assure model day 2

Plant Growth and Reproduction: Day 2 The Reproductive Parts of the flower Introduction The ASSURE model is an instructional guide for planning and conducting lessons that integrate media and technology while focusing on the learner's needs. It is based on six classroom procedures that Analyze Learners, State Objectives, Select Methods, Media, and Materials, Utilize Media and Materials, Require Learner Participation, and Evaluate and Revise. Analyze Learners Learner’s General Characteristics The instructional unit is designed for an average 7th grade classroom. The students range from 12 to 14 years old. The students come from various socioeconomic statuses with 70% of the students being white, while 20% African-American and 10% Hispanic. 10 of the students are boys, while 7 are girls.

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Page 1: Assure model day 2

Plant Growth and Reproduction: Day 2 The Reproductive Parts of the flower

IntroductionThe ASSURE model is an instructional guide for planning and conducting

lessons that integrate media and technology while focusing on the learner's

needs. It is based on six classroom procedures that Analyze Learners, State

Objectives, Select Methods, Media, and Materials, Utilize Media and Materials,

Require Learner Participation, and Evaluate and Revise.

Analyze Learners

Learner’s General Characteristics

The instructional unit is designed for an average 7th grade classroom. The

students range from 12 to 14 years old. The students come from various

socioeconomic statuses with 70% of the students being white, while 20% African-

American and 10% Hispanic. 10 of the students are boys, while 7 are girls.

Entry Competencies

The students have knowledge and experience with:

1. Using a class Facebook page

2. Working with Twitter.

3. Working in small groups to collaborate.

4. Using YouTube.

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Learning Styles

The students for the most part slightly under their reading level. They do not

respond to oral lecturing and instead prefer audio and visual means as a way to

present and learn material. Most do not test well making rubrics the most

popular means for grading objective achievement.

State Objectives

At the end of this lesson which is estimated to last one class day, the students

will have learned the reproductive parts a flower and their functions including the

pistil, stamen, anther, buds, and pollen. The students will have constant

reinforcement and support throughout the process and may use the YouTube

video at any time throughout the class to assist them. At the end of the class, my

students will be able to successfully name and label the pistil, anther, and

stamen of a flower and state their functions with 100% profiency.

Select Methods, Media, and Materials

The Method chosen for this lesson was large-group instruction followed by

individual work by means of a Facebook response. The lesson will begin with the

instructor showing the reproductive parts of a flower on the SMART Board. The

instructor will then play the “Parts of the Flower” YouTube Video several times

until it appears that the students can recite the lyrics and associate them with

diagrams on the video. After the song has been sung several times the class will

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be asked to reply to a Facebook post on the class Facebook page that correlates

with video that was presented in class.

Utilize Media and Materials

Preview the Materials

The teacher samples the YouTube video to ensure it loads properly and that the

classroom speakers are functioning properly.

Prepare the Materials

The teacher ensures the SMART Board and internet are running smoothly to

view the YouTube video. The Facebook response question is thought of ahead of

time and carefully thought out.

Prepare the Environment

The YouTube is loaded up on the SMART Board. Diagrams from the internet on

plant reproductive structures are recited prior to watching the video.

Prepare the Learners

The students are told that they will be learning the reproductive parts of a flower

by use of song with visual aids.

Provide the Learning Experience

The teacher will begin by going over the parts of the flower using diagrams that

were prepared from the internet. The teacher will then show the YouTube video

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“Parts of a Flower”. The teacher will then replay the video several times until it

appears that everyone is reciting the lyrics from memory.

Require Learner Participation

Large Group Activities

In the beginning of the lesson, the class will follow along as the teacher explains

the parts of the flower. The class will also sing along to YouTube video.

Small Group Activities

After the video has been played, students will be asked to respond to a

Facebook post on the class Facebook page.


Students will view a YouTube video on a SMART Board as well as interact with

the class on the class Facebook page.

The class Twitter page will be used at the beginning of the class as a “bellringer”

to see what was leaned from the previous day’s assignment on Bean Planting.

Evaluate and Revise

Assessment of Learner Achievement

Students’ knowledge of the lesson can be gaged by listening to them sing the

correct lyrics of the YouTube video as well as their response on the Facebook


Evaluation of Media and Methods

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The students will be asked at the end of the day what part of the lesson they

liked the most and what part they liked the least.

Evaluation of Overall Instruction

At the end of the lesson students will be able to label a blank diagram of the
