assignment 22

Assignment 22(c)- Base Track Evaluation What are the most common shot types in music videos? The most common shots which are used in music videos are usually long shots the reason for this is to show the audience the artist and his/hers surroundings and to make them look better than everything around them this is used in either narrative or performance and helps them to show the power they have within the scene they are in. There is also quite a few close ups to either show how attractive they are or to show there style and what designer brands they are wearing in order to show off and sometimes in music videos they use a medium shot to capture the artist and the girl he is with or the boy she is with. What are base tracks and why do most music videos contain them? A base track is a clip which has been filmed for the full duration of the song there are several of these done from different angles and movements of the camera throughout filming. Then when the editing begins there is several base tracks clips and then there is a guaranteed good clip within it. The reason most music videos contain them is because it makes it easy to synchronise the base track clip to the audio of the song and it can then be cut at any point of it and it will still be in time. How do you use markers to lip sync?

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Assignment 22(c)- Base Track Evaluation

What are the most common shot types in music videos?

The most common shots which are used in music videos are usually long shots the reason for this is to show the audience the artist and his/hers surroundings and to make them look better than everything around them this is used in either narrative or performance and helps them to show the power they have within the scene they are in.

There is also quite a few close ups to either show how attractive they are or to show there style and what designer brands they are wearing in order to show off and sometimes in music videos they use a medium shot to capture the artist and the girl he is with or the boy she is with.

What are base tracks and why do most music videos contain them?

A base track is a clip which has been filmed for the full duration of the song there are several of these done from different angles and movements of the camera throughout filming.

Then when the editing begins there is several base tracks clips and then there is a guaranteed good clip within it. The reason most music videos contain them is because it makes it easy to synchronise the base track clip to the audio of the song and it can then be cut at any point of it and it will still be in time.

How do you use markers to lip sync?

It is very simple to find a point where the audio and lip sync actually form. Firstly you place the marker where the base track has the singer miming and align it in time so it and then to get the audio perfect all you have to do is line up the audio by matching the position of the markers.