association of romanian engineers in canada arec ... newsletter/13_july_arec_newsletter.pdf · tema...

Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada AREC Newsletter Asociatia Inginerilor Romani din Canada <<July 2013>> Volume 1, Number 11 Stiati ca? Sa fii membru AREC costa mai putin de 11¢ pe zi! Annual membership fee: $40. ($20 are given back to members at Dinner- Gala). Stronger chances to improve your career from ordinary to outstanding: Priceless! AREC Ten Years Of Success! It is a great privilege for me to have the opportunity, given by this milestone, to address all of our members, supporters, partners and sponsors and to thank YOU ALL , on behalf of AREC's team, for your continuous patronage, and support in making our Association a great success during these years. We hope for bigger and better things for the years to come. I'd like to also aknowledge and extend my gratitude and appreciation to our youth. YOU are our colleagues and YOU are our future, and I'd like to congratulate each and everyone of YOU for keeping engaged and active within our Romanian community. We are proud of you all. AREC is a network of people, a platform for contacts between the students, engineers, industry and society. We hope our network gives support to students and engineers, opening borders and minds. It aims at helping to understand cultural differences and at developing one's personal and professional skills. Our goals is to make positive changes in our lives and to support and encourage each other through those changes. Like most of You, I came to Canada with my family, our hopes, our dreams and our Romanian cultural values. Just like you, I asked myself: "Is this the right time to be here? Am I doing the right thing? How can I connect with the right people to build and advance my career and to make friends?" I remember, it took me a few months, maybe more than that, to undersatnd the meaning of "Don't Take it personally!" in the Canadian reality. Then, I learned how to become a better communicator by being assertive, and not appearing aggresive when communicating with others. Later on, I learned about the "wrap your feedback in four-layers of paper" a unique Canadian concept, and I noticed amazing results when I applied it in my communication.

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Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada AREC Newsletter

Asociatia Inginerilor Romani din Canada

<<July 2013>> Volume 1,

Number 11

Stiati ca? Sa fii membru AREC costa mai putin de 11¢ pe zi!

Annual membership fee: $40. ($20 are given back to members at Dinner-Gala). Stronger chances to improve your career from ordinary to outstanding: Priceless!

AREC – Ten Years Of Success!

It is a great privilege for me to have the opportunity, given by this milestone, to address all of our members, supporters, partners and sponsors and to thank YOU ALL , on behalf of AREC's team, for your continuous patronage, and support in making our Association a great success during these years. We hope for bigger and better things for the years to come. I'd like to also aknowledge and extend my gratitude and appreciation to our youth. YOU are our colleagues and YOU are our future, and I'd like to congratulate each and everyone of YOU for keeping engaged and active within our Romanian community. We are proud of you all. AREC is a network of people, a platform for contacts between the students, engineers, industry and society. We hope our network gives support to students and engineers, opening borders and minds. It aims at helping to understand cultural differences and at developing one's personal and professional skills. Our goals is to make positive changes in our lives and to support and encourage each other through those changes. Like most of You, I came to Canada with my family, our hopes, our dreams and our Romanian cultural values. Just like you, I asked myself: "Is this the right time to be here? Am I doing the right thing? How can I connect with the right people to build and advance my career and to make friends?" I remember, it took me a few months, maybe more than that, to undersatnd the meaning of "Don't Take it personally!" in the Canadian reality. Then, I learned how to become a better communicator by being assertive, and not appearing aggresive when communicating with others. Later on, I learned about the "wrap your feedback in four-layers of paper" a unique Canadian concept, and I noticed amazing results when I applied it in my communication.

Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada (AREC) este o organizatie non profit, a carei activitate se bazeaza pe voluntariat. Obiectivul nostru principal este sa promovam networking-ul intre inginerii romani, sa-i ajutam in angajarea pe pozitii in domeniul ingineriei, si sa-i asistam la inscrierea pentru obtinerea licentei PEO.

AREC organizeaza seminarii PEO, intalniri cu VIP romani si cu agentii de Head Hunting, Cross Training seminars, Gala AREC, BBQs, etc.

Membrii AREC au intrarea gratuita la toate evenimentele indiferent de care filiala apartin.

Membrii AREC primesc rate preferentiale la asigurari de casa si masina.

Economical Select

OUR VISION Prin toate actiunile pe care le organizam la AREC incercam sa stabilim o platforma care sa ajute la creearea contactelor intre studenti, ingineri, industrie si societate, si ne propunem sa ajutam la intelegerea diferentelor culturale si sa ajutam la dezvoltarea aptitudinilor personale si profesionale.

And so,... I became a student again. I studied people, psychology, management and change. Today at AREC, a continuously growing organisation with over 300 members, I am serving my community and showing appreciation for the help and support it has given me. My objective is to help, encourage and inspire others to succeed in their undertaking! AREC represents thousands of Romanian engineers in Canada, promotes their contributions to the success of Canadian economy, and establishes relationship with other technical and professional organizations, creating a forum to contribute to, and enrich our community. We believe the most important reason to volunteer for AREC is that it is one of the best ways you can give back to your Romanian Engineering Community. We believe that a strong professional community is essential not only to our well being but also to everyone around us, and it is critical that each of us contribute by CAREING enough to GET INVOLVED. The AREC team would be delighted to welcome anyone willing to contribute towards the activities and events of the Association. Astazi, AREC este o organizatie profesionala de prestigiu nu numai in comunitatea romaneasca. Parteneriatele pe care le-am incheiat cu Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) si JVS Toronto, doua organizatii non-profit dedicate sprijinirii integrarii imigrantilor pe piata muncii in Canada, au permis AREC sa devina parte in dezbaterile privind politicile municipale, provinciale si federale privind programele pentru imigranti si impactul lor atat asupra imigrantilor, cat si asupra angajatorilor. Am lansat, ca parte a aceluiasi parteneriat, programul de mentoring, care a fost extrem de bine primit si pe care il vom continua. Privind in urma, observ cu mandrie cum organizatia a crescut de la an la an prin atragerea unui numar mai mare de membri, prin cooptarea in executiv a unor oameni cu initiativa, idei si dedicare, prin noile parteneriate incheiate si prin serviciile din ce in ce mai diverse pe care le oferim membrilor nostri. Incepem, asadar, cu energie si optimism, al zecelea an de existenta al AREC. Va multumim ca ne-ati fost alaturi si va dorim cat mai multe realizari!

Together We Are Stronger!

Daniel Cheoreanu President AREC

The Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada (AREC) is committed to enhancing the reputation and standing of the engineers educated in Romania and living now in Canada.

De la membrii AREC primim diferite oferte de job-uri/pozitii disponibile, pe care le facem cunoscute membrilor AREC, publicandu-le la Job openings

Pentru cei care vor sa aplice pentru licenta PEO, AREC organizeaza seminarii la care invita prezentatori cu experienta in procesul de inscriere .

Deasemea membrii AREC care sant deja licentiati ca P. Eng (Professional Engineer) isi pot impartasi experienta legata de acest process.

Din activitatile AREC – 2012 - 2013

Pocket your savings with Economical Select

Gala Dinner AREC 2012: Un succes apreciat de toti invitatii

Programul de mentorat: Concluzii la finalul primei sesiuni

Croaziera pe Lacul Ontario: Networking in comunitatea

profesionala romaneasca din GTA

Seminarii AREC:

- Despre managementul inovatiei, cu dr. ing. Mircea Mihaescu

- Lean Six Sigma, cu Mr. Liviu Ibanescu, P.Eng.

- Romanian-Canadian VIP, cu Ms. Odette Corbu, PEng

- Sfaturi pentru a avansa in cariera, cu Mr.Richard Ayuen, EMBA

- Consultanta – o optiune pentru ingineri, cu Mr. Attila Barta, PhD

- RRSP & Investment Seminar, cu reprezentantii firmei Money

Concept Waterloo

- AREC-SOC Picnic 2012

- Continutul dosarului pentru licenta PEO, cu Mr. Stelian George-

Cosh, MASc, PEng si Mr. Bob Loree, PEng

AREC – Participare activa la proiectul PINs (Professional Immigrant


AREC Upcoming events

Job of the leader: articulate a compelling reason for change.


Toronto Cruise Ship

Management of Stress - an integrative approach

AREC Executive Elections 2014-2015

Gala Dinner AREC

Vizitati si grupul AREC pe LinkedIn

Viziteaza AREC Community

Contact President Daniel Cheoreanu (416) 801-8665 [email protected] Honorary President George Oprea, P.Eng. (416) 543-6799 [email protected] Vice-President Miki Peres (416) 738-6186 [email protected] Secretary Emil Caraghin (905) 853-8482 [email protected] Calin Vaida [email protected] Treasurer Simona Stanciu, P.Eng. [email protected] Social Media Coordinator Sorin Alb [email protected] Director of Marketing Beatrice Kohlenberg [email protected] Mentoring Program Coordinator Antonia Protopopescu [email protected]

Pocket your savings with Economical Select

The Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada has partnered with Economical Select to provide you with reduced rates on coverage for your vehicle, home, condominium, apartment, seasonal home and other valuables.

Visit website:

The Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada’s mission and objectives are:

To promote the common interests of engineers educated in Romania and living now in Canada

To promote fellowship, including recreational and social activities, among members and other associations

To assist individuals of Romanian background who want to become Professional Engineers in Ontario

To encourage experienced professionals to act as mentors to new immigrants and to assist in enhancing their education and personal development

AREC is committed to enhancing the reputation and standing of the engineers of Romanian origin in Canada.

Gala Dinner AREC 2012: Un succes apreciat de toti invitatii

Ca in fiecare an, activitatea noastra a fost incununata de Gala Dinner AREC, ajunsa la cea de a saptea editie. Networkingul profesional si voia buna au fost mana in mana la acest eveniment, care s-a bucurat de prezenta a peste 220 de persoane.

Tema editiei din acest an a fost ”Femeia in inginerie”, iar invitata de onoare, Liliana Constantinescu, PEng, Design Review Engineer la Technical Standards and Safety Authority, a vorbit despre greutatile pe care le-a intampinat in cariera, dar si satisfactiile oferite de succesul obtinut.

Iata cateva dintre reactiile celor prezenti:

“O seară absolut superbă! Felicitări organizatorilor si mii de muțumiri lui Raul Dudnic si lui Gilmar care ne-au ținut pe ringul de dans toată seara!" - Felicia

With all the excitement of starting your new life in Canada, Scotiabank is helping you to start right financially. The Scotiabank StartRight Program is a comprehensive financial package designed specifically for landed immigrants who have been in Canada up to three years.

The Scotiabank StartRight Program includes:

StartRight Auto Loan Program

No-fee Powerchequing® Account for 12 months1

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“We embrace and reach out to multicultural communities across Canada by offering them services that recognize their unique needs, in many cases in their language of choice. For example, our StartRight Program for Newcomers continues to be a huge success, with customized solutions and resources designed especially for permanent residents, international students and foreign workers.” - Ahmad Dajani, Vice-President, Multicultural Banking

"The Gala last night was truly amazing, what a warm and quality event. Thank you for the opportunity and hope to see you soon." - Salvador

"Gala AREC a fost o reusita! Eleganta, cu (uneori) nostalgia clipelor de studentie data de muzica si chipuri peste care s-au mai si asternut noptile de lucru la proiectele "ingineresti". Dar, bineinteles cu mincare din belsug si o gramada de voie buna! Vreau sa va spun ca invitatii mei de la Economical au fost placut impresionati." - Romeo

"Ritu and I thank you for your warm hospitality last evening at the AREC Gala - a wonderful event that we enjoyed very much. The ambience, company, food and especially the music were all superb. I cannot recall when I was last on a dance floor!" – Pankaj In numele Guvernului Canadei, domnul Corneliu Chisu, MP a oferit AREC o diploma de recunoastere a eforturilor facute in vederea sustinerii si promovarii inginerilor educati in Romania si a rolului lor in economia canadiana spre beneficiul intregii societati.

The Ten Qualities of Highly Successful Internationally Experienced Professionals

The First Quality: They are Future-Focused They let go of who they used to be or what they used to do. They levergae their past in search of their future. They know they must reinvent themselves in their adopted country. They know what they want and they’re detemined to get it. The Second Quality: They are Optimistic They always expect the best outcome out of every situation. Even when they don’t get what they want, they don’t regard it as a failure. They recover quickly from setbacks and mistakes. They never see a situation as permanent. They see the world as supportive.

The Third Quality: They are Proud of Their Differences They understand the power of perspective. They call themselves out. They relish their diversity. They demonstrate their innovation and creativity. They see things from an alter-nate point of view.

Programul de mentorat AREC-JVS Concluzii la finalul primei sesiuni

In luna mai s-a incheiat cu succes a doua sesiune de mentorat oferita de AREC cu sprijinul organizatiilor non-profit JVS si TRIEC. La aceasta sesiune au participat 11 ingineri romani din diverse domenii, veniti de mai putin de trei ani in Canada si in cautare de oportunitati profesionale. Patru mentori, profesionisti realizati si cu vechime in mediul professional Canadian, si-au dedicat cu generozitate timpul si energia pentru a-I indruma pe cei 11 nou veniti in eforturile lor. Programul a fost coordonat de JVS, o agentie non-profit reputabila in Toronto, sub umbrela TRIEC (Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council). Alte patru organizatii profesionale de imigranti au facut parte din acest program.

Mentoring Recognition - JVS, Februarie 2012

Cross-Cultural Mentoring Event – 28 mai 2012

The Fourth Quality: They are the Best at What They Do They are highly skilled. They know their strength and they play from it. They also constantly upgrade their skills. They love to learn and grow. They are the standards of excellence.

The Fifth Quality: They Like to Work Hard They do whatever it takes to succeed. And they do it willingly. They have a capacity for work that would exhaust others. They never give up. And they never feel sorry for themselves.

The Sixth Quality: They Are Change-Masters They don’t just accept their new environment, they embrace it. They learn everything they can about the system and what’s required to succeed. Then they constantly adapt, even faster than their local counterparts. The Seventh Quality: They are Courageous They believe in themselves. They take on big challenges. They operate with confidence. They are not intimidated by others. They may feel the fear, but they don’t let it stop them.

JVS Toronto a oferit AREC o diploma de recunoastere pentru colaborarea din cadrul programului de mentorat. Inmanarea diplomei a avut loc in cadrul evenimentului anual Strictly Business Awards Luncheon, organizat la Fairmont Royal York Hotel.

Evenimentul inceputului de toamna pentru comunitatea profesionala romaneasca din GTA - Croaziera pe Lacul


Peste 150 de persoane, profesionisti din comunitatea romaneasca din GTA, au participat la croaziera de pe lacul Ontario organizata de AREC in colaborare cu alte doua organizatii profesionale din comunitatea romaneasca: Romanian Business Network Society si Femei de Succes. Ne propunem ca acest tip de eveniment, care faciliteaza interactiunea dintre profesionisti romani din diverse domenii, sa devina o traditie anuala. Evenimentul a fost extreme de bine primit si apreciat de toti participantii, care si-au manifestat deja dorinta de a participa si anul viitor.

The Eighth Quality: They are Excellent Communicators They get their message across – even though they may not always speak perfect English. They are fully involved in the conversation. They listen. They demonstrate their commitment. They show their enthusiasm. They engage the people around them.

The Ninth Quality: They are Natural Networkers They constantly reach out to others. They identify the influencers and they contact them - over and over again. They love people and it shows. They attend the meetings and they make the calls. They know what to say and they say what they know. The Tenth Quality: They are Generous They are committed to the IEP community. They’ve succeeded because of others, that’s why they want to help others succeed. Thay understand that all success is a function of reciprocation. They give to get.

Excerpt from Mike Lipkin’s workbook

"The Ten Qualities of Highly Succesful Internationally Experienced Professionals - workbook".

Seminarii AREC

Despre managementul inovatiei, cu dr. ing. Mircea Mihaescu

Dr. ing. Mircea Mihaescu a fost invitatul special al AREC in luna martie, la seminarul cu tema “Managementul inovatiei – de la idee la afacere”.

Mircea Mihaescu are peste 20 de ani de experienta in dezvoltarea de produse software. A absolvit Universitatea

Politehnica din Timisoara, unde a obtinut si doctoratul. Mircea Mihaescu este in prezent Director, IT Strategy in cadrul Sberbank, Moscova, unde conduce proiecte de cercetare in domeniul noilor tehnologii folosite in sistemul bancar. Anterior, a detinut functia de director si CIO al Lab Entreprise Agility din cadrul IBM.

Seminarul Lean Six Sigma, cu Mr. Liviu Ibanescu, P.Eng.

Un alt seminar care s-a bucurat de o audienta numeroasa a fost cel cu tema Lean Six Sigma, sustinut de Liviu Ibanescu, Master Black Belt - Senior Consultant, Lean Six Sigma Canada. Printre temele abordate s-au numarat: ce este Six Sigma, ce inseamna Lean, sinergiile Lean and Six Sigma, metodologia Lean Six Sigma, oportunitati in diferite industrii, beneficii, factori critici pentru succes, Lean Six Sigma training si certificare.

Romanian-Canadian VIP - Very Important Professional:

Odette Corbu Doamna Odette Corbu a fost invitata seminarului din seria “Romanian Canadian VIP – Very Important Professional”, in cadrul caruia a sustinut prezentarea cu tema “De la inginerie la marketing international”. Odette Corbu este Professional Engineer si detine un Master in Inginerie

Nucleara. In prezent, este Trade Comissioner in cadrul Departamentului de Afaceri Externe si Comertului Exterior. Anterior, a lucrat ca inginer pentru mai multe companii de consultant si pentru Atomic Energy of Canada (AECL).

Sfaturi pentru a avansa in cariera, cu Mr. Richard Ayuen, EMBA

Intr-o economie la marginea crizei, gasirea de noi oportunitati de cariera reprezinta o adevarata provocare. Richard Ayuen, General Manager la Guillevin International a abordat acest subiect la seminarul cu tema “Ce urmeaza pentru tine?” Temele abordate au vizat strategia ce trebuie urmata de catre cei care isi cauta de lucru sau vor sa-si schimbe locul de munca: ce trebuie sa faci inainte de a incepe cautarea de oportunitati, dezvoltarea unei strategii de networking, cum sa pregatesti un interviu si tactici de negociere.

Consultanta – o optiune pentru ingineri, cu Mr. Attila Barta, PhD

Seria seminariilor profesionale organizate de AREC in 2012 s-a incheiat cu prezentarea cu tema “Modelul de consultanta in IT poate fi aplicat si in inginerie?”. Prezentarea a fost sustinuta de dr. Atilla Barta, specialist IT cu experienta vasta in diverse domenii, precum servicii financiare, telecomunicatii, sanatate si administratie publica. Dr. Barta a activat ca si consultat in Canada, Statele Unite, Caraibe si Europa. In cadrul seminarului, a vorbit despre ce inseamna o cariera in consultant si a prezentat argumente pro si contra care trebuie luate in considerare in momentul schimbarii de cariera de la angajat la consultant.

RRSP & Investment Seminar, cu reprezentantii firmei Money Concept Waterloo

In dorinta de a sprijini mediul ingineresc romanesc, ca de altfel intreaga comunitate romaneasca din Ontario, AREC-SOC a organizat seminarul despre RRSP & INVESMENT. Prezentarea a fost facuta de Michael Ellis, Presedinte al companiei de investitii Money Concepts Waterloo si Financial Advisor la Investia Financial.

AREC-SOC Picnic 2012

AREC-SOC a continuat traditia picnicului anual, menit sa incurajeze networkingul professional intr-o atmosfera relaxata. Actiunea a fost sponzorizata in acest an de KW CASA REALTY INC. Picnicul a avut loc la Riverside Park din Cambridge si s-a bucurat de o prezenta numeroasa.

Continutul dosarului pentru licenta PEO, cu Mr. Stelian George-Cosh, MASc, PEng si Mr. Bob Loree, PEng

AREC-SOC si AREC au organizat o serie de seminarii adresate tuturor celor ce doresc sa inceapa sau sa definitiveze dosarul pentru obtinerea licentei PEO. Discutiile s-au concentrate asupra modului de "colectare si gestionare" a pieselor ce compun dosarul, continutului si formei lor de prezentare, in conformitate cu cerintele PEO.

Participare AREC la Proiectul PINs (Professional Immigrant Networks) lansat de Toronto Region Immigrant Employment

Council (TRIEC) Organizatiile profesionale de imigranti au acum o noua platforma de comunicare. In cadrul unui eveniment gazduit de Toronto Board of Trade, TRIEC a lansat un nou website menit sa impulsioneze conexiunile diintre imigranti, angajatori si agentii comunitare pentru a facilita integrarea imigrantilor pe piata muncii. Noul portal,, reprezinta o oportunitate de networking professional pentru imigranti, iar pentru angajatori posibilitatea de a accesa o noua sursa de potentiali candidati.

Ce urmeaza? Evenimente pe agenda AREC

Agenda AREC pentru 2013 este extrem de bogata. Vom continua seria seminariilor profesionale, vom invita ingineri romani cu pozitii inalte in companii canadiene de prestigiu, vom organiza o intalnire intre angajatori si cei care isi cauta un job si, nu in ultimul rand, o actiune de networking profesional la inceputul verii impreuna cu alte organizatii din comunitate. Spre final de an, Gala Dinner AREC, devenita de acum un eveniment asteptat si apreciat de intreaga comunitate, va sta sub semnul celor 10 ani de activitate pe care ii sarbatorim. Va asteptam sa ne fiti alaturi!

Pentru detalii vizitati AREC Upcoming events


AREC values its volunteers, their time and their efforts. We believe the most important reason to volunteer for AREC is that it is one of the best ways you can give back to our Romanian Engineering Community. We believe that a strong professional community is essential not only to our well being but also to everyone around us, and it is critical that each of us get interested and GET INVOLVED.

Ontario Romanian Canadian

Association ORCA's sole mission is to enhance the sense of community among Romanian-Canadians living or working within Ontario through the support of local businesses and members.

AREC multumeste tuturor sponsorilor si partenerilor pentru sustinerea acordata si pentru buna colaborare de pana acum. Fara acest sprijin, activitatile noastre nu ar fi posibile.

Professionals Helping you become better off financially both

professionally and personally.

Visit website:

Visit website:

Visit website: KELK – Sensors for Rolling Mills

Contact: Radu Soimu, B. Eng, Recruitment Specialist

The Romanian Business Networking Society is a non-profit corporation registered in Canada, by Romanian professionals active in various business areas.

Visit website:

Ziarul de Imobiliare - Primul ziar de imobiliare din Canada editat in limba romana si cu distributie gratuita

Visit website:

Visit website:!

Comunitatea Femei de Succes se doreste un catalizator ce conecteaza oameni si afaceri, astfel incat romancele, indiferent unde locuiesc in afara tarii, sa se dezvolte personal si profesional la potential maxim, prin networking si schimb de informatii.

Visit website:

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Ricoh Canada

Constantin Olos Product Technical Specialist Manager – National Technical Support

Division - Ricoh Canada Tel: (905) 795-5677 Mobil: (416) 629-0802

Hatch ranked as Top 50 Best Employers in Canada for 2013

Hatch supplies engineering, project and construction management

services, process and business consulting and operational services to the mining, metallurgical, energy and infrastructure industries.

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Natural Stone City

Visit website:

ATP Law Office

Angi Panzaru, LLM, JD, LLB Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public of the Law Society of Upper Canada & Bucharest Bar

317 Adelaide Str. W, Suite 1001 |Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1P9 Ph.: (416) 640-4023 | (416) 573-0011

* For AREC members, the first 1/2 hour of consultation is free!

Visit website:

Visit website: [email protected]

Dragos A. Lerca, CA - Public Licensed Accountant Va ofera consultanta financiara si de contabilitate care include: - audits, review engagements si notice to readers - planificari pentru impozite: personale si corporatii - strategii de protectie a bunurilor personale - estate planning, taxare internationala - asistenta cu completarea business planului si finantare - evaluare vanzare/cumparare business - reorganizari de corporatii pentru eficienta in taxare - contabilitate lunara, asistenta noilor corporatii

[email protected] |

Cornelia Monaru - Floral Designer | 416-498-9559

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Carta Canadiana a Drepturilor si Libertatilor (traducere in limba Romana)

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Networking is getting known by those who


Let's Connect and Build Relationships

Please participate!

Please share ideas!

Please ask questions!

Meet the people who can help your career

Pentru sugestii in legatura cu acest newsletter va rugam sa o contactati pe Beatrice Kohlenberg la [email protected]

This is Your AREC. Get Involved! Together We Are Stronger!

Vizitati pentru a Subscribe la buletinul de stiri cu activitatile AREC. Doriti sa deveniti membri AREC pentru a va bucura de avantajele membrilor AREC? AREC a incheiat o serie de parteneriate menite sa-i ajute pe cei abia sositi in Canada sa obtina rate mai bune la asigurari auto si imobile si imprumuturi bancare. Numai cine n-a intrat vreodata intr-o banca (exista asa ceva?) nu intelege cat de important este sa nu ai de platit un sfert de salariu pe asigurari sau sa convingi un ofiter de credit sa-ti aprobe un imprumut. Vizitati Group benefits Why should I become an AREC member? Devenind membru AREC aveti acces la Job openings si alte resurse; Pentru a raspunde mai effectiv dorintelor membrilor si suporterilor AREC am deschis diferite subgrupuri pe AREC LinkedIn group pentru a facilita discutii pe diferite teme de interes, schimbari de idei si stiri: Southern Ontario AREC Chapter Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph-Cambridge AREC Chapter. Admission Guide to PEO Licence "What and How" for every step in the PEO application process. Transitions Are you in transition right now? Find targeted support, community, counsel, information & discussions to assist your journey. Ofera celorlalti membri ceva de valoare, impartaseste din experientele tale ca ei sa doreasca sa te cunoasca si sa fie motivati sa ia legatura cu tine.

Secretul succesului in aceasta platforma este implicarea TA! Apply for membership here: Cum pot deveni membru AREC.

Thank you for your continued support of the Association of

Romanian Engineers in Canada

> If you no longer wish to receive AREC newsletter please email us.