asthma training

Asthma Education Helping Our Students Breathe Easier

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Page 1: Asthma Training

Asthma Education

Helping Our Students Breathe Easier

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What is Asthma? Asthma is a chronic

inflammation of the lungs with reversible episodes of obstruction, caused by an increased reaction of the airways to various triggers

Breathing problems usually happen in “attacks” but the inflammation underlying asthma is continuous.

(American Lung Association [ALA], 2007)

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Asthma is the most common chronic disorder in childhood, currently affecting an estimated 6.8 million children under 18 years; of which 4.1 million suffered from an asthma attack or episode in 2006.

(ALA, 2007)

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Effects on EducationAsthma is one of the leading causes of school absenteeism;  in 2003, asthma accounted for an estimated 12.8 million lost school days in children with an asthma attack in the previous year.

(ALA, 2007)

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What is an Asthma “Attack”?

An asthma attack is a series of events that results in narrowed airways. These include: swelling of the lining, tightening of the muscle, and increased secretion of mucus in the airway. The narrowed airway is responsiblefor the difficulty in

breathing with

the familiar "wheeze".

(ALA, 2007)

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Allergic Asthma

• Allergic asthma is the most common form of asthma.

• Allergic asthma is triggered by inhaling allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, pollens, mold, etc.

• Through a complex reaction, these allergens cause the passages in the airways of the lungs to become inflamed and swollen.

• This results in coughing, wheezing and other asthma symptoms.

(Asthma Overview, 2005)

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Non-Allergic Asthma

•Non-allergic asthma is also characterized by airway obstruction and inflammation

•Non-allergic asthma is triggered by other factors such as anxiety, stress, exercise, cold air, dry air, hyperventilation, smoke viruses or other irritants. 

•In non-allergic asthma, the immune system is not involved in the reaction, as with allergic reaction.

(Asthma Overview, 2005)

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Some Common Triggers at School



(Asthma Friendly Schools Initiative [AFSI], 2007).

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CRYINGAsthma Friendly Schools, 2009)

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Ways to Reduce Exposure No smoking on school grounds Limit school bus idling while on school

grounds Limit carpeting and vacuum those

existing carpets/mats frequently Frequent hand washing to prevent

spread of colds Inhaler use before gym (if ordered by

MD) (AFSI, 2007)

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Exposure Reduction (continued) Students with asthma should be assigned

seats away from blackboards Never assign them cleaning chores Use damp clothes/mops to wipe all exposed

areas at least once per week Clean any obvious mold with diluted bleach Pick non-furry animals for class pets Report any maintenance issues immediately –

pest droppings, odors, temperature extremes(AFSI, 2007)

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Early Warning Signs Asthma episodes almost never occur without warning. Early symptoms can include: coughing, chest tightness, feeling

very tired. Airways narrow slowly, so symptoms may not be felt until the airways are badly blocked.

A simple device called a peak flow meter can detect narrowing in your airways hours, or even days, before you feel symptoms.

The key to controlling your asthma is taking your medicine at the earliest possible sign of worsening.

The good news is that using your peak flow meter should mean fewer symptoms, fewer calls to the doctor, and fewer hospital visits!

(Asthma Overview,2005)

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Additional Warning Signs Wheezing Mouth breathing Shortness of breath Rapid breathing Chest discomfort (hurts) Cannot catch breath Dry mouth Neck ‘feels’ funny Doesn’t feel well Itchy neck, chin Clipped speech, short choppy sentences

(Asthma Friendly Schools, 2009)

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1. Pre-medicate as prescribed by physician

2. Ensure that rescue medication is readily available

3. Ensure long warm-up and cool-down

4. Monitor the environment for potential

triggers (change environments if necessary)

5. Permit student to monitor breathing

status using a Peak Flow Meter

(AFSI, 2007)

Asthma and Exercise

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Teacher’s Role in Asthma Management

Reduce Exposure to asthma triggers in the classroom

Notice when students are coughing or showing other “warning signs”

Be supportive – approach and support in a calm, reassuring manner

Call or send for the school nurse(Asthma Friendly Schools, 2009)

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If, during physical activity, you notice that a student is having difficulty breathing, coughing frequently, or wheezing (noisy when breathing out), it may be asthma:• Follow the school protocol to NOTIFY THE SCHOOL NURSE if medication is not available or if symptoms are not resolved within 5 to10 minutes after using the inhaler.• STOP the student’s activity and encourage the student to sit and rest. • Call 911 immediately if student requests or is in severe distress—struggling to breathe, lips blue, unable to walk or talk.• Follow the designated asthma management plan • Never let a child with breathing problems leave the gym or field alone.• If symptoms resolve, permit students to resume activity when they are ready, according to their asthma management plan.• Follow protocol to inform parents of the event and document actions taken.

First Aid for Exercise-Induced Asthma

(AFSI, 2007)

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Common Asthma Treatment

There are two groups of asthma medications:

1. Long term controllers - do not provide relief right away, but rather help to lessen the frequency and severity of episodes over time (ie. Singulair, Advair)

2. Quick relievers (rescue inhalers)- used to control the immediate symptoms of an asthma episode (ie. Albuterol )

(Asthma Overview, 2005)

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SummaryAsthma is a chronic illness that is a growing problem in America.

In a classroom of 30 students, two are likely to have asthma. Asthma can be life-threatening; it causes breathing problems called asthma “attacks” or “episodes” that range from mild to serious.

Asthma affects absenteeism and productivity, and it demands an immense amount of time and attention of our school nurses.

With your help, we can better recognize and reduce the symptoms of asthma in our students.

(ALA, 2007) Thank you!