assignment renewable energy for central sulawesi

Abigail Moore (abigail2105) Assignment for “Turn Down the Heat – why we must avoid a 4°C world”

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Page 1: Assignment renewable energy for central sulawesi

Abigail Moore (abigail2105)Assignment for “Turn Down the Heat – why we must avoid a 4°C world”

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I. The need for energyII. The problems with

conventional energy (fossil fuels)

III. Alternative Opportunities

IV. Strategies for Central Sulawesi

V. Future Vision...

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Indonesia: according to World Bank, 94% households in Indonesia have access to electricity (

The reality here is very different...o many islands and remote villages have no electricity at all, or a

few people have small, very polluting and inefficient diesel generators – usually only 6pm to 11 or 12pm

o in towns: power cuts (up to > 12 hrs) are very frequent, “brown-outs” (low voltage) occur most days (especially evenings)

this plays havoc with businesses and other activities, and electrical/electronic appliances have very short lives

property and lives are lost from fires during blackouts fisheries sector: cold chain is (almost) impossible in islands

with rich fisheries resources – waste and low value Capital City Palu has a very rapid growth in electricity demand


It is clear that safe, reliable power (electricity) is a top priority for rural and urban development in our province

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Fossil fuel emissions contribute to global climate change and ocean acidification. Both have many negative impacts on our predominantly coastal and archipelagic area(Hoegh-Guldberg O., Hoegh-Guldberg H., Veron J.E.N., Gree, A., Gomez E. D, et al... (2009). The Coral Triangle and Climate Change: Ecosystems, People and Societies at Risk. WWF Australia, Brisbane; Nellemann C., Corcoran E., Duarte C.M., Valdés L., De Young C., Fonseca L. dan Grimsditch G. (Eds). (2009). Blue Carbon. A Rapid Response Assessment. United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal,Norway. 80 hal.

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Projections for Indonesian energy use are frightening – even with so-called renewable energy policies...

Above: the predicted rise in CO2 emissions for business as usual and planned renewable or low carbon energy policies to 2050 – at best reduce the increase to about 3-fold...Source: Indonesian Energy Council data),

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We could do much better than 17% renewables...

o In our areao nationwide... Example: Nusa Penida

renewable energy project (

green-power-revolution.html )

o combination of solar energy and wind power

o biogas (from animal dung)o mini-hydro-electric plantso target of 100% renewable

by 2025 – ambitious but possible...

o supported by NGOs with strong community buy-in

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Central Sulawesi is on the Equator: Solar power should be viable in Palu and other areas of Central Sulawesi with high insolation and low rainfall like Nusa Penida

Affordable solar panels have been developed by a local technical college

Problems: Theft: solar cells installed in several

projects have been stolen – need to develop security-wise models

Storage: peak load in evening, use of car batteries is not exactly environmentally friendly – or efficient

Maybe something like TESLA powerwalls and storage batteries are the way to go...


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Most of Indonesia: average winds too slow and unreliable

The provincial capital Palu has a local reliable daily seabreeze – proven suitable for windpower

(Sam & Pattabang, SMARTEK/ article/download/336/276)

...or combined solar/wind power installations

Suitable technology available Many scales possibleo PLN (national ) or municipal/

local governmento local communities or estateso public buildings (government

offices, schools etc)o individual homes or


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On the “ring of fire” and “Palu-Koro” fault

14 reported geothermal sites (government data)

proven potential at Bora near Palu (pers. com. by expert from a NZ company wanting to invest)

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Palu City and Palu Bay/Valleyo combined wind/solar installations – grid and private or

for institutions, housing estates etco government buildings; new ones woth solar roofs,

retro-fit when renovating old oneso tax incentives for private installationso expand current pilot project on waste from energy Small Islands o solar or combined wind/solar, depending on wind

patterns – provide communications, cold chain for fisheries as well as household/business electricity

o possibly waste energy installations – partly solve the growing waste problem too

Bora and all (14) Geothermal sites if viableo develop geothermal capacity

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Central Sulawesi as a leader in renewable energyo energy for local development and welfareo energy to export to other areas in Sulawesio clean air, low carbon footprint ... PLUS: REDD – enhance current pilot

project in Central Sulawesi: expand from terrestrial forests to include blue carbon (mangrove, seagrass)

Palu – truly “Green and Clean” – make the City Moto become a reality!