assessment of preliminary task, as media studies

Assessment of preliminary task, AS media studies . Our theme was influenced by many things one of them being a TV programme called 24 hours in police custody . There are many interrogations held in the programme . SO, our group decided to watch some real life interrogations that were in the programme so we can gain more knowledge and ideas for our own interrogation that we were going to act out and record . The layout (table setting and where the interrogator and person being questioned where sitting ) from the real interrogation inspired our group and gave us more ideas on how to set up the room and how to give it a realistic atmosphere .

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Assessment of preliminary task, as media studies

Assessment of preliminary task, AS media studies.

Our theme was influenced by many things one of them being a TV programme called 24 hours in police custody . There are many interrogations held in the programme . SO, our group decided to watch some real life interrogations that were in the programme so we can gain more knowledge and ideas for our own interrogation that we were going to act out and record . The layout (table setting and where the interrogator and person being questioned where sitting ) from the real interrogation inspired our group and gave us more ideas on how to set up the room and how to give it a realistic atmosphere .

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. However our group wanted to create a more scarier atmosphere , and the interrogations in the programme weren't as scary as we wanted our one to be . So my group and I decided to research movies with interrogations in them which were more scarier than the one in the programme . My group and I came across the movie ‘watchmen’ , which influenced my group to use darker lighting which was also used in the movie( image bottom left) which created a scary atmosphere .

Another way our theme was influenced by was when one of the members of our group had lost their phone (Niall), which made him want to interrogate the whole class . This gave our group the idea to make our theme an interrogation as it is realistic and a thing that happens everyday to many people .

Page 3: Assessment of preliminary task, as media studies

How well did your product meet with the original proposal?

At first members of my group had different roles , for example Anna was meant to be the actress and Niall was meant to be the camera man . However that was just an instant decision but we thought about the decision again as we wanted it to be a more logical decision . So , I thought about everyone's strengths so that everyone can have jobs that they were good at . So , my group decided that Anna would be the cameraman and Niall would the actor .

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At first I thought our plan wasn't as efficient and clear as we wanted it to be because my group and I felt like we were disorganised and didn't have enough planning time . However we thought of a way we could be organised so our filming goes to plan we did this by delegating a job to each member of the group (e.g. I was the director which meant I had to write the script) . Giving everyone their own jobs meant they can focus on it individually which would make our filming more efficient and planned so we would know what to do when it came to the day of filming . One person in my group did research which helped us gain more knowledge and ideas of what we were going to use in our filming , this made us more organised and helped us individually to gain understanding of what our interrogation was going to include . I was the script writer and also the director which meant I had to come up with ideas of what I could include in the script but i also had to make sure the two actors learned their lines. This was an effective method as it made our plan more organised as everyone knew what they were doing on the day of filming .

How well did you plan your production and what methods did you use .

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Mis en scene

 mise-en-scène refers to everything that appears before the camera and its arrangement such as composition , sets , props, actors, costumes, and lighting. For example , we used a backlight to separate the interrogator from the background and used over head lights to create eerie effect and keep the room as dark as possible where there is dark shadows .

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Digetic sound is any sound presented as originated from source within the film's world Digetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame. 

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Non-digetic sound is represented as coming from the a source outside story space. The distinction between digetic or non-digetic sound depends on our understanding of the conventions of film viewing and listening.