asian downstream week brochure

1 W: § E: [email protected] § F: (65) 6223 9196 § T: (65) 6590 3970 BROCHURE People, Process & Innovation 28-29 October 2015 Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Singapore Organised by: Supported by:

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People, Process & Innovation

28-29 October 2015Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Singapore

Organised by:Supported by:

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Dear colleague,




Asian Downstream Week 2015 is designed around the theme of achieving organisational and




programme features abundant case studies on achieving excellence in assets, process, and supply chain.



colleagues and you can choose from one of the following three conferences to attend:


Cathy Gu


Asian Downstream Week


sign up as an Offi cial Operator Partner. Email to

[email protected] for more information.

The Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) is an annual week-longplatformforenergyprofessionals,policymakersandcommentators to discuss and share best practices and solutions within the global energy space.



Event Concept ............................................................................................................ 3

What's in it for you? ................................................................................................. 4

What's new in 2015? ............................................................................................... 5

Sponsors and Partners ........................................................................................... 6

MaximiseYourLearningThrough ..................................................................... 7

AdvisoryBoard .......................................................................................................... 8

Programme at a glance ........................................................................................... 9

Speakers ..................................................................................................................... 10

Programme ............................................................................................................... 12

Sponsorship Opportunities ............................................................................... 19

Exhibition Floorplan ............................................................................................. 20

BookingForm .......................................................................................................... 21

Join the conversation:

Downstream Asia Forum

Petrochemical Asia Forum

OpEx Asia - Oil & Gas Forum

SCM & Logistics Asia Forum

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Forthelast7yearswehaveorganisedDownstream&PetrochemicalAsiaandasmarketsandmarketconditionschange,soshouldwe.Soin2015,theeventhasbeenrebrandedto Asian Downstream Weekandwithafreshlookyoucanexpectlotsofnewthings.Theeventhasalwaysbeentheplaceforrefineryandpetrochemicaloperators,technologylicensors,EPC’s,assetmanagementsolutionprovidersandotherkeyindustryplayerstomeetanddiscussfeedstockdynamics,projectopportunitiesandoperationalexcellenceinitiatives - this will not change.

Inadditiontotheestablishedrefining&petrochemicalevent,wehaveaddedtwonewtopic areas, creating a total of three events during Asian Downstream Week:

“The two days event packed with remarkable speakers delivering interesting and recent topics in the downstream business (Refi nery & Petrochemical)”

Ibnu Milan Prajoga, Reliability Manager – Maintenance, PT Badak NGL, Indonesia

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A C-level executive in charge of refinery and petrochemical strategies?

A project and business head looking for new business opportunities?

A supply chain and logistics director tasked to optimise your organisational supply chain internally and externally?

An operation excellence leader in charge of your OpEx initatives?

A solution provider for Asia’s downstream refineries and petrochemical operators?

01 02 03 04 05

§ AcloseddoorVIPBreakfastis allyouneedtoshakehands and discuss potential collaboration opportunities with your peer C-level decision makers

§ Evaluating the real benefits of digitalisation and smart asset management and the impact on your bottom-line

§ Identifying the next investment opportunities by listening to international and regional experts on current marketdynamics

§ Meeting potential partners for your ongoing and upcomingprojects

§ Identifying growth strategies bykeepingyourfingersonthe pulseoftheregionskey projectsanddevelopments

§ Learning feedstock diversification strategies especially with the new trends ofNGLdevelopment

§ Predicting the near and medium term capacity of future’srefiningand petrochemical development

§ Identifying smarter technologies to improve asset performance throughout the lifecycle

§ Exploring how analytics and big data can help improve yourmarginandefficiency

§ Benchmarking against international operatorstofind what they have achieved through their operational excellence programmes

§ Learning and evaluating the latest technologies to create a seamless supply chain

§ Overcoming transportation and storage challenges to save money

§ Benchmarking against your peers on supply chain optimization best practices

§ Establish valuable connections with 500 key industry professionals who are from key positions with great influenceontechnology adoption and equipment purchasing during the two short days

§ Networkingandinteracting with the region’s C-level downstream executives in a closed door meeting

§ Building multiple touch points within the operators from different divisions and at different levels

§ Bring your solutions in front of the major project developers who are actively lookingforpartnerslike yourself

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10reasonswhyyoucan’taffordtomissAsianDownstreamWeek80+ operator speakers sharing real lifestrategies,projectsandcasestudies on the expanded programme

4 plenary sessionstosparklethought-provokingdiscussionsamongstseniordecisionmakersonleading a paradigm shift towards digitalisation, transformational innovations and value creation.

3 co-located conferences providing valuable content suited for different job roles, including but not limited to, strategic planning and projectdevelopment,engineeringand technology, operational excellence, supply chain and logistics.

Dedicated content for operational excellence and asset management case studies

Dedicated content for supply chain management and logistics strategies

Dedicated content for petrochemical project strategies, business planning and technology and process optimisation!

Bringyourentireteamtogetherto attend the only event that was created for them all!

Network and exchange experiences with over 800 refining and petrochemical industry professionals at the region’s largest combined conference and exhibition for downstream operators interested in the latest technologies and solutionstomaketheiroperationsmoreefficient and sustainable

Gather fresh perspectives from an event for the industry, by the industry, free of commercial spin with topics reviewed by a dedicated Advisory Board of downstream industry experts.

Discover the value of a content rich and properlyresearchedevent,withfeedbackfrom more than 90% of previous attendees rating the conference good to excellent

Understand the ‘how-to’ from an event that goes beyond simply covering generic strategies and learn what has actually workedbasedoncasestudiesfromtheregion and beyond!

Save time and money by meeting over 40 exhibitors under one roof over 2 days

Tailor your own programme from the two day, multiple track agenda and focused sessions at the most comprehensive refining & petrochemical event in the region.

Exchange experiences with downstream professionals directly involved in implementing operational excellence initiatives at an event that guarantees high representation from operators

Get informed about the latest products and solutions at the FREE technology seminars on the exhibition floor, specifically tailored for technical personnel and middle management

Gain in-depth market knowledge on specific topics from the interactive workshopsandpaneldiscussions

Havingaccessto15,000energyprofessionals who are attending Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) at the same time and same location

01. 06.


03. 08.

04. 09.


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Session Sponsor:BronzeSponsors:

SupportingAssociations: Training Partner:



Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsor:

Media Partners:

Organised by: Supported by:

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Anexclusivenetworking breakfast briefing willbeheldonthefirstmorningofAsianDownstreamWeektobringtogetherC-suiteVIPsfromtheregion’sleadingdownstreamoperators.Thebreakfastisacloseddoormeeting where discussions focus on industry developmentforAsia’sdownstreamsector,creatingauniquemeetingandnetworkingplaceforkeyfigureswhoareshapinguptheindustry’sfuture!FacilitatesnetworkingbetweenIOCs,NOCs, petrochemical and chemical.

§ Meeting your peers from IOCs, NOCs, Petrochemical and Chemical industry executives

§ Forwardlookingdiscussionsanddebateson petroleum products supply, demand and trading dynamics

§ StrategiesforAsian’sdownstreamplayersin thelow-oilpricesmarketwillbeshared

§ NOCdownstreamprojectsgettomeet potential international partners and suppliers


AspartofAsianDownstreamWeektherewillbeaworkshopcoveringtheusageofdata analytics to improve asset management. Belowaresomepointsthatwillbecovered:

§ Data collection points – traditional and new§ Incorporatingexistingprograms–SCADA, preventative maintenance§ Using analytics for improved asset management§ Benchmarkingperformanceandefficiency with new data§ Implementation, training and ROI

Who should attend?§ Headofassetmanagementandmaintenance§ Headofdata§ Headofcontinuousimprovement§ Headofsystems

When?30th October 20158:00AM-12:00PM

Site tours

Jurong Island is home to almost 100 leading global petroleum, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals companies.

The Island is planning for the Jurong Island Version2.0whichwillenhanceSingapore’spositon as an integrated chemicals hub. Jurong IslandVision2.0encompassesathoroughreviewoffivecoreareas,namelyenergy,logisticsandtransportation,feedstockoptions,environment and water.

Companies who have set up operations inJurongIslandincludeBASF,Celanese,Exxonmobil, Dupont, Mitsui Chemicals, Chevron Texaco, Shell and Sumitomo Chemical. NewadditionslikeCIBA,Huntsman,NaturalFuel,NexsolandTate&Lylehavealsosetupmanufacturing facilities on Jurong Island.

Delegates will get a chance to visit a number of thekeyfacilities.

When?30th October 20151:00 PM – 5:00 PM

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Saleh DaryabariSenior Process EngineerArak Refi nery, Iran

H.B. KimVicePresident,HeadofProcess Innovation Refi nery Upgrading Division;ViceProjectManager-RUC Project, S-Oil South Korea

Steven McMurraySeniorTechnicalAdvisorPTT Global Chemical, Thailand

Robby KambeyGeneralManager,AssetManagementPT Kreasindo Resources Indonesia, Indonesia

Robin JoseVPData&AnalyticsReliance, India

Martin HawkinsCOOHPCL-Mittal Energy Limited, India

Maria MarcosSupply Chain Excellence LeaderClariant, Switzerland

Ahmad KhairuddinTechnicalAdvisor,Innovation& Technology DeptPETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad, Malaysia

Selva GuruPrincipal EngineerSingapore Refi ning Company, Singapore

Sharul b A RashidPrincipal Engineer, Instrument & ControlPetronas Penapisan Terengganu, Malaysia

Shyamal Kumar SarkarManager, Process & Operation Technology (Olefins),Technology&OptimizationPetrochemical Corporation of Singapore, Singapore

"The organizing committee has done a great job in hosting the 7th Downstream and Petrochemical Asia 2014. The keynote speeches were stunning and other speaker talks were inspiring too. I would like to express my gratitude to the organizing committee for the conference and look forward to attending more international conferences hosted by Clarion Events and Energy Exchange Asia."

Robby Kambey, PT. Kreasindo Resources Indonesia

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DAY ONE28 October, 2015

DAY TWO29 October 2015


30 October 2015

AM8.00 - 9.15

VIP Leaders Breakfast Forum

AM9.30 - 10.30

PLENARY KEYNOTE 1Delivering growth through the changing value chain

PLENARY KEYNOTE 3 Analyticsandassetmanagement

½ day workshops

Refining Petrochemical Operational Excellence

SCM & Logistics Refining Petrochemical Operational Excellence

SCM & Logistics

AM11.30 - 12.30

1.1 Capacity &


2.1 Newmarkets&


3.1 Smart asset


4.1 Newmarkets&






3.4 Bigdata&analytics


PM14.00 - 15.00





4.2SCM planning &



optimisation & fuel quality


development andM&A

3.5 Reliability &

maintenance II

4.5Supply chain


½ day site tours to Jurong Island

and various storage facilities.

PM16.00 - 17.00

1.3Reliability &

maintenance I


process optimisation

3.3Reliability &

Maintenance I


distribution & storage



3.6 Safety


PM17:00 - 17:45

PLENARY KEYNOTE 2Upclose:Anexclusiveinterviewontheparadigmshifttowardsplant


PLENARY KEYNOTE 4Transforming through innovations


Cocktail and networking function Close of conference

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Sanjeev JindalProcess Manager, KBR Asia Pacifi c Pte Ltd, Singapore

Nguyen Hoai GiangChairman, Binh Son Refi ning and Petrochemical Company Ltd., Vietnam

Rudy RadjabPresident Director, PT Kreasindo Resources Indonesia, Indonesia

Peeyush NigamVicePresident,NaphthaCrackerPlant,JG Summit Petrochemical Corporation, Philippines

SC MehtaExecutive Director, RefineriesProject,Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), India

Marc-Antonie ThiriezManaging Director, Vung Ro Petroleum, Vietnam

Dan SherwoodProjectManager,AMEC Foster Wheeler Asia Pacifi c, Singapore



Dr. Hany MarwanVicePresident,TechnicalAffairs&Technology,Egyptian Petrochemicals Holding Co., Egypt

Ananda Ram BhaskarDirector,EnergyEfficiency&Conservation Department, National Environment Agency, Singapore

Selva GuruPrincipal Engineer, Process Control, Singapore Refi ning Company, Singapore

Dr CCS ReddyLeadProcessDesignEngineer - PS&T Department, Singapore Refi ning Company, Singapore

Ashraf Jamal Senior Manager, Process, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), India

Gaurav Vyas Senior Process Engineer, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), India

Suprasanna NayakStrategic Investment and AssetDevelopmentLeader,Farabi Petrochemical, Saudi Arabia

Sharul RashidPrincipal Engineer - Instrument and Control, Petronas Penapisan Terengganu (PPTSB), Malaysia

Hafi zal RamliSenior Engineer, Petronas Penapisan Terengganu (PPTSB), Malaysia

Tarek Atout CMRP- Maintenance Excellence Consultant, Qatar

Akhmad KhaqimSenior Process Safety Specialist & Regional Process Safety TechnicalAuthority,Talisman Energy & BP, Indonesia

Puli S. SaravananDirectorofXellenzConsultancy,Former Regional Turnaround Director, Shell Downstream Manufacturing, Singapore

Rahul Tilve Director - Operational ExcellenceAsiaPacific,BASF, Hong Kong

Shyamal Kumar SarkarManager, Process & Operation Technology(Olefins),Technology&OptimizationPetrochemical Corporation of Singapore, Singapore

Jamal Abu NahlaHead–Reliability,GASCO, UAE

Mai Tuan DatMaintenance Manager, Binhson Refi ning and Petrochemical Co Ltd, Vietnam

Ibnu MilanReliability Manager – Maintenance, PT Pertamina / PT Badak NGL, Indonesia

Sufyan Mohd NorHeadofProcessSafetyManagement, Petronas, Malaysia

Mahindra RastogiVPInspection&Reliability,Bharat Oman Refi neries, India

Maung LinEngineering & Maintenance Manager, Huntsman, Singapore

Yao Li ESHManager,SINOPEC, Indonesia

Dinesh VaidyaAVP-HSEFHeadSafety,Reliance Industries, India

Carlos TanEHSAdvisor,ENOC, UAE


Antonius MachmudVPRefineryDevelopmentPT PERTAMINA, Indonesia

Bakheet Al-RashidiPresident & CEO, Kuwait Petroleum International

Abdul Malik TahirManaging Director of Energy and Strategy Sdn Bhd, Former CEO, Kemaman Bitumen Company, Malaysia

Martin HawkinsCOO, HPCL-Mittal Energy Limited (HMEL), India

Manoj SinghReliability Specialist, Chevron Manufacturing, Singapore

Venkataraman MuraliGlobal Process Manager, Materials Data & Management, Shell, India

Robert MwasaruGroup Planning & Optimisation Manager, Supply Chain, MOL Group, Hungary

Lloyd ColegroveDirector, Data Services &AnalyticalTechnologyCentre, Dow Chemical, USA

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Maria MarcosSupply Chain Excellence Leader,Clariant, Switzerland

Sudhagar RaghavanRegionalManager,Leanand Operational Excellence, Global Supply Chain, BASF, Singapore

Benny BehSupply Chain Expertise Center Manager, Dow Chemical, Singapore

Edem DzakpasuDownstream Manufacturing Strategy, Chevron, USA

Sukumar NarasimhanSr.VPSupplyChain,Reliance Industries, India

Song LinDeputyProjectDirector,Petrochina, China

Prof Rajiv AserkarProfessorLogistics&SCM,S P Jain School of Global Management, Singapore

Shen LeeSupply Chain Downstream, Saudi Aramco, Singapore

Henry WangSenior Executive, International Adviser & Author, Saudi Arabia

Saunak RaiVPCommercialOperations,Norgas Carriers AS, Singapore

Rudolph MathiasLead–Expediting,InspectionandLogistics,Spectra Energy Transmission, Canada

Percy GotlaManager–ProjectDelivery,Orica, Singapore

Robin JoseVPData&Analytics,Reliance, India

I Puta Gede SukadanaCommissioning Manager integrated, Tripatra – Exxonmobil, Indonesia

Anthony LimAdjunctLecturer-Information Security, Policy&Audit,Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore

Dr Jozo AcksteinerAdjunctAssociateProfessor-AnalyticsandSCM,National University of Singapore, Singapore

Matthew George Chief Manager, Petrochemicals ExportIndian Oil, India


Dr. Regan HartnellSenior Consultant, ICIS, Singapore

Bashar JazmatiDirector, Resources, Energy & InfrastructureANZ, Singapore

Renuka RajaratnamAnalyst,The Economist Intelligence Unit, Singapore

Yanchong YawDirector, Thomson Reuters Oil Research and Forecasts

Lampson LiuChief EditorChemNet, China


Dr. Pratap NairPresident & CEO,Ingenero, India

Dr. Michael B SimpsonIndustry Manager, Process FTIRforRefiningandPetrochemicals, ABB Analytical, Canada

Mustapha El-HayekSenior Consultant, Meridium, Australia

Jonathan CookSenior Consultant, ABB Consulting, Singapore

Naveen KumarBusinessDevelopment,Director, Schneider Electric, Singapore

Samuel GapicSales Manager,Meridium, Australia

David CrozierGlobal Services Director, Asset Performance Management, Bentley Systems

Performance improvement leaders and technology experts

“A great event for the opportunity to network with the key players in the downstream industry in Asia. Looking forward to participating in the future”

Marat Zapparov, Director Of Infrastructure, Clifford Capital Pte Ltd, Singapore

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Day One: Wednesday, 28 October 2015 | AM

9.30 PLENARY KEYNOTE 1 - Delivering growth through the changing value chain

Impact on refineries from supply-demand dynamics and technology options on integration to petrochemicals

BakheetAl-Rashidi,President&CEO,Kuwait Petroleum International

Keynote panel: Diversifying and optimising value chain through refining and petrochemical integration

Keynote Panelists include: Dr.LeXuanHuyen,GeneralManager–PetroleumProcessingDivision,MemberofMemberCouncilofNghiSonRefinery&PetrochemicalLtd.PETROVIETNAM (Pending)

AntoniusMachmud,VPRefineryDevelopment,PT PERTAMINA

Robert Mwasaru, Group Planning & Optimisation Manager – Supply Chain Management, MOL GROUP

Moderated by: AbdulMalikTahir,FormerCEO,Kemaman Bitumen Company, Malaysia

The Economist view of the oil price outlook and its impact on downstream players

RenukaRajaratnam,Analyst,The Economist Intelligence Unit

Feedstock diversification strategies for Chinese petrochemical companies under the big picture of “One Belt One Road”

LampsonLiu,ChiefEditor,ChemNet China

The changing fundamentals of the Naphtha market and what it means for the end users

YanChongYaw,Director,Thomson Reuters Oil Research and Forecasts

Old and new norm of Polyolefin market featuring an in-depth analysis into coal-to-olefin projects and shale gas as feed stocks and olefin derivatives

Dr.ReganHartnell,SeniorConsultant, ICIS, Singapore

Case study: Minimising equipment downtime through effective process management

VenkataramanMurali,GlobalProcessManager, Materials Data & Management, Shell

Best practice in monitoring asset management for improved performance and cost control: A PETRONAS case study

Sharul Rashid, Principal Engineer - Instrument and Control, Petronas


Collecting and interpreting raw data for better planning and decision making

Sponsorship opportunity available

Macro-economic outlook impacting the energy sector and the oil price outlook

RenukaRajaratnam,Analyst,The Economist Intelligence Unit

Feedstock diversification strategies for Chinese petrochemical companies under the big picture of “One Belt One Road”

LampsonLiu,ChiefEditor,ChemNet China

The changing fundamentals of the Naphtha market and what it means for the end users

YanChongYaw,Director,Thomson Reuters Oil Research and Forecasts

Old and new norm of Polyolefin market featuring an in-depth analysis into coal-to-olefin projects and shale gas as feed stocks and olefin derivatives

Dr.ReganHartnell,SeniorConsultant, ICIS, Singapore

TRACK 1 -Refining Asia

1.1 Capacity & Competitiveness

TRACK 2 -Petrochemical Asia

2.1 New markets & feedstock

TRACK 3 -Operational Excellence Asia

3.1 Smart Asset Management

TRACK 4 -SCM & Logistics Asia

4.1 New markets & feedstock

11.30 Panel: Redefining refinery competitiveness in the new norm of oil market

Panelists include: Dr.LeXuanHuyen,GeneralManager– Petroleum Processing Division, Member ofMemberCouncilofNghiSonRefinery& PetrochemicalLtd.PETROVIETNAM (Pending)

Optimise your operations in low crude price age

DrMichaelBSimpson,IndustryManager, ProcessFTIRforRefiningand Petrochemicals, ABBAnalytical,Canada



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Day One: Wednesday, 28 October 2015 | PM

Beyond constraints – how planning can maximise supply chain performance

Robert Mwasaru, Group Planning & Optimisation Manager – Supply Chain Management, MOLGROUP

Panel Discussion: Global supply chain management, risk minimisation, resource & cost optimisation strategies

Panelists include: HenryWang,SeniorExecutive,InternationalAdvisor&Author

NaveenKumar,BusinessDevelopmentDirector, Schneider Electric

Developing a seamless supply chain strategy

NaveenKumar,BusinessDevelopmentDirector, Schneider Electric

Panel: Measuring operational excellence programmes effectively•Howcentre’sofexcellencecanbecomea catalyst for continuous improvement •Analysingbenchmarkstomonitor Return On Capital Employed (ROCE)• What KPIs do operators use in measuring days without incidence for improved productivity

Panelists include: Rahul Tilve, Director - Operational ExcellenceAsiaPacific,BASF

TarekAtout,CMRP - Maintenance Excellence Consultant

Achieving long term productivity through an evergreen ageing asset & life extension programme


Ongoing and upcoming refining projects in India and HPCL

SC Mehta, Executive Director, RefineriesProject,HindustanPetroleumCorporationLimited(HPCL),India

Vung Ro Petroleum Refinery project update

Kirill Korolev, CEO & General Director,VungRoPetroleum,Vietnam

PERTAIMINA refinery development project updates


West Java refinery and East Java refinery projects progress

RudyRadjab,PresidentDirector,PT Kreasindo Resources Indonesia

TRACK 1 -Refining Asia

1.2 New project development

TRACK 2 -Petrochemical Asia

2.2 New project development

TRACK 3 -Operational Excellence Asia

3.2 Asset integrity and longevity

TRACK 4 -SCM & Logistics Asia

4.2 SCM planning & efficiency

14.00 Ongoing and upcoming refining projects in India and HPCL

SCMehta,ExecutiveDirector,Refineries Project,HindustanPetroleumCorporation Limited(HPCL),India

Vung Ro Petroleum Refinery project update

Marc-AntonieThiriez,ManagingDirector, VungRopetroleum,Vietnam

PERTAMINA refinery development project updates

AntoniusMachmud,VPRefinery Development, PTPERTAMINA

West Java refinery and East Java refinery projects progress

RudyRadjab,PresidentDirector, PT Kreasindo Resources Indonesia


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TRACK 1 -Refi ning Asia

1.3 Reliability & Maintenance I

TRACK 2 -Petrochemical Asia

2.3 Process Optimisation

TRACK 3 -Operational Excellence Asia

3.3 Reliability & Maintenance I

TRACK 4 -SCM & Logistics Asia

4.3 Transportation, distribution & storage

Panel Discussion: Overcoming international shipping challenges•Analysingglobalshippingroutesand developing transportation strategies•HandlingovercapacityinAsia

Panelists include: SaunakRai,VPCommercialOperations,NorgasCarriersAS


RudolphMathias,Lead–Expediting,InspectionandLogistics,Spectra Energy Transmission


Comparing Predictive vs. Preventive vs. Reactive Maintenance Organization and Equipment Reliability Engineering

Ibnu Milan, Reliability Manager – Maintenance, PTPertamina/PTBadakNGL

Case Study: Habshan & Bab Gas Plant Management - Operation & Maintenance


Extending the Life of Offshore and Onshore Assets


Panel: Optimising the integrated olefi ns plant

Panelists include: PeeyushNigam,VicePresidentManufacturing, JG summit Philippines

ShyamalKumarSarkar,Manager,Process & Operation Technology (Olefins),Technology&OptimizationPetrochemical Corporationof Singapore, Singapore

Case studies: Improving operational effi ciency in ethylene plants through data analytics

Dr. Pratap Nair, President & CEO, Ingenero

16.00 Comparing Predictive vs. Preventive vs. Reactive Maintenance Organization and Equipment Reliability Engineering

Ibnu Milan, Reliability Manager – Maintenance, PTPertamina/PTBadakNGL

Case Study: Habshan & Bab Gas Plant Management - Operation & Maintenance

JamalAbuNahla,Head-Reliability, GASCO

Extending the Life of Offshore and Onshore Assets

DavidCrozier,GlobalServicesDirector, AssetPerformanceManagement, BentleySystems


Day One: Wednesday, 28 October 2015 | PM

17.00 PLENARY KEYNOTE 2 - Upclose : An exclusive interview on the paradigm shift towards plant digitalisation

18:00 Cocktail and networking function

“I found the event is among the best on Downstream and Petrochemical by the present of high level NOCs leaders, analysts, plant managers and engineers. The exhibition is well organized and provided excellence links between the lead suppliers and its downstream customers.”

Mai Tuan Dat, Maintenance Manager, Binhson Refi ning and Petrochemical, Vietnam

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Day Two: Thursday, 29 October 2015 | AM

9.30 PLENARY KEYNOTE 3 - Analytics and asset management

Panel: Next generation asset management through analytics: Where are we today and what can we see in the future?

Keynote panelists include: MartinHawkins,COO,HPCL-MittalEnergyLimited


LloydColegrove,Director-DataServices&AnalyticalTechnologyCentre,Dow Chemical

ManojSingh,ReliabilitySpecialist,Chevron Manufacturing

Moderated by: Samuel Gapic, Sales Manager, Meridium

Improving asset performance management business decisions using asset data


Keynote: A paradigm shift into smarter and connected plants through information technology evolvement

Utilizing analytics software to distill raw data into ‘actionable information’


Panel: How can operational excellence system and analytics jointly deliver operational performance?

Panelists include:ProfRajivAserkar,ProfessorLogistics& SCM, S P Jain School of Global Management, Singapore

Keynote: A paradigm shift into smarter and connected plants through information technology evolvement

Utilizing analytics software to distill raw data into ‘actionable information’


Panel: How can operational excellence system and analytics jointly deliver operational performance?

Panelists include:ProfRajivAserkar,ProfessorLogistics& SCM, S P Jain School of Global Management, Singapore

Dung Quat refinery expansion project


A dialogue between operators and EPCs: Ensuring project delivery success

Panelists include: Selva Guru, Principal Engineer, Process Control, SingaporeRefiningCompany

PeeyushNigam,VicePresidentManufacturing, JG Summit, Philippines



TRACK 1 -Refining Asia

1.4 EPC & project delivery

TRACK 2 -Petrochemical Asia

2.4 EPC & project delivery

TRACK 3 -Operational Excellence Asia

3.4 Big data & analytics

TRACK 4 -SCM & Logistics Asia

4.4 Big data & analysis

11.30 Dung Quat refinery expansion project

NguyenHoaiGiang,Chairman,BinhSon Refining&PetrochemicalCoLtd

A dialogue between operators and EPCs: Ensuring project delivery success

Panelists include: Selva Guru, Principal Engineer, Process Control, SingaporeRefiningCompany

PeeyushNigam,VicePresident Manufacturing, JG Summit, Philippines

DanSherwood,ProjectManager, AMECFosterWheelerAsiaPacific

SanjeevJindal,ProcessManager, KBRAsiaPacific



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Day Two: Thursday, 29 October 2015 | PM

A Reliance case study of driving supply chain excellence under challenging conditions


How can broadening cross functional operational excellence across operations improve results

Maria Marcos, Supply Chain Excellence Leader,Clariant

Case study: successfully applied strategies for gained x% of Operation Availability

Mai Tuan Dat, Maintenance Manager, BinhsonRefiningandPetrochemicalCoLtd

Robust strategy of assets & integrity leadership for operational excellence

MahindraRastogi,VPInspection&Reliability, BharatOmanRefineries

Panel Discussion: Managing shutdowns and turnarounds efficiently to improve bottom line• Planning and optimisation in upgrading facilities, shutdown and turnaround for budget saving• Managing shutdown and turnaround projectswithcontractors:Whathas worked?

Panelists include: MahindraRastogi,VPInspection&Reliability, BharatOmanRefineries

MaungLin,Engineering&MaintenanceManager, Huntsman

Evolving downstream integration strategies to drive socio-economic value • Challenges and gaps for downstream integrationsparticularlyforBenzene, ParaffinandOlefinderivatives• Innovations and strategies for future’s integration models•FocusonBottomofPyramid-An emerging way for downstream integration and in socio-economic perspective


Panel Discussion: M&A opportunities in global and regional petrochemical industry

Panelists include: BasharJazmati,Director,Resources,Energy & Infrastructure, ANZ

AakashNijhawan,GroupHeadofM&A,ENOC (Pending)

TRACK 1 -Refining Asia

1.5 Refinery optimisation

TRACK 2 -Petrochemical Asia

2.5 Project development and M&A

TRACK 3 -Operational Excellence Asia

3.5 Reliability & Maintenance II

TRACK 4 -SCM & Logistics Asia

4.5 Supply chain excellence

14.00 Case study: Producing more value from the bottom of the barrel

Dr.HanyMarwan,VicePresident, TechnicalAffairs&Technology, EgyptianPetrochemicalsHoldingCo.

Session reserved for Schneider Electric


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Day Two: Thursday, 29 October 2015 | PM

Productive Commissioning for Central Processing Facilities through Effective and Efficient manner

Puta Gede, Commissioning Manager Integration & Pre-commissioning Coordinator, Exxonmobil/Tripatra&TotalIndonesia

Panel: Best practices in working with 3PLs•How3PL’sgrowingroleischangingthe logistics debate: In-sourcing vs outsourcing• What regulations are impacting regional & international cross border trade• Gaining valid data from suppliers and vendorsisessentialtomanagingproject forecasts, but how can you be assured the data being entered is correct

Panelists include: Sudhagar Raghavan, Regional Manager, LeanandOperationalExcellence,Global SupplyChain,BASF

BennyBeh,SupplyChainExpertiseCenter Manager, Dow Chemical

EdemDzakpasu,DownstreamManufacturing Strategy, Chevron

Review of optimal downstream supply chain in Asia, terminals output, productivity increases and safety improved HSE study

DineshVaidya,AVP-HSEFHeadSafety,Reliance Industries

Panel: Enhancing safety whilst improving productivity• Utilising safety management systems for reduced incidents• Plant monitoring and process safety management• Enhancing safety through operational excellence training

Panelists include: SufyanMohdNor,HeadofProcessSafetyManagement, PETRONAS

DineshVaidya,AVP-HSEFHeadSafety,Reliance Industries

AkhmadKhaqim,SeniorProcessSafetySpecialist & Regional Process Safety TechnicalAuthority,TalismanEnergy&BP



Panel Discussion: Managing energy, emissions and water efficiently

Panelists include: RamBhaskar,Director,EnergyEfficiencyand Conservation Department, Singapore NationalEnvironmentAgency(NEA)

DrCCSReddy,LeadProcessDesignEngineer - PS&T Department, Singapore RefiningCompany

Boosting your bottom line through energy management monitoring systems

Sponsorship opportunity available

TRACK 1 -Refining Asia

1.6 Energy efficiency

TRACK 2 -Petrochemical Asia

2.6 Energy Efficiency

TRACK 3 -Operational Excellence Asia

3.6 Safety

TRACK 4 -SCM & Logistics Asia

4.6 3PL/4PL

16.00 Panel Discussion: Managing energy, emissions and water efficiently

Panelists include: RamBhaskar,Director,EnergyEfficiency and Conservation Department, Singapore NationalEnvironmentAgency(NEA)

DrCCSReddy,LeadProcessDesign Engineer - PS&T Department, SingaporeRefiningCompany

Boosting your bottom line through energy management monitoring systems

Sponsorship opportunity available


17.00 PLENARY KEYNOTE 4 - Transforming chemical business through innovations

Intoday’svolatileandhighlycompetitivemarketplace,innovationcontinuestoplayakeyroletopetrochemicalsuccess,andshouldnotbelimitedtoproductsandtechnologies. Innovations in business processes and business models are vital for petrochemical companies to gain unique competiveness advantages. This dedicated plenary session will focus on how the petrochemical industry is responding to current challenges and opportunities it faces though innovation.

Dr.AndreasGoeldel,BusinessInnovationManager,HMC Polymers (Pending)

18:00 Close of conference

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Workshop & Site Tour: Friday, 30 October 2015

Workshop A: 8.00am – 12.00pm

Improving Fluid Catalytic Cracking(FCC)Unitprofitability

• FCC economics and process overview•Maximisingfeedstockyield,qualityandrecovery•Improvingefficiencythroughdynamiccatalysts•BenchmarkingFCCunitsintermsofprocess performance,reliabilityandefficiency• Trouble shooting

Who should attend:•Refiningprocessengineers• FCC engineers•Engineering/technicalmanagers• Catalyst managers

Workshop B: 8.00am – 12.00pm

Using data analytics to improve asset management

• Data collection points – traditional and new•Incorporatingexistingprograms–SCADA, preventative maintenance• Using analytics for improved asset management•Benchmarkingperformanceandefficiencywith new data• Implementation, training and ROI

Who should attend:•Headofassetmanagementandmaintenance•Headofdata•Headofcontinuousimprovement•Headofsystems

Site Tour: 1.00pm – 5.00pm

Jurong Island

Jurong Island is home to almost 100 leading global petroleum, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals companies. The Island is planning for theJurongIslandVersion2.0whichwillenhanceSingapore’s positon as an integrated chemicals hub.JurongIslandVision2.0encompassesathoroughreviewoffivecoreareas,namelyenergy,logisticsandtransportation,feedstockoptions, environment and water. Companies who have set up operations in Jurong Island includeBASF,Celanese,ExxonMobil,DuPont,Mitsui Chemicals, Chevron Texaco, Shell and SumitomoChemical.NewadditionslikeCIBA,Huntsman,NaturalFuel,NexsolandTate&Lylehavealsosetupmanufacturingfacilitieson Jurong Island. Delegates will get a chance to visitanumberofthekeyfacilities.

“Good conference, exchange and networking are very good.”

Methika Sinthavalai, Analyst, PTT Public Co Ltd, Thailand

“It will be the biggest market for Downstream & Petrochemical.”

Kardjono Hadi, Vice President, Corporate Secretary, PT Badak NGL, Indonesia

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SAVE TIME & MONEY Maximiseyoursalesteam’stimebytaking

advantage of direct face-to-face access to


NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIESTakeadvantageofthepremium



connect with your target audience in an

informal setting

BRANDING OPPORTUNITIESIncrease your pre-show exposure

through our dedicated Sponsor &



and to your exhibition stand at the event

DEMONSTRATE THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Present your case study to the high-level

conference audience, positioning your


GENERATE LEADSMeet800+downstreamstakeholders

across the supply chain at the region’s

largest power utility conference and


BUILD PARTNERSHIPS Connect with 100+ downstream

operators and 40+ solution providers -






Asian Downstream Week demonstrates


ensures your solutions receive the full


SHOWCASE YOUR SOLUTIONSWhat better way to demonstrate your

unique offering than by presenting your

solutions to a highly valuable captive



Shantal ChapmanCommercial DirectorE: [email protected]:

For sponsoring enquiries, please contact:

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Products on display

“As a new company to SE Asia, the Conference was an excellent opportunity for Ambitech Asia to present our services to the Refi ning and Petrochemical Industry. The discussions and presentations provided valuable insights to the current health and future of the industry and we look forward to next year’s event.”

Wayne J. Meyer, Director of International Operations, Ambitech Asia, Philippines

Come and meet these leading exhibitors in Singapore this October!


• Meridium•Nickelhuette• Schneider Electric• SMF•Z&Jtechnologies LEGEND:

n Available n Reserved n Booked


Book your free pass now!


Page 21: Asian Downstream Week brochure

W: § E: [email protected] § F: (65) 6223 9196 § T: (65) 6590 3970

TERMS AND CONDITIONSClarion Events holds the right to alter the programme without prior notice or to cancel with full refund. Right of participation reserved.

Payment: Payment should be made to Clarion Events Pte Ltd. Once full payment has been received, further joining instructions and any new details will be sent to you prior to the event. The invoice for your registration fee will be sent to you via e-mail. If you have asked for a credit card payment, your card will be charged automatically. Bank transfer payments should be made within two weeks. Entry to the event can be refused if payment has not been received by the time the event commences. Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations made within 48 hours of receipt of the completed registration form will be eligible for a full refund. Cancellations received in writing more than two months prior to the start of the event will be refunded less a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations received in writing less than two months before the start date of the event will receive no refund and registrants will be liable for payment of 100% of the invoiced amount. A substitute delegate can be named at any time before the event starts or a conference voucher valid for one year will be offered for the same value to use towards any other event organised by Clarion Events Pte Ltd. No fees will be applied for this.

Force Majeure: In case of force majeure Clarion Events is relieved of all obligations. Force majeure includes any circumstances beyond the will of Clarion Events, that impedes permanent or temporary compliance with the obligations, such as ‘acts of god’ including war, danger of war, government regulations, revolts, strikes, transportation diffi culties, fi re or severe disturbances affecting the conference organisation or its suppliers.

DATA PROTECTIONThe information you provide will be held on a database and may be made available to external companies for marketing purposes. If you do not wish your details to be used for this purpose, or if you wish to change your mailing details, please contact Clarion Events at [email protected]

Website: www.downstream-asia.comEmail: [email protected]



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Second Delegate:


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Promotional Code: ADW15-MM


Bank Transfer -please send me invoice

Credit Card - please contact me for credit card details

Tel: +65 6590 3970Fax: +65 6223 9196


28-29 October 2015Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Singapore

A 7% Good & Services Tax (GST) is applicable to all local companies in Singapore. GST does not apply to companies outside of Singapore.”

Operator / Government

Early Bird Rate (expires 3 July) SGD 2,490*

Smart Rate(expires31Aug) SGD 2,690*

Standard Rate SGD 2,950*


All Other Companies

Early Bird Rate (expires 3 July) SGD 3,250

Smart Rate(expires31Aug) SGD 3,600

Standard Rate SGD 3,995

Site Tour & Workshop separately bookable SGD 995

Corporate Plan for Multiple Bookings

Operator / Government

Book on 3 – 6 delegates SGD 7,850*

Book on 7 delegates & above SGD 8,350*


All Other Companies

Corporate Plan for 3 delegates & above 25% discount