assessment process

Lakeland Central School District Shrub Oak, New York

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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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This presentation provides information on the Fundamental Assessment Process used by the Assistive Technology Team in Lakeland Central School District.


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Lakeland Central School DistrictShrub Oak, New York

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“Assistive Technology assessment is a flexible, collaborative, decision-making process in which teams of families, professionals, and friends repeatedly revise their decisions and reach consensus about the ever-changing abilities, needs, and expectations of the person with the disability” (CSUN,2013)

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Step 1: Intake/Referral Step 2: Identification of Needs Step 3: Identification of Desired Outcomes Step 4: Develop and Nurture Team Members Step 5: Skills Assessment Step 6: Device Trials Step 7: Revisit Desired Outcomes Step 8: Procurement of Device Step 9: Technology Implementation Step 10: Follow Up/ Follow Along

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Student information Personal information Referral source Reason for referral

Diagnosis/ medical information Primary/secondary diagnosis Contact info MD or specialist Medical history

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SETT framework Student

Areas of concern Current level of function Goals

What can the student not do that they need to be able to do to succeed?

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Where will the student need or use technology?

What and who can support technology?

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What are the tasks that the student is required to complete currently?

What are the tasks that the student is required to complete in the future?

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What are the tools that will needed for the student to reach full potential?

What training will the student require to reach their full potential ?

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How will the student’s need be met with technology?

How will assistive technology affect the student outcomes?

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Create a comprehensive and cohesive team

Establish a team leaderTeam members

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Evaluate student needs: Sensory Physical Cognitive Communication

Consider environments where technology will be used, student’s goals and preferences.

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Match skills and abilities of student with features of a device

No one device will meet all needs; it is important to trial many devices and as a team choose which device should be recommended

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Before a device is purchased it is important to make sure that the technology is the most effective device currently available to meet the student’s needs and goals.

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Create a well documented report; justify how the AT will help the student reach desired outcomes.

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Initial training Basic operation of device Care and maintenance Plan ongoing training

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Most important step of the assessment process

Plan follow up for each quarter during the first year, after the first year at least once a year

Ensure that technology continues to meet student’s needs

Ensure that the device is being used to its fullest potential

Determine if more training is needed

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UKAT Toolkit is an assessment that closely follows the Fundamental Assessment Process and will be the assessment tool used by the AT team within the Lakeland Central School District

Please utilize all form provided and fill out all forms honestly and completely

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Defines functional areas: Existence: ADL skills Communication: receptive/expressive language and the

ability to interact socially Body support, protection, and positioning: stabilize,

support, or protect a part of the body Travel and mobility: movement within the environment Environmental interaction: tasks that need to be

performed across environments Education and transition: functions needed to participate in

learning Sports, fitness, and recreation: functions needed to

participate in sports and leisure activities

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Determine present level of functionIdentify demandsIdentify areas needing further

assessmentDetermine goalsIdentify student response Summarize strategies, previous and current Determine external supports

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Prioritize assessment tasks

Plan assessment activities/assign responsibilities

Identify responses

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Summarize outcomesSummarize strengths and

weaknessesDetermine viable technologyIdentify devices and features

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Create trial implementation plan and assign responsibilities

Evaluate trial data

Make final recommendations

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Determine appropriate AT Determine AT goals Create implementation plan Set goals- long and short term, plan

intervention training List AT on the IEP

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Identify training needs of user, parents and support personnel

Conduct training Implement AT Collect data

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Create a plan for student to follow up at regular intervals, 1st year consult with student each quarter, after 1st year at least once per year

Follow up is essential to make sure recommended technology is still appropriate for the student

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