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  • 8/14/2019 Assessment Model


    Kati Wright

    Assessment Module Lesson Plan

    Lesson Title: Preguntas en la sala de clases (Questions in the Classroom)

    Grade Level: Spanish IB (9-10)


    1. Students will demonstrate understanding of chapter vocabulary by drawing a classroom and describing it

    in the target language. (1.1)2. Students will share information about objects in their classroom in the target language. (1.1)

    3. Students will write and answer 5 questions about things in the classroom in that target language. (1.3)

    4. Students will demonstrate proper pronunciation in the target language. (1.1)


    1. Realidades 1 textbook2. La sala de clases worksheet

    Background information: Throughout Chapter 2B in the Realidades textbook, students are using newvocabulary about the classroom, vocabulary that describes location, and vocabulary that is used to ask

    questions. At this point in the chapter, I have presented the new vocabulary related to classroom objects andlocation. We have started answering and asking questions about where things are located, how many things

    there are, and what there is in the classroom. This lesson plan is designed for two days with the worksheetdesigned as homework after day one.

    Day One Lesson Procedures:1. Warm-up:

    a. Qu falta?: various puzzles designed to draw attention to frequently misspelled words.

    i. En_i_aii. D_n_ _

    iii. D_ _a_t_

    iv. _a_a_u_n_ta_v. D_b_j_

    vi. Cu_n_o_

    b. Formas de estar: Fill in the blank questions using the forms of estar. These sentences were

    chosen based on frequent errors on the quiz about the forms of estar.i. La puerta ___ al lado del pupitre.

    ii. Los profesores____ en la sala de clases.

    iii. T y yo ___ en la escuela.iv. Teresa y t ___ delante de la ventana.

    v. Uds. ___ muy bien hoy.

    2. Activity WB p. 46-47: Written activities about where things are in our classroom and then about what

    there is in the classrooms in various pictures of a classroom.3. Activity WB p. 39 Activity 2 & 3: Video activities that highlight the use of the vocabulary in this

    chapter and the written activities that accompany the video. Students will see all of the above

    vocabulary used in a natural context.4. Textbook p. 108 Activity 12: This activity requires students to ask their partners first where each person

    in the picture is located and then answer by saying that they are next to, in front of, or behind various

    other people.5. Mixer: This is an activity in which students leave their seats and move around the room in order to ask

    at least seven people questions about what they have in their bedrooms and how many of those objects

    they have. Below are the model questions and answers to be used in this activity.a. Draw a table with these headings: Nombre / objeto / nmero

  • 8/14/2019 Assessment Model


    i. Qu hay en tu dormitorio?

    1. Hay unas ventanas en mi dormitorio.2. Hay unos disquetes en mi dormitorio.

    ii. Cuntas ventanas hay en tu dormitorio?

    iii. Cuntos disquetes hay en tu dormitorio?1. Hay dos ventanas en mi dormitorio.

    2. Hay quince disquetes en mi dormitorio.

    6. Homework Worksheet: Assign La sala de clases worksheet to be completed before class the following

    day. Students are instructed to first draw a classroom using at least five new vocabulary words aboutclassroom objects. Next students will ask five different questions that are outlined in English about the

    classroom they drew. Finally students will answer the five questions they have created.

    Day Two Lesson Procedures:

    1. Warm-up:

    a. Activity WB p. 48: This activity asks students to create sentences to compare the location ofclassroom objects in two similar rooms.

    b. Practice WB p. 43: This activity asks students to infer, based on the answers provided, to fill in

    the blanks with question words and words about location2. Textbook p. 113 Pronunciacin

    a. Read togetherb. Remind students of the sounds that vowels make in Spanish and how those vowels can affect the

    consonants around them.c. Have students try to create tongue twisters that use both g sounds.

    d. Modelo: A Gregorio le gusta tocar la guitarra con su amigo Ignacio. Gabriela es graciosa e

    inteligente.3. Pronunciation presentations

    a. Allow students to practice the pronunciation with their partner for two to three minutes.

    b. Have students read the five answers they wrote about their picture and assess pronunciation.c. Collect worksheets.

    Student Hand Out:

  • 8/14/2019 Assessment Model


    Nombre________________________________________________________ Hora ___________Fecha______________

    La sala de clases

    Draw a picture of a classroom. Include at least five vocabulary words from this chapter.

    Write five questions in Spanish about the room using the questions from this chapter about

    where objects are, how many objects there are, and what objects there are.

    1. Where is the _____? (singular)


    2. Where are the ____? (plural)


    3. How many ___ are there?


    4. Is there a ______? (singular)


    5. Are there some ___? (plural)


    Now answer the five questions above in complete sentences.

    1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

  • 8/14/2019 Assessment Model


    3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    Rubric for Student Hand Out and Oral Presentation:

    10 9-8 7-6 5-4 3-2 1-0

    PronunciationNo errors in


    Few errors in


    Frequent erros

    in prnunciation.

    Repetitive errors

    in pronunciation.

    Many serious

    errors in


    Many seriouserrors in


    which hinder

    ability to



    Spelling andGrammar


    No errors in

    spelling or



    Few errors in

    spelling or



    Frequent errors

    in spelling or



    Repetitive errors

    in spelling or



    Many serious

    errors in spelling

    or grammar


    Many serious

    errors in spellin

    or grammarstructures whic

    hinder ability t



    5 4 3 2 1 0

    Use ofAppropriate


    Correct use of at

    least fivevocabulary

    words from the

    current chapter.

    Correct use of

    four vocabulary

    words from the

    current chapter.

    Correct use of


    words from the

    current chapter.

    Correct use of

    two vocabulary

    words from the

    current chapter.

    Correct use of

    one vocabulary

    words from the

    current chapter.

    No vocabularyfrom the curren

    chapter used.



    All fivesentences are

    accuratlydepicted in the

    attached picture.

    Four sentencesare accuratly

    depicted in theattached


    Three sentencesare accuratly

    depicted in theattached


    Two sentencesare accuratly

    depicted in the

    attached picture.

    One sentence isaccuratly

    depicted in the

    attached picture.

    No sentences araccuratly

    depicted in the

    attached picture