assignment 11 draft 5 part 2

Devil – 2010 Devil is a thriller film because throughout the film you don’t know who the devil is and it really thrills you to figure out who the devil is throughout the film and at the end when you find out who it is it really shocks you. Also at the end of the film you think that everything is solved but its not. Examples of thriller films Kaya

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Devil – 2010

Devil is a thriller film because throughout the film you don’t know who the devil is and it really thrills you to figure out who the devil is throughout the film and at the end when you find out who it is it really shocks you. Also at the end of the film you think that everything is solved but its not.

Examples of thriller filmsKaya

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Examples of thriller films

Buried – 2010

Buried is a thriller because throughout the movie your always anticipating to see what will happen next, to him in the coffin/box. Also at then end when the sand is pouring in and he’s about to be saved it builds up all this excitement but, when you find out they got the wrong guy, it really shocks you.


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Relief at the end

False ending

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Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromFilms

False Ending Challenge – Something demonic and scary giving false hope. Keeping audience scared not just annoyed.

Purpose – To keep the audience thinking; Cliff hanger. Change the way you view curtain situations.Description – We through there would be a new equilibrium, but it ended with a cliff hanger and the demon is still inside her.

Paranormal Activity

Ending – Demon still in her.

Innocent Victims

Use – Young girl.Challenge – Almost being the villain, the victim ends up killing the villain.

Purpose – To make the audience feel sympathy for the character and to shock from her killing the villainDescription – At the end of the film the woman taken hostage ends up killing the men that took her showing no remorse over it.

Disappearance of Alice Creed

The Victim kills the villain.

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Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromFilms

Villain and Victim

Use (villain) – Can’t see details, remains a mystery.Use (victim) – An attractive innocent woman.

Develop (villain) – You can hear that it’s a male in their voice, not that much of a mystery.Develop (victim)– Both makes and females, you can see them hurt but not them getting hurt.

Challenge (villain) – Very shy and insecure.Challenge (victim) – Male, showing him in a gore like manner hurt.



House of wax

You don’t see the villain killing nor who they are killing the woman in the shower, it makes the audience wonder who it is.

The villain is a male and you see the girl he killed hurt but you don’t see how he killed her or the gory details.

The victim is a male who is killed by a shy and vulnerable villain, you see the victims get killed and in detail what it looks like.

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Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromFilms

Escaped convicts

Use – Middle aged male.Develop – Female.

Purpose – To show the mentality of the character – how smart and cunning they are.Description – The man planned his escape from prison before her went in to out smart the police and get justice.

Law abiding Citizen

Planning an escape from prison.

ShockChallenge – Making it horrific and unexpected. Not predictable . Disturbing.

Purpose – To shock the audience, showing a real life situation in a disturbing and terrifying manner.Description – The villain holds 3 people hostage and shocks the audience in doing some extremely unexpected disgusting the audience

The Human Centipede

Takes people hostage and creates them into a human


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Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromFilms

Blood Develop – To disgust the audience

Purpose – To show psychological state of characters and their horrible mentality, also how much they believe in somethingDescription – When the serial killer cut out a jigsaw from a victims skin to show his symbol/trademark.

Saw 2

Cut out trademark some someone's skin.

SupernaturalUse – To show ghosts existDevelop – Scaring the audience putting the supernatural in realistic situations

Purpose – To terrify the audience showing that supernatural is stronger than yourself and can controlling your mind.Description – The victim is possessed and cant control herself, she forms into unnatural positions and talks in demonic voices of the demon.

The exorcist of Emily Rose

Possessed on the floor and using demonic voices

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ConventionPsychological thriller

Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromOpening Sequence

Develop – The spirits are hear and seen, but also we developed the convention by having the spirits interact in the real world

Purpose – To shock and scare the audience in a suddenDescription – The closet doors will open in a sudden out of no-where The ghost are opening the

closet doors

SuspenseDevelop – Rather then build suspense to then scare the audience afterwards, we will build suspense slowly then show nothing after the build up

Purpose – To keep the audience interested and build tension so they’re on the edge of their seatsDescription – Laura will be hiding under her covers to slowly pull them off to see what's on the other side

Laura is pulling the sheet away from her eyesKaya D.b


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Conventions of are opening sequence

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Convention Thriller

Use/Develop/Challenge Purpose and Description

Examples from opening sequence

False Ending Use- Having the audience believing that something interesting is about to happen.Challenge- Something scary but giving it a false hope to make the audience scared.

Purpose- To keep the audience thinking throughout .

Description- Laura walks to the cupboard with fear. When the girl opens the

cupboard and there was nothing in it.

Shock Challenge- By making something unexpected to come by not being predictable.

Purpose- By shocking the audience to get a reaction out of them.Description- When the victim is about to experience something unexpected and strange to give the audience a feeling of atmosphere. When Laura see’s someone

running behind her.


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Inspirational Scenes

The boogey man 1 Donnie Darko


Location of the spirit / unusual happenings

I was inspired by the boogeyman because of the location where the

unusual things happen in connection to the boogeyman. So I was inspired to have the spirits be connected to a closet just like that film as it was very

scary and mysterious and dark

In reality Donnie Darko is a normal teenage guy, who is shy and doesn't

cause intentional trouble, however he can see and listens to something he thinks is real but in fact is pretend.

Relatable character


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The woman in black

Non-diegetic sound to create suspense

Inspirational ScenesKayaE

In this scene, the character is looking through a spinning lamp, while there is non-

diegetic sound of a regular beat building to a climax

where the face of a woman is seem with a sudden thud to

shock and give the audience a fright

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Inspirational Films (Paranormal Activity 3) -2010

Paranormal 3 was inspiring to us because there structure starts of with a equilibrium because it shows that the family are very close and happy. The film the changes to a disequilibrium throughout the movie as something starts to happen and we don’t know what is going on until the family starts to act very strange and different. All of a sudden the mood has changed. So in our opening sequence we are going to start of with equilibrium and then change to a disequilibrium as something begins to haunt someone.



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Sanel Inspirational Films (Sixth Sense) -1999

The Sixth Sense was inspiring to because it involves with spirits and scares the young boy seeing them and this related to our opening sequence as the girl starts to see the spirit and gets very scared it shows us that the spirits can be anywhere and tries to haunt you for a reason or tries to send you a message.


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Inspirational FilmsINSIDUOUS

The girl drops the phone as she hears noises that frighten her. This inspired us to include this in our own opening sequence.

PARANORMAL ACTIVITY We were inspired by the ghosts and the haunted house aspect of the film as it kept us as an audience interested in the film

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Inspirational films

Paranormal activity 3

This will inspirer are group also because its based on a victim and a villain also like are opening sequence.

This will inspirer are group because its based on ghosts/spirits haunting people.

The hither


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Kaya & Sanel Theme and ConceptPreviously, our Theme was Drugs and our Concept was Hallucination.

What Went Well• The idea was unique, no other previous opening sequences did this idea• It could connect with out audience• It created enigma, It has an interesting climaxing ending

Even Better If• Quite an old drug, not used that much in this time• Sounds abit like a Thriller – alter things to change to a thriller• Theme and concept not quite right, needs changing

• So… We changed a little from drugs back to mental illness again, so it can suit out new genre ‘psychological thriller’

• We also wanted to relate to our audience while scaring them with that character at the same time

• We canted the theme and concept to relate to the past of the character

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Kaya & Sanel Theme and Concept

• To come up with out new Theme and Concept we all decided to keep the same idea of the opening sequence, but change the cause of seeing delusions to suit the psychological thriller genre more

• We all wanted an idea that could relate to our audience, making it seem more real to them however at the same time frightening them with the characters situation

Theme:Childhood Sentiment


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Theme and concept

• Are previous theme was drugs and are previous concept was Hallucination.

• WWWIt suited our genre, it would scare our audience.It was an interesting opening sequence.

• EBIIf people understood the plot, The idea was too complicated, not many people understood the plot fully.

• Did we change are theme/concept? Why? Yes We changed are concept because it wasn’t clear to most people what was wrong with the character Laura.We also changed are theme because we wanted to start a new theme for are new opening sequence.

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There are many definitions:• Having or showing excessive or compulsive

concern with something• Showing emotional affliction or disquiet• Inhabited by or as if by apparitions

What does it mean to be haunted?

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Why Do Spirit Haunt People?•Some spirits haunt their previous home. They feel comfortable existing in the same house that it once inhabited. Some spirits choose to follow a familiar person or a family member.

•The spirit may now exist with the feeling of fear because it doesn't know what to do. It usually doesn't intend to scare the living, it is just haunted by fear of the unknown.

•A spirit who feels it was had lived an evil life when it was alive, may seek out like-minded evil living people because it feels a kinship to the negative feeling.

•Even though those spirits may appear evil, they are just frightened. They often scare the living in order to get attention. They are seeking help, asking someone to rescue them and guide them to the light.

•The transition that follows physical death is not final until the thought pattern that holds them earthbound is released and they can see the God light.


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What type of things can happen to you when your haunted?

• You may feel cold • They might watch what your doing• They can leave marks on your body• They can play around with things e.g. Switching on the light or opening the tele.• They can play tricks on you.• They can throw things at you.• Might make freaky noises• They can touch you• Sudden changes in mood or behaviour


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The different types of sprits!Kaya

Sprits are generally put down into 9 types in correlation to reasons for still being on the earth. Here are those 9 types…

• Guardian angels• Lost souls• Are we dead yet?• Unfinished business• Self-appointed guardian angels• Wasting time between lives• Messengers• Still living

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Guardian angels


It is know that everyone has at least one guardian angel. They are your own ‘Guard’ throughout your whole life. They are usually some kind of relation to you that died before you were born. Most of the time you won't know who they are or were. They watch over your entire life and help you out through the rough and dangerous times. For example, they're the little voice telling you not to take your usual route the day a huge pile-up happens on the motorway.

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Lost SoulsKaya

These are spirits who know they're dead but don't know where to go. They can also fear moving on and are afraid to leave what's known to them. They linger around until the day comes when they're ready to leave.