asic wafer test system for the atlas semiconductor tracker front-end chip

ASIC Wafer Test System for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker Front-End Chip

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Page 1: ASIC Wafer Test System for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker Front-End Chip

ASIC Wafer Test System for the ATLAS

Semiconductor Tracker Front-End Chip

Page 2: ASIC Wafer Test System for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker Front-End Chip

F. Anghinolfi3, W. Bialas4, N. Busek8, A. Ciocio1, D. Cosgrove2, V. Fadeyev1, C. Flacco2, M. Gilchriese1,

A. Grillo2, C. Haber1, J. Kaplon3, C. Lacasta5, W. Murray7, H. Niggli8, T. Pritchard6, F. Rosenbaum2,

T. Stezelberger1, H. Spieler1, C. Vu1, M. Wilder2, H. Yaver1, F. Zetti1

1Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA2SCIPP, University of California Santa Cruz, USA

3CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland4Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, UMM, Cracow, Poland

5Instituto de Fisica Corpuscolar, IFIC, Valencia, Spain6Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK

7Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK

8Formerly at LBNL

Page 3: ASIC Wafer Test System for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker Front-End Chip

ATLAS is ahadron colliderexperiment at CERN

60 m2 of silicon strip detectors

Page 4: ASIC Wafer Test System for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker Front-End Chip

Bipolar FE



















132 cell dynamic FIFO

phi1 phi2 phi3

phi1 phi2


threshold &calibrationDACspreamp bias& shaper biasDAcs

calibration strobedelay


clock generator&readoutcontroller


ABCD3T: 128 readout channels rad-hard DMILL technology works at 40 MHz binary readout analog front-end with amplifiers and comparators 132-deep digital pipeline and communication circuitry edge or level sensing mode sparsification 3-bit trim DACs for channel matching after irradiation

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Scheme of the dataflow:

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Test SystemHardware Components

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Test setup at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

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Control GUI

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The ABCD3T wafers are screened, and a sample of good chips is selected for the experiment on the basis of the following tests: Analog Digital Power Consumption Internal DACs linearities I/O Signals

Page 10: ASIC Wafer Test System for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker Front-End Chip

Analog Tests

Have binary readout => need to make lots of threshold scans to extract gain, noise, offset and measure trim DAC linearity for all channels.

Threshold scan

Noise vs Channel Number

To speed up the testing, FPGA chip on the VME board is programmed to:- issue sequences of ABCD3T inputcommands,- interpret the data from the chip andstore the number of hits per channelin memory chips.

Only threshold scan histogram is read out.

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Digital Tests

We use test vectors to test the following features of the ABCD3T: Configuration register R/W operations, Addressing, beam counter, error codes, Data compression logic, Dynamic and static pipeline, Redundant command line, Data/token (by)passing.

The comparison of the chip response with the results of Verilogsimulation of the ABCD3T is done inside the FPGA, only binaryyes/no result is read out.

All test vectors are run while scanning Vdd.Frequency scan is made from 40 MHz to 90 MHz to model the effectof radiation damage.

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I/O Signal Tests

We test I/O signal properties by stimulating them with test vectors:- find the phases, relative to the clocks, using delay chips,- scan the swing of the input signalsto find minimal working value,- scan the thresholds of the window comparators to measure the swing the output signals.

Distribution of dataout signal phase relative to input clock for digitally good chips on a wafer

Page 13: ASIC Wafer Test System for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker Front-End Chip

The tester is deployed three testing sites: University of California at Santa Cruz Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK CERN, Switzerland

The performance of the systems has been verified using a common set of reference wafers. The yield was found to agree within 1% for all test sites.

The test time was optimized. Screening of one wafer with 256ABCD3T chips takes 5 hours.