.!h'ed t', I ~~~ hy Baily Rlll'in/.: Form, I nt'.

    Reprinted with Pl'rmi'ssion of thl' "I)~

  • I

    Figure 8, Falcon Bid and Rockamundo,

    Examples of the Gestation Time Distance

    , N A


    S.~UL~~ST ~~ST PE~F~ Rockamundo BOREl C H (_I O......-Welil G.1ry & Miry

    17~ 90P ht 1V. :454 1:1'94 1:48 l~ 8RP fst In :463 ':112 1:434 Rfm Derby

    2IIla13- 'fG sty Iii :463 1:112 1:444 La. Dtrby 2IWa13-Cradt Ill; Dfad hut

    111lcd2- lGP 1st 170 :46 1: 101 1:412 Rhythm 25Stp52- UP sly 1 :452 1: 103 1:374 Arl Fut

    25Stp!12-Gr adt \I 55tI2- 5AP hI 7f :223 :452 1:213 Arch Ward

    ZJAIgSZ-llIR I) ht 17. :482 1: 132 ':464 Cradlt Prtld 2Au1}92-1CAks fst 6f :213 :W 1:103 Ju Brd Cup

    16JIy12. SAkI 1st 5!f :22 :462 1:05 Alw ml 3JIy12- 1Akl 1\1 Sf :22 ,~)4 ,593 lid Sp WI LATEST WORKOUTS Apt 27CD Sfbt 1:824 B


    S. c. l(Mar), by Key to the Mint-CryJtll Cup, by Nijinslly n Sr.-Goarvin Duid (Ky) Tr.-4il;au GrK J Jr (-) ~k Dfrby 103 7 2 21 31! 21 111 Borel C H

    l1A1rll-Grade []; 8umptd mals,kkd tm in Itr. clear driving 77 4 8 9') 8'~ 7'1 5101Guidry M 74121212111210 77}1111 Romfl'O S P

    78 1 6 54j Slj lSi 4l VtlaSqufl J 74 2 6 4l! 49 581 39i Vtlasqun J

    70 5 3 81i 7515'1 26 VtlaSqUtl J 58 6 6 5t l 410 611 4'l Andtfson C W 65 9 2 9'i 57l 35 22l Andtrson C W 75 9 1 )5 32i ll1d 11 J Andtrson C W 44 5 r 813 717 58 42i Andtflon C W

    _Apr IlOP SUit 1:003 H

    126 L 118 moo

    L '18 Vi.SO Lb 112' 25.SO

    L 1~ 5.10 L 121 5.70t

    L 117 7.611 U 117 "1211 U 113 120 U 114 lJl I 118 til .'blZ! Fli

    I .. ,,, ... )!h ...' t_ "1'1:' 11\ nail.- I{:..-i\l~: I-",'m III ... Itt'prinr,'" \\ Ilh PtltUI~,lUIl of n .. , .-nll' l'l~h~ 0\\ IH."r

    Falcon Bid and RockamUndo

    Rockamundo was igtlored by the bettors because of

    Lifetime 1993 3 0 0 10 2 2 1 19!12 1 2

    $363,625 Wd 2 0 0 1

    5-15 Rodamundol181~ Killin Kril122no foxtraill11

    ~.. $74.25

    $41,m 10

    1- IIrktdTr122t*BrOlIvBrownl~R9timRbll11 Widt trip , 1S-11 DldHlll~OffshrPrt1t7'*Tssfthcll5 11m' ptomintnt13

    IU3 DprtCldlI4'*FrSpcll",",CIrDcr-Frl" bcktd rtsponSf t

    Sl-Z9 CilddTiml21~8oundlssly1214R()tkmundoI21 Mild tally ,

    1S-15 RulfSixlJl12D'Rockmundoll7o*StllitSignl116 Widt rally ..... ThrIlCrrI1I'*OrJcMntll,,",ShICrl14 Imptond position 12 U Tricky Si11132iRockamundollPldoruwunlll utt run 9 55-12 RocumundQII41J Lmonl181oBrmO!'lver1lJ Orivinq , !3-12 Lessonl1811Pharaoh's Htartl1ij Uckitl18 ult run' Sf 1st 1:003 H Mill 11 Fli 4f gil :413 H

    so-so Beyer figures in his recent races, While his competitors were hitting Beyer 90's. Even I, the astrologer, ignored Rockamundo for that reason. Also, the moon on July 16, 1992 was not in the same sign on April 17, 1993. After Rockarnundo, I modified my definition of the gestation, so that in addition to betting the horse on the same moon sign, I, also, now bet the horse on 9 months +/-1 day regardless of where the moon falls.

    ~ Note on Gestation 'f

    AIthough nine months is not the gestation period of a horse, the nine month time distance occurs in the win pattern of a horse. Why thi/i is so, we do not know, but we think it is because the moon is in the same sign on the two dates and that the horse does have a moon preference.

  • ===..---~--..

    Figure 9, Table of the Lunar Revolutions

    Number of Lunar Revolutions Days Comments or Equivalents 1 27.5 4 weeks 2 55 Fibonacci number, 8 weeks 3 82-83 4 109-110 Section 5 137 6 164-165 7 191-192 8 218-220 Standard Time Span 9 246-247

    t 10 273-275 Gestation = 9 months* IV 0'\ 11 300-302 t 12 328-330

    13 354-357 Shortyear = year minus 8,9,10 or 11 days 14 382-385 Longyear = year plus 17,18,19 or 20 days

    The lunar revolution is also called the sidereal month 27.32 days (Refer Jeff Mayo, The Astrologer's Astronomical Handbook, L.N. Fowler and Company, Great Britain, Third Edition 1976). For practical purposes, 27~ days works just fine. * This refers to the human gestation period.

    Figure 10, Sea Hero, Example of the Angle Octatrine, 233-238 days Sea Hero . . Co :1("'),'" ...........wr-fi...... TrlW.. .., Irllllllllrtl

    .r_II.'_ ".uI (v.,IAILEY J 0 (-)0___ SIaIIIIe Tr.-IIIII.r lIacK.IUI. (-, ~ lICee ht lY. :411 ','21.1:493 Bille Grass 91155l 511.... 42J BaileyJO 1.0121

    1IlApr13-Grade II 25htJ9l. SGP fm"lt', ~ ':463 + AI. lmI 91 2 2 2'1 2i 3\ 314 Bailey J 0 b 120 7ffb!l-IOC.P hI 11& :412 1: 121 1:462 Palm BtaCh " 9 4 .. &5 99J 912j aalley J 0 bllJ

    1ffb93-Grade III; Origillilly $cheduled on turf 11Oct92 ac.p f~1 11& ;46 1: 102 ':432 ar Cp Juv 72 fI 6 621filS 871 711 Bailey J 0 b 122

    lIOct92Grade I 1/lQ(:I92. lBel gd 1 :441 1:09 ':344 Cllampa9ne 99 1 5 32 2hd Ii l~j Bailey J I) b 122

    lOOct92-Grade I l1StiQ- lBtl 1m I (j'):45l ':093 ':343 Alw2m! 86 7 4 421 31 l1i~ttl J 0 b 122

    .Stp92- sael 1m 1 \Y):462 ,: 102 1:352 Md Sp WI 83 1 5 31! lj H leJ~~' Ita 21Aug52- & f~1 1f :23 :46 1:24 Md Sp WI 69 4 8 741&4l 421 ~IJ MJdrid AJr 118 2Auq92- I~t 61 :122 :454 1:102 Md Sp WI 63 5 3 8118' 7~i 51~ Madrid AJr 118

    I nJly'J.! ~atl hili' :~Zl :452 l~j Ma 'ip .\ 56 ) , 118 ~a ~ .\Lii e."lI J rJ ;., IV ,I lit ,. t~. H

    -.J LATUT ",..KDUn lIbl :lIiJ , eApr H (,11 Ap.'1J"" 2S CO

    CopyriJ,:hled c. 1995 by Ullily Kacin~ Furn!, Inc.

    KePJinlcd with Permissiun of the CUllyri"hl uwner

    Sea Hero won the Kentucky Derby on May 1, 1993, 236 days after winnilly t.he maiden September -,., 1992 at BelIOOnt. (Pardon the green color highlightirlqJ WIt i

  • Figure 11, Peaks and Valleys, Example of the Angle Octatrine ('''I'' ril!hlt',1 L I""" h~ Bail,\ I{at'illj.! ""rill, IIIL

    Iprillh'" \\ Ilh I. ...ui"i"" .... II,, ('''I'~Ti~hl .."nt>r

    ....... c.. J (Mar)Peaks And Vallers s...., Mt.~. (1......."-)0.. " ..... ,_ D_s S.III I.'-- (1'_.....')6 I,; " OIIIIS... I&(",)DAYP (-) Tn D., ....... (-) lliJdS-lKtt gd 'If :223:444 1:19 1:212 Lafaytltt-Gl 104 7 2 ill 511 22 21i Martin E ,. 25N1J194.11CD 9d 1,\ :234 ,481 1: 134 1:452 KyJcktyClub-Gl 86 4 4 3i 2'" 2' 321 Sellers S J

    Camf up tmpty, insidt 5l1li$- ZWO my 7f ,233:462 ,:112 1:24 Alw ZI200NlL 78 5 1 33 31 " tli Clark D 124b .JI 91-11 SSepM-MRD gd 1,\ :2lZ :472 1: 114 1:463 Cradlt200k 8611 5 41 44i 12 l' DayP 11211b .,.20 911-11

    14AugM- 'WO fst GI :224 :461 :59 1:122 MdSpWt 62 5 '41 lh1t lh1t III ClarlD 1211b 115 13-11 I WOIIOUTS: _Ap'.IS let Sf III :fill N1!11

    _Ap'5Iee Sfllt :5IPN 1!f1 .2t F5 11M t:Z34N lIZ FUfs/J ':11111/7N



    Another example of the Angle Octatrine

    Peaks and Valleys won The Derby Trial on April 29, 1995, 236 days after winning a key race at age two. Note the similarity to Sea Hero's pattern. Sea Hero went from September 7 to April 31. Peaks and Valleys went from September 5 to April 29.

    Figure 12, Table of the Sextiles and Trines

    Angle Days

    Sextile 59-60 Trine 118-120 Octatrine 233-240

    r!., Decasextile 295-300 1.0 I

  • Figure 13, Extreme Edge

    "'-b .... 5

    SIn: T~ llripA (Suttl. SI)

    Own: woodttr Patricia K Extreme Edge

    Dam: lui')' fw SIM, (Elocuti .... st) Ir: SIMotIer!I Syr.ia T&1101' (Wull)

    $8,000 fr: Ull'wl LJIIIIa A (14 1 Z l .117)WENTZ II (35 , 8 7 .17)

    3D 4 3 32 Pi ill 6'Si Wenlz M LlI22

    .caws- 91113 ~t if ;24Z:472;593 I: 122 Clm m 48 4 2 4q 311 41 412 Woolen JW LB 111OJIy95- BYM sl if :223 Ml :592 I: 124 elm 1. .ll 4 3 I' 13 13 14J Berglrud S A LB 122Z2()ct91... &Pia 1st 6f :222:46:583 1:11 3. Alw_ (l9 3 I 12 II II let 8erglrud S A La 122lO()ct91... ,Pia fsl''!f :223 :4621:102 ';I~l.tlmm _ I 4 iii 35 614 Bergsrud S A LII22n.....,~ 'ijf J2' ,", I, .",15' ''' 54 7 2 2"'1 lhol 12 12i Bradley TL LI1224_BPIa 51 'ijf :ZP M 1:14 1:1B23fAlwmlNt 73 5 3 3ct,2 IS 1'1 Bergsrud S A LlI2219~ apia fst 6f :224 :461 :59 1:1123f Clm mN3L 75 Z 2 2'1 14 13 III Bergsrud S A Ll1226~ 2PIa fIt if :223;453 :5841:11' Mlm 5IDlNlL - 5 3 44 i4t 611 - Campbell B C Ll117JIy94- 3YII Isl I :231:472 1: 122 1:38 tim 5IDlN2L 51 122M 2"'1 l."Id 4Z Valdez SJ LlII!JI~IYII fst 6f :224 :46' :583 1:112 elm 5IDlN2L

    WORKOUTS: 141g29 Pia Sflst l:8ZlBlttJ Plalrlst :1]4BQJ .. Z4 Pia &I 1st 1:20 8 iI7

    CopyriJhted c. 1995 by Daily Racing Form, Inc.

    Reprinted with Permission of tht! Copyright owner

    Extreme Edge is an extremely talented and fast Taj Alriyadh gelding. However, he is also extremely inconsistent. On July 20, 1994, he bled under lasix and failed to finish. On September 14, 1994, he did this again. On July 10, 1995, he turned in a miserable performance on the shortyear from July 20, 1994. On September 6, 1995, he did likewise on the shortyear from September 14, 1994,

    In astrological terms, Extreme Edge cannot ha:qdle the moon in the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius when the moon is attached to the T Full Moon, i.e. FM in months of Cancer and Virgo, precisely where the entire line by Sir Ivor excels, He has won on the FM Aquarius/Leo and prefers the A months, with a few exceptions. Remember that good horses have more exceptions to astrological pattern than mediocre horses because of "upside surprises" against soft fields, while very poor horses also have exceptions to pattern because of corruption in those races and lameness, which does not relate to pattern, (Some lameness does relate to pattern.)


    USing the Shortyear to Identify Bad Perfo rmances

    LB 120 3 Z $3,190

    l.SO 13-14 Hop'sRullhI21l0ughtToBrnIZ45StormOnHndI24W Carried out lsllurn 7

    a. 51-24 SeacretCompanionll911CorndogPassll'ITableForSixll!' Outrun 5

    '.11 M-l1 Extreme Edge1224JShad Roe Deem-Slorm On HandlZ22 Handily 6

    U8 !9 -14 Extreme EdgelZ2et Hopt's Rullahl1S' Prospector's RidgelZ2'* Handily 7

    ZlI - 11 CheMezalZ2SDiamondEdgeI21l1AngusRoadl223 Bled 62.. 1/-1 Ellreme EdgetZZZi Courville Trail1221Maccool Jet1221 Drewout 7 i'acIcIDistance' .Ti ."!~~~'.!III !2-Il ExtremeEdget229j Runni"TeeJay122l Mr.Diml1~ Steadied lit mily 8

    .' ;- Wtnril:l ~ ,::F.JI$ '1~ 93-13 ExtremeEdgetZ2'IBojim'sMjeslyl2llllgmChmbrl2lJ! Asrider pleased 5 None2.60 - 18 Tough Teal173j Wayward Kat117WFast'n Free1l811 Bled 7

    'U1 85 -12 Iceburg IkelZ2hdforsalebyownerl"'lVatley Of Fire''''' DUlled, tired 10

    ,~ """"/1994

    Pia 7 5 ....i Did

    If I am right about Extreme Edge, he will fail June 28 through July 3, 1996 and again August 24-29, 1996. He is a reliable bet in the months Leo and Libra.

    Without using an ephemeris to check the position of the moon, it is possible to just count days as follows: Extreme Edge was bad July 20, 1994, July 10, 1995, and that gives July 0, 1996= June 30 (about). He was bad September 14, 1994, September 6, 1995, and that gives (remembering that September 6 = August 37) August 29, 1996 (about), If we used 10 day spans from septem

    ber 14, 1994, that would give August 25, 1996




    Although I was not able to answer all of the rhetcrical questions raised at the beginning of this little book, I believe that I have presented an introductory discussion of the relation ship of astrology to horse racing and that I have given specific examples of time distances between a horse's wins that relate to lunar revolutions of the moon and to standard distances in astrology (sextiles and trines). It is to be hoped that this exploratory book will lead to further and more complete studies in the future.

    The End



  • Month of Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


    March 21 through April 20 April 21 through May 21 May 22 through June 21 June 22 through July 23 July 24 through August 23 August 24 through September 23 September 24 through October 23 October 24 through November 22 November 23 through December 22 December 23 through January 20 January 21 through February 19 February 20 through March 20

    Note: The actual dates of the sun's entrances into the various signs may come a day earlier or a day later in different years

    intro sheet.pdfBooklet by Richterfront.pdfbwback.pdf