aspects of somatic embryogenesis and seed germination of ... · 3.2 culture media and conditions 46...

Aspects of somatic embryogenesis and seed germination of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) DISSERTATION A thesis submitted for the degree of Dr. rer.nat. (rerum naturalium) to the Biology Department, the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, University of Hamburg prepared by Douglas André Steinmacher Brazil 2010

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Page 1: Aspects of somatic embryogenesis and seed germination of ... · 3.2 Culture media and conditions 46 3.3 Histological procedures 48 3.4 Statistical procedure 49 4 Results 50 4.1 Induction

Aspects of somatic embryogenesis and seed

germination of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes



A thesis submitted for the degree of

Dr. rer.nat. (rerum naturalium)

to the Biology Department,

the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and

Natural Sciences,

University of Hamburg

prepared by

Douglas André Steinmacher



Page 2: Aspects of somatic embryogenesis and seed germination of ... · 3.2 Culture media and conditions 46 3.3 Histological procedures 48 3.4 Statistical procedure 49 4 Results 50 4.1 Induction
Page 3: Aspects of somatic embryogenesis and seed germination of ... · 3.2 Culture media and conditions 46 3.3 Histological procedures 48 3.4 Statistical procedure 49 4 Results 50 4.1 Induction
Page 4: Aspects of somatic embryogenesis and seed germination of ... · 3.2 Culture media and conditions 46 3.3 Histological procedures 48 3.4 Statistical procedure 49 4 Results 50 4.1 Induction

“A cada dia que vivo, mais me convenço de que o

desperdício da vida está no amor que não damos, nas forças que não

usamos, na prudência egoísta que nada arrisca e que, esquivando-nos

do sofrimento, perdemos também a felicidade.”

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

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This work is dedicated to my parents, Álvaro and Mirta Steinmacher, and my sisters

Nádia C. Steinmacher and Fernanda R. Steinmacher. I thank them all for their patience,

optimism and showing me that work and competence are the keys to success. Special thanks

to Julia Kieck, a fabulous person with a heart the size of the world, for sharing innumerable

moments with me, putting flowers on my way daily as well as for participating actively in the

final part of this study.

Working with peach palm has been a constant challenge, but was also extremely

interesting and exciting. I am really proud of working with this species, however sometimes it

cause some doubts while other times this fact was simply neglected or even brought me some

embarrassment (in the S-Bahn, for instance!!). Also taking this palm from Brazil to Hamburg-

Germany passing through Marechal Candido Rondon/PR-Brazil and Florianópolis/SC-Brazil

was not always an easy task, but allowed me to get to know and contact numerous interesting

people around the world.

In this sense, I would like to express my gratitude firstly to Prof. Lieberei (Uni

Hamburg, Germany) for accepting me as a PhD student in his lab and for giving me absolute

freedom to accomplish my work. Similarly, the enthusiasm and constant collaboration of

Prof. Clement (INPA, Manaus-AM, Brazil) is greatly appreciated. I also thank Prof. Guerra

(UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil) for constant discussions. Moreover I would like to thank

Dr. Saare-Surminski for her initial inputs and support.

Obtaining plant material from other parts of the world was also a must. Thus, I got to

know and would like to express my gratitude to Mr. John Mood (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA),

considered as a partner in this project, as he continually sent plant material without expecting

any kind of return; just “to support science”, as he once said. Dr. Julio Ugarte (ICRAF, Peru)

was also an important collaborator, as was Dr. Humberto Zaidan (UESC, Bahia, Brazil) for

sending plant material used in this work. Furthermore I would like to thank Prof. Christine

Gietl (TU, München, Germany) for discussions regarding CysEP as well as for the gift of the

antibody used in the present work. I also thank Prof. Paul Knox (University of Leeds, UK) for

the gift of the AGPs antibodies. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Friedrich

Buck (UKE, Uni Hamburg) for the peptide sequencing as well as help interpreting the results.

Moreover I thank Dr. Marcelo Rogalski (ESALQ, Brazil) for his collaboration in the

polysome analysis and numerous cultural activities.

The assistance from Mr. Detlef Böhm, Mr. Thomas Tumforde, Mrs. Karen Dehn, Mrs.

Elke Woelken and Mrs. Karin Puttfarken is also highly appreciated. They contributed to the

always pleasant working atmosphere in the laboratory.

My sincere thanks to all the NUBIs for the pleasant working atmosphere, as well as

different forms of inputs. Special thanks to Daniel Kadow for continuous and intensive

discussions, even at dinner in the presence of his wife Alice Gualino Kadow, whom I also

thank many times for her patience during our discussions (e la buona cucina, certamente!).

For the financial support I would like to thank DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer

Austausch Dienst – Germany) and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico

e Tecnológico - Brazil) agencies.

Last but not least, I would like to thank all the other people who were involved

somehow in this study, but whom I did not list here.

Douglas A. Steinmacher

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Page 7: Aspects of somatic embryogenesis and seed germination of ... · 3.2 Culture media and conditions 46 3.3 Histological procedures 48 3.4 Statistical procedure 49 4 Results 50 4.1 Induction


Table of contents


1 General introduction 1

2 Aims of the research 3

CHAPTER I: BACKGROUND INFORMATION 4 1 Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) 5 1.1 Taxonomy and genetic resources 5 1.2 Morphological description 8 1.3 Peach palm seed biology and germination 12 1.4 Economic importance of peach palm 14 1.5 Breeding and conservation programs of peach palm 17 1.6 Tissue culture of peach palm 19 2 Induction and expression of somatic embryogenesis 21 3 Temporary immersion system 25 4 Arabinogalactan proteins 26 5 References 30

CHAPTER II: TEMPORARY IMMERSION SYSTEM IMPROVES IN VITRO REGENERATION OF PEACH PALM THROUGH SECONDARY SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS: INDUCTION AND MORPHO-HISTOLOGICAL ASPECTS 42 1 Abstract 43 2 Introduction 44 3 Material and methods 46 3.1 Plant Material 46 3.2 Culture media and conditions 46 3.3 Histological procedures 48 3.4 Statistical procedure 49 4 Results 50 4.1 Induction of primary somatic embryogenesis 50 4.2 Induction of secondary somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration 54 4.3 Morpho-histological aspects of secondary somatic embryo development 60 5 Discussion 68 6 References 70

CHAPTER III: ARABINOGALACTAN PROTEINS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THE EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX SURFACE NETWORK DURING PEACH PALM SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS 74 1 Abstract 75 2 Introduction 76 3 Material and methods 79 3.1 Plant material 79 3.2 Culture medium and conditions 79 3.3 Histological procedure and immunolocalization 80 3.4 Isolation of AGPs from culture media and quantification by radial gel diffusion 82 3.5 Statistical procedure 82

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4 Results 83 4.1 Effect of ßGlcY during the development of secondary somatic embryos 83 4.2 Localization of AGPs through ßGlcY and its effect on somatic embryo morphology 85 4.3 Quantification of AGPs secreted in the culture medium 92 4.4 Immunolocalization of specific AGPs and pectin epitopes during the development of somatic embryos 93 4.5 Characterization of the extracellular matrix 98 5 Discussion 101 6 References 105

CHAPTER IV: MORPHO-HISTOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF PEACH PALM SEED GERMINATION 110 1 Abstract 111 2 Introduction 112 3 Material and Methods 113 3.1 Plant material 113 3.2 Histological procedures 115 3.3 Storage protein extraction and SDS-PAGE analysis 115 3.4 Free amino acid extraction and identification by HPLC 116 4 Results 117 4.1 Morpho-histological characterization of peach palm seed germination 117 4.2 Characterization of globulins 124 4.3 Soluble storage protein mobilization and free amino acids during germination 127 5 Discussion 131 6 References 135

CHAPTER V: PEACH PALM ENDOSPERM CAN SYNTHESIZE PROTEINS DE NOVO DURING SEED GERMINATION AND UNDERGOES PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH 139 1 Abstract 140 2 Introduction 141 3 Material and methods 143 3.1 Plant material 143 3.2 Light microscopy and ultrastructural analyses 143 3.3 Polysome analyses 144 3.4 SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis 145 3.5 Endosperm acidification 145 4 Results 146 4.1 Endosperm characterization 146 4.2 Polysome analyses 151 4.3 The presence of cystein endoproteinase 154 4.4 Endosperm acidification 157 5 Discussion 159 6 References 162

1 Major conclusions and future directions 165

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I. List of Abbreviations

% Percentage

°C Degree Celsius

µg Microgram

µl Microliter

µM Micromolar

2,4-D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

2-iP 2-isopentyladenine (6-dimethylaminopurine)

aa Amino acids

ABA Abscisic acid

AG Arabinogalactan

AGPs Arabinogalactan proteins

ANOVA Analysis of variance

ASIL1 Arabidopsis six b-interacting protein 1-like 1

BCIP 5-bromo,4-chloro,3-indolylphosphate

BLAST Basic local alignment search tool

BSA Bovine serum albumin

ca. circa

CHD3 Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 3

CLV Clavata

cm Centimeter

CnSERK Cocos nucifera Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor Kinase

CO2 Carbon dioxide

DAPI 4'-6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid

DTT Dithiothreitol

DW Dry weight

ECMSN Extracellular matrix surface network

EDTA Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid

FFM Fat free material

FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate

FPLC Fast performance liquid chromatography

g Gram

GPI Glycosylphosphotidylinositol

HCl Hydrochloric acid

HPLC High performance liquid chromatography

IAA Indole-3-acetic acid

Jim John Innes University monoclonal antibodies

KCl Potassium chloride

kDa Kilo Dalton

KDEL CysEP - KDEL-tailed cystein endoproteinase

kgf Kilogram force

LEC Leafy cotyledon

LM Leeds University monoclonal antibodies

M Molar

m Meter

MAb Monoclonal antibody

mg Milligram

MgCl2.6H2O Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

min Minute

ml Milliliter

mm Millimeter

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mM Millimolar

mRNA Messenger ribonucleic acid

MS Salts of Murashige and Skoog (1962)

MS/MS Tandem mass spectrometry

MSB Microtubule stabilizing buffer

NAA α-Naphthaleneacetic acid

NaCl Sodium chloride

NBB Naphtol blue-black

NBT Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride

NH4HCO3 Ammonium Bicarbonate

nm Nanometer

nsLTP Non-specific lipid transfer protein

OPA o-Phthaldialdehyde

PAS Periodic Acid-Schiff‟s reaction

PBS Phosphate buffered saline

PCD Programmed cell death

Picloram 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid

PKL Pickle

PSV Protein storage vacuoles

PT Primordia timing

QTOF Quadrupole Time-of-Flight

RNA Ribonucleic acid

rpm Rotation per minute

S Sedimentation Coeficient

SDS Sodium dodecyl sulfate

SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

SEM Scanning electron microscopy

SNK Student-Newman-Keuls

ßGlcY ß-glucosyl Yariv reagent

TBS Tris buffered saline

TEM Transmission electron microscopy

TIR1 Transport inhibitor response 1

TIS Temporary immersion system

TKM Tris-KCl-MgCl2 buffer

Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane

UV Ultra-violet

w/v Weight per volume

WUS Wuschel

αGlcY α-glucosyl Yariv reagent

μm Micrometer

Amino acids

Ala Alanine

Arg Arginine

Asn Asparagine

Asp Aspartic acid

Cys Cysteine

Glu Glutamic acid

Gln Glutamine

Gly Glycine

His Histidine

Ile Isoleucine

Leu Leucine

Lys Lysine

Met Methionine

Phe Phenylalanine

Pro Proline

Ser Serine

Thr Threonine

Trp Tryptophan

Tyr Tyrosine

Val Valine

GABA γ-Aminobutyric acid

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II. List of figures

CHAPTER I: BACKGROUND INFORMATION 4 Figure 1 - Geographical distribution of orders of the family Arecaceae. 5 Figure 2 - Geographical distribution of Bactris gasipaes var. gasipaes and its landraces. 6 Figure 3 - Morphological aspects of peach palm. 9 Figure 4 - Peach palm fruit and seed development. 10 Figure 5 - Scanning electron microscopy studies showing the development of peach palm

zygotic embryos. 10 Figure 6 - Scanning electron microscopy studies revealing the peach palm root morphology. 11 Figure 7 - Presence of arabinogalactan proteins in the border-like cells of peach palm roots. 12 Figure 8 - Use of peach palm wood as a viable alternative use for the furniture industry and

similar areas. 14 Figure 9 - Fruits and heart-of-palm of peach palm. 16 Figure 10 - Classification of arabinogalactan proteins. 27 Figure 11 - Proposed mechanism of action of GPI-anchored proteins on the dimerization of

membrane-bound receptors. 29

CHAPTER II: TEMPORARY IMMERSION SYSTEM IMPROVES IN VITRO REGENERATION OF PEACH PALM THROUGH SECONDARY SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS: INDUCTION AND MORPHO-HISTOLOGICAL ASPECTS 42 Figure 1 - Induction of somatic embryogenesis in peach palm zygotic embryos. 51 Figure 2 - Histological analyses of the development of peach palm somatic embryogenesis. 52 Figure 3 - Scanning electron microscopy analyses during the induction of peach palm somatic

embryos. 52 Figure 4 - Further alteration of peach palm primary somatic embryos revealed by scanning

electron microscopy. 53 Figure 5 - Histological analyses of the development of peach palm somatic embryos stained

with toludine blue. 54 Figure 6 - Induction of secondary somatic embryos of peach palm. 56 Figure 7 - Aspects of the development of peach palm secondary somatic embryogenesis in TIS 57 Figure 8 - Maturation of peach palm somatic embryos. 57 Figure 9 - Development of in vitro peach palm plantlets after three months of culture. 59 Figure 10 - Acclimatization of the in vitro regenerated peach palm plantlets. 60 Figure 11 - Scanning electron microscopy analyses during the development of peach palm

secondary somatic embryos. 62 Figure 12 - Histochemical analyses during the development of peach palm secondary somatic

embryos 63 Figure 13 - Ultrastructural analyses of the embryogenic cells and phenol-storing cells. 65 Figure 14 - Mitotic events in embryogenic sector revealed by DAPI staining. 66 Figure 15 - Histological aspects of the callus sector. 67

CHAPTER III: ARABINOGALACTAN PROTEINS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THE EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX SURFACE NETWORK DURING PEACH PALM SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS 74 Figure 1 - Secondary somatic embryogenesis of peach palm induced in liquid culture medium. 83 Figure 2 - Fresh weight increment and somatic embryogenesis and callus formation rates in different concentrations of ßGlcY and αGlcY after 30 days of culture. 84 Figure 3 - Development of secondary somatic embryos on solid culture medium in the presence

of different concentrations of ßGlcY 86 Figure 4 - Detailed view of the development of secondary somatic embryos on solid culture

medium in the presence of different concentrations of ßGlcY. 86

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Figure 5 - Detailed view of the development of secondary somatic embryos on solid culture medium in the region of the explant in contact with the culture medium in the presence of different concentrations of ßGlcY. 87

Figure 6 - Localization of AGPs on peach palm embryogenic clusters with ßGlcY. 88 Figure 7 - Clusters of somatic embryos stained overnight with ßGlcY solution. 89 Figure 8 - Scanning electron microscopy during the development of peach palm secondary

somatic embryos. 90 Figure 9 - Histological analyses with calcofluor staining during the development of secondary

somatic embryos. 91 Figure 10 - Radial gel diffusion quantification of AGPs secreted into the culture medium with

different concentrations of ßGlcY. 92 Figure 11 - Dot-blot analysis showing different AGPs epitopes (MAb Jim13 and LM2) secreted

into the culture medium. 93 Figure 12 - Fluorescence immunolocalization of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) Jim13 and Jim8

against AGPs during the development of somatic embryos. 94 Figure 13 - Fluorescence immunolocalization of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) Jim14 and LM2

against AGPs during the development of somatic embryos 94 Figure 14 - Fluorescence immunolocalization of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) Jim13, Jim8

and LM2 against AGPs on mature somatic embryos. 95 Figure 15 - Immunolocalization of AGPs in the callus sector. 95 Figure 16 - Immunogold localization of MAb Jim13 epitope. 96 Figure 17 - Fluorescence immunolocalization of MAb Jim5 and Jim7 against pectins during the

development of somatic embryos. 97 Figure 18 - Scanning electron microscopy analysis of the ECMSN. 99 Figure 19 - Ultrastructural analyses of the ECMSN. 100 Figure 20 - Ultrastructural analysis of the ECMSN on the shoot meristem of peach palm

mature somatic embryos. 101

CHAPTER IV: MORPHO-HISTOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF PEACH PALM SEED GERMINATION 110 Figure 1 - Different stages of germination of peach palm seeds. 114 Figure 2 - Histochemical analyses of peach palm zygotic embryo. 117 Figure 3 - TEM analyses of zygotic embryo of peach palm. 119 Figure 4 - Morphological view of haustorium development. 120 Figure 5 - Fresh weight of the haustorium, endosperm and shoot/root during different

germination stages (1 to 8) of peach palm seeds. 120 Figure 6 - Histological analyses of the haustorium of peach palm 121 Figure 7 - Histological analyses of the endosperm of peach palm before germination. 122 Figure 8 - Histochemical characterization of the endosperm upon germination of peach palm

seeds. 123 Figure 9 - Peach palm storage proteins extracted with different NaCl concentrations separated

by SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue. 124 Figure 10 - Protein profile of peach palm endosperm proteins soluble in water or 1 M NaCl. 125 Figure 11 - Protein profiles of the different fractions under non-reducing conditions (absence

of ß-mercaptoethanol) or reducing conditions (presence of ß-mercaptoethanol). 125 Figure 12 - Modifications in the buffer-soluble protein profile detected by SDS-PAGE during

germination of peach palm proteins. 127

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CHAPTER V: PEACH PALM ENDOSPERM CAN SYNTHESIZE PROTEINS DE NOVO DURING SEED GERMINATION AND UNDERGOES PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH 139 Figure 1 - Histochemical analyses of peach palm endosperm double-stained with PAS and NBB. 147 Figure 2 - Ultrastructural analyses of endosperm cells before germination. 148 Figure 3 - Ultrastructural aspects of endosperm cells before and following germination. 149 Figure 4 - Ultrastructural aspects of lateral endosperm cells in the vicinity of the growing

haustorium following germination. 150 Figure 5 - Staining pattern of the endosperm with Evans blue revealing the occurrence of

programmed cell death in cells in the vicinity of the growing haustorium. 150 Figure 6 - Ultrastructural analyses of endosperm cell wall (cw) hydrolysis following germination

of peach palm seeds. 151 Figure 7 - Polysome analyses after sucrose gradient centrifugation on ethidium bromide-

stained agarose gel from different stages of germination. 152 Figure 8 - Total RNA quantification after sucrose gradient centrifugation from different

germination stages. 153 Figure 9 - SDS-PAGE of low salt buffer-soluble proteins and westernblot showing the presence

of KDEL-CysEP in peach palm endosperm at different stages of germination. 154 Figure 10 - Immunofluorescence localization of the KDEL-CysEP before and following peach

palm seed germination. 155 Figure 11 - Immunogold localization of KDEL-CysEP during germination of peach palm seeds. 156 Figure 12 - Extracellular acidification of the endosperm shown by the pH indicator

bromocresol purple. 157 Figure 13 - Intracellular acidification of the endosperm cells indicated by acridine orange. 158

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III. List of tables

CHAPTER I: BACKGROUND INFORMATION 4 Table 1 - Proposed ideotypes of peach palm for fruit and heart of palm production. 18


different culture conditions and during different cycles of six weeks each. 58 Table 2 - Maturation peach palm secondary somatic embryos on maturation culture medium. 58 Table 3 - Comparison of TIS and solid culture medium on subsequent peach palm plantlet

growth. 59 Table 4 - Peach palm plantlet growth and survival rate after 3 months of acclimatization. 60


concentrations of ßGlcY after 30 days culture in liquid culture medium with different concentrations of ßGlcY. 85

Table 2 - Quantification of AGPs and total proteins secreted into the culture medium in different culture conditions. 92

CHAPTER IV: MORPHO-HISTOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF PEACH PALM SEED GERMINATION 110 Table 1 - Peptide sequence of selected bands after SDS-PAGE and sequence analysis of the

peptides evaluated both manually and by the Mascot MS/MS ion search algorithm. 126 Table 2 - Free amino acid concentrations in zygotic embryo and haustorium during different

stages of peach palm seed germination. 129 Table 3 - Free amino acid concentrations in endosperm during different stages of peach palm

seed germination. 130

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IV. Abstract

Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is a member of the family Arecaceae and is the

only palm species with fully domesticated populations in the Neotropics. It is a multi-purpose

but underutilized species. Today, fruit production for subsistence and local markets, and

heart-of-palm production for local, national and international markets are the most important

uses. Conventional breeding programs of peach palm are long term efforts due to long

generations, tree height, difficulties with controlled pollination and other factors. Although it

is a caespitose palm tree, its propagation is currently based on seeds, as off-shoots are difficult

to root. Clonal propagation is, however, extremely important. Hence, tissue culture techniques

are considered to be the most likely strategy for efficient clonal plantlet regeneration of this

species. Among various techniques, somatic embryogenesis offers the advantages of

automated large-scale production and genetic stability of the regenerated plantlets. Similarly,

understanding the morpho-histological and biochemical aspects of peach palm seed

germination is important, as this is currently the main type of propagation and peach palm has

recalcitrant seeds. In the present study relevant new information regarding peach palm in vitro

culture as well as seed germination is reported.

The occurrence of secondary somatic embryogenesis is described and a protocol for

the establishment of cycling cultures using a temporary immersion system (TIS) is presented.

Cycling cultures were established and somatic embryos as explants had high embryogenic

potential over the period tested. The use of TIS greatly improved the number of somatic

embryos obtained, as well as subsequent plantlet growth. Histological analyses showed that

starch accumulation precedes the development of somatic embryos, and that these cells

presented high nucleus : cytoplasm ratios and high mitotic activity. A multicellular origin of

the secondary somatic embryos is hypothesized. Plantlets were obtained and after 3 months in

culture their growth was significantly better in TIS than on solid culture medium. However,

during acclimatization the survival rate of TIS-grown plantlets was lower. TIS involves the

use of liquid cultures and one advantage of liquid culture medium compared to solid culture

media is the absence of nutrient gradients, as well as the fact that substances secreted into the

culture medium with putative signaling functions are able to reach other explants. The most

important secreted substances in this regard are arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs). In the

present study the effect of Yariv reagent in the liquid culture medium was evaluated, and the

localization of specific AGPs and pectin during induction and development of peach palm

somatic embryos was demonstrated. The occurrence of an extracellular matrix surface

network (ECMSN) covering globular somatic embryos is described. Somatic embryos and

callus development rates were significantly affected by the presence of 30 µM Yariv reagent

but no effect was observed on fresh weight increments. In the presence of Yariv reagent

somatic embryos presented loose cells in the protoderm and no signs of polarization were

observed. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses also confirmed protodermis mal-

formation. Histological analyses from control cultures revealed a well-delimited protoderm

and signs of polarization in the somatic embryos. Analyses of specific monoclonal antibodies

(MAbs) against different AGP epitopes revealed a specific pattern of distribution for each

epitope. MAb Jim13 had differential expression and showed intense signal on the

embryogenic sector and some immediately adjacent layers. MAb Jim7 (against pectin)

recognized cell walls of all cells and a specific layer over the developing somatic embryo, as

well as over the shoot meristem region of mature somatic embryos. This corresponds to an

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ECMSN associated with the development of somatic embryos and closely related to the

expression of MAb Jim13. SEM confirmed the presence of an ECMSN covering a specific

group of cells.

Morpho-histological and biochemical aspects before and during the germination of

peach palm seeds were also evaluated in the present study. Histological and ultrastructural

analyses of the zygotic embryo revealed its active metabolic state before germination, where

numerous small vacuoles with electron-amorphous substances, endoplasmatic reticulum and

Golgi complexes were observed. This active metabolic state is an important aspect related to

seed recalcitrance. Histological aspects of the haustorium and endosperm were examined. A

correlation between plantlet growth and endosperm breakdown was observed and a specific

sequence of endosperm breakdown is described, which started with the mobilization of

storage proteins. Storage proteins were extracted and partially characterized based on their

buffer solubility. Three polypeptides of 45 to 67 kDa were the major bands of proteins soluble

in low salt buffer. After peptide sequencing these were confirmed to be 7S vicilin-like

proteins. High salt-soluble proteins were composed by two sub-units of ca. 23 kDa and ca. 32

kDa under reducing conditions; under non-reducing conditions a single protein of ca. 55 kDa

was observed. These showed high homology to 11S glutelin-like proteins after peptide

sequencing. Modifications in the low salt buffer-soluble protein profile were detected by

SDS-PAGE and two subunits of the 7S vicilin-like globulin completely disappeared only

during the final stages of germination; one subunit was still present in the final stage. Free

amino acids were present at lower levels in endosperm than in haustorium throughout

germination. Differences were also observed in the profile of free amino acids present in the

haustorium and in the endosperm during germination.

An additional aspect not well discussed in palm seed biology is the mechanisms

controlling the hydrolysis of storage compounds of endosperm during germination. In

Phoenix dactylifera, a species with orthodox seeds, the endosperm was shown to be senescent

tissue without the capacity for de novo protein synthesis. This suggests that all enzymes

necessary for germination are already present in the endosperm in an inactive form or they are

secreted by the haustorium. In Bactris gasipaes, a palm species with recalcitrant seeds, we

used ultrastructural analysis and immuno-localization, and found that de novo protein

synthesis occurs in the endosperm during germination and that this tissue also undergoes

programmed cell death (PCD). Polysome analysis supports the observation of de novo protein

synthesis. PCD is a highly regulated mechanism, which requires de novo protein synthesis,

where KDEL-tailed cystein endoproteinase (KDEL-CysEP) is involved. In B. gasipaes, de

novo synthesis of KDEL-CysEP occurred in the endosperm during germination and

accumulated on endosperm cell walls. Additional PCD features included cytoplasm shrinkage

and acidification. These observations may help explain the recalcitrance of B. gasipaes seeds,

as dehydration-sensitivity is generally related to an active cell metabolism.

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V. Zusammenfassung

Die Pfirsichpalme (Bactris gasipaes Kunth), die zur Familie der Arecaceae gehört, ist

die einzige Palmenart mit vollständig domestizierten Populationen in der Neotropis. Sie ist

eine vielseitig verwendbare, aber unter ihrem Potential genutzte Art. Von ökonomischer

Relevanz sind heutzutage die Fruchtproduktion für die Subsistenzwirtschaft und den lokalen

Markt sowie die Palmenherzenproduktion für den lokalen, nationalen und internationalen

Markt. Aufgrund eines langen Generationszyklus, großer Wuchshöhe, einer nur schwer

kontrolliert ablaufenden Bestäubung sowie weiterer Faktoren, benötigen konventionelle

Züchtungsverfahren bei der Pfirsichpalme einen intensiven und langen Arbeitsaufwand.

Obwohl es sich um eine mehrstämmig wachsende Palme handelt, basiert ihre Fortpflanzung

derzeit auf Samen, da Wurzelbildung an Nebensprossen zu fördern, schwierig ist. Aus diesen

Gründen kommt der klonalen Vermehrung eine entscheidende Bedeutung zu, weshalb

Gewebekulturen als effizienteste Strategie für die klonale Pflanzenregeneration dieser Art

gelten. Von den verschiedenen nutzbaren Möglichkeiten bietet die somatische Embryogenese

den Vorteil der automatisierten Massenproduktion sowie den der genetischen Stabilität des

vervielfältigten Pflanzenmaterials. Gleichzeitig ist das Verständnis der morpho-histologischen

und biochemischen Vorgänge während der Samenkeimung notwendig, da diese die zur Zeit

hauptsächlich verwendete Vermehrungsform darstellt und die Pfirsichpalme zudem

recalcitrante Samen aufweist. In dieser Arbeit werden relevante, neue Informationen über die

in vitro-Kultur sowie die Samenkeimung bei der Pfirsichpalme beschrieben, die bedeutenden

Einfluss für die Arterhaltung und Züchtung dieser Art haben können.

Darüber hinaus wird das Auftreten von sekundärer somatischer Embryogenese

beschrieben sowie ein Protokoll für die Etablierung von zyklischen Kulturen im temporary

immersion system (TIS) vorgestellt. Zyklische Kulturen wurden etabliert und die somatischen

Embryonen besaßen als Explantate über die gesamte Testperiode ein hohes

embryogenetisches Potential. Die Verwendung des TIS steigerte die Anzahl der gewonnenen

somatischen Embryonen sowie deren nachfolgendes Pflanzenwachstum erheblich.

Histologische Analysen zeigten, dass Stärkespeicherung vor der Entwicklung der somatischen

Embryonen auftritt und dass diese Zellen zudem ein hohes Kern:Cytoplasma-Verhältnis

sowie einen hohes mitotisches Potential besitzen. Es wird vermutet, dass sekundäre

somatische Embryonen einen vielzelligen Ursprung besitzen. Das im TIS kultivierte

Pflanzenmaterial zeigte nach drei Monaten ein signifikant besseres Wachstum als die

Vergleichsproben auf Festkulturmedium, während der Akklimatisierung lag die

Überlebensrate von den im TIS gezogenen Pflanzen jedoch niedriger. Das TIS basiert auf

Flüssigkulturmedium; dies erbringt Vorteile gegenüber dem Festmedium.

Nährstoffgradienten werden nicht ausgebildet und sekretierte Substanzen mit möglicher

Signalwirkung können andere Explantate erreichen. Die Arabinogalactanproteine (AGPs)

sind in diesem Zusammenhang die wichtigsten sekretierten Substanzen. In der vorliegenden

Studie wurde der Effekt von Yariv-Reagenz im Flüssigkulturmedium evaluiert sowie die

Lage spezifischer AGPs und Pektine während Induktion und Entwicklung der somatischen

Embryonen der Pfirsichpalme gezeigt. Das Auftreten eines extracellular matrix surface

network (ECMSN) auf der Oberfläche von globulären, somatischen Embryonen wird

beschrieben. Somatische Embryonen und Kallusentwicklung wurden in hohem Maße bei

einer Zugabemenge von 30 µM Yariv-Reagenz beeinflusst. Bei Anwesenheit von Yariv-

Reagenz zeigten histologische Analysen der somatischen Embryonen lose Zellen im

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Protoderm und keine Anzeichen von Polarisation, während bei Kontrollkulturen ein gut

entwickeltes Protoderm sowie Anzeichen einer Polarisation zu erkennen waren.

Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen (SEM) bestätigten Fehlentwicklungen der

Protodermis. Die Analyse bestimmter monoklonaler Antikörper (MAbs) gegen verschiedene

AGP-Epitope zeigte ein spezifisches Verteilungsmuster für jedes Epitop. MAb Jim13 zeigte

differenzierte Ausprägungen und starke Reaktionen im embryogenen Sektor sowie bei einigen

direkt angrenzenden Schichten. MAb Jim7 (gegen Pektin) erkannte die Zellwände aller Zellen

sowie eine spezifische Schicht an der Oberfläche des somatischen Embryos und an der

Oberfläche des Apikalmeristems reifer somatischer Embryonen. Diese entspricht der

ECMSN, die in Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung somatischer Embryonen und eng in

Beziehung zu der Ausprägung von MAb Jim13 steht. SEM bestätigten das Vorhandensein

einer ECMSN an der Oberfläche bestimmter Zellgruppen.

Morphohistologische und biochemische Aspekte vor und während der Keimung der

Pfirsichpalmensamen wurden ebenfalls in dieser Arbeit untersucht. Histologische und

ultrastrukturelle Analysen des zygotischen Embryos veranschaulichten dessen aktiven

Stoffwechsel vor der Keimung. Zahlreiche, kleine mit nicht-kontrastierenden Substanzen

gefüllte Vakuolen, endoplasmatisches Retikulum und Golgi-Apparate wurden beobachtet.

Dieses Stadium des aktiven Stoffwechsels ist ein bedeutendes Merkmal recalcitranter Samen.

Untersuchungen der histologischen Eigenschaften des Haustoriums und des Endosperms

wurden durchgeführt. Es konnte eine Korrelation zwischen Pflanzenwachstum und Abbau des

Endosperms beobachtet werden, außerdem wird eine bestimmte Sequenz des Endosperm-

abbaus beschrieben, die mit einer Mobilisierung von Speicherproteinen beginnt.

Speicherproteine wurden extrahiert und teilweise basierend auf ihrer Pufferlöslichkeit

charakterisiert. Drei Polypeptide zwischen 45 und 67 kDa bildeten die Hauptbanden von in

gering konzentrierter Salzlösung löslichen Proteinen. Nach der Peptidsequenzierung wurden

diese als 7S Vicilin ähnliche Proteine identifiziert. In hohen Salzkonzentrationen lösliche

Proteine waren unter reduzierenden Bedingungen aus zwei Untereinheiten von ca. 23 kDa

und ca. 32 kDa zusammengesetzt; unter nicht reduzierenden Bedingungen wurde ein einziges

Protein von ca. 55 kDa beobachtet. Dieses zeigte nach Peptidsequenzierung starke

Homologien zum 11S Glutelin ähnlichen Protein. Veränderungen im low salt buffer-soluble

protein-Profil wurden mithilfe von SDS-PAGE gemessen. Die beiden Untereinheiten des 7S

Vicelin ähnlichen Globulins verschwanden nur während der Endphasen der Keimung, wobei

eine Untereinheit bis zur letzten Phase vorhanden war. Freie Aminosäuren waren während der

Keimung im Endosperm, im Gegensatz zum Haustorium, nur in geringen Konzentrationen

vorhanden. Die freien Aminosäuren im Haustorium und im Endosperm zeigten zudem

unterschiedliche Zusammensetzung.

Ein zusätzlicher, in der Palmensamenbiologie wenig erforschter Aspekt ist der

Mechanismus, der die Hydrolyse der Speicherstoffe im Endosperm während der Keimung

kontrolliert. Bei Phoenix dactylifera, einer Art mit orthodoxen Samen, wurde gezeigt, dass

dessen Endosperm ein seneszentes Gewebe ohne die Fähigkeit für die de novo-

Proteinsynthese ist. Dieses legt die Vermutung nahe, dass alle für die Keimung notwendigen

Enzyme schon im Endosperm vorhanden sind, entweder in inaktiver Form oder sekretiert

durch das Haustorium. Bei Bactris gasipaes, eine Palme mit recalcitranten Samen, konnten

wir mithilfe ultrastruktureller Analysen und Immunolokalisation nachweisen, dass während

der Keimung im Endosperm die de novo-Proteinsynthese und im selben Gewebe zudem

programmierter Zelltod (PCD) auftritt. Polysomale Analysen stützten die Beobachtung der de

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novo-Synthese. PCD ist ein hoch regulierter Mechanismus, für den die de novo-

Proteinsynthese Voraussetzung ist, bei der KDEL-tailed Cystein-Endoproteinase (KDEL-

CysEP) beteiligt ist. In B. gasipaes findet die de novo-Synthese der KDEL-CysEP im

Endosperm während der Keimung statt, um anschließend an der Endospermzellwand zu

akkumulieren. Während des PCD kommt es zudem zu einer Schrumpfung des Cytoplasmas

und einer Ansäuerung. Diese Beobachtungen könnten nützlich sein, um die Recalcitranz von

B. gasipaes Samen zu erklären, da die Austrocknungssensibilität generell mit einem aktiven

Zellmetabolismus verbunden ist.

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1 General introduction

Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is a member of the family Arecaceae and is the

only palm species with fully domesticated populations in the Neotropics. The domestication

process appears to have been initiated in southwestern Amazonia, which today belongs to

northern Bolivia and southeastern Peru. It is a multi-purpose but underutilized species. Today,

fruit production for subsistence and local market, and heart-of-palm production for local,

national and international markets are the most important uses. Ideotypes have been described

for both uses, but breeding and conservation programs have suffered numerous problems,

principally involving continuity. The use of in vitro techniques is an important tool that must

be associated with breeding and conservation programs, although it will not resolve continuity


Historically palm species, including peach palm, were considered recalcitrant to in

vitro culture. During the last years, however, several advances have been achieved with in

vitro culture of peach palm; nevertheless a comercial protocol does not exist as yet.

Conventional breeding programs of peach palm are long term efforts due to long generations

(at least 6 years), tree height, difficulties with controlled pollination and other factors. Hence,

a reliable in vitro regeneration protocol for peach palm is important. Clonal propagation has

the potential to reduce the time necessary for establishing elite plant seed orchards, by

capturing and fixing the genetic gain expressed by selected plants. Somatic embryogenesis is

the preferred in vitro regenerative route for palms, as this morphogenetic pathway may

increase the number of regenerated plantlets in comparison with organogenesis. The

production of somatic embryos capitalizes upon the totipotency of plant cells and involves the

development of bipolar structures resembling zygotic embryos. Among other advantages,

somatic embryogenesis permits the creation of cycling cultures through the use of cell

suspensions or through secondary somatic embryogenesis allowing the large-scale

commercial production of elite plants.

Peach palm conservation programs may also profit from the use of in vitro

regeneration protocols since germplasm banks could be cloned and transferred to other

institutions if necessary. Ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources usually use seed

banks. However, peach palm has recalcitrant seeds and in vitro methods could contribute to

long-term conservation. Regarding palm seeds biology, little is known about the biochemical

aspects of palm seed germination, especially the factors involved in dehydration-sensitivity in

peach palm seeds. Therefore, studies regarding peach palm seed biology are also necessary.

The present study is organized in chapters with separate specific objectives. Chapter I

presents background information on peach palm and the state of art of palm in vitro research

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and seed biology. In Chapter II an improved protocol for in vitro regeneration of peach palm

using a temporary immersion system is described. This involves the use of liquid culture

medium, in which some secreted substances could also influence the in vitro responses of

peach palm. The most well studied substances are arabinogalactan proteins. The presence and

possible roles of these proteoglycans were evaluated and the results are shown and discussed

in Chapter III. Our results pointed to a close relationship between the presence of specific

epitopes with the development of somatic embryos and the formation of an extracellular

matrix network. In Chapter IV results regarding the morpho-histological and biochemical

aspects of peach palm seed germination are presented. These include the partial

characterization of the storage proteins, which can be a molecular marker for somatic embryo

quality. However, it is clear that several mechanisms of palm seed germination biology are

unknown, such as, for instance, the mechanisms of endosperm breakdown. It was thought that

the palm endosperm is not able to synthesize proteins de novo. However, we show that peach

palm endosperm undergoes programmed cell death during germination, a highly coordinated

genetic process requiring de novo protein synthesis. These results are presented in Chapter V.

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Aims of the research


2 Aims of the research

The present study had two different main aims. The first was the improvement of the

peach palm in vitro regeneration rate and the elucidation of the factors underlying somatic

embryo development. The second is related to the germination of peach palm seeds, as an

initiative to increase our knowledge of the biology of palm seeds. The specific objectives of

the present study were:

Peach palm in vitro regeneration:

- Establish a suitable process for the in vitro regeneration of peach palm using a

temporary immersion system;

- Describe the morpho-histological aspects of somatic embryo development of peach


- Evaluate the possible role of arabinogalactan proteins during the development of

peach palm somatic embryos;

Peach palm seed germination:

- Describe the morpho-histological aspects of the germination of peach palm seeds;

- Partially characterize peach palm globulin storage proteins;

- Show that the peach palm endosperm undergoes programmed cell death during


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Chapter I:


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Chapter I


1 Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes)

1.1 Taxonomy and genetic resources

The Arecaceae family is one of the most interesting and important groups of tropical

plants (Balick, 1988). It is the only botanical family of the order Arecales, constituted by

approximately 2800 species subdivided into 5 subfamilies, namely calamoideae, nypoideae,

coryphoideae, ceroxyloideae and arecoideae. They are distributed in most warm temperate

climates and all tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world (Figure 1A-E). The subfamily

Arecoideae, which Bactris belongs to, is well distributed in all tropical and subtropical

regions of the world (Figure 1E); Bactris sp., however, are concentrated in Central and South

America and the Caribbean (Henderson, 2000). Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) also has

a wide geographical distribution, from central Bolivia to northeastern Honduras and from the

mouth of the Amazon River and the Guianas to the Pacific coast of Ecuador and Colombia

(Figure 2; Mora-Urpí et al., 1997).

Figure 1 - Geographical distribution of orders of the family Arecaceae. A – Order

Coryphoideae. B – Calamoideae. C – Nypoideae. D – Ceroxyloideae. E – Arecoideae.

(Source: Missouri Botanical Garden, accessed: 25.11.2009

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Figure 2 - Geographical distribution of Bactris gasipaes var. gasipaes and its landraces:

Microcarpa -- (1) Juruá; (2) Pará; (3) Rama; (16) Azuero; (15) Tembé. Mesocarpa -- (4)

Pampa Hermosa; (5) Tigre; (6) Pastaza; (7) Solimões; (8) Inirida; (9) Cauca; (10) Tuira; (11)

Utilis; (12) Guatuso. Macrocarpa -- (13) Putumayo; (14) Vaupés (Source: Mora-Urpí et al.,


Peach palm is the only domesticated palm in tropical America and it was probably

first used for its wood and later fully domesticated for its starchy-oily fruits (Clement, 2008).

This species has a long history of domestication, probably 10,000 years, and became a staple

food for many pre-Columbian Amerindian communities in the lowland humid neotropics

(Mora-Urpí et al., 1997; Clement, 2008). They valued peach palm for several reasons: it was

easy to cultivate in traditional agroforestry systems, it yielded well on infertile soils, the fruits

could be prepared into a variety of nutritious foods, and other plant parts could be consumed

or used for construction and other household needs (Mora-Urpi et al., 1997). Additionally,

through western Amazonia and extending up to Costa Rica the peach palm appeared to be as

important as maize (Zea mays L.) and cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), giving this species

status as a crop plant since pre-Columbian times (Clement, 2008).

Peach palm‟s origin is probably in southwestern Amazonia (Clement, 2008; Clement

et al., 2009). Until recently it was considered a cultigen (i.e., a cultivated species with no

known wild populations) but research during the last 30 years changed this (Clement et al.,

2009). Re-evaluation of the genus Bactris grouped all wild populations as Bactris gasipaes

var. chichagui (H. Karsten) Henderson and all domesticated populations and landraces into B.

gasipaes var. gasipaes (Henderson, 2000). The main morphological difference between wild

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Chapter I


and cultivated forms is fruit size; wild populations have small fruits (0.5 g to 10 g), while

fruits of domesticated populations vary from 10 g to 120 g (Mora-urpi et al., 1997; Clement et

al., 2009). Additionally, significant genetic differentiation was observed at the molecular

level between wild and cultivated peach palm (Couvreur et al., 2006).

Cultivated peach palm is a complex of several landraces with high genetic variability

(Mora-Urpí et al., 1997). This ample genetic variability might be explained by different

domestication stages and objectives (oil or starch) in different landscapes, as well as by the

reproductive system of peach palm, which is predominantly allogamous (Mora-Urpí et al.,

1997). Each landrace consists as a number of populations, usually named after municipalities

or communities (Adin et al., 2004). An initial criterion for landraces classification was based

upon fruit weight, with three different groups: Microcarpa (fruits from 10 to 20 g); Mesocarpa

(20 to 70 g) and Macrocarpa (70 to 120 g) (Mora-Urpi et al., 1997; Clement, 2008). However,

phenotypic differences for fruit color, weight and composition, stem diameter, leaf area,

disease resistance and numerous other differences have also been observed in the field and in

genebanks (Martel and Clement, 1986; Clement, 1997; Farias Neto, 1999).

The gene pool of cultivated peach palm and its wild relatives is rich in diversity but

also subject to genetic erosion, creating an urgent need to sample and conserve germplasm

(Mora-Urpi et al., 1997; Clement et al., 2009). Genetic erosion is still a threat occurring in the

field as well as in genebanks (Clement, 1996; Clement et al., 2009). Clement et al. (2009)

observed that in the Arc of Fire – the expanding agriculture frontier in Brazil - wild peach

palm populations have become locally extinct in some parts of its original range, due to

deforestation for agriculture and pasture. A difficult situation is found in field genebanks and

Clement (1996) suggested that the main causes of genetic erosion in these collections were

biological aspects, including diseases and pests, and lack of knowledge about the palm‟s

biology; political-institutional aspects, such as lack of coherent research and development

policies, as well as land use policies; and infra-institutional, mainly regarded to the human

resources directly involved in the conservation programs. Due to several factors, obtaining

resources for the maintenance of large peach palm field collections is a problem (Clement et

al., 2004). Mora-Urpí et al. (1997) also suggest a cultural aspect, as since the conquest period,

Europeans promoted the culture of exotic plants (e.g., banana, rice and wheat) as substitutes

of those cultivated locally, such as peach palm, which caused more genetic erosion in these

species. Additionally, due to the fact that peach palm is a domesticated species, considerable

genetic erosion also occurred during the Amerindian population decline after European

contact (Clement, 1999).

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Chapter I


1.2 Morphological description

Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) may reach 20 m in height with stem diameters

between 15 and 30 cm and internodes between 2 and 30 cm (Figure 3A). It is a caespitose

species (Figure 3B), meaning that it branches at ground level forming a clump of off-shoots.

The internodes have numerous rigid spines (Figure 3C), black to brown in colour. However,

there are mutations presenting spineless stems (Figure 3D). The shoot apexes contain 15 to 25

pinnate leaves, with leaflets inserted in different angles. The monoecious inflorescence

appears in the axils of senescent leaves. After pollination, the fruit bunch contains 50 to 1000

fruits and weighs from 1 to 25 kg (Figure 3E). The individual fruits weigh from 0.5 to 120 g

(up to 250 g has been described) (Mora-Urpi et al., 1997; Clement, 2008). The mature fruit is

composed of a fibrous exocarp that is red, orange or yellow in color, and a mesocarp rich in

starch or oil (Arkcoll and Aguiar, 1984; Mora-Urpí et al., 1997; Yuyama et al., 2003). During

fruit development changes in exocarp color is observed, as well as alterations in the seeds,

including lignification of the endocarp associated with its change in color and hardening of

the gelatinous endosperm (Figure 4). The zygotic embryo is initially globular and during

differentiation of the shoot meristem (Figure 5C) becomes elongated (Figure 5B). Mature

zygotic embryos of peach palm are 1.5-2 mm long, with a conical shape and with the epicotyl

oblique to the cotyledon blade and procambium (Figure 5C) (Steinmacher et al., 2007a).

Besides its morphological appearance, little is known about the physiological status of the

zygotic embryos.

Peach palm shows significant growth rate even in poor soils (Mora-Urpi et al., 1997),

possibly due to is morphological characteristics, such as the architecture of the pinnate leaves

and the root system, for the capture of sun light, rain water and soil nutrients. Adventitious

roots of peach palm produce a thick superficial mat that may extend 4-5 m around the plant

and most roots occupy the upper 20 cm of the soil horizon, although some roots may extend

to a depth of 2 m or more, depending upon soils and presumably genotype (Mora-Urpi et al.,

1997; Emmerich, 2002). Palms can develop up to four root orders [i.e., oil palm (Jourdan et

al., 2000)], although opportunistic root development also occurs upon root disturbance. In

Bactris gasipaes, no fourth order roots have been found in undisturbed root systems (Göllnitz

et al., 2000). No root hairs are observed (Figure 6A) and the exodermis consists of

extraordinary large, globose slightly flatted cells and these cells are positioned in a spiral

around the root cylinder (Figure 6B; Göllnitz et al., 2000), resembling a corn cob under

scanning electron microscopy (Figure 6C). This morphological aspect enables a significant

increase on the root specific area as well as capillary strength associated with intercellular

space for microorganisms (Figure 6D-E; Emmerich, 2002; Göllnitz et al., 2000). At the root

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Chapter I


apice, border-like cells were also observed (Figure 6A). These living cells are programmed to

separate from the root cap and from each other as they reach the cap periphery (Hamamoto et

al., 2006). It has been shown that one possible role of border cells is to modulate the

environment of the plant root by producing specific substances to be released into the

rhizosphere, including arabinogalactan proteins (Vicre et al., 2005). In peach palm the

presence of this border cells has also been detected and structural analyses also suggest that

these cells are released into the soil (Figure 6F-G) and are rich in arabinogalactan proteins,

indicated by specific red staining (Figure 7A-B) (Steinmacher, unpublished results). These

characteristics are known to attract microorganisms to the rizosphere (Vicre et al., 2005).

Association of peach palm with soil microorganisms has been described (Clement and Habte,

1995; Emmerich, 2002; Göllnitz et al., 2000; Silva Junior and Cardoso, 2006). These aspects

might contribute to our understanding of the outstanding growth of peach palm and its

importance as a component of agroforestry systems (Clement, 1989; Silva Junior and

Cardoso, 2006; Lieberei et al., 2002).

Figure 3 - Morphological aspects of peach palm. A – Adult plant. B – Plant showing the

presence of off-shoots. C – Presence of rigid spines on the stem of peach palm. D – Spineless

stem of peach palm. E – Fruit bunches of peach palm. (Source: Picture A and B credit John

Mood Honolulu, Hawaii; Picture C-E: Credits Charles Clement, Manaus, AM)

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Figure 4 - Peach palm fruit and seed development. Fruit maturation is accompanied by a

change in exocarp color parallel to the lignification of the endocarp. This is represented from

the upper to lower figures.

Figure 5 - Scanning electron microscopy studies showing the development of peach palm

zygotic embryos from the globular to the conical form of the mature zygotic embryo.

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Figure 6 - Scanning electron microscopy studies revealing the peach palm root

morphology. A – Root apex with the presence of border-like cells. B – Appearance of the

exodermis cells of peach palm roots. C – Due to their arrangement, exodermis cells resemble

a corn cob. D – Transverse section of peach palm root. E – Detailed view of the exodermis of

peach palm root. Note the intercellular spaces between the cells (arrows). F – Appearance of

the border-like cells. G – Detailed view of a border-like cell showing its release.

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Figure 7 - Presence of arabinogalactan proteins in the border-like cells of peach palm

roots. The red colour in B represents the presence of AGPs indicated by a specific staining.

1.3 Peach palm seed biology and germination

Endosperm of seeds of Arecaceae family members studied to date have shown

numerous similar characteristics, such as living cells, with the main storage components

stored in thick-walled cells (carbohydrates in the form of hemicellulose), lipids and proteins

stored in cytoplasmatic bodies (DeMason et al., 1989; Panza et al., 2004). In germinating

palm seeds, the storage compounds from the endosperm are transferred to the growing

plantlet by a specialized organ, called the haustorium. This organ is mainly an absorptive and

storage tissue that supplies the seedling with products of the endosperm. Studies with date

palm (DeMason et al., 1985) and Washingtonia filifera (DeMason, 1988) have suggested that

this organ can also directly or indirectly control the breakdown of endosperm compounds.

Peach palm has recalcitrant seeds (Bovi et al., 2004) but little is known about the

factors imposing this dehydration sensitivity. Studies showing the effect of different

substrates and treatments during its germination or providing a morphological description

(Villalobos et al., 1992; Bovi et al., 1994; Damiao Filho et al., 1999; Silva et al., 2006) have

been carried out, however our knowledge regarding the biochemical aspects of peach palm

seed and it germination biology is limited.

It is thought that palm endosperm cells are unable to synthesize proteins de novo

during germination. In coconut, this characteristic was based on enzymatic analyses

associated with the absence of nuclei in the cells and with the fact that endosperm was

considered non-respiring tissue (Balasubramaniam et al., 1973). In date palm, detailed

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ultrastructural analysis of the endosperm revealed the presence of plastids and of

mitochondria with respiratory activity, but neither endoplasmatic reticulum nor Golgi

complexes were found. Based on these findings, the capacity for de novo protein synthesis

was excluded (DeMason et al., 1983). These characteristics were further assumed to occur in

Euterpe edulis (Panza et al., 2004), although no detailed information has been shown.

Therefore, studies have assumed that most enzymes necessary for the endosperm breakdown

would be secreted by the growing haustorium (Verdeil et al., 2002) or already present in the

endosperm in an inactive form (Sekhar and DeMason, 1990).

During germination of cereal seeds, storage proteins are hydrolyzed in the endosperm

resulting into a mixture of short oligopeptides and free amino acids (Higgins and Payne,

1977). These are taken up by the scutellum – partially homologous to the haustorium of palms

– and the amino acids are than liberated from the peptides and are further metabolized or

transferred to the growing seedling. In castor bean (Ricinus communis L.), a dicotyledonous

species, high levels of free amino acids were found in the endosperm and then transported to

the cotyledons (Robinson and Beevers, 1981). Similarly, lipids are also broken down and

converted to sugar in endosperm cells during germination and then transported to the

cotyledons (Robinson and Beevers, 1981). In the gymnosperm Pinus taeda L, the

megagametophyte was able to breakdown storage proteins and export free amino acids, even

in the absence of the seedling (King and Gifford, 1997).

In palms, lipids account for a large amount of storage components. In Washingtonia

filifera and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) 28 % and 18 %, respectively, of the cells‟?

volumes are occupied by lipid bodies (Sekhar and DeMason, 1988ab). Studies regarding lipid

breakdown in palms suggested that an active lipase is localized only in the shoots of oil palm

plantlets and that endosperm is essentially devoid of lipase activity (Oo and Stumpf, 1983).

The haustorium is also devoid of lipase activity, but it nevertheless contains the enzymes

necessary for the conversion of free fatty acids to sugar (Oo and Stumpf, 1983). This result is

also supported by ultrastructural analysis of date palm haustorium, which showed the

presence of glyoxysomes only in the haustorium cells (DeMason, 1985). However, if these

results are correct, it remains to be discovered how lipids are transported to the plantlet shoot

and back to haustorium to be converted into sugar.

In peach palm, no storage proteins have been characterized; only the presence of two

high molecular weight bands present in embryogenic cultures have been hypothesized to be

storage proteins (Steinmacher et al., 2007b). For storage protein breakdown, proteinases are

necessary (Müntz, 2007) and in date palm proteinase activity was detected first in the

endosperm and only at the onset of germination (DeMason et al., 1985). To the best of our

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knowledge there are neither studies regarding free amino acid kinetics during palm seed

germination nor detailed studies regarding proteinases in palm seeds. Therefore, further

studies regarding the germination of peach palm seeds are necessary to increase our

knowledge about palm seed biology, as well as to meet the growing demand of peach palm

seeds, due to the palms increasing economic importance and to support its breeding and

conservation programs.

1.4 Economic importance of peach palm

Peach palm has several potential and traditional uses (Clement and Mora-Urpí, 1987).

The use of peach palm wood is re-appearing as an attractive market using the residue from

peach palm seed-orchards (Mora-Urpí et al., 1997). When manufactured, its wood might be

used in the furniture industry, production of music instruments and crafts (Figure 8). The

application of peach palm fibers to reinforce polyester composites is also alternative use

(Santos et al., 2008). Nevertheless, today peach palm is only important for its fruit,

moderately popular throughout its traditional distribution, and for its heart-of-palm, a gourmet

vegetable extracted from the shoot apex.

Figure 8 - Use of peach palm wood as a viable alternative use for the furniture industry

and similar areas. Source: Fibra Design Sustentavel ( accessed:



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As a fruit crop, Bactris gasipaes is an item of broader national commerce only in

Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama. Small amounts of processed fruits (Figure 9A) are

produced and even exported to other countries in Central America, to the United States and

Canada (Mora-Urpí et al., 1997), but there is no significant international commerce.

Traditionally the fruits are consumed after cooking (Figure 9B), but specialty and gourmet

dishes are also prepared using peach palm fruits (Figure 9C). However, for several reasons it

still hasn‟t attracted the attention of the private sector (Clement et al., 2004) and fruit

production is still designated for local markets only.

However, many farmers recognize the potential value of peach palm fruit (Mora-Urpi

et al., 1997). It is grown almost exclusively by smallholders in homegardens and swiddens,

with a few small orchards near major consumption areas (Clement, 2008). It is suggested that

50 % of the fruit production is commercialized as fresh fruit in local markets, while the other

50 % is used for subsistence, either directly or as animal feed, or is wasted. Estimates suggest

that total fruit production is about 120,000 tons per year (Clement et al., 2004; Clement,

2008). For fresh fruit in local markets, usually the fruits are commercialized as bunches, each

weighing from 2 to 5 kg and worth about US$ 0.50-1.00 to farmers, and in the market the

bunches are sold at US$ 1.00-3.00, resulting in a market value of US$ 30 million per year

(Clement, 2008).


The heart-of-palm is composed of unexpanded juvenile leaves and sub-apical tissue

(Figure 9D). It is considered a gourmet product and has a huge potential for the international

market. The heart-of-palm market has an already established and important economic status

in Latin America, with peach palm having advantages over other palm species used for palm

heart production, such as a short life cycle, presence of off-shoots and an appreciable final

product (Mora-Urpí et al., 1997; Clement, 2008). Higher levels of sugar were also found in

the heart-of-palm of Bactris gasipaes in comparison with those from Euterpe edulis and E.

oleracea (Clement et al., 1993). Additionally, heart-of-palm is usually sold in glass or canned

as pickles (Figure 9E). Hearts of peach palm have low concentrations of the enzymes

peroxidases and polyphenoloxidase, allowing in natura commercialization as well as

processing (Clement et al., 1993), attributes which might open a new market niche for peach

palm (Figure 9F). Studies regarding the conservation of ready-to-use and minimally

processed fresh heart have been also carried out (Clement et al., 1999).

Brazil is the biggest heart-of-palm producer and consumer, and estimates revealed an

increased production during the last years, from 27,031 ton in 1990 to 51,376 ton in 2003

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(Rodrigues and Durigan, 2007). This includes, however, many more hearts of E. oleracea

than of peach palm. Ecuador and Costa Rica are the major exporting countries of heart-of-

palm, with most production based on peach palm; Brazil exports less than 10 % of its total

heart-of-palm production (Clement, 2008).

The market for this gourmet product also attracted the attention of others producers

outside Latin America, and currently peach palm is being cultivated in Hawaii/USA, Reunion

Island/France, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Figure 9 - Fruits and heart-of-palm of peach palm. A – Fruits sold in glass jars as pickles.

B – Cooked fruits. C – Cream soup as an example of a fruit recipe for peach palm. D –

Characteristics of the heart-of-palm. E – Heart-of-palms sold in glass as pickles. F – Heart-of-

palm sold in natura. Sources (all accessed 25.11.2009): A %20dona %20paula.png;






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1.5 Breeding and conservation programs of peach palm

Peach palm is considered a multi-purpose tree (Clement and Mora-Urpi, 1987) and

plays an important role as a component of agrosystems (Clement, 1989). It was listed as the

number-one priority tree species for agroforestry development based on farmer-preference

surveys conducted by the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) (Mora-

Urpí et al., 1997). As previously discussed, nowadays fruit production for subsistence and

market and heart-of-palm production for market are the most important uses of Bactris

gasipaes and ideotypes for fruit and heart of palm production has been suggested (Table 1;

Mora-urpi et al., 1997; Clement, 2008). Therefore, conservation programs are necessary as a

gene reservoir for further improvement to meet the demands of farmers and consumers for

this species.

Breeding programs should start from landraces with similar characteristics to the

desired final ideotype. For example, the Pampa Hermosa, Putumayo and Guatuso landraces

have ideal characteristics for heart-of-palm production, such as spineless stems and presence

of an adequate number of off-shoots. On the other hand, Putumayo and Vaupes are

recommended for flour production as their have larger fruits with more starch content. The

Pará landrace has desirable characteristics for oil production (Clement, 1997). However, up to

now there is no modern cultivar for peach palm (Clement, 2008).

On farm conservation is also an alternative conservation method for Bactris gasipaes,

and results have pointed out that farming communities in the Peruvian Amazon are

maintaining a relatively broad genetic base in their peach palm populations (Adin et al.,

2004). This is based upon intense seed exchange, collecting seed from selected palms on the

farms and on neighboring farms, as well as from selected fruits in the local markets for

planting on their farms, causing „long-distance‟ gene flow through seeds. Commercial traders

from Yurimaguas also distribute fruits/seeds to other regions in the Amazon and elsewhere in

Latin America where demand exists for fruit or heart-of-palm plantations (Adin et al., 2004).

However, further study also showed that farmers use an average of only four palms to provide

seed for the establishment of their gardens (Cole et al., 2007), which may cause significant

inbreeding. Therefore, it has been suggested that some kind of network capable of guiding an

appropriate degree of exchange of genetic material is needed for the establishment of peach

palm conservation programs (Cole et al., 2007).

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Table 1 - Proposed ideotypes of peach palm for fruit and heart of palm production.

Adapted from Mora-Urpi et al. (1997).

Heart-of-palm Fruits

Stem Long internodes

Spineless internodes and

leaf sheaths

Soft, without much


Dwarf with low annual

height increment

Spineless internodes

Leaves Long, tender sheath, erect


High net assimilation rate

Short, erect petiole and


Annual production of

more than 10 leaves

High net assimilation rate

Off-shoots Early appearance (< 6

months after field planting)

Rapid growth (< 6 months

to harvest)

Multiple offshoots

developing into 5-12

stems after 12 months

General characteristics Early first harvest: < 10

months with 9 cm stem


Annual production > 4

stems per clump

Heart of palm weighint

450 g

White colour

Good flavour

Natural peach palm odour

for in natura or odourless

for canning

Precocious fruiting (less

than 3 years)

Annual production

greater than 15 bunches

per year, each more than

8 kg

Fruit weight more than

85 % of total bunch


More than 100 fruits per


Fruit weight greater than

50 g.

Fruit with exocarp waxy,

no fibers or striations, red


Small seeds

Mesocarp composition Water content low (less

than 50 %)

Protein content high

(DW more than 14 %

High starch content

(more than 60 % FW)

Fiber content low (less

than 10 % DW)

Carotene content high:

20-70 mg. 100 mg-1


Locally acceptable flavor

Agronomic aspects Resistant to leaf mite

Broad agronomic


Resistant to leaf mite

Resistant to fruit borer

Broad agronomic


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To date peach palm conservation programs are directed to the establishment of active

field genebanks, which are suitable for use and research of the species but are not a viable

approach for long-term conservation (Mora-Urpí et al., 1997). However, peach palm has

recalcitrant seeds (Bovi et al., 2004). Therefore studies regarding in vitro regeneration for

conservation purposes are necessary, as well as more studies related to palm seed biology are

needed. Cryopreservation has also been tried, but a reliable protocol for peach palm must be

optimized (Steinmacher et al., 2007a).

The development of reliable in vitro regeneration protocols would serve as an efficient

tool assisting the conservation and genetic improvement programs of this species. At the

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, AM, Brazil, for instance, a

core collection is being developed. In such a collection the application of clonal propagation

would ensure the multiplication of the selected palms, which could later be transferred to

different Institutions for further studies or breeding programs. The formation of seed orchards

with selected genotypes and also the large-scale clonal multiplication of selected palms would

also benefit from an in vitro regeneration protocol bringing important improvements for

farming systems.

1.6 Tissue culture of peach palm

Given the importance of peach palm for its fruit and for its heart-of-palm, various

Latin American institutions have breeding programs for one or both uses, where in vitro

plantlet regeneration could be an important tool. Tissue culture techniques are considered to

be the most efficient strategy for clonal plantlet regeneration of this species, as well as for

genetic conservation (Mora-Urpí et al., 1997). However, a commercial protocol does not

currently exist. The main application of in vitro regeneration techniques in breeding programs

would be the fixation of the genetic gain, by the capture of the additive and non-additive

components of genetic variability (Guerra et al., 1999). Among various techniques, somatic

embryogenesis offers the advantages of automated large-scale production and genetic stability

of the regenerated plantlets (Guerra et al., 1999; Steinmacher et al., 2007c). Furthermore,

somatic embryogenesis has the possibility to be coupled to conservation programs through,

for instance, the cryopreservation of somatic embryos, as well as the production of synthetic

seeds for plantlet exchange. Additionally, somatic embryogenesis can be considered as one

of the most interesting pathways for scaling-up the regeneration procedure for a given species.

Among other advantages, somatic embryogenesis permits creation of cycling cultures through

the use of cell suspensions (Sané et al., 2006; Teixeira et al., 1995) or through secondary

somatic embryogenesis (Perez-Nunez et al., 2006).

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Palm trees have been considered recalcitrant for tissue culture, although plantlet

regeneration through somatic emrbyogenesis has been described for several species, including

African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.; Teixeira et al., 1995), coconut (Cocos nucifera L.;

Verdeil et al., 1994), Euterpe edulis Mart. (Guerra and Handro, 1998), betel nut palm (Areca

catechu L.; Karun et al., 2004) and macauba (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lood. ex. Martius.;

Moura et al., 2008). Numerous histological studies have been carried out and shown that cells

adjacent to the vascular tissue apparently have higher morphogenetic capacity. Studies with

Cocos nucifera (Fernando et al., 2003), Elaeis guineensis (Schwendiman et al., 1988),

Euterpe edulis (Guerra and Handro, 1998) and Phoenix dactylifera (Sané et al., 2006) showed

that the first events of cell division were always observed in cells adjacent to the vascular

tissue. The molecular aspects linked to palm somatic embryogenesis are also the subject of

recent studies (Perez-Nunes et al., 2009; Low et al., 2008).

In vitro plantlet regeneration of peach palm was described for the first time by indirect

organogenesis (Arias and Huete, 1983), later by somatic embryogenesis (Stein and Stephens,

1991; Valverde et al., 1987), and by direct organogenesis (Almeida and Kerbauy, 1996).

Arias (1985) described casual morphogenetic responses from different tissues and plantlet

regeneration was often difficult. Thereafter, Valverde et al. (1987) described a protocol for in

vitro regeneration of peach palm, although only ten embryogenic calli were obtained (out of

100 shoot apexes – where one explant could produce more than one callus) and each callus

produced 2-8 somatic embryos. In the protocol described by Stein and Stephens (1991), only

four calli cultures (out of 18 explants) producing more than 10 plantlets per culture were

established. Using peach palm immature inflorescences as explants, Almeida and Kerbauy

(1996) described a protocol for regeneration through organogenesis at low frequency (about

11 %), with a small number of plantlets being regenerated. Furthermore, regeneration was an

apparently random response.

A complete in vitro regenerative protocol using mature zygotic embryos as explants

was described for peach palm as the first step for the development of a reliable protocol for

peach palm in vitro multiplication (Steinmacher et al., 2007b). In this study, histological

analyses showed that plantlet regeneration occurred through somatic embryogenesis and

regenerated plantlets were successfully acclimatized (Steinmacher et al., 2007b). However,

for the clonal propagation of selected genotypes the development of protocols that allow

regeneration from explants obtained from adult plants was still necessary.

Success of somatic embryogenesis in monocotyledonous species requires utilization of

explants containing meristematic cells (Vasil, 1987). Inflorescences from adult palm trees

contain meristematic cells and are important explant sources because they can be obtained

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without damaging the donor tree (Verdeil et al., 1994). Based on this premise, Steinmacher et

al. (2007c) described the induction, development and conversion of somatic embryos of peach

palm using inflorescences as the explant. These results indicated the use of the most immature

inflorescence combined with a 2,4-D pre-treatment and 300 µM Picloram; however, a strong

genotype effect was observed (Steinmacher et al. 2007c). The use of the thin cell layer

technique was also described and offers promise for peach palm in vitro plant regeneration. It

was observed that explant size and age has an important role in peach palm in vitro response

and a complete protocol was described using young leaves and shoot apexes as explants

(Steinmacher et al., 2007d). This protocol has great promise in peach palm in vitro

regeneration as explants can be obtained easily from adult palms since this species produces

off-shoots that will allow the cloning of selected adult plants.

The formation of somatic embryos occurred in clusters, suggesting the occurrence of

secondary somatic embryogenesis, although no direct evidence was shown (Steinmacher et

al., 2007b). The use of this morphogenetic pathway could be important to improve the

regeneration rate of the whole procedure, obtaining cycling cultures. In general, cycling

cultures can be obtained using cell suspension or through the induction of secondary somatic

embryos, and both have been described in palms (Sané et al., 2006; Teixeira et al., 1995;

Perez-Nunez et al., 2006), however, no cycling cultures have been described in peach palm.

2 Induction and expression of somatic embryogenesis

Somatic embryogenesis capitalizes upon plant cell totipotency (Verdeil et al., 2007). It

is induced and triggered by a combination of factors including genotype, explant and culture

conditions culminating in the development of bipolar structures without vascular connections

to the mother tissue (Guerra et al., 1999). It involves the acquisition of embryogenic

competence, its induction and determination. Embryogenic competence of the cell is its

capacity to respond to specific signals (i.e., plant growth regulators, culture conditions);

induction of somatic embryogenesis occurs when the given signal produces a unique

developmental response; and determination is a process where the developmental fate of the

cell (or group of cells) becomes fixed and limited to a particular developmental pathway

(Yeung, 1995).

The exact mechanisms by which somatic cells turn back into an embryogenic state is

unknown and still an exciting question in plant biology (see Vogel, 2005). Nevertheless,

resetting the whole ontogenetic program and reprogramming gene expression patterns are

considered to play the main roles in the acquisition of embryogenic capacity (Dudits et al.,

1995; Gaj et al., 2005). The reprogrammed gene expression is reflected in the synthesis of a

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new transcript profile, resulting in (re)activation of cell division and dedifferentiation with a

new set of development of the morphogenesis (Feher et al., 2003).

Due to the plastic development of plants, cell dedifferentiation is a process by which

the developmental pathway may be altered, allowing the cells to set a new developmental

pattern after cell division (Feher et al., 2003). Hence, in vitro recalcitrance in numerous

plants, especially monocotyledons, is related with the cell‟s capacity to re-enter cell division

(Emons, 1994). In Cocos nucifera, in vitro recalcitrance has been linked to the low capacity of

the cells to re-enter the cell division, where approximately 90 % of the explant cells were

blocked at the G0/G1 phase of the cell division cycle (Sandoval et al., 2003). Although

somatic embryogenesis induction might not be simply related to the cell cycle or to a certain

level of mitotic activity of the cells in the explants (Doleželová et al., 1992), it has been

shown that the formation of callus is correlated with cell cycling and that the subsequent

origin of somatic embryos initially involves cycling of cells at the margins of the callus of

Arabidopsis (Raghavan, 2004). However, due to the complex interaction of external stimuli

and cell physiological status, the re-entry of cells into the mitotic cycle may also result in the

development of callus, structure without any organized growth (Dudits et al., 1995).

Therefore, the acquisition of embryogenic competence and embryo development are expected

to be controlled by a combination of spatial and temporal regulation of specific genes.

Several genes have been correlated to somatic embryogenesis. The genes may be

divided into two groups: promoters and repressors of somatic embryogenesis (Kwaaitaal and

de Vries, 2007). Among the promoters of somatic embryogesis, the Somatic Embryogenesis

Receptor-like Kinase (SERK) is the best characterized gene. It encodes a Leu-rich repeat

transmembrane receptor-like kinase first isolated in embryogenic carrot cell cultures (Schmidt

et al., 1997). Its ectopic expression in Arabidopsis increased somatic embryogenesis initiation

(Hecht et al., 2001) and it has been considered as a marker for somatic embryogenesis,

promoting the formation of cells competent to initiate somatic embryogenesis (Schmidt et al.,

1997; Kwaaitaal and de Vries, 2007). Leafy Cotyledon genes (LEC) code for transcription

factors which also belong to the group of genes promoting somatic embryogenesis and are

thought to play key regulatory roles in embryogenic competence acquisition (Harada, 1999;

2001). This gene was firstly isolated from Arabidospis, being specifically expressed in seeds;

mutants presented thricomes on the cotyledons (Stone et al., 2001). Its ectopic expression

resulted in formation of somatic embryos in control conditions in the absence of inductive

treatments (Stone et al., 2001). Later it was found to encode a transcript factor containing a

B3 domain and linked to auxin synthesis and sensitivity (Stone et al., 2008; Chiappetta et al.,

2009). Similarly, the cloned sequence Wuschel (WUS) of A. thailana encodes a

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homeodomain protein that promotes a vegetative-to-embryonic transition (Zuo et al., 2002),

and is also involved in specification of shoot and floral meristems (Mayer et al., 1998).

In the second group of genes, related to repressors of somatic embryogenesis, are

Primordia Timing (PT), Clavata (CLV) 1 and 3, and Pickle (PKL) genes (Kwaaitaal and de

Vries, 2007). Mutations in the PT gene result in a phenotype characterized by a broader shoot

apical meristem in the embryonic and seedling stages, by polycotyledons and by a higher

number of leaves as compared to the wild type (Conway and Poethig 1997, Mordhorst et al.,

1998; von Recklinghausen et al., 2000). CLV 1 and 3 are meristematic cell repressors and

appear to play important roles in the regulation of shoot meristem development (Clark et al.,

1996), promoting the transition towards differentiation of cells in the shoot and floral

meristems, and/or to restrict the proliferation of cells in the center of these meristems (Clark

et al., 1993, 1995). Double mutants (pt and clv) showed additive roles in somatic

embryogenesis (Mordhorst et al., 1998), as some cells of the enlarged shoot apical meristem

apparently escape differentiation maintaining their embryogenic state.

PKL encodes a CHD3 protein, a chromosome remodeling factor that is ubiquitously

expressed in Arabidopsis. The presence of this protein results in the formation of

heterochromatin during post-embryonic growth and it has been shown that the presence of

PKL represses embryonic traits via transcriptional repression of seed storage proteins (Ogas et

al., 1997) and LEC genes (Ogas et al., 1999; Rider et al., 2003). Similarly, a new repressor

called Arabidopsis sixb-interacting protein 1-like 1 (ASIL1) was found (Gao et al., 2009).

This gene encodes a DNA binding protein and markedly altered the expression of LEC genes,

as well as a large subset of seed maturation genes (Gao et al., 2009). Therefore, the authors

suggested that ASIL1 represses embryogenic genes by competing with the binding of

transcriptional activators of these genes. These results together suggest that the master

regulators of somatic embryogenesis would be the turning off of genes that promote

embryogenic-to-vegetative growth, thus repressing embryogenic competence.

Changes in developmental pattern and acquisition of somatic embryogenesis

competence might start before the exposure of the explants to a new environment or culture

conditions (Yeung, 1995). Given that the tissues are explanted and cultivated usually under

sub-optimal and unbalanced conditions (i.e., non-physiological concentrations of plant growth

regulators), it has been proposed that somatic embryogenesis would be the last possible result

of adaptation to the new environment (Dudits et al., 1995; Feher et al., 2003). Consequently,

it has been postulated that one of the major forces modeling the transition of a somatic cell

back to an embryogenic state would be the level of stress to which this cell is submitted

(Dudits et al., 1995; Feher et al., 2003). Hence, if the stress level exceeds the cell‟s tolerance,

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the cell will collapse and die, while the opposite would increase metabolism, triggering

mechanisms of adaptation (Davletova et al., 2001; Feher et al., 2003).

Auxin is the most common plant growth regulator used to induce somatic

embryogenesis (Dudits et al., 1995). It has been shown that auxins act like a molecular glue

binding to it‟s the TIR1 receptor and promoting ubiquitin-dependent degradation of Aux/IAA

repressor proteins (Tan et al., 2007; Guilfoyle, 2007). Naturally occurring auxin (indol acetic

acid – IAA) and synthesized auxin analogs (NAA and 2,4-D) showed the same activity (Tan

et al., 2007; Guilfoyle, 2007). Among the auxin sources used to induce somatic

embryogenesis, 2,4-D is the most frequently used auxin analog (Dudits et al., 1995).

However, other auxin analogs may also be used to induce somatic embryogenesis, such as


Picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid) is a picolinate auxin-

analog able to induce somatic embryogenesis in numerous species [i.e., cassava (Groll et al.

2001); tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.) (Ptak and Bach, 2007); sugar cane (Garcia et al., 2007)].

This auxin also induced embryogenic competence in African oil palm (Teixeira et al., 1995)

and was the most suitable auxin source for somatic embryogenesis in arecanut palm (Areca

catechu L., Karun et al., 2004) and macauba palm (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.), Moura et al.,

2008). Valverde et al. (1987) demonstrated that Picloram was better than 2,4-D for enhancing

embryogenic callus induction in peach palm, which was later confirmed using different

sources of explants (Steinmacher et al., 2007b,c,d

). Picloram is thought to have a stronger

auxin effect compared to other auxin analogs. This observation is supported by the fact that

germinating Arabidopsis seeds in Picloram-enriched culture medium could mimic an auxin

over-producing mutant (sur2) (Delarue et al., 1998). However, other differences between 2,4-

D and Picloram in signaling cascades may also exist, as a mutation in one receptor altered the

response for Picloram but not for 2,4-D and IAA (Walsh et al., 2006).

Embryogenic cells display distinct cytological features, such small size with dense

cytoplasm and small vacuoles, centrally located nucleus with prominent nucleolus and high

nucleus:cytoplasm ratio (Verdeil et al., 2001). Both the cytoskeleton and cell walls appear to

play an essential regulatory role during the initial developmental stages of somatic embryos

(Šamaj et al., 2006). It is thought that for the correct development of somatic embryos

symplastic isolation is required. Such isolation can occur physically through the thickening of

the cell wall and closing of the plasmodesmata by deposition of callose (Dubois et al., 1990;

Verdeil et al., 2001), as well as deposition of phenolic and lipophilic substances on cell wall

(Pedroso and Pais, 1995), or also through the development of barrier cells (i.e., phenol-storing

cells) between somatic embryo and mother tissue (Reis et al., 2008). All these aspects may

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result in the isolation of the embryogenic cells from their neighborhood cells‟ effects.

Alteration in the molecular composition of cell walls during somatic embryogenesis was

observed in coconut by Verdeil et al. (2001), who proposed that this might be involved in the

recognition of embryogenic cells and regulation of early embryogenic states.

Another relevant factor is the development of an extracellular matrix surface network

(ECMSN - also known as supraembryogenic network) over the (pre-)globular somatic

embryos (Chapmann et al., 2000ab; Šamaj et al., 2008; Bobák et al., 2003). In coconut

(Cocos nucifera L.) and winter oilseed (Brassica napus L.), a fibrillar network was observed

in embryogenic cells (Verdeil et al., 2001; Namasivayam et al., 2006). The composition of

ECMSN is not completely known, but usually proteins, pectidic polysaccharides and

lipophilic substances are described (Chapman et al., 2000abc; Konieczny et al., 2005;

Namasivayam et al., 2007; Popielarska-Konieczna et al., 2008; Šamaj et al., 2008). It is

thought that the presence of lipophilic substances would in turn result in isolation, so that

hydrophilic substances would not be in contact with the developing somatic embryo. This

isolation is not exclusively found in somatic embryos, as zygotic embryos also present such

symplastic isolation through the formation of cutin (e.g., Rodkiewicz et al., 1994; Lee et al.,


Other components of the EMSN include proteins and proteoglycans, which during the

growth of somatic embryos may be released into the culture medium and, possibly, act as

signaling molecules. For instance, it is known that oligosaccharides can control the

morphogenesis in tobacco (Tran Than Van et al., 1974; Fry et al., 1993). Additionally, it has

been reported that the presence of properly glycosylated extracellular proteins is a

requirement for the differentiation of carrot cells into somatic embryos (de Vries et al., 1988).

Therefore, for the development of somatic embryos, the conditioning of the culture medium is

an important factor for induction and development of somatic embryogenesis.

3 Temporary immersion system

Temporary Immersion Systems (TIS), which involve flooding of plant tissue at regular

time intervals, are often relevant for scaling-up or improving in vitro regeneration protocols

and also opens possibilities to automate some culture stages. This method was firstly

proposed by Alvard et al. (1993). The authors showed that lack of oxygenation in steady

liquid culture medium was a limiting factor and among different culture methods TIS proved

to be the most effective. The system uses pressure to pump the liquid medium to the plant

compartment, causing forced ventilation and leading to complete renewal of the culture

atmosphere during each immersion (Etienne and Berthouly, 2002). A semi-automated TIS

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using the “twin flask” system was developed for pineapple (Escalona et al., 1999). In this

system the authors claimed that this culture system was easier to set up and use than more

expensive liquid bioreactors. Later this “twin flask” system was shown to improve the

regeneration rate and plantlet quality of different plant species (Etiene and Berthouly, 2002),

including rubber, coffee, cacao and Campthoteca (Etienne et al., 1997; Albarran et al., 2005;

Niemenak et al., 2008; Sankar-Thomas et al., 2008). The “twin flask” system, as suggested

by the name, contains two separate flasks, one containing the explants or growing plants and

the other the liquid medium. The two compartments are connected by silicone and glass tubes

and air pressure is applied to the culture medium flask pumping the culture medium into the

culture chamber to immerse the explants completely. After a defined time of immersion the

airflow is reversed to withdraw the medium from the culture chamber (Sankar-Thomas,


TIS combines the advantages of both liquid and solid culture. These can be linked to

better nutrient supply and absence of nutrient gradients expected to occur in semi-solid

culture medium, absence of anoxia in the explants and lower rates of the hyperhidricity

usually observed in liquid culture medium (Etienne and Berthouly, 2002; Murch et al., 2004).

Additionally, renewals of the headspace in TIS with surrounding air results in a supply of O2

and the prevention of CO2 and ethylene accumulation, and are considered to be responsible

for the quality increase of shoots cultured in TIS (Aragon et al., 2005; Roels et al., 2006). In

addition, using TIS the labour is also drastically reduced in comparison to culture and

subculture in solid medium (Sankar-Thomas, 2009). Solidify agents might be considered one

the major costs of in vitro culture and their elimination would drastically reduce the final cost

of the plantlets. All these aspects associated with the possibility of automation of the system

make TIS the best currently known system for the establishment of reliable protocol for

clonal in vitro propagation. Furthermore, one advantage of liquid culture medium, besides the

absence of nutrient gradients, is the fact that substances secreted into the culture medium with

putative signaling functions are able to reach other explants. One of the most important

secreted substances in this regard are Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) (Saare-Surminski et

al., 2001).

4 Arabinogalactan proteins

Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) is an umbrella term for a large class of

proteoglycans widely distributed throughout the plant kingdom (Nothnagel, 1997; Seifert and

Roberts, 2007). The AGPs have been associated with three fundamental cellular processes

that are coordinated to produce the plant body, namely cell proliferation, cell expansion and

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cell differentiation (Steele-King et al., 2000). At the subcellular level AGPs are associated

with the secretory pathway, plasma membrane and cell wall, as well as extracellular spaces

present in the culture medium (Showalter, 2001; Šamaj et al., 2000).

AGPs belong to the hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein (HRGP) super-family and have

high molecular weights, usually containing 1–10 % protein as core protein (Fincher et al.,

1983). As AGPs are heavily glycosylated, two models for the molecular structure of AGPs

have been proposed, namely the “wattle-blossom” model and the “twisted hairy rope”

(Fincher et al. 1983; Qi et al., 1991). However, based on the protein backbones, AGPs are

classified into different groups (Figure 10). The first group is the classical AGPs, which

contains a signal peptide at the N-terminus followed by the proline/hydroxyproline rich

region and a domain responsible for attaching the protein backbone to a

glycosylphosphotidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchor at the C-terminus (Showalter, 2001).

Other classes of AGPs are named non-classical AGPs and include lysin-rich AGPs, cystein-

rich AGPs, AG peptides, FLA (fascin-like AGPs) and chimeric AGPs (Figure 10) (Showalter,

2001; Johnson et al., 2003; Motose et al., 2004).

Figure 10 - Classification of arabinogalactan proteins. Adapted from Showalter (2001),

Johnson et al. (2003), Motose et al. (2004).

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Showalter (2001) proposed five different or concomitant models for the action

mechanisms of AGPs in cellular signaling and cell adhesion, as follows: (A) signaling by the

release of a carbohydrate from AGPs, which binds to a plasma membrane receptor capable of

initiating an intercellular signaling cascade; (B) signaling by AGP directly or indirectly after

binding ligand molecules to an appropriate plasma membrane receptor; (C) intercellular

signaling by AGPs from one cell interacting with a plasma membrane receptor on an adjacent

cell; (D) signaling by the GPI-anchor (glycosylphosphatidylinositol), a post-translational

modification of the proteins, following release of GPI-anchored AGPs from the plasma

membrane; (E) AGPs as cell adhesion molecules capable of aggregation on the plasma

membrane and forming a plasma membrane-cell wall connection essential for normal growth

and development. However, as more information is acquired regarding the role and structure

of AGPs, additional models might be suggested. For instance, recently a chimeric AGP was

described suggesting that the protein core might have a second function, for example, similar

to lipid transfer proteins (Motose et al., 2004). Additionally, the presence of a GPI-anchor in

AGP could play an essential role in the receptor di- or polymers formation and their activation

(Figure 11) (Simons and Toomre, 2000). It has also been shown that AGPs indirectly interact

with the microtubule and actin in the cells (Sandar et al., 2006; Driouichi and Baskin, 2008)

and are also strongly bound to pectins (Immerzeel et al., 2006), suggesting that AGPs might

play a role in the cytoskeleton-plasma membrane-cell wall continuum (Kohorn, 2000;

Baluska et al., 2003). Therefore, a multifaceted biological function of AGPs is to be expected,

however it is far from being completely understood. A coordinated association of different

AGPs epitopes with the development of somatic embryos has been described (Saare-

Surminski et al., 2000), however there are so far no studies regarding the role of AGPs on

palm embryogenesis.

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Figure 11 - Proposed mechanism of action of GPI-anchored proteins on the dimerization of

membrane-bound receptors. Adapted from Simons and Toomre (2000). In this model, GPI-

anchored proteins maintain the receptor monomers separated and, upon cutting of the GPI-

anchor with a Phospholipase C, dimerization of the receptors may occur.

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1 Abstract

Secondary somatic embryogenesis has been postulated to occur during induction of

peach palm somatic embryogenesis. In the present study this morphogenetic pathway is

described and a protocol for the establishment of cycling cultures using a temporary

immersion system (TIS) is presented. Zygotic embryos were used as explants, and induction

of somatic embryogenesis and plantlet growth were compared in TIS and solid culture

medium. Light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron

microscopy (TEM) were used to describe in vitro morphogenesis and accompany morpho-

histological alterations during culture. The development of secondary somatic embryos occurs

early during the induction of primary somatic embryos. Secondary somatic embryos were

observed to develop continually in culture, resulting in non-synchronized development of

these somatic embryos. Using these somatic embryos as explants allowed development of

cycling cultures. Somatic embryos had high embryogenic potential (65.8±3.0 % to 86.2±5.0

%) over the period tested. The use of TIS greatly improved the number of somatic embryos

obtained, as well as subsequent plantlet growth. Histological analyses showed that starch

accumulation precedes the development of somatic embryos, and that these cells presented

high nucleus:cytoplasm ratios and high mitotic indices, as evidenced by 4'-6-Diamidino-2-

phenylindole staining. Morphological and SEM observations revealed clusters of somatic

embryos on one part of the explants, while other parts grew further, resulting in callus tissue.

A multicellular origin of the secondary somatic embryos is hypothesized. Cells in the vicinity

of callus accumulated large amounts of phenolic substances in their vacuoles. TEM revealed

that these cells are metabolically very active, with the presence of numerous mitochondria and

Golgi apparati. Light microscopy and TEM of the embryogenic sector revealed cells with

numerous amyloplasts, large nuclei and nucleoli, and numerous plasmodesmata. Plantlets

were obtained and after 3 months in culture their growth was significantly better in TIS than

on solid culture medium. However, later during acclimatization survival rate of TIS-grown

plantlets was lower. The present study confirms the occurrence of secondary somatic embryos

in peach palm and developed a feasible protocol for peach palm in vitro regeneration. Further

optimizations include the use of explants obtained from adult palms and improvement of

somatic embryo conversion rates.

Key words: Bactris gasipaes Kunth, tissue culture, clonal propagation, Picloram.

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2 Introduction

Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is a caespitose multipurpose palm tree, widely

distributed in the lowland humid Neotropics (Mora-Urpí et al., 1997). Although it is listed as

an underutilized crop, this species is one of the most useful palms in the Neotropics and the

sole palm species that was domesticated for its fruits by Amerindians during the pre-

Columbian period (Clement, 1988). Currently, the two major products from peach palm are

the fruit, for local consumption, and the heart-of-palm, a gourmet vegetable extracted from

the shoot apex and commercialized in world markets (Clement, 2008). The heart-of-palm

market is important in Latin America, and peach palm has numerous advantages for

plantation production, such as perennial production from off-shoots, rapid growth rate and the

possibility of fresh or minimally processed commercialization. Currently peach palm is also

been cultivated in Hawaii/USA, Reunion Island/France, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Currently, major efforts for the conservation of peach palm are based on the

establishment of field germplasm banks, which are constantly threatened by biotic and abiotic

factors, resulting in genetic erosion (Clement, 1997; Clement et al., 2004). Seed banks are not

an option because this species has recalcitrant seeds (Bovi et al., 2004). Hence, in vitro

conservation is suggested as the most promising technique for this purpose (Mora-Urpí et al.,

1997). At the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, AM, Brazil, for

instance, a core collection was created within the main collection and clonal propagation

would permit its transfer to other institutions for further studies or use in breeding programs.

The formation of seed orchards with selected genotypes, as well as the large-scale clonal

multiplication of selected palms, would also benefit from an in vitro regeneration protocol.

Both organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis pathways were described for peach

palm in vitro regeneration (Arias and Huete, 1983; Stein and Stephens, 1991), although the

regeneration rate was limited. Hence, studies on somatic embryogenesis in peach palm were

suggested in order to enhance the regeneration rate (Arias and Huete, 1983). Recently, the

main factors affecting the induction of somatic embryogenesis from different types of

explants were identified (Steinmacher et al., 2007abc). It was suggested that during the

induction of somatic embryos, the development of clusters of somatic embryos could be due

to the development of secondary somatic embryos (Steinmacher et al., 2007a), but little

evidence was reported. The use of this morphogenetic pathway could be important to improve

the regeneration rate of the whole procedure, obtaining cycling cultures. Cycling cultures can

be obtained using cell suspension or through the induction of secondary somatic embryos, and

both have been described in palms (Sané et al., 2006; Teixeira et al., 1995; Perez-Nunez et

al., 2006), however, to the best of our knowledge no cycling cultures have been described in

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peach palm. Embryogenic friable callus, from which cell suspension could be obtained (e.g.,

Teixeira et al., 1995; Sané et al., 2006), was observed to occur in peach palm (Steinmacher et

al., 2007a), but some bottlenecks, such as their apparently random induction and the loss of

embryogenic potential after several subcultures, makes secondary somatic embryogenesis the

most attractive pathway for scaling-up in vitro regeneration.

The use of zygotic embryos as explants in improvement and conservation programs is

inappropriate, however they may serve as an interesting model for peach palm somatic

embryogenesis because a relatively high induction rate was observed (Steinmacher et al.,

2007a) and the morpho-histological responses from zygotic embryos as explants were very

similar to those observed from shoot meristem and leaf sheaths [i.e., first cell division on cells

adjacent to the vascular tissue, callus growth through a meristematic zone and multicellular

origin of the somatic embryos (Steinmacher et al., 2007ac)].

Somatic embryogenesis is an example of plant cell totipotency. It involves the

acquisition of embryogenic competence by somatic cells via their dedifferentiation and the

reprogramming of their gene expression patterns (Harada, 1999; Feher et al., 2003; Gaj et al.,

2005). Primary embryogenesis is the process by which somatic embryos are formed from

plant tissue or organs used as explants, and secondary somatic embryogenesis is the process

in which somatic embryos are formed from pre-existing somatic embryos or using these

somatic embryos as explants (Reamakers et al., 1995). Usually, somatic embryos have higher

embryogenic capacity than other explants, have been shown to increase the regeneration rate

in several species (Raemarkers et al., 1995), and the resulting cultures maintain their

morphogenic competence for several years (i.e., in Vitis rupestris, Martinelli et al., 2001),

thus increasing the potential regeneration rate several thousand-fold, as shown in coconut

(Perez-Nunez et al., 2006).

Temporary Immersion Systems (TIS), which involve flooding of plant tissue at regular

time intervals, are often used for scaling-up or improving in vitro regeneration protocols and

also offer the possibility of automating some culture stages. A semi-automated “twin flask”

TIS was initially developed for pineapple (Escalona et al., 1999), and later shown to improve

the regeneration rate and plantlet quality for other plant species (Etienne and Berthouly,

2002). The number of regeneration protocols for other plant species using this system is

increasing continually (Sankar-Thomas et al., 2008; Niemenak et al., 2008). Hence, an

improved protocol for peach palm regeneration using TIS may be an alternative to the

development of cycling cultures.

Parallel to the development of a feasible protocol for peach palm somatic

embryogenesis, morpho-histological studies may also enhance our comprehension of the

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process, allowing further optimizations and other uses for the protocol. Studies with Cocos

nucifera (Fernando et al., 2003), Elaeis guineensis (Schwendiman et al., 1988), Euterpe

edulis (Guerra and Handro, 1998), Phoenix dactylifera (Sané et al., 2006), Acrocomia

aculeata (Moura et al., 2008) and Bactris gasipaes (Steinmacher et al., 2007ac) showed that

the first events of cell division were always observed in cells adjacent to the vascular tissue,

resulting in primary calli or meristematic nodules from which somatic embryos developed.

In the present report, the occurrence of secondary somatic embryos during the

induction of peach palm somatic embryogenesis was confirmed and the applicability of TIS

for peach palm in vitro regeneration was studied using a twin flask system.

3 Material and Methods

3.1 Plant Material

Seeds from mature fruits, about 4 months after pollination from one selected open-

pollinated tree (Mood1) of the Pampa Hermosa landrace grown in a commercial orchard in

Ninole, Hawaii/USA, were used as sources of explants. The hard endocarp of the seeds was

removed and the kernels (i.e., zygotic embryo enclosed in endosperm) were surface-sterilized

by 1 min immersion in 70 % ethanol, followed by a 40 min immersion in sodium hypochlorite

solution, provided by a solution of 40 % of commercial bleach, plus one drop of Tween 20®

to each 100 ml of this solution (Steinmacher et al., 2007a). Zygotic embryos were aseptically

removed under a stereoscope and used in this experiment.

3.2 Culture media and conditions

The zygotic embryos were transferred to Petri dishes containing 30 ml of somatic

embryogenesis induction medium. The induction medium was composed by MS (Murashige

and Skoog, 1962) salts plus Morel and Wetmore (1951) vitamins, 3 % sucrose, 500 mg L-1

Glutamine (Duchefa®), 2.5 g L-1

Gelrite (Duchefa®), 1 µM AgNO3 solution and 10 µM

Picloram [4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (Duchefa®)] (Steinmacher et al., 2007a).

Each Petri dish contained five zygotic embryos that were observed periodically to describe

the development of the somatic embryos. After 12 weeks of culture, the somatic embryos

were isolated and used as explants for the induction of secondary somatic embryos in two

experimental systems: on solid medium and in a temporary immersion system. For culture on

solid medium, nine somatic embryos were cultured on 30 ml induction medium as previously

described for induction of primary somatic embryogenesis. The temporary immersion system

(TIS) used in the present study was based on the “twin flasks” system described by Niemenak

et al. (2008). Briefly, the plant compartment consisted of 1 L volume glass jars (Weck®)

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within which 250-300 mg isolated somatic embryos were cultivated in small baskets made

with 150 μm nylon sieves (Laborbedarf-Vertriebs GmbH) attached in the bottom of a 250 ml

Kautex polypropylene bottle (Rotilabo®). The medium compartment was a 1 L volume

Schott Duran® bottle with 250 ml liquid induction culture medium as described above, but

without the gelling agent. Every 6 hours the medium was air-pumped into the plant

compartment for 3 minutes of contact with the explants. The air was filter sterilized through

an autoclavable 0.2 μm filter (Midisart 2000, Sartorius). All the cultures were kept in

darkness at 28°C with a 6 weeks subculture interval. Callus was discarded in each subculture

and isolated somatic embryos were further cultured. The induction rate was evaluated at the

end of each subculture interval.

The influence of induction conditions on the maturation of somatic embryos was

evaluated. After cycling cultures were established, embryogenic cultures obtained from (1)

cultures cultivated continually on solid culture medium, (2) cultures cultivated in TIS for 6

weeks and then on solid culture medium for 6 weeks, and (3) from those cultivated

continually in TIS were transferred to maturation conditions. In all treatments, 300-400 mg

embryogenic clusters were separated into small clusters of somatic embryos and transferred to

Petri dishes containing 30 ml maturation culture medium [MS salts; Morel and Wetmore

vitamins; 40 µM 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid); 10 µM 2-iP [2-isopentyladenine (6-

dimethylaminopurine)]; 1.5 g L-1

activated charcoal; 1 g L-1

Glutamine and 500 mg L-1

hydrolysed casein and 2.5 g L-1

Gelrite (Steinmacher et al., 2007a)]. The cultures were kept in

the dark at 28°C for four weeks. Mature somatic embryos were than isolated and transferred

to Petri dishes containing 30 mL conversion culture medium [MS salts; Morel and Wetmore

vitamins; 20 µM 2-iP; 0.5 µM NAA (α-Naphthaleneacetic acid); adapted from Steinmacher et

al. (2007a)]. The cultures were transferred to light conditions (40-60 µmol m-2


provided by

TLD 58 W/840 fluorescent lamps, Philips®) and 25°C for four weeks. Thereafter, somatic

embryos were transferred to Petri dishes containing 30 mL MS salts plus Morel and Wetmore

vitamins and 1.5 g.L-1

activated charcoal for about 8 weeks until the plantlets reached 1-2 cm.

Plantlets obtained from the cultures induced in TIS and directly transferred to

maturation conditions were selected, and their further growth was evaluated on solid culture

medium and in TIS. The plantlets were weighed (200-250 mg each) and transferred to jars

(Weck® 600 ml) containing 100 ml solid culture medium (eight plantlets per flask) and

sealed with plastic film or 24 plantlets for TIS treatment containing 300 ml of the same basal

culture medium, except that the active charcoal was omitted. The same TIS described for

induction of secondary somatic embryogenesis was used, but without the baskets. The

cultures were kept under light conditions and subcultured at intervals of 4 weeks for three

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months. All the culture media were adjusted to 5.8 pH prior to adding the gelling agent and

were autoclaved at 120ºC (1 kgf cm-2

) for 20 min.

The acclimatization procedure was adapted from Steinmacher et al. (2007a), keeping

the plantlets in a high humidity environment for the first 3 weeks. The entire acclimatization

step was carried out in a growing room at 28°C and with 16 hours 80-100 µmol m-2


provided by HP-T Plus Lamps (Philips®). To maintain the humidity the plantlets were

transferred to plastic trays containing sand and watered with distilled water. The trays were

placed inside of another plastic tray containing a transparent cover and this whole

acclimatization apparatus was maintained in plastic bags for three weeks. After 3 weeks, the

plastic bags were removed and the plantlets were watered every other day with distilled water

and once a week with 5 ml per plantlet of modified Hoagland's Solution. After three months

in this condition the plantlets‟ survival and rooting were evaluated.

3.3 Histological procedures

For light microscopy, samples were fixed in 2 % (w/v) paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M

phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), dehydrated in an ethanol series (30 % to 100 %) and embedded in

LR White resin (London Resin Co Ltd, London). Gelatine capsules filled with resin and

samples were allowed to polymerize at 65°C overnight. Specimens were cut into 1 μm thick

sections with a glass-knife in a semi-automatic microtome (Reichert Ultracut S, Leica®),

mounted onto glass slides with a drop of water and fixed over a hot plate (approximately

70°C). For general histology, toluidine blue O (0.5 % in phosphate buffer) was used. For

protein and polysaccharide localization the double-staining technique [with NBB (Naphtol

Blue-Black) and PAS (Periodic Acid-Schiff)] or only PAS was used following Fisher (1968).

For DAPI (4'-6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining, 100 µl of a stock solution (1 mg ml-1


water) was diluted into 1 ml 0.1 M phosphate-buffer (pH 7.0). The sections were incubated in

one drop of the dilute solution for five minutes and washed once with 0.1 M phosphate buffer

(pH 7.0). After removing the excess washing buffer, the samples were mounted with anti-

fading Citifluor (Citifluor Ltda, London) and visualized under UV excitation. All the sections

were examined using an Olympus BH-2 microscope and photographed with a ColorView IIIu

(Soft Imaging System, GmbH).

For scanning electron microscopy, the samples were fixed in 3 % glutardialdehyde in

0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and dehydrated in an ethanol series (30-100 %), followed by

an acetone series (30 %, 50 % and 100 % acetone in ethanol). The samples were dried to the

critical point with liquid CO2 in an CPD 030 critical point dryer (Bal-TEC, Leica®), affixed

to aluminum stubs and coated with gold palladium in a SCD 050 Sputter Coater (Bal-TEC,

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Leica®). The mounted specimens were examined with a Philips XL 20 scanning electron


For transmission electron microscopy, samples were fixed in 4 % glutaraldehyde in

0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) for 2 h at room temperature. Thereafter the samples were

transferred to fresh fixative solution and maintained overnight at 4°C. The samples were then

rinsed in the same buffer without glutaraldehyde three times (15 min each) and postfixed in

buffered 1 % OsO4 at 4°C for 2 hours. After rinsing in cacodylate buffer, the samples were

dehydrated in a graded acetone series and embedded in Spurr‟s resin. Ultrathin sections (80-

100 nm) were cut with an Ultracut E ultramicrotome (Reichert-Jung, Vienna, Austria),

collected over a Formvar coated copper-grid, and stained with 1 % uranyl acetate and 0.1 %

lead citrate for 10 min each.

3.4 Statistical Procedure

A completely randomized design was used for all experiments. For the experiment of

induction of secondary somatic embryogenesis, three repetitions composed of three Petri

dishes each were evaluated for solid culture medium or three repetitions composed of two

flasks for TIS. The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and when necessary

the SNK test was used to compare means using STATISTICA v.6 (StatSoft, Inc., 2004). The

variables evaluated were the percentage of callus, spongy tissue development and induction

rate of secondary somatic embryos. The induction percentage was additionally separated into

three embryogenic-capacity categories [low ( < 5 somatic embryos), medium (5-15) and high

( > 15)] because during scanning electron microscopy it was difficult to count the exact

number of somatic embryos.

For plantlet growth, the experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design

containing five replications, with each replication represented by one flask with solid or liquid

culture medium. The evaluated variables were plantlet fresh weight, total number of plantlets

and plantlet height, the latter with three classes: < 3.5 cm; 3.5-6.5 cm; > 6.5 cm. For plantlet

acclimatization, the final survival rate (%), average height (cm), rooting rate (%) and average

number of roots per plantlet were evaluated. The results were subjected to ANOVA as above.

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4 Results

4.1 Induction of primary somatic embryogenesis

Zygotic embryos (Figure 1A) cultivated on Picloram-enriched culture medium showed

swelling and callus growth during the first week of culture. Globular structures arising from

callus could be observed within 4 to 6 weeks of culture (Figure 1B-C). These globular

structures were whitish and usually only a few isolated globular structures could be observed

on each explant at this time. Development of additional somatic embryos occurred exactly in

the sectors where the globular structures first appeared (Figure 1D-E), resulting in clusters of

somatic embryos at the end of 12 weeks of culture. These clusters of somatic embryos could

be observed on all parts of the callus, but usually clusters in contact with the culture medium

developed more somatic embryos (Figure 1F). Approximately 40 % of the explants developed

somatic embryos.

Histological techniques were used to describe the sequence of development of

individually selected somatic embryos. Globular structures at the onset of polarization (i.e.,

elongated cells) and the presence of a well-delimited protoderm were the first clearly

distinguishable stages of somatic embryo development in culture (Figure 2A). Further

development included their elongation, development of procambium and differentiation of the

shoot meristem pole (Figure 2B). Somatic embryos transferred to maturation conditions had

well-developed procambium and a developing sheathing base around the shoot meristem

(Figure 2C). After the somatic embryos were transferred to conversion conditions, their

development included a well-differentiated shoot meristem completely enclosed by the

sheathing base (Figure 2D).

Scanning electron microscopy showed the initial development of the isolated globular

structures (Figure 3A), which resulted in the development of small clusters of somatic

embryos (Figure 3B). A delimited protodermis (Figure 3C) and a clear separation of the

embryogenic sector and the callus sector usually could be observed (Figure 3D), where callus

had loose cells while the embryogenic sector had a highly organized protodermis. In some

cases the epidermis of zygotic embryos also formed a continuum with the protodermis of the

somatic embryos, and the separation was visible only when the callus tissue was exposed. No

suspensor-like tissue was observed and the somatic embryos had a broad basal area fused to

the maternal tissue, but no vascular connections with the explant were observed through light


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Figure 1 - Induction of somatic embryogenesis in peach palm zygotic embryos. A –

Mature zygotic embryo of peach palm used as explant (bar = 1 mm). B – Initial development

of globular structures resembling somatic embryos on the callus (arrows) after 4 to 6 weeks of

culture (bar = 3 mm). C – Further development of globular somatic embryos (arrows) where

somatic embryos had previously developed (bar = 2 mm). D – Development of a cluster of

somatic embryos (arrows) on the callus after 6 weeks of culture (bar = 2 mm). E – Further

development of somatic embryos on the clusters (arrow) (bar = 4 mm). F - Clusters of somatic

embryos (arrows) at the end of 12 weeks of culture (bar = 4 mm).

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Figure 2 - Histological analyses of the development of peach palm somatic

embryogenesis. A – Globular somatic embryo with well-developed protodermis (pt) (bar =

200 µm). B – Elongated somatic embryos showing the initial differentiation of the

procambium (PC) and shoot meristem (Me) (bar = 200 µm). C – Mature somatic embryo

revealing complete development of the procambium as well as the sheathing base (SH) (bar =

200 µm). D – Somatic embryo in conversion conditions revealing a well formed shoot

meristem enclosed by the sheathing base (bar = 200 µm).

Figure 3 - Scanning electron microscopy analyses during the induction of peach palm

somatic embryos. A - Initial development of the isolated globular structures (arrows) (bar =

500 µm). B - Small clusters of primary somatic embryos (bar = 200 µm). C – Globular

somatic embryos with a delimited protodermis (bar = 100 µm). D – General view of the callus

cells with the embryogenic sector and the callus sector (bar = 200 µm).

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During the induction of somatic embryogenesis, alterations in the morphology of the

somatic embryos were observed, especially, but not exclusively, in the sector where the

sheathing base resulted in a mushroom-like structure (Figure 4A-B). From these somatic

embryos, secondary somatic embryos started to develop, resulting in clusters of somatic

embryos (Figure 4C); secondary somatic embryos arose also from globular somatic embryos

(Figure 4D). These results confirm that the development of clusters of somatic embryos in

peach palm is due to the development of secondary somatic embryos.

In the clusters of somatic embryos, several developmental stages could be observed,

revealing non-synchronized development. This was due to the fact that secondary somatic

embryos are continually produced in these conditions and that primary somatic embryos also

developed at different points in a callus at different times. Histological analyses revealed that

the sub-epidermal cell layers showed a more intense reaction to Toludine blue (Figure 5 A-C).

As somatic embryo development progressed, intense staining was observed in the sheathing

base region (Figure 5D) from where new somatic embryos arose (Figure 5E). As with SEM

analysis, light histology analysis revealed the initial development of secondary somatic

embryos from globular somatic embryos (Figure 5F).

Figure 4 - Further alteration of peach palm primary somatic embryos revealed by

scanning electron microscopy. A – Alteration in the meristem sheathing base resulted in a

mushroom-like structure (bar = 500 µm). B – Alteration on the sheathing base of primary

somatic embryos (bar = 500 µm). C – Development of secondary somatic embryos, resulting

in a cluster of somatic embryos (bar = 200 µm). D – Globular somatic embryo revealing the

development of secondary somatic embryos (bar = 200 µm).

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Figure 5 - Histological analyses of the development of peach palm somatic embryos

stained with Toludine blue. A – Histological analysis of peach palm primary somatic embryos

revealing cell division on sub-epidermal cells (bar = 200 µm). B – Detailed view of the sub-

epidermal cell layers that showed a more intense reaction and several mitotic events (bar =

100 µm). C - Peach palm primary somatic embryos showing cell division in the sub-

epidermal layers (arrows) (bar = 500 µm). D – Developed somatic embryo showing intense

staining in the sheathing base region (arrow) (bar = 200 µm). E –Development of secondary

embryos (arrows) from elongated somatic embryo (bar = 500 µm). F - Initial development of

secondary somatic embryos from globular somatic embryos (arrows) (bar = 500 µm).

4.2 Induction of secondary somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration

Peach palm somatic embryos had high embryogenic capacity in solid culture medium

as well as in TIS, ranging from 65.8 % to 86.2 % of secondary somatic embryo development

in all conditions (Figure 6 and 7). Picloram-enriched culture medium was effective in

inducing secondary somatic embryogenesis. Statistical differences (p < 0.05) were observed

for the total rate of induction only in the first cycle, not in other cycles (Table 1). However, a

significantly increasing rate (p < 0.05) of somatic embryo induction having low embryogenic

capacity was observed during the cycles on solid culture medium, while no difference was

observed in TIS. On the other hand, only 2.6 to 9.7 % of the explants cultivated on solid

culture medium showed high embryogenic capacity. A decreasing rate of embryogenic

capacity was observed on solid culture medium for this group: 16.3 ± 2.7 % of the explants

showed more than 15 somatic embryos per explant in the first cycle, while after 4 cycles (6

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weeks each) only 2.6 ± 0.9 % of the explants could be classified as high capacity. On TIS,

48.8 % to 64.2 % of the explants showed high embryogenic capacity (Table 1), without

statistical differences between these values, but with significant differences (p < 0.05) to solid

culture medium. Transfer of somatic embryos from TIS to solid culture medium showed high

embryogenic capacity (86.2 %), with most explants showing more than 15 somatic embryos

(63.5 %), without differences with the TIS treatment. No development of spongy tissue was

observed in TIS, while callus development was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in TIS than on

solid culture medium, varying from 15.3 % to 21.4 % (Table 1).

Upon transferring somatic embryo clusters to maturation conditions for 4 weeks,

differences among culture conditions were observed (Figure 8A-C). The highest increment in

fresh weight was observed for clusters of somatic embryos cultivated exclusively on solid

culture medium (Figure 8A; Table 2). This high increment was mainly due to the

development of a spongy haustorial-like tissue (Figure 8D). Embryogenic clusters from TIS

or TIS/solid showed a high number of mature somatic embryos after 4 weeks in maturation

conditions (Figure 8E), without statistical differences between these treatments (Table 2). The

conversion capacity of somatic embryos was around 30 % (data not shown) and plantlets were

obtained (Figure 8F).

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Figure 6 - Induction of secondary somatic embryos of peach palm. A – Somatic embryos

used as explants (bar = 2 mm). B – Morphological aspects of the non-embryogenic spongy

tissue (bar = 1 mm). C – Low embryogenic capacity class associated with the development of

spongy tissue. D – Example of medium embryogenesis capacity (bar = 2 mm). E – Example

of an explant showing high embryogenic capacity (bar = 2 mm).

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Figure 7 - Aspects of the development of peach palm secondary somatic embryogenesis

in TIS (temporary immersion system). A – General aspect of the cultures (bar = 3 cm). B –

Cultures showing the development of secondary somatic embryos and callus (bar = 4 mm). C

– Morphological aspect of the embryogenic sector (bar = 2 mm). D – Morphological aspect of

a non-embryogenic callus (bar = 2 mm).

Figure 8 - Maturation of peach palm somatic embryos. A – Somatic embryos induced

continually in solid culture medium (bar = 3 cm). B – Somatic embryos induced in TIS (bar =

3 cm). C – Somatic embryos in TIS cultivated for one cycle on solid culture medium (bar = 3

cm). D – Aspect of the structures developed from those cultures cultivated continually on

solid culture medium (2 mm). E – Detailed view of the cultures of mature somatic embryos

shown in B and C (bar = 2 mm). F – Converted somatic embryos (bar = 3 cm).

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Table 1 - Percentage of induction of secondary somatic embryogenesis on peach palm in

different culture conditions and during different cycles of six weeks each. Results are means ±

standard error. Means followed by different letters in the column represent statistical

differences identified by SNK analysis (P < 0.05).




Development of secondary somatic embryos

Total Low Medium High

1st solid 7.7±2.1

bc 26.2±2.9

b 66.2±3.1

b 14.4±1.7

b 35.5±2.0

a 16.3±2.7



solid 7.6±2.8bc

26.2±2.4b 65.8±3.0

b 21.8±2.4

b 37.8±4.3

a 6.2±2.0



solid 1.3±0.5c 11.1±4.2

a 86.6±4.1

a 35.5±6.0

a 41.3±8.6

a 9.7±4.5



solid 0.0±0.0c







TIS 21.4±2.7a 0.0±0.0

c 78.6±2.7

ab 16.5±2.2

b 13.3±2.9

b 48.8±4.5



TIS 16.0±3.1ab

0.0±0.0 c 83.9±3.0

a 13.4±2.3

b 19.5±4.2

ab 50.9±3.0



TIS 15.3±3.5ab






TIS-Solid 9.3±2.4bc






Table 2 - Maturation peach palm secondary somatic embryos on maturation culture


Treatment Inicial Weight (mg FW)

30 days Culture on Maturation Medium Increment (g) Somatic embryos (100mg explant)

Solid 343±9.3 6.89±0.74b 0.0±0.0


TIS 349±13.7 3.92±1.27a 62.1±16.2


TIS/Solid 370±12.2 3.96±1.03a 44.9±7.8


Small plantlets (200-250 mg each) were cultivated on solid culture medium or

transferred to TIS. The final fresh weight of the plantlets was higher in TIS than on solid

culture medium (Figure 9; Table 3). Plantlet height was also influenced by culture conditions.

After 3 months of culture on solid culture medium, no plantlet taller than 6.5 cm was

observed, while in TIS 51.1±11.4 % of the plantlets were taller than 6.5 cm (Table 3).

Additionally, newly formed shoots were observed in TIS as well as on solid culture medium;

to date it is not clear if those shoots developed from fused somatic embryos or from the

development of off-shoots, as peach palm is caespitose. Root development was observed only

occasionally during the culture period (Figure 9E-F, from solid culture medium and TIS,


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Figure 9 - Development of in vitro peach palm plantlets after three months of culture. A –

General aspects of plantlets cultivated on solid culture medium. B – General aspects of

plantlets cultivated in TIS. C – Aspects of plantlets cultivated on solid culture medium. D –

Aspects of plantlets cultivated in TIS. E – Detailed view of the plantlets cultivated for three

months on solid culture medium. F - Detailed view of the plantlets cultivated for three months

in TIS.

Table 3 - Comparison of TIS and solid culture medium on subsequent peach palm

plantlet growth.

Treatment Initial

(mg FW) Final (g FW)

n Total Class of plantlet height ( %)

< 3.5cm 3.5 – 6.5cm > 6.5cm

TIS 213±2 1.34±0.2 177 16.9±5.2 32.0±7.8 51.1±11.4

Solid 215±1 0.97±0.1 54 41.6±8.1 58.4±8.1 0.0±0.0

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Upon transferring the regenerated plantlets to acclimatization conditions (Figure 10A-

C), 65 % of TIS-grown plantlets and 97 % of solid culture medium plantlets survived after 3

months. On the other hand, plantlet height, rooting rate and number of roots per plantlet were

significantly higher in plantlets from TIS than from solid culture medium (Figure 10D; Table

4). Successful rooting (Figure 10F) of TIS-grown plantlets (75.1 %) was much higher than

solid culture medium grown plantlets (12.5 %) and all plantlets were allowed to grow further

(Figure 10G).

Figure 10 - Acclimatization of the in vitro regenerated peach palm plantlets. A-C –

Aspects of the acclimatization apparatus utilized in the present study. D – Plantlets obtained

from solid culture medium and TIS after three months of acclimatization. E – Aspect of the

acclimatized plantlets obtained after successful rooting (arrow). F – Plantlets transferred to

individual containers to allow further growth.

Table 4 - Peach palm plantlet growth and survival rate after 3 months of acclimatization.

Treatment n plantlets Survival (%) Height (cm) Rooting (%) roots per


TIS 133 65b 11,2a 75,1a 2,3a

Solid 36 97a 6,6b 12,5b 1,3b

4.3 Morpho-histological aspects of secondary somatic embryo development

Using somatic embryos as explants (Figure 6A) resulted in secondary somatic

embryos developed directly on the explants. Parallel to the development of somatic embryos,

callus growth was also observed, resulting in the development of callus-like sectors and

embryogenic sectors. This morphogenetic aspect was observed in both solid culture medium

and TIS, however generally associated with those explants that exhibited high embryogenic

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capacity (Figure 6 and 7). The low embryogenic capacity class was often associated with the

development of spongy haustorial-like tissue on solid culture medium (Figure 6B and C). As

observed during the induction of primary somatic embryogenesis, secondary somatic embryos

developed frequently, but not exclusively, from the sheathing base and continual development

of somatic embryos was observed.

SEM analyses showed the development in sectors, confirming a callus sector and an

embryogenic sector (Figure 11A-B), and, once somatic embryogenesis was triggered,

continual development of somatic embryos was observed (Figure 11C-D). From cultures

induced in TIS, SEM analyses also revealed the presence of several small protuberances

(Figure 11E), which may be considered pre-globular somatic embryos. Globular somatic

embryos were also frequently seen.

Histochemical analyses revealed that starch accumulation generally precedes the

development of somatic embryos (Figure 12A). Multicellular origin, involving sub-epidermic

and epidermic cells (Figure 12B), is hypothesized for these somatic embryos. The

subepidermic layers of cells proved to be metabolically highly active, as shown by the dense

cytoplasm after Toluidine blue O staining (Figure 12C). However, in cultures on solid culture

medium only a few cells showed the presence of amyloplasts (Figure 12D), while in cultures

from TIS most subepidermic cells showed starch accumulation. Also from TIS, some somatic

embryos showed high starch accumulation (Figure 12A). As development of somatic embryos

progressed, starch accumulation was observed only in the basal area of the somatic embryos

(Figure 12E) or later on those sectors where other somatic embryos would develop (Figure

12F). However, starch accumulation could not be systematically correlated with cell

embryogenic capacity, as in culture some subepidermic cells also accumulated large amounts

of starch without developing into somatic embryos, especially from TIS conditions. In all

tested conditions, somatic embryos also appeared with a broad basal area fused to maternal

tissue but without vascular connections to the explant tissue, again suggesting multicellular


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Figure 11 - Scanning electron microscopy analyses during the development of peach palm

secondary somatic embryos. A-C – Development of secondary somatic embryos in sectors of

the primary somatic embryos (bars = 1 mm). D – Aspect of secondary somatic embryogenesis

(bar = 200 μm). E - Cultures induced in TIS revealing the presence of several small

protuberances (bar = 500 μm). F – Cluster of somatic embryos (bar = 500 μm).

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Figure 12 - Histochemical analyses during the development of peach palm secondary

somatic embryos (SE). A – Cluster of somatic embryos showing starch accumulation (bar =

200 µm). B – Possible origin of somatic embryos involving sub-epidermic and epidermic

cells (circle) (bar = 50 µm). C – Sample stained with Toluidine blue O revealing dense

cytoplasm in the sub-epidermic cells (bar = 200 µm). D – Samples cultured only on solid

culture medium (bar = 100 µm). E – Further development of somatic embryos showing starch

accumulation in the basal area (bar = 100 µm). F – Specific starch accumulation in those

sectors where other somatic embryos would develop (arrow) (bar = 200 µm).

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Ultrastructural analyses of the embryogenic sector reveal small starch granules in the

cells of the protodemis, while sub-epidermic cells had larger amyloplasts that were also more

abundant and well distributed in the cells (Figure 13A). The cells contained numerous small

vacuoles and a large nucleus with prominent nucleolus (Figure 13B) with no cell wall

thickening, and plasmodesma was often observed connecting the cells (Figure 13C),

reinforcing the multicellular origin of the somatic embryos. Also in this embryogenic sector,

mitotic events could be observed by DAPI staining and a higher nucleus / cytoplasm ratio was

observed in sub-epidermic cells compared with those that would result in callus growth

(Figure 14 A-B). More numerous mitotic events were observed in the sub-epidermal cell

layer, where secondary somatic embryos develop (Figure 14C-D).

Histological analyses of callus revealed the presence a specific zone of small cells

(Figure 15A), as well as the presence of an epidermis-like layer (Figure 15B). Only a few

amyloplasts were observed in some areas of the callus (Figure 15C). In the area where the

embryogenic sector was in contact with the callus sector, an intense metachromatic reaction

with Toluidine O was observed in the vacuoles of a specific layer of cells (Figure 15D-E).

This metachromatic reaction indicates the accumulation of large amounts of phenolic

substances in the vacuoles of the cells. Ultrastructural analysis of these phenol-storing cells

revealed the presence of a large vacuole containing electron dense substances (Figure 13D),

numerous mitochondria, some small amyloplasts, plastids also containing electron dense

substances and Golgi complex (Figure 13E), all suggesting metabolically active cells.

Transferring the somatic embryo sectors from the TIS treatment to maturation

conditions resulted in fully developed somatic embryos. SEM analysis revealed the presence

of some fused somatic embryos (Figure 11F), which could be the origin of the multiple shoots

observed during their conversion into plantlets.

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Figure 13 - Ultrastructural analyses of the embryogenic cells and phenol-storing cells. A –

Embryogenic sector including epidermic and sub-epidermic cells (bar = 10 µm). B – Example

of a cell of the embryogenic sector contained numerous small vacuoles (Vac) and numerous

plasmodesma (arrows) (bar = 5 µm). C – Aspect of the plasmodesma (bar = 200 nm). D -

Ultrastructural analysis of the phenol-storing cells (bar = 2 µm). E – Detailed view of the

phenol-storing cells showing numerous mitochondria (star), and Golgi complex (arrow) (bar

= 500 nm).

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Figure 14 - Mitotic events in embryogenic sector revealed by DAPI staining. A-B - High

nucleus : cytoplasm ratio observed in sub-epidermic cells (bars = 200 µm). C-D – Mitotic

events during the initial development of peach palm secondary somatic embryos (bar in C =

200 µm; in D = 100 µm).

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Figure 15 - Histological aspects of the callus sector. A – General view of callus stained

with PAS reagent (bar = 200 µm). B – Detailed view of A showing an epidermis-like cell

layer (arrow) (bar = 50 µm). C – Presence of amyloplast in the callus sector (black arrow)

(bar = 50 µm). D – Histological section of the callus sector in contact with the embryogenic

sector revealing the accumulation of phenolic substances in the cells (bar = 50 µm). E –

General view of the callus sector and somatic embryos (SE) (bar = 500 µm).

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5 Discussion

The occurrence of secondary somatic embryogenesis during the induction of peach

palm somatic embryogenesis, as previously hypothesized (Steinmacher et al., 2007a), was

confirmed on Picloram-enriched culture medium. This was confirmed by light and scanning

electron microscopy in the present study. The occurrence of secondary somatic embryos in

primary culture conditions was observed in Bermuda grass (Li and Qu, 2002) and the constant

requirement of plant growth regulators for the development of somatic embryos has been

described in several monocot species [i.e., Banana (Khalil et al., 2002); see also review by

Reamakers et al., 1995]. In the present study, the use of this morphogenetic pathway also

allowed the establishment of an effective protocol for the induction of secondary somatic

embryogenesis and permitted the development of a cycling culture.

Secondary somatic embryogenesis has already been proved to be an excellent

morphogenetic process for several species, such as coconut, cassava and cacao (Perez-Nunes

et al., 2006; Groll et al., 2001; Maximova et al., 2002), and the combination of this

morphogentic pathway with TIS also increases propagation efficiency in several species, e.g.,

rubber, coffee and cacao (Etienne et al., 1997; Albarran et al., 2005; Niemenak et al., 2008).

To the best of our knowledge, however, there are no conclusive reports on the use of TIS and

secondary somatic embryogenesis in palms.

In the present study, both induction of primary and secondary somatic embryos was

achieved with Picloram-enriched culture medium. The use of Picloram showed it to be an

effective auxin-analog for peach palm somatic embryogenesis, as previously demonstrated

(Steinmacher et al., 2007abc). In the palm Acrocomia aculeata, the continuous maintenance

of callus on Picloram-enriched medium also led to the proliferation of multicellular-origin

somatic embryos (Moura et al., 2008). Additionally, it is thought that auxin-analogs have a

dual role during the induction of somatic embryogenesis, one related to the auxin signaling

and the other to a stress component (Feher et al., 2003).

Stress has been proved to be an important factor related to the acquisition of

embryogenic competence (Pasternak et al., 2002). In our study, efficient cycling cultures

could be established only on TIS, while on solid culture medium a decreasing rate of highly

embryogenic-capable cultures and an increasing rate of spongy tissue development were

observed. Therefore, flooding in TIS could be seen as a type of environmental and metabolic

stress, increasing the induction of somatic embryogenesis. Other advantages of TIS could be

related to the nutrient uptake without hypoxia, absence of nutrient gradients as in solid culture

medium and the frequent renewal of the in vitro atmosphere, where ethylene accumulates, for

instance (Etienne and Berthouly, 2002). The presence of silver nitrate, a known ethylene

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perception blocker, has been shown to greatly increase somatic embryogenesis of peach palm

(Steinmacher et al., 2007a).

Histological analyses revealed cells with embryogenic characteristics, such as small

cells with small vacuoles and large nuclei. Such cells were usually found in subepidermic and

epidermic tissue, resulting in multicellular origin somatic embryos. These cells also presented

higher metabolic activity, as more starch accumulation was observed. Starch accumulation is

considered a marker for embryogenic capacity in several systems, including oil palm, coconut

and rattan (Schwediman et al., 1988; Verdeil et al., 2001; Goh et al., 2000). In the present

study, starch accumulation could not be systematically correlated to somatic embryogenesis,

as some cells accumulated starch without developing into somatic embryos. Similar results

were observed in rattan somatic embryogenesis (Goh et al. 2000). In coconut somatic

embryogenesis, sub-epidermal cells also had a dense cytoplasm (Saenz et al., 2006) and later

this was correlated with the expression of the CnSERK gene (Perez-Nunes et al., 2009), a

marker-gene for somatic embryogenesis.

Histological analyses of the callus sector revealed a sector of phenol-rich cells exactly

on the border of the callus, especially in the sectors where somatic embryos developed.

Similar results were also observed in Feijoa sellowiana, and those phenol-storing cells were

hypothesized to form a barrier between the somatic embryos and the mother tissue during

induction and development of somatic embryos (Reis et al., 2008). Blockage of symplastic

transport is also thought to be a main force leading to morphological alterations (Pfluger and

Zambryski, 2001) and it is possible that for the development of somatic embryos symplastic

isolation is also required. Such isolation can occur physically through the thickening of the

cell wall and closing of the plasmodesmata by deposition of callose (Dubois et al., 1990;

Verdeil et al., 2001), as well as deposition of phenolic and lipophilic substances on cell walls

(Pedroso et al., 1995), or through the development of barrier cells (i.e., phenol-storing cells)

between somatic embryos and mother tissue (Reis et al., 2008), as observed in the present

study. As these phenol-storing cells are metabolically very active, with the presence of

numerous mitochondria and Golgi apparati, their specific roles during the development of

somatic embryos remains to be elucidated.

In the present study, somatic embryos were transferred to maturation conditions prior

to conversion. These steps can still be considered as a bottleneck, as some mature somatic

embryos were fused or no mature somatic embryos were observed from those cultures

induced only on solid culture medium. Additionally, a relatively low (around 30 %)

conversion rate was observed and the regenerated plantlets had deficient root development in

vitro. Previous studies of acclimatization of peach palm plantlets suggested that the in vitro-

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grown roots were not functional (Arias, 1985) and they were removed, allowing new roots to

develop during the acclimatization step (Steinmacher et al., 2007a). Plantlets produced in TIS

had lower survival rates than those from solid culture medium; however, TIS-grown plantlets

showed enhanced growth and higher rooting rate, suggesting physiologically better plantlets.

Among the other vantages of TIS as previously described, the ventilation of the culture

containers may also result in plantlets more capable of growing in ex vitro conditions. In

coconut, increased capacity of in vitro-grown plants to control water loss was related to the

ventilation of the flasks (Talavera et al., 2001). This suggests that TIS could also be an

alternative technique for the growth of other palm species.

In conclusion, the occurrence of secondary somatic embryos during the induction of

somatic embryogenesis in peach palm was confirmed. This morphological pathway allowed

the development of a protocol suitable for in vitro multiplication of peach palm using a

temporary immersion system and cycling cultures were established. Although zygotic

embryos were used as explants, somatic embryogenesis was already obtained from

inflorescences and shoot meristems (Steinmacher et al., 2007bc), making this protocol

useable for selected genotypes. In fact, a pilot project is already underway for the mass

propagation of selected peach palm genotypes from Hawaii/USA. The maturation and

conversion conditions in this protocol must also be improved, possibly using storage proteins

as a quality marker. The use of a temporary immersion system may also be an interesting

strategy for the scaling-up of other palm trees.

6 References

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embryogenesis of Theobroma cacao L. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-

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somatic embryogenesis of Camptotheca acuminata in temporary immersion system (TIS).

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Biology - Plant 43: 124-132.

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immature peach palm inflorescence explants: towards development of an efficient

protocol. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 89: 15-22.


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1 Abstract

No studies evaluating arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) during palm embryogenesis

have been carried out. In the present study the effect of Yariv reagent in the liquid culture

medium was evaluated, and the localization of specific AGPs and pectin during induction and

development of peach palm somatic embryos was demonstrated. The occurrence of an

extracellular matrix network covering globular somatic embryos is described. Secondary

somatic embryogenesis was induced in the presence of Yariv reagent (ßGlcY). Somatic

embryos were collected at different developmental stages or cultivated in the presence of

ßGlcY and examined under light, transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy

(SEM). Immunodetection using different monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against different

AGPs (Jim13, Jim8, LM2 and Jim14) and pectin epitopes was accomplished. Somatic

embryos and callus development rate were significantly affected by the presence of 30 µM

Yariv reagent but no effect was observed on fresh weight increment. Histological analyses

from control cultures reveal a well-delimited protoderm and signs of polarization in the

somatic embryos. In the presence of Yariv reagent somatic embryos presented loose cells in

the protoderm and no signs of polarization could be observed. SEM analyses also confirmed

protodermis mal-formation. AGPs were secreted into the culture medium and lower amounts

were detected from callus culture or in the presence of 30 µM Yariv reagent. Analyses of

specific MAbs against different AGPs epitopes revealed a specific pattern of distribution for

each epitope. MAb Jim13 had differential expression and showed intense signal on the

embryogenic sector and some immediately adjacent layers. MAb Jim7 (against pectin)

recognized cell wall of all cells and a specific layer over the developing somatic embryo, as

well as over the shoot meristem region of mature somatic embryos. This corresponds to an

extracellular matrix surface network (ECMSN) associated with the development of somatic

embryos and closely related to the expression of MAb Jim13. Scanning electron microscopy

confirmed the presence of an ECMSN covering a specific group of cells and TEM analyses

revealed that the ECMSN had a fibrillar and granular structure with lipophilic substances.

These findings support the idea that AGPs are essential for the onset of somatic embryo

induction and suggest that MAb Jim13 could be a reliable marker for peach palm somatic

embryogenesis competence, as well as somatic embryos quality. Its role in ECMSN formation

is discussed.

Key words: Bactris gasipaes, pectin, ultrastructure, tissue culture, liquid culture medium.

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2 Introduction

Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is a caespitose palm widely distributed in the

lowland humid Neotropics. This species has numerous uses, but fruit and heart-of-palm

production are most important (Mora-Urpí et al., 1997). Decades of research and

development have yielded good results for heart-of-palm, and gave rise to numerous large

germplasm collections in Latin American institutions (Clement et al., 2004). This

conservation effort is based on living collections in field germplasm banks, because seed

banks are not possible because the species has recalcitrant seeds (Bovi et al., 2004).

Therefore, in vitro conservation is suggested as the most promising and cost effective

technique for a conservation program, with clonal propagation used to backup the field

genebanks (Mora-Urpí et al., 1997).

An improved culture procedure recently developed for peach palm somatic

embryogenesis uses liquid culture medium in a temporary immersion system (TIS) (Chapter

II). One advantage of liquid culture medium compared to solid culture media is the absence of

nutrient gradients, as well as the fact that substances secreted into the culture medium with

putative signaling functions are able to reach other explants. The most important secreted

substances in this regard are arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs).

AGPs are an umbrella term for a large class of proteoglycans widely distributed

throughout the plant kingdom (Nothnagel, 1997; Seifert and Roberts, 2007). At the

subcellular level these compounds are associated with secretory pathways, plasma membranes

and cell walls, as well as being present in the culture medium (Showalter, 2001; Šamaj et al.,

2000). Classical AGPs contain a domain responsible for attaching the protein backbone to a

glycosylphosphotidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchor. Other classes of AGPs include lysin-

rich AGPs, AG peptides, FLA (fascin-like AGPs) and chimeric AGPs. A chimeric AGP and a

non-specific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP) Xylogen, with a cell-cell signaling role during

xylem differentiation, have recently been described (Motose et al., 2004). This chimeric AGP

was recognized by the monoclonal antibody (MAb) Jim13 and was shown to play a

fundamental role in xylem differentiation. Lipid transfer proteins are defined by their ability

to facilitate transfer of phospholipids between membranes in vitro and are secreted and

located in the cell wall; they have possible roles during programmed cell death, as well as in

cutin formation (Kader, 1997; Eklund et al., 2003).

Early in the development of somatic embryos in vitro polarization is established

(Šamaj et al., 2006). Both the cytoskeleton and cell walls appear to play an essential

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regulatory role during this process (Šamaj et al., 2006). It has been shown that AGPs can

indirectly interact with the microtubule and actin in the cells (Sardar et al., 2006; Driouchi et

al., 2008), playing a role during polarized growth. AGPs are also interlinked with pectins

(Immerzeel et al., 2006). Pectins are mostly localized in the middle lamella and primary cell

wall and are, like AGP, branched molecules (Carpita et al., 1993). These interactions of AGPs

with pectin and microtubule support the hypothesis of a continuum between cytoskeleton,

plasma membranes and cell walls (Kohorn, 2000; Baluska et al., 2003). Therefore, a

multifaceted biological function of AGPs is expected, although it is far from being completely

understood. Their involvement has been described in distinct processes of cell differentiation,

cell expansion and division, and AGPs have been proposed to be integral parts of the

signaling cascade of plant growth regulators [i.e., Gibberellin (Suzuki, 2002; Mashiguchi et

al. 2008), ABA (van Hengel et al., 2004)]. Additionally, AGPs may act as molecular markers

for specific cells [i.e., during reproductive development (Coimbra et al., 2007)], as well as for

morphogenetically competent cells (Šamaj et al., 1999), with putative mechanical and

physiological roles during the signaling cascade and plant cell polarization.

A more general role of AGPs as a cell-cell signaling molecule during the induction

and development of somatic embryos has also been proposed. A specific set of AGPs from

conditioned culture medium or from immature seeds could increase or even fully restore

somatic embryo formation (McCabe et al., 1997; van Hengel et al., 2001). The improvement

in morphogenesis was described in several species (Letarte et al., 2006; Ergestdotter and von

Arnold, 1995). Results pointed to a non-species-specific response, where conditioned culture

medium from one species could increase the embryogenic response in other species (Kreuger

and van Holst, 1993; Amar et al., 2007). Furthermore it is known that a specific set of AGPs

could have an inhibitory effect on somatic embryogenesis (Toonen et al., 1997). The increase

in somatic embryogenesis induction with the inclusion of AGPs re-isolated after an

endochitinase treatment has also been described (van Hengel et al., 2001).

Despite the fact that the biological functions of most AGPs are numerous and still

uncertain (Chapman et al., 2000; Seifert and Roberts, 2007), their characterization offers the

opportunity of identifying regulatory mechanisms of somatic embryogenesis. It is known that

AGPs epitopes are species-specific and are involved in different morphogenetic pathways

(Seifert and Roberts, 2007). To the best of our knowledge there is no report regarding the role

of AGPs during palm embryogenesis and secondary somatic embryo development.

Secondary somatic embryogenesis is associated with a few cells that escape from the

coordinated development of the somatic embryo and initiate the development of a new

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somatic embryo (Raemakers et al., 1995; Williams and Maheswaran, 1985). In our system of

peach palm in vitro regeneration, embryos develop from small aggregates of sub-epidermal

and epidermal embryogenic cells resulting in the direct development of somatic embryos (i.e.,

without an intermediate callus phase). They originate from cytoplasmatic-rich, metabolically

active cells, where rapid cell division associated with a drastic reduction in storage products

(starch) takes place when somatic embryo development starts (Chapter II).

Somatic embryo development is frequently associated with the formation of an

extracellular matrix surface network (ECMSN - also known as a supraembryogenic network)

covering the (pre-)globular somatic embryos. It appears to be an evolutionarily conserved

characteristic, described in gymnosperms (Šamaj et al., 2008) and in angiosperms (Chapmann

et al., 2000ab; Bobák et al., 2003), including palms (Verdeil et al., 2001). The mechanisms

controlling the formation of the ECMSN are largely unknown. However, it is thought that

ECMSN is involved in integration and recognition of morphogenic cells within multicellular

callus domains, as well as having a protective function (Popielarska-Konieczna et al., 2008).

The composition of ECMSN includes proteins, pectidic polysaccharides, lipophilic substances

and AGPs (Popielarska-Konieczna et al., 2008; Namasivayam et al., 2006; Chapman et al.,

2000ab; Konieczny et al., 2005).

The use of Yariv reagent (ßGlcY), a synthesized chemical antibody that specifically

binds to and aggregates AGPs molecules causing loss-of-function, is a reliable method to

study the role of AGPs during plant morphogenesis (Chapmann et al., 2000). Currently,

immunolocalization techniques are one of the best methods to identify and to precisely locate

polymers in situ within complex tissues. These methods generally use monoclonal antibodies

that were developed from complex cell-wall-derived materials (Knox, 2008).

In the present study the effect of ßGlcY during development of secondary somatic

embryos of peach palm is described. Immunolocalization of different AGPs epitopes as well

as pectins was used to describe their relationships to the development of secondary somatic

embryos. In addition, the occurrence of an extracellular network rich in AGPs, lipophilic

substances and pectin is presented.

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3 Material and Methods

3.1 Plant material

Somatic embryogenesis was induced from three shoot meristems of a peach palm kept

in the greenhouse at the University of Hamburg. The older leaf sheaths were removed and

shoots with 2 leaf sheaths were treated with 1g L-1

streptomicyn sulphate for 1 hour. The

shoots were transferred to a 70 % ethanol solution for 5 min, followed by 40 min in a 50 %

solution of commercial bleach (4 - 5 % active chlorine) plus 3 drops Tween® 20 to each 100

ml of this solution. The treatment was followed by three washings of five min each with

autoclaved distilled water. Thereafter, the excess of water was dried over a filter paper and

two more leaf sheaths were removed. The remaining shoot tip, composed of leaf primordia

and the shoot meristem, was sectioned into thin segments (approx. 1 mm thick) and

transferred onto culture medium enriched with 300 µM Picloram as previously described

(Steinmacher et al., 2007). Primary somatic embryos were obtained, cycling secondary

somatic embryos culture was established as previously described using a temporary

immersion system (Chapter II) using approximately 100 mg explants, and clusters of somatic

embryos from a well-established cycling culture were used in the present study.

3.2 Culture medium and conditions

About 100 mg of small clusters of somatic embryos were transferred into 250 ml

Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 ml culture medium. The culture medium was composed of

MS salts (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) and Morel and Wetmore vitamins (Morel and

Wetmore, 1951), plus 500 mg L-1

Glutamine and 10 µM Picloram. The cultures were

maintained on a rotatory horizontal shaker at 100 rpm in darkness at 28 °C and cultivated for

4 weeks. Different concentrations (0, 5 and 30 µM) of ß-glucosyl Yariv-reagent, a synthetic

phenylglycoside that specifically binds AGPs, was synthesized from phloroglucinol and

p-aminophenyl-β-glycopyranoside according to Basile et al. (1989), and added to the culture

medium. As the negative control, 30 µM of α-glucosyl (αGlcY) was added to the medium.

This was synthesized using the same procedure but from aminophenyl-α-glycopyranoside as

the precursor (Basile et al., 1989). To test the effect of ßGlcY during the development of

somatic embryos on solid culture medium, the same culture medium composition was gelled

with 2.5 g L-1

gelrite. Callus culture was established using non-embryogenic callus as

previously described (Steinmacher et al., 2007). Maturation of somatic embryos was carried

out on solid (2.5 g L-1

gelrite) MS culture medium, plus Morel and Wetmore vitamins and

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1 g L-1

glutamine. 10 µM abscisic acid was filter-sterilized through 0.2 µm PET-membrane

filter (Carl Roth GmbH) and added to the autoclaved culture medium. The cultures were kept

in the dark at 28 °C and collected for the present study one month later. All the culture media

had their pH adjusted to 5.8 and were autoclaved for 20 min.

3.3 Histological procedure and immunolocalization

Small clusters of somatic embryos were stained with a 1 mg ml-1

Yariv solution

overnight at 4°C. The samples were examined and photographed under a stereoscope coupled

to a Canon Powershot.

For fluorescence microscopy, samples were fixed with 2 % (w/v) paraformaldehyde in

0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for 24 hours at 4°C, dehydrated in an ethanol series (30 % to

100 %) twice with 15 min each step and embedded in LR White resin (London Resin Co.

Ltd., London). Gelatin capsules filled with resin and the sample were allowed to polymerize

at 65°C overnight. Specimens were sectioned in 1 μm thick sections with a glass-knife in a

semi-automated microtome (Reichert Ultracut S, Leica®) and mounted onto glass slides with

a drop of water, then fixed over a hot plate (approximately 70°C). For calcofluor staining, a

solution containing 100 µg ml-1

was applied over the samples for 30 s and washed three times

with water to remove the excess. For staining lipidic substances, Nile red was synthesized by

boiling Nile blue in sulphuric acid and extracted with xylene, and observed under red

fluorescence (excitation 515-560 nm; emission, greater than 590 nm) as described by

Greenspan et al. (1985).

For fluorescence immunolocalization, semi-thick sections were blocked with 5 %

BSA in PBS for one hour, followed by incubation with primary monoclonal antibodies

against several AGPs epitopes (Jim13, Jim8, LM2 and Jim14) and low- or high-

methylesterified pectin (Jim5 and Jim7) at 1:5 for one hour at room temperature; some

samples were also incubated overnight at 4°C. Thereafter, sections were washed with 1 %

BSA in PBS three times for 5 min each followed by an incubation for 2 hours with secondary

antibody FITC-conjugated at 1:100 (rat Ig Sigma) in 1 % BSA in PBS. Finally, all the

sections were washed with PBS three times for 5 min each. After removing the excess, the

samples were mounted with antifading Citifluor (Citifluor Ltda, London) and visualized

under UV excitation for calcofluor and with FITC exciter filter (BP 450-490 nm). All the

sections were examined under an Olympus BH-2 microscope and photographed with a

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ColorView IIIu (Soft Imaging System, GmbH). Negative control samples were obtained

omitting the primary antibody.

For scanning electron microscopy, the samples were fixed with 3 % glutaraldehyde in

0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for 24 hours and dehydrated in ethanol (30 % – 100 %)

twice in each step for 15 min each. The samples were critical point dried with liquid CO2 in a

CPD 030 critical point dryer (Bal-TEC, Leica®

), affixed to aluminum stubs and coated with

gold palladium in a SCD 050 Sputter Coater (Bal-TEC, Leica®). The mounted specimens

were examined with a Philips XL 20 scanning electron microscope.

For transmission electron microscopy, samples were fixed in 4 % glutaraldehyde in

0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) for two hours at room temperature. Thereafter the samples

were transferred to fresh fixative solution and maintained overnight at 4°C. The samples were

then rinsed in the same buffer without glutaraldehyde with three changes (15 min each) and

postfixed in buffered 1 % OsO4 solution at 4°C for 2 hours. After rinsing in cacodylate buffer,

the samples were dehydrated in a graded acetone series and embedded in Spurr‟s resin

(Pelco®, Redding USA). Ultrathin sections (80 - 100 nm) were cut with an Ultracut E

ultramicrotome (Reichert-Jung, Vienna, Austria), collected over a Formvar coated copper-

grid and stained with 1 % uranyl acetate and 0.1 % lead citrate for 10 min each.

Samples for immunogold labeling were fixed overnight in MSB buffer (0.1 M PIPES,

10 mM EGTA, 10 mM MgSO4, 0,1 % Triton X-100) plus 2 % paraformaldehyde and 0,1 %

Glutardialdehyde at 4°C. After washing two times in MSB buffer, the samples were postfixed

in 0.5 % OsO4 for 1.5 hours, dehydrated in an ethanol series and embedded in LR White resin

in gelatin capsules as previously described. Sections (80–100 nm) were collected on Formvar

coated nickel grids. Each grid was incubated in 1 % BSA and 0.1 % BSA-fraction C in PBS

for 20 min, washed and incubated in monoclonal antibodies at 1:20 for 1 h at room

temperature. Grids were washed and incubated in 10 nm gold conjugated secondary antibody

1:50 in 1 % BSA and 0.1 % BSA-fraction C in PBS, after which they were washed again in

PBS buffer and an additional step of 30 s in 0.5 % glutaraldehyde was applied. Thereafter the

sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead acetate. All sections were viewed with a

LEO 906 E transmission electron microscope (LEO, Oberkochen, Germany) equipped with a

Gatan MultiScan CCD Camera (Munich, Germany). Images were acquired using the Digital

Micrograph 3.3 software.

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3.4 Isolation of AGPs from culture media and quantification by radial gel


Culture media were filtered through a millipore filter (0.4 µm) and, when necessary,

sodium dithionite was added. The culture medium was incubated in a water bath at 50°C until

the red color disappeared. All the culture media were dialyzed with distilled water for

72 hours at 4°C. The culture media were freeze-dried and AGPs were extracted as described

by Helleboid et al. (1998). AGPs were quantified through single radial gel diffusion,

performed as described by van Holst and Clarke (1985) using gum arabic as a standard.

3.5 Statistical procedure

A completely randomized design was used. Induction of secondary somatic

embryogenesis on solid culture medium was carried out with three repetitions composed of

three Petri dishes each of three repetitions composed of two Erlermeyer flasks for the

induction of somatic embryos in liquid culture medium. The data were subjected to analysis

of variance (ANOVA) and, when necessary, the SNK test was used to compare means using

the program STATISTICA v.6 (StatSoft, Inc.). The variables evaluated were the percentage

of callus, development and induction rate of secondary somatic embryos, as well as fresh

weight increment. The induction percentage was separated into three embryogenic-capacity

categories [low ( < 5 somatic embryos), medium (5-15) and high ( > 15)]

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4 Results

4.1 Effect of ßGlcY during the development of secondary somatic embryos

Secondary somatic embryogenesis was induced in liquid culture (Figure 1) and the

fresh weight increment of explants was not affected by the addition of ßGlcY (Figure 2a).

However, ßGlcY affected somatic embryogenic and callus development rates. Development

of secondary somatic embryos was observed on 71 % of explants in absence of ßGlcY, while

only 33 % developed in the presence of 30 µM ßGlcY. In the positive control (30 µM

αGlcY), 67 % explants formed secondary somatic embryos, which was not significantly

different from the absence of ßGlcY (Figure 2b). Callus development had the opposite

behavior, with increasing callus development rate in the presence of ßGlcY. In the control and

positive control conditions, 28 % and 32 % of the explants developed into callus, respectively,

while in the presence of 30 µM ßGlcY 66 % of explants formed callus (Figure 2c).

Figure 1 - Secondary somatic embryogenesis of peach palm induced in liquid culture

medium. Aspects of the cultures grown in control conditions (A;D;G), in the presence of 5

µM ßGlcY (B; E; H) and in presence of 30 µM ßGlcY (C; F; I). (bars in D-F = 5 mm; G-I = 2


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Figure 2 - Fresh weight increment and somatic embryogenesis and callus formation rates

in different concentrations of ßGlcY and αGlcY after 30 days of culture. A - Fresh weight

increment. B – Percentage of somatic embryo formation. C – Percentage of callus

development. Different letters represent statistical differences after SNK analysis (P < 0.05).

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Transfer of the embryogenic cultures onto solid culture medium with or without

ßGlcY resulted in somatic embryo development under all conditions tested (Figure 3-4; Table

1). However, somatic embryos did not develop on those areas in contact with the culture

medium in the presence of ßGlcY (Figure 5).

Table 1 - Formation of secondary somatic embryos on solid culture medium with

different concentrations of ßGlcY after 30 days culture in liquid culture medium with

different concentrations of ßGlcY. Values represent means ± standard error.

Liquid Solid Callus ( %) Somatic embryogenesis ( %) Total Low Medium High

0 µM ß-Yariv

0 µM 7.4±3.7 92.6±3.7 0.0±0.0 7.4±3.7 85.2±3.7

5 µM 7.4±3.7 92.6±3.7 11.1±6.4 11.1±0.0 70.4±7.4

30 µM 22.2±11.1 77.8±11.1 0.0±0.0 11.1±6.4 66.7±17.0

5 µM ß-Yariv

0 µM 0.0±0.0 100.0±0.0 0.0±0.0 3.7±3.7 96.3±3.7

5 µM 14.8±14.8 85.2±14.8 0.0±0.0 7.4±3.7 77.8±17.0

30 µM 11.1±6.4 88.9±6.4 0.0±0.0 3.7±3.7 85.2±9.8

30 µM ß-Yariv

0 µM 33.3±11.1 66.7±11.1 0.0±0.0 0.0±0.0 66.7±11.1

5 µM 11.1±11.1 88.9±11.1 0.0±0.0 0.0±0.0 88.9±11.1

30 µM 0.0±0.0 100.0±0.0 0.0±0.0 0.0±0.0 100.0±0.0

Mean 11.9±3.1 88.1±3.1 1.2±0.9 4.9±1.2 81.9±3.7

4.2 Localization of AGPs through ßGlcY and its effect on somatic embryo


During the development of secondary somatic embryos a callus sector and an

embryogenic sector were observed (Figure 6A). The embryogenic sector was characterized by

the continual development of secondary somatic embryos (Figure 6B). Two specific staining

patterns could be observed after 30 days of culture in the presence of ßGlcY: the whole callus

sector stained intensively (Figure 6C), while the characteristic ßGlcY stain was observed on

embryogenic sectors only in the regions where secondary somatic embryos would develop

(Figure 6D).

During the initial development of somatic embryos, polarized localization of AGPs

was observed on pre-globular somatic embryos (Figure 6E), as well as intense staining over

globular somatic embryos grown in the presence of ßGlcY (Figure 6F). Similar results were

observed on clusters of somatic embryos stained overnight with ßGlcY solution, with an

intense red color in specific sectors of the explant, as well as on the protoderm of the globular

somatic embryos (Figure 7).

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Figure 3 - Development of secondary somatic embryos on solid culture medium in the

presence of different concentrations of ßGlcY [(A-D-G) control conditions; (B-E-H) 5 µM

ßGlcY; (C-F-I) 30 µM ßGlcY)]. A-C – Somatic embryos from control conditions (absence of

ßGlcY); D-F – Cultures cultivated in liquid culture medium containing 5 µM ßGlcY before

transferring to solid culture medium. G-I – Cultures cultivated in liquid culture medium

containing 30 µM ßGlcY before transferring to solid culture medium.

Figure 4 - Detailed view of the development of secondary somatic embryos on solid

culture medium in the presence of different concentrations of ßGlcY. A-C – Somatic embryos

from control conditions (absence of ßGlcY); D-F – Cultures cultivated in liquid culture

medium containing 5 µM ßGlcY before transferring to solid culture medium. G-I – Cultures

cultivated in liquid culture medium containing 30 µM ßGlcY before transferring to solid

culture medium. All bars = 3 mm.

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Figure 5 - Detailed view of the development of secondary somatic embryos on solid

culture medium in the region of the explant in contact with the culture medium in the

presence of different concentrations of ßGlcY. A-C – Somatic embryos from control

conditions (absence of ßGlcY) (bars = 3 mm); D – General view of the cultures on solid

culture medium containing 30 µM ßGlcY (bar = 2 cm). E-G – View of the cultures on solid

culture medium containing 30 µM ßGlcY (bars = 3 mm). H-I – Detailed view of the cultures

on solid culture medium containing 30 µM ßGlcY (bars = 2 mm).

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Figure 6 - Localization of AGPs on peach palm embryogenic clusters with ßGlcY. A –

View of embryogenic cultures (bar = 4 mm). B – Embryogenic cluster revealing secondary

somatic embryos (bar = 2 mm). C - Staining pattern in the callus (bar = 2 mm). D – Staining

of embryogenic sectors showing intense reaction where secondary somatic embryos would

develop (arrow) (bar = 2 mm). E – Staining pattern during the initial development of somatic

embryos showing polarized localization of AGPs (arrowhead) (bar = 2 mm). F - Intense

staining over globular somatic embryos (arrowhead) (bar = 1 mm).

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Figure 7 - Clusters of somatic embryos stained overnight with ßGlcY solution. A - F – An

intense red color in specific sectors of the explant as well as on the protoderm of the globular

somatic embryos was observed (arrows). (bars A and D = 5 mm; others = 2 mm).

Continuous development of secondary somatic embryos, forming clusters of somatic

embryos, was also observed in scanning electron micrographs (Figure 8A). Somatic embryos

at the globular stage presented well-delimited protoderm (Figure 8B). The explants with

callus growth also possessed sectors of protoderm-like cells (Figure 8C-D). In the presence of

ßGlcY, loose cells that grew into undelimited protoderm were observed (Figure 8E-F).

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Figure 8 - Scanning electron microscopy during the development of peach palm

secondary somatic embryos. A – Clusters of somatic embryos (bar = 1 mm). B – Globular

somatic embryo with well-delimited protoderm (bar = 100 µm). C-D – Development of callus

revealing sectors of protoderm-like cells (bar = 1 mm and 100 µm). E-F – Development of

secondary somatic embryos in the presence of ßGlcY revealing loose cells that grew into

undelimited protoderm (bar = 500 µm and 200 µm).

Resin embedded samples corroborate these observations, revealing that somatic

embryos formed in control conditions had a single cell layer, very well delimited protoderm

and some signs of polarization (Figure 9A), with elongated cells present already in globular

somatic embryos (Figure 9B). In contrast, somatic embryos formed in the presence of ßGlcY

had profound alterations, especially in the protoderm (Figure 9C), which had no delimited

pattern and presented loose cells (Figure 9D). No sign of polarization was observed in cells in

round somatic embryos with non-organized growth (Figure 9E). When combined with the

localized secretion of AGPs, these observations reinforce its importance in the initial

development of secondary somatic embryos, as well as for protoderm differentiation.

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Figure 9 - Histological analyses with calcofluor staining during the development of

secondary somatic embryos. A-B – Initial development of secondary somatic embryos in

control conditions with a well-delimited protoderm and some signs of polarization (bar A =

200 µm; B = 100 µm). C-E - Somatic embryos formed in the presence of ßGlcY (bars C and

D = 200 µm; E = 100 µm).

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4.3 Quantification of AGPs secreted in the culture medium

The presence of ßGlcY drastically reduced the amount of AGPs secreted into the

culture medium quantified by radial gel diffusion (Figure 10). In control culture conditions,

absence of ßGlcY or presence of 30 µM αGlcY resulted, respectively, in 404 µg and 349 µg

AGPs L-1

culture medium. In the presence of 30 µM ßGlcY, 102 µg AGPs L-1


medium was recovered, similar to the amount observed from callus culture (160 µg AGPs L-1


(Table 2). In the presence of ßGlcY, a slightly greater amount of protein was obtained with

Bradford´s method. Normalizing the amount of AGPs to the amount of secreted proteins

showed a drastic reduction in the ratio between AGPs and proteins due the presence of ßGlcY

(Table 3). Callus culture released lower amounts of proteins and a slightly higher difference

was found between callus culture (88 µg AGPs mg-1

Protein) and the presence of 30 µM

ßGlcY (21 µg AGPs mg-1

Protein) (Table 3). Dot-blot analysis also identified the presence of

different AGPs epitopes (specifically MAb Jim13 and LM2) secreted into the culture medium

(Figure 11).

Figure 10 - Radial gel diffusion quantification of AGPs secreted into the culture medium

with different concentrations of ßGlcY. Rep = repetition.

Table 2 - Quantification of AGPs and total proteins secreted into the culture medium in

different culture conditions. Control cultures represent the formation of secondary somatic


mg Protein·L-1

CultMedium µg AGPs·L-1

CultMedium µg AGPs·mg-1


Callus 2.73±1.1 160.11±23.9 58.65±35.1

Control 3.74±0.3 404.69±56.3 107.92±11.9

ßGlcY 5µM 4.62±0.1 389.74±51.5 83.92±10.1

ßGlcY 30µM 4.87±0.1 102.57±0.0 21.04±0.13

αGlcY 30µM 4.73±0.1 349.28±60.8 73.61±12.6

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Figure 11 - Dot-blot analysis showing different AGPs epitopes (MAb Jim13 and LM2)

secreted into the culture medium.

4.4 Immunolocalization of specific AGPs and pectin epitopes during the

development of somatic embryos

Analyses of specific monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against different AGPs epitopes

(i.e., Jim13, Jim8, LM2 and Jim14) during the development of somatic embryos revealed a

specific pattern of distribution for each epitope. MAb Jim13 showed intense signal on the

embryogenic sector and some immediately adjacent layers (Figure 12A); during the initial

development of somatic embryos a polarized localization of MAb Jim13 was observed

(Figure 12B-C). In somatic embryos transferred to solid culture medium MAb Jim13 reacted

with protoderm cells and adjacent layer (Figure 12D-E). MAb Jim8 recognized the same cells

but with lower intensity and was confined to the protoderm layer (Figure 12F). Arrested

somatic embryos showed no reaction to either antibody (asterisk in Figure 12A). On the other

hand, MAb Jim14 showed no tissue specificity, but presenting a punctuate aspect in the cell

wall (Figure 13A). MAb LM2 presented no tissue specificity in somatic embryos (Figure

13B), although a strong signal was found in the endomembranes of the cells of the somatic

embryos (Figure 13C). In mature somatic embryos (Figure 14A), MAb LM2 presented the

same pattern as in developing somatic embryos (Figure 14B), while MAb Jim13 presented

strong signal intensity in the meristem region, especially the protoderm layer and immediately

adjacent cells (Figure 14C-D). MAb Jim8 was again found in the same sector, although

limited to a few cells only (Figure 14E). This shows that MAb Jim13 and Jim8 have different

expressions during the development of somatic embryos. Epitopes recognized by MAb Jim13

showed a stronger signal during the development of somatic embryos and were further

analyzed by immunogold localization. On the callus sector, MAb Jim13 and Jim8 also

recognized the protoderm-like layer, however the signal was mostly concentrated on the cell

membrane (Figure 15).

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Figure 12 - Fluorescence immunolocalization of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) Jim13 and

Jim8 against AGPs during the development of somatic embryos. A – MAb Jim13 showing an

intense signal on the embryogenic sector and some immediately adjacent layers. Asterisk

corresponds to arrested somatic embryo (bar = 100 µm). B-C- Polarized localization of MAb

Jim13 during the initial development of somatic embryos (bars B = 100 µm; C = 50 µm). D-E

- MAb Jim13 recognized cells of the protoderm and adjacent layer (bars D = 100 µm; E = 50

µm). F – Immunolocalization of MAb Jim8 (bar = 50 µm).

Figure 13 - Fluorescence immunolocalization of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) Jim14 and

LM2 against AGPs during the development of somatic embryos A – MAb Jim14 showing

punctuate aspect in the cell wall (bar = 20 µm). B – Immunolocalization of MAb LM2

revealing no tissue specificity in somatic embryos (bar = 200 µm). C – Detailed view of the

immunolocalization of MAb LM2 showing endomembranes (bar = 50 µm).

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Figure 14 - Fluorescence immunolocalization of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) Jim13,

Jim8 and LM2 against AGPs on mature somatic embryos. A – Morphological aspect of peach

palm mature somatic embryo stained with PAS (bar = 100 µm). B - Immunolocalization of

MAb LM2 revealing no tissue specificity in mature somatic embryos (bar = 50 µm). C-D –

Immunolocalization of MAb Jim13 in the meristem region of mature somatic embryo (bars C

= 100 µm; D = 50 µm). E – Immunolocalization of MAb Jim8 in the meristem region of

mature somatic embryo (bar = 50 µm).

Figure 15 - Immunolocalization of AGPs in the callus sector. A - Morphological aspects of

the callus after PAS staining (bar = 100 µm). B – Localization of AGPs recognized by MAb

Jim13 (bar = 100 µm). C - Localization of AGPs recognized by MAb Jim8 (bar = 100 µm).

Immunogold localization of MAb Jim13 epitope confirmed that this epitope was

associated with the secretory pathway. Gold particles were found associated with vesicles in

the vicinity of endoplasmatic reticulum, as well as with the Golgi apparatus (Figure 16A), and

were clearly associated with vesicular and cytoplasmatic membranes (Figure 16B). Although

a polarized localization of MAb Jim13 epitopes within the somatic embryos was observed, a

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non-polar localization of the gold particles was noticed in the cells, as gold particles were

found along the plasma membrane of protoderm cells. Gold particles were also observed on

the extracellular matrix surface network on the protodermis of somatic embryos (Figure 16C-

D). Examination with dot-blot found that the MAb Jim13 epitope was also secreted into the

culture medium.

Figure 16 - Immunogold localization of MAb Jim13 epitope. A - Gold particles associated

with vesicles in the vicinity of endoplasmatic reticulum and Golgi apparatus (bar = 200 nm).

B – Gold particles (arrows) associated with vesicular and cytoplasmatic membranes (bar =

200 nm). C-D - Gold particles observed on the extracellular matrix surface network

(ECMSN), cell wall (CW) and vesicles (arrows) (bars = 200 nm).

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The presence of low- and highly-methylesterified pectin was found with

immunofluorescence localization. The low-methylesterified pectins recognized by MAb Jim5

showed no tissue-specific pattern, but were observed principally on the cell junctions (Figure

17A) with weak signal intensity. MAb Jim7, which recognizes highly-methylesterified pectin,

was observed in all cells throughout somatic embryo development (Figure 17B). MAb Jim7

also recognized a layer over the developing somatic embryo (Figure 17C), as well as on the

meristem region of mature somatic embryos (Figure 17D-E). The presence of this

extracellular layer was correlated with the cells expressing AGPs recognized by MAbs Jim13

and Jim8, and was further characterized.

Figure 17 - Fluorescence immunolocalization of MAb Jim5 and Jim7 against pectins

during the development of somatic embryos. A – MAb Jim5 on the cell wall principally on

cell junctions (bar = 20 µm). B – Immunolocalization of MAb Jim7 on globular somatic

embryo (bar = 100 µm). C – Immunolocalization of MAb Jim7 on developing somatic

embryo recognizing an extracellular matrix surface network (arrow) (bar = 100 µm). D -

Immunolocalization of MAb Jim7 on mature somatic embryo again recognizing an

extracellular matrix surface network on the shoot meristem (arrow) (bar = 100 µm). E –

Detailed view of the immunolocalization of MAb Jim7 showing the extracellular matrix

surface network (arrow) (bar = 50 µm).

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4.5 Characterization of the extracellular matrix

MAb Jim7 recognized a layer over the developing somatic embryo, as well as over the

meristem region of mature somatic embryos. Scanning electron microscopy showed the

presence of numerous (pre)globular somatic embryos (Figure 18A) on one explant and

revealed the presence of an ECMSN covering a specific group of cells (Figure 18B). The

ECMSN had a fibrillar and granular structure (Figure 18C). Secondary somatic embryos were

observed to develop from these areas and initially were completely covered by the

extracellular matrix (Figure 18D), but upon its further development the ECMSN was

disrupted (Figure 18E). On globular somatic embryos larger than 100 µm no ECMSN was

observed (Figure 18F).

Ultrastructural analyses confirmed the presence of an ECMSN covering the whole

somatic embryo (Figure 19A). In protodermis cells numerous lipid bodies as well as vesicles

were observed (Figure 19B). The ECMSN covering these cells could be divided into three

different layers. Osmiophilic substances resembling lipid bodies attached to fibers were

followed by an amorphous phase covered by a layer with fibrillar appearance (Figure 19C).

Nile red staining of semi-thick sections confirmed the lipophilic nature of this substance

covering the developing secondary somatic embryos (Figure 19D). Based on the

immunolocalization of pectins, it is assumed that this amorphous layer is composed mainly of

highly-methylesterified pectins. Cells of the explant without embryogenic capacity had no

extracellular matrix (Figure 19E) and presented an amorphous layer over the cell wall (Figure


The fibrillar layer was later found again on the shoot meristem of mature somatic

embryos (Figure 17D-E), corresponding to the development of an ECMSN over the shoot

meristem of somatic embryos. The presence of the extracellular matrix was also confirmed

through ultrastructural analyses. However, in the case of shoot meristems only a fibriliar layer

was observed (Figure 20) during the late stages of somatic embryo maturation.

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Figure 18 - Scanning electron microscopy analysis of the ECMSN. A – General view of

the cultures with numerous (pre)globular somatic embryos (bar = 200 µm). B - Presence of an

ECMSN covering a specific group of cells (circle) (bar = 20 µm). C - Fibrillar and granular

structure of the ECMSN (bar = 10 µm). D – Secondary somatic embryos completely covered

by the ECMSN (bar = 50 µm). E – Disruption of ECMSN upon somatic embryo development

(bar = 20 µm). F – Globular somatic embryos (bar = 500 µm).

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Figure 19 - Ultrastructural analyses of the ECMSN. A – ECMSN covering the whole

somatic embryo (bar = 5 µm). B - Protodermic cell showing the presence of numerous lipid

bodies (stars) and ECMSN (bar = 2 µm). C – Aspects of the ECMSN covering somatic

embryos (bar = 200 nm). D - Nile red staining of semi-thick sections showing reaction to

hydrophobic substances on the protodermis of secondary somatic embryos (bar = 100 µm). E

- Cells of the explant without embryogenic capacity (bar = 1 µm). F – Detailed view of E (bar

= 200 nm).

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Figure 20 - Ultrastructural analysis of the ECMSN on the shoot meristem of peach palm

mature somatic embryos. Bar A = 5 µm B = 200 nm.

5 Discussion

Aggregating AGPs through the inclusion of ßGlcY in the culture medium reduced

secondary somatic embryo formation in peach palm, suggesting that AGPs are essential for

the onset of secondary somatic embryo development. This effect was not observed in the

positive control (αGlcY), proving that the responses were due to AGPs. Similar results have

been observed in Chicorium sp. (Chapmann et al., 2000).

The fresh weight increment after 30 days of culture was not affected by different

concentrations of ßGlcY. A pioneering study with ßGlcY showed the inhibition of cell

division in suspension-cultured rose cells in a concentration-dependent manner (Serpe and

Nothnagel, 1994). In carrot, clusters transferred to maintenance medium grew into

undifferentiated callus and there was little difference among the final fresh weights grown in

the presence of ßGlcY (Thompson and Knox, 1998). On the other hand, 50 µM ßGlcY could

completely inhibit cell division in Brassica sp. microspores (Tang et al., 2006). However, in

Marchantia polymorpha protoplasts, cell division and survival increased in the presence of

ßGlcY (Shibaya & Sugawara, 2007).

For the formation of peach palm secondary somatic embryos a concentration-

dependent response was observed, where 30 µM ßGlcY significantly reduced the somatic

embryogenesis rate. The induction of primary somatic embryos in Chicorium sp. also

followed a dose-dependent response and at 250 µM ßGlcY it was completely inhibited

(Chapmann et al., 2000). In carrot a stage-specific response to ßGlcY was observed, with root

growth being promoted in the early stages and overall growth reduced in late stages

(Thompson and Knox, 1998).

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Callus formation was significantly higher in the presence of 30 µM ßGlcY. This may

explain the similar final fresh weights found in the present study. Taken together, this

suggests that AGPs modulates the initial development and differentiation of secondary

somatic embryos without interfering in undifferentiated explant growth. Transferring the

cultures to solid culture medium blocked somatic embryo development only on those areas in

contact with the culture medium, demonstrating that continuous contact with ßGlcY was

necessary to block the development of secondary somatic embryos. This may also be related

to the properties of ßGlcY, which is a synthetic phenylglycoside with high molecular weight

and low diffusion potential between cells. When applied to Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings,

ßGlcY was not able to enter the stele, and its effect was observed only in the root epidermal

cells (Willats and Knox, 1996).

In our peach palm somatic embryogenesis system, non-synchronous development was

previously reported, resulting in clusters of secondary somatic embryos (Steinmacher et al.,

2007, Chapter II; Figure 8). Staining the somatic embryo clusters with ßGlcY showed the

characteristic red color of the AGPs-ßGlcY complex over the globular somatic embryos,

especially in the protoderm layer. An intense red coloration was also observed in small areas,

where further secondary embryos would probably develop. AGPs were secreted in a polarized

way, as intense staining was found in the apex of (pre)globular somatic embryos. A polar

distribution of AGPs was also detected in vitro-grown tobacco zygotic embryos (Qin and Zao,


Development of somatic embryos in the presence of ßGlcY resulted in severe

alterations in the protoderm. No signs of polarization in the development of somatic embryos

were observed, and cells were loosened and bulged. Some indirect interaction between AGPs

and microtubules occurs, and the aggregation of AGPs by ßGlcY could explain this disorder

in polarization (Driouichi and Baskin, 2008). ßGlcY also depolymerizes and disorganizes

cortical microtubuli, as well as affecting the organization of actin filaments (Sandar et al.,

2006; Driouichi and Baskin, 2008), which may in turn result in the bulged cells. In tobacco,

disturbing the biological activity of AGPs by application of ßGlcY increased the symmetrical

division rate in zygotes (Qin and Zao, 2006). In globular somatic embryos of Brassica sp., the

presence of ßGlcY loosened and bulged the protoderm cells, and cells with root hair-like

appearance were also observed (Tang et al., 2006).

The amount of AGPs secreted into the culture medium showed a possible correlation

with the development of secondary somatic embryos. Callus culture or the presence of 30 µM

ßGlcY had similar results, while embryogenic cultures showed the highest amount of secreted

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AGPs. The amount of AGPs detected with ßGlcY also increased in embryogenic cultures

during the development of somatic embryos of Euphorbia pulcherrima (Saare-Surminski et

al., 2000). In our study, the presence of Jim13 and LM2 epitopes secreted into the culture

medium was also identified by dot-blots.

MAb Jim13 and Jim8 showed different expression patterns during the onset and

differentiation of peach palm somatic embryos. The expression of these epitopes was

consistent with ßGlcY staining, and clearly associated with the presence of the ECMSN and

its reappearance on the shoot meristem of mature somatic embryos. AGPs were previously

shown to be specifically involved in the differentiation of embryos and shoot meristem

formation of A. thaliana embryos (Hu et al., 2006), as well as in the differentiation of

protodermal cells during the globular stage of embryo development of carrot (Stacey et al.

1990). AGPs showed differential expression during protoderm development in E.

pulcherrima (Saare-Surminski et al., 2000).

Further analyses with MAb Jim13 revealed its association with the endomembranes

and secretory vesicles of the protoderm cells and its presence on the ECMSN. This is in

contrast to results obtained in Chicorium sp., where immunogold localization of different

AGPs epitopes (including MAb Jim13) was found only on external cell walls of globular

somatic embryos and ECMSN, but no cytoplasmatic membrane labeling was detected

(Chapman et al., 2000). Similar to our results, the LM2 and Jim13 epitopes were also found

associated with membranes of secretory vesicles in maize, possibly being transported as a

component of the membrane itself rather than their contents (Šamaj et al., 2000).

The ECMSN formation in the present study was associated with an extracellular layer

rich in highly-methylesterified pectin recognized by MAb Jim7. This was found over

(pre)globular somatic embryos as well as on the shoot pole of mature somatic embryos.

Additionally, strong signal for highly-methylesterified pectin was present on all cell walls of

the somatic embryos. MAb Jim5 had very weak signal at the cell junctions. This is in

agreement with others studies, which also revealed the presence of highly-methylesterified

pectins (MAb Jim7) associated with the ECMSN in monocot species (Šamaj et al., 2006;

Konieczy et al., 2007). On the other hand, the ECMSN in dicotyledon species also showed

the presence of low-methylesterified pectins recognized by MAb Jim5 [i.e., chicorium

(Chapman et al., 2000) and kiwi (Popierlarska-Konieczna et al., 2008)]. It has been proposed

that such differences could be specific to monocotyledons and dicotyledons (Konieczy et al.,

2007). However, MAb Jim5 revealed a stronger reaction and recognized the fibrillar matrix in

embryogenic cells of coconut, while Jim7 was observed at low intensity (Verdeil et al., 2001).

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Therefore, more studies are necessary to clarify the role and quantity of pectin

methylesterification in palms.

Scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of the ECMSN in a specific

group of cells from which somatic embryos developed. During somatic embryo development,

the ECMSN degraded, possibly liberating its content into the culture medium. Ultrastructural

analyses confirmed the ECMSN on somatic embryos and on the shoot meristem of mature

somatic embryos. It was composed of pectidic substances (localized by MAb Jim7), AGPs

(localized by ßGlcY and MAbs) and lipophilic substances (shown by TEM and Nile red

staining). Similar results were previously described in kiwi (Popierlarska-Konieczna et al.,

2008), Triticum (Konieczny et al., 2007), Drosera (Bobak et al., 2003) and maize (Šamaj et

al., 2006). Based on its composition and localization, different roles of the ECMSN have been

proposed. One is related to cell adhesion and control of morphogenesis of a specific group of

cells (Šamaj, 2006; Popierlarska-Konieczna et al., 2008ab). This proposal is supported by the

multicellular origin of the somatic embryos in our regenerative system (Steinmacher et al.,

2007; Chapter II). Additionally, oligosaccharides released from ECMSN might act as

signaling molecules involved in the regulation of developmental processes (Erberhard et al.,

1989; Darvill et al., 1992). A third possible role of the ECMSN is related to cuticle formation,

which in turn would play a protective role (Popierlarska-Konieczna et al., 2008ab).

Cuticle is formed by hydrophobic cutin monomers, which are transported from Golgi

complexes and must cross the cell wall. The transport of the hydrophobic substances through

the aqueous environment of the cell wall would be greatly facilitated by lipid transfer

proteins. The formation of cuticle appears likely to be associated with protoderm formation

and in carrot lipid transfer proteins were localized in the protoderm and later on in the shoot

apex of seedlings (Sterk et al., 1991). Similarly, non-specific LTP were expressed at very

high levels in embryogenic cultures in oil palm and exhibited minimal expression in non-

embryogenic cultures; they were suggested as molecular markers for oil palm somatic

embryogenesis (Low et al., 2008). In the present study, the presence of hydrophobic

substances in the protoderm cells and covering somatic embryos was shown by TEM and

confirmed by Nile red staining. A remarkable correlation between the presence of ECMSN

and the expression of the Jim13 epitope was observed in the present study. It is very tempting

to speculate that the expression of this AGP epitope has a fundamental role during ECMSN

formation and not only on its composition.

The present study suggests that MAb Jim13 could be a reliable marker for peach palm

somatic embryogenesis as well as somatic embryo quality, given its early expression in

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sectors where somatic embryos are formed and on the shoot meristem. It remains to be

determined if the AGP epitope recognized by MAb Jim13 in the present study is also a

chimeric AGP with properties of a lipid transfer protein. Somatic embryogenesis of peach

palm has been shown to be highly genotype-dependent (Steinmacher et al., 2007). The

addition of AGPs into the culture medium could be an interesting strategy to increase somatic

embryogenesis induction in recalcitrant genotypes.

6 References


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1 Abstract

The mechanisms regulating the germination of palm seeds are still largely unknown.

In the present study, morpho-histological and biochemical aspects before and during the

germination of peach palm seeds were evaluated. Histological and ultrastructural analyses of

the zygotic embryo reveal its active metabolic state before germination, where numerous

small vacuoles with electron-amorphous substances, endoplasmatic reticulum and Golgi

complexes were observed. This active metabolic state is an important aspect related to seed

recalcitrance. Histological aspects of the haustorium and endosperm are shown. A correlation

between plantlet growth and endosperm breakdown was observed and a specific sequence of

endosperm breakdown is described, which started with the mobilization of storage proteins.

Storage proteins were extracted and partially characterized based on their buffer solubility.

Water-soluble proteins under reducing conditions ranged from 15 kDa to 67 kDa in weight.

Four low molecular weight proteins (15 kDa to 35 kDa) were especially abundant. Three

polypeptides of 45 to 67 kDa were the major bands of proteins soluble in low salt buffer.

After peptide sequencing these were confirmed to be 7S vicilin-like proteins. High salt-

soluble proteins were composed by two sub-units of ca. 23 kDa and ca. 32 kDa under

reducing conditions; under non-reducing conditions a single protein of ca. 55 kDa was

observed. These showed high homology to 11S glutelin-like proteins after peptide

sequencing. Modifications in the low salt buffer-soluble protein profile were detected by

SDS-PAGE and two subunits of the 7S vicilin-like globulin completely disappeared only

during the final stages of germination; one subunit was still present in the final stage. Free

amino acids were present at lower levels in endosperm than in haustorium throughout

germination. Differences were also observed in the profile of free amino acids present in the

haustorium and in the endosperm during germination.

Key words: Bactris gasipaes, seed recalcitrance, ultrastructure, amino acids.

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2 Introduction

Peach palm is an important, although underutilized, palm species native to the

Amazon basin. This is the only palm tree that was domesticated by the Amerindians during

the pre-Colombian period. Its fruits contain large amounts of starch or oil (depending on the

landrace) and all essential amino acids. Its heart of palm is a gourmet vegetable already well

established in internal markets in Brazil, Costa Rica and Ecuador, and with strong potential

for international markets (Clement, 2008). Peach palm seeds are recalcitrant (Bovi et al.,

2004), losing their viability after short periods of storage, so long-term ex situ seed collections

are not feasible.

Most studies have shown that the endosperm of palm seeds store carbohydrates (in

the form of hemicellulose) in thick-walled cells, while lipids and proteins are stored in

specialized cytoplasmatic oleosomes or protein storage vacuoles (PSV), respectively

(DeMason et al., 1989; Panza et al., 2004). In germinating palm seeds, the storage

compounds from the endosperm are transferred to the growing plantlet by a specialized

absorptive organ, called the haustorium. Studies with date palm (DeMason et al., 1985) and

Washingtonia filifera (DeMason, 1988) suggest that this organ can also directly or indirectly

control the breakdown of endosperm storage compounds. The mechanisms underlying this

control are largely unknown.

Characterization of morpho-histological and biochemical aspects during the

germination of peach palm is needed to better understand the species‟ seed biology. We are

also interested in the characterization of storage proteins as an important step for the

improvement of in vitro regeneration protocols. In vitro culture is an important

complementary method for the conservation and improvement of peach palm (Mora-Urpi et

al., 1997). Recently, the main factors affecting the induction of somatic embryogenesis were

identified (Steinmacher 2007abc) and an improved protocol for secondary somatic

embryogenesis was established (Chapter II). However, the conversion rate and maturation of

somatic embryos were considered to be bottlenecks in mass production. The accumulation of

storage proteins occurs during the maturation of somatic embryos, and the quantity and

quality of these storage proteins could be linked to the better conversion capacity of somatic

embryos and vigor of regenerated plantlets (Merkle et al., 1995; Sreedhar and Bewley, 1998;

Morcillo et al., 1997, 1999; Klimaszewska et al., 2004). No storage proteins have been

characterized in peach palm, although two high molecular-weight bands present in

embryogenic cultures have been proposed to be storage proteins (Steinmacher et al., 2007a).

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Several aspects of palm seed biology are unknown and very little work on the

characteristics of palm embryo tissues, especially those from recalcitrant seeds, has been

carried out (Panza et al., 2004). The breakdown of storage proteins after seed germination

provides nitrogen in form of free amino acids for the development of the seedling. Studies

examining storage protein mobilization kinetics or free amino acid dynamics during palm

seed germination have not been published.

Therefore, in the present study, the morpho-histological aspects, major storage

protein breakdown and free amino acid kinetics during peach palm seed germination are

presented, and storage proteins are partially characterized.

3 Material and methods

3.1 Plant material

Seeds of peach palm from spineless populations were obtained from a commercial

orchard (INACERES, Bahia, Brazil) and from ICRAF (World Agroforestry Centre). Seeds

were germinated in plastic trays containing sand and watered with distilled water. The trays

were kept at 28°C and 16 hours light [80-100 µmol m-2


provided by HP-T Plus Lamps

(Philips®)]. Samples were collected at different stages of germination. As peach palm

germination is not completely uniform, samples were collected based on germination

morphology (Figure 1), including: 0 – control samples, seeds before germination; 1 –

appearance of the germinative node ca. 40 days after sowing; 2 – plumule growth but still

enclosed by a sheath (ligulae); 3 – appearance of first leaf sheath, with initial primary root

growth; 4 – primary root growth without adventitious roots; 5 – appearance of the second leaf

sheath and adventitious roots smaller than 0.5 cm; 6 – appearance of the eophyll and further

growth of adventitious roots; 7 – further shoot growth and more than 3 adventitious roots; 8 –

final stage evaluated, eophyll completely expanded and root system well established. The

final stage occurred approximately 110 days after sowing.

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Figure 1 - Different stages of germination of peach palm seeds. A to I – Germination

stages 0 to 8. gb – germinative bottom; flf – first leaf sheath; pr – primary root; slf – second

leaf sheath; Eo – eophyll; ar – adventitious root. Bars A-F = 0.5 cm; G-I = 1 cm.

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3.2 Histological Procedures

For light microscopy, samples were fixed with 2 % (w/v) paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M

phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for 24 hours at 4°C, dehydrated in an ethanol series (30 % to 100

%), embedded in LR White resin (London Resin Co Ltd, London) and allowed to polymerize

according to the manufacturer‟s instructions. Specimens were cut 1 μm thick in a semi-

automate microtome (Reichert Ultracut S, Leica®) and mounted onto glass slides. Sections

were stained with Toluidine blue O (0.5 % in phosphate buffer), and for polysaccharide and

protein localization PAS (Periodic Acid-Schiff‟s reaction) and coomasiee blue staining were

used, respectively. For calcofluor staining, a solution containing 100 µg ml-1

was applied on

the samples for 30 s and washed 3 times with water to remove the excess. The samples were

mounted with antifading Citifluor (Citifluor Ltda, London) and visualized under UV

excitation. All sections were examined using an Olympus BH-2 microscope and

photographed with a ColorView IIIu (Soft Imaging System, GmbH).

For transmission electron microscopy, samples were fixed in 4 % glutaraldehyde in

0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) for 2 h at room temperature, transferred to fresh fixative

overnight at 4°C and postfixed in buffered 1 % OsO4 at 4°C for 2 hours. Samples were

dehydrated in a graded acetone series and embedded in Spurr‟s resin. Ultrathin sections (80-

100 nm) were cut with an Ultracut E ultramicrotome (Reichert-Jung, Vienna, Austria) and

stained with 1 % uranyl acetate and 0.1 % lead citrate for 10 min each.

3.3 Storage protein extraction and SDS-PAGE analysis

Samples of peach palm endosperm were freeze-dried and ground in a coffee bean

grinder. Thereafter the samples were defatted with at least two volumes of n-hexane and

petroleum ether in a mixer Mill (MM400, Retsch, Haan, Germany) for 10 min; samples were

filtered through a 0.4 µm membrane obtaining a fine powder, and referred to hereafter as fat

free material (FFM).

Proteins were extracted as described by Morcillo et al. (1997). Briefly, 20 mg FFM

was extracted twice with 400 µl 25 mM potassium-phosphate buffer pH 7.0 with different

NaCl concentrations (0.2 to 1 M). Proteins were extracted for 40 min at 4°C in a Termomixer

(Thermomixer Comfort, Eppendorf, Wesseling-Berzdorf, Germany), centrifuged at 13000

rpm for 10 min. The dye-binding method of Bradford (1976) was used for protein

quantification, using bovine serum albumin as standard. The 0.2 M NaCl fraction was further

precipitated with 2 volumes of ethanol and the pellet was re-suspended with distilled water,

obtaining the water-soluble proteins. The remaining 0.2 M NaCl fraction was also submitted

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to size fractioning in a HiPrep Sephacryl™ HR S-200 column (GE Healthcare, München,

Germany) coupled to a FPLC Biological DuoFlow system (Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH,

München, Deutschland).

SDS-PAGE was performed with a 12 % acrylamide separating gel and a 4 %

acrylamide stacking gel (Laemmli, 1970) on a 1 mm thick mini-gel in a Mini-Protean II

electrophoresis cell (Bio-Rad). Each well was loaded with approximately 25 µg proteins in

SDS-loading buffer in the presence or absence of ß-mercaptoethanol. Low (14.4 to 94 kDa)

and high (53 to 212 kDa) molecular mass markers (GE Healthcare, München, Germany) were

used as standards. The gel was run at 64 V in the stacking gel and at 120 V for protein

separation and stained with coomassie blue. Gels were run until front dye reached the end of

the stacking gel or separating gel. Bands of interest were excised, the proteins reduced with

DTT (dithiothreitol) (10 mM, 56°C, 30 min) , the cysteine residues modified with

iodacetamid (55 mM, ambient temperature, 20 min in the dark) and the protein in-gel digested

with trypsin [5 ng trypsin µl-1

(modified trypsin, Promega, Madison, USA) in 50 mM

NH4HCO3, 37°C, overnight]. After digestion the gel pieces were repeatedly extracted (50 %

acetonitrile and 5 % formic acid), the combined extracts dried down in a vacuum

concentrator, redissolved in 5 % methanol and 5 % formic acid, desalted on a C18

microZipTip (Millipore, Billerica, USA), eluted with 1 µl 60 % methanol and 5 % formic acid

and analysed by nano-electrospray mass spectrometry in a QTOF II instrument (Micromass,

Manchester, UK). The MS/MS spectra obtained by collision-induced fragmentation of the

peptides were evaluated both manually and by the Mascot MS/MS ion search algorithm

(Matrix Sciences, London, UK).

3.4 Free amino acid extraction and identification by HPLC

Free amino acids were extracted from samples (20 mg lyophilized FFM) with TFA-

acidified water (pH 2.5) for 1 hour on ice under constant agitation. The supernatant was

filtered through a 20 μm membrane and an aliquot of 50 µl was freeze-dried and further

analyzed. Amino acids were derivatizated with o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) and identified by

reverse HPLC following Rohsius et al. (2006). Peak areas and retention times were measured

by comparison with known quantities of standard amino acids.

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4 Results

4.1 Morpho-histological characterization of peach palm seed germination

Peach palm zygotic embryos are small, conical, with the epicotyl oblique to the

cotyledon and are surrounded by the endosperm (Figure 2A). Histochemical analyses revealed

different structures, including the apical meristem, a cotyledonary sheath, procambium and

protoderm. The apical meristem was formed by small cells, with a high nucleous:cytoplasm

ratio and dense cytoplasm (Figure 2B). Cells from the cotyledonary blade were vacuolated,

with thin cell walls; protein storage vacuoles (PSV) were present, but with sparse contents

(Figure 2C). Oblong cells with few PSV were observed in the procambium (Figure 2D).

Figure 2 - Histochemical analyses of peach palm zygotic embryo. A – Zygotic embryo

surrounded by the endosperm showing the shoot meristem (arrow) (bar = 500 µm). B –

Detailed view of the shoot meristem (arrow) after Coomassie protein staining (bar = 500 µm).

C – Parenchymatic cells of the cotyledonary blade (bar = 100 µm). D – Histological view of

the cotyledonary blade (black arrow), procambium (small white arrow) and protoderm (large

white arrow) (bar = 250 µm).

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Ultrastructural analyses of the cotyledonary blade of the embryo confirmed the

presence of numerous small vacuoles with electron-amorphous substances; electron-dense

substances were scattered in the vacuoles, which are assumed to be residual proteins (Figure

3A). The presence of lipid bodies (lipid droplets) as well as amyloplasts was frequently

observed (Figure 3B-C). A very active metabolic state seems to be intrinsic in the mature

zygotic embryos, as numerous organelles were always observed in the parenchymatic cells of

the cotyledonary blade (Figure 3D-E). These included Golgi complexes generating

microvesicles (Figure 3F),

numerous single microvesicles or dilated cisternae of

endoplasmatic reticulum (Figure 3D-F). In some cells, fusion of vesicles with the vacuoles or

cytoplasmatic membrane was observed (Figure 3E).

During germination, the peach palm zygotic embryo‟s cotyledonary blade elongates

and forces the germinative button to protrude through the germination pore. The cotyledonary

blade expands further, resulting in haustorium development (Figure 4). From the germinative

button, the plumule was observed first, followed by root development (Figure 4A-B). The

seedling‟s growth was adjacent to the seed (Figure 1). Adventitious roots then formed, and a

constant increment in the fresh weight of the haustorium and shoot/root was observed during

the different germination stages. This sequence was strongly correlated with endosperm

breakdown (Figure 5).

The haustorium was composed by parenchymatic cells (Figure 6A), an epithelium

layer and numerous vascular bundles (Figure 6B). The cytoplasm of the epithelium layer

contains a denser cytoplasm than in the parenchymatic cells after Toluidine staining (Figure

6C). Epithelium cells contained small vacuoles, whereas parenchymatic cells had large central

vacuoles (Figure 6C); larger intercellular spaces were also observed. Most starch

accumulation is spatially localized in the inner parenchymatic cells, whereas the outer

ephitelium layer contained fewer and smaller amyloplasts (Figure 6D). The haustorium had

an undulating surface and residue from the endosperm was frequently observed adhered to the

haustorium surface (Figure 6A-D).

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Figure 3 - TEM analyses of zygotic embryo of peach palm. A – General view of the

cotyledonary blade cell (bar = 2 µm). B-C – Presence of lipid bodies and amyloplasts (bars B

= 500 nm; C = 200 nm). D – Empty vacuoles with electron dense substances at their

periphery (arrowhead) (bar = 1 µm). E – Fusion of vesicles with the vacuoles (arrows) as well

as with dilated cisternae of endoplasmatic reticulum (arrowhead) (bar = 500 nm). F – View of

a vesicle with numerous ribosomes in its vicinity (arrowhead) (bar = 200 nm). G – Evidence

of the presence of Golgi complex and microvesicles (arrowhead) (bar = 100 nm).

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Figure 4 - Morphological view of haustorium development. Hs – haustorium; gb –

germinative bottom; End – endosperm; Te – testa. Bars = 0.5 cm.

Figure 5 - Fresh weight per seed of the haustorium (g), endosperm and shoot/root (g)

during different germination stages (1 to 8) of peach palm seeds. Bars represent standard


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Figure 6 - Histological analyses of the haustorium of peach palm. A – Longitudinal

section (bar = 500 µm). B – Transverse section revealing numerous vascular bundles (bar =

500 µm). C – View of the epithelium layer after Toluidine staining (bar = 50 µm). D – View

of the epithelium and parenchymatic cells after PAS staining revealing the presence of

amyloplasts (bar = 100 µm). Ep – epithelium; Vb – vascular bundles; REnd – rest of


The zygotic embryo was enclosed in the endosperm, which in turn was covered by

the testa (Figure 7A). A few cell layers composed the testa, with large amounts of phenolic

deposits in vacuoles, as shown by toluidine blue (Figure 7B). The endosperm could be

divided into a lateral endosperm and micropylar endosperm (Figure 7A). Cells of the

micropylar endosperm had a ring of thin-walled cells with degraded content (Figure 7A),

while cells composing the lateral endosperm were morphologically all similar in content and

aspect (Figure 7C). Three layers of toluidine blue staining intensity could be observed: inside

of the cell a layer stained more intensely, the middle lamela showed a more intense reaction,

and a reasonable staining intensity was observed on the remaining cell wall (Figure 7C).

Endospermic cells near the testa contained smaller PSV (Figure 7B), while cells lying

immediately adjacent to the zygotic embryo were thin-walled, with sparse content or already

crushed (Figure 7D). One nucleus was present in each cell, and numerous lipid bodies and

two to five PSV were observed (Figure 7C-D).

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Histochemical characterization upon germination revealed a specific sequence of cell

breakdown. The first modification was observed in the storage protein vacuoles, resulting in a

granular appearance (Figure 7D and 8A). At this point, cell walls were still intact (Figure 8B).

Further degeneration resulted in cells empty of content but with still intact cell walls.

Hydrolysis of the cell wall in the vicinity of the haustorium was observed after all

cytoplasmatic content was degraded (Figure 8C). These cells were than crushed by the

growing haustorium (Figure 8D). All cells showed reaction to calcofluor white (Figure 8E),

including crushed cell walls (Figure 8F), revealing the presence of β-glucans.

Figure 7 - Histological analyses of the endosperm of peach palm before germination. A –

Zygotic embryo surrounded by the endosperm and testa. Arrows indicate micropylar

endosperm (bar = 1000 µm). B – Detail of the testa after toluidine staining (bar = 50 µm). C –

View of the cells composing the lateral endosperm (bar = 100 µm). D – Appearance of the

cells lying immediately adjacent to the zygotic embryo (bar = 50 µm).

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Figure 8 - Histochemical characterization of the endosperm upon germination of peach

palm seeds. A – View of the protein storage vacuoles (PSV) upon germination (bar = 100

µm). B – Endosperm cells stained with PAS revealing intense reaction in the PSV and cell

wall. C – Cells in the vicinity of the haustorium showing less cytoplasmatic content and

abrupt cell wall hydrolysis (bar = 100 µm). D – Crushed endosperm cells caused by the

growing haustorium (bar = 200 µm). E – Calcofluor staining of the endosperm cells prior to

germination (bar = 100 µm). F – Calcofluor staining of the crushed endosperm cells (bar =

200 µm).

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4.2 Characterization of globulins

Peach palm storage proteins extracted with different NaCl concentrations (0.2 to 1

M) showed that most proteins were 0.2 M NaCl buffer-soluble with a wide range of

molecular weights (from 15 kDa up to 220 kDa). An additional fraction showed higher

solubility at 1 M NaCl (Figure 9). The molecular weight of water-soluble proteins under

reducing conditions ranged from 15 kDa to 67 kDa. Four low molecular weight proteins (15

kDa to 35 kDa) were especially abundant. No major modifications were observed in reducing

or non-reducing conditions (Figure 10).

Figure 9 - Peach palm storage proteins extracted with different NaCl concentrations (0.2

to 1 M) separated by SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue.

Proteins soluble in low salt buffer were size-fractionated revealing three protein

peaks. Peak 1 was composed of three proteins of 45 to 67 kDa in coomassie-stained SDS-

PAGE. Peaks 2 and 3 had protein profiles similar to the crude extract, however with different

band intensity of each protein. Peak 2 was enriched with the three proteins of 45 to 67 kDa

present in peak 1 (Figure 10). Several high molecular weight low salt-soluble proteins (higher

than 200 kDa) were found in non-reducing conditions, along with three major bands at 45

kDa and 67 kDa. Under reducing conditions, the high molecular weight proteins partially

dissociated resulting in numerous bands of lower molecular weight, explaining the wide range

of molecular weights mentioned above. No differences were observed under reducing or non-

reducing conditions for the three major proteins with weights between 45 to 67 kDa. High

salt-soluble proteins were composed by two sub-units of ca. 23 kDa and ca. 32 kDa under

reducing conditions; under non-reducing conditions a single protein of ca. 55 kDa was

observed (Figure 11).

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Figure 10 - Protein profile of peach palm endosperm proteins soluble in water or 1 M

NaCl. Low salt-soluble proteins (0.2 M NaCl) were additionally size-fractioned through

FPLC into 3 fractions (peaks). Numbers at the left correspond to molecular weight (kDa) of

standard proteins.

Figure 11 - Protein profiles of the different fractions under non-reducing conditions

(absence of ß-mercaptoethanol) or reducing conditions (presence of ß-mercaptoethanol).

Marker corresponds to the molecular weight (kDa) of standard proteins.

Based on their salt solubility, amount and molecular weight these proteins are

assumed to be globulin storage proteins. Peptide sequencing of proteins confirmed that

proteins from peak 1 had high homology to the 7S vicilin-like protein, while high salt-soluble

proteins showed high homology to the 11S glutelin-like proteins (Table 1). Hence, the three

protein bands observed correspond to the sub-units of the 7S vicilin-like protein. The high

salt-soluble proteins correspond to the acidic and basic disulphide-bounded chains of the 11S

glutelin-like storage globulin.

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Table 1 - Peptide sequence of selected bands after SDS-PAGE and sequence analysis of

the peptides evaluated both manually and by the Mascot MS/MS ion search algorithm.

Globulin Peptide sequences Sequence analysis1

11S 1 LMQALSQPR * 100 % identity with 12 aa overlap with

glutelin from oil palm (AAF69015); 90

% identity with 10 aa

(MPE+VLMNSYR) with legumin

precursor from Magnolia salicifolia

(CAA57847); 70 % identity in 7aa

(MPEV+M +Y) with 11S globulin from

Sesamum indicum (AAK15087); 69 %

identity with 9 aa (K MPEEVL +YR)

with legumin-like storage protein from

Picea glauca (CAA44874).





11S 2 AGVTDYFDEDNEQFR 93 % identity with 14 aa

(AG+TDYFDEDNEQFR) with glutelin

from oil palm (AAF05770); 80 %

identity with 12 aa (AG+T+YFDE

NEQFR) with 11S Avena sativa

(CAA52763); 80 % identity with 12 aa

(AG+T+YFDE NEQFR) with triticin

precursor from Triticum aestivum


7S 1 and 2 VQSEVSCGTVFIVPAGHP 87 % identity with 14 aa (S+VSCGT

FIVPAGHP) with 7S globulin from oil

palm (AF250228); 100 % identity with

10 aa (TVFIVPAGHP) with vicilin-like

protein from Anacardium occidentale

(AF395894) ; 78 % identity with 11 aa

(GT F+VPAGHP FV) with vicilin-like

embryo storage protein from Zea mays

(CAA41810); 73 % identity with 11 aa

(GTVF+VP+GHP VV) with globulin-

like protein from Oryza sativa


7S 3 EADSDDYPELR* * 100 % identity with 11 aa overlap with

7S globulin from oil palm (AF250228);

** 100 % identity with 10 aa overlap

with 7S globulin from oil palm


*** 66 % identity with 8 aa overlap

(GA++QA+QEQ+K) with 7S globulin

from oil palm (AF250228);



1 using BLAST 2.2.22 (Altschul et al., 1997).

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4.3 Soluble storage protein mobilization and free amino acids during


The protein concentration (as mg g-1

FFM) in peach palm endosperm measured by

the Bradford dye showed minor alterations during germination (data not shown).

Modifications in the buffer-soluble protein profile were detected by SDS-PAGE and two

subunits of the 7S vicilin-like globulin completely disappeared only during the final stages of

germination; one subunit was still present in the final stage. As germination proceeded there

was an increase in breakdown products in the range of 25 to 45 kDa (Figure 12).

Figure 12 - Modifications in the buffer-soluble protein profile detected by SDS-PAGE

during germination of peach palm proteins. Arrows correspond to 7S vicilin-like proteins.

Numbers at the left correspond to molecular weight (KDa) of standard proteins.

Free amino acids were present at lower levels in endosperm than in haustorium

throughout germination (Table 2 and 3). Although the endosperm is the protein storage tissue,

total free amino acid content was usually 4 to 5-fold lower in endosperm compared with

haustorium, ranging from 11,702 µg g−1

FFM to 18,272 µg g−1

FFM in the endosperm, and

from 48,198 µg g−1

DW to 73,943 µg g−1

DW in the haustorium at different stages of

germination (Table 2 and 3). Even at stage 8, where most storage protein was degraded, low

levels of free amino acids were found in the endosperm (16,914 µg g−1


Differences were also observed in the profile of free amino acids present in the

haustorium and in the endosperm during germination. Before germination, glutamine was the

main free amino acid in the endosperm with similar amounts observed in zygotic embryos; in

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the zygotic embryos, however, arginine and alanine together (Arg/Ala) presented the highest

amounts (12,196 µg g−1

DW) and a similar amount was measured in the haustorium

throughout the germination period (Table 2). During germination a shift occurred and the

main free amino acid in the endosperm was tyrosine, followed by GABA; in the haustorium,

glutamine became the main free amino acid with increasing amounts as plantlet development

progressed (Table 3).

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Table 2 - Free amino acid concentrations in zygotic embryo and haustorium during different stages of peach palm seed germination. Total

free amino acids correspond to the sum of all free amino acids.

Free amino acids haustorium (µg gr-1


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Arg/Ala 12196 12104 15856 13045 10609 12741 7358 9913 7260

Asn 1931 5767 4205 5792 4459 6789 5056 2700 4613

Asp 3389 2274 2062 1009 2184 1241 1544 2031 1385

GABA 9281 2689 4552 3549 2231 1599 415 502 633

Gln 3505 35421 14302 12624 22527 34764 38371 28100 44332

Glu 3601 3474 2300 2157 1283 1638 1720 1582 1440

Gly 647 373 254 156 135 129 90 38 112

Ile 2231 1355 1071 853 800 574 378 418 529

Leu 1333 797 964 763 784 653 397 406 687

Lys 3300 3041 3536 2821 3289 2154 1044 1343 2257

Phe 396 536 790 462 562 500 355 362 764

Ser 3088 2678 3342 2152 1927 1408 1068 866 1174

Thr 1436 868 623 413 479 279 228 193 391

Trp 301 271 430 324 391 239 177 176 318

Tyr 1168 968 1316 953 1008 1008 655 783 1205

Val 2144 1328 1421 1126 1077 766 514 510 750

Total 49947 73944 57025 48199 53744 66480 59369 49922 67848

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Table 3 - Free amino acid concentrations in endosperm during different stages of peach palm seed germination. Total free amino acids

correspond to the sum of all free amino acids.

Free amino acids endosperm (µg gr-1


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Arg/Ala 1088 1028 1398 1356 814 1021 855 638 923

Asn 1573 1298 1685 1695 1300 1170 694 723 955

Asp 1643 1340 1565 1406 1181 981 589 580 673

GABA 2037 1781 2354 2064 1542 1717 1735 1798 2711

Gln 3161 1482 1691 1566 1320 1501 1908 1524 2145

Glu 309 307 579 452 254 374 187 168 139

Gly 306 247 319 283 247 245 143 179 220

Ile 652 309 452 343 276 285 261 330 308

Leu 503 109 205 151 128 153 148 114 154

Lys 1498 1201 1409 1355 929 1236 906 1027 1495

Phe 298 151 273 225 157 261 177 243 359

Ser 1008 855 1113 1030 826 874 561 563 741

Thr 534 471 575 550 472 461 293 127 370

Trp 246 179 282 238 170 175 127 143 223

Tyr 2822 2709 3488 3146 2318 2535 3112 3132 5023

Val 596 598 792 670 501 542 372 412 477

Total 18272 14066 18179 16528 12435 13530 11920 11701 16914

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5 Discussion

Plants can be grouped according to their seed dehydration tolerance into orthodox

and recalcitrant seed types, with intermediate states. A high degree of vacuolization and an

active metabolic state can be related to seed recalcitrance, and up to now in mature palm

zygotic embryos the presence of vacuoles, Golgi complex and endoplasmatic reticulum has

been described only in Euterpe edulis (Panza et al., 2004). We observed a high degree of

vacuolization associated with a very active metabolic state of peach palm zygotic embryos.

This supports the classification of peach palm as having recalcitrant seeds (Bovi et al., 2004).

In addition, the cotyledonary blade of peach palm zygotic embryos was not able to grow after

partial dehydration of zygotic embryos as part of a cryopreservation protocol (Steinmacher et

al., 2007d). Therefore, as for E. edulis embryos, B. gasipaes embryos should be considered to

be a developing seedling.

In E. edulis the factors leading to the lack of accumulation of proteins remains to be

investigated (Panza et al., 2004). We assume that storage proteins present in the zygotic

embryos are broken down during the post-maturation phase of the zygotic embryo to release

nitrogen in the form of amino acids for the maintenance of an active metabolic state in the

zygotic embryos, leaving in turn empty vacuoles in the mature zygotic embryos. In zygotic

embryos of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), endoproteinases able to breakdown storage

proteins were found only at the onset of germination (Aberlenc-Bertossi et al., 2008). It

remains to be elucidated if in recalcitrant species endoproteinases are activated already at the

post-maturation phase of zygotic embryo development.

Based on the orientation of the embryo axis proposed by DeMason (1988), mature

zygotic embryos of peach palm are morphologically similar to those described for

Washingtonia fillifera, Euterpe edulis and E. oleracea (Costa el al., 2008; DeMason, 1988;

Panza et al., 2004), all having a axial linear type with epicotyls oblique to the cotyledon

(DeMason, 1988).

Germination of peach palm follows the adjacent type. This is characterized by the

extension of the cotyledonary blade extruding from the proximal part of the embryo, forming

a germinative button with seedling development adjacent to the seed (Pinheiro, 2001). The

cotyledonary blade expands resulting in the haustorium, which grows inside the seed and

absorbs the breakdown compounds of the endosperm. The structure and ultrastructure of the

haustorium in the present study revealed similarities with date palm, including the presence of

epithelial cells, followed by parenchymatic cells with numerous plasmodesmata between the

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cells, and large intercellular spaces (DeMason, 1985).

Starch was found specifically in the parenchymatic cells of the cotyledonary blade

and haustorium, but not in the endosperm of peach palm. Starch accumulation was absent in

the cotyledonary blade before germination of E. guineensis, W. filifera and P. dactylifera

seeds, appearing only after germination (Alang, 1988; DeMason, 1988; DeMason, 1985). In

Euterpe edulis, the parenchymatic cells frequently exhibited starch grains (Panza et al., 2004).

In coconut and oil palm, the glyoxylate cycle takes place specifically in the haustorium during

germination (Balachandran and Arumughan, 1995; Oo and Stumpf, 1983). This enzymatic

cycle converts the absorbed triacylglycerol and free fatty acids from the endosperm into

sugars, which in turn may be accumulated as starch in the haustorium. In date palm,

glyoxysomes were also observed in the haustorium (DeMason, 1985).

In the endosperm of peach palm seeds before germination, all cells are similar, with

one nucleus, numerous lipid bodies and two to five PSV. The phenolic substances found in

the seed testa can be regarded as a protection mechanism (Vermerris and Nicholson, 2006)

and also have the capacity to inhibit enzymatic activities (Nicholson et al., 1992). In date

palm seeds, an extract of the seed coat revealed the presence of a potent hydrolase inhibitor,

which remains to be identified (DeMason et al., 1985).

Endosperm cells lying immediately adjacent to the zygotic embryo were thin-walled

with sparse contents or already crushed. Additionally, the presence of thin-walled cells at the

micropylar endosperm with degraded content resulted in a ring at the opercule. The

micropylar endosperm has recently been shown to be related to germination, facilitating the

embryo‟s emergence in hard-endosperm seeds (Gong et al., 2005). In E. edulis, no evidence

of mobilization of endosperm storage compounds before germination was observed and the

endosperm appeared to be in an inactive state (Panza et al., 2004). In Asparagus officinalis

and date palm, endosperm cells in the vicinity of the embryo also failed to accumulate

reserves and had thin-walled cells (Willians et al., 2001; DeMason et al., 1983). In the present

study, it must be determined if the empty cells near the zygotic embryos result from zygotic

embryo expansion or from protein mobilization before germination.

The endosperm of palms is formed by carbohydrate rich and thick-walled cells; in

the present study, positive staining for calcofluor and PAS-reaction confirmed this. PAS

reaction was observed uniformly over the whole cell wall. In date palm at least three different

regions of the cell wall could be distinguished based on PAS-staining (DeMason et al., 1983).

Hence, differences in the sugar composition of the cell wall are expected to occur. Hydrolysis

of cell wall components, evidenced by Schiff‟s reaction, occurred very abruptly after the PSV

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were emptied. In date palm it has been shown that cell wall hydrolases are stored in the

endosperm within the storage protein vacuoles (DeMason et al., 1985), which are in turn

secreted upon vacuole degradation.

Proteins from peach palm endosperm were partially characterized based on salt

solubility and SDS-PAGE under reducing and non-reducing conditions, and a wide range of

molecular weights was observed. Under non-reducing conditions, high molecular weight

proteins were found that were broken down into numerous minor bands under reducing

conditions. The presence of disulfide-bounded high molecular weight proteins was also

described in coconut (DeMason and Sekhar, 1990), but their function or localization in the

cells remains to be characterized.

Based on salt solubility and molecular weight of the proteins, globulins present in the

endosperm of peach palm could be recognized. Similar to oil palm 7S vicilin (Morcillo et al.,

1997), in peach palm 7S vicilin consisted of three similar polypeptides. Sequencing protein

fragments through MS/MS confirmed the high homology with vicilins from other species,

notably oil palm, and showed that the three subunits were identical in their peptide sequences.

The PAS-reaction of the histological sections also reacted to the protein vacuoles, suggesting

glycosylation of the proteins. Different glycosylation patterns might explain different

migration coefficients of the same core protein in SDS-PAGE, as suggested by the

observation that the glycosylation pattern of the vicilin-like protein from Nicotiana sylvestris

is not uniform among subunits (Gerlach et al., 2009).

An 11S disulphide-bounded storage protein is also present in peach palm endosperm.

This showed a high degree of sequence similarity to the glutelin storage protein found in oil

palm (Chan et al., 2001). Cocosin, the 11S globulin from coconut, was also found to have

disulphide bonds (Garcia et al., 2005). In fact, this is a conserved characteristic for 11S

globulin storage proteins, which usually consist of two subunits: acidic and basic disulphide-

bounded chains (Müntz, 1998). Genomic analysis revealed several copies of the glutelin gene

in the oil palm genome, which were expressed in endosperm but not in zygotic embryos of

this species (Rival and Parveez, 2005). At the protein level, it has also been shown in zygotic

embryos of E. guineensis that no proteins containing disulphide-bonded subunits and no 11S

storage protein exist (Morcillo et al., 1997).

The PSV in the endosperm of peach palm could be divided into a matrix containing

one to three protein crystalloids. Protein crystalloids were also observed in the endosperm of

Elaeis guineensis (Alang, 1981), Washingtonia filifera (DeMason, 1986), Cocos nucifera

(DeMason et al., 1990) and Euterpe edulis (Panza et al., 2004), but not in endosperm cells of

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date palm (DeMason et al., 1983). The role of protein crystalloids within protein PSV is still

unknown, but the matrix and crystalloids appear to contain different types of proteins (Jiang

et al., 2000). In coconut, 7S and 11S globulins were found in both the protein matrix and the

crystalloids, but in different concentrations (DeMason et al., 1990).

Histological analysis of the endosperm during germination yielded results similar to

those in date palm, correlating the extent of endosperm breakdown to the rate of haustorial

growth (DeMason et al., 1985), resulting in a gradient of endosperm breakdown. This

included the presence of intact cells and degenerate cells, as well as crushed cells. The first

modifications occurred in the storage protein vacuoles.

Alterations in the low salt-soluble protein profile based on SDS-PAGE were

observed during germination, with the appearance of several breakdown products in the range

of 25 to 45 kDa. The smallest subunit of the 7S vicilin-like protein was present during the

whole period evaluated. A similar pattern of storage protein breakdown was reported for

Pisum sativum (Basha and Beevers, 1975), where the largest subunit of the major storage

protein was hydrolized first during germination. In common bean, on the other hand, the

smallest subunit was degraded more rapidly than the larger subunits (Nielsen and Liener,


Differences in the free amino acid concentrations between the endosperm and

haustorium were found in the present study. Although the endosperm of peach palm contains

large amounts of storage proteins, this tissue had a lower amount of free amino acids in

comparison with the haustorium. During germination of barley seeds, storage proteins are

hydrolyzed in the endosperm, resulting into a mixture of short oligopeptides and free amino

acids (Higgins and Payne, 1977). These are taken up into the scutellum – partially

homologous to the haustorium of palms – and the amino acids are than liberated from the

peptides, further metabolized or transferred to the growing seedling. In castor bean, a

dicotyledonous species, high levels of free amino acids were found in the endosperm and then

transported to the cotyledon (Robinson and Beevers, 1981). In the gymnosperm Pinus taeda,

the megagametophyte was able to breakdown storage proteins and export free amino acids,

even in the absence of the seedling (King and Gifford, 1997). More studies are needed to

reveal if the endosperm of peach palm is not able to completely hydrolyze the storage proteins

or if free amino acids are rapidly absorbed by the growing haustorium. The fact that tyrosine

and GABA became the most common free amino acids in peach palm endosperm also

deserves more attention.

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The present study evaluated the morpho-histological and biochemical aspects of

peach palm seed germination. Histological and ultrastructural analyses of the zygotic embryo

revealed their active metabolic state, which is related to seed recalcitrance. Globulin storage

proteins, which can be a marker for somatic embryo quality, were partially characterized. We

suggest that several points of the biology of palm seed germination must be critically re-

analyzed and several questions still remain to be answered. For example, the mechanisms

controlling the breakdown of storage compounds are unknown. In the present study, the

sudden degradation of the cell wall was remarkable and deserves further study. Similarly, the

large difference in free amino acid concentrations in the endosperm and in haustorium, even

though both tissues are in close contact, suggests that the mobilization of the storage proteins

to the growing plantlet is a highly controlled mechanism, but it has not yet been well studied.

6 References


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the endosperm of Phoenix dactylifera L. Annals of Botany 52: 71-80.

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embryos from hard seeds is related to the structure of the cell walls of the micropylar

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and identification of seed storage proteins in zygotic embryos of Pinus strobus and in

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embryogenesis from peach palm zygotic embryos. In Vitro Cellular and Development

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Induction, morpho-histological aspects and AFLP analysis of somaclonal variation.

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1 Abstract

Several morpho-physiological aspects of palm seed germination are unknown. In

palms the embryo‟s cotyledonary blade develops into the haustorium, which grows inside the

endosperm during germination and is thought to regulate the degradation and absorption of its

storage compounds. In Phoenix dactylifera, a species with orthodox seeds, the endosperm was

shown to be a senescent tissue without the capacity for de novo protein synthesis. This

suggests that all enzymes necessary for germination are already present in the endosperm in

an inactive form or they are secreted by the haustorium. In Bactris gasipaes, a palm species

with recalcitrant seeds, we used ultrastructural analysis and immuno-localization and found

that de novo protein synthesis occurs in the endosperm during germination and that this tissue

also undergoes programmed cell death (PCD). Polysome analysis also supports the

observation of de novo protein synthesis. PCD is a highly regulated mechanism, which

requires de novo protein synthesis, where KDEL-tailed cystein endoproteinase (KDEL-

CysEP) is involved. In B. gasipaes, de novo synthesis of KDEL-CysEP occurred in the

endosperm during germination and accumulated on endosperm cell walls. Additional PCD

features included cytoplasm shrinkage and acidification. These observations may help explain

the recalcitrance of B. gasipaes seeds, as dehydration-sensitivity is generally related to an

active cell metabolism.

Key words: Bactris gasipaes, KDEL-tailed cystein endoproteinase, PCD, acidification, Evan´s

blue, ultrastrucutre.

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2 Introduction

Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth – Arecaceae) is a Neotropical palm that was

probably domesticated in southwestern Amazonia. The palm is important today for both fruit

and heart-of-palm production. The fruit is an excellent food, with starches, lipids, carotene

and all essential amino acids (Yuyama et al., 2003). The heart-of-palm is composed of

unexpanded juvenile leaves and sub-apical tissue, and has low concentrations of peroxidases

and polyphenoloxidase, allowing in natura commercialization, as well as processing

(Clement et al., 1999). The peach palm for heart-of-palm agribusiness is a modern success

story but it is still an almost exclusively Neotropical crop, with only experimental areas in

Africa, Asia and Oceania, and no named cultivars have been brought to market (Clement,


Peach palm has recalcitrant seeds (Bovi et al., 2004) and the mechanisms imposing

this dehydration-sensitivity are not completely understood. The primary difference between

recalcitrant and orthodox seeds is that recalcitrant seeds are actively metabolic when they are

shed, in contrast to orthodox types that are quiescent (Berjak and Pammenter, 2008). Using

ultrastructural analyses it has been shown that zygotic embryos of peach palm are abundantly

vacuolated with numerous organelles, indicating very active metabolism (Chapter IV).

Similar results were described in Euterpe edulis, another palm species with recalcitrant seeds

(Panza et al., 2004). The presence of polysomes (e.g., large cytoplasmic assemblies made up

of several ribosomes spaced along a single mRNA molecule) may also be an indicative of the

highly active metabolic state of seeds (Bewley, 1997).

Palm seeds have testas formed by cells rich in phenolic compounds surrounding thick-

walled endosperm cells and the zygotic embryo. Neither transfer cells nor aleurone layers are

observed in palm seeds (DeMason et al., 1985; Panza et al., 2004; Chapter IV) and

endosperm cells are considered living (DeMason et al., 1985; Panza et al., 2004), although

unable to synthesize proteins de novo during germination. In date palm, detailed

ultrastructural analysis of the endosperm revealed the presence of plastids and mitochondria

with respiratory activity, but neither endoplasmatic reticulum nor Golgi complexes were

found, suggesting lack of capacity for de novo protein synthesis (DeMason et al., 1983).

The mechanisms that palm seed endosperms exhibit to make reserves available to the

growing seedlings are unknown (Alang et al., 1988; Lopes and Larkins, 1993; Chapter IV).

Initially it was thought that the haustorium could be responsible for the secretion of all

hydrolytic enzymes responsible for the breakdown of endosperm storage compounds

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(Balasubramaniam et al., 1973; Verdeil et al., 2001). However, in date palm and peach palm

(DeMason et al., 1985; Chapter IV) the first modifications in the endosperm were observed in

protein storage vacuoles (PSV), and cell walls were hydrolyzed only after cytoplasm collapse.

If the haustorium was responsible for enzyme secretion, the first modifications would be

expected to occur in the cell wall due the presence of cell membranes (DeMason et al., 1985).

Alternatively, hydrolytic enzymes might already be present in the endosperm before

germination, either in an inactive form or in different compartments. This is the case of the

enzyme α-galactosidase of date palm, responsible for cell wall hydrolysis, which was shown

to be stored in PSV and to diffuse to the cell wall upon cell collapse (Sekhar and DeMason,

1990). However, also in date palm, proteinase activity was detected first in the endosperm and

only at the onset of germination (DeMason et al., 1985). This suggests that different

mechanisms might control the breakdown of the endosperm in palm species, but the exact

mechanisms are still largely unknown. Additionally, the fact that all reports suggest a living

endosperm implies a possible third mechanism in palm endosperm breakdown, namely

programmed cell death (PCD).

PCD is known to play a major role in the development and/or stress responses of all

eukaryotes except those in the Cercozoa group (Deponte, 2008), and is a tightly regulated

mechanism requiring de novo protein synthesis (Lam et al., 2001). To the best of our

knowledge there is no report of PCD in palm seed endosperm, however some factors

indirectly indicate that this tissue undergoes PCD. It is known that endosperm of species that

lack an aleurone layer must remain alive and capable of producing hydrolytic enzymes to

mobilize reserves during germination (Lopes and Larkins, 1993), which usually occurs

through PCD. Endosperm breakdown in palms occurs only in cells in the vicinity of the

haustorium (DeMason et al., 1985; Chapter IV), apparently in a highly controlled manner.

The fact that storage proteins are the first storage components broken down following

germination (DeMason et al., 1990; Chapter IV) also indicates that some signal must be

perceived by the cell to trigger this process.

Plant cells undergoing PCD express papain-type cysteine endoproteases with a C-

terminal KDEL sequence (KDEL-CysEP) (Schmid et al., 1999; Gietl and Schmid, 2001). The

amino acid sequence KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) is a peptide signal for retention of proteins in

the endoplasmic reticulum (Munro and Pelham, 1987). KDEL-CysEP proenzyme was found

to be synthesized de novo in the endosperm of Ricinus communis during germination,

budding off from the endoplasmic reticulum as large vesicles called ricinosomes (Schmid et

al., 1998; 2001). The signal peptide is removed upon acidification of ricinosomes resulting in

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enzyme activity in its mature form (Shmid et al., 2001). KDEL-tailed cysteine endopeptidases

are unique in being able to digest the extensins that form the basic scaffold for cell wall

formation (Helm et al., 2008). This endoproteinase has been identified in the nucellus of

maturing R. communis seeds (Greenwood et al., 2005), in senescing petals of day lily

(Hemerocallis spp; Schmid et al., 1999) and during Arabidopsis thaliana seedling, flower,

and root development, especially in tissues that collapse during final stages of PCD (Helm et

al., 2008). During postgerminative PCD of the endosperm of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum;

DeBono and Greenwood, 2006) and Picea glauca megagametophyte (He and Kermode,

2003) the presence of ricinosomes was detected and associated with PCD, resulting in anther

dehiscence in tomato (Senatore et al., 2009).

In the present study, numerous findings show that peach palm endosperms are able to

synthesize proteins de novo and undergo programmed cell death during germination.

Ultrastructural analyses of the cells, the presence of polysomes during germination, the de

novo synthesis of KDEL-CysEP and its localization, cytoplasm shrinkage and its acidification

are also presented. These findings are discussed with reference to seed recalcitrance of peach


3 Material and methods

3.1 Plant material

Seeds of peach palm from spineless populations were obtained from a commercial

orchard (INACERES, Bahia, Brazil) and ICRAF (World Agroforestry Centre/International

Centre for Research in Agroforestry). Seeds were allowed to germinate in plastic trays

containing sand and watered with distilled water as previously described (Chapter IV).

Samples were collected at different stages of germination, including: Stage 0 – control

samples, seeds before germination; Stage 1 – extrusion of the germinative button; Stage 5 –

eophyll emission and development of radicle; Stage 6 – development and growth of

adventitious roots; and Stage 8 – final stage evaluated, eophyll completely open with well

developed root system. These stages were chosen as they cover most steps of germination

from initial extrusion until leaf emission accompanied by endosperm breakdown.

3.2 Light microscopy and ultrastructural analyses

For light microscopy, samples were fixed with 2 % (w/v) paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M

phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for 24 hours at 4°C, dehydrated in an ethanol series (30 % to 100

%), embedded in LR White resin (London Resin Co Ltd, London) and allowed to polymerize

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according to the manufacturer‟s instructions. Specimens were cut 1 μm thick in a semi-

automate microtome (Reichert Ultracut S, Leica®) and mounted onto glass slides. Sections

were double-stained with PAS (Periodic Acid-Schiff‟s) and naphtol-blue black (Fisher, 1969).

For fluorescence immunolocalization sections were blocked with 5 % BSA in PBS for

one hour, followed by incubation with primary monoclonal antibodies against CysEP

(Schmid et al., 1999). The sections were mounted with antifading citifluor (Citifluor Ltd,

London), examined using an Olympus BH-2 microscope and photographed with a ColorView

IIIu (Soft Imaging System, GmbH). Negative control samples were obtained omitting the

primary antibody. For electron microscope immunolabelling samples were chemically fixed

and embedded (Šamaj et al., 2000), and ultrathin sections (80-100 nm) were collected on a

nickel grid and incubated with the CysEP antibody (Schmid et al., 1998)

For general transmission electron microscopy, samples were fixed in 4 %

glutaraldehyde in a 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) for 2 h at room temperature, then

transferred to fresh fixative overnight at 4°C and postfixed in buffered 1 % OsO4 at 4°C for 2

hours. Samples were dehydrated in a graded acetone series and embedded in Spurr‟s resin.

Ultrathin sections (80-100 nm) were cut with an Ultracut E ultramicrotome (Reichert-Jung,

Vienna, Austria), and stained with 1 % uranyl acetate and 0.1 % lead citrate for 10 min each.

3.3 Polysome analyses

Endosperm samples at different stages of germination were collected, immediately

frozen in liquid nitrogen and ground to a fine powder in a mixer Mill (MM400, Retsch, Haan,

Germany). Polysomes were purified and submitted to a sucrose gradient (Rogalski et al.,

2008). For polysome isolation, 1 ml of extraction buffer [1 x extraction solution (0.2 M Tris,

0.2 M KCl, 0.035 M MgCl2.6H2O, 0.025 M EGTA, pH 9.0 with KOH), 0.2 M sucrose, 1 %

Triton X-100, 2 % polyoxyethylen-10-tridecyl-ether, 0.5 mg ml-1

heparin, 100 mM β-

mercaptoethanol, 100 μg ml-1

chloramphenicol, 25 μg ml-1

cycloheximide] was used for each

200 mg of plant material. The samples were incubated for 10 min on ice and centrifuged for 5

min at 13200 x g at 4°C to remove nuclei and insoluble materials. Thereafter 500 μl of

supernatant were layered onto sucrose step gradients [950 μl 15 %, 950 μl 30 %, 950 μl 40 %

and 950 μl 55 % sucrose in TKM buffer (0.04 M Tris, 0.02 M KCl, 0.01 M MgCl2.6H2O, pH

8.5 with HCl) with addition of 50 mg ml-1

chloramphenicol and 100 mg ml-1

heparin]. The

gradients were centrifuged for 80 min at 243356 x g at 4 °C and 6 fractions of 720 μl from

each gradient were collected. Samples extracted with puromycin-enriched extraction buffer

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were used as negative controls. Puromycin is an antibiotic that causes premature chain

termination during translation in the ribosome. The collected fractions were diluted with 0.7

volume water before RNA isolation to reduce their sucrose content. RNA was extracted from

individual fractions by adding EDTA (to a final concentration of 20 mM) and

phenol/chloroform (0.2:1 v/v). After addition of 0.1 volume 3 M sodium acetate, pH 4.8, the

RNA was precipitated with 1 volume isopropanol. The RNA pellets were redissolved in 30

µL water and aliquots of 1.5 µL were denatured for 10 min at 67°C and then loaded onto

denaturing formaldehyde-containing agarose gels. The gel contained 0.1 % ethidium bromide

and was visualized under UV excitation. RNA was additionally quantified with a NanoDrop®

ND-1000 spectrophotometer.

3.4 SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis

Buffer soluble proteins were extracted as previously described (Chapter IV). SDS-

PAGE was performed with a 12 % acrylamide separating gel and a 4 % acrylamide stacking

gel (Laemmli, 1970) on 1 mm thick mini-gels in a Mini-Protean II electrophoresis cell (Bio-

Rad Mini-Protean II). Each well was loaded with approximately 25 µg proteins. After

electrophoresis, the gel was washed in methanol and prepared for electrotransfer to

nitrocellulose (0.2 μm) (Schmid et al., 1999) using an immunoblotting apparatus (Bio-Rad

Mini Trans-Blot Module). After electrotransfer, the nitrocellulose membrane was blocked in 5

% (w/v) BSA/TBS for 1 h and incubated with CysEP antibody 1:1000 in 1 % BSA/TBS

overnight at 4°C. The membranes were washed at least three times on a rotary shaker and

then incubated in goat anti-mouse-alkaline phosphatase-conjugated secondary antibody

1:3000 in 1 % BSA/TBS (w/v) for 2 h and washed three times in TBS. The presence of the

KDEL-CysEP was visualized by using alkaline phosphatase-buffer with BCIP/NBT as


3.5 Endosperm acidification

Two methods were used to identify in situ pH alterations in peach palm endosperm.

For extracellular in situ pH, germinating seeds were cut in half and incubated for 15 min at

room temperature in a solution containing the pH indicator bromocresol purple in slightly

alkaline water (Dominguez and Cejudo, 1999). Samples were washed in tap water and

observed under a stereomicroscope.

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For cytoplasmatic pH, samples of the endosperm were cut 200 μm thick with a

Vibratome® (Vibratome Series 1000 Classic) and incubated in a solution containing 50 μM

acridine orange (He et al., 2007) for 2 h at room temperature and then incubated in water for 1

h at room temperature with gentle shaking. Confocal microscopy was performed with a LSM

510 confocal laser scanning microscope (Zeiss, Jena, Germany).

4 Results

4.1 Endosperm characterization

Endosperm of peach palm seeds is divided into lateral endosperm and micropylar

endosperm. Micropylar endosperm is constituted by a ring of thinner-walled cells (Figure

1A), while lateral endosperm cells are composed of thick cell walls, three to five PSV and

numerous oleosomes (lipid bodies). All cells with cytoplasm contained a nucleus with

nucleolus. During germination, the micropylar endosperm is eliminated by the extrusion of

the germinative button and reserve mobilization occurred in cells of the lateral endosperm.

Histochemical characterization by light microscopy upon germination revealed a specific

sequence of lateral endosperm breakdown. The lateral endosperm could be divided into intact

endosperm, degrading cells, empty cells and finally crushed cells in the vicinity of the

haustorium (Figure 1). These aspects could be observed before germination (Figure 1B). The

first modification was observed in the storage protein vacuoles, resulting in a granular

appearance at the degrading region (Figure 1C). At this point, cell walls were still intact

(Figure 1C). Further degeneration resulted in cells apparently empty of content but with still

intact cell walls. As cell wall hydrolysis began in the lateral endosperm, a weaker PAS

reaction is observed and cells are then crushed by the growing haustorium. These crushed cell

walls had a more intense reaction to protein staining (Figure 1D).

Ultrastructural analyses revealed that cell walls are composed of three layers based on

electron density; one dense area inside the cell wall and another at the middle lamella. The

remaining cell wall showed less but uniform electron density (Figure 2A and 6A). One

nucleus with a prominent nucleolus was present in each cell. The PSV were composed of the

protein matrix and one to three protein crystals; PSV were surrounded by oleosomes (Figure

2B). Oleosomes and PSV occupy most of the cytoplasm volume and only small areas

remained as cytosol. The presence of endoplasmatic reticulum was observed before

germination (Figure 2C), as were several vesicles fusing to the cytoplasmatic membrane

(Figure 2D). Mitochondria and possible plastids were also frequent.

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Figure 1 - Histochemical analyses of peach palm endosperm double-stained with PAS

and NBB. A – Appearance of endosperm before germination showing degraded cells at the

micropylar endosperm (star) and intact cells at the lateral endosperm (bar = 100 µm). B –

Detailed view of the lateral endosperm near the zygotic embryo showing some degraded cells

(star) (bar = 100 µm). C - Sequence of lateral endosperm breakdown in the vicinity of the

haustorium. Note the sudden cell wall degradation (bar = 200 µm). D – Detailed view

showing the cell wall degradation after cell content collapse (bar = 100 µm). ZE – zygotic


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Figure 2 - Ultrastructural analyses of endosperm cells before germination. A – General

view of a lateral endosperm cell, showing the cell wall (CW) and the presence of nucleus

(Nu), oleosomes (Lb), protein storage vacuoles (PSV) with protein crystals (Pc) and

mitochondria (stars) (bar = 5 µm). B – View of the PSV, showing the presence of two protein

crystals (pc) surrounded by oleosomes (lb) (bar = 2 µm). C – Presence of endoplasmatic

reticulum in the endoperm cells before germination (arrow) (bar = 0.5 µm). D – Vesicles

fusing to the cytoplasmatic membrane (black arrows) as well as endoplasmatic reticulum

before germination (bar = 1 µm).

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Figure 3 - Ultrastructural aspects of endosperm cells before and following germination. A

– View of cell nucleus, protein storage vacuole (PSV) and oleosomes (Lb) (bar = 1 µm). B –

Presence of prominent nucleolus and mitochondria (bar = 2 µm). C – Appearance of the PSV

following storage protein hydrolysis. Note the chromatin condensation in the nucleus (bar = 2

µm). D – Further stages of storage protein hydrolysis and nucleus modifications. Note the

presence of numerous organelles (bar = 2 µm).

Upon germination, ultrastructural alterations the cytoplasm content were observed and

changes in PSV include the transition from a uniform matrix to a granular content (Figure 2

and 3). At this point several organelles were still present, including Golgi complexes and

abundant endoplasmatic reticulum (Figure 3D). Thereafter, cytoplasm shrinkage was

observed (Figure 4A), although cytoplasmatic content including the nucleus were still

observed (Figure 4B). Thereafter, the cytoplasm shrinkage culminated in the formation of

apoptotic bodies (Figure 4C), observed principally in the crushed cell area near the growing

haustorium (Figure 4D). Concomitant with this, ultrastructural alterations of the nucleus were

observed: chromatin was initially observed well distributed in the nucleus and later displaced

to the nucleus margin (Figure 3). Evans blue staining occurred mostly in cells in the vicinity

of the growing haustorium (Figure 5), confirming the occurrence of PCD in these cells.

Finally, ultrastructural analysis of the cell wall also identified rapid hydrolysis based on the

electron density in the cell wall (Figure 6B). Initial modification of the cell wall was observed

in the inner face of the wall (Figure 6C), associated with numerous vesicles (Figure 6D).

Upon its hydrolysis, weaker electron density was observed (Figure 6E).

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Figure 4 - Ultrastructural aspects of lateral endosperm cells in the vicinity of the growing

haustorium following germination. A – Cytoplasm shrinkage resulting in the formation of

apoptotic bodies (bar = 2 µm). B – Appearance of the nucleus, note intense chromatic

condensation as well as the presence of several vesicles (bar = 2 µm). C – View of the

crushed cells with the presence of numerous apoptotic bodies (bar = 5 µm). D – Detailed view

of the apoptotic bodies within the crushed cells (bar = 5 µm).

Figure 5 - Staining pattern of the endosperm with Evans blue revealing the occurrence of

programmed cell death in cells in the vicinity of the growing haustorium. A – At germination

stage 5 (bar = 0.5 cm). B – Detailed view of A (bar = 1 mm). C – At germination stage 6 (bar

= 0.5 cm). D – Detailed view of C (bar = 1 mm).

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Figure 6 - Ultrastructural analyses of endosperm cell wall (cw) hydrolysis following

germination of peach palm seeds. A – Appearance of the cell wall before hydrolysis,

revealing three different layers of electron density (bar = 2 µm). B – Sudden hydrolysis of the

cell wall (bar = 5 µm). C – Initial hydrolysis in the inner cell wall (bar = 0.5 µm). E – Low

electron density of the cell wall (cw) after the hydrolysis of its components (bar = 1 µm). D –

Presence of several vesicles fusing to cytoplasmatic membrane (bar = 0.2 µm).

4.2 Polysome analyses

In the present study, polysome analyses identified the active translation of mRNA

molecules into proteins, observed when RNA molecules bound to ribosome sediments in the

most concentrated sucrose gradient layer. Polysome associations changed during seed

germination and after agarose-gel separation; RNA molecules were found in every fraction of

the sucrose gradient up to germination stage 6; little signal was found in the bottom sucrose

fractions of stage 8 and the negative control (Figure 7).

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Figure 7 - Polysome analyses after sucrose gradient centrifugation on ethidium bromide-

stained agarose gel from different stages of germination.

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The total RNA recovered from the endosperm was lower during each successive

germination stage (728 ng.µl-1

from stage 0 to 354 ng.µl-1

from stage 8) and quantifying the

RNA content in each sucrose fraction showed a shift in polysome associations during

germination. During the first germination stages large amounts of RNA were observed in all

fractions of the sucrose gradient. During the final germination stages, reduced levels were

observed in the first fractions, but significant amounts were still observed in fraction 3 (Figure

8). These results show that de novo protein synthesis occurs during peach palm seed

germination, however the total RNA content and, consequently, gene translation were

gradually down-regulated during this process.

Figure 8 - Total RNA quantification after sucrose gradient centrifugation from different

germination stages. RNA [ng]

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4.3 The presence of cystein endoproteinase

Buffer-soluble proteins from endosperm at different germination stages were extracted

and separated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted. The peach palm storage protein 7S vicilin-

like globulin was composed by three subunits between 45 to 67 kDa. During germination two

of the subunits of the 7S vicilin-like globulin completely broke down by the final stages of

germination; one subunit was still present (Figure 9).

Immunoblot analysis of KDEL-CysEP identified two polypeptides, the larger with

approximately 40 kDA and the smaller with approximately 35 kDa (Figure 9), which

represent the proenzyme and its mature form, respectively. In the control samples, both

polypeptides were already present and at the final stage of germination (Stage 8) only the

mature enzyme could be detected (Figure 9). A third polypetide (approximately 43 kDa) was

also identified during advanced germination stages and may be a cross-reaction product of the

polyclonal antibody.

Figure 9 - SDS-PAGE of low salt buffer-soluble proteins and western-blot showing the

presence of KDEL-CysEP in peach palm endosperm at different stages of germination. Grey

arrows represent the three-subunits of the 7S vicilin-like storage protein. Black arrowhead

corresponds to the 30 kDa molecular marker. White arrows correspond to the presence of

KDEL-CysEP and black arrow to possible cross-reaction product.

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The presence of KDEL-CysEP was also detected by immunofluorescence localization

in the samples before germination. Signal was observed only in cells in the vicinity of the

cotyledonary blade and on the crushed cell walls (Figure 10A and B). In later stages of

germination the presence KDEL-CysEP was also observed in the inner cells, but always in

those cells near the haustorium (Figure 10C). Large vesicles were observed in the cells but

usually in low number and usually at the periphery of the cytoplasm (Figure 10D). The

presence of CysEP was also detected on cell walls and an intense signal was verified on the

crushed cells (Figure 10E).

Figure 10 - Immunofluorescence localization of the KDEL-CysEP before and following

peach palm seed germination. A – Presence of KDEL-CysEP in the endosperm cells before

germination. Note the presence of signal only on cells near the zygotic embryo (arrowheads)

(bar = 50 µm). B – Detailed view of the cells showing the presence of KDEL-CysEP (bar =

20 µm). C – Presence of KDEL-CysEP in endosperm cells following germination. Note the

signal in vesicles (arrowheads) and on the cell wall (bar = 50 µm). D – Detailed view of the

vesicles (arrowheads) (bar = 20 µm). E – Presence of intense fluorescent signal on the cell

wall of crushed cells (bar = 50 µm). F – Negative control, where the first antibody was

omitted, revealing no fluorescent signal (bar = 50 µm).

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Immunogold localization identified the presence of KDEL-CysEP in the

endoplasmatic reticulum of the cells (Figure 11A). This resulted in the formation of large

membrane-bound vesicles (Figure 11B and C). These results show the de novo synthesis of

KDEL-CysEP in endosperm cells. The mature enzyme accumulates later on the cell wall upon

cell collapse (Figure 11D and E). In the crushed cell walls, high densities of gold particles

were found (Figure 11F and G).

Figure 11 - Immunogold localization of KDEL-CysEP during germination of peach palm

seeds. A – Presence of gold particles (arrowhead) associated with the endoplasmatic

reticulum (bar = 0.2 µm). B – Presence of vesicle (ricinosome) (bar = 1 µm). C – Detailed

view of the ricinosome (bar = 200 nm). D – Presence of gold particles on the cytoplasm being

secreted in direction of cell wall upon collapse (bar = 1 µm). E – Detailed view of D (bar =

200 nm). F – High density of gold particles on the cell wall (cw) (bar = 0.2 µm). G – Presence

of gold particles on the cell wall of crushed cells. Note the presence of agglomerates (white

arrowhead) and single gold particles (black arrowhead) on the cell wall (bar = 100 nm).

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4.4 Endosperm acidification

The pH indicator bromocresol purple was used to verify the extracellular in situ pH in

peach palm endosperm. This pH indicator stains purple at pH 6.8 or above and yellow at pH

5.2 or below. The pattern of endosperm acidification started acid (yellow) before germination

and during germination stage 1 in the cotyledonary blade (Figure 12A), while most of the

endosperm stained purple, except in the area adjacent to the cotyledonary blade (Figure 12B).

As germination progressed the pattern remained similar, with the endosperm in purple except

in the vicinity of the haustorium (Figure 12C). However, extracellular pH in the haustorium

showed an intense purple colour, indicating neutral pH. A yellow colour was observed only in

the first cell layers of the haustorium (Figure 12D). During the final stages of germination this

staining pattern continued to be observed (Figure 12E-F). To summarize, the extracellular pH

of peach palm endosperm is in the neutral pH range during germination with acidification

taking place only in the area with crushed cells. In the haustorium a neutral pH is established

during development.

Figure 12 - Extracellular acidification of the endosperm shown by the pH indicator

bromocresol purple. Yellow color represents pH 5.2 or lower, while purple color indicates pH

6.8 or above. A – At germination stage 1 (bar = 0.5 cm). B – Detailed view of A (bar = 1

mm). C – More advanced haustorium development at germination stage 1 (bar = 1 mm). D –

At germination stage 5 (bar = 0.5 cm). E – At germination stage 6 bar = 0.5 cm). F – Detailed

view of the acidification area in the vicinity of the haustorium (bar = 0.5 cm).

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Using the pH-sensitive dye acridine orange a better picture of the pH in the endosperm

of peach palm seeds during germination was obtained. This dye passes freely through

membranes and accumulates in cell compartments when ionized, indicating a more acid pH

than the extracellular medium. The pattern of endosperm acidification following germination

is easily followed with acridine orange (Figure 13). At the onset of germination (Stage 1)

acridine orange accumulates in endosperm cells only in an area adjacent to the cotyledonary

blade (Figure 13A). Cells from the intact endosperm revealed low signal (Figure 13B). Major

acidification remained concentrated in cells adjacent to the growing haustorium as

germination progressed (Figure 13C). Our results also indicate that acidification occurred first

in the protein storage vacuoles (Figure 13A and C) and later in the whole cytoplasm (Figure

13D and E); in the crushed cell area several small acidified bodies were also observed (Figure


Figure 13 - Intracellular acidification of the endosperm cells indicated by acridine orange.

A – Initial acidification in the protein storage vacuoles (arrows) and small vesicles

(arrowhead) (bar = 50 µm). B – Low signal in the intact endosperm (bar = 50 µm). C –

Acidification observed only in the vicinity of the growing haustorium (bar = 50 µm). D –

Complete cytoplasm acidification; note the presence of several acidic apoptotic bodies in the

crushed cells (bar = 50 µm). E – Detailed view of cytoplasm acidification (bar = 50 µm). F –

Detailed view of the acidic apoptotic bodies in the crushed cells (bar = 50 µm).

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5 Discussion

Previous studies considered palm endosperm as a storage tissue without the capacity

of protein synthesis during germination (DeMason et al., 1985; Panza et al., 2004). In the

present study, structural and ultrastructural analyses before germination revealed new aspects

of the endosperm during germination of peach palm seeds, including the capacity of de novo

protein synthesis as well as endosperm breakdown through PCD. Additionally, numerous

vesicles and organelles, including Golgi apparati and endoplasmatic reticulum, were observed

before germination. Seed recalcitrance has been widely associated with the maintenance of

active cell metabolism (Berjak and Pammenter, 2008), and it has previously been associated

with recalcitrance of Euterpe edulis and peach palm zygotic embryos (Panza et al., 2004;

Chapter IV). Our results expand this association to the endosperm of peach palm seeds.

In previous descriptions of date palm and peach palm the first modification in the

endosperm occurs in the protein storage vacuoles, leaving nucleated cells with empty

vacuoles (DeMason et al., 1989; Chapter IV). These results were confirmed in the present

study. A similar pattern was also described in asparagus seeds (Willians et al., 2001). In these

species, only after the breakdown of cytoplasmatic reserves are the cell walls hydrolyzed. In

date palm it has been proposed that enzymes responsible for cell wall hydrolysis diffuse from

the degenerating cytoplasm to the cell wall (DeMason et al., 1985). However in the present

study, ultrastructural analyses revealed the formation of apoptotic bodies that later collapse.

The formation of apoptotic bodies is considered as the final stage of PCD, which was also

shown by Evans blue staining to occur in the endosperm cells in the vicinity of the growing

haustorium. Given the formation of apoptotic bodies instead of cytoplasm collapse, cell wall

hydrolases or others proteins may also be secreted by the endosperm cells before these

undergo PCD. Indeed, vesicular bodies fused to the cytoplasmatic membrane were often

observed in endosperm cells of peach palm.

PCD is known to be a highly regulated mechanism requiring de novo cytoplasmatic

protein synthesis (Lam et al., 2001). Analysis of polysome associations is an attractive

technique to prove active protein translation and reflects the gene expression levels that

directly correlate with the total amount of protein synthesized (Kahlau and Bock, 2008). Our

data show abundant polysome associations in the endosperm of peach palm seeds before and

throughout germination; but their amount successively declines until the final stages of

germination. This contrasts with orthodox seeds, where components necessary for protein

synthesis are present in dry embryos, although polysomes are absent (Bewley, 1997). In these

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seeds, rapid resumption of protein synthesis from pre-stored RNAs and single ribosomes is

effected by recruitment into polysomal protein-synthesizing complexes soon after seed

imbibition (Bewley, 1997). Hence, in accordance with the ultrastructural analyses, the

presence of polysomes in peach palm endosperm before germination also suggests a

desiccation-sensitive tissue with a very active metabolic state.

Other characteristics of PCD were observed in the endosperm of peach palm seeds

during germination. The most obvious morphological change during PCD is the condensation

of the protoplast away from the cell wall (Reape et al., 2008), also observed to occur in peach

palm endosperm. In addition, cytoplasm shrinkage, nucleus and organelle modifications,

cytoplasm acidification and de novo synthesis of KDEL-CysEP, a marker for plant PCD

(Gietl and Schmid, 2001; Helm et al., 2008), were detected in the present study.

In Ricinus communis and Picea glauca, the de novo synthesis of KDEL-CysEP occurs

during the late post-germinative phase and cleavage is completed only after complete storage

protein mobilization (Schmid et al., 1999; He and Kermode, 2003). In our study, SDS-PAGE

and Western blot analyses indicated the presence of one sub-unit (approximatelly 45 kDa) of

the 7S vicilin-like storage protein when the CysEP was already in its mature form.

Immunofluorescence localization of CysEP revealed its presence in endosperm cells before

germination in those areas corresponding to the degrading endosperm. In further stages of

germination, the presence of cytoplasmatic vesicles as well as accumulation of CysEP on the

cell wall of endosperm cells were detected. These results were confirmed by immunogold

localization, which also showed the synthesis of KDEL-CysEP from endoplasmatic reticulum

resulting in large cytoplasmatic membrane-bound vesicles, characteristic of ricinosomes

(Gietl and Schmid, 2001). The formation of ricinosomes from ER budding off and later the

accumulation of CysEP on the cell wall were described in endosperm of R. communis

(Schimdt et al., 1999; 2001). Also, during germination of P. glauca seeds, the

megagametophyte undergoes PCD and CysEP was also found to accumulate on the cell walls

(He and Kermode, 2003). It has been shown that CysEP is able to digest the cell wall protein

extensin (Helm et al., 2008).

An additional feature of PCD is cytoplasm acidification, important for endonuclease

activity (Gottlieb et al., 1996), as well as for the rapid cleavage of the KDEL-tail that occurs

upon acidification of the ricinosome (Schmid et al., 1999). In the present study, a narrow area

of the endosperm close to the haustorium had an acid pH, seen with the bromocresol purple

staining. Using acridine orange as an intracellular pH indicator, a wave-like pattern could be

observed as an increasing number of cells acidified during germination. The ultrastructural

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analysis revealed apoptotic bodies after cytoplasm shrinkage. Collapse of the apoptotic bodies

possibly lead to the extracellular acidification in this area shown by bromocresol purple.

Besides its roles in PCD, acidification of the milieu is an important germination

control mechanism involved, for instance, in storage protein hydrolysis (Dominguez and

Cejudo, 1999; He et al., 2007). Our results also indicate that acidification starts in the storage

protein vacuoles. In addition to the hydrolysis of storage proteins, the transport of breakdown

products from the endosperm of cereals to the scutellum also requires lower pH (Hardy and

Payne, 1991; Dominguez and Cejudo, 1999). The activity of α-galactosidase in date palm also

has a pH optimum of 4.5 (Sekhar and DeMason, 1990) and this might explain the sudden

occurrence of cell wall hydrolysis in the vicinity of the haustorium. Hence, the acidification of

the endosperm is a complex mechanism tightly and directly controlled by the growing

haustorium. It has been suggested that mitochondria play a central role during PCD related to

the liberation of cytochrome C and endonucleases (Balk et al., 2003) and the loss of

mitochondria‟s membrane stability would subsequently decrease the pH level in the

cytoplasm (reviewed by Lam et al., 2001). In date palm, succinate dehydrogenase activity

revealing intense mitochondrial activity was detected in a crescent-shaped area adjacent to

haustorium (DeMason et al., 1983) similar to the wave-pattern of acidification in the present

study. However, the exact mechanisms of how acidification occurs in peach palm endosperm

remain to be elucidated.

In conclusion, our results show that that endosperm of peach palm seeds has an active

metabolic status, shown by the presence of Golgi complexes, endoplasmatic reticulum and

numerous mitochondria, as well as polysome associations. Vesicles fusing to the cytoplasm

membrane and active gene translation were also observed before germination. Due to these

characteristics, endosperm of peach palm seeds should be considered as dehydration-sensitive

tissue, revealing its role in seed recalcitrance. The de novo protein synthesis capacity and

presence of KDEL-CysEP associated to a tightly controlled mechanism of endosperm

acidification also provide new insights into palm seed biology. There are now three

mechanisms to generate enzymes for endosperm metabolism during germination: enzymes

being secreted by the haustorium; activation of previously inactive enzymes in the

endosperm; and de novo protein synthesis. Indeed, a mixture of all three might actually occur,

resulting in a highly regulated mechanism for endosperm breakdown. It would be interesting

to identify the presence or absence of these mechanisms in orthodox palm seeds. Further

studies, including gene expression analysis associated with proteomics, would enhance our

knowledge of palm seed biology.

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Major conclusions and future directions


1 Major conclusions and future directions

In the present study relevant new information regarding peach palm in vitro culture as

well as seed germination were found. These might have important impacts on the

conservation and breeding programs of this species.

For the in vitro protocol a regenerative system integrating a temporary immersion

system and secondary somatic embryogenesis was developed. Cyclic cultures were

established and plantlets were regenerated through somatic embryogenesis. Morpho-

histological analyses confirmed the occurrence of secondary somatic embryos during the

induction of primary somatic embryos. Histochemical analyses showed that sub-epidermal

cells were the origin of secondary somatic embryos and that these had a multicellular origin.

This regenerative process still requires adjustments, especially to identify genotype effects, as

well as to improve the conversion rate of somatic embryos. A pilot project is already

underway for the mass propagation of selected peach palm genotypes from Hawaii/USA

using the described system. The present study also showed that arabinogalactan proteins

(AGPs) play an essential role during the development of peach palm somatic embryos. AGPs

were secreted into the culture medium and proved to be essential for the correct development

of peach palm somatic embryos. The AGPs epitopes recognized by MAb Jim13 and MAb

Jim8 had different expression patterns during development of somatic embryos, with MAb

Jim13 having a stronger signal. This suggests that MAb Jim13 could be a reliable marker for

peach palm somatic embryogenesis as well as somatic embryo quality, given its early

expression in sectors where somatic embryos developed as well as in the shoot meristem

region of mature somatic embryos. The presence of these epitopes was correlated with the

formation of an extracellular matrix surface network. However, the properties of the epitope

recognized by the MAb Jim13 remain to be determined. In addition, analyses of other

extracellular proteins might also be an important approach to better understand in vitro

regeneration of peach palm.

Morpho-histological and biochemical aspects were evaluated during germination.

Histological and ultrastructural analyses of the zygotic embryo revealed their active metabolic

state before germination. This is an important observation related to seed recalcitrance.

Globulin storage proteins, which can be markers for somatic embryo quality, were partially

characterized. Further studies regarding the kinetics of storage protein accumulation during

zygotic as well as somatic embryogenesis are necessary. These are important for two reasons:

(i) they could confirm our hypothesis that zygotic embryos use their storage proteins right

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Major conclusions and future directions


after embryo development, leaving mature zygotic embryos with empty vacuoles; and (ii)

improving storage protein accumulation in somatic embryos holds the potential to increase

the regeneration rate of the developed protocol. The difference in free amino acids quantities

in the endosperm and in the haustorium deserves further elucidation.

Palm seed biology is particularly interesting, given that the mechanisms of

germination regulation are still largely unknown. Our findings provide a framework for

continued studies to elucidate the biochemical pathways involved. The occurrence of

programmed cell death in peach palm endosperms is a new factor in palm seed biology and

the fact that peach palm endosperm cells are in an active metabolic state before germination

also has implications for the dehydration-sensitivity of the seeds. As we have shown that the

peach palm endosperm can synthesize proteins during germination, it remains to be

determined which proteins and genes are active during this process. To achieve this, genomic

and proteomic approaches are necessary to characterize the specific metabolic pathways

underlying peach palm seed germination.

The development of biotechnological tools to assist breeding and conservation

programs of peach palm is currently needed. Due to its multi-purpose characteristics, peach

palm can be selected for use by smallholders, as well as for agribusiness. Understanding the

biology of seed germination and in vitro culture will certainly contribute to the establishment

or worldwide transfer of this species to different regions.

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