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Page 1: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities

Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Page 2: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs


Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) Education of all Handicapped Act of 1975 -

PL 94-142 (Access) Reauthorized in 1986, 1990 (became IDEA),

1997, 2004 (became IDEIA, brought into line with NCLB)

ADA - PL 101-476 (1990)

Cecil D. Mercer and Ann R. MercerTeaching Students with Learning Problems, 7e

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Page 3: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Categories of Disabilitiesthat Qualify for Service

specific learning disabilities

speech or language impairments

cognitive disabilities (EMR, DH)

emotional disturbance multiple disabilities hearing impairments orthopedic impairments

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other health impairments (ADD can fit this category) visual impairments autism deaf-blindness traumatic brain injury deafness developmental delays (preschool)

Page 4: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Characteristics of Studentsat Risk for Failure  disabilities poverty limited family support cultural differences language differences excessive absenteeism substance abuse mental or physical health issues

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Page 5: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Prominent Values in American Schools vs Values of Culturally Diverse Groups

Page 6: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Cognitive Characteristics of Students with Learning Problems 

• cognitive and metacognitive deficits• low academic achievement• poor memory and/or comprehension• attention problems and hyperactivity• perceptual disorders (auditory, visual)•development of one or more “defense mechanisms” •frequently “right brained”

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Page 7: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Behavioral Characteristics of Students with Learning Problems

adaptive behavior deficits

disruptive behavior withdrawal Cecil D. Mercer and Ann R. Mercer

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Page 8: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Individualized Instruction 

enables students to work on appropriate tasks or content under conditions that motivate.

does not imply that all students receive one-to-one instruction.

tailors daily instruction to students’ unique educational needs.

can occur within various educational arrangements: classroom, resource room, tutoring

matches the learner, the task, and instructional interventions.



Cecil D. Mercer and Ann R. MercerTeaching Students with Learning Problems, 7e

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Page 9: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

What is special education?

Specialized instruction Methodology, content, tasks geared

to unique needs of SWD Can be delivered in regular

classroom, special classroom or building

Students require specialized instruction that cannot be delivered in the regular ed setting without special education aids, supports, or services

Page 10: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Basic Educational Rightsfor Students with Disabilities

  nondiscriminatory evaluation right to a free and appropriate education

(FAPE) least restrictive environment (LRE) provision of supplementary aid and

services access to general education curriculum a word about confidentiality

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Page 11: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Components of an IEP

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•Demographics•Vision•Statement of Present Levels (PLOPs)•Long term goals (benchmarks/objectives)•Transition (age 14 and up)•Services and Accommodations•Least Restrictive Environment•Testing Participation/Accommodations•Assistive Technology•Signatures

Page 12: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Computer Applicationsin IEP Management 

Create new IEPs Monitor procedural guidelines. Update records. Analyze and interpret data. Monitor academic progress.

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Page 13: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Source: From Student with Learning Disabilities (p. 213) 6th ed., by C. D. Mercer and P.C. Pullen, 2005, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall. Copyright 2005 by Pearson Education. Reprinted by permission.

Cecil D. Mercer and Ann R. MercerTeaching Students with Learning Problems, 7e

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Page 14: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Rationale for REI Regular Education Initiative – Civil rights issue Some students with learning or behavioral

problems may need special services but not qualify to receive them.

Special education system leads to stigmatization of students.

In special education, the emphasis is on failure rather than on prevention.

Special education system does not lead to cooperative school–parent relationships. (Will, 1986)

Page 15: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Problem-Solving Stagesfor Collaborative Consultation

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1. goal/entry2. problem identification3. intervention recommendations4. implementation/ recommendations5. evaluation6. redesign

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Team Approachesto Increase Consultation Time 

teacher assistance teams (TAT) intervention assistance teams coaching/mentoring peer collaboration (PLCs) cooperative teaching modified block scheduling

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Page 17: Assessing and Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Chapter 1 IEP Legal Requirements Writing PLOPs

Components ofSuccessful Conferences

 establishing rapport obtaining pertinent information providing information collaborating with parents summarizing the conference and planning

follow-up activities evaluating the conference keep focus on the student – we all want what is


Cecil D. Mercer and Ann R. MercerTeaching Students with Learning Problems, 7e

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