ask extension widget

Ask eXtension Widget What is a widget??? An embeddable block of code that runs on a webpage Can offer a specific functionality separate from the page it’s located Many times the code runs remotely from another site

Upload: aaronh

Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Ask eXtension Widget

What is a widget???

• An embeddable block of code that runs on a webpage

• Can offer a specific functionality separate from the page it’s located

• Many times the code runs remotely from another site

Ask eXtension Widget

•Small chunk of code to create a question form on eXtension related websites

•Experts in our system answer these questions

How does eXtension use widgets???

• Provides us another avenue for connecting with our audience

• More availability of our resources

Why does eXtension use widgets???

Ask eXtension Widget

What you will need...


• An Extension related web site (county site, blog, etc.)

• Buy-in to take responsibility for questions

• 74 widgets created and 557 questions asked

Ask eXtension Widget Workflow

Ask eXtension Widget Ask eXtension Widget

How Cooperative Extension benefits...

• Many more locations to field questions

• Answer questions with the assistance of experts and the FAQ system

• More faqs created from questions to seed the FAQ system

How our Audience benefits...

• Added convenience of asking at any time

• Getting an accurate, researched, and timely answer

Ask eXtension Widget Ask eXtension Widget