mvc views

ASP.NET MVC(Views) [email protected]

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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Page 1: ASP.NET MVC Views

[email protected]


Page 2: ASP.NET MVC Views

[email protected]


Views are the UI layer of the MVC application.

They are not responsible for any logic

Views are placed inside the Views folder of the ASP.NET MVC application

There is a folder for each controller inside the Views folder

Razor views have .cshtml, .vbhtml while web forms have .aspx, .asp extensions.

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[email protected]

ASP.NET MVC View Engines

View Engines are responsible for rendering the HTML from your views to the browser. The view engine

template will have different syntax for implementation. Currently there are few number of view engines

available for MVC and the top four view engines are Razor, traditional ASPX, Spark and Nhaml.

Razor is the best view engine. Uses @ for rendering HTML

Web forms engine uses <%%>

See the other view engines doc at

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[email protected]

Binding Models to Views

The controller is responsible for binding the model data to the view.

@model is used to bind the model to a view.

Views that are bound to models are called strongly typed views.

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[email protected]

HTML Helpers

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[email protected]

Passing Data from Controller to Views

Data can be passed from controllers to views using three different ways

1. ViewBag

2. ViewData

3. TempData

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[email protected]

Partial Views

They are similar to user controls in web


Html.RenderPartial and @Html.Partial are used to


The partial views inside a view.

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[email protected]

HTTP Post and GET Action selectors

HttpGet and HttpPost are used for actions that read and submit data from views to controllers

For example adding data in a view then submitting them back to the controller action.

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[email protected]


Localization in ASP.NET MVC is similar to ASP.NET web forms.

Tips for implementing localization in an MVC application

1. Use Resource files (.resx)

2. Place resource files in a folder out of the global resource folders of the ASP.NET

3. Chance the access modifier of the resource to public

4. Avoid writing hard coded texts.

5. Use ErrorMessageResourceType, ResourceType data annotations in the fields of the model

6. Design different stylessheets for the different languages

7. Switch between languages in the global.asax file

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[email protected]


Bundling is a new feature in ASP.NET 4.5 that makes it easy to combine or bundle multiple files into a

single file. You can create CSS, JavaScript and other bundles. Fewer files means fewer HTTP requests

and that can improve first page load performance.

You can add your bundles in the BundleConfig class.

Bundling is disabled in the Debug mode so to enable bundling you must set the Debug=“False” in the


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[email protected]


Minification performs a variety of different code optimizations to scripts or css, such as removing

unnecessary white space and comments and shortening variable names to one character. Consider the

following JavaScript function.