assignment brief

 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT 5/3/2013 All Rights Reserved BAR 3.brief v2a3 No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology MAJOR ASSIGNMENT ( individual project ) : Duration : Week 6 ~ 14  An urban infill nucleus will act as a new catalyst by installing a new life, richness and humanity in the existing urban structure. This will assist in reviving of disserted historical cityscape to form a new focal point for the city which would salvage and conserve our heritage structure from the invasion and destruction of the new unconsidered city expansion. The insertion of a new public art gallery in the existing urban fabric will introduce a new gathering space to the people to express their thought through art exhibition, debate and lectures. It will form a new meeting place to exchange ideas for the betterment of society and community as a whole; especially to further enhance the existence and value for the heritage conservation in this oldest urban framework of Kuala Lumpur city. In the final project , students will undertake the spatial exploration sculpture and develop it into an art gallery that will fill the gap site to form a new urban nucleus for regeneration of the new focal point to compliment to its neighborhood especially between Petaling street and Jalan Sultan.  Space Requiremen ts: Lobby & Reception 1 unit 50 m 2 Lecture theater 1 unit 100 m 2 ( to include front stage and projector room)  Art Gallery 1 unit 360 m 2 Sculpture Garden / Courtyard 1 unit 100 m 2 Book Shop 1 unit 50 m 2 Cafe 1 unit 100 m 2 Kitchen 1 unit 50 m 2  Workshop 1 unit 40 m 2 Storage ( comes with loading bay) 1 unit 50 m 2  Management Office (1 Manager / 3 staff) 1 unit 50 m 2  Meeting room 1 unit 10 m 2  Pantry 1 unit 10 m 2  Maintenance Office 1 unit 30 m 2 M/F Toilets ( for Public & Staff ) 100 m 2  1100 m 2 ARCH DESIGN 3   SEM 1, 2013 ART GALLERY @ AN UBA N INFILL N UCLEUS

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    5/3/2013 All Rights Reserved BAR 3.brief v2a3 No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology

    MAJOR ASSIGNMENT ( individual project ) : Duration : Week 6 ~ 14

    An urban infill nucleus will act as a new catalyst by installing a new life, richness and humanity in the existing urban structure. This will assist in reviving of disserted historical cityscape to form a new focal point for the city which would salvage and conserve our heritage structure from the invasion and destruction of the new unconsidered city expansion. The insertion of a new public art gallery in the existing urban fabric will introduce a new gathering space to the people to express their thought through art exhibition, debate and lectures. It will form a new meeting place to exchange ideas for the betterment of society and community as a whole; especially to further enhance the existence and value for the heritage conservation in this oldest urban framework of Kuala Lumpur city. In the final project , students will undertake the spatial exploration sculpture and develop it into an art gallery that will fill the gap site to form a new urban nucleus for regeneration of the new focal point to compliment to its neighborhood especially between Petaling street and Jalan Sultan.

    Space Requirements: Lobby & Reception 1 unit 50 m


    Lecture theater 1 unit 100 m


    ( to include front stage and projector room) Art Gallery 1 unit 360 m


    Sculpture Garden / Courtyard 1 unit 100 m2

    Book Shop 1 unit 50 m2

    Cafe 1 unit 100 m


    Kitchen 1 unit 50 m2

    Workshop 1 unit 40 m


    Storage ( comes with loading bay) 1 unit 50 m2

    Management Office (1 Manager / 3 staff) 1 unit 50 m2

    Meeting room 1 unit 10 m2

    Pantry 1 unit 10 m2

    Maintenance Office 1 unit 30 m2

    M/F Toilets ( for Public & Staff ) 100 m2

    1100 m



  • 2 5/3/2013 All Rights Reserved BAR 3.brief v2a No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology

    Submission Requirements:

    1. Presentation Board ( must be in A1 sheet, banner format is not allowed )

    Concept Board + Concept Statement Key Plan & Location Plan Appropriate Scale Site Plan 1: 200

    Floor Plans 1: 100 Elevations x 4 1: 100 Sections x 2 1: 100

    Detail Drawings x 4 1 :5 & 1 :10 & 1: 20 & 1:50 3D Perspectives x 2

    2. Study Models & Final Model 3. Portfolio (5%) : to include ALL assignments, precedent studies, site inventory and analysis, a neatly compiled tutorial logbook with design development sketches, etc 4. CD x 2 sets in hard casing with proper cover design, containing all the above information 5. Archive Box x1 measuring 700mm(W) x 700mm(L) x 350mm (H) to hold all the above items upon final submission. Assessment Criteria:

    1) SOLUTIONS i. Concept, Context & Site Planning

    - Responsiveness to topography, ecology, and surrounding environment.

    - Sensitivity to social- cultural context - Comprehensiveness in site planning

    ii. Spatial Order & Functionality - Spatial organization - Circulation - Ergonomic - User friendliness

    - Compliance to brief requirements

    iii. Aesthetic & Tectonics - Enlightenment and aesthetic quality - Appropriateness of form and space - Technicality and Constructability - Green / Sustainability features

  • 3 5/3/2013 All Rights Reserved BAR 3.brief v2a No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology

    2) DESIGN COMMUNICATIONS Board, Model and Presentation - Completeness of information

    - Technical and presentation drawings - Craftsmanship - Oral presentation & defense - Manner & etiquette

  • 4 5/3/2013 All Rights Reserved BAR 3.brief v2a No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology


    W1 Module Inroduction

    Precedent studies - Lecture

    W2 Submission of precedent studies (group) 5% ( Assignment 1 )

    Site Visit W3 Submission of site inventory + model (group) 5% ( Assignment 2 )

    Submission of site analysis (individual) 5% ( Assignment 3 ) W4 Tour de Sculpture- Lecture W5 Tour de Sculpture- Tutorial Submission of tour de sculpture 10% ( Assignment 4 ) W6 Main project - Art Gallery W7 Design Development - Plan Crit-1 - Plan W8 Section and elevation W9 Design Development - Section and elevation Crit-2 -Section and elevation W10 Technical details and 3D W11 Preliminary Submission 5% W12 Final touch up

    Final submission 60% W13 Study Week W14 Exam Week

    W15 Design Review

    Participation 5%

    Portfolio 5%

    Total 100%

  • 5 5/3/2013 All Rights Reserved BAR 3.brief v2a No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology

    Assignment 1 : Precedent Studies (5%) Duration : Week 1 ~ 2 ( Group project - in group of three ) This assignment requires students to conduct analytical precedent studies of the selected research topics as follows: Research Topics-

    Art Gallery -3 groups Urban infill buildings -3 groups Green and sustainable buildings -1 group Architecture as a sculpture -1 group Public space design 1-(Square, Street) -1 group Public space design 2-(Courtyard and Amphitheater) -1 group Anthropometric studies 1-(Gallery display & lighting) -1 group Anthropometric studies 2- ( Lecture theater, toilet, staircase ) -1 group Volumetric spaces exploration studies -1 group



    Precedent analysis and findings

    Conclusions B. 15 minutes of slide presentation by group members. ( Presentation must be videotaped ) C. CD x 2 sets, containing both the journal and presentation, in hard casing with proper cover design


    Comprehensiveness of information gathered in relevant to major project requirements;

    Analytical skills and its graphical communication;

    Drawings compliance to Architectural Graphic Conventions Presentation format, delivery and craftsmanship

    Team work efforts

  • 6 5/3/2013 All Rights Reserved BAR 3.brief v2a No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology

    Assignment 2 : Site Inventory and Site Analysis-SWOT (10%)

    JALAN SULTAN, KUALA LUMPUR. Duration : Week 2 ~ 3 ( Group Project and individual)

    The second assignments is divided in two section which need to be executed concurrently as one submission.

    1. Site inventory studies and site model will be executed as group work which will allow student to share information to understand the site.

    2. Upon completion site inventory, individually students need to carry out their site analysis -SWOT to synthesis their design parameter in relationship to their reaction to the site analysis


    Physical Conditions o Site Plan, location plan and key plan, North

    Point o Topography of site; Area of site, site

    measurement o existing building physical structure or

    urban massing. o Existing texture and color of material .

    Neighborhood Context o Building Typology and Zoning ( new and

    existing development ) o Circulation ( Traffic flow patterns and

    density- automobile and pedestrian ) o Transportation access ( Types / Public and

    Private / Parking ) o Open Spaces and Amenities o urban massing.

    Facilities o Services / public facilities ( Police Station, TNB station, Fire Station, clinic, etc ) o Infrastructures ( public toilets, telephone, etc ) o Utilities ( Waste disposal, water, electricity, sanitary, drainage ) o urban spatial usage distribution pattern.

    Natural Elements o Vegetation ( trees, plants, etc- type, size, height, location, distribution ) o Water Bodies ( lake, pond, river location, depth, direction flow )

  • 7 5/3/2013 All Rights Reserved BAR 3.brief v2a No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology

    o Soil condition ( Fertile, rocky, etc )

    Environmental Elements o Climate info ( Average temperature,

    rain fall, etc ) o Sun orientation ( north point,

    movement, shadow casting, etc o Wind ( Direction, speed ), Air quality o Sensory :Sight ( Views, panoramic

    views ) o Sensory :Sound ( Noise sources, sound

    pollution, etc ) o Sensory :Smell ( Source of smell )

    Human and Cultural o Users formal / informal activities,

    events, age groups, ethnic, patterns, density, festivals, parades, etc

    o Security, vandalism or crime rate patterns

    Authority Requirements o Land use, setback, parking space requirements, ingress and egress width, etc o Fire escape compliance o Dimensions of staircase ,toilet size, min. ceiling height, handicapped uses, etc,

    History of the site and Jalan Sultan o Development of urban paten throughout the time o Important historical and cultural event taken place o Glory period of street and its building usage. o original design and drawing of the building at the site.

    SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE INVENTORY (GROUP) A. Site model at 1:100 Scale B. 15 minutes of slide presentation by group members. ( Presentation must be video recorded ) C. CD x 2 sets, containing both presentation board and video, in hard casing with proper cover design


    Diagrammatic Synthesis Analysis consists of the following design decision : Entrance, View, Sun orientation, Human Activities(cultural),Traffic Flow, Sound, Wind, Existing neighborhood or built form, Services Access, Pedestrian, Streetscape, Landscape & etc

    A1 Size Presentation Board

    Site Analysis Assessment Criteria:

    i. Comprehensiveness of information gathered in relevant to major project requirements; ii. Analytical skills and visual communication;

    iii. Presentation format, delivery and craftsmanship iv. Team work effort

  • 8 5/3/2013 All Rights Reserved BAR 3.brief v2a No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology

    Assignment 3 : Tour de Sculpture (10%) Duration : Week 4 ~ 5 ( individual Project ) In the third assignment students are to design a spatial exploration model to be located at the site. This sculpture does not house any specific functional requirement except to form a public object to allow visitors to move around to experience spatial progression and form. Student will learn about volumetric space in relationship to human scale, spatial exploration and progression, architectural expressions as well as form creation in relationship to the surrounding context.

    The sculpture must demonstrate the following compliance:

    different volumetric of space

    transitional space

    celebrating space

    texture and colors

    dramatic movement, circulation and spatial progression

    fenestration of openings, light/shadow distribution

    expression of form, structure and materials

    responsiveness to the surrounding site context

    Submission requirements (individual)

    A1 Size drawing of Plan x1 , Section x2 , Elevation x 4 in 1:50 Scale.

    Model in 1: 50 scale.

    preferably manually drawn drawing.

    Assessment Criteria:

    Innovativeness in the spatial and form creation

    Enlightenment and richness of spatial experience

    Visual communication
