
Section 1 Evaluate any two internal recruitment sources and any two external recruitment sources that the company can use when recruiting Health and Safety managers . Internal source . Promotions: Promotions refer to shifting of persons to positions carrying better prestige, higher responsibilities and more pay. As we can see Gloria she has a great relations with women she supervise . She have excellent record of services with company. She could be promoted to the post of manager for Occupational Health and safety system . Transfers: Transfer involves shifting of persons from present jobs to other similar jobs. These do not involve any change in rank, responsibility or prestige. Advantages :

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Section 1 Evaluate any two internal recruitment sources and any two

external recruitment sources that the company can use when recruiting Health and Safety managers .

Internal source .


Promotions refer to shifting of persons to positions carrying better prestige, higher responsibilities and more pay. As we can see Gloria she has a great relations with women she supervise . She have excellent record of services with company. She could be promoted to the post of manager for Occupational Health and safety system .


Transfer involves shifting of persons from present jobs to other similar jobs. These do not involve any change in rank, responsibility or prestige.

Advantages :

Current employees already know the rules, regulations and culture of the organization.

Offering opportunities to internal employees may boost the morale of the staff members.

The organization knows employees and have detailed records from previous supervisors

A positive image is created in the organization

Disadvantages :

No new or fresh ideas are brought into the organization . Promotion of an internal employee could cause sentiments

amongst other employees, who feels that they deserve the post more than the promoted employee.

The number of applicants from which to choose candidate may be too high or limited.

Negative attitudes of internal employees cannot be changed by promotion.

External sources


It is a method of recruitment frequently used for skilled workers, clerical and higher staff. Advertisement can be given in newspapers and professional journals. These advertisements attract applicants in large number of highly variable quality.

Casual Callers

Those personnel who casually come to the company for employment may also be considered for the vacant post. It is most economical method of recruitment. In the advanced countries, this method of recruitment is very popular.


A wide choice of candidates could attract skilled applicants and put the organization in a better position.

When we chose candidate from recruitment agency ,candidates might have passed the initial screening done by recruitment agency and save the organization time and money.

Bringing in fresh talent from the outside can help motivate the current employees to produce and achieve more in hopes of obtaining the next promotional opportunity.

This method of recruitment can prove to be cheap and economical because new employees are already trained and experienced and do not require much training for the jobs.


New recruits more often need to be trained. It could cost the organization a lot of money to screen a large

number of candidates. Advertising in the print media attract a large number of unsuitable

applicants particularly for low level positions. The process of recruiting from outside is very expensive. It starts

with inserting costly advertisements in the media and then arranging written tests and conducting interviews. In spite of all this if suitable persons are not available, then the whole process will have to be repeated.

What Four selection criteria you would use for short-listing a successful candidate for a Health and Safety position ? Justify your answer for each criterion .

Education and Qualifications

The candidate must have knowledge of Risk Management or Occupational Health and Safety or related disciplines, or significant workplace experience in Risk and Safety and demonstrated knowledge of appropriate Acts, Regulations, Standards and Code of Practices


Experience in the delivery of Risk and Safety services within a diverse organization.

A current Legal Driver’s License.


Provide advice, support and assistance to staff, contractors and volunteers in the implementation of workplace Risk and Safety activities.

In conjunction with key stakeholders, develop and implement Risk and Safety strategies that provide a safe working environment for all staff, contractors and volunteers aimed at preventing workplace injuries and ensure compliance to relevant legislation, regulations and management systems.


Well developed written and oral communication skills.

Skills in managing time, setting priorities and planning and organizing one’s own work and where appropriate that of other employees so as to achieve specific and set objectives in the most efficient way possible within the resources available and within a set timetable.

Work may involve improving and developing methods and techniques generally based on previous experience. Problem solving may involve the application of these techniques to new situations.

3. Suggest to the company :

(A) A 5-step selection process the company can use to select the best candidate for Health and Safety manager position, and

1. Create a fixed recruitment process

This process can be done by establish interview questions that are asked of all applicants in order to draw fair comparisons. From this method all employees like Current employees and new applicants will benefit from a consistent process where candidates are held to the same expectations.

2. Develop Position Description

There should be Clearly articulates responsibilities and qualifications to attract the best suited candidates.

There should be proper knowledge about role of Health and safety manager position by providing clear distinctions between levels of responsibilities and competencies required in Successful candidate.

3. Create a job advertisement Advertisement can be done on company website, social media platforms, with local professional organizations such as job agencies. There should be proper description of skills and knowledge required in successful candidate for Health and Safety department also share what sets the business apart — is it business culture? Employee benefits ? Development and advancement potential ?

4 Scrutiny of applications and selection of applicants

All received applications are sorted out. Incomplete applications can get rejected; applicants with un-matching job specifications can be also rejected by authorities. The candidates can be selected by Written test, Psychological tests, Personal interview .

5. Background check and Final selection

In order to confirm that the best fit has been selected company can check selected candidates past job history to avoid problems in future . This is the final opportunity an employer has to ensure they have in fact selected the right candidate. At last ,the appointment letter can be presented to selected candidate to join the organization on a particular date. The appointment letter specifies the post, title, salary and terms of employment.

(B) Any ONE test that can be used during the selection process.

Drug test can be performed while going through selection period . This will help in choosing right candidate at right place.

4. Suggest to the company how pre- employment checks can be conducted prior to finalizing the application for the position, by explaining FIVE checks that can be conducted and why .

1. Driver license check

This type of pre employment check is highly recommended for Health and safety manager Because their could be future possibilities for problems to be occurred which may require Driving license .

2. Criminal record check

Criminal record check will help in getting selected candidates background checks which will include a person’s name, known aliases, description including tattoos and other identifying marks, arrests, convictions and prison terms. Some may even include information on outstanding warrants

3. Credit and debt check

Checking a candidate’s credit and debt situation can helps in deciding how trustworthy they may be. This is prudent business risk minimization, especially for roles that require trust and financial responsibilities.

4. Skills assessment

 A wide range of aptitude tests are available for assessing candidates’ skills and competencies which could be Written test, Psychological tests, Personal interview

5. Verification of qualifications check

 Some candidates may start out on a qualification, but not complete it – or completely fabricate their qualifications. So verification of qualification check can helps in selecting right candidate at right place .

Section 2 Induction of workplace dispatch section

All the attendees should take walking round of particular situation for example workplace particularly in dispatch section .This will help in conduct of more effective training section . They will also get knowledge about what the shifts are; where the notice-board is; what's the routine for holidays, sickness; where's the canteen; what's the dress code; where the toilets are.

The title and at least Two objectives of the training programmed

Title : Safety and Health Training Plan

Objectives :

Educating all managers, supervisors and employees on their safety management system responsibilities.

Training all employees on hazard identification, analysis, reporting and control procedures.

How to conduct training need Analysis and target trainees.

1. Observation

Evaluating a worker’s performance through first-hand observation and analysing. This is best accomplished by watching the worker and playing the role of non-participating observer. This means that employer is watching and listening and evaluating what he see and hear, but do not get involved in trainees work process in any way.


Interviews allows to meet employees face to face to discuss their impressions of performance. Because when in conversation with workers, employee can explore their responses in depth.We can ask or clarification of comments and for examples of what they mean. In this way, We obtain a full understanding of their performance deficiencies

The target trainees would be

Board directors (executive and non-executive) Senior managers (and not just operations managers) Middle managers Team leaders Supervisors Key skill groups Safety representatives All new starters.

Training content and time frame for conducting training using on – or off-the-job training method .

The main training content would be

Lectures Slides Videos Case studies

Specific training delivery methods to conduct on –or off-the job training .


The lecture is best used for creating a general understanding of a topic discussed while in training period . Several variations in the lecture format allow it to be more or less formal and/or interactive. In the pure lecture, communication is one way—from trainer to trainees .

Web-Based Training Delivery

 It could be called e-learning or Internet-based, computer-based, or technology-based learning

Training venues and aids to be used to deliver the training

The visual aids can be used like PowerPoint presentations , Sign boards , Videos related to Health and safety .

Responsible person and other stakeholders involved

Board directors (executive and non-executive) Senior managers (and not just operations managers) Middle managers Team leaders Supervisors Key skill groups Safety representatives All new starters.

Training should be done onsite. This will be helpful in proving exact knowledge to the trainee about particular health and safety hazards . They will get to know about exact information about particular situation .

Specific time schedule

Training should be conducted in morning time as it will be beneficial and more comfortable for employees to learn . So 9 A.M in the morning would be the best time .

How to conduct Training Evaluation and to provide feedback to stakeholders to further improve the training program me .

Training Evaluation can be conducted with an introduction to training and learning evaluation, including some useful learning reference models. This will be helpful in teaching and developing young people , which interestingly provides some useful lessons for workplace training, development and evaluation.

Section 3


The reason why the owners of the Thomas Aluminum were prosecuted and fined for the incident, and What are the employers responsibilities for keeping health and safety working environment required by law .

As Grant and Peter works in the Dispatch and Warehousing section of Thompson Aluminum . Under the work pressure to unload truck quickly they used wrong technique by making Grant stood on the forks of the forklift and Peter lifted him to empty top levels of cantilever rack to store away the truck’s contents more quickly .This incident was also happened in past when Peter had fallen from the narrow forks and landed on the concrete floor some three meters below resulting in breaking of finger . but that time management ignored the incident . But at this time Grant slipped his left foot and fell to the ground , five meters below while reaching to place one of the boxes on the top rack . In this incident Grant has been left with some brain damage and no feeling in lower body .This made Grant to not work for full life . After that Manger got verbal warning for his role in the event leading to incident . The company owners were prosecuted and fined for the incident and instructed to put in place a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety management system.

The main responsibility of Employers is to maintain Comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety management system . Employees should not work under pressure and their should proper attention to work-related injury or illness, which can result in

unexpected costs, downtime or the loss of a valued staff member. There should be also involve all employees, and their Health and Safety representatives, in the management of their Health and Safety on an ongoing basis.

What are the employers responsibilities for keeping health and safety working environment required by law .

The main responsibilities of employers are -:

help employees return to normal work after injury.

provide information, training and supervision for employees.

plan and be ready for emergencies.

report, record and investigate incidents, injuries and illnesses.

plan to implement a safe working environment.

make a commitment to health and safety in the workplace.

knows legal responsibilities.

involve employees in the process to improve health and safety.

identify, assess and manage hazards.

2. Examine the health and safety approaches taken by Thomas Aluminum by:

Identifying the existing hazards in the organization and

The existing hazard could be the problem faced by Sally and Megan .Their task involves manually lifting and attaching aluminum components of different weights and sizes onto racks suspended around shoulder height above working platform prior to the anodizing process and later unhooking the treated components and placing them on the pile to the side of their working platform .This job is harmful which may effects workers health security . another case issued in this case study is related to Grant and Peter who used folk lift in wrong way and which resulted in brain damage and no feeling in lower body of Grant. This same case was happed with Peter in past which resulted in fall from the narrow forks and landed on the concrete floor some three meters below resulting in breaking of Peter’s finger .

The company owners where prosecuted and fined for Grants incident and they were also instructed to put in place a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety management system. Management took this action seriously by taking decision to appoint new manager who will manage the companies Health and Safety management system .

(b) Designing a hazard notification checklist for Thomas Aluminum.

Hazard Notification FormThomas Aluminium, New Zealand

Your name: Date: Location: Notification to:

Date observed:

Description of hazard including significance in

your opinion:

Any immediate

action taken to


(please describe)


recommendations to

control or eliminate

the hazard:

Signature of person notifying this hazard:

Health and safety representative report including analysis and action taken:

Date entered into the hazard register:

Signature of health and safety


3. Discuss the procedure to conduct an accident investigation in Thomas Aluminum. Design an accident reporting form for Thomas Aluminum.


The person who had the accident/incident should complete part A of this form within 12 hours of the accident/incident and pass to their manager for completion of part B. If they are unable to do so,

their manager or colleague should complete the relevant details.

Part A Information About the Person Who Had the Accident / Incident

Name:_________________________________________ Staff / Student/ Visitor / Contractor / Child (Please circle one)

Thomas Aluminum:___________________________ Job Title:_________________________________________

Contact Telephone: Work:__________________Mobile_________________________Home_________________________

When Did the Accident / Incident Happen ?

Date: Time:

Where Did the Accident / Incident Happen ?


Building, room number, area, sketch over if required

What Happened ?


Include details of any object, machine or substance involved,

continue over if required Work Related Yes / No

What Injury or Injuries Were Sustained ?

Body Part Injured (Please indicate which side of the body e.g. right or left)

Type of Injury:

What Treatment Was Received ?

Source:First Aid

Student Health


Massage therapy


Doctor (GP)



Tick Follow Up Treatment:

Declaration: The above report provides a true, accurate and complete account of the accident / incident.

________________________________ ____________________________ ________________

Name (please print Signature Date

Manager to CompletePart B Manager’s Preliminary Investigation

What (in your opinion) were the causative factors of this

accident / incident?

How can this accident / incident be prevented from

recurring ?

Days (expected) absent from work?

________________________________ ____________________________ ________________

Name (please print Signature Date

New Hazard Identified: Yes No

Significant Yes No

Eliminated Isolated Minimised

Has OSH Been advised Yes No.

Further Report / Investigation required Yes No

Action Summary:

4. Suggest any two Health and Safety policies that should be included in the induction and training programmes to better prepare employees in Thomas Aluminum include in your answer , the objective of the policy , what the health and safety process / procedures are in the program me and who are the stakeholders involved and affected by the programmes and involved in the procedures .

Hazard management responsibilities (sections 7-10)This policy includes Identifying hazards which involves recognising things which may cause injury or harm to the health of a person, for instance flammable materials, ignition sources, or unguarded

machinery Assessing the hazard and degree of injury or harm occurring to a person if they are exposed to a hazard After that Controlling the hazard by taking all practicable steps to eliminate, isolate, or minimize significant hazards

Each employee is encouraged to play a vital and responsible role in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace through:

Being involved in the workplace health and safety system.

Sticking to correct procedures and equipment.

Wearing protective clothing and equipment as and when required.

Reporting any pain or discomfort as soon as possible.

Ensuring all accidents and incidents are reported.

Helping new employees, trainees and visitors to the workplace understand the right safety procedures and why they exist.

Telling your manager immediately of any health and safety concerns.

Keeping the work place tidy to minimise the risk of any trips and falls.