assessmentin’the’departmentof’ mathemacs’and’computer ......coverage’ •...

Assessment in the Department of Mathema1cs and Computer Science An ongoing effort

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Page 1: Assessmentin’the’Departmentof’ Mathemacs’and’Computer ......Coverage’ • 1.’All’math’courses,’spec.’1611,’2711,’3912,’CSAS’1114’ • 2.’All’math’courses,’spec.’1611,’2813,’3515,’3815

Assessment  in  the  Department  of  Mathema1cs  and  Computer  Science

     An  ongoing  effort  

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In  this  era  of  powerful  applica1ons  and  diverse  students,  a  prime    concern  of  mathema1cs  departments  must  be  to  protect  the  core  of    mathema1cal  culture:  the  value  and  validity  of  careful  reasoning,    of  precise  defini1on,  and  close  argument.  This  is  an  ac1vity  that  is    most  highly  cul1vated  in  mathema1cs,    but  vital  for  the  whole  of    society.  -­‐-­‐Roger  Howe,  Yale  University  

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Summary  of  Program  Review,  2009  

•  …the  discussion  of  the  major  itself  is  uninformed  by  a  sense  of  what  students  are  learning  and  how  skill  proficiencies  can  be  improved.  

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Summary  of  Program  Review,  2009  

•  There  is  a  brief  discussion  of  student  advising  in  the  self  study,  and  a  discussion  about  post  gradua1on  careers,  but  liPle  about  skills  taught  and  whether  students  find  them  useful.  

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Summary  of  Program  Review,  2009  

•  Student  sa1sfac1on  is  measured  by  alumni  academic  achievement,  career  achievement,  test  results,  capstone  projects,  porQolios  and  interviews.    The  external  math  reviewer,  Dr.  Linda  Lesniak  of  Drew  University,  specifically  cites  student  sa1sfac1on  as  a  strength  of  this  program.        

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Summary  of  Program  Review,  2009  

•  The  Mathema1cs  curriculum  seems  consistent  with  disciplinary  norms  and  best  prac1ces  at  compe1tor  schools.    

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Department  Retreat,  June  2011  

•  The  purpose  of  this  retreat  is  to  look  at  our  current  mathema1cs  major  course  of  study  and  to  determine  what  changes  need  to  be  made  in  light  of  recent  developments  in  the  field  as  well  as  the  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences.  


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Sta1s1cs  ≠  Mathema1cs  

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Required  Intro  

•  Calculus  I,II,III  •  Int.  Discrete    •  Founda1ons  •  Lin  Alg.  

•  Calculus  I,II,III  •  Int.  Discrete/proof    •  [Symbolic  Logic—PHIL1204]  

•  [CSAS  1114]  •  4  credit  prob/stat  (NEW)  

•  Lin  Alg.    

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Required  Advanced  

•  Abstract  Alg  I  •  -­‐Analysis  I  •  -­‐Junior  Seminar  •  +  at  least  one  of  Alg  or  Analysis  II  

•  Abstract  Alg  MATH3815  •  Analysis  MATH3515  •  Junior  Seminar  (3  credit)  MATH3912  

•  MATH  3626  Applied  Matrices  (to  cover  OR,  stochas1c  matrices  Systems  of  DE,  Numerical  Analysis)  


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Upper  Level  Elec1ve  

•  4  courses  at  the  3000  level  or  above,  which  must  include  a  2-­‐part  sequence.  (among  the  courses:  DE,  Numerical  analysis,  Sta1s1cs,  Number  theory,  Geometry,  History  of  Mathema1cs)  

•  4  courses  at  the  3000  level  or  above  

•  MATH3815  Algebra  •  MATH  4815  Advanced  Topics  in  Algebra  

•  Prerequisites  for  all  courses  en1tled  “Advanced  Topics”  will  be  the  course  in  the  sequence  immediately  preceding  it  

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Departmental  Honors  

•  Comple1on  of  3  sequences,  two  of  which  are  Alg  and  Analysis  

•  4092  seminar  •  3.3  in  all  courses  3000  and  above    

•  Comple1on  of  one  sequence  in  either  Analysis  or  Algebra  

•   4092  seminar  •   3.3  in  all  courses  3000  and  above    

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Math  Major  Learning  Objec1ves  •  “Learned  Socie1es”:  MAA,  AMS,  CUPM,NCTM  •  St.  Olaf:  •  Mathema'cs  Major  ,Intended  Learning  Outcomes  •  Students  will  demonstrate:  •  the  ability  to  understand  and  write  mathema1cal  proofs.  •  the  ability  to  use  appropriate  technology  to  assist  in  the  

learning  and  inves1ga1on  of  mathema1cs.  •  apprecia1on  of  mathema1cs  as  a  crea1ve  endeavor.  •  the  ability  to  use  mathema1cs  as  a  tool  that  can  be  used  to  

solve  problems  in  disciplinary  and  interdisciplinary  selngs.  •  the  ability  to  effec1vely  communicate  mathema1cs  and  other  

quan1ta1ve  ideas  in  wriPen  and  oral  forms.      

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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  1.  Knowledge  of  Problem  Solving.    – Students  know,  understand  and  apply  the  process  of  mathema1cal  problem  solving.    

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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  2.  Knowledge  of  Reasoning  and  Proof.  – Students  reason,  construct,  and  evaluate  mathema1cal  arguments  and  develop  as  apprecia1on  for  mathema1cal  rigor  and  inquiry.    


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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  3.  Knowledge  of  Mathema1cal  Communica1on.    – Students  communicate  their  mathema1cal  thinking  orally  and  in  wri1ng  to  peers,  faculty  and  others.    


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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  4.  Knowledge  of  Mathema1cal  Connec1ons.    –    Students  recognize,  use,  and  make  connec1ons  between  and  among  mathema1cal  ideas  and  in  contexts  outside  mathema1cs  to  build  mathema1cal  understanding.  

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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  5.Knowledge  of  Technology.    – Students  can  employ  technology  appropriately  for  doing  mathema1cs.    


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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  6.  Knowledge  of  Number  and  Opera1ons.    – Students  demonstrate  computa1onal  proficiency,  including  a  conceptual  understanding  of  numbers,  ways  of  represen1ng  number,  rela1onships  among  number  and  number  systems,  and  the  meaning  of  opera1ons.  


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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  7.Knowledge  of  Algebra.    – Students  demonstrate  a  computa1onal  and  conceptual  understanding  of  the  axioma1c  structure  of  vector  spaces,  groups,  rings  and  fields.  


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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  8.  Knowledge  of  Geometries.    – Students  use  spa1al  visualiza1on  and  geometric  modeling  to  explore  and  analyze  geometric  shapes,  structures,  and  their  proper1es.    


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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  9.  Knowledge  of  Analysis.      –  Students  demonstrate  a  computa1onal  and  conceptual  understanding  of  limit,  con1nuity,  differen1a1on,  and  integra1on  and  gain  a  thorough  background  in  techniques  and  applica1on  of  analysis  and  the  mathema1cal  idea  of  the  infinite.  


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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  10.  Knowledge  of  Discrete  Mathema1cs.    – Students  apply  the  fundamental  ideas  of  discrete  mathema1cs  in  the  formula1on  and  solu1on  of  problems.  


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Outcomes  of  a  mathema1cs  major  

•  11.  Knowledge  of  Data  Analysis,  Sta1s1cs  and  Probability.    – Students  demonstrate  an  understanding  of  concepts  and  prac1ces  related  to  data  analysis,  sta1s1cs,  and  probability.    


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Coverage  •  1.  All  math  courses,  spec.  1611,  2711,  3912,  CSAS  1114  •  2.  All  math  courses,  spec.  1611,  2813,  3515,  3815,  3912,  PHIL  1204  2711,  3111,  3912,  CSAS  1114  •  3.  All  Fresh/Soph  courses,  spec.  3111,  3411,  3513,  3514,  3611,  

3612,  3626,  3711,  3614,  4512,  4712,  CSAS  1114,  PHIL  1204  •  4.  All  Fresh/Soph  courses,  spec.  3514,  3611,  3513,  3411,  CSAS  1114  •  1611,  3111,  3815,  3813,  4512,  3513  •  2813,  3815,  3626,  4816  •  1511,  2511,  3911,  3626,  4512,  4911  •  1501,  1511,  2511,  3515,  3514,  4512,  4516,  4911  •     1611,  2711,  3612,  3614,  3411  •     2711,  3711  

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Outcomes  addressed      1.  All  math  courses,  spec.  1611,  2711,  3912,  CSAS  1114  2.  All  math  courses,  spec.  1611,  2813,  3515,  3815,  3912,  PHIL  1204  3.  2711,  3111,  3912,  CSAS  1114  4.  All  Fresh/Soph  courses,  spec.  3111,  3411,  3513,  3514,  3611,  3612,  

3626,  3711,  3614,  4512,  4712,  CSAS  1114,  PHIL  1204  5.  All  Fresh/Soph  courses,  spec.  3514,  3611,  3513,  3411,  CSAS  1114  6.  1611,  3111,  3815,  3813,  4512,  3513  7.  2813,  3815,  3626,  4816  8.  1511,  2511,  3911,  3626,  4512,  4911  9.  1501,  1511,  2511,  3515,  3514,  4512,  4516,  4911  10.     1611,  2711,  3612,  3614,  3411  11.     2711,  3711  

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Department  Retreat,  June  2012  

•  The  purpose  of  this  retreat  is  to  look  at  our  current  mathema1cs  major  course  of  study  and  to  determine  what  changes  need  to  be  made  in  light  of  recent  developments  in  the  field  as  well  as  the  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences.  

•  “Learned  Socie1es”:  MAA,  AMS,  CUPM,NCTM  •  Established  assessment  project    

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Course  Objec1ves:  MATH  2711    •  Students  will  demonstrate  a  knowledge  of  the  key  concepts  in  

combinatorics,  probability  and  sta1s1cs  covered  in  the  text,  lectures,  or  supplements,  and  be  able  to  apply  these  in  a  variety  of  situa1ons.    

•  Students  will  apply  basic  sta1s1cal  analysis  and  elementary  calculus,  integrated  with  the  principles  and  distribu1ons  presented  in  the  class,  to  the  problems  of  probability  and  sta1s1cal  modeling.    

•  Students  will  analyze  data  from  various  applica1ons  in  exploring  inferen1al  sta1s1cs.  They  will  perform  calcula1ons  by  hand  as  well  as  with  sopware.  Applica1ons  may  be  taken  from  texts,  the  literature,  on-­‐line  resources,  or  student-­‐generated  data.  

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Course  Objec1ves:  MATH  2711  (cont.)    •  Students  will  pursue  an  extended  inves1ga1on  of  at  least  one  

sta1s1cal  ques1on,  and  present  wriPen  conclusions  using  proper  sta1s1cal  terminology  and  good  technical  style,  incorpora1ng  appropriate  forms  of  data  visualiza1on  (charts,  tables,  graphics,  etc.).    This  inves1ga1on  may  be  based  on  data  from  the  instructor,  external  sources,  or  student-­‐generated  research  projects.  

•  Students  will  iden1fy  ethical  issues  that  may  arise  in  acquiring  and  using  sta1s1cal  informa1on,  and  demonstrate  an  ability  to  discuss  these  in  a  cri1cal  way.      


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Department  Retreat,  June  2013  •  Discussion  of  Assessment  Project  for  2012-­‐2014  –  2.  Knowledge  of  Reasoning  and  Proof.  

•  Students  reason,  construct,  and  evaluate  mathema1cal  arguments  and  develop  as  apprecia1on  for  mathema1cal  rigor  and  inquiry.  

–  3.  Knowledge  of  Mathema1cal  Communica1on.    •  Students  communicate  their  mathema1cal  thinking  orally  and  in  wri1ng  to  peers,  faculty  and  others.    

•  Crea1on  of  our  own  assessment  forms  for  oral  and  wriPen  work        


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Data  •  In  2013,  the  retreat  focused  on  the  analysis  of  the  assessment  project  for  the  year.  It  is  a  two  year  project.  

•     – We  used  three  separate  courses:  

•  Fall,  2012  MATH  3515  (Analysis  I)-­‐-­‐wriPen  work  from  final  exam;  (proof  of  result  not  seen  before  in  the  course)  Math  3511.pdf    

•  Spring,  2013  MATH  3912  (Junior  Seminar)-­‐-­‐(a)  Petersheim  poster  presenta1ons;  Spring,  2013  MATH  3912  (Junior  Seminar)-­‐-­‐(b)  Oral  Presenta1on  to  department;  Spring  2013  MATH  4912  (Senior  Project  )-­‐-­‐1  student,  oral  presenta1on    [department  used  assessment  tool  from  Petersheim  

•  Spring,  2013  MATH  3912  (Junior  Seminar)-­‐-­‐(c)  Paper  wriPen  by  class  has  been  accepted  for  publica1on  by  Graph  Theory  Notes  of  NY.  Jr  Sem  GTN  paper.pdf  

Page 35: Assessmentin’the’Departmentof’ Mathemacs’and’Computer ......Coverage’ • 1.’All’math’courses,’spec.’1611,’2711,’3912,’CSAS’1114’ • 2.’All’math’courses,’spec.’1611,’2813,’3515,’3815
Page 36: Assessmentin’the’Departmentof’ Mathemacs’and’Computer ......Coverage’ • 1.’All’math’courses,’spec.’1611,’2711,’3912,’CSAS’1114’ • 2.’All’math’courses,’spec.’1611,’2813,’3515,’3815


•  It  is  the  opinion  of  the  department  that  student  performance  in  standard  #2  was  en1rely  sa1sfactory.  While  high-­‐achieving  students  performed  as  expected,  the  dept.  was  par1cularly  impressed  by  the  improvement  in  the  students  who  had  not  previously  dis1nguished  themselves.  

Page 37: Assessmentin’the’Departmentof’ Mathemacs’and’Computer ......Coverage’ • 1.’All’math’courses,’spec.’1611,’2711,’3912,’CSAS’1114’ • 2.’All’math’courses,’spec.’1611,’2813,’3515,’3815


•  MATH  3815  •  Junior  Seminar  •  Senior  Projects