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cobas b 221 system ASTM Interface Description

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Manual para la conexión del cobas 221 a PC


  • cobas b 221 system

    ASTM Interface Description

  • COBAS, COBAS B and LIFE NEEDS ANSWERS are trademarks of Roche.

    2011 Roche

    Roche Diagnostics GmbHD-68298

  • Roche Version 8.0

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 1

    cobas b 221 system

    Revision history

    Edition notice

    ASTM Interface Description

    In the course of 2006 the Roche OMNI S system was relaunched under the Roche professional IVD user brand cobas.

    Systems with a serial number of 5001 or above are cobasb221 systems.

    Systems with a serial number up to 5000 are Roche OMNI S systems.

    Every effort has been made to ensure that all the information contained in this manual is correct at the time of printing. However, Roche reserves the right to make any changes necessary without notice as part of ongoing product development.

    Any customer modification to the instrument will render the warranty or service agreement null and void.

    Software updates are done by Roche Service representatives.


    2011, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, all rights reserved

    The contents of this document may not be reproduced in any form or communicated to any third party without the prior written consent of Roche. While every effort is made to ensure its correctness, Roche assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions which may appear in this document. Subject to change without notice.

    Manual Version Software Version Revision date Remark

    1.0 1.0 May 2003 First edition!2.0 3.01 August 20043.0 4.0 December 20044.0 5.0 November 20055.0 5.0 March 20066.0 > 7.0 June 20097.0 > 7.0 September 20098.0 > 7.06 February 2011

  • Roche February 2011

    2 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    cobas b 221 system



    Contact addresses



    Version 8.0, February 2011

    First edition: January 2003

    REF/No. 0 3583155001

    Roche Diagnostics GmbHD-68298 Mannheim / Germany

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 3

    cobas b 221 system

    Table of contents

    Revision history 1Edition notice 1Copyrights 1Brands 2Contact addresses 2Edition 2Table of contents 3How to use this manual 5Where to find information 5Conventions used in this manual 5

    General descriptions Part A

    1 General descriptionsIntroduction & general information A-3Restricted characters A-3

    ASTM Part B

    2 Message structureExplanation B-5Header record B-6Patient information record B-8Test order record B-9Result record B-11Request information record B-12Comment record B-13Message terminator record B-14Manufacturer information record B-14Note B-15

    3 Low level protocolsTCP/IP connection B-19Serial connection B-19

    4 Data examplesMeasurement report B-27QC report B-29Calibration report B-29Maintenance report B-30Error report B-30Patient demographics query B-31

    Appendix Part C

    5 AppendixConnection settings C-5Resending of results C-19Table of measured parameters C-19

    Table of calculated parameters C-20Table of input parameters C-21Table of sample types & blood types C-23

  • Roche February 2011

    4 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    cobas b 221 system

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 5

    cobas b 221 system

    How to use this manual

    To find information quickly, there is a table of contents at the beginning of the book and each chapter.

    Where to find information

    In addition to the ASTM Interface Description, the following documents are also provided to assist in finding desired information quickly:

    o cobasb221 system Instructions for Useo cobasb221 system Reference manualo cobasb221 system Operators CDo cobasb221 system Short Instruction

    Conventions used in this manual

    Visual cues are used to help locate and interpret information in this manual quickly. This section explains formatting conventions used in this manual.

    Symbols The following symbols are used:

    o Keep this manual in a safe place to ensure that it is not damaged and remains available for use.

    o This ASTM Interface Description should be easily accessible at all times.

    Symbol Used for

    a Procedural stepo List iteme Cross reference


    Warning, caution

  • Roche February 2011

    6 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    cobas b 221 system

    Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used:

    Abbreviation Definition


    ASTM "American Society for Testing and Material"D

    DNS Domain Name ServerH

    HIS Hospital Information SystemL

    LIS Laboratory Information SystemM

    MAC Media Access ControlMDAC Data Access ComponentsMSDE Microsoft SQL Desktop Engine (until version 2000)U

    UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

  • 1 General descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

    General descriptions A

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 A-1

    cobas b 221 system 1 General descriptionsTable of contents

    General descriptions

    Introduction & general information ..................................................................................3Restricted characters .............................................................................................................3

    In this chapter Chapter 1

  • Roche February 2011

    A-2 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    1 General descriptions cobas b 221 systemTable of contents

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 A-3

    cobas b 221 system 1 General descriptionsIntroduction & general information

    Introduction & general information

    The cobas b 221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) host communication is based upon the ASTM standard E1394, but is not a complete implementation of the standard. The actual implementation of the data transfer is described below.

    Data can be transmitted via TCP/IP through the system's built in UTP network port as well as via serial connection over the COM 1 port.

    e For a description of the low level protocols used, see Low level protocols on page B-17

    e For information of setting up the connection, see the Appendix on page C-3 . This description covers the protocol as used with version 5.0

    Restricted characters

    None of the ten transmission control characters, the form effector control or the four device control characters may appear in message text. The following characters are not permitted to appear in the message text:

    Illegal Message Text Characters

    Table A-1 Illegal message text characters

  • Roche February 2011

    A-4 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    1 General descriptions cobas b 221 systemRestricted characters

  • 2 Message structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-33 Low level protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-174 Data examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-25

    ASTM B

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-3

    cobas b 221 system 2 Message structureTable of contents

    Message structure

    Explanation ............................................................................................................................5Delimiters .........................................................................................................................5

    Field delimiter ...........................................................................................................5Repeat delimiter ........................................................................................................5Component delimiter ...............................................................................................6Escape delimiter ........................................................................................................6

    Null values ........................................................................................................................6Header record ........................................................................................................................6

    Example ............................................................................................................................7Patient information record ..................................................................................................8

    Example ............................................................................................................................9Test order record ...................................................................................................................9

    Example ..........................................................................................................................10Result record ........................................................................................................................11

    Example ..........................................................................................................................12Request information record ...............................................................................................12

    Example ..........................................................................................................................13Comment record .................................................................................................................13

    Example ..........................................................................................................................13Message terminator record ................................................................................................14

    Example ..........................................................................................................................14Manufacturer information record ....................................................................................14

    Example ..........................................................................................................................15Note .......................................................................................................................................15

    In this chapter Chapter 2

  • Roche February 2011

    B-4 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    2 Message structure cobas b 221 systemTable of contents

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-5

    cobas b 221 system 2 Message structureExplanation


    Each message has a number of records. A message is a group of records that begins with a Header Record and ends with a Message Terminator Record. Each record has a number of fields. Each field is by default separated by the vertical bar | character (the actual definition of which character is used for field separation is done with the Header Record).

    Following is a description of the records and the fields within each record:


    Delimiters are ASCII characters used to separate fields within a record and to separate sub-components within fields. Below is a description of the delimiters and how they are commonly used:

    Field delimiter

    Separates adjacent fields. |field|

    Repeat delimiter

    Must be defined in the message header and is used to separate various numbers of descriptors for the same field. I.E. multiple range information |7.350^7.450^reference\7.200^7.600^critical|

    ID Record Types

    H Header RecordP Patient RecordO Test Order RecordR Result RecordM Manufacturer RecordQ Request Information RecordL Message Terminator Record

    Table B-1 Record types

    The record type ID is not case sensitive. However, it is suggested to always use uppercase characters.

    Character Name Used as:

    | vertical bar Field delimiter\ backslash Repeat delimiter^ caret Component delimiter& ampersand Escape delimiter carriage return Record delimiter

    Table B-2 Delimiters

  • Roche February 2011

    B-6 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    2 Message structure cobas b 221 systemHeader record

    Component delimiter

    Used to separate data elements within a field that has a hierarchical or qualifier nature. I.E. The components of a name field would be separated. |Sample^Josephine^X^jr.^M.D.|

    Escape delimiter

    The escape delimiter is used to identify special case operations within a text field. For example, if text were to be highlighted, the field would be |&H&DoctorsName&N&|. The &H& signifies the beginning of highlighting text and the &N& signifies the start of normal text.

    The application of the escape delimiter is optional and may be ignored; however, all applications must accept the escape delimiter and use it to correctly parse fields within the record.

    Null values

    All fields are position dependent and are obtained by counting field delimiters by their position starting from the beginning of the record. This means if a field is null (no information available), the field delimiters must be included in the record. This ensures that the nth field can be identified by counting n-1 delimiters. Trailing null fields do NOT need to be included. Delimiters are not needed after the last field containing data.

    Null values may be sent for the following reasons:

    o The value is not known.o The sender knows the field is irrelevant to the receiving system.o The value has not changed since the last transmission.

    A field containing only a pair of double quotes "" should be treated by the receiving system as an instruction to delete any existing contents of that field.

    Header record

    This record must always be the first record in a transmission. This record contains information about the sender and receiver, instruments and computer systems whose records are being exchanged. It also identifies the delimiter characters. The minimum information that must be sent in a Header record is:


    The H corresponds to the record type, H=Header. The | (vertical bar) is used as the field delimiter. The \ (backslash) is the repeat delimiter. The ^ (caret) is the component delimiter. The & (ampersand) is the Escape delimiter. The is identified as a Carriage Return (ASCII decimal 13). The Carriage Return signifies the end of the record.

    The receiving system may ignore any field it does not require. However, fields must always be transmitted in the order specified.

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-7

    cobas b 221 system 2 Message structureHeader record

    The entire header record consists of the following fields:



    H|\^&|||GSS^Roche^OMNI S^V5.0^1^115^|||||| LSU^U12|P|1394-97|20040615164743

    Field # Field Name Comment

    1 Record Type ID Required, always H2 Delimiter Definitions Required, see the table in Delimiters.

    The first character is the field delimiter, the second is the repeat delimiter, the third is the component and the fourth is the escape character

    3 Message Control ID Not used by the instrument.4 Access Password Not used by the instrument.5 Sender Name or ID Instrument ID, manufacturer name,

    instrument type, software version, protocol version, serial number and IP address; separated by component delimiters.

    6 Sender Street Address Not used by the instrument.7 Reserved Field Not used by the instrument.8 Sender Tel. Number Not used by the instrument.9 Characteristic of Sender Not used by the instrument.10 Receiver ID Receiving application name and IP address;

    separated by component delimiters.11 Comment or Special

    InstructionsMessage type.o M = measurement results,o QC = quality control results,o SR^REAL = calibration results,o LSU^U12 = maintenance data,o PQ = patient information query.

    12 Processing ID Indicates how message should be processed: o P - Production, use standard processing

    13 Version Number ASTM Version # required, currently 1394-9714 Date and Time of Message Required

    Format=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS Carriage return Required. Record Terminator

    Table B-3 Header record

  • Roche February 2011

    B-8 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    2 Message structure cobas b 221 systemPatient information record

    Patient information record

    This record contains information about an individual patient. Patient information records are only actively used in a Measurement Report and a Patient Information Query. A QC Report contains a Patient Information Record without data due to ASTM standard compliance necessities. The Patient Information record consists of the following fields:


    Field # Field Name Comment

    1 Record Type ID Required, always P2 Sequence Number Required, sequentially generated number

    identifying the number of each record.3 Practice Patient ID A unique ID assigned and used by the

    practice to identify the patient and his/her results. Used by practice to identify the results returned by the tester (lab).

    4 Laboratory Pat. ID Laboratory assigned ID. This is a unique processing number generated by the lab, the LIS, or the HIS (bar code number).

    5 Patient ID No. 3 Used for transmitting the patient's insurance number.

    6 Patient Name This field is the patient's name in the following format: Last Name^First Name^Middle Name^Suffix^Title.Each component separated by the component delimiter.

    7 Mother's Maiden Name Generic text (as entered at the instrument).8 Birthdate Format=YYYYMMDD 9 Patient Sex Format M or Male, F or Female, or U or

    Unknown, null if not entered. 10 Patient Race Patient ethnic origin. Generic text (as entered

    at the instrument).11 Patient Address Generic text (as entered at the instrument).12 Reserved Field Not used by the instrument.13 Patient Phone Number Generic text (as entered at the instrument).14 Attending Physic.ID ID of the attending physician.15 Special Field 1 Not used by the instrument.16 Special Field 2 Not used by the instrument.17 Patient Height Format value^unit.18 Patient Weight Format value^unit.19 Patient Diagnosis Generic text (as entered at the instrument).20 Patient Active Medications Generic text (as entered at the instrument).21 Patient Diet Generic text (as entered at the instrument).

    Table B-4 Patient information record

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-9

    cobas b 221 system 2 Message structureTest order record


    P|1||123456|Amex123|Sample^Josephine^X^jr.^M.D.|Good| 20691202|Female|Caucasian|1 Draft Avenue, Omah| |+43 316 27787-7349|Trapper John, M.D.|||169.0^cm|72.0^kg|Birth |None|Steak and Gravy|||20030427103200|Admitted |Third Floor, Delivery|Diag Code123||Catholic|Separated |Isolation 123|Estonian|Intensive|Maternity Clinic|Dosage 123

    Test order record

    The order record defines the particular type of tests run or performed for each specimen. The order record for the cobasb221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) only is transmitted to the host computer as part of the measurement report.

    The Test Order record consists of the following fields:


    22 Practice Field No. 1 Not used by the instrument.23 Practice Field No. 2 Not used by the instrument.24 Admission or Discharge


    25 Admission Status Generic text (as entered at the instrument). 26 Location Generic text (as entered at the instrument). 27 Nature of Diagnostic Code Generic text (as entered at the instrument). 28 Alternative Diagnostic Code Not used by the instrument.29 Patient Religion Generic text (as entered at the instrument). 30 Marital Status Generic text (as entered at the instrument). 31 Isolation Status Generic text (as entered at the instrument). 32 Language Generic text (as entered at the instrument). 33 Hospital Service Generic text (as entered at the instrument). 34 Hospital Institution Generic text (as entered at the instrument).35 Dosage Category Generic text (as entered at the instrument). Carriage Return Required. Record terminator

    Field # Field Name Comment

    Table B-4 Patient information record

    Field # Field Name Comment

    1 Record Type ID Required, always O2 Sequence Number Required, sequential number3 Specimen ID Account or bar code number4 Instr. Specimen ID Order ID^Measurement

    ID^^^^Sample Container.

    Table B-5 Test order record

  • Roche February 2011

    B-10 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    2 Message structure cobas b 221 systemTest order record


    O|1|spec123|order123^33^^^^Syringe|||||||||danger123|Clinic123| |Aqueous solution^Arterial^A. femoralis l.

    5 Universal Test ID Not used by the instrument.6 Priority Not used by the instrument.7 Requested Date and Time Not used by the instrument.8 Specimen Collection Date

    and TimeNot used by the instrument.

    9 Collection End Time Not used by the instrument.10 Collection Volume Not used by the instrument.11 Collector ID Not used by the instrument.12 Action Code Not used by the instrument.13 Danger Code Generic text (as entered at the instrument).14 Relevant Clinical

    InformationClinic Info. Generic text (as entered at the instrument).

    15 Date/Time Specimen Received

    Not used by the instrument.

    16 Specimen Descriptor For measurement: Sample type, blood type and puncture site; separated by component delimiters.For quality control: Material name, level, lot number and material base; separated by component delimiters.

    17 Ordering Physician Not used by the instrument.18 Physician's Phone Not used by the instrument.19 User Field No. 1 Not used by the instrument.20 User Field No. 2 Not used by the instrument.21 Lab. Field No. 1 Not used by the instrument.22 Lab. Field No. 2 Not used by the instrument.23 Date/Time Results Reported Not used by the instrument.24 Instrument Charge Not used by the instrument.25 Instr. Section ID Not used by the instrument.26 Report Types Not used by the instrument.27 Reserved Field Not used by the instrument.28 Location or Ward of

    Specimen CollectionNot used by the instrument.

    29 Nosocomial Infection Flag Not used by the instrument.30 Specimen Service Not used by the instrument.31 Specimen Institution Not used by the instrument. Carriage Return Required. Record Terminator

    Field # Field Name Comment

    Table B-5 Test order record

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-11

    cobas b 221 system 2 Message structureResult record

    Result record

    The result record is used to send actual patient results and quality control results, that were performed on an instrument.

    The Result record consists of the following fields:


    Field # Field Name Comment

    1 Record Type ID Required, always R2 Sequence Number Required, sequentially generated number

    identifying the number of each record.3 Universal Test ID ^^^Test name^^^how value was derived

    (M-Measured, C-Calculated, I-Input)^Result ID (see tables in APPENDIX)

    4 Data Measurem. or Value Result value (Cut-off index not used)5 Units Same as selected for instrument display.6 Reference Ranges Reference range of the analyte. Format is

    lower limit^upper limit^limit name. Multiple ranges are separated by repeat delimiters.

    7 Result Abnormal Flags N NormalA AbnormalL Below reference rangeH Above reference rangeLL Below critical rangeHH Above critical range< Off low scale of instrument> Off high scale of instrument

    8 Nature of Abnormality A, S, N or empty.9 Result Status F Final10 Date of Change in

    Instrument Normative Values

    Not used by the instrument.

    11 Operator Identification Identifies operator who performed the test (instrument operator).


    Only transmitted in the first result record.

    12 Date/Time Test Started Not used by the instrument.

    Table B-6 Result record

  • Roche February 2011

    B-12 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    2 Message structure cobas b 221 systemRequest information record


    R|1|^^^pH^^^M^1|7.185||7.350^7.450^reference \7.200^7.600^critical|LL||F||oper123||20040615183711

    Request information record

    The Request Information Record is used for querying a host system for patient demographics. The response message to an information request has to consist of a Header Record, a Patient Information Record and Message Terminator Record. The Message Terminator Record in this case has to end with one of the query response codes.

    The Request Information Record consists of the following fields:


    13 Date/Time Test Completed The date and time instrument completed the test.Format=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS


    Only transmitted in the first result record.

    14 Instrument Identification Not used by the instrument. Carriage Return Required. Record Terminator

    Field # Field Name Comment

    Table B-6 Result record

    Field # Field Name Comment

    1 Record Type ID Required, always is Q.2 Sequence Number Required, sequentially generated number

    identifying the number of each record.3 Starting Range ID Number Laboratory Patient ID or specimen ID,

    entered during measurement.4 Ending Range ID Number Not used by the instrument.5 Universal Test ID Not used by the instrument.6 Nature of Request Time

    LimitsNot used by the instrument.

    7 Beginning Request Results Date and Time

    Not used by the instrument.

    8 Ending Request Results Date and Time

    Not used by the instrument.

    9 Requesting Physician Name Not used by the instrument.10 Requesting Physician

    Telephone NumberNot used by the instrument.

    Table B-7 Request information record

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-13

    cobas b 221 system 2 Message structureComment record



    Comment record

    Comment records may be inserted anywhere except after the message terminator record. Each comment record applies to the first non-comment record preceding it.

    The Comment record consists of the following fields:



    C|1|I|The Remark|G

    11 User Field No. 1 Not used by the instrument.12 User Field No. 2 Not used by the instrument.13 Request Information Status

    CodesD - Requesting demographics only

    Carriage Return Required. Record Terminator

    Field # Field Name Comment

    Table B-7 Request information record

    Field # Field Name Comment

    1 Record Type ID Required, always is R2 Sequence Number Required, sequentially generated number

    identifying the number of each record.3 Comment Source I Clinical Instrument4 Comment Text For comment codes used, the format is

    code^comment.5 Comment Type Used to qualify comment records.

    G Generic/Free Text I Instrument flag comment

    Carriage Return Required. Record Terminator

    Table B-8 Comment record

  • Roche February 2011

    B-14 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    2 Message structure cobas b 221 systemMessage terminator record

    Message terminator record

    This is the last record in the message. A header record may be transmitted after this record to signify the start of another message.

    The Message Terminator record consists of the following:




    Manufacturer information record

    For the cobasb221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system), this record is used for transmitting calibration, error and maintenance data only.

    The Manufacturer Information record will consist of the following:


    Field # Field Name Comment

    1 Record Type ID Required, always is L.2 Sequence Number Required, sequentially generated number

    identifying the number of each record.3 Termination Code N normal termination

    T sender abortedE unknown system errorQ error in last request for informationI no information available from last

    queryF last request for information

    processed Carriage Return Required. Record Terminator

    Table B-9 Message terminator record

    Field # Field Name Comment

    1 Record Type ID Required, always is M.2 Sequence Number Required, sequentially generated number

    identifying the number of each record.3 Record type sub ID Calibration, error or maintenance

    information.4 Manufacturer defined fields Manufacturer defined fields Carriage Return Required. Record Terminator

    Table B-10 Manufacturer information record

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-15

    cobas b 221 system 2 Message structureNote




    For all records, fields up to and including the last field with data needs to be transmitted. Fields not used at the end of the record may be truncated.

  • Roche February 2011

    B-16 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    2 Message structure cobas b 221 systemNote

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-17

    cobas b 221 system 3 Low level protocolsTable of contents

    Low level protocols

    TCP/IP connection .............................................................................................................19Serial connection .................................................................................................................19

    Control characters ........................................................................................................19Communication phases ...............................................................................................19

    Establishment phase ...............................................................................................19Transfer phase .........................................................................................................20Termination phase ..................................................................................................22

    Error recovery ...............................................................................................................22Time-outs .......................................................................................................................23State diagram .................................................................................................................24

    In this chapter Chapter 3

  • Roche February 2011

    B-18 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    3 Low level protocols cobas b 221 systemTable of contents

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-19

    cobas b 221 system 3 Low level protocolsTCP/IP connection

    TCP/IP connection

    For TCP/IP connection, no specific low level protocol is used. Correct and complete communication is ensured by the TCP/IP protocol itself.

    Serial connection

    For serial communication, the low level protocol as specified with ASTM E1381 is used. A detailed description of the cobasb221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) implementation can be found in the following.

    Control characters

    Control characters that are used for ASTM communications:

    Communication phases

    There are 3 distinct phases to each communication session: The Establishment phase, the Transfer phase and the Termination phase. Each of these phases will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

    Establishment phase

    When the cobasb221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) is ready to send data, it transmits an character. After the is sent, the instrument waits for a maximum of 15 seconds for a response from the host. If there is no response from the host within 15 seconds, the is resent. This loop is repeated for a maximum of six times. If there is no response after these six retries, communication is aborted.

    ASCII Decimal Hex Control char. Comment

    2 0x2 ^B Start of TeXt 3 0x3 ^C End of TeXt 4 0x4 ^D End Of Transmission 5 0x5 ^E ENQuiry 6 0x6 ^F ACKnowledge 10 0xA ^J Line Feed 13 0xD ^M Carriage Return 21 0x15 ^U Negative AcKnowledge 23 0x17 ^W End of Trans. Block

    Table B-11 Control characters

  • Roche February 2011

    B-20 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    3 Low level protocols cobas b 221 systemSerial connection

    If an character is received from the host, the establishment phase is successful, and the transfer phase follows. If a character is received from the host, the instrument waits a minimum of 10 seconds, then resends the after receipt of the and repeats this loop until an ACK is received. If the host continues to respond with after six retries, communication is aborted.

    This ends the Establishment phase of the communication session.

    Transfer phase

    During the transfer phase the sender transmits messages to the receiver. The transfer continues until all messages have been sent.

    Explanation of fields:

    Sender Recipient



    FN data or CS

    Receiver 1 year|||N||F

    R|77|^^^Date drawn^^^I^145|20040615|||N||F

    R|78|^^^Time drawn^^^I^146|182500|||N||F

    R|79|^^^Date changed^^^I^138|20040615|||N||F

    R|80|^^^Time changed^^^I^137|184645|||N||F


    R|82|^^^Accepted by^^^I^144|Acceptor|||N||F

    R|83|^^^Billing code^^^I^173|bill123|||N||F

    R|84|^^^Remark^^^I^140|A Remark|||N||F


    Figure B-2 Measurement report

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-29

    cobas b 221 system 4 Data examplesQC report

    QC report

    Calibration report

    H|\^&|||GSS^Roche^OMNI S^V5.0^1^115^||||||QC|P|1394-97|20040615183318


    O|1||||||||||||||AUTO-TROL PLUS B^1^21723202^aqueous

    C|1|I|The Remark|G

    R|1|^^^Bili^^^M^615|104|mol/L| 87^ 115|N||F||oper123||20040615182731




    R|5|^^^Glu^^^M^616|5.5|mmol/l| 4.7^ 6.5|N||F




    R|9|^^^Lac^^^M^617|9.4|mmol/l| 7.2^11.2|N||F











    Figure B-3 QC report

    H|\^&|||GSS^Roche^OMNI S^V5.0^1^115^||||||SR^REAL|P|1394-97|20040615174522

    M|1|SR^RO^OS^1|337^Glu^Lin|4.43|| 4.00^ 3.00^ 4.90|N^0|SYSTEM|20040615174521

    M|2|SR^RO^OS^1|338^Glu^3P Sense|5.86|nA| 10.00^ 0.50^100.00|N^0

    M|3|SR^RO^OS^1|340^Lac^Lin|3.59|| 4.00^ 3.00^ 4.90|N^0

    M|4|SR^RO^OS^1|341^Lac^3P Sense|4.84|nA| 10.00^ 0.50^100.00|N^0

    M|5|SR^RO^OS^1|342^BSA^1P Sense|1.88|nA| 0.00^ -5.00^ 5.00|N^0

    M|6|SR^RO^OS^1|343^BSA^3P Sense|32.00|nA| 10.00^ 0.50^100.00|N^0

    M|7|SR^RO^OS^1|344^Urea^1P Pot||mV| 31.00^ 20.00^ 40.00|A^2028

    M|8|SR^RO^OS^1|345^Urea^Lin||| 1.65^ 1.60^ 1.90|A^2028

    M|9|SR^RO^OS^1|346^Urea^3P Pot|605.22|mV| -3.00^-10.00^ 5.00|N^0

    M|10|SR^RO^OS^1|346^Urea^4P Pot||mV| -3.00^-10.00^ 5.00|A^8076

    M|11|SR^RO^OS^1|348^Urea K^4P Pot||mV| 17.00^ 10.00^ 20.00|A^2028

    M|12|SR^RO^OS^1|349^NH4^3P Pot|11.65|mV| 15.00^ 10.00^ 20.00|N^0

    M|13|SR^RO^OS^1|350^NH4^4P Pot|10.26|mV| 12.00^ 5.00^ 15.00|N^0

    M|14|SR^RO^OS^1|31^Baro|728.0|mmHg| 0.0^450.0^800.0|N^0

    M|15|SR^RO^OS^1|374^Cal type|System cal|||N^0


    Figure B-4 Calibration report

  • Roche February 2011

    B-30 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    4 Data examples cobas b 221 systemMaintenance report

    Maintenance report

    Error report

    H|\^&|||GSS^Roche^OMNI S^V5.0^1^115^||||||LSU^U12|P|1394-97|20040615164743


    M|2|EQP^RO^OS^1|1^LOG||20040615164742||1214^2^8^1^-1^Glu-Lac-Urea - 21530107


    Figure B-5 Maintenance report

    H|\^&|||GSS^Roche^OMNI S^V5.0^1^115^||||||LSU^U12|P|1394-97|20040615164642


    M|2|EQP^RO^OS^1|1^LOG||20040615164641||1214^5^1^1^10154^Measuring chamber cover MSS open^System


    Figure B-6 Error report

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 B-31

    cobas b 221 system 4 Data examplesPatient demographics query

    Patient demographics query

    By patient ID

    A sample patient information query sent trough cobasb221 system:

    A sample answer from the LIS/HIS system to the patient information query:

    By specimen ID (also known as sample ID or accession number)

    A sample patient information query sent trough cobasb221 system:

    A sample answer from the LIS/HIS system to the patient information query:

    H|\^&|||8^Roche^OMNI S^V7.05^1^1115^||||||PQ|P|1394-97|20100902103756







    H|\^&|||8^Roche^OMNI S^V7.05^1^1115^||||||PQ|P|1394-97|20100902104417







  • Roche February 2011

    B-32 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    4 Data examples cobas b 221 systemPatient demographics query

  • 5 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-3

    Appendix C

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-3

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixTable of contents


    Connection settings ..............................................................................................................5General .............................................................................................................................5Network settings .............................................................................................................7Serial settings .................................................................................................................12ASTM settings ...............................................................................................................14

    Resending of results ............................................................................................................19Table of measured parameters ..........................................................................................19Table of calculated parameters ..........................................................................................20Table of input parameters ..................................................................................................21Table of sample types & blood types ................................................................................23

    In this chapter Chapter 5

  • Roche February 2011

    C-4 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemTable of contents

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-5

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixConnection settings

    Connection settings


    The cobas b 221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) connection settings are done in the Interface section of the setup mode. To get there, please follow the steps listed below:

    Press [Setup] button in the upper right area of the screen.

    Figure C-1

  • Roche February 2011

    C-6 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemConnection settings

    Press the [Interfaces] button.

    To proceed, please see Network Settings, Serial Settings and ASTM Settings.

    Figure C-2

    Figure C-3

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-7

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixConnection settings

    Network settings

    Make sure, that the instrument's Ethernet port (on the instrument's rear) has been connected to a 10BaseT network port before booting.

    Press the [Network] button.

    Figure C-4

    Figure C-5

  • Roche February 2011

    C-8 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemConnection settings

    Press the [Keyboard] button next to IP address.

    Type in the IP address as given by hospital IT and press the [Enter] button.

    The MAC address is displayed there, which might be useful for networks being generally managed using DHCP.

    Figure C-6

    Figure C-7

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-9

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixConnection settings

    Press the [Keyboard] button next to Net mask.

    Type in the sub-net mask as given by hospital IT and press the [Enter] button.

    Press the [Keyboard] button next to Gateway.

    Figure C-8

    Figure C-9

  • Roche February 2011

    C-10 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemConnection settings

    Type in the gateway as given by hospital IT and press the [Enter] button.

    By pressing the [DNS] button you can enter the area to enter the domain name service data. By using DNS, it is possible to use the host name of the ASTM recipient host alternatively to its IP address.

    Figure C-10

    Figure C-11

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-11

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixConnection settings

    In case you want to use DNS, by pressing the referring buttons please enter the data given by hospital IT here. Please remember to switch on "Use DNS" in this case.

    To complete and apply your network settings, press the [One level back] button until the screen below is shown again.

    The cobas b 221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) IP address has to be a fixed IP address!

    Figure C-12

  • Roche February 2011

    C-12 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemConnection settings

    Serial settings

    Make sure, that the instrument's COM 1 serial port (on the instrument's rear) has been connected to a PC or terminal server using a 9-pin serial cable (null modem cable).

    Figure C-13

    Figure C-14

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-13

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixConnection settings

    Press the [COM 1] button.

    Press the [arrow] button next to Usage until ASTM is shown.

    Make sure to set Baud rate, Data bits, Stop bits, Parity and Flow control identical to the current settings for the COM port used for the cobas b 221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) connection on the PC or terminal server.To complete and apply the settings, press the [One level back] button.

    Figure C-15

    Figure C-16

  • Roche February 2011

    C-14 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemConnection settings

    ASTM settings

    Press the [ASTM] button.

    Press the [Keyboard] button next to ASTM-Host.

    In case the connection is going to be established via COM port the references to network connection (e.g. ASTM host IP address and port) can be ignored.

    Figure C-17

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-15

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixConnection settings

    Type in the ASTM host PC IP address or host name (in case you are using DNS) as given by hospital IT and press the [Enter] button.

    Press the [Keyboard] button next to ASTM-Port.

    Figure C-18

    Figure C-19

  • Roche February 2011

    C-16 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemConnection settings

    Type in the ASTM host IP port as given by hospital IT and press the [Enter] button.

    Switch ON the Enable ASTM switch. The cobas b 221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) will then try to contact the specified IP port on the specified PC and will display the result of this connection attempt.

    Figure C-20

    Figure C-21

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-17

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixConnection settings

    Using the Patient query switch you can set the instrument to send a query for patient demographics when a patient ID is entered during measurement. In case there is an active ASTM connection over TCP/IP patient query will be done only via this connection. Patient query over serial connection will be done only in case there is no active TCP/IP ASTM connection. Patient query over the cobas bge link (formerly OMNILINK) connection will be done only in case there is no active ASTM connection (TCP/IP or serial).

    Using the Transmit log data switch the transmission of maintenance and error messages can be activated.

    After pressing the Test transmission button the instrument will attempt to send an empty (Header Record and Message Terminator Record only) to the host.

    Press the [Measurement record] button to select the data for transmission in measurement messages.

    From this point on, the cobas b 221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) will send the specified data streams to the set up recipient.In case the Enable ASTM switch only is activated, only measurement, QC and calibration messages will be transmitted.In case the connection is down (e.g. network problems or recipient down), the instrument will attempt a re-connection every time there is data to transmit.

    Figure C-22

  • Roche February 2011

    C-18 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemConnection settings

    You can select a line by directly pressing it or using the arrow keys and the Toggle button to select/deselect it for transmission.

    Make sure to press the [Setup / Home] button to apply your settings.

    Figure C-23

    Figure C-24

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-19

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixResending of results

    Resending of results

    To allow for resending of data from the database, mark the measurement, QC or calibration records to be resent and press the Export button. Press the [Keyboard] button next to Format, select ASTM and press the [Enter] button. Pressing the [Start] button starts the sending of the data.

    Table of measured parameters

    The table below lists all possible measured values that are available on the cobas b 221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) and can be transmitted to the host system.

    Make sure to mark the desired records. In case NO records are marked, ALL records will be resent.

    Name ID

    pH 1H+ 2PO2 3PCO2 4Hct 5Na 6K 7Ca 8Cl 9tHb 10SO2 11O2Hb 12COHb 13MetHb 14HHb 16Bili 17Glu 18Lac 19Urea 24BUN 25Baro 31

    Table C-1 Measured parameters

  • Roche February 2011

    C-20 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemTable of calculated parameters

    Table of calculated parameters

    The table below lists all possible calculated values that are available on the cobas b 221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) and can be transmitted to the host system. For explanations, see the cobas b 221 system Instructions for Use, section "Parameters and calculations".

    Name ID

    H+ 50cHCO3 51ctCO2(P) 52BE 53BE(act) 54BEecf 55BB 56SO2(c) 58P50 59ctO2 60ctCO2(B) 61pHst 62cHCO3st 63PAO2 64AaDO2 65a/AO2 66avDO2 67RI 68Qs/Qt 69niCa 70AG 71pHt 72cHt 73PCO2t 74PO2t 75PAO2t 76AaDO2t 77a/AO2t 78RIt 79Hct (c) 80MCHC 81Osm 82OER 83BO2 84BUN 85

    Table C-2 Calculated parameters

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-21

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixTable of input parameters

    Table of input parameters

    The table below lists all input parameters that are available on the cobas b 221 system (formerly Roche OMNI S system) and can be transmitted to the host system. For explanations and availability, see the cobas b 221 system Instructions for Use, "Parameters".

    Qt 86C 87PFIndex 88FO2Hb 89

    Name ID

    Table C-2 Calculated parameters

    Name ID Transmitted in Record Type

    Practice Patient ID 100 Patient Information RecordPatient ID 101 Patient Information RecordInsurance Number 102 Patient Information RecordLast Name 103 Patient Information RecordFirst Name 104 Patient Information RecordMiddle Initial 105 Patient Information RecordSuffix 106 Patient Information RecordTitle 107 Patient Information RecordMothers Name 108 Patient Information RecordDate of Birth 109 Patient Information RecordAge (A/F) 110 Patient Information RecordSex 111 Patient Information RecordEthnic Origin 112 Patient Information RecordAddress 113 Patient Information RecordPhone Number 114 Patient Information RecordPhysician 115 Patient Information RecordHeight 116 Patient Information RecordWeight 117 Patient Information RecordDiagnosis 118 Patient Information RecordMedications 119 Patient Information RecordDiet 120 Patient Information RecordAdmission Date 121 Patient Information RecordAdmission Time 122 Patient Information RecordDischarge Date 123 Patient Information RecordDischarge Time 124 Patient Information RecordAdmission Status 125 Patient Information RecordLocation 126 Patient Information Record

    Table C-3 Input parameters

  • Roche February 2011

    C-22 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemTable of input parameters

    Diagnostic Code Type 127 Patient Information RecordReligion 128 Patient Information RecordMarital Status 129 Patient Information RecordIsolation Status 130 Patient Information RecordPatient Language 131 Patient Information RecordHospital Service 132 Patient Information RecordHospital Institute 133 Patient Information RecordDosage Category 134 Patient Information RecordMeasurement Time 135 Header RecordMeasurement Date 136 Header RecordTime Changed 137 Result RecordDate Changed 138 Result RecordOperator ID 139 Part of first Result RecordRemark 140 Result Record for measurement, Comment

    Record for QCSpecimen ID 141 Test Order RecordSamples 142 Not transmittedOrder ID 143 Test Order RecordAcceptor 144 Result RecordDate Drawn 145 Result RecordTime Drawn 146 Result RecordDanger Code 147 Test Order RecordClinic Info 148 Test Order RecordSample Type 149 Test Order RecordBlood Type 150 Test Order RecordPuncture Site 151 Test Order RecordALLEN test 152 Result RecordContainer 153 Test Order RecordPat.Temp. 155 Result RecordR 157 Result RecordFIO2 158 Result Record24h Urine 159 Result RecordVent Mode 160 Result RecordVT 161 Result RecordMV 162 Result RecordPIP 163 Result RecordTi 164 Result RecordTe 165 Result RecordSRATE 166 Result RecordARATE 167 Result RecordPEEP 168 Result RecordMAP 169 Result Record

    Name ID Transmitted in Record Type

    Table C-3 Input parameters

  • Roche February 2011

    ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0 C-23

    cobas b 221 system 5 AppendixTable of sample types & blood types

    Table of sample types & blood types

    Flow 170 Result RecordtHb(e) 171 Result RecordHbF 172 Result RecordBilling code 173 Result RecordDepartment 174 Result Record

    Name ID Transmitted in Record Type

    Table C-3 Input parameters

    Sample Types Blood Types

    Blood UnknownAcetate ArterialAqueous solution Mixed venousSerum/plasma VenousBicarbonate Capillary

    Table C-4 Sample types & blood types

  • Roche February 2011

    C-24 ASTM Interface Description Version 8.0

    5 Appendix cobas b 221 systemTable of sample types & blood types

    ASTM Interface Description - cobas b 221 systemRevision historyEdition noticeCopyrightsBrandsContact addressesEdition

    Table of contentsPrefaceHow to use this manualWhere to find informationConventions used in this manual

    General descriptionsGeneral descriptionsIntroduction & general informationRestricted characters

    ASTMMessage structureExplanationDelimitersField delimiterRepeat delimiterComponent delimiterEscape delimiter

    Null values

    Header recordExample

    Patient information recordExample

    Test order recordExample

    Result recordExample

    Request information recordExample

    Comment recordExample

    Message terminator recordExample

    Manufacturer information recordExample


    Low level protocolsTCP/IP connectionSerial connectionControl charactersCommunication phasesEstablishment phaseTransfer phaseTermination phase

    Error recoveryTime-outsState diagram

    Data examplesMeasurement reportQC reportCalibration reportMaintenance reportError reportPatient demographics queryBy patient IDBy specimen ID (also known as sample ID or accession number)

    AppendixAppendixConnection settingsGeneralNetwork settingsSerial settingsASTM settings

    Resending of resultsTable of measured parametersTable of calculated parametersTable of input parametersTable of sample types & blood types