asopos tragedy

THE ASOPOS RIVER TRAGEDY For not sleeping in peace tonight…

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Asopos is a river that rises in Viotia and discharges into the South Euboea Gulf in Greece, about 60 km north of Athens.Forty years ago, in 1969, through a Presidential Decree, issued by the Military Government (Junta) that ruled Greece at the time, Asopos was proclaimed a Processed Industrial Waste receiver. The river the Ancient Greeks worshiped as a god (Asopos was Poseidon’s son) was unfortunate enough to run through areas that turn out almost 20% of Greece’s total industrial production. Today, Asopos’ waters receive waste from hundreds of industries, situated at a nearby Industrial area. Nevertheless, only a slight amount of water reaches its estuary. The texture of the soil absorbs the largest part of the water, including all the industrial waste, and spreads it to the whole underground water. This results to a possibly irreversible pollution of a huge area with various waste, amongst which heavy metals, including the renowned due to recent publicity, Hexavalent Chromium. This is an element that causes cancer and/or mutations. The water from the springs, the fountains and the drillings in this whole area is no longer suitable for any human use, neither drinking nor cooking, bathing and washing clothes, not even for watering plants! Hundreds of thousands of residents inhabit the area, especially during the summer. All these people have been consuming water for years, without ever having been officially informed of the hazards, until early this summer (2007). Recently, after 3 adjournments and a delay of 6 years, a trial took place. 10 out of 18 defendants were acquitted due to misrecorded data! For those convicted, the highest punishment was the ridiculous amount of EURO 5000 as a fine! Various reportings have revealed that some industries open up drillings and convey inside all their waste- directly into the underground water! We request that the Greek Government, the Greek Parliament, the European Community Authorities and every other qualified service take all necessary measures and actions in order to insure the restoration of Asopos river, as well as the indemnification of all the problems (health related, economical, environmental) the residents are facing due to this situation.


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For not sleeping in peace tonight…

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• 3 prefectures (Attica, Viotia, Evia)

• Over 200.000 residents • Nearly 1.000.000 every summer • Athens is only 50-60 km away and… •This area produces 1/3 of the Greece GDP

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In 1969 Asopos river was characterized as treated industrial waste recipient

South Viotia teritory, round Asopos river, started accepting polluting industries leaving Athens


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Big polluting industry units “are thrown altogether” in the region

The territory has not been yet characterized as an industrial


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Metallurgy- Chemicals

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Metallurgy- Chemicals-Cosmetics

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Metallurgy- Chemicals-Cosmetics-Food Processing

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Metallurgy- Chemicals-Cosmetics-Food Processing-Warehouses

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Metallurgy- Chemicals-Cosmetics-Food Processing-Warehouses-Plantations

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Streets and infrastructures? Draining system? NOTHING AT ALL

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In 1979 some standards regarding the waist disposals in Asopos were defined.

There was not any state inspectorate mechanism to supervise their strict elaboration.

These standards are outrun nowadays and not consistent to the newer legal provisions in force.

Chromium upper limits were defined to 2200μgr/l – today's quality goal is considered up to 50μgr/l

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Inter-Perfectural 1979

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State inspectorate mechanism is absent from 1969 until 2007.

Industries dump into Asopos river their untreated toxic waist without any inspection. They also dump them into wells and drillings, polluting the basin directly!

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There is no comprehensive management of the special solid industrial waist produced

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The same is happening with the special air pollutants produced as well.

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Until 2004 drinking water’s analyses in Inofita town were cofined in microbiological and routine chemical tests, as if there weren’t any industries in the region.

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Inofita drinking water analyses by University of Patra

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November 2004

Chromium was traced in the pump up drinking water

In parallel, the aquiferous found to contain lead, nitric and chlorium elements.

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Drinking water of Inofita analyses by the National General Chemical Laboratory on November 19, 2004

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The only measure taken by the co-competent authorities was “elimination through dilution”

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State’s position on 01-06-2006 (answer to congerman’s inter-pellation).

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No one restoring action taken.

No investigation towards the origin and the indetification of Chromium traced (hexavalent-trivalent)

No special research aw to any correlation between aquiferous pollution and local industrial activity.

Form mid 2005 until 2007 the monitoring of the drinking water quality stopped and any analyses ceased

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The State Mechanism...

States mechanisms’ inactivity triggers the development of the Local Citizens’ movement.

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Citizens organize and coordinate their


Thanassis Panteloglou plays a definitive role

for Inofita.

The Knowledge spread which he started and

continuous since revered the facts

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In 2007 analyses of drinking water by the National General Chemical Laboratory, started again.

In 08-08-2007 is revealed that the 95% of the total Chromium is the hexavalent compount.

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At the same time…

somewhere near…

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Oikologio environmental portal 6,8 million hits and growing

AsoposSOS 82.000 hits, @ 1,5 year 600+ articles 1000+ photos 50+ scientific documents Numerous links to sources ONE STOP SHOP for Asopos River Pollution Problem

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From the site:

Cr(VI) components are characterized as: Highly toxic, Carcinogens

(Carc. Cat. 1), Mutagens (Muta. Cat. 2), Hazardous to the reproductive

system (Repr. Cat. 2), Oxidatives and dangerous for the environment.

Metallic Chromium

Chromite sample, Fe(Mg)Cr2O4

(Trivalent Chromium ore) Crocoites Sample, PbCrO4

(Hexavalent chromium ore)

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Contaminated territories: Oropos, Chalcoutsi, Sikamino, Schematari, Dilesi, Avlis, Tanagra, Asopia, Thiva.

Hexavalent Chromium concentration ranged form 10 to 330μgr/lt

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Greek State does not admit the term “Eventual risk” for the health, because of heavy metals presence in water used by humans

Citizens don’t worry...

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Ministerial decree Y2-2006-01 on the Quality of water for Human consumption animated by the principles of prevention was never implemented.

Article 4 . 1

For the purposes of the minimum requirements of this Directive, water intended for

human consumption shall be wholesome and clean if it:

(a) is free from any micro-organisms and parasites and from any substances which, in

numbers or concentrations, constitute a potential danger to human health, and

(b) meets the minimum requirements set out in Annex I, Parts A and B;

Article 8 . 3

Whether or not any failure to meet the parametric values has occurred,

Member States shall ensure that any supply of water intended for human

consumption which constitutes a potential danger to human health is

prohibited or its use restricted or such other action is taken as is necessary to

protect human health. In such cases consumers shall be informed promptly

thereof and given the necessary advice.

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The Perfecture never interfected.

The region was not decleard to be in an emergency state neither any emergency measures were taken.

Ministerial decree 13588-725-2006 articles 12 and 13.

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There was not any effective informative effort to the citizens.

Only exception the mass Media especially SKAI channel and radio.

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Polluted water if floating in the pipes of the water networks.

The reason for that attitude according to our opinion: 1. The preservation of the –so called- “social peace”. 2. Avoiding any burst of economic crisis. 3. Manufacturers’ protection.

Human Health and Life occupy the bottom of the List.

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No toxicological examination took place regarding the people exposed to Cr 6 for many years, for their health protection from now on.

Cancer as cause of death has dramatically increased over the last fifteen years.

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Most countries accept upper limits of Chromium in drinking water

the point of 50μgr/l. These levels are considered safe as for the

toxic oxidative effect of Cr6 but not concerning the protection

from the mutagenic-carcinogenic effect.

Concerning carcinogenetic substances there are not any safe limits

of exposure; on contrary prevails the principle: “The lower the

exposure the smaller the incidence”.

The Physicians Society of Thiva, because of the above

mentioned dangers for the health of our Prefecture citizens,

is unable to accept the rationale of setting limits concerning

the carcinogen Cr6 in the drinking water.

Bulletin to the Press issued by the Physicians

Society of Thiva 01/11/07

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The effect of the water pollution on:

1. the agricultural products (fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy, poultry)

2. Processed food

has not been valuated!

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The purification of Asopos has been characterized as a National Importance Act by the Ministry of Environment and Public Works.

A theater performance started then, with bulldozers in Asopos river bends “revealing” arbitrary pipes and illegal methods of dumping waist straight in to wells.

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Then some litle millions of Euro were shared among Municipalities presenting total water Chromium concentrations of more than 50μgr/l in order to be connected with the ΕΥΔΑΠ water network.

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Some “routine” inspections by the ΕΥΕΠ begun conducting.

Some small monetary penalties were imposed without any deterrent effect.

There was not identification of the responsible polluters.

The principal “the polluter pays” was never applied.

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Alluminco AE 250.000

Europa Profil Αλουμίνιο 200.000

Ελβαλ ΑΕ 180.000

Μαΐλης ΑΕΒΕ 160.000

ICR Ιωάννου ΑΒΕΕ 77.800

Berling AEBEE 62.000

BA Αρσενίδης ΑΕΒΕ 1.200

Eτεμ ΑΕ 54.000

Viometale AEBE 53.000

Βαφική ΑΕ 50.000

Europa Profil Αλουμίνιο ΑΒΕ 47.000

Profilco AE 36.000

Γαλβανιστήρια Ελλάδος ΑΒΕΕ 32.400

Επαλμε ΑΕ 32.000

Προταλ ΑΕΒΕΕ 26.000

Μαστερσολ ΕΠΕ 22.000

Sirca Hellas ABEE 11.700

Στεργίου Πετρ. Νικόλαος 6.500

Τυποχημική ABEE 32.400

November 2007 The first fines (€)

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Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

The fines are “extremely big”

The fines are “colosseum”

November 2007: “I stress that in case of relapse or non-compliance with environmental licenses in any of these businesses, will result suspension of works”

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Today, 18 months after the statement , all pollutants still operate normally, even those that have already fined 3, 4 times

Today, we cannot still identify and connect the presence of Cr(6) and other heavy metals in the Asopos River Basin with the pollutants.

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Do you want to know the HUGE FINES?

0,08% of the revenues

2,39% of the profits

* Data from the statements of the enterprises for the financial year 2006

Name Revenue 2006 Profits 2006 Fine % of

revenue % of


TOTAL (Euro) 2.224.453.454 71.347.000 1.703.000 0,08% 2,39%

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Mars 2009

Ministry of


“Asopos river is

CLEAN now”

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The Public Administration Inspector Mr. Rakintzis in charge of the license issue process.

1. Three concompetent Ministries, three different approaches about the license process to the industries – Too many Laws.

2. Not adjustment to National and European legal provisions.

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Other Institutions who have studied the problem;

Greek Chemists Association

ΙΓΜΕ – Institute gor Geologic and Mining Research

Agricultural University Athens University

All verifying the worst senaria.

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Newspaper “TA NEA”

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The Hellenic Chamber of Technology in a press bulletin issued on 11/20/2008 says, among others, that “No one of the substantial propositions the inspector of public Administration has proposed, seems likely to be materialized...

The licenses to the industries continue to be issued via older processes, harshly ignoring modern Greek and European legislation.

Mainly ignored is the resolution H.P. 13588/725 “Measures Conditions and Restrictions concerning dangerous waist disposed according to the provisions of the European guidance 91/689”

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Annual report 2008

... Society does not believe that authorities are able to ensure a better tomorrow. Mistrust, that stems from the belief that the authorities have long ceased to serve the public interest, in contrary, the try to satisfy the interests of third, of private or of corporate nature. In this category of cases typically involved the local authorities (Municipalities), usually because they are avoid the inspections that are required by law to carry out. Abstention often astonishing, that it can not be attributed to mere negligence, but in some kind of unlawful transaction of elected representatives of local government to individuals that breaking the law...

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October 2007

Mayor of Inofita: “The river is clean”

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Municipality of Inofita did not address to justice.

Mayor does not execute the decisions of the Municipal Council

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“Our water can be bottled and sold as mineral water!”

Pre-election leaflet promises: Connection with central Athens water Network

After Elections: Visits and photos with our pollutants

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But why? :Greenwashing

“the phenomena of socially and environmentally destructive corporations, attempting to preserve and expand their markets or power by posing as friends of the environment”

…“Most obviously, greenwashing is misleading. It attempts to deceive us, making us think that a company with an awful environmental track record actually has a great one…”

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And when Greenwashing fails?

“…A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation ("SLAPP") is a lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. Winning the lawsuit is not necessarily the intent of the person filing the SLAPP…”

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Another SLAPP case: Margarita Chondrou-Karavasili

Ex - Director of the Authority

When started digging deeper into Asopos river pollution problem, she was fired and replaced

When spoke to the mass media, the ministry sue her.

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Some Scientists and Mass Media role.

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What is the price for “salvation”?

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Thebes Court Law, 2007

From 2001 (appeal) to 2007 (trial) due to continuous postponements

6 enterprises out of 18 found guilty

2 found innocent

10 companies had declared irrelevant employees as legitimate representatives and the court returned the papers back for further examination…

5000 Euros Fine the maximum penalty

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ΕΚΠΟΙΖΩ resolution

Cr 6 in drinking water = potential danger no

matter what the concentration rate.

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The drinking water distillery in Inofita: A complete failure.

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Electromechanic engineering equipment exposed to weather condition.

Chlorium exposed to sunlight Water distllery lacks proper technical prescriptions in

order to filtrate sufficiently the incomes.

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Nowadays, while the whole issue has gained the dimentions of a scandal and has been quite exausted by means of scientific and journalistic covering, water floating in most municipal water networks remains intoxicated by hexavalent chromium and other heavy metals as well, of industrial origin.

Residents use bottled water

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European Union

2 Cases E.U. took immediately drastic actions: Women’s pensions: Leads to 10 to 15 more labor

years! Mass Media shareholders should not be also Public

Works/construction companies shareholders. Leads to corruption!

Whatever measure is bad, and against the people’s interests, is forced into action

Whatever could help them or protect them delayed or cancelled or the E.U. has no power to help

HOW Has the E.U the power to punish the citizens with 10-15 years more labor time and at the same time does not have the power and the authority to protect them from toxification, potential illness and death?

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Things to Remember

Asopos River pollution is a well known, well documented problem

Everybody acknowledge the problem

Nobody really DOES something

Until now, whatever measures taken, were NOT enough and CANNOT STOP the pollution

There is a big difference between the TELLING and DOING

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? The Hellenic State

Our homeland
