aspire include respect community - cockermouth school · 2015-09-11 · i am delighted to be...

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Page 1: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

aspire • enjoy • include • respect • community

Page 2: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

Thank you for your interest in joining Cockermouth School. We are proud to be a high-performing, truly comprehensive school, serving a large catchment area in the north-west of Cumbria. Our school is popular and highly–regarded and we value our place at the heart of our local community. We are delighted to welcome students from Cockermouth, the surrounding villages, and increasingly, from further afield.

We are rightly proud of the academic achievements of our students but we understand that school is about far more than what happens in the classroom. We measure our success by what is achieved both inside and outside of lessons. The wide range of opportunities that life at Cockermouth School offers, be it academically, musically, on the sports field or on trips or visits, enables us to develop the full range of our students’ talents.

Our pastoral team are dedicated to helping every student maximise their potential whilst here. The high level of advice and support that our students receive complements the specialist teaching that is integral to academic success. We believe that this partnership, combined with a supportive relationship with parents, enables our students to succeed in every area of school life.

Our core values of aspire, enjoy, include, respect and community

Welcome to Cockermouth School

“ Relationships between staff and students are positive and supportive.” Ofsted

underpin everything that we do. We aim to be the best school we can be, endeavour to make the school experience enjoyable and inspiring, understand that everyone succeeds in different ways, respect the right of people to be different and believe in being ambassadors for the school within our community.

I trust that our prospectus gives you a flavour of life at Cockermouth School. Should you require further information or wish to visit us, please contact the school using the information herein.

Dr Rob Petrie BSc PhDHeadteacher

Page 3: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at the school for a number of years and I am very proud of the school, its students and the community that it serves.

There are two key priorities that I have for all students when they join us. First of all I want them to be happy and to feel cared for and supported. I believe that a successful secondary school environment is created by ensuring that all students feel valued, respected and comfortable within the school community.

At Cockermouth School the pastoral system consists of Heads of Key Stage, Heads of Year, Form Tutors and dedicated members of support staff, it is a real strength of the school. Issues when they arise are dealt with sensitively but effectively and this allows the students to first of all make the transition into the school quickly and then to understand the values and expectations that we have of them. As a community school, we have an inclusive ethos that allows all students to succeed.

Secondly, I want them to maximise their potential. I want all of our students to aspire to be the very best that they can be, both inside and outside of the classroom. In order to achieve this we are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum, which will allow our students to thrive and grow. We have highly

Head of Key Stage 3

skilled, enthusiastic and well-motivated staff, who provide lessons which will allow students to succeed but also feel challenged.

We provide opportunities through a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. Students who choose to get involved and take on some of these opportunities will add immeasurably to their secondary school experience.

The role of the parent throughout this process is crucial. We encourage a high level of parental engagement, which again is a key factor in ensuring that students are motivated, challenged and effectively supported. Through termly progress reports, annual Parents’ Evenings and additional events, parents are kept informed of their children’s progress. We always encourage parents to contact us and work alongside the school as a partnership. It is this supportive relationship that reinforces all that we do, and we value working with parents to achieve this.

Mr Ian RoutledgeHead of Key Stage 3

Page 4: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

Our curriculum offers a broad and balanced learning experience that aims to inspire and challenge all our students.

At Key Stage 3, our students follow a wide range of subjects that enable them to develop as learners and experience a smooth transition into secondary school life. Although most subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups, English and Mathematics are grouped by ability in Year 7, with a number of other subjects following at the beginning of Year 8. We believe that this allows us to deliver a personalised experience whilst maintaining an appropriate level of support and challenge for our students. We also offer a comprehensive Personal Development programme that encompasses Personal, Health and Sex Education, Citizenship and Careers.

We firmly believe in the importance of developing students’ literacy and numeracy and have introduced an Accelerated Reader programme into Year 7 that encourages students to read more widely. In addition, we enter many students (of all ages) into the various Maths Challenges, with a notable number progressing through to national finals.

There is a thorough information and guidance process that prepares students well for the transition into Key Stage 4.

Our Key Stage 4 curriculum builds on the foundations laid at Key


Stage 3 and all students study a common core of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science (either dual award or three separate sciences). However, there is now the flexibility for students to choose from a wide variety of subjects that they enjoy, are interested in or would further their career aspirations.

Page 5: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

For most, this will be a curriculum that enables students to achieve highly at GCSE and obtain the English Baccalaureate suite of qualifications. However, we value the comprehensive nature of our demographic and offer a range of vocational qualifications so that students receive a curriculum tailored to their individual needs.

Homework is very much at the heart of learning at Cockermouth School and we believe that it is an important factor in academic success. We aim to provide a variety of activities to further students’ learning; these include further reading, investigations, building models and computer-based research. We encourage parents to support their children in this crucial area of their child’s education.

“ More able students achieve well... Homework is used effectively to support learning.” Ofsted

Page 6: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

We place great importance on providing our students with additional educational experiences.

Many of our curriculum subjects are supported by out of school activities including field trips, music and theatre visits, trips to museums and attractions and many other stimulating experiences. Over 30 different and varied extra-curricular clubs and societies are available. These range from sporting clubs, drama, art and music – including the many choirs and orchestras – to the school’s very own radio station, bee keeping and the eco club, Geowatch.

Many of these activities are supplemented by a wide range of cultural trips and visits, and extensive residential experiences, such as: World Challenge to Nepal and India and in this country theatre trips to London and many local visits.

All these activities help our students to establish lifelong friendships and improve their teamwork, voluntary and leadership skills, in addition to developing their confidence and self-esteem. This helps to develop an appreciation of the wider world so that they are fully prepared as active and responsible citizens.

Outside the classroom

Page 7: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

“ An excellent range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities provides a wealth of cultural and social experiences.” Ofsted

Page 8: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

Cockermouth School’s pastoral system provides a caring and disciplined environment to help all students achieve their academic potential and develop as responsible young people. We want students to be happy and successful at school.

Students are members of a tutor group and pastoral care is organised through a year system.

The Form Tutor cares for the personal and academic welfare of their form through a daily form period. Heads of Year co-ordinate the work of tutors and oversee the pastoral needs of their year group supported by the Head of Key Stage. Parents receive termly progress reports, meet their children’s teachers at Parents’ Evenings and are encouraged to contact staff if they have particular concerns.

The school has a large Learning Support department, catering for the diverse range of student needs. This includes a specialised Strategic Provision for Autism. In addition we have an Inclusion Centre – this is an area where students can spend time on individual support programmes, receive appropriate one-to-one provision and access specialist services including health and counselling.

The Pastoral System and Student Welfare

“ Students feel secure in school and say bullying is rare – parents and carers are happy that their children are safe in school.” Ofsted

Page 9: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

The School Day

Registration/Assembly 8.45 - 9.15amPeriod 1 9.15 - 10.15amBreak 10.15 - 10.30amPeriod 2 10.30 - 11.30amPeriod 3 11.30 - 12.30pmLunch 12.30 - 1.20pmPeriod 4 1.20 - 2.20pmPeriod 5 2.20 - 3.20pm

We operate a two-week timetable.

“ Well-targeted additional support for students at risk of underachieving is helping to accelerate students’ progress.”Ofsted

Page 10: aspire include respect community - Cockermouth School · 2015-09-11 · I am delighted to be writing this welcome as the Head of Key Stage 3 at Cockermouth School. I have worked at

Q Will my child be happy?Miss Fox, the Head of Year, and the Form Tutor team spend a great deal of time and effort ensuring that your child settles in well and is happy. Three times a week there is a Form Tutor period and the Form Tutor has ample time to look at how your child is doing, check homework, monitor the progress they are making, discuss any problems and seek to offer some solutions. The school has purposely given the Year 7 students their own distinctive area, with its own playground, lockers and social area. Finally Year 7 students experience a Form Attachment scheme where Sixth Form students volunteer to help out during Form time; this gives the Year 7 students the opportunity to gain confidence in their interactions with older students.

Q Will my child be safe?Cockermouth School goes to great lengths to ensure that the personal and physical well-being of your child is of paramount importance. Duty staff are always visible at break time and lunchtime and if your child does have a problem the role of the Form Tutor is to ensure that these aspects are dealt with appropriately and sensitively. The school has a very clear Behaviour Policy and bullying is not tolerated. All students are made aware of the Behaviour Policy and their obligations under the policy and further details can be found on our website.

Frequently asked questions

Questions from parents...

Q Will my child be successful?Cockermouth School places great importance on academic achievement and equipping your child with the necessary qualifications to go onto their next stage in life. We put students into sets according to their ability in Maths and English in Year 7 and with a number of other subjects following at the beginning of Year 8. Sets in all subjects are regularly reviewed. We endeavour to provide experiences and tasks in the classroom which stretch and challenge students of all abilities. We offer a vast range of out of classroom experiences and activities to not only enrich your son/daughter’s educational experiences, but to develop them into well rounded, capable and responsible citizens of the future.

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Questions from students...

Q What are the lunches like?The lunches are really nice as you can get to pick what you want from a menu. There are hot meals and vegetarian meals. You can also get pasta pots, hot baguettes with various fillings and panini. Lunch starts at 12.30 and you get to sit with your friends.

Q Are the teachers strict and do you get a lot of detentions?The teachers expect everyone to behave and work hard. Rules and expectations are made very clear to you and if you don’t follow these rules and expectations then you’ll get a detention, usually at break or lunch time. After school detentions are only given for serious things. If you’re good and obey the rules then you’ll be fine.

Q Is it hard to get to know your way around the school?In the first two weeks all your subject teachers collect you and return you to the Year 7 area so you learn your way around. Teachers are also very understanding if you’re a bit late in the first few weeks. Best thing is to follow your classmates or ask a teacher for help.

The questions and answers here were written by parents and Year 7 students.

Q Do you get a lot of homework?At Cockermouth School you can get several pieces a week. You might get a couple of writing tasks, but none any bigger than two sides of A4. You might have to research something or bring some things in for subjects like Art and Food. You are also encouraged to look back at work already done with your parents’ help and understand what you can do to make your work better.

Q Do older children bully you?No, the older students don’t bully the Year 7 students. Most of the time the older students just ignore you and at the most they just acknowledge you with a nod or something like that. The teachers make sure everyone is happy and safe. Teachers are always on duty at break times and lunch times, so they are there if you need anything.

Q What if I don’t fit into my form?Try to wait for a while until things settle down, it will get better so long as you give it some time. Get involved with as many things as possible as this helps to make new friends. Your Form Tutor is always there to help you so if it’s still a problem talk to him or her – the Form Tutors are great in Year 7. Or talk to Miss Fox.

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Cockermouth School Castlegate Drive Cockermouth Cumbria CA13 9HF

Tel: 01900 898888 Fax: 01900 898889 Email: [email protected] Web: Twitter: @cockermouthsch

Cockermouth School is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England Company No: 09679536

HeadteacherDr Rob Petrie BSc PhD

Chair of GovernorsJohn Grainger MA FCMI FRSA