
MRCI 08/F06/P98 - An assessment of the suitability of agricultural practices and technologies in improving rural livelihoods and farm production levels 1 Universidade Catolica de Mozambique 1 Faculdade Economia E Gestao PROPOSAL (Resubmission) Title An Assessment of the Sustainability of Agricultural Practices and Technologies in Improving rural livelihoods and farm production levels in semi-arid regions of Mozambique and Zimbabwe Submitted By Peter Nkala 2 , Alfandega Manjoro 3 , Virgulino Nhate 4 , Enard Mutenheri 5 , Teddy Dube 6 Milton Webb Ndlovu 7 To Association of African Universities Mobilizing Regional Capacity Initiative (MRCI) Association of African Universities (AAU), Aviation Road Extension, Airport Residential Area P. O. Box AN 5744, Accra-North, Ghana, Tel.: 233-21-774495, 761588 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: Contact Person Peter Nkala Graduate School of Business, Catholic University of Mozambique, Avenida Eduardo Mondlane, Ponta Gea, Caixa Postal 821, Beira, Mobile: +258827098456, Email: [email protected] 1 The Rector Padre. Dr. Alberto Ferreira Catholic University of Mozambique, Faculty of Economics and Management, Ponta Gea Campus, Avenida Eduardo Mondlane, Ponta Gea, Caixa Postal 821, Beira, Mozambique Contact: [email protected] Telephone: Landline: 0025823313077 Mobile : 00258844207461 2 Coordinator and Lecturer, Graduate School, Faculty of Economics and Management, Catholic University of Mozambique, Beira, Mozambique 3 Dean and Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Management, Catholic University of Mozambique, Beira, Mozambique 4 Head of Department / Lecturer- Head of Department / Lecturer, National Directorate of Studies and Policy Analysis, Ministry of Planning and Development; Lecturer, Eduardo Mondlane University 5 Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Zimbabwe, P. O. Box MP167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe 6 Chairman, Department of Business Management, National University of Science and Technology, Box AC939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 7 Chairman, Department of Banking, National University of Science and Technology, Box AC939, Ascot, Bulawayo

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Page 1: Assessment

MRCI 08/F06/P98 - An assessment of the suitability of agricultural practices and technologies in improving rural livelihoods and farm production levels


Universidade Catolica de Mozambique1 Faculdade Economia E Gestao

PROPOSAL (Resubmission)

Title An Assessment of the Sustainability of Agricultural Practices and Technologies in

Improving rural livelihoods and farm production levels in semi-arid regions of Mozambique and Zimbabwe



Peter Nkala2, Alfandega Manjoro3, Virgulino Nhate4, Enard Mutenheri5, Teddy Dube6

Milton Webb Ndlovu7

To Association of African Universities

Mobilizing Regional Capacity Initiative (MRCI) Association of African Universities (AAU), Aviation Road Extension, Airport Residential Area

P. O. Box AN 5744, Accra-North, Ghana, Tel.: 233-21-774495, 761588 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Website: Contact Person

Peter Nkala Graduate School of Business, Catholic University of Mozambique, Avenida Eduardo Mondlane, Ponta Gea, Caixa Postal 821, Beira, Mobile: +258827098456, Email: [email protected]

1 The Rector Padre. Dr. Alberto Ferreira Catholic University of Mozambique, Faculty of Economics and Management, Ponta Gea Campus, Avenida Eduardo Mondlane, Ponta Gea, Caixa Postal 821, Beira, Mozambique Contact: [email protected] Telephone: Landline: 0025823313077 Mobile : 00258844207461 2 Coordinator and Lecturer, Graduate School, Faculty of Economics and Management, Catholic University of Mozambique, Beira, Mozambique 3 Dean and Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Management, Catholic University of Mozambique, Beira, Mozambique 4 Head of Department / Lecturer- Head of Department / Lecturer, National Directorate of Studies and Policy Analysis, Ministry of Planning and Development; Lecturer, Eduardo Mondlane University 5 Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Zimbabwe, P. O. Box MP167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe 6 Chairman, Department of Business Management, National University of Science and Technology, Box AC939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 7 Chairman, Department of Banking, National University of Science and Technology, Box AC939, Ascot, Bulawayo

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MRCI 08/F06/P98 - An assessment of the suitability of agricultural practices and technologies in improving rural livelihoods and farm production levels


Signature: Date: 30 May 2008 --------------------------------------- ------------------------ (Peter Nkala) On behalf of the Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM) as the Submitting Institution)

May 2008

Beira Mozambique

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MRCI 08/F06/P98 - An assessment of the suitability of agricultural practices and technologies in improving rural livelihoods and farm production levels


Abstract Agriculture is the backbone of poor rural livelihoods in many developing countries including Mozambique and Zimbabwe. However the disparity between farmers’ resource inputs and output does not justify continued existence in agriculture. Zimbabwean agricultural sector performed better than most countries in Southern African during the 1980s while relative peace and stability after the end of the civil war in 1994 gave Mozambican farmers more time to work on the land. Despite these good developments in both countries in the 1980s and 1990s respectively, social indicators did not show significant changes in the welfare and livelihoods of the rural peasants. Communal farmers in central (Manica and Sofala) and northern (Tete) provinces of Mozambique and southern provinces (Matabeleland and Masvingo) of Zimbabwe still face perennial food shortages due to sub-optimal agricultural production levels. This research will assess the sustainability of the existing subsistence agriculture in these areas and how it can be improved to ensure enhanced food security and poverty reduction. The Research will apply the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF) in the smallholder agricultural sector to identify sources of vulnerability, resources endowments, support institutions, priority livelihood strategies and possible outcomes and variations across communities in these two countries. What agricultural technologies are necessary to improve rural livelihoods and sustainability in the selected vulnerable districts and provinces in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, will be the major question in this research. The role of how research results or findings from institutions of Higher Learning like colleges and universities contributes to rural economic and social development will be explored. Participatory social science survey techniques, interviews, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and community mapping, will be used to collect primary data. These data will include types of crops, land holdings, quantity of harvests, capital, farm and non-farm incomes and their uses, markets, agricultural technologies and policies, survival strategies and livelihood outcomes. These research efforts will contribute to rural development, poverty alleviation and discovery of new approaches to sustainable rural smallholder agriculture in both countries. Finally, this study will unlock the nexus between government rural development policy and specific development challenges as perceived by the rural communities in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

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Title of Research

An Assessment of the Sustainability of Agricultural Practices and Technologies in Improving rural livelihoods and farm production levels in semi-arid regions of

Mozambique and Zimbabwe 1.0: Introduction Agriculture is the backbone of rural livelihoods although in countries like Mozambique and Zimbabwe disparities between farmers’ labor input and output does not justify continued existence in agriculture. In these countries more than 70% of the population reside in rural areas and are heavily dependent on subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods. People in Mozambique’s central and northern provinces of Sofala, Manica, Tete, Cabo Delgado and Nampula are more vulnerable due to their geographical location and distance from Maputo, the capital, and protracted effects of 17 years of civil war. In Zimbabwe, the southern provinces of Matabeleland North and South and Masvingo are generally semi-arid and smallholder farmers in these areas are food insecure like their counterparts in Mozambique. Rural development has been slow compared to urban areas thereby denying the rural population in both countries, equitable employment opportunities in the formal sector. The rural informal sector activities in both countries comprise mainly gold panning, charcoal production, wood carving, fishing, vending, and cross border trade. These activities have failed to generate adequate supplementary household income for the rural poor. In the 1980s Zimbabwe performed better than most Southern African countries mainly as a result of a generally good economic performance supported by prioritized investments in human resource development and smallholder agricultural support8. However these gains in smallholder agriculture have not been sustained hence the overwhelming poverty and malnutrition among rural households in the semi-arid communal and resettlement areas especially in the last 10 years. On the other hand, Mozambique has witnessed notable economic growth and sustained tranquility since the 1994 peace agreement but more than 70% of the population lives below the poverty line of less than US$1 per day. Even existing low levels of production are threatened by the environmental fragility of the natural resource base and the unsustainable farming practices. Some questionable estimates show that that poverty in Mozambique declined to 54.1% in 2003. Although the 1980s and 1990s were promising years for Zimbabwe in terms of economic growth and development, since 1997, the country has witnessed an acute decline in economic and social indicators. Inflation rose rapidly from 2000% in November 2006 to 100 000% in January 2008, and has currently reached unprecedented levels9. The land 8 Rapid expansion in the smallholder agricultural sector during the first half of the 1980s owing to improved technologies, increased land availability, better government services and prices accelerated improvement in social and economic indicators. At the beginning of the 1990s Zimbabwe had a lower infant mortality rate, higher adult literacy, and higher school enrollment rate than the developing country average. However due to rapid economic decline resulting from gross economic and political mismanagement, these trends have not been sustained. 9 The inflation in Zimbabwe is currently estimated to be above 11 million percent, and is said to be the highest in the world, and has never been precedented especially for a country that is not at war.

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reform programme implemented in year 2000 has been blamed for a decline in agricultural production, food shortages, increasing political instability, and a general poverty increase in both urban and rural areas. HIV and AIDS have reduced life expectancy from above 65 in the 1980s to about 35 and 34 years, for men and women respectively. Past resource endowments distribution imbalances favoring urban areas have left rural areas more affected and most vulnerable. Urban areas have more social safety nets and opportunities for survival compared to rural areas. Vulnerability among smallholder farmers also increases from high rainfall areas to arid and semi-arid regions of Matabeleland North and South and Masvingo in Zimbabwe. Communal farmers in both countries lost a number of livestock to drought and livestock diseases in the 1980s and 1990s. These farmers not only face problems of animal traction but lack farm implements, seed, fertilizer and herbicides because they do not have adequate financial resources to purchase these inputs. They are forced to use traditional agricultural technologies, cultivating marginal land along riverbanks and embankments. In Mozambique some farmers are still practicing the “slash and burn” type of agricultural that has been criticized for environmental degradation in many parts of the world. Forests are razed down; trees left to dry and then burnt down just before the onset of the rainy season. Further, the levels of poverty in both countries been exacerbated by the devastating impact of HIV & AIDS. Estimates show that in 2006, about 16.2% of the population in the 15-39 age groups is living positively with HIV in Mozambique and in Zimbabwe 25% of the population is estimated to be positive. In both countries the rural population bears the burden of looking after the sick because of the traditional belief that people should be buried close to the graves of their ancestors in the rural areas and not in the cities. Caring for the sick and orphans in rural areas has serious implications on agricultural labor hours lost. Although attempts to fight poverty and HIV & AIDS have come from government, the private sector as well as the not for profit organizations the effectiveness of these efforts is hampered by the extremely high poverty levels and degree of helplessness and despair. This research will contribute to the current development and poverty alleviation efforts as well as introduce new approaches to the challenges facing the rural farmers and other poor households in both countries. The researchers hope to discover new approaches to pursuing rural development and poverty alleviation and establishing a positive link between government policy and development requirements in rural areas of Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The focus in this research is on policy and development rather than only academically inclination in order to solve some rural developmental challenges common in both countries. This research will bring together all the stakeholders (government and the private sector) concerned about rural development in mapping out and implementing rural development strategies and plans. 1.1: Problem Statement

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Retarded growth in small-scale agriculture and unemployment suggest that improvement in social indicators during the 1980s and 1990s in both countries has not been matched by a commensurate increase in the incomes of the rural poor. Communal farmers in the Central and Northern provinces of Mozambique and in the southern provinces of Matabeleland and Masvingo in Zimbabwe face perennial food insecurity. There are also very few options available for these farmers to get out of agriculture which is the backbone and survival strategy for many rural communities. Although poverty levels are arguably decreasing in Mozambique, they are still unacceptably high. Social sector achievements in the past have been affected by drought, decline in public resources, and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. On the other hand Zimbabwe is experiencing exponential growth rates in poverty due to the current economic meltdown and communal areas more affected than urban areas. These uncertainties are even worsened by the unclear picture of how the envisaged free trade area in the Southern Africa Development Community in 2008 will impact on agricultural activities and poverty alleviation efforts. 1.2: Objectives of the study The major objective of this research is to assess the sustainability of subsistence agriculture in Manica and Sofala provinces of Mozambique and in Matabeleland north, Matabeleland south and Masvingo provinces in Zimbabwe in terms of agricultural contribution to household incomes and hence livelihood amidst generally high poverty levels in the two countries. Second, the research will seek to identify priority livelihood strategies how these strategies vary across different types of households using the sustainable livelihoods framework. The specific objectives in the main are to:-

Identify vulnerability factors (weather patterns, soil infertility, lack of skills and knowledge, diseases like HIV & AIDS, etc) affecting rural farmers in both countries,

Identify resources available and how these are used by farmers to effectively contribute to livelihood strategies,

Identify and document agricultural practices and technologies employed by communal farmers in both countries,

Estimate annual incomes derived from the sale of agricultural output and compare these incomes with what the households need to survive in a year,

Identify livelihood coping strategies, their influences and sustainability towards realizing the desired livelihood outcomes,

Characterize households on the basis of gender, vulnerability and develop some vulnerability indices for households,

Measurement of thresholds required (could be economic, social, resource) for different households to move from vulnerability to progress or sustainability,

Discover other alternative economic activities that could be explored by farmers to counter the dominance of agriculture.

Bring in Higher Education institutions into the mainstream of rural development through the establishment of centers of excellence in the selected communities to help farmers improve their knowledge and skills in sustainable agriculture.

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Finally, this research will be used as a rural agricultural and livelihoods development tool or instrument to inform policy-makers particularly local government/parliamentarians on agricultural practices in rural areas and what can be done to help poor local farmers in these areas. Gender issues and HIV&AIDS will be mainstreamed into the broader research framework in this study. 1.3: Research Questions The major questions that this research seeks to answer are: - First, what agricultural technologies are necessary to improve rural livelihoods and sustainability in the selected vulnerable provinces and districts in Mozambique and Zimbabwe? Second, where are the farmers and intervening organizations including government missing the point: is it at the farm gate, in the market, or in the field? Are there no other coping strategies that these farmers can adopt instead of concentrating on agriculture? How can Higher Education institutions contribute to rural development especially through dissemination of knowledge and skills development in partnership with smallholder farmers? Other sub-questions in this research include the following: -

(a) What local resources are available and how can they be used in a sustainable way by rural farmers in their agricultural activities?

(b) What are the different agricultural technologies that have been introduced by various stakeholders in the past?

(c) What notable changes have been realized since implementation or adoption of some of these technologies by farmers? What are the significant differences between adopters and non-adopters?

(d) How have the rural farmers been affected by HIV&AIDS and how are gender issues integrated in agricultural production among the rural farmers in these areas?

(e) What should be done to increase the effectiveness of external advisory services by the agricultural extension officers and non-governmental organizations in improving output levels in rural agriculture?

(f) What agricultural policy framework has been put in place to improve agricultural production and farmers livelihoods in the two countries? If such a policy framework exists, how effective has it been? What gaps are evident in these policies and what more needs to be done?

(g) How can Higher Education institutions use results of academic research to improve the livelihoods of the poor especially in the marketing and distribution of produce in rural areas?

2.0: Contribution of Project to wider aims of the MRCI Programme 2.1: Poverty alleviation

This study is essentially aimed at addressing poverty among the rural smallholder farmers in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. First, using the sustainable livelihoods framework, this project seeks to establish what is necessary for communal farmers to realize a transition

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from vulnerability to sustainability given local resource endowments. Second, the research will explore how current agricultural practices could be improved to reduce negative impacts on the environment while simultaneously proffering solutions for poverty alleviation strategies. Third, findings from this research will help identify best practices and technologies needed by poor rural farmers to improve incomes from agriculture as well as how locally available forms of capital can be used to find an escape route from poverty and despair caused by HIV &AIDS and other shocks. Finally, the study seeks to discover alternative approaches to address poverty among the rural households and researchers will work closely with government structures at district, provincial and national levels in reviewing the content and implementation of existing poverty alleviation strategies and policies as outlined in the relevant statutes in both countries. The relevant government departments in the ministries of agriculture, education and social services will be partners in this study and will be the direct beneficiaries of the results of this research. 2.2: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals Mozambique and Zimbabwe are some of the countries that have subscribed to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and these countries face huge challenges in ensuring that they meet the various targets like that of reducing poverty by 40% in 2015. By focusing on poverty and agriculture, this research essentially draws attention of the two countries to their MDG targets on poverty, gender and especially women empowerment and HIV&AIDS as national priority goals. This study will enables Higher Education institutions compliment government efforts by providing information necessary for development projects and programmes in different parts of the country and how these could be implemented. This research approaches the MDGs in both countries through an analysis of agricultural production systems and livelihoods among communal smallholder farmers and by streamlining gender and HIV&AIDS in the analysis. 2.3: Revitalizing of African Higher Education Research activities in most universities and other research institutions in Africa have been scaled down in recent years because of funding and human capacity constraints in Southern Africa. Mozambique and Zimbabwe are currently lagging behind in research due to historical imbalances of the past, poor educational systems (Mozambique) and massive brain drain (Zimbabwe) in the last 10 years. This project seeks to revitalize research among young academics and university students in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The first strategy towards this endeavor has been including individuals from various institutions of higher learning spread across 4 universities in both countries. Graduate students from the 4 universities in both countries will be recruited to participate in this study and will be allowed to use the data for their research projects10. Although it could be ideal to support a PhD research at any university in the region, this will be difficult given that this project has to be completed within two years while most PhD studies

10 At least four Masters students from National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Universidade Catolica de Mozambique (UCM), Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) and the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) will be involved in this research and could use the data for their studies.

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would generally take longer than that. This would have been the most desirable option especially for building capacity in agricultural research in the newly established universities in both Mozambique and Zimbabwe. 2.4: Creating Synergies between Higher Education and Farmers On many occasions Higher Education institutions have been criticized for doing researches whose findings cannot be implemented but in this project Researchers will endeavor to establish centers of excellence for agricultural transition in rural areas through education and training of smallholder farmers on sustainable agricultural practices. This can be through short courses tailored to address skill deficient areas such as marketing of produce, selection and use of chemicals and fertilizers, cropping systems etc. These centers can also be involved in research on suitable agricultural practices and technologies most suitable for rural small-holder farmers in particular. Most farmers in the rural areas lack appropriate and affordable technology interventions suitable for enhancing productivity. Research will also focus on best farming practices to suit particular areas and in this regard universities can partner with agricultural extension units, NGOs and other interested partners involved in this kind of activity e.g. ICRISAT and AGRITEX in Zimbabwe. NUST has established a Centre for Rural Technologies in Partnership with Kellogg Foundation and the role of the centre is looking at how to tap on indigenous knowledge of the communities to produce value added products and the same concept can be applied to agricultural knowledge as well. In this regard this research will create a good opportunity for universities in both countries to create linkages and working frameworks with the farmers and to assist policy makers and farmers to form sustainable working partnerships in which all stakeholder contribute in decision making and project implementation.. 3.0: Methodology This section of the proposal outlines the methodology and techniques that will be used in this research. The sustainable livelihoods framework will be heavily relied upon to help focus the study on what variables and data to collect in order to assess agricultural systems and livelihoods. A brief description of the sustainable livelihoods framework is given below. 3.1: Sustainable Livelihoods Framework This study adopts Chambers and Conway (1992) understanding of livelihoods where “a livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets and activities required as means of living and sustainable livelihoods are those than can cope and recover from stress and shock, maintain and enhance its capabilities and assets and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for the next generation and which contributes to the net benefit to other livelihoods”. The concept of sustainable livelihoods places emphasis on people and socio-cultural systems and is thus embodied in the concept sustainable agricultural systems and production approaches. Figure 1 shows the sustainable livelihoods

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framework that has been discovered to be very useful in designing poverty intervention strategies in most vulnerable production systems. Figure 1: The Sustainable Livelihoods (SL) Framework

Most NGOs intervening in sustainable development have used the SL framework to explain relationship between factors that drive the SL like gender, kin and belief systems showing the link between vulnerability, transformation structures, livelihood strategies and outcomes (see figure1) and do underline that understanding of ownership of assets by the poor is fundamental in identifying the options, strategies and outcomes available to them and how vulnerable they are. Analysis of ownership of assets will focus on what farmers have rather than what they need and also how transitions in ownership could taken place over time. Literature on sustainable agricultural practices and technologies in a dynamic economic and technological environment will be reviewed in order to compare agricultural practices in Mozambique and Zimbabwe with success stories in other parts of the world. A combination of social science estimation techniques will be adopted for the collection of both primary and secondary11 data. For example, primary data on crops, land holdings, quantity of harvests, capital, incomes from crop sales, uses of incomes, markets, agricultural technologies, agricultural policies, survival strategies, livelihood outcomes, etc will be collected through personal interviews and focus group discussion (FGDS) with the households and key informants. Camera study, community mapping, transact walks, freelisting, etc are other data collection techniques that will be employed in this study. Two districts will be visited in each of the of Sofala, Manica, and Nampula, provinces in Mozambique. Two districts will also be visited in Matabeleland north, Matabeleland south, and Masvingo provinces in Zimbabwe. The target number in each district will be 200 household interviews and four focus group discussions. The key informant interviews will depend on the number of key informants in each area. The researchers will spend 5 days on average in each district hence the data collection process 11 Secondary data in this case will be used to inform the background of the study and possible in comparing results of this project with what was already known before the research was undertaken.

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is envisaged to last for a maximum of 60 days. Appropriate software like the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) will be used for data analysis. 4.0: Research Activities The major activities in this research will include those described below:

(a) A reconnaissance visit to the research areas with a view to build rapport with the various community leaders and heads of ministries and government departments working in these areas.

(b) After the development of the second draft data collection instruments, the Researchers and the Research Assistants will conduct a pilot test of the questionnaires – in two areas that will be selected and identified12.

(c) Field work for at least 5 days in each of the study areas by the Research Team and research assistants for the purposes of collecting data.

(d) Data entry will start simultaneously with the commencement of data collection and expected to be concluded at least two weeks after field work is finalized.

(e) After production of the final report, a workshop will be held at the Catholic University of Mozambique, in Beira and the National University of Science and Technology in Bulawayo to disseminate the results of the research. Invited guests at this workshop will include government officials, lecturers, personnel from non-governmental organizations, community leaders, farmers, students and other stakeholders.

(f) Training workshop in partnership with other stakeholders organized by the Research Team from the participating universities for selected smallholder farmers in an attempt to implement some recommendations based on the research findings in both Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

12 Due to differences in agricultural practices and language in the different countries one pilot study will be done in each of the countries to test the appropriateness of the research instrument before implementation in the main study.

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5.0: Time Budget Table 1: Work Plan and Log Frame

Period Description of Research Activities Person Responsible September - November 2008

(a) Initiation of the project (b) Development of research instrument (c) Consultation of stakeholders13 and communities – unveiling the research idea (d) Identification of other important stakeholders (e) Sampling frame and Sampling

All members of the Research Team (P. Nkala, A. E. Manjoro & V. Nhate, E Mutenheri, T. Dube, M. W. Ndlovu)

December 2008 –February 2009

(a) Polishing up the research questionnaire (b) Recruitment of 10 Research Assistants14 (c) Pilot testing the research instrument (d) Training research assistants

All members of the Research Team (P. Nkala, A. E. Manjoro & V. Nhate, E. Mutenheri, T. Dube, M. W. Ndlovu)

March – April 2009

(a) Field work (b) Collection of Data (c) Data Entry (d) Data Cleaning

All members of the Research Team (P. Nkala, A. E. Manjoro & V. Nhate, E Mutenheri, T. Dube, M. W. Ndlovu)) 10 Research Assistants

May 2009 (a) Data Analysis and interpretation (b) Report writing (c) Produce First Draft for comments Comments on the first draft

Team leader & Reviewer that will be identified.

June 2009 (a) Revising the comments on the first draft (b) Producing a Second Draft report (c) Get comments on the second draft

Team Leader, Researchers and Project Reviewer

July 2009 (a) Work on the comments and Produce Final Draft – Research Report All members of the Research Team August 2009 (a) Presentation of Report or Research Results at a workshop at Catholic University of Mozambique

& National University of Science and Technology (NUST) All members of the Research Team

September – December 2009

(a) Publication of the document (b) Conclusion of the research activity

(c) Training workshop for selected farmers

All members of the Research Team participating universities’ publications department and publishing houses in Mozambique and Zimbabwe

13 These stakeholders include non-governmental organizations, government ministries and departments, community leaders in the areas where fieldwork will be done, agricultural research institutions carrying out intervention projects in these areas, etc. 14 These will be recruited from students in their final year at the Catholic University of Mozambique’s Faculty of Economics and Management, National university of Science and Technology, and Eduardo Mondlane University.

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1. Setting up Research Collaboration in the Districts Personnel Costs 30 man days @ $250 per day for 5 days for 6 people Day 5 x 6 250.00 7 500.00 Travel & Transport 6 return Air tickets @ $1000 per ticket Ticket 1 x 6 1 000.00 6 000.00 Transport Car Hire and Communication for 5 days Car / day 2 x 5 150.00 1 500.00 Accommodation Accommodation for 3 people for 8 days, (2 days Maputo, 2

days in Tete, 2 days Harare, 2 days Gwanda) Night 3 x 8 100.00 2 400.00

A Sub-Total 17 400.00 2. Equipment Laptop 1 1 450.00 1 450.00 Printer 1 600.00 600.00 Digital cameras 2 500.00 1 000.00 Voice Recorders 4 300.00 1 200.00 B Sub-Total 4 250.00 3. Development of Research Instruments Personnel Costs 20 man days @ 250 per day including days spent on Training

and testing the instrument Man Days 2 x 10 250 5 000.00

Stationery Bond paper, Toner, flip charts, Board markers, pens, pencils, notebooks, files, bags, etc

Various 6 000.00

Training Cost of hiring premises – Training venue @ $50 per day Day 2 x 5 300 3 000.00 10 Research Assistants for 5 days @ $50 per day Nights 2 x 5 x

5 50 2 500.00 Accommodation

(bed and breakfast) 2 Trainers / Researchers for 5 days @ $100 per day Nights 2 x 5 100 1 000.00

B Sub-Total 17 000.00 3. Fieldwork – Data Collection Personnel Costs 60 man days @ $250 per day for 6 people Days 2 x 30 250 15 000.00

4 air tickets @ $1000 per ticket 4 000.00 40 man days subsistence @ $125 per day for 6 Researchers 2 x 20 125 5 000.00

Travel & Subsistence

40 man days subsistence for 10 people @ $50 per day 2 x 5 x 5 x 4

50 10 000.00

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Car Hire and Communication for 80 days Car / day 2 x 40 100 8 000.00 Transport Fuel Cost 4 200.00

2 Researchers @ $100 per room per night for 30 days Night 2 x 1 x 15

100 3 000.00 Accommodation (Bed & Breakfast)

10 Research Assistants @ $50 per room for 40 days Night 2 x 5 x 20

50 10 000.00

C Sub- Total 59 200.00 4. Dissemination of Research Results 10 air tickets @ $1000 per ticket for invited 5 guests and

Researchers living away from the area - 1 x 10 1000 10 000.00

Travel & Subsistence

2 days subsistence @ $200 per day for 5 guests invited to the information dissemination workshop (subsistence for traveled researchers)

Day 2 x 5 200 2 000.00

Transport and communication

Communication, car hire, and printing of dissemination material including training and education of selected farmers

Various 10 000.00

Publication Expenses for publishing limited copies of the research results paid to the publishers including farmers training and education

Various 14 705.00

D. Sub-Total 41 105.00 E. Sub – Total (A + B +C +D) 138 955.00 Add 10% Contingency 13 895.00 5. Grand Total Cost of the Project 152 850.00

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7.0: Dissemination of Research Results At various stages the Researchers will convene meetings in the communities that will be visited to discuss with the farmers and community members about the aims of the project. Some farmers will be selected for further training and education by the Research team in partnership with other organizations working in the study areas. The research team will make available the results of the research to Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) interested in carrying out interventions aimed at alleviating poverty through enhanced agricultural technologies as opposed to too much reliance on rain-fed agriculture. The final report results will be distributed at workshops planned at the Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM) in Beira and the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Bulawayo, to all invited and interested stakeholders including government officials, NGOs; companies involved in agricultural sector and selected rural farmers from the different research areas. 8.0: Conclusion Poverty reduction in both countries requires growth in employment and increased productivity in smallholder agriculture and this largely depends on economic growth, continued investment in human capital and increased ownership and control of assets by the poor, land included. In order to achieve these results a more efficient use of the abundant labor resources, scarce agricultural land, capital and managerial skills is necessary. Well-documented experiences of good practices and identification of the new production technologies that will enhance the production systems in rural and peri-urban agriculture would be welcome for the process of economic integration in SADC. A closer working relationship between government, the private sector and research institutions is necessary for the research output from universities and colleges to be turned into policy and development instruments. Development oriented research is necessary to inform all the above assertions to ensure that sustainable development goals are achieved at minimum ecological and social costs. 9.0: References 1. Chambers, R. and G. Conway (1992): Sustainable rural livelihoods: Practical concepts for the 21st century, IDS Discussion Paper 296. Brighton: IDS. (Pp.7-8) 2. Coller and Menendez (2006): An assessment of support for vulnerable households in Southern Mozambique, John Hopkins University.

3. Duraiappah A. K. (1998) : “Poverty and Environmental Degradation: A review and Analysis of the nexus”, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, World Development, Vol. 26, no. 12, pp 2169-2179 4. Scoones I (1998): Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, A Framework for Analysis, IDS Working Paper Number 72, Brighton.

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10.0: Research Team15 (a) Peter Nkala (Team Leader) – Lecturer / Coordinator – MA Economics and Management Programme, Catholic University of Mozambique, Faculty of Economics and Management, Beira. (b) Enard Mutenheri – (Researcher) - Lecturer, Department of Econmics, University of Zimbabwe (c) Nhate Virgulino (Researcher) - Head of Department / Lecturer, National Directorate of Studies and Policy Analysis, Ministry of Planning and Development; Lecturer, Eduardo Mondlane University (d) Teddy Dube – (Team Leader and Contact Person in Zimbabwe) – Chairman/Lecturer, Department of Business Studies, National university of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (e) Alfandega Manjoro (Researcher) – Dean / Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Management, Catholic University of Mozambique, Beira. (f) Milton Webb Ndlovu (Researcher) – Chairman/Lecturer, Department of Banking, National university of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

15 The latest short versions of the CVs for the individual Research Team members are attached as an appendage to this proposal.

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11.0: Appendices 11.1: Researchers’ Curriculum Vitae A – Peter Nkala16 (Team Leader – Researcher and Contact Person)

1- PERSONAL DETAILS Name : Nkala Peter Date of Birth : 01 January 1966 Nationality : Zimbabwean Languages : English (Excellent), Ndebele (Excellent), Portuguese (Fair) Residential Address : 160 Fernao Magalhes, Ponta Gea, Beira, Mozambique E-Mail Address : [email protected] Telephone : Cell Zimbabwe: +26323408821, Landline:+2639282842 ext 2034

Cell Mozambique: +258827098456 Landline: +25823320249 2 - TERTIARY EDUCATION (1) Master of Science in Economics (UZ) (1999 – 2001) (2) BSc Honours in Economics (UZ) 1996-1999 (3) Diploma in Human Resources Management (IPMZ) 3 - EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (1) Current Employer: Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM) – 01 January 2007 – 31 December 2009 – 3 – Year Contract: Position held – Coordinator MA Economics Programme: Duties – Coordinating the students registration, lectures, and supervision of dissertations through various individual student supervisors. (2) National University of Science and Technology – (NUST) (2002- December 2006) Position Held: Chairman/Lecturer – Department of Banking. Duties: Ensuring smooth running of the Department of Banking, Teaching undergraduate and postgraduate economics courses – principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics, quantitative methods, banking and development, managerial economics & supervising student dissertations. Programme Coordinator: Diploma in Development and Disaster Management – this diploma is offered by the center for continuing education and is coordinated by the department of banking at NUST. Academic Advisor and counselor: Part IV Banking Students. Faculty of Commerce Representative to the Research Board (3) Catholic University of Mozambique (CUM): Period :( August 2006 – December 2006): Position Held: Visiting Lecturer / Supervisor: Duties: Supervision of Master of Business (MBA) and Master of Arts (MA) in Economics and Management students’ Dissertations & Teaching courses in the two programmes if necessary. 4 - OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES 16 Currently pursuing PhD studies in Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna, Austria.

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Board Member – National Furniture industries (Pvt) Limited, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, elected to the Board with effect from August 2007. Duties – together with other board members to provide advice to company management regarding business management and economic issues critical to successful operation of the enterprise in a very volatile economic and business climate that currently prevails in Zimbabwe. 5 - PREVIOUS EMPLOYERS (1) Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM): Period :( February – March 2005): Position Held: Visiting Lecturer: Duties: Teaching and Examining Master of Science Economics and Master of Business Administration Managerial Economics courses. (2) International Crop Research Institute For The Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) (March – August 2002) -Position Held: Scientific Officer: Economics & Social Research Duties: Conducting surveys on seed and commodity markets in the dry areas of Zimbabwe, coding, enumerator training, data analysis, writing reports & presentation of results (3) Zimbabwe Community Health Intervention Research -: ZICHIRE Project: Period: (September 2001 – February 2002), Position Held: Ethnographer/Researcher Duties: preparation of questionnaires, collection of data & coding, coding and data analysis for the ZIM-CDC-ZICHIRE modeling and reinforcement to combat HIV/AIDS (M.A.R.C.H.) project (4) University Of Zimbabwe – Period: (October 1999 – June 2001). Position Held: Teaching Assistant / Research Assistant, Duties: Conducting tutorials for undergraduate courses – quantitative methods and political economy / Collecting, Coding, Imputing & Analysis Of Data On Zimbabwe’ S Social Safety Nets, Globalization / collecting data & preparation of the policy paper for the human development (1999) / collecting data on land-use patterns in SADC, data on small scale enterprises, & data on retrenchment in Zimbabwe since ESAP. (5) Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) Period: (January – March, 1998) Position held: Research Assistant, Duties: questionnaire administration, team leader, driving, planning of daily activities 6 - PROJECTS AND RESEARCH PAPERS 1. Increasing the Rural Livelihood Benefits from Natural Plant product Ventures in

Southern Africa, a case study of Mel da Mozambique and SOMEL, an ongoing project being implemented with two other colleagues from the Catholic University and University of Eduardo Mondlane in Mozambique, in collaboration with Stellenbosch and Pennyslavania State Universities in South Africa and the United States of America, respectively

2. The Impact of Used clothing on the Clothing and Textile industry in Zimbabwe, On-going research being carried out for WTO, Geneva, Switzerland.

3. An Assessment of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in Bulilima and Mangwe Districts in Matabeleland South Province, a Baseline report prepared for SNV Bulawayo, March 2006

4. Challenges and opportunities faced by Rural Businesses in a hyperinflationary

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environment, Paper prepared for the Entrepreneurial Development Centre Consultative Conference – 28th September 2005, NUST, Council Chambers, Bulawayo

5. Financial sector reforms and access to financial services by cross border traders in Small to medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe, Southern Africa Trade and Research Network (SATRN), May 2005, Livingstone- Zambia

6. The Impact of Financial Sector reform on Poverty Alleviation: the Case of Development Finance Institutions in Zimbabwe, ILO/Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe sponsored research – Principal Researcher(2003), Cotnou - Benin

7. A Structural analysis of the Sources and Dynamics of Fluctuations in the South African Economy, Co-authored with T. Ndlela, Paper presented at the Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) 2003 Conference, from 8-10 September 2003, Indaba Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa.

8. The Social Sector and National Budget: A Focus on social welfare, Education, Agriculture and the informal sector, Poverty Reduction Forum, Zimbabwe, and Paper presented at the Budget Series Workshop, 26 February 2004, Rainbow Hotel, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

9. The impact of financial sector reform on poverty alleviation: the case of development finance institutions in Zimbabwe, Paper presented at the ILO, workshop, 29-31 October 2003, Cotonou, Benin

10. Valuation of Water and an Analysis of Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts of Water Development Projects in Zimbabwe: The Case of Mtshabezi Dam, University of Zimbabwe, 2001

7 - INTERNATIONAL / NATIONAL CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 1. UNCTAD workshop on Trade and Poverty, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, 19-23

November 2007 2. UNCTAD Training Course on Key Issues on the International Economics

Agenda, Second Regional Training for Africa, Cairo, Egypt, 04-22 February 2007. 3. UFS & NUST, Sphere Training Workshop, 03-07 July 2006, NUST Council

Chambers, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 4. UNCTAD Training Workshop on Commodities Production and Trade, Dares

Salaam, Tanzania, 16-20 January 2006 5. Southern Africa Trade Research Network, (SATRN) Researchers Workshop,

Livingstone Zambia, May 2005. 6. SATRN, UNCTAD, WTO Researchers Workshop, Windhoek Country Club,

Windhoek, Namibia, November 2004 7. SATRN, BIDPA Researchers Workshop on Commodities Trade, University of

Pretoria, South Africa, 19-23 April, 2004 8. Trade and Investment Policy Strategies (TIPS), DIPRU Annual Forum 2003, Indaba

Hotel, Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa, September 2003 9. ILO Researchers Workshop on Financial Sector Liberalization, Hotel Marina,

Cotonou, Benin, 29-31 October 2003 10. UNDP/CPU, National Conference on the Plan of Action to Strengthen Disaster Risk

Management, 25-29 July 2005, Troutbeck Inn Hotel, Inyanga, Zimbabwe

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International Trade, Development Economics, Environmental Economics, Poverty Alleviation, Financial Economics, Financial Liberalization, Development and Disaster Management 9 - COMPUTER SKILLS: Microsoft Word, Excel, Limdep, Stata, Microfit 4.0, Nudist 5, and SPSS.

10 - REFEREES (1) Mr. A. Manjoro, Dean, Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM), Faculty of Economics and Management, Ponta-Gea Campus, CP-821, Beira, Mozambique, Cell: +258825465920, E-mail: [email protected] (2) Dr. M. Ncube, Department Of Economics, University Of Fort Hare, P. O. Bag X1314, Alice 5700, Republic Of South Africa, Telephone: +27 (040) 6022229, E-Mail [email protected] (3) Mr. R. Tadu, Dean, Faculty Of Commerce, National University Of Science And Technology, P. O. Box Ac939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Phone: 2639282842 Ext 2126, Cell: 091261833 E-mail: [email protected] (B) – Enard Mutenheri – (Researcher - Zimbabwe) Surname : Mutenheri Forenames : Enard Date of birth : 10 February 1969 Nationality : Zimbabwean Languages : Shona, English Contact address : University of Zimbabwe, box MP167, Mount

Pleasant, Harare Mobile : +263 - 912-919345 E-mail : [email protected] ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 2000 - 2003: PhD in Economics, Loughborough University, UK Thesis topic, “The determinants of corporate financial Policy in Zimbabwe: Empirical evidence from company panel accounts” 1998-1999, MSc in Economics, Leicester University, UK 1992-1993, MSc in Economics, University of Zimbabwe 1989-1991, BSc (Hons) in Economics University of Zimbabwe, (2.1) RESEARCH INTERESTS Applied Econometrics, Corporate Finance, and Efficiency of financial institutions, Sustainable development modelling TEACHING INTERESTS

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Mathematical Economics, Statistics for economists/business, Forecasting, Microeconomics, macroeconomics, Agricultural Economics, Industrial Economics, Economic theory, Public Finance, International Economics, Monetary Economics, Econometrics, corporate finance, financial economics, Investments and Quantitative finance WORK EXPERIENCE, March 1995-current Organisation: University of Zimbabwe: Economics Department, Position: Lecturer Postgraduate courses, Econometrics, Financial Markets, Corporate Finance, Supervised 15 Msc dissertations: Undergraduate teaching, Mathematical Economics Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics PUBLICATIONS Mutenheri.E and Green. C (2003) Financial Reform and Financing Decisions of listed firms in Zimbabwe, Journal of African Business 4 (2) Mutenheri.E and Green. C (2004) “The Determinants of the Decision to Change Dividends in Zimbabwe”, November, mimeo Mutenheri.E and Green. C (2002) “The Interaction Between Dividend policy and Capital structure Decisions in Zimbabwe”, July, mimeo Mutenheri.E and Green. C (2002) “Differences between financial behaviour of Holding and Non-Holding firms: The Zimbabwean Experience”, October, mimeo Mutenheri E. (2006), “The impact of macroeconomic crisis on firm performance in Zimbabwe”, November, mimeo SEMINARS Matshe I., E. Mutenheri, and M. Kwaramba (2006) “Property rights and agricultural investments in Zimbabwe”, paper presented at The Role of Property rights in Turning around the Economy: with specific Reference to Agricultural Land Conference, Meikles Hotel, Harare, 5 December Mutenheri.E and Green. C (2001), ‘The Financial System, Corporate Ownership Structure and Financing Patterns in Zimbabwe’, paper presented at the Finance and Development Conference, University of Manchester, 5-6 April. Mutenheri.E and Green. C (2001), ‘The Determinants of Capital Structure Choice in Zimbabwe’, paper presented at the Finance and Development Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 9-10 Mutenheri.E and Green. C (2002), ‘Dividend Policy and Behaviour in Zimbabwe: Empirical Evidence from Company Accounts’, paper presented at the Finance and Development Conference, University of Manchester, 10-12 April. Mutenheri.E and Green. C (2002), ‘Simultaneous Determination of Dividend and Financing Policies in Zimbabwe: Empirical Evidence from Company Panel Data’, paper presented at the Finance and Development Conference, University of Manchester, 10-12 April. CURRENT RESEARCH (1) Returns to Education in Zimbabwe, (2) Impact of User fees on quality of Health in Zimbabwe, (3) Child housework and school achievement in Masvingo Province,

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(4)Macroeconomic instability and Firm Performance in Zimbabwe, (5) Stock price behaviour during the economic crisis in Zimbabwe, (6) The impact of monetary policy statements on stock prices in Zimbabwe, (7) An Analysis of the impact of land tenure security on farm investments, access to credit and agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe REFEREES (1) Professor C.J. Green (Phd thesis supervisor), Loughborough University, Economics Department, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, [email protected] (2) Dr. I. Matshe (Lecturer & Chairman, Economics Department), University of Zimbabwe, Economics Department, P.O.Box MP 167, Mt Pleasant , Harare, [email protected] (3) Mr. Marko Kwaramba (Lecturer, Economics Department), University of Zimbabwe, Economics Department, P.O.Box MP 167, Mt Pleasant, Harare, [email protected] C– Virgulino Nhate (Researcher - Mozambique) 1- PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname: Nhate First Names: Virgulino Chicochane Data of Birth: 15/08/1973 Nationality: Mozambican ID: 110056518T Issued on: 08/08/2002 Work Address : 21st Avenue Ahmed Sekou Toure, 6th floor, Flat 62 – Mozambique, Telephone: +258824051560 or +258-21-492711, Email: [email protected] or [email protected] 2- TERTIARY EDUCATION 2004 – Masters in Economics at University of Stellenbosch – South Africa 2003 – Honours in Economics at University of Cape Town- South Africa 1999- Post-graduate in Policy analysis and Formulation at University Eduardo Mondlane

- Mozambique 1992- Honours in Agronomy at Faculty of Agronomy and Forest Engineering of

Eduardo Mondlane University- Mozambique 3- WORK EXPERIENCE

In 1999 I was admitted as Government Servant in National Directorate of Planning and Budget of the Ministry of Planning and Finance. Main duties: Household data analysis and policy adviser


1. 2007- On the Robustness of Poverty Predictors- Research in process.

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2. 2007 - An Empirical Estimation of the Degree of Price Transmission from Border to Consumer Prices in Mozambique. 3. 2006 - Small Group Poverty Estimation: The Case of Disabled People in Mozambique. World Bank. Washington. 4. 2005- Orphans and Discrimination in Mozambique: An Outlay Equivalence Analysis. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 5. 2004- Orphans in Mozambique: Determinants, Vulnerability, Trends and Program Responses- University of Stellenbosch- South Africa. 6. 2003- Local and migrant labour in Khayelitsha: an analysis of labour market positions in South Africa- University of Cape town. South Africa. 7. 2001- Poverty, inequality, and geographic targeting: Evidence from small-area estimates in Mozambique- International Food Policy Research Institute. Washington 8. 2001- Public Expending and Poverty in Mozambique. University of Copenhagen, International Food Policy Research Institute. 9. 2000 - Provincial Poverty Profiles in Mozambique. Ministry of Planning and Finance. Maputo 10.1998- Comparing Household data collection by interview and Geography Information System (GIS) in terms of distances to the basic infrastructures and analyses of the impact of the distances on household well-being in rural Mozambique – Eduardo Mondlane University- Mozambique. 11.1998- Understanding the Well Being in Mozambique: First National Assessment, Ministry of Planning and Finance; 1998. 12. 1998- Characteristics and infrastructures of Villages in Mozambique, Ministry of Planning and Finance; 1998. 5- CONSULTANCY

1.2006 –Socio-economic and Poverty Impact Study on Swedish International Development Agency Supported Project – Rural Electrification of Ribaue District (Nampula Province) -5 years after Electrification. A study carried out at the request of Sida, Sweden and the Swedish Embassy in Maputo. 2. 2005 – Rapid Poverty Assessment in Niassa, Mozambique “Is the Swedish Support to the Niassa Province on track?” May 2005. A study carried out at the request of Sida, Sweden and the Swedish Embassy in Maputo. 3. 2003 - Socio-economic impact of the construction of the Bridge connecting south to center and north Mozambique – Bridge over Zambeze River between Caia and Mopeia districts. This study was done at the request of INEC/IF, Sida, Sweden. 4. 2002 –Poverty and Social Impact Analysis on Fuel tax in Mozambique. Fuel Tax in Mozambique, 2003. World Bank. 5. 2001 - Socio-economic impact of the rehabilitation of the road linking Nampula City and the district of Mecuburi (Nampula Province). Study carried out on behalf of Sida (INEC/INFRA), Sweden. 5- COMPUTER SKILLS Proficient in operating Windows, Microsoft (word, excel, PowerPoint);

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Proficient in operating statistics programs: STATA, SPSS, Eviews, DAD and PovMap. Proficient in operating Geography Information System- Arc view GIS 3.2a. 6- LANGUANGES English – Good Portuguese- Excellent Tsonga – Excellent 7. REFEREES 1- António Sousa Cruz. - National Directorate of Studies and Policy Analysis of

Ministry of Planning and Development. [email protected] 2- Gunilla Akesson, independent Swedish consultant, sociologist. Main area of

specialization: studies and analyses related to rural socio-cultural-economic and gender aspects. Working experiences in Mozambique since 1983 up to present time. [email protected]

3- Channing Arndt. Ministry of Planning and Development and University of Purdue. [email protected]

(D)– Teddy Dube – Researcher and Contact Person - Zimbabwe) Surname Dube Name Teddy Date of Birth 24 June 1968 Nationality Zimbabwean Current Position Chairman and Lecturer in Department of Business Management Business Address National University of Science and Technology, PO Box AC939 Bulawayo Home Address 47 Hampshire Drive, Hillcrest, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1995 – 1996 University of Strathclyde Glasgow, SCOTLAND

Master of Science Degree in Business Management. 1989 – 1992 University of Zimbabwe

Bachelor of Technology (Honours) Degree in Business Management.

WORK EXPERIENCE (1) Organisation: National University of Science and Technology, Position: ChaimanLecturer, Department of Business Management, Period, 2000 – Date, Lecturer, Department of Business Management & Marketing 1996 – 2000, Job Description:Providing academic and administrative leadership to the department, Teaching Under-graduate and Post-graduate Management and Marketing students in areas such as Marketing and Business Strategy, Business to Business (Industrial) Marketing, Consumer and Organizational Behaviour, Conducting research and

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consultancies in various areas of business such as Business Strategy, Customer Relationship, Management, and Customer Service with special focus on small, business enterprises. (2) Small Enterprise Development Corporation, Position, Business Analyst, Period, 1992– 1996, Job Description: - Project appraisal for loan applications for small, Business finance, Consultancy services to small business RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY • Research on the Effectiveness of Zimbabwe International Trade Fair as a Marketing

Window for Zimbabwean companies. Study commissioned by the ZITF board to assess the appeal of the ZITF to local and international clients.

• Research to investigate the causes for the decline in sales of Draught beer in the Bulawayo area. Study commissioned by Natbrew. As a result of the research recommendations, Natbrew soon after sub-contracted the sale of draught beer to a third party.

• Company and Product Image Survey for Rubber and Allied (Pvt) Ltd. The aim of the research was to determine how the company’s image and products were viewed in the market. This allowed Rubber and Allied to identify the areas of their product and service that needed to be focused on.

• Research to establish whether or not there was a market for a private refuse collector in the Bulawayo Metropolitan area on behalf of Encore Consolidated Holdings of Harare.

• Customer Satisfaction Survey for the Edgars Group of Stores. The main purpose of the research was to determine the extent to which customers are satisfied by the service provided by Edgars/Express Stores nationwide.

• Facilitator for Ingwebu Breweries, a beer manufacturing and retailing organization in the development of their 2004 – 2009 Strategic Plan.

• Sector consultant on a project to develop a National Information and Communication (ICT) Strategy for Zimbabwe.

• Analysing production variations between day and night shifts for Kadoma Paper Mills (Pvt.) Ltd, the largest tissue and fine paper manufacturing company in Zimbabwe. As a result of the consultancy results, Kadoma Paper Mills reorganized its work structures.

• Feasibility study for the establishment of a business complex at Ramokgwebana Border Post, Botswana.

TRAINING ACTIVITIES Resource Person for Small Business Development Organizations such as, EMPRETEC, SEDCO and NGO’s. Developed and conducted training sessions on A the following 11 of their modules. POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY HELD

• Chairperson department of business management 2000 – date

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• Member of the University Senate, National University of Science and Technology (NUST)1998 – date

• Faculty of Commerce committee member, Faculty of commerce, 1997 – 2001 • Institutional audit steering committee member, National University of Science

and Technology (NUST), 2007 – date • Advisory board member, Business environmental services (Pvt.) ltd, 1999 –

2004 • Chairperson, Hillside nursery school board, 2006 - date

REFEREES (1) Mr. R. Tadu, Dean – Faculty of Commerce, National University of Science and Technology, PO Box AC 939, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Tel; 263-9-282842/288413, E-mail ; [email protected] (2) Mr. M. Ngulani, Director – Graduate School of Business, National University of Science and Technology, PO Box AC939, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Tel; 263-9-282842/288413 E-mail; [email protected] (3) Mrs. B. Sibanda, Regional Manager, Small Enterprises Development Organisation (SEDCO), Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Tel ;- 263-9-74871/2 E - Alfandega Estevao Manjoro (Researcher - Mozambique) CITIZENSHIP: Mozambican TERTIARY EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 2005-2006 - Masters in the Management of Companies, Catholic University of Mozambique, Beira 1986 – 1991 – Licenciatura in Mathematics and Statistics, University Enrique Jose Varona, Havana, Cuba FIELD OF EXPERTISE: Statistics and financial evaluation EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2003 – date: Dean of the College of Economy and Management, Catholic University of Mozambique, Beira 2002-2003: Coordinator of the Department of Quantitative Methods and Professor of Statistics, Catholic University of Mozambique, Beira 2000 – 2001: Professor of Statistics, UCM, Beira 1999 – 2000: Coordinator, Monitoring and Evaluation, ACID VOCA (NGO in Chimoio, Mozambique 1991 –1999: Lecturer in Statistics, Zimbabwe Open University AREAS OF RESEARCH INTEREST

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Statistics and mathematics, small to medium enterprises, entrepreneurship in Mozambique, and agriculture Currently engaged in an ongoing research project on HIV & AIDS in Mozambique F- Milton Webb Ndlovu – (Researcher – Zimbabwe) PERSONAL DETAILS Surname : Ndlovu Forenames : Milton Webb Date of birth : 20 October 1971 Nationality : Zimbabwean Languages : Ndebele/Swati; Xhosa; Zulu; Shona; Russian; English Cell phones : +263 - 912-852-670; +263-9-400086 E-mail : [email protected] Business address : Banking Department , National University Of Science and Technology, P. O. Box ac 939,

Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (1) Bachelor of Commerce (honours) in Banking: National University of Science and Technology [1995] Overall grade Upper Second Class [2.1] (2) Diploma in Russian Language and Economics: Moscow Automobile and Road Construction Institute Technical University [preparatory faculty – 2000/2001): (3) Master of Science in Banking and Financial Services: National University of Science and Technology – 2003/2005 : Degree Classification : Merit COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Excel, SPSS (statistics program), Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point WORKING EXPERIENCE 1. Ministry of education [1996 – 2001] 2. National blood transfusion service Zimbabwe [June – September 2002] 3. National university of science and technology [current job since September 2002

– Date RESPONSIBILITIES Chairman – Department of Banking – National University of Science and technology Lecturer – Executive MBA, General MBA; Post Graduate Diploma in Management Lecturer – MSC Banking and Financial Services Project and Thesis supervisor (MBA; MSC. Banking and Financial Services; Bachelor of Commerce (honours) in Banking; Development and Disaster management) REFEREES 1. Mrs O. Gwate-Hall (Director), Graduate School of Business, Faculty of Commerce,

National University of Science and Technology, P O Box AC939 Ascot, BULAWAYO, ZIMBABWE, [email protected], Tel: +263-9-282842 Extension 2114/2110

2. Mr R M Bhala (Chairman), Finance Department, National University of Science and Technology, P O Box AC 939 Ascot, BULAWAYO, ZIMBABWE, [email protected], TEL: +263-9-282842